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TV NUDIST By Rachel Saunders Prologue I don't know what I really expected. Well, perhaps that's not true. I guess I expected a nudist colony to be full of buff men and voluptuous women - all beautiful people, like a "Baywatch" program without the bathing suits. I also expected piles of people engaging in all sorts of sexual activity, from sunup to sunset. But my boyfriend Jimmy talked me into going for an introductory visit. We were met at the gate, and after a brief slide show we were taken around the grounds. We were both dressed, as was the Admissions Administrator and her assistant. It only took a few seconds for me to register the truth: the only thing these people had in common with each other was the fact that they were naked. All sizes and shapes of bodies were present: tall, short, thin, stocky, obese, white, black, brown, etc. It appeared that no one had any hang-ups about their body, or, if they had, they had lost those hang-ups when they entered the grounds of the colony. Also, every age range seemed represented, from silver haired grandparents to children barely old enough to be walking and potty trained. As we walked around the grounds we were shown the attractions. At the center of the colony was a large man-made lake. There was a pier for fishing and a number of little rowboats floating lazily in the water. There were also two swimming pools, one Olympic sized and the other a wading pool for toddlers and other small children. Surrounding the pools were four two-story dormitories that served as short-time housing for couples. From the outside they appeared as small, inexpensive motels. Around the other side of the lake were cabins, reserved for families of four or more. In the middle of the colony was a large Community House, where meals were served and dances were held every Saturday night. There was no sign of any sexual activity going on anywhere. Still I was reluctant to join. Jimmy wanted to sign up immediately, but who could blame him? At 6'5", 225 pounds of hard muscle, brown curly hair and blue eyes he was a god, a new age Apollo. And he had that certain swagger that some men do, those men who are sure of their superiority and have that certain something to prove it: in Jimmy's case it was 81/2" long when soft and a mouth watering 10 inches when angry. It jutted out from his groin, where the heaviest concentration of his short curly body hair was. This hair seemed to start at his groin and spread out over his chest and down his muscular legs. I was pretty happy with my own body too. I had a very nice pair of 34C's, which stood out with hardly any droop at all, and were tipped with pink nipples and large aureoles. On my small 5'7" frame my breasts appeared to be much larger than they were. My legs were nicely turned, and started out at the ground and led up to my best asset: my very cute little bubble butt. When I walk down the streets in town I can turn almost any man's head (and a few women's heads, too). I feel the confidence that any pretty young woman feels, a feminine equivalent to Jimmy's swagger. However, I was not as confident as Jimmy that we would fit in well at the colony. This was due to my little extra: 3" of penis (when fully erect), and a tiny scrotum that hung down between my legs. Standing next to Jimmy we looked like Mutt 'n Jeff: a tall, hairy chested stud of a man and a short little sissy girl, with a well trimmed muff around her almost infant sized cock and balls. But Jimmy wanted to join the colony and he finally convinced me to join with him. Saturday One nice thing about spending a weekend at a nudist colony: you don't have to pack very many clothes. We woke early Saturday morning. We showered together as usual. I spent a few extra minutes lathering and stroking Jimmy's penis, hoping that if I got him excited enough he would decide to stay home and spend the day in bed instead. That trick didn't work - all it did was make me a little horny myself as I watched his dick rise to its full magnificence. "That's enough of that," he laughed, slapping my ass. "C'mon girl, we've got to get a move on," he continued. After drying myself and powdering, I grabbed my small scissors and comb. I carefully ran the comb through my muff and trimmed the hairs down to about a quarter of an inch, and razored off any extra to form a nice triangular frame for my cockette. My little cock had shrunk back into itself with only the pink head sticking out from my bush. Jimmy was already finished getting dressed (a T-shirt and a pair of shorts - how long does that take?) and was sitting on the bed impatiently. I pulled on a pair of plain, white cotton Hanes Her Way briefs, pulled a yellow sundress with a cute red and white floral print over my head and stepped into a pair of sandals. "I'm ready," I said. "Finally!" Jimmy huffed. The hour long ride to the colony was pleasant, although I was getting nervous about what kind of reception I would get from the other nudists. We arrived at the park and checked in. We went up to our room and unpacked our little bag, just toiletries, a little makeup and a clean outfit and undies for the ride home. We undressed quietly. It only took a few minutes to get nude; and then it was finally time for my grand appearance. Jimmy sensed my anxiety. He took my hand and said gently, "Be brave. You have as much right to be here as anyone else. And remember, I love you just as you are." I felt my heart melt at that moment. He leaned down and we kissed passionately. Jimmy opened the door and we went out, still holding hands. The next twenty or so minutes were agony. I felt every eye in the colony on me. I got a few smiles from the others until they saw my tiny package, then their looks changed; first shock, then some amusement, some puzzlement and even some obvious displeasure. The fact that Jimmy and I were together didn't seem to bother anyone. In fact, there were many gay and lesbian couples who were members of the colony. They were not afraid to openly show their affection for their partners, and no one cared about what went on behind closed doors. The only problem was that I was very plainly not a woman. These same people would not have a clue that I wasn't what I appeared to be if they saw me dressed, but here, everything was literally hanging out in plain sight. "Keep your head up," Jimmy said to me as we slowly walked. "And for God's sake Marcie put a smile on your face!" I decided to be brave as Jimmy had told me to do. I looked people directly in the eye and smiled at them as we walked by. Slowly we ceased to be the center of attention as almost everyone went back to what they were doing, although glances my way every now and then told me that people were still talking about us. We came to an empty pair of deck chairs and sat down to catch some sun. "That wasn't too bad, was it Marce?" Jimmy asked me. My only answer was a small smile. A few minutes later some men got together at a nearby volleyball court. Jimmy went over to talk to them. He seemed to be getting along well with them as soon they were laughing and shaking hands. "Hey baby, I'm gonna play some ball," he said when he came back. "Great! I love to play volleyball," I said. "Sorry, baby, but this game is for men only. There might be a coed game later, I'm not sure." I decided that pointing out the fact that I had some male equipment myself would probably not change anyone's mind. "Oh great! What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked. "Why don't you join the other women over there," he said, pointing to a group of four women sitting together a few yards from us. "You can all be cheerleaders!" he laughed. "I know how much you love to dress up like a cheerleader when we're in the bedroom," he continued. "Please Jimmy, don't leave me here by myself," I begged. "Sorry Marce, the game is about to start. Catch ya later!" I hung my head as Jimmy ran to join the others at the court. A few minutes later I saw a shadow in the sand. "That's a nice bunch of swinging dicks over there, isn't it?" the shadow said. "What?" I asked. Looking up I saw a tall woman with long auburn hair. She had very large breasts, a slim waist and a pair of hips to die for. She also had a neatly trimmed beaver, but it was easy to tell that her hair color was natural. She had a smile on her pretty face. She was one of the group of four women that were sitting nearby. "Over there," she said pointing to the volleyball court. "That's a nice bunch of swinging dicks, right?" she asked. She didn't wait for me to reply. Sitting down next to me she offered me her hand. "My name is Amy," she said. "Hi," i said while shaking her hand. "I'm Marcie, but my friends call me Marce," I replied. "Can I be your friend, Marcie?" she asked. "Please! Right now I need all of the friends I can get!" "Come with me, Marce. Come and meet the other girls," she said. As we walked to the other three girls she held my hand gently. "Ladies, this is Marcie," Amy said. She introduced the other three women: Nancy, a bleach bottle blonde with the largest breasts of the quartet but a thick waist and hips; Deb, who had small breasts and dishwater blonde hair and Linda, a slightly overweight brunette. I don't want to seem judgmental here, but the truth is that next to Amy I was the most attractive one of the group, and I wasn't a "real" woman. The others were very pleasant, though and they greeted me warmly. Except for Nancy. Right away I picked up bad vibes from her. She didn't endear herself to me either when she pointed to my penis and said, "If it wasn't so small it would almost look like a dick!" "Well, it does get bigger," I said. "God I hope so," Nancy replied. "Speaking of dicks getting bigger, who is that stud muffin you came in with Marcie?" Linda asked. "Please tell me he's just your brother, and not your husband!" she continued. "Well, I'm not married, but he is my boyfriend, so maybe someday..." I said. "What a shame!" Linda interrupted me. "What a waste! No offense, Marcie," she continued. "Ignore her Marce. She's just constantly on the prowl for hot men," said Amy. "And like you're not!" teased Linda, shaking Amy's shoulder. "Okay," Deb chimed in. "Let's make it official. Everybody here who is horny raise their right hand," she finished. The four women shot their hands immediately into the air. After a little coaxing, I raised my hand too. We all started giggling and then laughing so loudly that the men at the volleyball court stopped their game to look over and see what the commotion was about. "Well, since we're all horny, we might as well get drunk too," Deb said. "Who wants a beer?" She then opened a large ice chest and pulled out a can of beer for everyone. We sat in the warm sun and sipped our beers, while chatting about anything we felt like. Nancy made another rude comment about me but after being chastised by the others sat quietly. I could still fell the bad vibrations from her though. It was during our second round of beer that the hammer fell. "Well Marcie tell us your story," Linda said. "What story? What do you mean?" I asked. "I think you know what I mean," she replied. "A person doesn't look like you - with a beautiful, feminine body and also a penis - without having a story," she continued. I sat quietly, wriggling my red tipped toes into the sand. "Don't be embarrassed Marce," Amy said, giving me a hug. "You can tell us. We won't tell anyone else if you don't want us to," she said. "After all, we're all girls here, right?" asked Linda while running her fingers through my hair. "I'd like to hear your story too," said Nancy. I was surprised to hear the sincere tone of her voice instead of the usual belligerence I had become accustomed to. I still sat quietly. Finally I shrugged my shoulders and began my story. "I guess the first time I played dress-up I was about five or six years old. I put on one of my mother's blouses and a skirt and a pair of her shoes. I went into the kitchen to show her how I looked in her clothes. "She must have been surprised, I really don't remember. I do remember though that she very patiently, very gently told me that little boys don't wear their mother's clothes. She didn't scold me or berate me; she was very gentle about it. "I didn't have a father around. My mother and father had divorced when I was just about three or four years old. The only male in our family beside me was my grandfather, and he was usually at work. I was basically brought up by my mother, my three aunts and my grandmother. "I proceeded to grow up 'normally'. I played with the other boys but I was always attracted to the girls too. I wanted to play their games and I liked the way that they could wear pretty clothes. As a boy I was limited to shirts and