Das erotische Experiment
- 2 years ago
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Hi, mein Name ist Tabea!
Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke!
Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen!
Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen!
Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!
Nach meinem beruflichen Aufenthalt in Südost Asien hatte sich mein Asia Fetish gefestigt und so beschloss ich, zusammen mit meinem Kollegen Peter tiefer in die verruchte Welt des asiatischen Sexbusiness einzusteigen. Kurzer Hand flogen wir zusammen nach Hong Kong um dort unsere Sextour beginnen zu lassen. Unser Plan war recht simple: Asia Nutten bumsen und erniedrigend bis unsere Geräte nicht mehr können! Glücklicherweise spielt Geld keine Rolle, so dass uns quasi keine Tür verschlossen bleibt...
InterracialPersönliches Computerlogbuch, Deanna Troi, Sternzeit 56892,1: "Wir sind mit einem Shuttle unterwegs von der Titan zur Erde um Wills Sohn zu treffen. Ja, Will Rikers unehelichen Sohn den er uns allen über Jahre hinweg verschwiegen hat. Vor 2 Tagen erzählte mir Will von ihm, und das dieser gerade 20 geworden ist und sein Vater ihn nocheinmal sehen wollte bevor wir mit der Titan zu unserer Deep-Space-Froschungsmission aufbrechen. Nun befinden wir uns im Anflug auf die Stadt Miami wo David - so...
Johanna ist gerade einmal 18 Jahre alt. Jungfrau (bis jetzt). 1,72m groß. Blond blauäugig, hat große Brüste, und einen geilen, knackigen Po. Curvy, nicht dick. Die Haare sind schulterlang.
BDSMTheresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...
Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...
Hi, ich bin Alex! Heute möchte ich euch von meinen außergewöhnlichen, außergewöhnlich albernen, außergewöhnlich unglaubwürdigen Abenteuern erzählen. Oder sind es nur Phantasien? Oder beides? Wer weiß? Aber Spaß wird's machen! (Achtung: male BISEX) Frühling! Jubel! Ich arbeite in einer Bank - kein besonders aufregender Job, möchte man meinen. Aber vielleicht denkt ihr da später noch anders drüber. Heute müsste ich eigentlich erst um 10 Uhr im Büro sein, da ich abends länger arbeiten sollte,...
Hy, ich bin Gina,aber alle nennen mich irgendwie Blondie, so nennen mich alle wegen meiner Haare, glaub ich. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einer ganz normalen Stadt die eigentlich überall sein könnte. Das auffälligste an mir ist meine Wahnsinns-Oberweite, zumindest sagen das die Jungs. Ich weiß nicht genau wie groß meine Möpse sind, aber zumindest so groß daß ich meine Füße nicht sehen kann ohne mich nach vorne zu beugen, hi hi. Das Gute daran ist, daß mir anscheinend alle Männer...
Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...
BDSMTabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...
(Auszug aus „Mein kleiner Dämon - Das Leben geht weiter“ - 4.Buch)Wow, war ich leichtsinnig. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Nicht nur, dass ich ganz verrückte Dessous gekauft habe. In Frankfurt in einem Sexshop. Diesmal war nicht nur der nette Verkäufer, sondern auch noch eine Verkäuferin da. Er hat mich natürlich sofort wiedererkannt. Sofort steuerte er auf mich zu und fragte nach meinen Wünschen. Dabei zwinkerte er mir eindeutig zweideutig zu. Ich ließ mir von ihm die Kollektion der Dessous zeigen....
Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...
Es ist ein schöner Spätsommertag. Madam Elene sitzt auf der Veranda Ihres herrlichen Anwesen in München Grünwald und denke darüber nach wie Sie Ihren bald kommenden 60. Geburtstag feiern möchte. Trotz Ihrem fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sie immer noch eine elegante Frau mit einer gute Figur mit langen schlanken Beinen. Dass Sie mal eine sehr schöne Frau war kann man noch sehr gut erkennen. In jungen Jahren hat Sie als Mädresse und „Gesellschaftsdame“ in Wien Ihr erstes Geld verdient und heute...
Wir wohnten im 2ten OG eines Sechsparteienhauses. Also ganz oben. Wir, meine Freundin und ich, waren allein zuhause. Es war bereits abends und schon dunkel draußen. Ich lief öfters nackt in unserer Wohnung herum und auch an diesem Tag gefiel es mir mich nackt in der Wohnung zu bewegen. Trotzdem langweilte ich mich ein bisschen. Meine Freundin werkelte in der Küche. Ich hätte ihr helfen können. Wäre ja auch nicht verkehrt gewesen und bestimmt wäre ich dann auch nicht auf dumme Gedanken gekommen....
Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...
Susanne Müller war Einkäuferin eines deutschen Lebensmittelkonzerns und war zum Einkauf von Gemüse in ein Anbaugebiet am Mittelmeer geflogen. Die Verhandlungen waren zügig verlaufen und erfolgreich. Susanne war inzwischen 39 Jahre alt, 1,75 groß und blond. Ihr Körper war eigentlich in guter Verfassung , denn sie betrieb regelmäßig Yoga und Gymnastik. Mittelgroße , noch relativ knackige Brüste und ein kräftiger , aber nicht fetter Hintern machen insgesamt eine durchaus reizvolle Frau...
MatureI guess I fell asl**p after Chris had fucked my brains out- again. When I woke, I was the only one still in the den. Someone had covered me with a blanket sometime during the night. I lay there thinking about when Chris and I first met. My first experience of sex with another man some had been some 28 years earlier and was, well let’s say less that totally satisfying. I had crossed the threshold, and that part was good. But, it happened and it was over and I never saw Micheal again. I went back...
The term "flapper" evokes the image of short fringe dresses, cigarette holders, bobs and stylish hair accessories.But beyond these shorter hemlines and daring fashion attitudes was a strong undercurrent of change for women in the Roaring 1920s. This new generation of young woman, tired of men's dominance in society and of the old social norms that stifled them, took on new behaviors previously deemed not suitable for women. They drove cars, drank alcohol, and attended jazz clubs by night where...
She told me it was no problem; she lied. My name is Tom Teeter. My problem is worse than ever, I am living in the shadow of a divorce that has devastated, humiliated and embarrassed me more than I could imagine. My ex-wife has hurt me so bad that I honestly am not sure I will survive this grief that has been dealt me. I am 29 years old, stand 6'4" and weigh 225 lbs. I have sandy hair, green eyes and am a guy who is constantly flirted with, or at, by women young and old, married and single....
It was a very slow and boring Friday at work. I was trying to fill the boredom by attempting to chat with some of the Lushies, but nobody was in heat. You would think that with all those horny people on Lush, I could get a hot chat going with someone who was fantasizing about what or who they were going to do tonight. Oh, well, I had to go to the bathroom and as I was walking down the hall, my boss came out of the woman’s bathroom. She greeted me with a friendly hello and said that she had...
"Ready girls?" Says a familiar voice. "Ready!" Everyone else chants as you feel yourselves descending. "On my count..." says the same voice again and all you can hear afterwards are guns being clocked. "3... 2... 1... go! Go! Go! Go!" Shouts the voice as the large door opens and one by one, you all jump out. You feel the wind crashing against your face as you are descending at speeds beyond anyone's limits but you need to go faster. You lean in a bit more and form the shape of a stick with your...
I first saw her in a bar, or a sort of bar attached to a gallery. I was actually showing at that same gallery, although my work was not up that evening, but I was sitting at the bar holding court, drinking a little too much, when I saw her walk by. She was extraordinary, maybe 40 years old, or older, with the curves of an Italian movie goddess, a dark pile of hair, flashing eyes, ruby red lips, and the grace of a very hungry tiger. But most extraordinary was her outfit, a flimsy transparent...
I guess we all remember our “first time”, and in my case the first time I was with a man while dressed was a awesome experience that I still remember vividly, and it happened by accident. I started crossdressing when I was about 14 due to my fascination with sexy women. The first time I slipped into a bra and panties and put on mascara and lipstick I knew I was hooked. I felt all tingly and excited like never before and after that I dressed up as often as I could. My single mom...
CrossdressingPhil was in the parking garage when his phone buzzed. He figured Hailey had come up with a retort and he felt he owed it to her to let her unload. He pulled the phone out and saw she had called in the big gun – his mother. “Yes?” Phil answered, readying himself for the verbal onslaught that he was sure to come. “Philip?” Beth asked, wondering about his tone of voice. “Yes,” he agreed. “Uh, is everything all right?” Beth wondered. “It’s fine,” Phil said. “We just had a little discussion...
So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres… So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres and even at home. We just became crazy for each other simply every day. And one fine day she is at my home, and is...
