Kanata SummerChapter 7 free porn video

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My sister had just informed our parents that she and I might have sex? Telling them was one thing, but I thought it might have been nice if she'd let me know first. After all, it's kind of nice to know about someone's plans that involve you before things happen, instead of after. At least that's what I'd always believed.

"Umm, Sis?" I queried in my confusion. "Could we talk before you say anything else?"

Our parents stepped back inside and closed the door to give us some privacy. In spite of that, I almost dragged Karen off the deck and several yards away from the cabin.

"Next time you make a glaring statement like that, would you please talk to me first? You've mentioned the idea casually a couple of times, but we've never discussed it actually happening. First off, what about Dwayne's feelings, not to mention Tanya's. You know how I feel about that. And speaking of feelings, don't mine count for anything? Does it even matter how I feel?!"

If I was to choose a word to describe myself at that moment, I think the word "livid" might come springing to my lips. There are probably a lot of others, but we'll stick with that one for now.

"I'm sorry, Steve," my sister apologized half heartedly, "but after what just happened, I thought you'd be okay with the possibilities. Or was that just a way to get your rocks off? I did what I did because I've wanted to do that for you almost from the time we arrived here. Are you telling me you didn't enjoy it? Or that you'd rather I never did anything like that with you again?"

My sister looked at me with an angry stare that had the hair on the back of my neck starting to stand up. Whatever she'd had on her mind, it definitely wasn't to start a fight, yet I'd stuck my foot in my mouth anyway. I needed to correct that and soon, for the sake of that closeness between us.

"Karen, let's back up a bit here," I attempted to pour oil on the waters. "What happened on the porch was fantastic, and the girl that made love to me is someone I care about a lot more than I should. I can't change that, and even if I could, I don't want to. I love you so damned much that it scares me sometimes. But you have to admit that if it was the other way around, and I told Mom and Dad what you said without talking to you first, you'd be pretty pissed, too. Right?"

"Yeah, probably," she conceded, "but you have to admit that we weren't far off going all the way tonight. All I tried to do was let Dad know that it was a possibility. I'll tell you something else though. If you had tried to make love to me, I'd have let it happen. I told you before that I want you, and I'll tell you again if you need to be reminded."

"If we make love, it will affect Dwayne and Tanya too, not to mention Mom and Dad. Something like that isn't going to happen without changing how all of us feel, or how we act. Maybe you're prepared to throw a monkey wrench into the works, but I'm not."

"Dwayne and I talked about this," she informed me. "I told him what I wanted, and he says he's okay with it. Mind you, he also told me that he'd love to make love with Keira, which caught me off-guard at first. But when I thought about it, what they have together is almost the same as what we do. If I got upset or jealous, it would be kind of two-faced and hypocritical of me. I even asked him why they hadn't."

"Did he tell you?" I asked, feeling pieces of a jigsaw puzzle beginning to fall into place.

"No. He said that it was just something that he wouldn't feel right about if it went too far. It's some kind of weird idea he's got in his head. He's fine with them masturbating each other, and eating her pussy is something he really enjoys. I get the impression that her sucking him off is contentious, though. Apparently when she does, he insists she finish him with a handjob. Yet when I do, he loves it when I swallow his cum."

"Funny, because when I talked to him about Keira, he told me that he'd love to have sex with her, and I know for a fact that she wants him, too. But when I asked him why he wouldn't, he told me to leave it alone. What that's all about?"

"Maybe I'll find out before we leave. Anyway, I've also talked to Tanya. Believe it or not, she's not only fine with you and me having sex, but she'd like to be there when it happens. I didn't know your girlfriend had a voyeuristic streak in her."

"It might be something that she's only discovered recently. Remember when you and Dwayne made love that first time up at the quarry? Tanya swam to the edge of the waterfall and watched. She even called me to see. Personally, I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever witnessed, and I think she felt the same way. But she wants to be there if you and I have sex? I wonder if she's thinking of just watching, or if she wants more than that?"