pants, usually solid colors, but girls were able to wear almost anything they wanted. "When I was about eleven I was looking though our clothes hamper, trying to find my favorite T-shirt. I came across one of my mother's babydoll nighties. I loved seeing her in that nightie. It was a pale baby blue color, with ruffles around the hem and a small white ribbon at her neck, above her cleavage. "I ran the thin, gauzy material against my arm. It made all of the little hairs stand up. I thought that if it felt that good on my arm that it would feel great on my body. I dug through the hamper until I found the pair of matching panties. I took off all of my clothes and put the panties and nightie on. "On my mother the nightie fell down just below her mound. When she bent over a little or raised her arms above her shoulders the hem rode up exposing the panties. But on me the nightie came down my thighs, just a few inches above me knees. "And it did feel great to wear it! I also got an unexpected surprise - my penis was as stiff as a flagpole. I pulled the panties down around my knees and wrapped my dick in the nightie. I started stroking my penis with the nightie until suddenly I felt something wonderful happen to my body. That was my first orgasm - it was a dry orgasm, but still a real one - and it was great. I believe that there is probably something symbolic about the connection between my first orgasm and women's clothing. "That was the start of my second life. I probably would have been happy just being a 'closet queen', but when I was twelve, Mother Nature stepped in. With a vengeance. "I was in the 7th grade at school. After gym class one day I noticed that I looked different than the other boys. The others were growing lean and muscular as they were losing their baby fat. But I was growing rounded - my baby fat was being redistributed, but in the 'wrong' place for a 12 year old boy. Eventually the other boys noticed too. It became a real joke for the boys to come up behind me in the shower after gym class and 'cop a feel'. They would all laugh. They were having a great time tormenting me. But I noticed that more than one of them would be semi hard when they reached around me - I could feel their dicks poking against my ass. "You have to understand that at that time I was undeveloped as a boy and only a little developed as a girl. If I had stopped there I could have made it through life OK. But when I was in the 8th grade I was even more developed, pretty much like the other 13 year old girls in my class. Immediately my name was not Mike O'Malley, but 'Tits O'Malley'. Soon the girls in my class were calling me 'Tits' too. Even the teachers picked up on it, although they never called me 'Tits' to my face. One day I heard two of the teachers call me that - they didn't realize that I was still in the classroom while they were talking in the hall. I came out into the hall. 'Don't call me that!' I shouted. I had tears in my eyes. One of the teachers got embarrassed and turned away but the other glared at me and said, 'Quit crying you little freak!' I started sobbing so hard that they sent me home. "My mother and aunts had obviously noticed my development but were at a loss for what to do about it. My mother was heartbroken to see my loneliness, and often cried when I came home with a black eye or a bloody lip from one of my former 'friends'. I often cried too and she did her very best to console me. "One day she kept me home from school. She took me into the city to see a doctor. They took all kinds of tests - blood, urine and even a sperm test - I was so embarrassed - I was there most of the day. About a week or so later we were called back to hear the results of the tests. "The doctor had concluded that when my mother conceived me, her egg was divided and fertilized by two sperm, instead of splitting into two separate eggs though the egg remained together. I should have been born fraternal twins, one boy, one girl. But something went wrong along the way and I was born the way I am. Everyone thought I was a boy - I mean, I had a penis and scrotum - what else would they think? But when I reached the age of puberty my female chromosomes started my female hormones up big time. I might have had a penis - which was as big now as it was then, it never got any bigger after the 7th grade - but my secondary sexual development was entirely female. "All of my guy friends deserted me. If a boy was seen talking to me or palling around he was immediately labeled as 'queer'. And the girls would have nothing to do with me. "I had only one friend in the world. She lived down the block from me. She was the only person outside of my family who called me 'Mike' and not 'Tits". Her name was Marcie. "We became very close that year. I would often be at her house and would sometimes eat dinner with her family, always wearing as many bulky clothes as possible to try to hide my endowments. She was also the only person outside of my family who knew about my fascination with girls' clothes. When I was at her house we would go into her bedroom and close the door. She then let me pick out anything in her closet and wear it until it was time for me to go home. She even gave me some panties, bras and even an old nightie to take home and keep. I wore that nightie to bed every night until it literally fell apart. "My mother found Marcie's lingerie under my bed one day while I was in school. When I got home that day I found the underwear and nightie washed and neatly folded, sitting on my bed. When I went down to dinner she was very calm. Finally she asked me whose it was. I told her that Marcie had given it to me. 'Does it all fit?' she asked me. 'The bras are a little tight, I guess I might be a little more developed," I replied. 'Well, we'll have to get you some that fit. And some new panties, too. You really shouldn't wear a neighbor's hand-me-downs,' she said. "Marcie was also the first girl I had any sexual experience with. We never went 'all the way', but we would kiss and pet. I remember the first time she removed my top and played with my breasts. She stroked them softly, very lovingly and then suckled. My nipples were so sensitive I thought I would explode. She then removed her blouse and bra and allowed me to do the same to her. "I suppose we were in love, if it's possible for two 13 year olds to be in love. We even giggled about our wedding day - which one would get to wear the wedding gown and which the tuxedo. We finally decided we would both wear gowns and went down to the drug store to pick up a couple of bridal magazines. We each found the gown we wanted to be married in. "And then one day she was standing at my front door. I opened the door and found her crying. She was finally able to tell me through her tears that her father had been transferred and they were moving away. I broke down too, and we both stood there sobbing, holding each other as tightly as possible. And less than two weeks later she was gone, my only friend, my lover, maybe my future wife. "During that summer I kept developing. I outgrew all of Marcie's hand- me-down bras and even my new ones were getting too tight. I had to start wearing my mother's bras. I had grown to a 34B. I was really distressed - I figured that if I was a 34B at barely fourteen years old I would probably be a 44 by eighteen. Also, my hips and ass had rounded out so that I couldn't wear my boy jeans anymore. I could only get into women's jeans. "I was dreading going to high school. Besides the kids who knew about me from 7th and 8th grades, there would be three other junior highs dumping their teenage bullies into the same school. If that weren't enough, with my breasts, hips and ass it was impossible for me to wear boy's clothes. Even if I could squeeze into them I looked ridiculous. I was distraught and cried every day as the school year came closer. "My mother finally decided to take matters into her own hands. We moved also, to another suburb, into a little apartment instead of our big friendly house, which one of my aunts moved into. It added another 30 minutes of commute time each way to my mother's day. But it got me into a different high school. "My mother and I went back to see the doctor who had diagnosed my condition. He told us that since I was still a minor I would need my mother's permission to 'finish what nature started' - as he put it - in other words, to surgically change my male genitals into a vagina. My mother agreed, but I didn't. i didn't want that operation (and I still don't). For whatever reason I was born with a penis, and I want to die with it, too. Besides, I still get pleasure with it. "The doctor finally agreed to write a letter to my new school advising them because of a severe asthmatic condition I would be unable to take any gym classes or compete in any intramural events. This avoided the problem of having to take showers with the other girls, where my dirty little secret would be exposed again. "We had to get a lawyer in order to change my records - birth certificate, social security, school records, etc. from male to female. As we drove to the lawyer's office my mother asked me what my new name would be. 'What about Michelle? That's a girl's name and it's very similar to your uh...real name, Mikey'" she asked. 'No,' I said. 'My new name is going to be Marcie.' "And that day Marcie O'Malley was born. And that's how I went through high school and college. I finally had stopped developing in high school. My breasts didn't get any bigger, just a little rounded. I wear a C cup now. "I guess that's most of my story." The other women were quiet. Finally Amy threw her arms around me, hugged me close to her and gave me a big kiss. "You poor kid," she said. "As long as I'm alive you'll never be without a friend again," she said. Deb and Linda joined in the hug and even Nancy gently squeezed my arm and smiled at me. Just then there was a lot of shouting at the volleyball court. I saw Jimmy strutting in the sand, beating his fists against his chest and letting out a poor imitation of Tarzan's war cry. "Boys!" said Nancy. "Yeah, what we do without them?" Linda asked. We all giggled again. "OK, let's make it official," Deb said. "Everyone who has to pee raise their hand!" Immediately all five of us raised our hands, as our bladders were being squeezed from all of the beer we drank. We got up and made our way to the restrooms. "Should I use the men's or women's room?" I asked Amy. "Usually I use the women's room when we're out but I'm dressed then," I continued. "Don't worry about it Marce. Use the lady's room - just remember to sit down. Give me your hand," Amy said. We entered the restroom holding hands. We had to wait for a stall to open. There were some women in there who hadn't seen me yet. They were a little shocked but when they saw Amy holding my hand and talking quietly to me they softened. I then realized that Amy was an important person at the colony - a natural leader, probably because of her beauty. At last a stall opened. "Go ahead, dear," Amy said. "Just wait for me outside." I entered the stall, sat and relieved myself. I wiped carefully and went to the counter to wash and dry my hands. Amy still was occupied so I went out to wait for her. Nancy came up to me and looked me in the eye. "How much of that story was true and how much was bullshit?" she asked. "It was all true, every word," I said. "And these," she said, lifting up my boobs and squeezing them gently, "these are all real? No plastic in here?" "Nothing in there but milk and butter," I laughed. "OK, I guess," she said while walking away. Amy finally finished and came over to me. "What's her problem?" I asked, pointing to Nancy. "Why does she dislike me so much? I thought she was warming up to me a little while ago but I'm not so sure now," I continued. "I don't think she likes men," Amy said. "But I think even she doesn't know whether or not she likes women. And seeing you, the way you are, maybe forced her to ask herself some questions she had been trying to avoid. Give her some time, maybe she'll come around," Amy said. "Well those two certainly like men," I said, nodding my head to Deb and Linda who were talking to a small group of guys. "Oh, they're constantly on the make," laughed Amy. "Want to take a walk around?" she asked, taking my hand in hers again. "Where is your husband Amy?" I asked. I had seen her wedding ring on her finger earlier. "He has to work today," she said, "but he'll be here in time for the dance tonight. You are coming to the dance aren't you?" she asked. "I don't know, I don't have anything to wear!" We both laughed. Then I saw a sight I had seen earlier but had forgotten to ask the others about. There was a group of girls and women talking. Most of