Kanata SummerChapter 10 free porn video

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Pete Maguire stood just outside the bath house door, but effectively blocked our exit. The look in his eyes was one of frustrated pain, which was not what I expected. I was thinking that either he'd be angrier than he seemed or ready to turn and walk away as fast as he could.

"You've been looking for me?" Keira growled. "I figured you'd be too busy fucking Cynthia to have time to even think about me! What the hell do you want, Maguire?"

"Whoa, girl!", his exasperation now quite obvious. "What the hell do you mean, fucking Cynthia? The only time I've ever been with her, you were right there. Hell, I thought it was your idea! Why else would I have sex with her?"

Keira's features softened a bit, but she still kept her guard up.

"So if you weren't fucking her, what were you two doing then? Playing tiddly winks?"

The anger in her voice was just as strong as it had been the day before. It was almost as if she wanted to pound Pete into the ground, then pick up the pieces and put him back together again for another round. Even the veins on her neck became visible enough that we could see her heart rate.

"Talking, mostly," Pete gave as an explanation. "This thing with her and her parents is getting to her. She's feeling guilty as hell about it. The girl's about two notches away from doing something rash, Keira. She needed an ear to bend, and I guess I was elected. I thought she'd told you that. She said she had."

"Never said fuck-all to me!" Keira spat out. "Shit, I haven't seen or talked to her since last Friday when Manny went berserk. And how the hell do I know if you two have been fucking or not? Hmm? All I have is your word, and right now, that isn't worth a pinch of sauteed slug shit!"

"Want to go over there and ask her yourself? Ask if we've been fucking, as you put it?"

"Fat lot of good that'll do. She lied to you, according to your lame story, so why wouldn't she lie to me too? Hmm? She'll do whatever she has to in order to keep her supply of tail intact, and we both know it. Tell you what, Pete. I'm going to go have breakfast with my friends here. Maybe after we've eaten I'll have the stomach for your bullshit! Until then, just fuck off and leave me alone!"

With that she dismissed Pete entirely, then stormed off towards the dining hall. The rest of us were still in shock from her explosive anger, and that included Pete. Except that he was not only shocked, but now in emotional pain as well.

"Let me talk to her, Pete," Dwayne suggested once his sister was out of earshot. "She's pissed at you right now. Let her cool down a bit, then give me a chance to get her thinking again. Just make me believe that you weren't doing what she thinks you were doing."

"Buddy, I wasn't screwing anybody!" Pete was adamant.

"Good," Dwayne panned. "Now all you have to do is make me believe it."

With that, he dismissed Pete summarily, then steered my sister towards the dining hall. All I could do was shrug my shoulders as I tried to give Pete whatever support I could muster. That didn't sit too well with Tanya, but she kept her thoughts to herself, although I knew I'd hear all of them soon enough.

We ate in silence, the earlier mood of intimacy now completely shattered over Keira's anger and pain. No one was inclined to make a move to change that for fear of being on the wrong end of her anger themselves. It was Dwayne that finally took matters into his own hands.

"Keira, how long are you going to stay mad at Pete? I mean, he's been faithful to you for over a year now, and I doubt he's stupid enough to throw that all away over a sloppy piece of tail like Cynthia. Manny might be a lot of things, but when he said she was a slut, he was right, and you damn-well know it. Hell, after that guy finished with her, you could probably drive a bus into any of her holes, make a U-turn, then drive right back out! You really think your guy's going to throw it all away for something like that? Come on! Give him some credit!"

"Whose side are you on?" Keira almost shouted at her brother.

"Yours, and you damn-well know it! Look, Pete's made you happy for as long as I've known him. He cares, Sis. A lot. I'll give you odds that's still true. So how about you turn off your irrational emotions for a minute, use that gorgeous head of yours for its intended purpose and actually think this thing through?"

Keira glared at her brother, then began to push her chair back in preparation to leave us.

"You can bugger off if you want, Sis, but it isn't going to change the fact that Pete Maguire loves you as much as I do. And you can try to ignore me, but I'm going to be on your butt until this thing is settled. I can't stop you from breaking up with him, but I'll be damned if I'm going to just sit back and watch you fuck up your happiness. I love you too much to see you do that."

Dwayne went back to shovelling cereal into his mouth, letting his words sink into his sister's head. She was about halfway between sitting and standing, frozen in that position as she contemplated what she'd been told. Finally she let herself slump back into the chair, almost resigned to the realities that her brother had illustrated for her.

"You really think all they did was talk?" she enquired in a soft, reticent tone.

"Knowing Pete?" Dwayne answered pensively. "If that's what he says, then that's what happened. He's a straight shooter, Sis, and we both know it."

I spotted Pete hanging around just inside the dining hall door, almost like he was waiting from some sign from Dwayne that the coast was clear. But it was Keira that followed my line of sight and saw him. She seemed to waffle between leaving him alone and seeking the truth. The latter finally won out as she slowly got up and made her way to where he stood. They talked quietly for several minutes before parting company, with Pete heading back outside and Keira returning to the table.

"Going to keep us in suspense, Sis?" Dwayne asked, his vision focused on the last of his breakfast and not his sister.

"Gawd, I feel like such an ass. Pete wants to talk to all of us, but not in here. Too many ears around that could do more damage than poor Cynthia needs. He says she's hurting bad, guys, so maybe we should cut her some slack?" Keira pleaded with all of us.

As soon as Dwayne had finished his second heaping helping of cereal, we cleaned up our mess, then headed for the lake. It was easy to find Pete. He was the guy sitting all by himself in the middle of the old playground site looking like he'd lost his last friend. But as soon as he spotted us heading his way, that blue mood changed dramatically in a single second. We gathered around him, with Keira almost sitting on his lap.

"How's the butt?" Dwayne asked as a way of breaking the ice.