From this short conversation with Karen, I was learning things about my girlfriend that I'd never known before. Dwayne and Keira had the hots for each other, but he wouldn't go through with it? That struck me as being odd. And Tanya wanted to watch Karen and me make love? I remembered that she'd hinted at the possibility, but there seemed to be more to it than I understood. My mind was in a whirl that didn't want to settle down.

"Steve?" Karen brought me back to the here-and-now. "Would you want to? Make love to me, I mean?"

My first instinct was to keep things the way they were between us ... until I remembered what had happened that evening on our porch. Suddenly, things got complicated. Did I want my sister? Even though my brain said that it was wrong, my body defied that rejection. In truth, I did want her, and not just because she was one of the sexiest women I knew. I loved her dearly, and it dawned on me that I was almost in love with her, too. Maybe not as much as I loved Tanya, but close. I was deathly afraid of destroying what my girlfriend and I had together, but at the same time, I needed to be as close to Karen as I could. From what she'd told me, Tanya had no problem with my sister and me making love. In fact, she almost seemed to encourage it!

"Would I want to make love to one of the prettiest girls alive? To a girl that means more to me than almost anyone else? Kind of a silly question, isn't it, Sis? I love those times when we're together, and I love making you feel good, like when we're in the shower. What happened tonight felt good, and right, and natural. I'd make love with you in a heartbeat, and feel privileged to do so."

"Kind of thought that," she let me know, "which is why I told Dad what I did. The only thing holding me back is that indecision of Dwayne's. He's fine with you and me making love, but not him and Keira? My intuition tells me that there's something that I need to know about him first. Otherwise, I'd do you right here."

"Sis, what about Mom and Dad? How do you feel about what happened tonight?"

"Well..." she stalled for a bit. "It was exciting to watch, and it sure got me horny in a hurry. I appreciated what you did for me, too. But it's not something that I'd want to do very often, and I'm a little uncomfortable having sex while they're around and possibly looking on. But if we went back inside and found them having sex, I'd probably just keep on going to my bed ... and end up fingering myself until I screamed! Think maybe I've got Mom's voyeuristic tendencies?"

"Knowing you like I'm beginning to? It wouldn't surprise me one little bit," I gave her my opinion, then pulled her to me and kissed her brow.

"If you feel the bunk shaking, Sis, you'll know what's happening above you," I added. "Gawd, I wonder if I'll ever get that sight of Mom and Dad out of my head?"

Those memories had started my cock hardening again, and Karen reached over and began softly stroking it. Without a single word, I slipped my hand between her legs and found her as wet as she'd ever been. My fingers danced between Karen's clit and her entrance as I spread moisture over her love button. That kept up until she came for me and continued until she made me cum for her.

As we went back to the cabin, it felt almost surreal, what with the way our parents had greeted us, the way my sister and I had made each other feel good, this idea that Karen and I were about to become lovers, and the whole atmosphere of open sex that pervaded Kanata Camp. As a result, I felt a little light-headed.

I was also loving every minute of it.

"This isn't going to become a regular activity, is it?" Dad greeted us.

"How do you mean, Dad?" I asked for clarification.

"You two having sex on the front porch?"

"We haven't decided," I answered somewhat sarcastically. "Probably not. I think I've got a sliver in my butt from that deck. Tell you what we could do. You and Mom take the bunk bed, and we'll use the king-size. Think that would work?"

"I suggest you change your tone when you talk to your father," Mom chided me. "You owe him some respect. After all, he is your father."

"And he and his wife are a couple of exhibitionistic voyeurs," I sniped right back. "Spying on your kids like that! The nerve of some people! But you're right. I do owe our Dad a lot of respect ... and he owes my sister an apology for invading her privacy. So how about we don't have sex out in the open, and you guys don't either. Sound fair?"