them were nude but two of the women had their panties on. One of the girls had a red sash, and there was a younger girl with a white sash on. "What's that all about?" I asked Amy. "Are those women shy? And why are those girls wearing sashes?" "No no, they're not shy," explained Amy. "They're just having their periods now, that's why they still have their panties on. And those girls are wearing those sashes because they are handmaidens," she said. Before I could ask she continued. "The handmaidens are girls who help out the pregnant women in the colony, fetching drinks, other things. They also baby-sit on dance nights." "The girls ten to twelve years old wear the white sashes and the girls who are thirteen to sixteen wear the red ones," Deb said. I hadn't noticed that Deb and Linda had caught up to us. "It's really quite an honor," Linda said. "It's almost like being elected to the cheerleader or pom pom squad in high school. Were you ever a cheerleader Marcie?" "Oh no, I couldn't take a chance on being discovered. We couldn't afford to move to another high school," I said. Suddenly Jimmy came up to us. I introduced him to the other women. Deb seemed especially taken with him. "Is your game over?" I asked. "Yeah, and they're getting ready to get a coed game going. How about it, Marce?' he asked. "Oh I don't think so," I said. "I'm actually having a pretty good time here," I continued. "Besides we gotta get this girl out of the sun! She's starting to burn on her shoulders," Amy said. "Alright then, meet me later for dinner," Jimmy said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and squeezed one of my butt cheeks. "You better not burn this butt," he laughed. "I've got plans for it later!" He ran off back to the volleyball courts. "You're one lucky duck Marcie," Deb said wistfully. "OK, it's story time again!" Linda cried. I groaned. "What do you want to know now?" I asked. "Well, you told us the story of your little girl lover, and now we see you here with a man. What made you switch over?" Linda asked. "Yeah, that's a good one. Start talking, girlie!" said Nancy, who had also caught up to us now. "Well, let's find somewhere to sit and I'll tell you," I said. "As I told you before, I was in a brand new high school. I was the new kid, I didn't know anyone and no one knew me. "It only took a day or two but it seemed like every boy in the freshman class - and some upper classmen - started hitting on me. You have to remember I had a sublime pair of boobs and a great butt. And a pretty face too, if I say so myself. "I turned down all of the offers of dates I received. That didn't make me too popular. Then my mother sat me down and told me that if I kept saying 'no' all of the other kids would think that I was stuck up. "One day at lunch one of the girls I sat with asked me why I had turned down her brother's offer of a date. 'Which one is your brother?' I asked. 'That's him over there," she said, pointing to a very cute blonde hunk. 'I think he would really like to go out with you,' she said. "Maybe he should ask me again,' I said. 'I've just had a little trouble fitting in here, and I didn't want to ruffle anyone's feathers,' I said. 'I figured he already had a girlfriend, I mean he's really a dream!' I said. "A day or so later he asked me to the movies and I accepted. I had my first date with a boy. He knew I was a little shy and took it real slow, but soon things progressed to the next stage. One night I found myself in the back seat of his car with my blouse and my bra rolled up in a ball in the corner. "He had one of my breasts in his hand and was licking the nipple on my other one. I was so turned on, I just leaned back and closed my eyes. He then started to nibble on my neck as he played with my boobs. I thought I was going to explode. "I didn't realize that his other hand was on my thigh until he quickly slid it up under my skirt and started to rub my panties! He got quite a shock when he just came away with a handful of a Kotex pad. "My mother had told me to wear a Kotex just in case something got out of hand. I'm glad she did, because not only did it stop him but the napkin also caught all of the little dribbles from my dick. "He was so disappointed he just sat back and sighed. 'Don't be mad, I can't help it,' I said. I saw that he had a nice sized bulge in his jeans. He saw where I was looking. 'I really like you, Marcie,' he said. 'I really like you a lot, and I need you very badly,' he said. He reached and took my hand. He placed my hand on his bulge and squeezed my hand gently. 'Real bad', he said. "'I think what you need is cold shower! Take me home please,' I said. He got really pissed off, called me a prick teaser and drove me home. When I got out of the car he pulled away so quickly that I thought my shoulder would come off, as I was still holding the handle of the door. "My mother saw that I was really upset when I came into the house. She followed me into my bedroom and set next to me on the bed. I told her everything that happened. 'It might have been too soon to get topless in his back seat. He obviously got the wrong impression of the kind of girl you are,' she said. 'Let me make a phone call,' she said while going out the door. I heard her dialing and then talking on the phone. A few minutes later she came back into my room. "'I think we should spend next weekend with your Aunt Jane and your cousin Marilyn,' she said. 'Marilyn is a little more experienced with boys and can probably explain things to you better than us old fogies,' she laughed. "And so the next weekend we were back in our old house which Aunt Jane and Marilyn had moved into after my mother and I left town. We had a delicious dinner and watched a romantic movie on TV. Finally it was time to turn in. Marilyn and I were to share a bed since the other bedrooms had been converted into a sewing room and a game room. "Marilyn came out of the bathroom first. She was wearing a long T-shirt and when she bent over to pick up a pair of socks from the floor I realized that she didn't have any panties on underneath. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I also changed in there, taking off my clothes and slipping into a new babydoll nightie. "As I came into the bedroom Marilyn said 'Close the door," which I did. Marilyn was lying on the bed on top of the covers. There was a little bedside lamp on, that didn't throw much light but kept the room from being totally dark. 'Take those panties off Marcie,' she said. 'Girls don't usually sleep with panties on. Besides, I want to see it,' she continued. I hesitated. She got off the bed and came toward me. I tried to back up but she closed the distance between us quickly. She reached under the hem of the nightie and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of the panties. She fell down to her knees and pulled my panties down quickly. I blushed furiously. "'Don't be embarrassed, Marce. I like it! I think it's kinda cute," she said while rubbing her finger along the head of my cock. 'Come over here and lay on the bed," she continued. "'Listen, you have to understand about boys, especially teenaged boys. All they think about is getting laid. It's a mark of honor for them - something to brag about to all their friends. If you aren't ready to spread your legs then you'd better be ready to do something else to satisfy them,' Marilyn said. She went on. 'And since you can't spread your legs to some boy you'd better be prepared to use your mouth. Most boys aren't satisfied with handjobs anymore - they've been jerking their cocks for years. A girl's gotta be prepared to suck a cock, and swallow all of that spunk that comes out. Lay back now, let me give you an example,' she said. "She gently pushed me down onto my back. She lifted the hem of my nightie and started to stroke my cock. It quickly responded and raised itself to its full three inches. She shook her head. 'No woman is ever going to be satisfied with this thing,' she said. She leaned over and kissed the head. As I shuddered she said, 'That's step number one. Plant a few kisses on it,' she said and then did so. 'Step number two is to give it a good licking up and down. Get it as wet as possible, it'll slide into your mouth better if it's nice and wet. You can spit on it if you want to help make it wet - the boy will go crazy if you do that! He'll think he's hooked up with a real dirty slut,' she laughed. She licked my cock all over. When it was wet enough she opened her mouth and put it in. She sucked gently on it and then was able to slide her head up and down my shaft. She was able to take the entire thing into her mouth - maybe my balls too if she had wanted to. "After a few minutes she stopped. 'Didn't that feel nice?' she asked. 'Yes, it was wonderful. Don't stop!' I exclaimed. 'No, I don't want you to cum in my mouth. I want you to cum in your mouth,' she saw my look of surprise. She smiled and then continued. 'You have to develop a tolerance for the taste of sperm. And you have your own supply to sample. What a lucky girl!" she laughed. "She started to pump my little cock relentlessly. Finally I couldn't take any more and sprayed all over my belly, a little of it even landed on my right tit. She scooped up a fingerful and shook her head. 'It's not as strong as real boy sperm,' she said. 'It's all thin and watery.' She put her finger in her mouth. 'It doesn't taste the same either,' she said. 'Not nearly strong enough. Still, it's all we have to work with," she finished. "She scooped up some more and this time put it in my mouth. It tasted unusual, I don't think I had ever tasted anything like that before. She kept scooping it up until it was all gone. 'I want you to do this every day,' she said. "I want the taste of cum ingrained in you so strongly that you won't be able to wait to suck some guy's dick and get a belly full of his little spermies.' I promised that I would do it. Just then we heard our mothers coming up the stairs and down the hall. "'Get under the covers quick!' she whispered. A few seconds later the door opened. Our mothers looked in. They were dressed for bed as they had to share my Aunt Jane's bed. 'Are you girls all right?' Aunt Jane asked. 'We're just talking mom,' Marilyn said. 'Try to get some sleep now, OK? We've got a full day of shopping planned for tomorrow,' Aunt Jane said. "The two women came over to the bed. 'Kiss kiss,' my mother said. I gave her and Aunt Jane a quick peck, as did Marilyn. I hadn't noticed before how large breasted Aunt Jane was, but in her sheer nightie her charms were obvious. I felt my cockette stiffening again under the covers. Aunt Jane reached over and turned off the bedside lamp. The light in the hall illuminated the way as our mothers went out of the room, closing the door behind them. "I started stroking my cock furiously. 'Going back for second helpings?' Marilyn asked. 'That's my good girl. Tomorrow night I'll teach you how to lick a pussy,' she laughed. "The next day we hit the mall with a vengeance. I spent all of the money I had saved from my job as a checkout girl at the grocery store, plus put a lot on my mother's credit card. Our first stop was at Sear's, where I picked up a couple packages of panties. 'Granny panties!' Marilyn cried when she saw the packages of briefs. 'This is what you need, something sexy like this," she said, picking up a tiny thong. The little patch in front wouldn't come close to covering even my peanut sized cock and the back was almost nonexistent. 'I can't wear anything like that, it's gonna ride up my butt crack. These briefs are very comfortable, and no one's going to see them anyway,' I explained. 'Well, at least get the bikini style,' Marilyn sighed. From Sears we hit Vicki's Secret, which had sexier bras than the department store. I picked up a strapless, cobalt blue underwire bra with lace cups. 'I approve,' Marilyn said. 'Here are the matching panties,' she added. The front had a deep V-cut but at least the back was full. We hit several more stores and I ended up with a couple pairs of jeans, two new tops and a peasant style skirt. We went to a couple of shoe stores but I didn't see any shoes I liked and could afford. "'Where are our mothers?' I asked when we got to the appointed meeting place. 'Never mind that,' Marilyn said. 'Look over there,' she added. I looked where she was pointing and I saw two guys who were obviously checking us out. 'I know that blonde guy, he went to my high school. Come on, Marcie,' she said as she headed to the boys. "I was a little scared but I followed her. It was almost fun to watch her work her wiles on the boys, but in just a little while we had dates for a house party that night. The blonde boy was Billy and his friend was named George. George had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had a little cleft in his chin. Both boys were cute but I'm glad that Marilyn seemed to favor Billy, as I really wanted to get to know George better. "The boys were to pick us up at 7:30 so as soon as we found our mothers we raced home to get ready. We showered, shaved our legs, and washed and conditioned our hair. 