"Still a bit sore, but at least I can sit on it again. Anyway, thanks for coming down, guys. And I owe you a big one, Buddy," he addressed Dwayne specifically, "for stepping in like that. I've told Keira about Cynthia, and I'd appreciate it if the rest of you would try to understand what she's been going through. This thing with Manny hasn't helped any, and she's scared enough that she's afraid to show her face right now."

Pete went on to tell us that Cynthia was no longer interested in being her parents' lover, but couldn't bring herself to break away from them. Manny had been her escape from their oppressive treatment, although his domineering manner was almost as bad as theirs. After the fight she'd had the previous week, Cynthia felt like everyone in camp was judging her. It was more than she could take.

"She's not going to do something stupid, is she?" my sister voiced that question running through all our minds.

"That's what I asked when I went over yesterday morning," Pete expressed his worries, "and she said she wasn't, but I don't know if I believe her. She kept eyeing the bathroom door as if she wanted to be in there by herself. I found a couple bottles of heavy duty sleeping pills in their medicine cabinet with no one's name on the label. I moved them to somewhere a little less conspicuous, just in case."

"Babe, I owe you an apology," Keira broke down, with tears threatening to spill out.

"What you owe me is the biggest and best kiss you've ever given anyone," Pete counter offered. It was a deal neither one of them could pass up. It also inspired the rest of us to follow suit. I love making-up kisses, especially when there's no fight beforehand.

"Umm, if my Mom and Dad are over at Tanya's place tonight, that means ours is going to be empty," Keira advanced when they finally broke their lip-lock.

"Mmm, I like the sound of that," Pete's suggestive tone chased her question. "Any idea when they'll be home?"

"Unfortunately, no. It could be midnight or as late as sunrise."

"Talk to Dad, Sis," Dwayne piped up. "Hellmans are staying until after breakfast, or so we've been told. Maybe you can get Mom and Dad to stay that long, too."

"So?" he was asked by his sister's boyfriend. "What's that got to do with you?"

"Maybe because the rest of us are staying at Steve and Karen's?"

"All four of you? Unsupervised? How the hell did you manage to make that kind of arrangement?"

"Karen's Mom and Dad. In fact, it was Mr. Hellman that suggested we all stay over there. Even offered Karen and me their big bed. They already know about us, and they're cool with it."

"Jeezuz, you have got to have a horseshoe where the sun don't shine! Son of a bitch anyway!" Pete expressed his envy.

"Don't sound so surprised, Babe," Keira attempted to calm his jealousy. "I'm pretty sure our parents know about you and me. I've just never brought the subject up. Never needed to before now."

Pete turned his gaze to Tanya and me, silently trying to find some kind of confirmation of our parents' acceptance of their children's liaisons. I smiled slyly and kept my big mouth shut. Even my sister was smart enough to keep things to herself. That left poor Pete with a look of envy that I soaked up like a sponge.

Most of that day was spent like the ones before it. We lounged on the beach, swam, played both volleyball and Water War, tossed the frisbee, and generally made as much noise as adolescent vocal chords can generate. Even Christina and TeeJay showed up in the afternoon. But each of us seemed to keep an eye peeled for Cynthia to arrive. She never did.

Making our way up to the dining hall for supper, Pete wanted to detour to Haywood's cabin to check on his friend, unceremoniously dragging his girlfriend along. Whether it was for moral support or self-defence I had no idea, but the fact that he hadn't asked any of the rest of us did make me wonder why not.

As we entered the dining hall, Dwayne spotted his Dad and went over to have a quick chat, then came back to join us without mentioning anything about whatever they'd discussed.

We'd just sat down to eat when Keira showed up — alone. That look on her face wasn't one of an amused or happy female. I waited until she joined us, then quietly asked her what had brought on such a sour look.

"Pete's still over at Cynthia's. She seems to have some weird idea that we were both going to join her and her parents tonight. I'm sorry, but that's not my thing. I have a feeling that it might be Pete's, though. He seemed quite comfortable with her invitation for tonight. Gawd, I'll never understand men!"

Supper was another one of those sombre occasions where everyone ate in silence. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was going through Pete's mind if he was spending the evening at Haywoods and leaving Keira on her own. But then, I was just a dumb teenager that knew nothing of the real world, or for that matter, of the goings on of Kanata Camp.

After supper and clean-up, the five of us headed for the lake. As much as we'd looked forward to being alone in our cabin for the night, the mood from the dining hall seemed to follow us wherever we went. Tanya and I tried our best to get out of that funk from Keira's dilemma, but with little success. Karen and Dwayne, usually the most boisterous of all of us, didn't have any more success than we did, and Keira herself was about as much fun as a dentist's appointment. The net result was that we all just sat and moped.

As much as we usually enjoyed the brilliant colours of a mountain sunset, that night it was a complete waste of effort on Mother Nature's part. But the coming darkness induced a trip back to the cabin anyway. In the fading light, I almost missed the sight of someone sitting on the top stair of our porch. Only when we got a lot closer could I make out a figure waiting for someone, with no idea of who it might be. There was no greeting as we approached, further hindering any kind of identification.

I expected the lone figure to be Pete Maguire, but once we reached the cabin, it turned out to be Cynthia Haywood. Of all the people in Kanata Camp, she was the last person I expected to see, let alone at our cabin.

"Cynthia?" Keira's broken voice invaded the eerie silence of the night. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm, looking for you and Pete?" Her tone was more a question than an answer. "Your Dad thought you might be up here. Where's Pete?"

"I thought he was with you."

"He was for a while, just after you left. He said he wanted to find you, and I haven't seen him since. Didn't he catch up to you?"

"Haven't seen him since I left your place. I thought he was going to spend the night with you and your parents."

"He can't handle them any better than I can. I ... I hoped maybe he and I could talk some more. Gawd, Keira, I'm at my wit's end! You two seem to be the only two people that will listen to me! If I don't do something soon, I'm going to go crazy!"

