DDFBusty Cathy Heaven Busty MILF Fucked By Two
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When Susan Carlson came downstairs early Thanksgiving morning, she was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She was still feeling wonderful because that morning, for the first time ever, her parents had allowed her to help with their lovemaking. Susan had placed her father's huge cock at the mouth of her mother's vagina while her mother was on her knees waiting to receive it. Now they were sleeping again with her younger siblings in the bed beside them. Since she was hungry, she had come down to fix her own breakfast.
Entering the kitchen, she was both surprised and pleased to find Marty Bradford and Kelly Maguire already hard at work. Both were naked and looked magnificent. Going up to Kelly she said, "Good morning, Miss Maguire! How are you this morning?"
Kelly spun around, startled, and then dropped to her knees to give the girl a kiss. When they broke the kiss, Susan slipped out of her bathrobe, turned around and said, "Miss Maguire, you gave me the best spanking I have ever had! Do you realize it was almost ten days ago, and my bottom is still black-and-blue? Just look."
Poor Kelly was almost sickened by the sight of the still-so-painful looking bruises now showing all the colors of the rainbow. Then Susan added, "Better still, I can't sit comfortably even now! You were just wonderful!" Then she grinned and said, "Boy! Your children are all going to be very good ... Or else their bottoms are going to be very sore!"
When Susan ran over to the corner to give King a big kiss, Kelly interrupted her dinner preparations and fixed a breakfast for the little girl. Then, when she came over to the range to fix herself breakfast, Kelly just pointed to the table where she had just placed it.
Susan protested, but Kelly declared, "It is part of a slave's duties, Mistress Susan. And today you will address me as Slave Kelly, while my sister is Slave Marty. Okay?"
After devouring her meal, Susan ran up to her room and returned moments later wearing shorts and a top so she could take King out for a run. Kelly grinned and said it was a good idea. It would get the big lug out from underfoot while she and Marty prepared the huge dinner.
At two o'clock, the first guests to arrive were General Jeffries and his wife, Susan. They were Judy's parents and had driven up from Camp Pendleton. Stanton Jeffries eyes widened when the door was opened by a beautiful naked woman who was almost Judy's twin.
"Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome, General and Mrs. Jeffries. I am Slave Marty and will be serving you today. Won't you please come in?" Marty was wearing only her gold collar and a large white bow on the back of her head holding her ponytail together.
Shortly afterward, Mike and Judy Morris arrived along with Mike, Danny and little Gail. Again, Marty opened the door. Little Mike hung back in the hallway to thank Marty for the best spanking he had ever had. "If I weren't all dressed up, Miss Bradford, I would take down my pants and show you—"
"Master Michael, you had better not!" she exclaimed with an eyebrow raised. "Besides, I already saw the bruises on poor Susan." Then she added in a whisper, "And today I am Slave Marty! Hear?"
"Yes, Slave Marty," he replied. "But you spank much harder than Slave Kelly does. My bottom looks much worse than Susan's!"
When Jim Callahan and Don Garfield appeared, both girls were at the door to greet them. Seeing the naked girls in their fully revealed beauty, the men were stunned. "Kelly..." Jim began, "Kelly, I don't know what to say! You're utterly incredible!"
"One thing you can say is to call me Slave Kelly. That is my name today and it is all that I may answer to. But why is your mouth open, Mr. Callahan? Haven't you ever seen a naked slave girl before? Surely in Saudi Arabia..." Then she winked and grinned.
The girls took drink orders. When they served the drinks, they were sitting on a large tray sitting on King's back. The huge animal glided so smoothly that there was not even a ripple showing on the surface of the liquids.
Then Kathy Carlson announced that they would be doing something different for Thanksgiving. Believing that turkey was a bit overdone as the Thanksgiving main course, a menu had been prepared to give the guests a choice of entrées. She stressed that it was quite easy to accommodate multiple choices; a guest need not order only one item.
Then she gave Judy and her mother a tour of their new house — the Carlsons had been in it less than three months.
Although Ken Carlson had started work at a law firm following his graduation from law school, he found he much preferred the construction work he had been doing. Now he was a senior vice president of PHA Construction and had supervised the design and construction of their new home. Kathy's tour began in the kitchen with its restaurant-scaled equipment. Judy's eyes widened as she realized that it could easily handle multiple food orders for all of the guests and for many more people besides.
While the women were out of the room, Michael Morris went over to Ken Carlson and stood up straight in front of him. When Ken looked at him, it was apparent that something very important was on the boy's mind so he was very serious as he said, "Hi, Mike. Is there something you wish to say to me?"