'Are you going to wear those new blue panties Marcie?' Marilyn asked. I said I was so she told me to try them on. When I did I realized that the deep V cut left a lot of my pubic hair exposed. "No problem, just a little snip snip,' Marilyn said. She tugged the panties down to just above my knees then took a small pair of scissors and clipped the hair very close to my skin. 'Just shave the rest and it will be perfect,' she said. I went back into the bathroom and picked up the little pink razor. After applying some shaving cream it was just a couple of little strokes and I was trimmed. I pulled the panties back up and checked - there was no sign of any hair. "The next 45 minutes were spent in doing our hair, makeup and fingernails. It felt very natural walking around in her bedroom in just a pair of panties while we got ready. 'I've got something for you over here,' Marilyn said. I walked over to her vanity. 'Hold still for a minute,' she said. She reached out and started tweaking my nipples. "Hey, don't be such a wuss!" she said when I jumped back. 'Booby Drops,' she said, pointing to some small bottles in her vanity. 'Strawberry, banana, or chocolate?' she said. I couldn't make up my mind so she chose the banana flavor, putting a few drops on each of my stiff nipples. 'That's appropriate. Banana on your boobs, and hopefully a stiff banana in your mouth,' she laughed. "'Remember the four steps Marcie: kiss the head, lick the shaft, put it in your mouth and suck, and finally swallow. Don't worry if it dribbles out of your mouth and down your chin, just scoop it up with your finger and then lick your finger clean. Don't get any on your blouse or skirt! There's no need for our mothers to know what we're doing, although they probably already can guess. I wish we had more time to get you used to the taste but we can't always get what we want,' she finished. "At last we were ready. About ten minutes later the doorbell rang as our two escorts came to pick us up. We waited upstairs for a couple of minutes and then came downstairs to make our grand entrance. It was difficult to tell who was more excited, our dates or our mothers. We got ready to go when my mother pulled me aside. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear. 'Have a good time tonight, dear. Give him what he wants but don't let him get into your panties,' she said. 'Oh mother!' I whispered back. 'Don't worry, I'm not going to get pregnant,' I laughed. "By the time we got to the party it was going full blast. There were a room where everyone was dancing and other rooms that were dark. By the noises coming out of the dark rooms it was easy to tell that some serious make out sessions were going on. 'How about a drink?' George asked me. 'Sure, why not?' I said. He came back a few minutes later laden down with drinks. 'Here,' he said, handing me two plastic cups. One was beer but the other seemed to be some kind of punch. "Everclear punch, 190 proof," he explained. "One pint of Everclear, eight gallons of fruit juice, two bags of ice," he said. The punch had an unusual taste as it was obvious that they had mixed different flavors of juice in the punch. We finished our drinks. 'Want to dance?' George asked. 'How about some more punch first?' I suggested. George laughed and then went to get refills. I then realized that I didn't see Marilyn or Billy anywhere. "George came back with our drinks. I practically chugged the beer and punch. 'Where's Marilyn?' I asked. 'Don't worry, she's okay. I think her and Billy went to do some horizontal dancing,' he laughed. "'Let's go get vertical,' I said. As we moved around the dance floor George had to practically hold me up as the liquor had gone straight to my head. A slow song came on and I laid my head on his shoulder as he moved us around the floor. He held me very tightly. When the song ended he lifted my head and kissed me on the lips. "Want to go sit down for a while?' he asked me. 'Find us somewhere private," I said. The liquor must have loosened me up, and I was anxious to move on to the next step. "So I can get on my knees and suck your cock," I added. He seemed a little startled and then a big smile came over his face. "We found a dark, out of the way corner. George leaned back against the wall as I unzipped him. I felt around in his underwear and then suddenly his dick flopped out. I slowly stroked it bringing it to life. It was nice sized and seemed to curve a little to the left. Through my alcohol haze I remembered the four steps Marilyn had taught me. I must have learned them correctly because in just a few minutes I had a mouthful of his cum. I slowly swallowed it. It was a different taste than my own sperm - much stronger, as Marilyn had told me it would be - but I knew right then that I loved it. "I also loved the power it gave me. Here was a real man, taller, heavier and stronger than I would ever be, and I had him in the palm of my hand. He was weak-kneed and was gasping for breath. 'Wow, that was something,' he said. 'You must have done that before,' he added. "'Once or twice,' I lied. I was stilling stroking his cock, licking up the last few drops that were left in him. He soon was hard again. 'I want to fuck you now Marcie,' he said. "Sorry, I'm not the kind of girl who fucks on the first date. Besides, it's the wrong time of month for me anyway,' I said. I hoped he that he would believe me because I wasn't wearing a Kotex in my panties. "Well then, we'll have to have a second date,' he smiled. 'Are we finished with this one?' I asked. "He grinned and sat down next to me. After a few lingering kisses I felt his fingers unbuttoning my blouse. I shrugged my shoulders and the open blouse fell about my waist. He nuzzled my neck as his hand cupped and squeezed my breast. He reached behind me and fumbled with the bra clasp. 'Let me do it," I said as I deftly unclasped the bra. A second or two later the bra landed on the floor next to me. George leaned down and kissed my breasts, alternating between the fat breasts and the tender nipples. I was becoming very hot. "He laid me down on the floor and then climbed on top of me. I still had my jeans on, and he was dressed but his jeans and undies were pulled down and his stiff cock was fully exposed. He spread my legs a little and then rubbed his dick against the crotch of my jeans. He humped me until I felt his arms get weak and then he spurted all over my jeans. I said something like 'Oh my' or something equally dumb as he recovered from his orgasm. He rolled off of me and sat against the wall. I took two fingers and scooped up the cum from my groin and put it into my mouth. I was very hot now and had a stiffy poking against my nylon panties. 'I have to go to the bathroom," I told George. He helped me put my blouse back on, as I stuffed my bra into the back pocket of my jeans. "We kissed and held hands as we waited in line to use the bathroom. At last my turn came and I closed the door behind me. I grabbed a large wad of toilet paper as I yanked down my jeans and panties. I grabbed my little boner and stroked it quickly until I came into the toilet paper. I flushed the paper away and washed my hands. "We did a little more dancing and then I caught up with Marilyn. 'Time to go home, cuz,' she said. The boys took us home and we cuddled and necked a little in the car before they drove off. Our mothers were still waiting up for us, dressed for bed. 'Did you have a good time, girls?' Aunt Jane asked. My mother asked me what happened to my bra, as she saw that my nipples were hard and were poking out of my blouse. 'I had to take it off, it was too stiff and a little uncomfortable, mother,' I answered. 'Are you sure you took it off, or did someone help you?' mom asked me with a smile on her face. 'I'll bet something, or somethings, besides the bra were too stiff,' my Aunt Jane laughed. I blushed about three shades of red and then went to bed. Marilyn and I cuddled closely and shared our secrets about what we did that night." I sat quietly. I hadn't noticed that Amy was gently holding my hand. The other girls were circled around us and seemed to be noticeably touched by my story. "Go on, dear," Amy said as she lightly squeezed my hand. "Tell us about your first true love." I thought for a few moments. My first "True Love" was my cousin Eric. I thought back to the time we had spent together. The memory was so beautiful that I began to tear up a little. I tried my best to stifle the tears, took a deep breath and began. "Well, once again it was my own family that came to me. I came home from school one day and my mother and my Aunt Susan were at the kitchen table drinking coffee. They both had a 'cat who ate the canary' look on their faces. 'What's going on?' I asked. They didn't answer but their smiles widened. 'Eric wants you to give him a call,' my Aunt Susan said. Eric was my cousin, Aunt's Susan's oldest child, a year older than I was. I went up to my bedroom and dialed their number. My cousin Laurie answered the phone and we chatted a while until Eric came to the phone. 'What's happening?' I asked him. 'Nothing much, it's just been a while since I talked to my favorite cuz and I just wanted to say hi,' he said. Eric and I had been best friends as boys and had still remained close when my changes began. He could always make me laugh and we always had a great time when we got together. I told him about my high school and he told me about his life at the Military Academy he went to. He was an upper class cadet and would graduate at the end of the year. He then casually mentioned his Senior Cotillion. I gasped when he asked me to be his date for the dance. 'Why me?' I asked. 'Because I've been attracted to you since you first began growing your boobies. Couldn't you tell the way I felt about you? I know that you'll be the prettiest girl at the dance, and I really want to be with you Marcie,' he answered. "I told him that I would be his date. He told me he would call in a week or so with the details. I hung up the phone and went downstairs, in a kind of a daze. I walked into the kitchen and my mother and aunt looked at me, with those wide smiles they had before. 'What did you say?' my mother asked. 'Yes or no?' she added. 'You knew!' I then realized that probably everyone in the family knew Eric was going to ask me - everyone but me. "Oh mother! I have to find a dress and some shoes, get my hair done-' 'Calm down girl,' my mother teased. 'The dance is over a month away. We have plenty of time to get you ready.' "'Wait until you see Eric in his dress uniform,' Aunt Susan said. 'He's really a dream. I'm so happy that he'll have such a pretty girl to accompany him,' she added, kissing me lightly on the cheek. "The next few weeks went by in a blur. After checking in about a dozen boutiques I finally found the dress I wanted. It was an ivory colored, strapless waltz length gown. The bodice was quilted, beaded and had gold threads running through it. At the waist it fell off into a full, sheer chiffon skirt. I loved it as soon as I saw it. 'You should get it in white instead of ivory in case you want to be married in it too,' mother teased. I tried the dress on and the seamstress pinned it here and there to assure a perfect fit. While we were there we also bought a floor length maxi half-slip to wear under the dress. It only took a few stops to find the shoes to wear with it, a pair of silver high-heeled sandals with straps across the toes. About a week later the alterations were finished. We brought the dress home. I went up to my bedroom, stripped off the clothes I was wearing and got ready to try it on. I had purchased a new, very pretty white strapless bra and white lace panties to wear under the gown, along with nude colored thigh-high lace top stockings. I slipped into the lingerie, stepped into and strapped the sandals on. My Mother held the gown open and I stepped into it. We pulled it up and I struggled a little to get into the tight, molded bodice. At last I was in it. I juggled my breasts a little to get them to fit into the molded cups of the gown. I inhaled deeply as my mother zipped me up in the back. "'It's beautiful!' she cried. 'You look like a princess! Wait here a second,' she added as she left the room. In a minute or two she came back carrying a silver tiara. 'Wear this!' she said. 'Oh mother I'm not going to wear a tiara. That's too corny!' I said as she fussed with my hair. I looked into the full-length mirror and liked what I saw. 