"Cynthia, we both know that what you want is a good fuck!" Keira spat out. "Isn't that why you're looking for him? So you can get him between your legs again?!"

"No! Is that what you think? That I'm so fucking hard up that I have to steal someone's boyfriend?! Christ Almighty! You're just as bad as everyone else around this goddamned place!"

With those angry words, Cynthia stood up and jumped off the step as she started to run off into the dark. Dwayne had been standing with his arm around Karen's waist, but he moved quickly to stop her escape.

"Whoa, girl," he issued in as soothing a tone as is possible while almost tackling someone. "I don't know where you think you're off to, but running away isn't going to solve a damned thing. If you need an ear to bend, I've got two, and I'll bet you can find another half dozen more if you look around."

"Fuck off!" she cursed her captor. "What the hell do you know about it? Sweet fuck-all! So get your fucking hands off me!"

"Not until you calm down," Dwayne let her know in no uncertain terms, but still in a soft and gentle tone. "Pete's not the only one you can talk to. There's me and my sister, and these other three will listen too. Won't you, guys?"

That last question to the rest of us was more a command than anything else, but we all knew he was right. I agreed with him instantly, with as much sincerity in my voice as I could muster, and the girls concurred less than a second later. We must have pulled it off, because Cynthia calmed down and stopped struggling in Dwayne's arms.

"Is that true?" the confused teen queried. "You guys would listen to a crazy broad babbling her troubles?"

"I've no idea," Dwayne tried to soothe her a little more. "I've never met a crazy broad before. Still haven't, if you want to know."

Cynthia looked at him like a scared rabbit while the point of his remark began to sink in. Then she slowly let herself understand that we would listen and try to help if we could. With a little luck we'd get to know who Cynthia Haywood really was instead of who the rumours implied she might be.

"You want to come inside, or would you be more comfortable out here?" I finally found my voice.

"Out here, if that's okay with you," she gave her decision. "I've been stuck inside that cabin for the last week almost. It's like a fucking jail cell in there."

We all found seats on the steps with Cynthia, Dwayne, and Karen on the edge of the porch while Tanya sat in my lap on one side of the first step down and Keira on the other end of that same step. None of us knew where to start or how to open this conversation until Keira took the bull by the horns with a question that burned inside her.

"Pete said that all you two did was talk. I asked him if you and he were fucking, and he said no. Is that the truth, Cynthia? Were you two just talking?"

"I have no idea where you got the idea that we were having sex, because we weren't!" Cynthia snapped out in her anger and frustration. "Jeezuz, you're lucky enough to have a guy that would cut his balls off for you, and you accuse him of that? I'm surprised he didn't tell you to fuck off and walk out on you!"

"Hey!" Dwayne snapped right back. "Don't talk to my sister like that! She's hurting too. Maybe not as bad as you think you are, but we're not here to listen to a cat fight. It was a legitimate question, and you gave what I have to assume is an honest answer. So let's pull in the claws. Both of you."

Cynthia started to stand up, but Dwayne grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, hard.

"I don't need this shit!" the girl proclaimed.

"It's either this shit or the crap you've been going through," Dwayne told her forcefully. "Your choice. My sister thinks she's losing the boy she loves, and she's pissed. Me? Pete says that all you two have done is talk, and I tend to believe him. So if you want to talk, then sit and talk. But you walk out of here now, that offer to listen is done, finished, gone."

"He's right, Cynthia," Keira apologized, "I shouldn't have said that. But when your boyfriend starts spending all his time with another girl, you tend to make assumptions that he's cheating. However, he says he isn't, and you're saying the same thing. So for now, I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt."

"For your information, Miss Preston, Pete Maguire thinks the sun rises and sets over you! He wouldn't fuck me if I was the last woman alive!"

"He did, once," Keira countered.

"He thought that's what you wanted. We both did. I don't know if Manny went crazy, got jealous, or what that night. But I sure as hell wasn't trying to steal your boyfriend! Not then, and not now!"

"So what's going on then, Cynthia?" I attempted to redirect the conversation. "I mean, we all have an idea of what's happened with you and your parents. I have no idea if what I've heard is true or how long it's been going on, but what we're hearing now is that you want out. Is that true?"

Cynthia wanted to know what we'd heard, and from whom. I told her what Pete had relayed to us.

"Yeah, that's about right," she confirmed. "It started when I was almost fifteen. I was young and horny, and I loved the sex. But it doesn't work when your parents become your sex partners. There's too much confusion about whether they're parents or lovers, and they can't be both. I tried to get away from them by going out with Manny, but he was about as abusive as they are. Out of the pan and into the fire, I guess. In a way, when Madisons left, it was like I had a chance to be free again ... except that my parents were all over me. It felt like I was being raped! Every time I turned around, either my mother or my father wanted sex. Didn't matter what I wanted. I'm their goddamned sex slave, not their daughter any more.! I can't take much more of this, either. If I don't find a way out of this fucking mess, I'll..."

"You'll what? Commit suicide?" Dwayne put her implications into words. "That might be a solution, but I doubt it's the best one. You're all of what? Sixteen? And you're going to call it quits now? Before you've had a chance to find out what life's all about? Kind of chicken-shit, isn't it?"

"What the fuck would you know about it?" she almost yelled at him. "How'd you like to wake up every fucking day and wish you hadn't? Everyone telling you that you're a worthless slut, or worse? Using you for their own pleasure, and to hell with what you want, or what you need? You've got a girl that loves you dearly. I've seen you two together, and I really wish I had someone that cared even half as much about me. And you've got friends. What's that like? I've never had that, Buddy. Anyone that I've ever let close to me eventually wants my body, and as soon as they get it, I'm fucking history! They're gone, and I'm just as alone as I was before, if not more so! So yeah, maybe killing myself is the best answer, because living like this just isn't fucking worth it!"

"Maybe if you let people find out who you really are, they might get to like you for that?" Tanya put forth what was in all of our minds.