"Yes, sir, there is," the little boy began. "I ... I am desperately in love with your daughter, Susan, sir. My intentions are completely honorable. I wish to make her my wife. But sir, first I need your permission to continue to see her now that you know that we are no longer just friends."
The little boy swallowed hard and continued, "I am not presently employed, sir, and I know that counts against me. But I am getting a very good education and am working very hard. I am confident that I will be able to support Susan in the style to which she has become accustomed."
Then, with his eyes wide, he asked, "Mr. Carlson, may I have your permission to continue to see her?"
When Mike began his little speech, Ken instantly knew what he was going to say. Looking beyond him, Ken could see Susan standing behind him, wearing her very best dress and looking very scared and anxious. Mike was still looking up at him wide-eyed, waiting for an answer.
Then Ken replied, "Michael Morris, are you sure you love Susan?"
The boy replied instantly, "Sir, I love her more than life itself. I would cheerfully give my life for her."
Ken looked at him thoughtfully and said, "Mike, I believe you. I really do."
Then he said, "Michael, your father is the most decorated man in the entire proud history of the United States Marine Corps. Your mother is my wife's dearest friend. You're the grandson of the most respected senior officer in the Marine Corps. Michael Morris, Jr., what more could I possibly say?
"Of course you may continue to see Susan, and Kathy and I can't wait to welcome you into our family as our new son!"
Then extending his hand he asked, "Can we shake hands on that?"
The little boy took the hand and, in spite of the vast difference in sizes, managed to squeeze Ken's hand firmly. Then he said, "Mr. Carlson, you have just made me the happiest man in the world. And sir, you commented on my family. You spoke of my father being the most decorated man in the history of the Marine Corps.
"But, Mr. Carlson, you're the most decorated hero in the history of the United States in any service. I can't tell you how proud I would be if you and Mrs. Carlson were to think of me as your son!"
At that, Ken lost control. Sweeping the little boy up in his arms he hugged him tightly and whispered, "Mike, Kathy and I love you and always have. You didn't mention that I am already your godfather and she is your godmother. You didn't mention that we have known you literally from the day you were born. You didn't mention that your family is one of the very finest on the face of this earth!
"Now, since you're still a few years away from getting married, could you still give me a kiss?" Mike melted his lips against Ken's and then scrambled down from his lap.
Susan was still standing alone but looking so much happier now than she had been. Mike took her into his arms and just melted his lips to hers.
Jim Callahan and Don Garfield had not known what to make of the scene they had just witnessed, but when they saw the two children kiss, Jim whispered, "Don, this is no joke! Those kids are madly, desperately, passionately in love. Just look at them! They are small but their behavior is so adult. My God!"
When they broke their kiss, Mike took Susan by the hand over to his grandfather and said, "Granddad, may I present the love of my life, Susan Carlson? I have just received her father's permission to continue to call on her, and it is my intention to make her my wife. I hope, sir, that we have your approval, as well."
Stanton Jeffries took Susan's hands in his and just looked into her eyes. There he saw what he expected to see: the purest love, joy, innocence and grace. In addition she was one of the most beautiful girls alive and today was so beautifully dressed. He slowly shook his head and saw fear and then tears appear in the little girl's eyes.
Quickly, he said, "Susan Carlson, my grandson has really said it all! Just imagine! As a granddaughter I will have the daughter of the greatest hero who has ever lived. Pleased? I am overjoyed! Do I approve? How could I not? There is no person alive I would rather see with my grandson than you." Then he asked, "Could my brand-new almost-granddaughter give her granddad a kiss? Just a little one?"
With a squeal of delight, Susan hurled herself into his arms. While being held tightly in his arms, she placed her lips on his and proceeded to work them with all of the skill at her command to pour out the love she felt for him. By the time she stopped, Jeffries was feeling lightheaded and realized he had almost passed out.
Then Susan said softly, "General ... Granddad, I can't tell you how happy you have just made me. I know it will be years before Mike and I can get married, but would you mind if I think of you as my grandfather, now, anyway? You see, sir, both of my parents are orphans. I have never had any grandparents. It ... It would be so wonderful if you would allow—"
"Allow?" he exclaimed. Then, as his wife returned from her tour, he said, "Sue, guess what? We now have a brand-new granddaughter. I know how much you drool over the cute dresses they sell for little girls, and how you long for Gail to grow up so you can start buying some. Well, now you can, for your newest granddaughter and Mike's future wife, Susan Carlson! What do you think?"
"Stanton Jeffries!" Susan exclaimed. "That was the all-time, all-galaxy dumbest question you have ever asked! What in hell do you think I think? I think Michael Morris, Jr., has just done the near-impossible. He will be marrying the finest girl alive in the whole world!"
Then she reached out her arms and said, "Do you have a little kiss left for your grandmother, darling? Or are you all kissed out?"