'Eric's eyes are gonna spin when he sees you in that gown, Marcie' my mother said. 'Excuse me mother, that's Princess Marcie, please!' I laughed. "The Saturday of the dance finally arrived. I spent all morning at my mom's favorite Hair Parlor. I began my makeover with a leg waxing. It was painful but I thought it would be best to have it. I even had my bush waxed a little. After the waxing the tech trimmed the muff into a perfect triangle. I got my hair lightened, trimmed and set. As my hair was drying the nail tech applied a set of glamour length nails, and gave them three coats of a deep rose colored pink polish, while another girl gave me a pedicure and applied the same polish to my toes. "After we finished mother and I went for a small lunch. I wanted a cheeseburger but my mother suggested a salad. 'You'll never get into that dress if you have a burger,' mother admonished. The waiter flirted with me as he took my order. I flirted back and saw my mother smirk. 'Just a little harmless flirting, mom,' I said as the waiter left to get our beverages. "When we got home it was only a little after 2:00. Eric wasn't going to pick me up until 7:30, or '1930 hours' as he called it. I popped a plastic shower cap on my hair and took a quick shower. After the shower I packed a small overnight bag with a pair of jeans, a lilac silk blouse, some undies and socks, and my toothbrush and toothpaste. The plan was to go to some cabins at the lake that the cadets had rented for after the dance, and to return home on Sunday evening. "After packing I slipped into a short terry cloth bathrobe and lay on my bed trying to read a magazine. I had a little difficulty as I kept picturing Eric and imagined what he would look like in his uniform. "About 6:00 I heard the doorbell ring as I was powdering my body. A couple of minutes later my mother and Anne, the cosmetologist from the salon came into my room. I slipped out of the bathrobe and went to the dresser to get my undies. Anne's eyes were glued to my crotch. She knew my secret but had never seen it before. She smiled at me as I slinked into my bra and panties. 'Sit over here, dearie,' Anne said. I sat at my vanity as Anne adjusted the lights and mirror to the best advantages. She took my chin in her hands and turned my face from profile to profile. At last she began, and in about a little over a half an hour she had changed a pretty girl into a beautiful young woman. "After she finished she put the powder, lipstick and eye colors she had used into a small clutch. I put the clutch into my small purse and gave Anne an air kiss. "You look wonderful dear,' my mother said and Anne agreed. "Anne left and mother came back in and helped me finish getting dressed. I slipped the stockings on and as they slid up my legs I was glad I had endured the waxing, as my legs were smooth. After putting on my sandals I stepped into the half-slip and then mother helped me into the gown again. I pulled on a pair of white opera length gloves as my mother went to get me her pair of diamond earrings and diamond tennis bracelet. She slipped the bracelet around my wrist and clasped my pearl necklace around my neck. I did a few turns in the mirror with a big smile on my face. I turned to see my mother sniffling a little. 'Whatever happened to my little girl? She's now almost a grown woman,' mother said as her eyes teared up. I ran across the room and mother and I hugged each other tightly. 'I'll always be your little girl, mom,' I said. 'Careful now, don't you start crying too, Marcie. You will ruin your makeup,' mother said. "She took my hand and led me to the bed. We sat down on the bed, and she took my other hand and held them both between hers. 'I've done everything I could to bring you this far, dear,' she said. 'It's now up to Eric to take you into womanhood. Are you ready to offer your honor to him?' she asked. I didn't have to think about it at all. 'Yes, I am ready,' I said. "Mother put her arm around my bare shoulder and we sat there quietly, each deep in our own thoughts. We broke out of our reverie when the doorbell rang. 'Wait here for a minute or two Marcie,' mother said. 'You don't want to appear too anxious,' she added. "She went downstairs and answered the door. From the gushing tone of her voice I knew that Eric must have looked sensational. She chatted with him for a few minutes and then came to the staircase. 'Marcie, Eric is here. Hurry dear, it's time to go,' she called up the stairs. I got up from the bed, drew a deep breath and walked slowly down the hall and onto the stairs. "I walked down the steps slowly. I didn't want to ruin my entrance by getting my heel caught on my gown or tripping on a step. 'Wow,' Eric said when he saw me for the first time. 'You're gorgeous, Marcie!' he cried. "Talk about gorgeous! He was standing there in his dress uniform. It had a navy blue tunic with brightly polished golden buttons. He had red braid around one of the epaulets and red diagonal stripes along his forearms. His pants were white and buttoned down diagonally with the same golden buttons. Around his waist he wore a black belt that held a silver sword in a silver scabbard. He had on a pair of white gloves and was holding his officer's cap in his hand. In his other hand he held a corsage. "I stepped forward and smiled as he pinned the corsage to my wrist. I heard my mother crying softly as he helped me slip into my wrap. 'Pictures, pictures,' my mother said, grabbing her camera from off the coffee table. We posed for about a half dozen photos, each time by mother sniffled. 'I can't help it dear,' she said. 'It's just all too beautiful.' "I kissed my mother goodbye as Eric picked up my overnight bag. Mother stood in the doorway waving as we walked to his car. As we came closer to the car I noticed there were two other people in it. It turned out that they were Eric's roommate William and his girlfriend, Susan. Susan was a nice looking brunette in a gorgeous black slinky sheath gown. Her hair was braided and wrapped tightly into a small bun. I thought William was a little plain looking but after talking to him a while I realized he had a terrific personality and a great sense of humor. It was also easy to see that Susan was very taken with him. "The dance passed all too quickly it seemed. The last dance was very slow and romantic and Eric and I kissed for the first time while we danced. The kiss became very passionate and Eric cupped my ass in his hands and ground his groin against my thigh. I could feel his erect penis against my hip. I reached my left hand down and rubbed his cock through his trousers. Finally we reluctantly broke the kiss when we realized that the music had stopped several moments earlier. "Susan and I went to the restroom before our hour long journey to the lake. The bathroom was full of girls waiting for a stall, or smoking cigarettes or touching up their makeup. It looked like backstage at the Miss America pageant with so many pretty girls in glamorous gowns. After we finally finished our business we crowded up to the mirror to redo our lipstick. 'Are you on the pill?' Susan asked me. 'No,' I answered. "Have you got enough rubbers for the weekend then?' she asked again. "Susan gave me a shocked look when I confessed that I still was a virgin and hadn't thought about any kind of protection. She fished around in her purse for a minute and then said 'I can spare you two rubbers, but that's all. But maybe Eric brought some.' I told her I wouldn't need the condoms. "'You're not going to let that big hunk bang you tonight?' she asked me incredulously. 'We're going to make love all right, I'm just not going to worry about getting pregnant,' I replied. 'You're a brave girl, Marcie. Do you know what they call girls who use the rhythm method of birth control? They call them mothers,' she said. "The trip to the lake was a peaceful drive through narrow country roads. At last we arrived. Eric and William went into the manager's office and registered and picked up the keys to the cabins. William and Susan were on the other side of the lake so they drooped us off at our cabin and then took Eric's car to their room. The moon was full and shimmered brightly in the gently lapping waves of the lake. "Eric and I entered our cabin. It was very cozy and rustic, and had a big fireplace. There was a large pile of firewood, so Eric displayed the skills we had learned together when we were in the Cub Scouts and built us a fire. Soon the room warmed up. He came back from the fire and sat next to me on the bed. 'Help me out of my dress, please,' I asked him as I stood up. Eric came up behind me and unzipped me. He then grabbed me and pulled me tightly against his chest, squeezing one of my boobs while nuzzling my neck. I squirmed away from playfully and let the gown fall to the floor. I stepped out of it and eased the maxi slip down over my hips and onto the floor. "You are really beautiful baby,' Eric said after seeing me in just my bra, panties and stockings. I reached behind me to unhook my bra. Eric said, 'Wait a minute there. I have something for you.' He opened up his suitcase and took out a large white box wrapped in pink ribbon. 'For me? What is it?' I asked. 'Open it and find out,' he replied. "I untied the ribbon and opened in the box. Inside I found a gown length white negligee with spaghetti straps and a lace bodice. It was completely sheer from the waist to the hem. Also inside the box was a matching lace jacket with puffed sleeves and a row of tiny pearl buttons to close it. I opened the card that was in the box. 'To my most beautiful niece - wear this tonight, on your "wedding night". Love, Aunt Susan,' the card read. 'It is so sexy,' I exclaimed. While I looked the gown over again Eric removed his tunic and sat next to me on the bed. I picked up the gown and headed to the bathroom. 'I'm going to slip into something a little more comfortable,' I said. 'I think I will too,' Eric smiled. "I went into the bathroom and stripped out of my lingerie. I touched up my lipstick and dabbed a little perfume on my neck, between my breasts and rubbed a little into my bush. I slipped the gown over my head. My shoulders were a little too slim so I had to crisscross the straps to keep them from slipping off my shoulders. I put the jacket on and looked at my reflection in the mirror. 'I do look like a princess,' I thought. "I went into the bedroom and stopped in a shock. Eric had gotten completely nude and was laying on the bed gently stroking his cock. "'How do I look?' I asked while doing a few twirls. 'I knew you'd look sensational. Do you like the gown? I helped pick it out,' he said. 'Come over here cuz,' he continued, 'and give me a hand.' I walked over and laid on the bed next to him. I took his cock in my hand and started stroking it. It wasn't the biggest cock I'd ever held, in fact it was probably just average sized, but to me it certainly was the most beautiful. As I laid there Eric reached over and started to play with one of my boobs. We kissed a long, lingering kiss and then I broke away. I leaned down a little and put his cock into my mouth. I held my mouth around the head and was licking it with my tongue. Eric sighed and leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. Soon I was bobbing back and forth on the shaft, holding his cock steady with one hand and playing with his balls with my other. After a little while his groaning became louder and he reached down and pushed my head down deeper on his shaft. I prepared for his explosion, which came in just a few seconds later. He grunted loudly as his cum squirted into my mouth. I was determined to take it all and not let a single drop escape. "After he was finished I laid down next to him and we kissed again. 'You taste like cum,' he smiled. "Gee, I wonder why,' I replied. After a few minutes we started kissing and petting again. I looked down to see his cock spring back to life and glare ominously at me. I knew what was coming next, and although I was ready, I was a little unsure. 'I know this sounds like a clich?, but please be gentle, Eric. I've never done this before,' I said. 'No problem babe,' he replied. 'Lift your butt a little,' he said. "I lifted my ass off the bed he lifted the hem of the gown and jacket and slid it up above my waist. He grabbed one of the pillows and put it under my ass. He then took my legs and put one leg over each of his shoulders. I reached onto the nightstand and handed him the tube of lubricant that he had put there earlier. He squeezed some on his fingers and then pressed a finger into me. It was a very tight fit but eventually I loosened a little, and he was able to slip a second and then a third finger into my rosebud