"You're really pushing it, aren't you, Son?" Dad growled, but I could tell by his tone that there was no anger in his attitude. "Karen, I'm sorry for what we did tonight. I guess we're still getting used to this open atmosphere, just like you and your brother are. However, as your mother mentioned, and I agree with her, there's something beautiful about seeing our children being so warm, open, and loving like that. It's also one hell of a turn-on."

"So that's why you and Mom were standing in the door, fucking right in front of us?" Karen sarcastically enquired.

My sister's tone was a little severe, and her choice of words left something to be desired, but her message was loud and clear.

"Yeah, you're right, Sweetheart. That was a little over the top," Dad conceded.

"A little? Do you realize the damage you've done to me? I'm liable to start doing something totally perverted, like screwing my boyfriend — or worse, my own brother! And it'll all be your fault!"

It took a second to realize that Karen's indignation was a front, although it was also the catalyst that started us all giggling then erupting into a series of hearty belly-laughs. From under the lone sheet on their bed, Mom raised her arms with an offer of a hug. Karen let herself be embraced, and when Mom's offer was extended to me, I happily joined them. Even Dad rolled over to be a part of our closeness.

"You know, if any of this had happened at home, Dad would have raised the roof and added another storey to the house. Funny how being naked all the time makes a person's perceptions change, isn't it?" I pointed out.

"I think things will be a little different when we get home again," Dad iterated. "In the meantime, how about you two get to bed?" As an afterthought, he added, "and in your own bunks. No sharing."

"Why not? You guys do," Karen muttered low enough that only I heard her.

Just before I started up the bunk's ladder, Karen took the time to give me a sisterly good-night kiss, but a warm and unsisterly hug. In return, I patted her backside gently, then bid her a good night. In spite of all the things buzzing around in my head, I was out like a light almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Somehow, we all managed to sleep in the next morning, because when I looked across the room to the clock beside our parent's bed, it said nine-thirty. Leaning over the side of the bunk, I found Karen still passed out below me. It's funny, but she looks so cute when she's asleep, her features completely relaxed. That vision brought a happy smile to my face.

Mom and Dad were still curled up spoon-style, although in the position my Dad had taken on, there wasn't much chance they were joined anywhere except at the heart. While his chest was against Mom's back, his lower body had done a slow twist until both knees laid flat on the bed. It's not a position I would have chosen for comfort.

Pulling myself up and over to the ladder at the foot of my bunk, I started to climb down, then turned so that I was facing the room. This made it possible to come down without my morning wood smacking every step. Balance was a little precarious, but I sure wish I'd thought of that method of descent a lot earlier. However, I did bump every rung with my butt, which shook the bunk enough to rouse my sister. As her eyes slowly opened, she surveyed my descent, then smiled with the realization that my manhood would survive without incident — finally.

"You should have thought of that two weeks ago," she mentioned, "instead of waking all of us up with your incessant thumping. Could have saved yourself a lot of pain too."

"Next year, you get the top bunk — and we'll see how your tits fair," I growled to her. But once down, I took the time to go over and give her a good morning kiss. She snaked an arm around my neck and pulled me off my feet. The resulting crashing and banging was enough to wake our parents.

"You coming out of that bed or getting into it, Steve?" Dad teased with a toothless snarl.

"I was heading for the bathroom, but if my sister doesn't let go pretty soon, I might wet her bed instead," I replied, the sarcasm for my sister's benefit unmistakable.

"Hey, you started it," she tried to defend herself. "You were the one that came down here being all kissy-face. Don't blame me if I tried to protect myself."

"Would you two stop fighting, please?" Mom groaned. "I liked it better when our biggest concern was whether you two were having sex. What time is it, anyway?"

I let Mom know, and she started to jump out of bed, then changed her mind.

"Good heavens, we slept in! How'd that happen?" she squealed in shock.

"Must have been all that sex last night," Karen giggled as she flung her sheet back, revealing a gorgeous body that I was beginning to lust after.