Again Susan squealed and launched herself at the older woman. For the rest of the cocktail hour Susan just remained in Sue Jeffries' arms and snuggled, hugged and kissed her. By the time dinner was announced, Sue was in a daze caused by the cumulative power of all of the little girl's kisses that she had absorbed.
Jim and Don couldn't believe the way their two girls were moving around so naturally. Moreover, in spite of serving on their knees and hence constantly popping up and down, they appeared tireless.
When Kelly served Jim a fresh drink, she told him that, as slaves, they were completely available to the guests for any purpose whatsoever, except for vaginal or anal penetration. Anything else, though, was not only accepted, it was expected.
Jim's eyes widened but he reached out a hand, grabbed one of her firm tits, squeezed hard and whispered, "Can I do that?"
When she felt his hand on her tit her eyes partially closed and there was a wonderful warm sound from deep in her body. "Of course, Master," she replied. "Did you notice how my nipples instantly hardened when you did?"
"How about this?" he asked, squeezing one of her very tight buns hard. Again there was the warm sound. She told him it felt so wonderful and expressed the hope that he liked firm buns.
"What about this?" he continued as he ran his finger up her slit. When he did he was surprised to find how wet it was. Then he slid it up her vagina and found it drenched with her cum. Removing it, he licked it off and said, "Yum!"
Again she said he was more than welcome, but then surprised him when she took a champagne glass from the tray on King's back and gave it to him saying that love juices were particularly elegant when washed down with champagne.
In the meantime, Don had been doing similar things to Marty and had been receiving identical reactions. The two couples continued until Kathy asked in an acerbic tone, "Are you slaves here to serve the guests or to satisfy your own sexual appetites?"
Then she commented to the other guests, "You know, it's impossible to get decent slaves these days. With that damned British blockade of the Slave Coast..."
While everyone laughed at her crack, Marty and Kelly laughed loudest.
When the two families with Jim and Don sat down at the table, Ken quietly asked if they could all join hands. Marty and Kelly knelt on each side of Kathy. With all heads bowed, Ken prayed, "Almighty Father, we gather here today as families and close friends to give thanks to You for all of Your works. We give thanks for our families, for our friends, and for our freedom to worship You and serve You in every way we can. We are gathered here today to give particular thanks for all that we have received in the past year from Thy bounty. We thank you, dear God, in the name of your Divine Son and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen."
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IncestAWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...
This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...
Jack had just moved to the city a year ago. He was 22. Since he had moved there, he had begun exploring his bisexuality. Which was using a sex hookup site in his area. Even though he had met a few different men at this point, nothing prepared him for Sean.Sean and him had been talking for a few weeks. Sean grew up in the city, but had moved away. His mother still lived there, so he would come back from time to time. And this weekend was one of those times.Jack was at home, nervously waiting. He...
I am 35 year house husband my name is Ben. My wife of ten years is a Government Minister which pretty much means she travels a lot but when she is around we have a good sex life nothing out of the ordinary but a pretty healthy one. I’m about 5 foot 10 inches tall and of about medium build. I have never been unfaithful to my wife in all the years I’ve been married and I never thought I would either. This story really starts when my wife left for one of her trips to a conference on farming or...
EroticI tensed as Luke leaned over my shoulder from behind the basement sofa, his arms stretching across my bare chest as his hand closed over the magazine next to me; little droplets of water from his recent shower fell onto my shoulder as his breath hit my neck, the combination sending a chill down my spine as I swallowed hard and tried to ignore it. Two days ago, I wouldn't have had to try. This would be something that I was used to. Close, comfortable contact with the best friend that I had....
Her body was sturdy and healthy even of not as sexy as it was when she got married. Until a month ago her pussy was well exercised by a strong and horny husband. At least they thought he was healthy until the aneurism ripped open a big blood vessel in his chest and he died holding her. The only one who could stay with her after the funeral was a male cousin slightly younger than her half-century. Orval had lost his wife to a stroke in the last year so could empathize. He hated living alone so...
My brothers 18 year old daughter (Sara) was helping us out on the farm one night. I was always close with my niece. As she got older she just kept getting hotter and hotter. When she was 14 she was still jumping up on my lap like she always did as a little girl. We always tickled each other and I would chase her around and take her down and pin her to the ground. She always tried to get free from me. All the time we both were grabbing at each other just to get a feel... I know I always did......
IncestTHE VERDICT I. She sat there in the courtroom a goddess. Here she was, on trial for embezzlement, but a smile played on her red creamy lips and all I could do from my vantage point in the jury box was look at her and lust for her. I knew that she knew that I was looking at her. More than once she looked directly at me and I could feel her eyes penetrate far into my mind. I shifted my weight, feeling an erection brewing in my jeans and watched helplessly as she hung her red...