"Yeah, right!" Cynthia growled angrily. "I've heard that bullshit before, and what did it get me? Some horny lezzy that needed a pussy to suck on. The first time I wouldn't put out for her, she was gone! Told everyone that it was me that was a lesbian, and that I'd seduced her! You want to know how many people are willing to be your friend when they hear that shit? None. Zip. Zilch. Nada."

"We're all sitting here listening to you," Karen used a soft and calming voice, "and although I can't speak for the guys, we girls aren't after your body. And knowing my brother like I do, if he took you, he'd give you his heart in exchange. Dwayne's pretty much the same way. And what about Pete? Did he spend all that time talking with you because he wanted sex? Ever consider that there are people out there that do give a damn? Might want to give it a shot, because I've just showed you six. If you think about it, there's probably others that you know too."

"I haven't seen you making much of an effort," Cynthia almost yelled. "You've got your guy here, treating you like a little princess, and you've got the nerve to fucking preach to me? Get real!"

"I haven't seen you making an effort to do a hell of a lot to be friends either," my sister came right back. "Every time we saw you, you were crawling all over your own boyfriend. How the hell were we supposed to know you were hurting that bad? Hmm? Did you talk to us? Or try to tell us what's really going on in your life? I doubt there's been more than a dozen words between you and me in the three weeks we've been here. So if you want to feel sorry for yourself, don't let us stop you. And if you're looking for sympathy, it's in the dictionary under 'S', between shit and syphilis!"

I thought Karen might get up and leave, she was so pissed. But instead, she took a deep breath to calm down, and continued before Cynthia could start another thread in this nowhere conversation.

'Look," she went on, "if we can help in any way, we're all quite willing to do what we can, no strings attached. You want friends? We're right here. You want an ear to bend? Yak your brains out and we'll listen. You want advice? We've got lots to choose from. Take what you need and leave the rest for some other day. I hear what you're saying about your parents, and while I can't really relate, I can understand what it might be like. In my case... our case, including my brother ... we're lucky to have two of the most understanding people in the world for parents. I've got a guy that loves me almost more than life itself, and my brother has a girlfriend that has more understanding in her little finger than most people have in their whole body. We've got friends that would do almost anything for us. And guess what? It's a two-way street. So if you want to be part of that group, get the shit out of your head and off your chest, and get on with making your life what you want it to be. Right now would be a good time to start."

There was an uncomfortable silence after Karen's little lecture, broken only by the sound of a twig breaking as someone approached the cabin. We all turned towards where that crackle had come from, searching the darkness for whatever had made it. Our gazes were finally met with the sight of Pete Maguire, and he looked just as worried now as he had earlier that morning.

"I'm going to glue homing devices to your asses!" he snarled his greeting. "I've been all over this camp looking for you guys."

It was then that he recognized Cynthia at the centre of the gathering.

"You okay, Cynthia? I didn't know where you'd be. After your mother came on to me, I got the hell out of there. I sure as shit hoped you didn't go back with them."

"Yeah, I'm fine ... I think. I just got lectured by a young punk that's got more brains in her asshole than my fucking parents have between the two of them. Oh, and I set your girlfriend straight too, I think. She thought you and I were fucking. Jeezuz, I wish! But I told her you weren't stupid enough to want a slut like me..."

"Cynthia!" Pete snapped firmly as he interrupted her. "You may be a very scared and lonely girl who's got herself in a rotten spot, but you're not a slut. I told you before, you've got to stop thinking like that. You're not doing yourself any favours by putting yourself down all the time."

"He's right, Cynthia," Keira added softly, "so listen to him. I can see how you might think that about yourself, but it's not true. You know it, I know it, and the rest of these guys know it. So how about you lose the 'poor me' attitude, then let us try to be your friends?"

"Sure. Why not? And tomorrow morning when I go home, I'll have a mother and father, instead of a couple of perverts that only want my body to play with!"

"You know," Dwayne sighed, "I could be inside making love to the most wonderful girl in the world, and instead I'm sitting here listening to you boo and hoo. I'm going to say this once, and only once, Cynthia. If you want friends, we're here. But like Karen says, if you just want sympathy..."

He slipped an arm over her shoulder to emphasize the rest of what he was about to say.

"This thing won't fix itself, and it'll take time. But either you want it fixed and are willing to do whatever you have to do, or you don't. I think I can speak for everyone else here on this. I'll give you sixty seconds to make up your mind. And if you decide to fix it, you have to promise us that you'll stick to that decision."

We all sat while Cynthia gave herself some time to think, and each one of those sixty seconds felt like a week. Finally she looked up with a glimmer of hope desperately trying to burn in her eyes.

"Look, all I know is that I can't go on living like I am now. And I have no idea how to fix things. So, what do I do first?" she pleaded in the first soft voice I'd heard from her all evening.

"Could start by letting six people that care about you into your heart," Keira suggested. "Any chance you and I could share a hug? I promise I won't try to feel you up."

Cynthia seemed reluctant at first, but forced herself to open up to Keira with the first little step she needed to make towards recovery from sexual abuse. The two girls tentatively embraced, but as they continued to hold each other, I got the impression that Cynthia was in no hurry to let go. When she did, the moonlight sparkled in the tracks of her tears.

Tanya was the next to offer her arms to this lost girl that had cried for help, with my sister taking over as soon as my girlfriend released Cynthia. Pete, Dwayne, and I took our turns too, and I couldn't help but add a chaste kiss on her forehead as I offered her the safety of my own friendship.

"Listen, these guys have plans of their own that don't include Pete or me," Keira advised. "Maybe the three of us can crash at our place until my parents come home ... whenever that is. I sure don't think you want to go back to your place, do you, Cynthia?"

"Umm, Sis, I talked to Dad at supper time." Dwayne interrupted. "He and Mom are going to stay out until after breakfast. He wanted to know why I'd asked, and I told him that you and Pete might want the place to yourselves. He never said anything, but he did smile when I mentioned it. I think they not only know about you two, but are cool with it too. They know about Karen and me. Dad says that as long as we're not screwing when they're around, we can be in the cabin whenever we feel like it. I think the same applies to you and Pete."