"Speak for yourself, young lady," Mom gently admonished. "Your father spent half the night snoring in my ear.

"Really?" he quizzed in an unbelieving tone. "Funny, I never heard a thing."

I offered my sister first use of the washroom, and she was kind enough to decline, thus allowing me to relieve the pain of an overfull bladder.

"Weren't you two supposed to go riding today?" Mom asked, although I didn't remember mentioning it. All I could conclude was that she'd overheard Dwayne and Karen talking about something I hadn't heard about yet.

"We hadn't made any plans," I informed her.

"If you do, we'll probably be gone by the time you get back," Dad put in, "so you're on your own for supper. Maybe the girls will feed you guys, because all you'll fix yourselves are peanut butter and jam sandwiches."

Karen had the audacity to giggle at that, while I groaned my disagreement. My repertoire was a little more expansive than peanut butter and jam. I can whip up a pretty mean grilled cheese ... if I have to.

Karen and I headed down to the showers afterwards, and actually spent as much time washing each other as we did fondling. I had to admit that after our session of the night before, I felt only mildly horny, and it took my sister several minutes to make me cum for her. By the same token, her own orgasm was relatively mild in comparison to some of the ones she had for me. It was the intimacy between us that made it sufficiently satisfying, and I found myself holding her in my arms a lot longer than usual. She must have felt the same way because she was in no hurry to leave my embrace.

Breakfast was cold cereal and milk, although I must admit that it tasted pretty good that morning – and I'm not a fan of cold cereal. Even my sister had a small second helping, which was really strange because she usually avoids the stuff like the plague.

After washing our dishes, we headed for the beach, finding everyone from The Gang lazing in the sun when we arrived. Karen had taken my hand when we'd left the dining hall, and didn't seem to be in any hurry to release me. Dwayne spotted that, but still gave us both a warm, inviting smile. My sister usually ran to his arms, but that morning, I'd have described it as more of a saunter than anything else. Still, she did give her boyfriend a warm and passionate kiss, then allowed herself to be cradled in his arms.

I couldn't read Tanya's expression though. It was almost as if she were questioning our degree of intimacy that morning, but without any signs of concern or condemnation. I was about to sit beside her when she stood up, then reached for my hand and led me to a more secluded location.

"What's with you two this morning? Karen's all over you like white on rice, and you've got a funny look. That's not your 'I just got jacked off in the shower' face. Did I miss something?"

I really wanted to tell Tanya what had happened the previous night, but something made me hold back. Instead, I told her that my sister and I had spent some time talking, which was true. I just left out the part where we'd sucked each other off. Don't ask me why I did that, but in a way, I'm glad I did.

"It must have been quite a conversation," she expressed her feelings. "Your sister's almost got stars in her eyes. You two didn't... ?"

"We talked," I interrupted, hoping to give her time to calm down. "She had some concerns about tonight."

"Did she say anything about what she and I discussed yesterday?"

"I have no idea what you two talked about yesterday, so I can't say. Should I ask?"

"She asked me..."

Tanya struggled with what was on her mind, and I left my girlfriend to fight her own internal battle. Yes, I knew, but thought it best if she was the one to bring the subject up.

"Karen wants to make love with you, but I think you already know that. Anyway, she asked me if I'd be alright with it if you did."

"And you said?" I returned the ball to her side of the court.

"I told her that I'd be okay with it as long as I was there when it happened. At the time, that's how I felt. This morning, though, I'm a little scared. What happens if you two fall in love with each other? Do I lose my best friend, and the guy I love? Is that a possibility?"

"Princess, take it easy," I tried to calm her down. "First off, Karen and I haven't had sex together. Second, she has an issue about Dwayne that she wants to take care of before anything else. He says that he's fine with the idea, but she gets the feeling that there's something he's not telling her. Until she finds out, she's not comfortable with the two of us making love. Third, as much as I love my sister, I love you more, and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future. As for falling in love with Karen, I think I already have. And before you go all crazy on me, I'm still in love with you as deeply as I've ever been. If I had to make a choice between the two of you, I already know what I'd decide. But something inside tells me that I'll never have to make that choice, so I'm not giving it any thought. I love you, Tanya Morrison, more than words can ever express. So whatever worries you have about us, forget them."