Why don’t I remember her? Did I even see her or wash her without even noticing her? “Today, I smelled a familiar scent and then heard your voice. My juices instantly soaked my panties, and that has never happened before. I need you, Darren. I’m not a virgin, and I haven’t been for years, so you need not worry about that causing me pain. In advance, I will apologize for any times I may call you David,” she told me as she reached down to play with my dick. I kissed the top of her head before...
A Young Woman’s Perspective!By Wolf SpiritJill entered the library through the main entrance of the university library dressed in a black mini, tight white t-shirt and six- inch red spiked heels. Her outfit had the desired effect on the young men. She saw heads turn and mouths drop as she glided across the floor to her workstation. Jill bent over at the waist exposing her rounded ass for the young men who now clamored over their workstations to get a view up her skirt. One particularly handsome...
Group SexI savour the routine, peeling the clear plastic off the carton, flipping the lid and removing the foil, selecting a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, tasting the tobacco, breathing in the smoke. That feeling of inhalation is orgasmic. It brings back happy memories of my youth, a time when I was young, free and single. Sarah made me quit, said it was a filthy habit, and she wanted me to be healthy so that we could enjoy a long life together, a long, happy life of nagging and dull jobs and...
For someone with such an enormous sex drive, Max had been surprised by his own willpower. His integrity had been tested more than once, as opportunities presented themselves. Being a senior salesman, he came into contact with a good number of hot, suited lovelies. Pencil skirts and sheer silk tights were never in short supply in his trade. Nevertheless he didn’t succumb to temptation. It’s not like she would know. She was four hundred miles away. However, there was something about Amy. If he...
“No. Seriously. If the police have had other complaints, they may have investigated and identified the culprit. Would you be averse to me calling the police about the matter? If I can get Sergeant Blenkinsop, it might be handled with sympathy, Mr. Jones.” “Well, if you feel like doing so.” “What was the item concerned?” It was a subscription to a group of places – gym, hotels, restaurants, that gave you ten per cent off if you were a subscriber. We just don’t ever use these places,...
Phil heard a rattling of leathery wings. A shadow passed over him. Verdé touched down on her hands and knees between him and the door. She was the same level as him, her smiling faces just inches from his own. No. "Going somewhere baby warlock?" she smiled, showing two sharp little fangs. "Don't you like us?" "I want to live," Phil Rowling replied. Verdé was a succubus, a daemonic sexual vampire. He and Jake Pulman had smoked a few too many joints and summoned up her and Rosa for...
Hi, mein Name ist Tabea! Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke! Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen! Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen! Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!
The following is a true story… of my friend fucking my mom.My friend David and I grew up together in the same rural neighborhood. David is two years older than me, but we still would hang out at each other’s houses because there just weren’t that many guys around the neighborhood. David eventually graduated from high school and went off to college across the State.We would still hang out on a regular basis when he was home for the summer and on break. My mom (Lena) liked him because he took...
MILFJosh was a good looking young man 6 foot 2 about 220 pounds. He had just graduated high school and was looking for a summer job that would make him some money until he started college in the fall. His father had an old army buddy that had a farm and got the boy some work 3 days a week on the farm. The work would be hard, all manual labor but, the pay would be good and the benefits as it turned out would be more than the boy could have hoped for.His dad warned him that the work would be hard and...
Being a stepfather to two girls of age is not an easy thing to do. You always do your best to fulfill your role, especially with your naughty blonde stepdaughter, Maria Kazi. No matter how hard you try to protect Maria and her sibling, the petite cutie knows you want to do something more with her. Something way past your duties as her stepdaddy. Maria tells you she knows you want her body by how you look at her. Seeing that you are not trying to resist her teasing, the beautiful hottie gets...
xmoviesforyouThe tiny yet full of life Jesse is no stranger to a penis, but darn was this one huge! She got nervous about fucking it, so to calm her down our boy took her outside to bop around for a little. Who knew frolicking and twerking could take the edge off? Jesse eventually felt confident enough to take that thick stick. Her 4‘11‘‘ body was almost as big as our boys cock, but that did not stop him from shoving it in her mouth while he straddled her upside down. She spun right off and opened her short...
xmoviesforyouKyler Quinn and her stepbrother Damon Dice are super into each other, but they have to hide their relationship from their parents. They make out in the living room knowing that Damon’s dad, Chris Valiant, will be home any minute. Fortunately, they pull away from their make out session just in time as Chris walks through the door! Greeting the kids, Chris takes off to go get comfortable. That gives Kyler the chance to pull Damon’s stiffie out of his pants to deliver a handie that...