"My brother the negotiator," Keira beamed just before she kissed his lips warmly. "Thanks, Munchkin. You really are one in a million, you know that?"

"Must have something to do with what my sister taught me," he deflected her compliment. "I love you, Keira," as he returned her kiss with one of his own.

"Don't wear him out on me," Karen softly giggled.

"You take care of my little brother," Keira advised my sister.

"I will, trust me. Now get the hell out of here so that I can."

The two girls gave each other a warm embrace before Keira sought her boyfriend's arms, then she offered a hand to Cynthia as they made their way off into the darkness.

We all sat where we were, watching in the darkness as the trio quickly faded from view, and continued to stare into the darkness for a few more minutes as the impact of what we'd just gone through made itself aware to us. It was Karen that broke the mental stalemates we'd adopted.

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Kanata SummerChapter 8

I'm not sure what woke me the next morning. At first I was ready to blame it on Dwayne's snoring ... except that it was Karen that was making those noises, and they weren't loud enough to really be called snoring. But there was an unsettling creaking sound coming from somewhere inside the cabin. Still, I hadn't really heard it until I'd started to wake up. Thump ... thump ... thump ... thump. I'd heard that noise before, but it took my foggy brain a while to identify it. I lifted my...

2 years ago
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The Doctor Owns Me Chapter 1

The Doctor Owns Me - Chapter 1Our story opens with Mike sitting in one of the Doctor’s Office exam rooms. Mike is very happy, at last he has found a doctor willing to perform his bilateral orchiectomy. The doctor was so helpful, even offering to supply the written justification, although false, so Mike’s insurance would cover the cost of surgery. Mike was really impressed by how the Doc. took the time to explain the operation, schedule the procedure in his office on a Saturday to guard Mike’s...

3 years ago
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Motorway meet story

We were meeting again and the anticipation while driving to the hotel was painful my cock was so stiff, concentrating was a problem!I arrived at the services and it was early, still half an hour until we could check in, as I circled the car park looking where to park, there was her car at the far end parked facing away from the hotel and services, cunning I thought. I pulled up alongside and there she was, grinning like a Cheshire cat who was definitely going to get the cream. She jumped out...

1 year ago
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Very Sweet

I love women. I love how they look, how they sound, how they smell, and how they feel. When properly done up their hair is a cloud of glory around the face of an angel. Their skins so smooth, their bodies so round. The sight of a naked woman sitting with her back to me, her hips flaring out from her waist, and perhaps the sight of her breasts swelling on either side makes me weak, and men must be strong.  When she turns and looks at me, maybe she will smile. Maybe her eyes will sparkle, and...

2 years ago
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Summer Blackmail

My stepdaughter, "Jay" is in her bikini… Titties Poppin, tight phat ass…Bam! My dick… Hard! I can't keep my eyes off her as she plays in the pool, her tits bouncing as she plays volleyball, god damn her body is so intoxicating and the thought of me putting my 45yo cock inside her tender pussy is unbearable. I notice her running inside, so I discretely slide inside after her. Everyone is outside and occupied. I see she went down to her room. As I head down the stairs, she starts heading...

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Santas helper

My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families...

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Asian Massage Fun

I'd been married for about 15 years when I got a job transfer and my wife and I moved to Hawaii. We moved to the outskirts of Honolulu and enjoyed living in paradise. However our life at home had become a little stale, especially in the bedroom. She had always wanted to move to HI and now that she was here, the heat in the bed seemed to get turned down to a simmer. Sex was once a week if I was luckky and it was straight missionary. Basically she would lay back, spread her legs, and wait for me...

2 years ago
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Personal Massage Happened In Dubai

Hi everybody my name is karthik, I’m single. I work for a hotel in Dubai named Atlantis as a masseur. I did my degree in massage therapy from Switzerland. So apart from hotel job I had a passion of doing massage. Telling about me I’m 6 feet tall 87 kg of weight and average body structure and more than average dick . Sorry I forgot to say I’m basically from Bangalore India. I’m in Dubai for last 1 year. I am going to tell you a story happened 3 months back. I was totally bored on my off days. I...

1 year ago
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XNXX Black

There are all types of women in this world, and they each have traits that make them alluring. The most important thing is that every country is loaded with sluts, whores, and philanderers. I’m talking about the kind of slut, whore, and philanderer that likes to keep evidence of her promiscuity on the internet for posterity. Ebony bitches are among the most popular bitches out there. And speaking of posterity, ebony bitches are so popular in part due to their posteriors.The smooth brown skin...

Black Porn Sites
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 2

I was jolted out of my slumber by a telephone call. I got up and saw a number that I dialed before on my caller ID. I had a headache, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from answering THIS call. It was from the head of the Republican Front’s South Charleston branch. “Hello?” I spoke nervously. “Hello, Mr. Walker. This is Dr. Marcellus Simms, head of the South Charleston branch of the Republican Front. I have heard that you are interested in joining the Front. We are always pleased to...

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Eleanors DescentChapter 4

Next morning the flat was a hive of activity, as the three girls rushed around getting ready for work. Every time one of them came close to me, she would blush slightly and mumble a quick thank you. George mean while had grabbed his proper clothes and left hastily. I walked into Eleanor's room just as she was putting on her bra, walked up to her and said "I must be going now babes, are you ok to get to work, or do you need a lift?" "It's ok, Emma goes right by the shop and she will...

1 year ago
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Seven Years and Two Days

Sam lost his wife to a long-time friend and his friend’s buddy on their anniversary, which was the previous night. He was enticed into a bet by Kyle when they played cards, and Sam lost. Sam had known Kyle had a thing for Melissa, his wife but he believed the marriage was rock solid. The stakes were that Sam would stand back and let Kyle attempt to seduce Melissa. Sam had hoped for her to confirm her faithfulness and love. Melissa didn’t live up to his expectations and ended up fucking Kyle and...