First TimeJennifer’s story: 6:07 PM Sunday ‘Hey, girl, how’d your weekend go?’ Monica asked me. Rachel and she just got back, I guess from dinner in the cafeteria. I was at my desk doing my calculus homework, exams are only a few weeks away. ‘Oh, it was really good, my parents like Mark, they really like him.’ ‘Even your dad?’ ‘Dad especially, dad was easier on Mark than my mom was. And I met Mrs Stewart, and she’s a pretty cool lady, but she’s tough, really tough. Mark hasn’t told me too much, but I...
Wednesday October 2nd, 2013 – Sam Soun As our early morning flight on British Air took off from Heathrow Airport in London to Toulouse in Southern France, the entire plane was abuzz about the woman found badly assaulted in the restroom in the terminal. She was found around midnight local time, and since then I kept Candy and I where there were people around. Safety in the herd. I took no chances and made sure my bronze dagger – enchanted to harm spiritual beings – was easily...
Hello Friends, I am back with the second part of ‘Fucked College Dream Girl After 10 Years’. Thanks for liking the first part so much. If you have not read the first part, I suggest you read the first part. Now, without much delay, let’s start our story. I lifted Padmini into both hands and threw her onto the bed. Her nude round boobs jumped violently as she fell onto the sofa. The scene made me hornier. I climbed onto the bed and grabbed her by the hair and drew her lips to mine. Her thick...
It had been a couple of days since our first visit to the sex shop and myself and my wife Lynn had done little else but discuss how we had both found ourselves tied up and used by the gorgeous assistant whose name I discovered on the way out was Helen.We had agreed to return on Saturday night and we were both in a permanent state of excitement as we counted down the time to our visit until it was a matter of hours before we were due to set out."Right", said Lynn, "Let's make an effort before we...
Alex stared at Justin from her perch on the lifeguard chair, admiring him in his swim trunks. He was tall, but then compared to her five foot one inch frame, everyone was. Still though, at six foot four inches, with a shaved head and various tattoos adorning his body, Justin had the bad boy look nailed and appealed to Alex in ways she had never imagined possible. He was twenty seven, and the age difference (Alex being only 20) only made him appeal to her all the more. She waved down at him,...
EroticWell how to start i got a call from an (old friend) i had not seen in years and he was in a town about 150 miles from me for a day or two and wanted to see me that night if i was free and i was, so arranged to meet at 8pm in a bar of his hotel. Now what to wear going for hot and sexy look me thinks ok black bra and matching thong short skirt and top and my black thigh high boots and after a long bath and war paint on i am ready to go. So on way and my little old reno dies on the road between...
My name is Luke. I am 21 years old and a student at the University of California. The final bell had rung for me. I’m officially on Spring Break! After a long stressful semester of studying engineering, I am done with school for a week. I am looking forward to spending time with my friends in Cancun, Mexico! I quickly get my bags in my dorm, already packed, and I head home back to San Diego. My family won’t be there. They’re on a cruise heading to Europe. I was a little...
Then my steady girlfriend of two years dumped me because she had met someone new. She left me depressed and lacking self confidence. Somehow flirting with Sandra cheered me up a bit. Eventually I summoned up the courage to invite her for a date. She looked pleased. “Ron. I thought that you would never ask. I'd love to go on a date with you. Where are we going?” We agreed that we would go on Friday night to my favourite restaurant, which has a view over Sydney harbour. It's a bit...
Svenja und ich hatten in dem Gartenh?uschen kaum zusammen Platz. Ich dachte, sie w?rde mir helfen, aber sie meinte nur, "Du musst das morgen selbst k?nnen." Das Umziehen ging noch ziemlich problemlos. Das Haarnetz zu entfernen war schon schwieriger, mit den vielen kleinen Klammern daran. Ob ich das morgen alleine wieder hin bekommen w?rde? Das Makeup verunsicherte mich, ich sah in dem kleinen Handspiegel nicht genau, ob wirklich alles weg war. Au?erdem hinterlie? das Tuch aus der kleinen Au...
I looked around at my other party members. Voss just gave a helpless shrug. Enna was mopping her her scalp wound with a bit of fabric ripped off the lord’s satin cape. I looked back to Ashryn. “Sorry, you’re going to have to back up. God of destruction sounds bad, but is it kinda bad or is it very bad?” Ashryn looked pouty for a moment- was she annoyed with me?- before taking a deep breath. “The All-Fathered created the earth-goddess Cyona after Lathlys, the celestial goddess, proved too...