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 137 On Cops and Lawyers

When I left the scene of the over bearing cop confrontation, I went right back to Jen's office. "I need to see her," I said to the receptionist. Then I spoke to the large plant by her desk. "Mike, you need to bring those tapes and come in here. We should speak to Jen about what happened out there." "I told you it might be a while," Jen said as she walked through the doorway into the reception area. "This is about something else and it could be serious." I replied. "Mike, should be...

2 years ago
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SHEILAChapter 7

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - S.H.E.I.L.A. I awoke with a start as Sheila was gently shaking my shoulder. “I’m afraid that we have to go Doctor Gance.” She told me. “It appears that the town is being evacuated, I detected a message about an operation gas. It fits all the parameters that are taking place now. Please Doctor Gance we have to hurry!” I groaned as I rolled out of the cot that I was on. “How long?” I asked as I started to pull my shoes...

3 years ago
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Boarding School Punishment Scene One

Location: An all-boys Military Prep School for young men ages 18 to 22. Cast: The Head-Master, Mr. L., is fifty five years old. He is a masculine, six foot, two hundred pound, short haired bisexual who rules the school with an iron hand. Timmy is a slightly built, eighteen year old, 5’8” tall, 145 pound virgin male, who wishes he was really a girl. Timmy hides the fact that he wears panties and sometime crotch less pantyhose. Timmy masturbates four or five times daily thinking about being force...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Who Me a Wizard II

Who Me ….. A Wizard II I looked around at the odd group and decided when the Brown wizard said Lady Maxine was gathering a mixed group he wasn't kidding. I heard a chuckle... I looked at Slinky and thought “You can read my mind?” I felt rather than heard 'Yes.' Interesting... but useful … ''Can you read other minds?'' ' Yes read … speak to no..just yours.' Before Cher and Puss had departed they had each given me a book of spells It looks like I had better do my home work I...

2 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 4 The Box Is at the End of the Tunnel

WELL, I NEVER... My Grandmother's exact words. She was speechless after that. Mom greeted Wendy with the hug reserved for her brother ... the hug kept for momentous occasions. When Harry came home from Germany after the war, he got that hug. Mom came from a family of nine. Eight girls and Harry ... Harry was the treasured, and only boy. The Bleeker's, Harry Sr. and Myrtle, had Mom, then seven spectacular beauties, and Harry. Harry had been captured when his B-17 was shot down three...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Luna Star Gia Derza You Need To Get Laid

Telenovelas superstar Karen (Luna Star) and her assistant Leslie (Gia Derza) just landed in paradise for a long time deserved a vacation. Unfortunately, the resort made a mistake and they gave the girls a room with only one bed. The situation doesn’t bother Leslie, but Karen is scared of what the paparazzi could think since her life is always the latest headline. This situation creates tension in the room puts Leslie in a sour mood. This diva attitude that Karen has is not the only thing...

2 years ago
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Hot cutlet 2

Rest of the night was long .slept for few hours but then at 5.30 the palpitation started increasing Switched on to a porn movie on computer and appeared on the screen was a girl in state of desperation ,being held by her hairs and dragged by a stud towards toilet . Girl was looking helpless and her appearance was one of satisfied after a great fucking session but the fear was evident from the eyes perhaps the fear of things to come, the degradation in the offing and I could also feel the same...

1 year ago
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ImmutablePart 1 Tim

Tuesday, July 22, 2042, 8:13 am The 10-year-old Astro Cruiser lifted from its mount and slipped seamlessly into the flow of westbound traffic. Tim adjusted his previous instructions to the Tesla’s AI, sat back, and automatically glanced around. “Crap,” he muttered. Cruising at 250 feet was a red BMW Dyno-Vector. Capable of leaving the atmosphere, should the driver so choose, it cruised the maximum allowable height for non-commercial traffic. “I know who you are,” Tim muttered. “And I know...

1 year ago
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A First Time Glory Hole Slut

I had a sexual first a couple weeks ago. A friend, Steve, invited me over to his house for a party. He is a friend I’ve fucked in the past but it was always at my house. It was never at his place. I gave him a “definitely” when he asked me to the party. I had to work that day and got to the party a little later than I would usually get to them.When I arrived, there were plenty of people there, most were already more than a little drunk. I found Steve in the kitchen and gave him a hug. He gave...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Lila I Dont Even Let My Boyfriend Cum In Me

With a pussy and body that fine, we don’t understand why this hot as fuck girl is with a boyfriend who’s got such a small cock. You know life is too short to drink bad wine, eat bad food or fuck small cocks dear. Listen honey, you were blessed with a killer body and it appears you’ve hit the “sex life” lottery so you should be fucking guys with at least above average sized cocks. And if you don’t know what the averaged size cock is well it’s only 5.1 inches erect, which means we are truly sorry...

2 years ago
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BiomancerChapter 6

Jessica was waiting for Veronica when she returned. “We need to talk.” “It can wait.” With her bag slung over the left shoulder, Veronica took the stairs two at a time. Shower was first, that bigoted bitch after. ... Feeling human again, the athletic blonde sought out her shorter forced roommate. “So, talk.” “Your interference and taking the subject out of observation is unacceptable.” “Aw. Did you want to watch us running through the woods?” “I don’t see the point of that anyway. You...