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My Life Requested Update

As a relatively non-erotic entry, I figured I would give a bit of an update. Now, a bit of a backstory about me for those who haven't been following along as I have shared my adventures. To the outside viewer, I live a relatively 'normal' life, in a very nice upscale village north of San Diego. I guess if you dug very deep you would realize that it is actually quite unconventional. After suffering through the unexpected loss of my first wife, I had been urged by my daughter to start...

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A Day at the Beach Ch 01

A cool ocean breeze caresses our skin as we walk along the beach, hand in hand. The clear blue water rolls in around our ankles, swirling into little pools where we’ve tread in the peach colored sand. Perhaps we’re looking for shark’s teeth or messages in bottles or sand dollars. The sky is clear with a few puffy clouds that float on the lazy breeze, we can see the world’s end if we look hard enough. I stop and pretend to look at something in the sand so you’ll get ahead of me, I savor the sway...

3 years ago
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MILF vs Nerd Squad

I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...

1 year ago
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Green Goblin Strikes Back

The Green Goblin Strikes Back by Steve Zink In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is one of the all-time favorites. One of his constant foes almost from the beginning has been the Green Goblin. This villain was originally the chemical industry mogul Norman Osborn, who gained his alter ego after being bathed in chemicals at his plant. In the comics, Norman eventually died, while his son Harry, a good friend of Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, married his high school sweetheart,...

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What Happens Happens

Having driven for a few hours, he felt the need to stop and stretch his legs. As he thought about this, a sign noting a rest stop came into view. Two miles later, her turned into the rest stop and parked his car. He walked up to the small building housing the toilets and vending machines. After taking care of his needs, he stepped into the sunshine outside the small building and stretched his arms wide, bending his back at the same time. That was when he noticed the redhead almost touching his...

2 years ago
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A Family introduction

Well I’m just home from work, it’s been a hellish day, I’m hot sweaty and desperately need a shower, I undress in my bedroom and walk naked to my bathroom, (I spend most of my time naked when I am at home) I enter my shower cubicle turn on the jets and stand under the warm water that is cascading down over my head and face then down the rest of my aching body.   I reached for the shower gel and begin to work it into my skin building up a generous lather; I...

4 years ago
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Halloween Murders

Dexter was dressed up as a cowboy. "Why are you carrying a sports bag," his wife asked. "I'm Doc Holiday from 'Gunsmoke', and this is my medical bag." Marsha was dressed in a bridal gown, with a veil and tiara. Dexter knew it meant more than just wearing a costume. It was for the benefit of Art Russell. He heard Art was going to be wearing a tuxedo at the company Halloween party they were on their way to. Once there, Marsha spent more time with Art than she did with Dexter. When she...

2 years ago
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Her Baggage Delivered

Troy was distraught when Lisa ditched him; he’’d not known her that long, but had visions of grandeur over their budding relationship, and had masturbated daily over the thought of her allowing him to bed her. Now, here at the mall, and in front of several of her smiling female friends, she had taken a curt pleasure in dismissing him. “You’re just not up to my standards ... your car’s O.K. but you’re cramping my style ... it’s over.” She left him crestfallen, and strutted confidently away on...

1 year ago
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A Cuckold Story Part 1 The Hypnotism Show

I have been told that under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. You can only do what you yourself consent to do. And that was what I've believed all along too. Then what the hell was happening?I was going out for a fun night with my wife of 3 years, Marisa, a brunette beauty, 5 foot 5 inches tall with nicely shaped C cup breasts and a gorgeous body to die for. She was wearing a sexy red dress while I was in my typical jeans and T-shirt.It was a Tuesday night, but...

3 years ago
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A New Style of Education part 13

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 13 The last week before the field trip to France, all lessons apart from Music and French were cancelled. The school became a hive of activity as the last minute polishing took place. Our French wasn't perfect but it was certainly good enough to understand what was happening, what other people were saying and in most circumstances what was written. "Tonight," said Mr Hobson during breakfast, "we will be giving a concert in the...

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One Hot Night

I was hot….and he knew it from the moment he walked in the door from work. Actually, he should have known well before that because at lunch time, I decided to use my vibrator to get myself in the mood for a night of hot sex with my husband and I had sent him several texts letting him know what I was doing. They were something like this: Me: Want to know what I am doing? Him: Sure…tell me Me: I have the big, thick blue vibrator out from our special box and am putting it to good use. Him:...

1 year ago
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Blue Monday

The following story contains mention of drug use and is sexual in nature, featuring explicit terms that some may find objectionable. While some members of the LGBTQ+ community accept and use these descriptions, I am aware that some choose not to and may find them distasteful. No offence is intended. In my defence I prefer to treat every character in my story as different, with a unique personality, lifestyle, and language that I feel reflects all aspects of the community. I hope you will...

2 years ago
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A Weekend With Gina and Her Friend Part 3

I had one of the most enjoyable nights of my life with my 52 year-old lover, Gina, and her younger friend, Becky. It was a night that all nights in which my sexual adventures will be compared to but the next day led to more sexual adventures… I woke around 8:00 and both women were gone. I slowly replayed last night in my mind and I soon had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Not wanting to make myself cum I got up and went to the master bathroom for shower. I see towels on...

Group Sex
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Beauty and the Vampire part 2

The whole of that next day, everyone was talking about Gabriella Sorensen and how she had captured the heart of Lord Alexander Dimitrious. Her mother, Selena had tried to gain access into the Estate and she was barred. They said that a message would be passed along and that she would call sometime later this evening. She was in with her new husband enjoying what he wanted to share with her. Her mother was a little worried about that. That was then that word and rumor had spread- about her...