“Elfi,” a male voice barked, directly to my left. I winced as the sound exploded against my eardrums, and angry flecks of saliva slapped against my cheek. “Get back to fucking work. Now!”If that sounded harsh written in English, let me tell you it actually made my skull vibrate in the original German. German is a perfect language for shouting.The words came from my boss, Klaus Richter, Head of Entertainment at the Christmas market in Berlin, where I worked. My muscles tensed, my hands started...
TransAfter reading a lot of stories here, I thought I would share my experiences as well, starting with the lead up to my very first time. I will be writing them as a series, in parts. Now let’s get straight to the story. It was the summer after my 12th boards. My uncle and aunt had invited me to visit them. They lived in the UK. My parents couldn’t get leave from work, so I figured that instead of having a boring summer, I’d convince them to let me visit my uncle and aunt on my own. It took some...
Once word got around that I was going to apply for admission to State, e-mails began appearing on the computer screen. Jane, Janet, Berry, and even Cory, wrote messages of encouragement, telling me to 'go for it' and that they were anxious to show me the ropes. Jane's message contained a postscript: 'It looks like my prediction about you and Claire is coming true.' I answered Jane's message, thanking her for motivating me to take my classes seriously. I wrote, "Because of you, I have...
Chapter Two "Right strip off," Amanda ordered Dale as they went into the Bedroom. "You must have had your fun by now," replied Dale. "OK then, let's forget all about it, lets think, the Police will turn up and want to question me about last night, and I will say sorry Officer I don?t know what you are talking about, I was at the local hospital with my sick Mother," replied Amanda. "Well when you put it like that I have no option," said Dale. "I think the red off the shoulder...
The Baron and the ShepherdessThe Baron and the Shepherdess – Part Iby The Qmoq, dedicated to maddieIn the happy years before the plague came, there lived a Baron in the North of England, a credit to his family and a man respected across the county. He was a fair man in most every sense, loved by the people, admired by the gentry, and his firm jaw line and dark, devilish eyes made him the fancy of most young ladies who had the pleasure of knowing him. Many long days would be spent taking his...
At 8:59 there was a light knock on the door. I had on a pair of boxers and looked through the peep hole to see who it was. I opened the door and said, “Good morning Judy. Good morning Pam.” Standing next to Judy was her sister, Pam Jones. Pam went to school with me and was in the same grade. Her smile disappeared and her face went white as I swung open the door and Judy pulled her into the suite. Darcy had come over and said “What do we have here?” “This is my sister, Pam. I asked her to...
It just so happened that one of my guy co-workers had a wife who was also a runner. We had met several times at a paved path near near my work and completed training runs. She was very athletic and could hang with my pace, so I enjoyed the company. One weekend she invited me to come to her house for a run, as there were some good trails and hills near where she lived. Not that it mattered to me at the time, but her husband was out of town on a business trip. I drove to her house and we...
It is a warm summer’s day. We have had a long stressful week. Both of us are in need of stress release. You ask me, “Babe, what would you like to do tonight? It’s been a long week and we need to do something fun and dirty.” I look up from my magazine and give you a little smirk and say, “How about we find us a woman and have a threesome tonight?” You look very surprised and say with a smile, “I like the way you think, babe.” I know you love my dirty side.We talk and agree that a night at...
While watching Harrison (Hawk) Dryden take the oath of office to become the new Vice President, I was filled with questions. Dryden's wife and family stood beside him in the well of our Capital, as John Roberts led him through his oath of allegiance, honor, and integrity. The Speaker of the House called another emergency joint session of Congress and hastily held a vote to confirm a replacement for Ken Stanton. There had been too many emergencies, and too many replacements at our highest...
Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...
Winnie radioed ahead and let my team know we would be heading home. She asked if I wanted the security team to drive, and I opted for the two of us to take the Lexus, as long as she didn't mind driving. "No. That's fine," she said, a little too quickly. Jack met us going out and gave me a rundown on progress with doubling the guard on Colleen and James. "It looks like we will have some feds supplementing us while they background the new guys and girls I want to bring on board. The...
This tale starts with an attractive woman who works at the bank that I frequent every Friday morning when I have to make a company in-person deposit. Over the past 6 months or so, I find myself being checked out by the same young, attractive banker, her name is Silvia. She appears to be in her early 30's, dark hair just past her shoulders, about 5'8 and she's got a hell of a figure. Needles to say, I find her quite attractive and lately I find myself flirting with her. More recently, I have...