1 year ago
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An Afternoon In The Basement

Sarah sat on the small couch in her basement, her long shapely legs twisted under her body in a way that only a state champion gymnast's could. Her hair fell straight and glossy to her shoulders and the very tops of her small but perfectly-shaped breasts. She had a very small waist and almost no hips. Her dark red lipstick gave her face sex appeal well beyond its fifteen years. Her best friend Paula sat on the chair in the corner, flicking idly through the channels. Her blue v-neck sweater lay...

First Time
3 years ago
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Fucking My Two Neighbour Aunties 8211 Part 1

She is Amutha little chubby,fair colour, has big sexy boobs her age is 36 @2016.Had twins sons husband working in Dubai. She is alone with her twins sons next to my street. Her mother house is opposite to my house she mostly in her mother house. She know our family from my childhood days. Let’s comes to my stories. This happened 7 years back when I was studying diploma @18 she is29.She often visits my house ,one day she came to my house for stitching her blouse in our sewing m/c she altered 2...

2 years ago
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vacation 21

We got cleaned up and dressed and got the boys moving and were on our way out of the hotel when our favorite clerk called me over to the front desk and said “I almost forgot, this was dropped off for you this morning”. Then her voice dropped to a whisper “By the way can I bring a friend to our workout tomorrow?” I responded “sure” as I picked up my pace to catch up with you, absently sticking the package in my day pack. We had a wonderful day on a catamaran which took us to the reef a few...

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Taking Pictures

You lay there in the dark, warm and safe. Your wrists securely bound in leather cuffs and secured to the link in the wall above the bed. Your eyes are covered in a soft dark cloth. Now you hear me as I move around the room, opening drawers and laying our toys out.Feel the quick brush of my skin along yours as I brush my hand over your abdomen, making you shiver in anticipation. I reach up and pinch at your nipples sharply, making you moan softly. Biting your lip as my grip gets more firm and I...

3 years ago
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Story of what 2 guys from xhamster would do to me

I come around for your second break, where you are waiting for me and my friend Maxie in the bathroom.We walk in, and don't exchange a single word. Instead I go straight up to you and give you a slap on the side of your faceBefore you get to look at me, I have already spit at you, and as you are looking straight it hits you all over the faceStumbled of the slap and spit, Maxie have already walked up behind you, and with both hands takes a firm grip on you and forces you to your knees. As when...

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Family Fun

This is a true story and nothing is exaggerated but of course, the names are changed. Let me go to the story directly. I am Seema, 21 years old lady from Delhi. We are 4 members in my family – my dad (Rajeev), mom (Latha), and brother (Rajesh) of 24 years. I am a graduate student in one of the colleges. My brother works in a private company and dad in a bank. Mom is a housewife. My sister (Deepa) is married with a guy (Deepak). But they often visit us and spend at least two nights in a week. So...

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Car service at the garage

My car needed a good service so as I passed a garage on a back street when I took the wife to work I thought I'd ask in there. I walked in and this bloke of around 35 years old called Dave asked me what I wanted, when I told him he said he would be happy to service my car as he didn't have much work on at the moment, I thought Perfect.Two weeks later I drove the wife to work and called in the garage, a younger lad was there, he said he was an apprentice for his dad. His dad recognised me and...

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Petes Wife

My best friend in school was Pete, he was a year behind me but we were inseparable. I had dated Pete’s sister briefly but that didn’t last as she couldn’t handle me spending more time hanging with her brother than her. About six months after I finished high school I joined the Air Force, university would have been a waste of time for me. I wasn’t ready and was looking to learn some marketable skills and travel some before settling down. I had just finished basic training and was stationed with...

1 year ago
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A Night to Remember Chapter 1 Introduction

It was a warm Saturday night in the middle of August. I own a restaurant at the base of an apartment building in NoHo, also known as North Houston Street. Well it’s only smart because I live upstairs on the 22nd floor of this building. It is a nice little loft/condo: on the first floor there is a living room, balcony, kitchen, and a bar; upstairs (yes, I said upstairs) there are three bathrooms and three bedrooms, two are guestrooms and the other is my master bedroom. I live by myself but my...

2 years ago
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Late With The Rent Again

I did something that I’m kind of regretting now. All the rage is to get your hair straightened. Everybody goes to have keratin treatments on their hair. The stiff price of having it done can set you back about two hundred dollars. The stylists will encourage you to buy the products to make sure your hair stays straight. Here’s where it gets a little weird. I took three hundred dollars out of my rent money and used it on my hair. My hair looks fabulous, except now, I don’t have my rent. I don’t...

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Visit to the Adult Theater WOW

This is a true story about what happened on my first and only trip to an adult bookstore and video store. The wife was out of town for 2 weeks and I was getting a little anxious for some action or at least some release. I had heard about this adult theater on the other side of town. Heard that they had porn viewing booths in the back and that some of the booths had gloryholes. I had never been to one of these and was a little curious to see what it was like, so on a Saturday night I decided to...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 01

Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 23

The rest of the shift was quiet. It was Sunday morning. I brought the day shift up to speed and put the night's events into the log. Jen returned all the files and reports to her briefcase and we headed home. We stopped at the donut chop in C-ville for bagels and headed home. Jen and I showered, and went to bed. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and had to pee. I had barely hit the seat when Jen said, "Hurry up, I'm next." We got back in bed, kissed, and hugged. Then did the female...

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Chores II

He motioned me to stand, and I certainly didn’t argue with him. I stood he grabbed my shoulder roughly and spun me around grabbing a hand full of hair and shoved my head down onto the bed. He held onto my hips, to keep me in a standing position from the hips down. I did not like this position; things that happened in this position were never good for me. I quickly understood what he had behind his back when he walked in. It was a switch off the Oak tree that shaded the...

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My Wild Wife

I met my wife Jessica one Thursday while she was studying for her Master's of English Literature at SUNY. Until recently, I thought that Thursday was the luckiest day of my life. I'm a bit of a nerd as most people see right away but Jess, as everyone calls her, is a stunning brunette with sea green eyes and a swimsuit model's body. I was at the University only to take an advanced Calculus course. Calc has always been my weak subject. I'm a day trader. Before you get the wrong idea, I make...

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Dominated By Master From Collarspace

An introduction about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy currently in Bangalore, but from Mumbai. I am submissive by nature and always want to be used and humiliated. This ‘real incident’ took place in May 2012. My trust with BDSM started as a kid when I stumbled across BDSM porn. A few searches on the internet and I was hooked onto it. I have not seen vanilla porn ever since. Unless it has some aspect of humiliation in it. Let’s say, like a Bukkake. So, back in 2012, I was young and horny and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Cheating The First Time Chapter 1

I talked to my wife about maybe talking to her doctor or maybe going to a therapist together about the precipitous drop in her sex drive, but her excuse was always that she was just too tired and if I helped around the house more maybe that would help. Surprise surprise, no amount of housework ever made a difference, so I had just resigned myself to less sex than I wanted. That was, until… My sister-in-law was getting married and with our son being relatively young after an hour or two at...

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Threesome Time With My Sister

Once my sister turned 19, and I was 18, we always talked a lot and from being just siblings, we started talking about sex and other fantasies. These talks were rather turning on as she told me that she watched porn and enjoyed the concept of incest, just like me. It seemed like flirting at the time but I turned that down from my head. I told her about my sexual desires too and what I like in a girl. I even told her that I love her ass and boobs and that every time she sits on my lap, I get a...

4 years ago
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Neighbors For Benefits

Hi guys this is Raj here, well I am back with a new story or rather one of my past old good experience. In case if any girls or women in having some fun or making new friends, Please do get in touch to and other readers please give your feedback as they are quite valuable. Now let’s begin . Well the events started way back in 2009 and I was just 19 years and Nithya was at that time only 18. I and Nithya are basically neighbors and we stayed almost all the time together. Nithya’s family is of 2...

2 years ago
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My Time as Morgan Le Faye

Hi, I’m Morgan Le Faye. Or I will be once I put this outfit together. Nice Crushed Dark Green silk one- piece gown. Hip tight, body forming. I will look delicious. Nice pendant around my deep neck line. Another piece hanging from my hips just above wear my Pussy would be if I had one.Okay, back up a step. Yes, I’m cross dressing for Halloween. Being a scrawny guy doesn’t make it too difficult. I will need false boobs. Tear drop would be good. Slight heel on my nice shoes, plus a black wig with...

3 years ago
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A Favorite Fetish My First time

My Favorite Fetish – A Golden ShowerI don't recall when it was that I discovered I had a nasty fetish. I do remember what it was that opened my eyes for the first time to water sports. It was a pictures. Just a picture. A woman leaning against a tree in the woods, her skirt lifted to her waist, and there shooting out from her groin was a stream of water.Since then I have been fascinated by the idea of watching a woman pee. It is like I lived my whole life and never even thought about it,...

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Bodybuilder by shalimar Rose White took the next specification sheet off the pile. She looked over the information on the form. 'This is going to be a fun one to make,' she thought. 'A Fabio face with chin a dimple al la Kurt Douglas. Humm 6' 3" and ALL muscle.' "Maybe I'll keep this one myself," she said out loud to no one in particular. Being a bodybuilder was a job she liked to do. She especially enjoyed building the children for the "parents" who couldn't conceive. ...