3 years ago
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Kamwasna Bhari Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Kaise ho mere pyari kamsin chutwaliyo, mai yogu aapke liye hazir hu ek mast nayi story lekar. Aaj ki story meri aur mere padosan bhabhi ki hai dosto mai hamare nana nani ke gaon mai chuttiya bitanee jata tha aaisehi mai iss saal unke gaon gaya tha. Mere nana gaon ke rais amir khandani rayis hai kheti badi bahut hai aur hamara ek bada khandani purko ka rajwada ki tarha chota mahal hai. Mai garmiyo ki chutti mai ghar ke tarase pe sone jata tha, aur hamare nana ne hamare ek samne wale padosi ko...

1 year ago
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Family Dinner

Kelsey Andrews pulled up hard, and squeezed herself into her skin-tight cutoff jeans. After two minutes of struggling, she was finally able to button her shorts snuggly around her slim, fifteen-year-old waist. She turned around to check out her butt in the mirror. As critical of her own body as she was, she thought she looked fantastic. She donned a halter-top and a pair of sandals when her cell phone began to ring. She checked the caller ID, and saw it was her older sister, Allison. "Hey...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LanaChapter 7

Jonathan stared into Lana's eyes then did a double take, what the hell was he seeing deep in her eyes? Grabbing him tighter she held him as if her life depended on it, to her it almost did. She'd been ready to end it all unable to take anything without Jonathan ever again, Jonathan was the smartest male she knew but apparently he too was lost when it came to love at least seeing it in a woman's eyes. "Damn it Jonathan! Don't ever do that again! Do you realize how upset your sister was?...

1 year ago
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AnalOverdose Tori Avano Hardcore Anal Slut

Inked brunette Tori Avano is back in PervCity. It seems she’s obsessed with Mike Adriano’s big dick and wastes no time jiggling her big ass to make him hard. She strips from her lime fishnets and falls in front of his prick, sucking him in like a blowjob slut. After giving him a rimjob and slobbery POV deepthroat, the tattooed tart spreads her booty and invites him up her asshole. Mike lubes his prick and then slides into her anus. She moans. Tori has waited too long for anal sex with her...

4 years ago
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Being Naughty At Nude Resort 8211 Part 4

All of a sudden Anders fainted, Alex and Jacob hurried to pick him up. After sprinkling some water on his face he gained consciousness. Me: Thank god, are you feeling ok, now? Anders: Yes I guess. Alex: I guess you didn’t eat much today other than alcohol right? Anders: Ya I wasn’t in a mood to eat all day long. Me:  I will take care of him Why don’t you guys go out and get something to eat for us? Alex: Sure, I’m starving too. Jacob and Alex went out to grab a bite, I started massaging...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 22 Scott Starts the Day

The next morning, Scott was packing a suitcase for the first of what promised to be several trips as part of the new project he was on. At one point, he stopped what he was doing and watched Nina as she moved back and forth, choosing her outfit for the day. When she was finally satisfied with the combination of clothes she wanted, he watched as she rolled stockings up her legs, then donned a blouse and skirt. As if a light had gone on, the thought struck him that his wife had been dressing...

4 years ago
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Awakening II

CHAPTER IIA Religious Experience I walked home from the Fellowship meeting that night because my old bomb of a car was in for repair. When I finally arrived I had no recollection of the walk at all. My mind was elsewhere. I wondered what Emma was thinking too, how did she feel about what had happened? There was no denying my new feelings for Emma. Something had changed… I’d never felt like this about anyone before. In such a short space of time my feelings for Emma had transformed into deep...

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Travel Surprises

Travel Surprises - By Stats "Bob, will you quit arguing. We have agreed for some months now that we would shop for clothes in Portland. It is just a simple matter of taking a morning plane from Tacoma to Portland. Renting a car in Portland. Go to a couple of shopping malls to buy a complete Christmas wardrobe for you. Spend the night on the town. And we return on Sunday afternoon. Now don't distract me, I see the Airport exit is the next right and I don't want to miss...

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Sweet18 Apolonia Alexa Blun Family Punishment

The black sheep of her family, the wayward daughter, a young girl who’s been doing whatever she pleases the whole year. Skipping class and fucking everyone around her. She loves sucking cock and she shows it defying her step-mother by playing playing with a lollipop with her tongue in front of her while she reprimands her for her low grades. She will end up getting a fair punishment she was actually looking for. But said punishment is gonna be a lot strict and family-related than she...

1 year ago
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Gary Finally Marries Cindy

So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....

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Mistis Adventures Part 65

Billy and Cathy rode around for a few hours, stopping at a department store to browse and pick up a few things they saw or might need. From there they stopped at a Drive-In to get something to eat and drink. Both had been too busy to eat at the reception, and hadn't had anything since early this morning, and both had had little appetite from a case of nervousness from thinking of the wedding. They also knew, with some certainty, that there would be little chance to eat upon their return to the...

2 years ago
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Its Her Marriage

Well to say, this would be totally untrue for most of you because this isn’t a story, it’s my life. But at best I wanted this to be my dream which I totally wanted to remember. Everyone has his own desire, some of them is so wonderful, that they realizes the true purpose of life. The Word “Sex” isn’t just a word, its life. “Love of Life” which makes one’s life complete. Many in this world just mistook it to be some kind of pleasure or stress buster, but truly speaking; it is an art of making...

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The EquationsChapter 4

Gloria Carter, in a gray uniform jumpsuit, stuck her head into her manager's office. "Do you have a minute, Boss?" "What's up?" "I have a mission proposal that you'll probably want to turn down." "Come in and tell me what you want to do." Gloria restacked the contents of the least-burdened chair and sat down. "You remember the mission with the equations, the ones that got them off the planet and all the other good stuff?" "The one where you killed that creep with the knife?...