I'm 45, single, 5'9" athletic build, a house painter and a pervert. I'm bi, have a huge fetish for pantyhose, nylons, socks and often while painting peoples homes I get opportunity to explore the drawers! Milfs, teens, grannies you name it. I've seen it all including toy collections and have taken many pair of nylons as souvenirs of course. I've cum in womens shoes and put them back in the closet too.... But a new job brought new fun. This is what happened.Mrs. Arisumi, a Japanese milf came to...
Ada Briggs knelt in the weeds and gravel around the side of a renovated Victorian mansion, hiding behind and overgrown hedge and wondering for perhaps the dozenth time that evening if she really planned to go through with this. Thing was, she needed money. Needed it bad. Despite all her scrimping and saving and practically living on Top Ramen, the inevitable had finally happened as she’d failed to make the rent on her rathole apartment this month, and she couldn’t get kicked out on the...
FantasyChapter Thirteen: The Rakshasa's Hot Gaze By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the...
“Hi honey. I’m home.”As I walked into the kitchen, Deb was stirring batter for a cake. She puckered up for a smooch.“A friend of mine, Spanker, is coming over after supper.”“Spanker?” She sounded suspicious. “Is he one of your xhamster friends?”“Yes, a good friend. We message each other a lot. He and I think much alike.”“Oh that doesn’t sound good. What are you two going to do this evening? What kind of fantasies have you been cooking up?”“You,” I said simply.“Me?”“Sure. You’ve been working...
You awaken to the alarm going off in your room. The compact space had no light protruding the darkness except for the red, flashing that the alarm indicator was going off. Beneath you, the feeling of cold metal disturbed your skin and you immediately why you were on the floor instead of in your bed. Rising groggily, you move to find the door handle and your hand clasps it clumsily. Your vision is blurred for sometime and it felt like something had drilled its way into your skull. The pain was...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My first gang-bang happened whilst I was in Canberra. Actually it was in Queanbeyan, near enough I suppose. I'd got 'picked-up' by this chap and on the way back to his place in his car he asked me what I liked doing. I replied that what I really liked was to cross dress but that I didn't have any 'gear' with me. He looked at me and remarked, 'No problems, I'm sure that I can find something for you' We arrived at his place and it was obvious that he was...
Group SexAuthor’s Note: This is by far my favorite collaborative story (my contributions are in focus largely on Becky – the italic bits). I really loved the way it developed and that it just didn’t end with mutual orgasms or falling asleep. There are days when things work, and there are days when things don’t. David knew he’d have to come to terms with this, but the situation since he’d stepped onto the airplane had been positively abysmal. The flight hadn’t been delayed, but he had been forced to...
One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good. At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my...
IV I could have stayed like that forever, naked, two of the most amazing women I’ve ever known spoiling me with their attention. I was in no hurry to explore what other delights the party held, or even cover myself up. It’s hard to retain even the pretense of modesty once you’ve climaxed in front of an audience. Eventually, however, it became obvious that Kay was growing restless, her touch growing distracted. I withheld my sigh, unable to see her eyes behind her oversized sunglasses,...
By 4:00, the Lyons and Hartcliffe building had already put in a reconciliatory call to their rebellious daughter company across the street. "Hello? Is this Moreno's son?" "This is David." "David, this is Charles Gillespy. We'd like to discuss, uhm... terms." "Mmmm... nah." "C'mon! How can these men go home to their wives dressed like... THIS?!" "Well, maybe it will teach them a lesson." "How can they go home to their daughters?! To their sons? That look up to them?! As...
[Missy] Mid July The Farnsworths arrived at the main entrance of the Tee on Saturday morning. After considerable discussion, Andy and Andi had been chosen to be their greeters and escorts. They were clad in standard staff shorts and shirt. "Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth," Andi said as Andy opened the door. "Welcome to Transformations. I'm sure Missy will be happy to see you." That, of course, was a blatant lie, and both parents' expressions showed that they realized the falsehood....
The dog days of early August came and went, and after lo these many weeks (only five weeks, actually, but it sure seemed longer) we were scheduled to head for Gwinnett for the final three-game series of the season with that club. There were only sixteen games left in our International League season. We were tied for the Division lead with Gwinnett, but I was secretly kind of hoping we wouldn’t make the playoffs. All making the post-season would do would be to delay my return to Lawrenceville...