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An Unexpected Surprise

A long overdue sequel to my stories "Mistaken Identity" (Ch. 1) and "The Coupling" (Ch. 2).  I couldn’t believe the turn in events.  Here I was in the kitchen, half-naked, juices from our coupling dribbling down my thighs, and it wasn’t my dream man John, but my step-brother Matthew that was behind me all naked.  It certainly was the best sex that I had ever had, but I really wanted my parent’s best friend John to fill me with his seed.  After all, my mother got impregnated by John.  But it was...

4 years ago
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We left the party. I followed her up the stairs in the wake of her exotic perfume. She slipped her key card into the door lock, I followed her in and stood in the middle of the short hallway of her suite. The lights were mostly off and the remaining lamps gave her skin an almost shimmering glow. She had come across as stern, but passionate, so this didn’t worry me. She wore a tight black party dress, sleeveless, that only just reaching mid thigh. She was toned and fit; about a foot shorter than...

Straight Sex
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BrotherInLawChapter 6

Winter was making one last dying effort as Ginny stepped down from the commercial prop-jet at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. The falling snow was so thick she couldn't see the hangar as she made her way toward the charter line headquarters, falling in huge wet snowflakes that stuck to her like glue. She was soaked to the skin when she finally reached the shelter of the hangar, and the tiny office of Northern Lines Charter Service. "I'm Mrs. Dennison," she said hopefully, "I think my...

2 years ago
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THE SHOP ON THE CORNER – CHAPTER 4In the shower the next morning Kim could think of nothing except the events of the previous day. How sexual he had made her feel. How his eyes burned into her as he watched her. How she had brazenly exposed herself, enjoyed him looking at her, openly masturbated in front of him. Cum so powerfully. As she soaped her tits and pussy her fingertips grazed her clit. It throbbed to be touched. But his words echoed on her head. She was not allowed to cum without his...

1 year ago
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Soapy Sissy Spouses

SOAPY SISSY SPOUSES by Throne It was one of those special Friday nights when the two young wives got together for an evening of fun and games with their husbands. Well, the 'fun' part might not apply to the men. But there were always plenty of games. You see, Daria and Eugenie had decided about a year ago to turn their spouses into sissies. Marv and Park had small builds and delicate features. Marv was gifted with thick blond locks. Park, of Asian descent, had glossy black hair. ...

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Sudha The Slut

Hi Guys and Girls I am Arul working in an MNC at Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS and I am a great fan of this site. So I felt like sharing a real sexual and erotic incident that happened around 2 weeks ago before narrating about the incident let me tell you about myself as far as my appearance is concerned, I am a fair good looking guy with a healthy physique. I shifted to Chennai few months ago after I got a job in a good reputed company in Chennai which promised to offer me a fat pay...

2 years ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 22

I walked in through the back door and followed Mistress Betty to her kitchen. I was beginning to regard this small little two bedroom house as if it were my own. It felt ‘homey’ and nothing like my own much more spacious 5 bedroom house where I lived in Deer Park. Hayden and Waverly were chasing each other around the table. Each of them had one finger between their cheeks stuck in their asshole and the other hand reaching out trying to grab the other girl’s hair. Betty told me she cut...

3 years ago
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ASIAN HIGH SCHOOL WIFE Part 4 Getting A Clearer

As I was telling you previously, Kana and I had a Friday night at the Mexican restaurant and Kana had her first Strawberry margarita. Her first three or four actually. We wound up on the fake fur rug in front of a fire and she very suggestively sucked cherries off a cocktail stick. Then she was sucking my cock. I had had a bit to drink as well and pretty uninhibited so and not as sensitive or respectful to her as I was accustomed. So I was soon gripping her by the pony tail and face...

2 years ago
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Louise IIChapter 7 Work

Louise Tuesday morning he had me dress in working clothes. Fortunately the weather had turned a little on the cool side so wearing trousers, boots and a long sleeved shirt I wasn't over warm. The house, 'The Grange', we went to was less than a mile away. An old Victorian place with a huge garden that had been neglected for many years until the elderly occupier died and the place was sold. The new owner, a Mr. Roberts, wanted an assessment of the possibility of restoring it more or less to...

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Casefile 6101 Synergy vs Sanura

Casefile 6101 October 2058 Case file 6101 "Sanura, would you mind if we went out to dinner? I've heard so much about that new place 'Everybody's place'. They advertise that you can even take children of all ages with you there" Sanura frowned at Amy, "You mean you want to go there with Faline and Blaze? I don't know, should we? You know how Faline gets when she's excited." Faline walked up and commented in her high child's voice, "I promise to be on my best behaviour. My friend...

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Theatrical…..18So back to this evening, we drove off to the hotel, Julia and I marched through reception again, while my friend booked us in and got the key, same room, as we went to the room a door opened in front of us and the black waiter came out carrying his tunic, he smiled and walked past us back to the reception, “is that?” Julia asked, “yes, he seems popular all of a sudden” I said smiling at her, we got to the room and I threw myself onto the couch, kicking off my shoes as I chuckled...

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Finding Hannah

“Where is she?” my sister asks her son as she watches the servers place small dishes on the spinning glass table top. The food is already coming out and my nephew’s girlfriend isn’t here yet. Not good. I glance at my sister. She’s clearly getting annoyed, but then again, she is always annoyed. Honestly, I love my sister but I wouldn’t choose to be around her if I could help it. Shit luck for me, since she’s my boss. “I don’t know, she should be here by now.” He responds to her in English,...

1 year ago
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The Club

The Club By Elizabeth Fulton It's all about anticipation. She knows some people think it's all about thesex, but it's not. It's simply the delicious, electric anticipation of notknowing what he wants, of trying to read his mind, of responding without wordsto his touch, his tone, his mood. All she wants is to please him and win hisapproval. The value of a moan or a sigh, the delight in a smile, is enough to keepher going for hours. The unspeakable bonus of hearing him say he loves herstops her...

2 years ago
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eragon rider 3

  I felt the gaze of several nobles trace me as I crossed the field. This time, a barren wasteland had been choosen for the fighting grounds. You wouldn't be missing any action from the stands with this environment. But the noble's gaze continued to haunt me. I knew that seeing field girls compete in the arena wasn't very common. We weren't trained to use magic like those from other cities. Another reason why they might be watching me, was because my hair color, a bright blonde that...

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Jeff and his Cousin

That summer my parents were going to Kentucky to visit our family for the week and I had to stay at my aunts house with my cousin Debbie she was 20 and didn’t feel much like going. The rest of the family was going so it would be just her and me so I packed my book in my bag because I figured I would have plenty of time there to read and look at it. When they dropped me off I help my aunt and uncle put the rest of the stuff in there car and they took off right behind my mom and dad. That day I...

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What Really Happened

“Andrew Pearson, you’re under arrest.” Those were the first words I understood since I had been knocked to the floor. My arms were yanked painfully behind my back and handcuffed so tight that I thought my hands were being cut off. I had gone to answer the front door, but as soon as I opened it, I was bowled over by at least four uniformed officers barging into my house. I was roughly dragged to my feet as three more people in civilian suits walked into my house. “Mr. Pearson, this is a...

1 year ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 3 Bad Plans and Whiskey

Friday, July 10, 2009, 9:10PM “Excuse me? Have you seen this boy?” “No. Sorry.” “Thank you. Excuse me? Sir? Do you recognize this boy?” “Sorry.” “Thanks.” Tricia had been searching the K Street area for over an hour, asking every passing person about him. She was relentless, and showed the picture to everyone she saw. It was now after nine o’clock, and the long summer sunset had finally finished, and it was just starting to get dark. Streetlights turned on, and the number of people on...

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Going Nova ch 6 MotherDaughter Bonding Time

Brie’s heart beat in an anticipation she didn’t quite understand. She felt as though something grand was in store for her upstairs, but she wasn’t sure what. All she knew for sure was that she was going to get more of that strange syrup. She was already woozy from cuddling her mother on the chair, and watching her father massaging her friend felt salacious. Brie was very turned on and she knew that she would have to masturbate again soon to satisfy her super-orgasmic condition, but for now, it...

1 year ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 23

"How's your head?" asked Matika. Thule reached up and touched the sore spot tenderly, "Still sore. John really cracked me." "You just startled him," said Matika, "He's not a violent person at all." "I've really got to start asking people to hit me on the other side of the head for a while," said Thule, "I'm going to start looking asymmetrical if I get any more lumps on this one." Matika nodded, "I noticed an old cut and bruise behind your ear. What was that from?" "It...

3 years ago
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Real Dreams

Chapter 1 The sound from the alarm clock ringing broke the silence in the bedroom- waking Sandra up from a good nights sleep. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she reached over to the nightstand beside the bed and pushed the button turning off her alarm waking her up for work. Her eyes caught the rounded tip of the nine-inch vibrator laying on the nightstand that she enjoyed using before falling asleep. Her lips curled into an amusing smile as she remembered masturbating before falling asleep last...

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Island Holiday For Two Ch 1

There are nights like tonight, when I feel so hurt and alone that I cannot sleep. The bed I once shared with my husband, now has one occupant, me. He left me eight months ago, and I am glad. I do not need him or any man to keep me going. I awoke to the sound of birds singing, and the sun shining thru my curtains. I stretched, yawned, and looked at the clock. It read ten am. I got up, looked out my bedroom window, and noticed there was about two inches of snow on the ground. Its glistening,...

2 years ago
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Summer Cockbuster Part 3 A Summer to Member

I was catching up with my old high school buddy Jeff.  We hadn't seen each other since two summers ago, when we had gone to a movie together - and ended up sucking each other off in the back of the theater.Now seeing each other for the first time in a long time, we'd just started to watch a movie on the couch at his house, but we didn't get far into it.  Almost immediately, we took turns blowing each other.  Then, as he came back from the kitchen with beers, his dick swaying temptingly as he...


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