3 years ago
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Finding Happily Ever After

This story is a sequel to Trapped in a Faerie Tale. I had the idea for this story some time ago and have been working on it off an on for the last year. I would classify it as an adventure story that has a TG theme, similar to the first story. If you haven't read the first story, I would like it if you did. It is not necessary that you do so before reading this tale, however. FINDING HAPPILY EVER AFTER (TRAPPED IN FAERIE TALE BOOK...

2 years ago
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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 2 The Receptionist

Katrina was musing over this train of thought when she was approached by a very young and, of course, nude receptionist. The girl introduced herself as Carol Williams and told Katrina that unfortunately Ms. Grimes had been delayed by a good half hour at another meeting on the other side of the campus. Carol gave Katrina the option of waiting or rescheduling. Katrina opted to wait. She didn’t have any classes until later in the afternoon so a half hour wait would not interfere with...

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33 Tears of Fun Part 13

It was already Thursday evening as Sarah and I drank with new male friends Will and Chip from Surrey as the holiday camp babysitting service looked after our two youngsters Rick and Christina in our chalet. We sang some karaoke though neither of our new friends sang all that good. We were well boozed up for sexy fun when we accompanied the younger males to their chalet and my wife showed no heisitation to remove her skimpy sun dress she,d worn with only knickers and her half bra underneath. As...

3 years ago
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Ranma 12 Divided We Stand Chapter 2 The Man With The Umbrella

Okay, we all know the standard disclaimer by now, I'm sure, and some people feel that it's not necessary... But better safe than sorry, right? So here goes: Ranma 1/2 and all its colorful cast are the legal property of the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi (may she live forever), Shogakukan, Viz Video, and Shonen Sunday Comics. This story is purely for entertainment, and is in no way intended for profit. If it ever earns me a penny, may I be thwacked with a thousand mallets of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lana Smalls Nasty Fucking Submission

Sweet, submissive brunette Lana Smalls flips her silky hair and struts, flaunting long, sculpted legs. Dirty director and authoritative fucker Bryan Gozzling peels her tight pink top from her perky, natural tits and squeezes her nipples. Bryan shoves his tongue inside Lana’s tight sphincter, giving her a tasty rim job. He rubs her clit. Bryan slides his boner down her throat, and she gives a spit-soaked blowjob. Lana douses her cunt in shiny oil and spreads her legs. Bryan stuffs his meat...

2 years ago
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Having Sex With Kriti 8211 Friend8217s Wife

This is Ravi and all the names are changed due to privacy. Me and my friend seenu used to be very good friends. We developed our friendship and became very close. Coming to story Let me describe about his wife and her name is kriti and mom of two kids her age is 38 but looks like she is in 20’s and her figure is 36dd – 28-32. Seenu used to run a general provisions store and I used to visit the store always to buy some provisions and one day his wife was in store and she called me in to help her...

1 year ago
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Sex To Save The Kingdom 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Sagar with another fictional fantasy story. This is the story about a kingdom in central India which tries to save their kingdom from British East India Company. 1948, M Kingdom Today, the queen’s room is gloomy. A dark cloud seems to shroud the entire kingdom. Like many other kingdoms in India, M Kingdom is also facing the crisis of declination. If there is no miracle, M Kingdom is going to be annexed by the British East India Company soon. After Lord Dalhousie enacted the...

4 years ago
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Red Noses

My teen yearsWho am I? I am scared to share my feelings. I feel less than. I am often sad.If I bring home a "B" from school, I am punished. If I falter in one of my chores, I am punished. If I express an opinion instead of silently obeying, I am punished. The worse thing I endure is the disappointment in my parent's eyes when I fall short of perfection. If I am not perfect, I am a failure. Feeling like you can't live up to something does not produce a happy person. The bright spot in my...

2 years ago
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The Goddess

He absolutely had to have her. The crowds of sweaty dancers parted for a moment, and he managed to catch another precious glimpse of her as she threw her head back and laughed. All the music and noise around him faded away as he saw her. The goddess. Jack’s head began to spin. She was mouth-wateringly delicious in a tight, lacy white dress that barely contained the soft creamy swells of her breasts. Her endless legs ended in tiny, bare feet. Her strappy white stilettos dangled from her left...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Alyce in the Wonderful Land of Lust

Alycereclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

3 years ago
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The First Moms Club SP

Based on the series of stories by patricia51 and linda_s © To Linda and Patricia: I can’t thank you enough for letting me write for your series. And I also can’t thank you enough for the encouragement you gave me. To the rest of the readers: This is my first erotic story for publication in any medium. Feedback is greatly welcomed. But I’d like to recommend that you visit my homepage and see a list of my favorite authors and stories, and visit those sites as well. I’ll update the list every...

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Married Woman8217s Gangbang By Young Boys 8211 Part 2

This continues from the previous story. I took the youngest dick in my mouth and held the other 2 dicks in hand. The 3rd brother with the biggest dick knelt and licked my neck. Slowly he removes my nightdress and makes me suck them with just a bra and panty. They start to act aggressively and undo my bra and throw it away. They slowly took turns placing their dicks in my mouth. The hardest to suck was the third brother. His dick head did not fit in my mouth, so I licked the head to balls for...

1 year ago
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BabymakerChapter 10

My parents were in the kitchen when I woke up Sunday morning. I almost didn't go in there, but I didn't really have a choice. The world seemed different now that I'd had sex with my own mother. I waited for something terrible to happen and I felt sick with fear and guilt, or maybe just fear. I might have only wanted to feel guilty, because that would be normal, right? The fact was that I was afraid of the future, of the consequences, but looking back, I kind of enjoyed remembering the...

3 years ago
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Oscar and IreneChapter 3

After two weeks of solid orgasmic ecstasy, the girls were due back. The house had to be cleaned and aired out. It smelled of sex, my pussy and their semen. Rob went back to his hotel. I think my pussy drained for days. One of them had put at least one or two loads of cum in me every day. Rob had been here eight months. The project was nearly over and he would be going back to The States. The night before he left was full of tears. We made love twice with him leaving me full of his cum. Rob...

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