Just to make sure she got most of my message, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her to my lips and kissed her as passionately as I knew how. It must have done the trick, because Tanya returned my kiss with more heat than she'd ever given me before — and she'd given me some of the hottest kisses in the history of mankind.

We returned to where The Gang lounged on the beach, and as I sat, I noticed Karen giving me a questioning look as though she needed reassurance that everything was alright. I nodded my head gently and smiled, hoping that she'd read the signs properly. Her happy grin confirmed that she knew exactly what I'd meant.

It was one of those slow, lazy days. We spent a lot of the afternoon either lounging in the little available shade we could find, or playing Water War. Christina and TeeJay had abandoned most of their hostile tactics, although I think Manny got goosed a couple of times, but it never seemed to faze him. In fact, I thought I saw a sly grin on his face. With what Dwayne had told us about Manny, I found my own lips curling up at the corners over the possible prospects. A quick glance at Dwayne's snickering told me that I was probably right, too.

Somewhere around two or three o'clock as we left the water after another game, Dwayne indicated that he wanted to talk to me about something. I excused myself from Tanya, letting her know what was happening. We moved to a more private spot and sat on the grass.

"Steve," he began, "I know Karen wants to make love with you. She told me about it yesterday, or rather, asked me. I'm fine with most of it, and if it happens, I have a feeling it'll happen tonight. I know how you feel about your sister, and I know how she feels about you. So if it does happen, let it. Okay? But I do have one favour to ask."

"You sure about this, Dwayne?" I wanted the truth. "She talked to Tanya about the same thing, and from what I understand, my girlfriend's okay with it, too, as long as she's there when it happens. But Karen thinks there's something that you're not telling her, and until you two clear that up, she's not comfortable with this. I don't think I am either. There's no way I'd come between you two. She loves you, maybe more than I can understand."

I was trying to feel him out about that little nagging discomfort in the back of my head, and still looking for clues.

"So, what's the favour?" I went on.

"When you do make love, could you pull out when you cum?"

"Huh?!" I responded, completely mystified over that request.

"I have my reasons for asking, Steve, and I know it's a hard thing to do, especially when it's Karen. At least, it would be for me. But I'd really appreciate it if you'd do that."

"Okay, I'll try ... but are you going to tell me why? My sister's going to want to know, and I'd like to be able to explain it to her."

"Just tell her that I asked you to do it that way. If she wants to know more, I'll talk to her. But for right now, I'd like to keep it to myself for a bit."

I had no more idea what he was thinking now than I'd had before. But as much as I wanted to pump him for information, all I could do was agree to his terms and let it go at that.

By supper time, I was famished, and Dwayne's rumbling stomach let all of us know that he was overdue for the feedbag himself. Karen and Tanya whipped up a one-skillet hash of potatoes, ground beef, mixed vegetables, and some kind of seasoning. While it might not sound all that great, the flavours were magnificent together. Both Dwayne and I pleaded for seconds. Those two women knew their men, because they'd made enough to fill our empty bellies. I'm not sure which one of those two girls my stomach loved the most for their thoughtfulness. Dwayne demolished the second plateful almost as fast as the first one.

I washed the dishes and Dwayne dried. It was the least we could do to show our appreciation, and it gave the girls a chance to relax. It also gave me an opportunity to pursue Dwayne's request to pull out before I came. I tried to get more out of him, but he wouldn't let on a thing. I just hoped that I had the strength to do what he'd asked.

As we headed for our cabin, Karen pulled me aside in a way that told me she had something on her mind.

"Did you get anything more from Dwayne?" she queried.

"Just that if you and I make love, he wants me to pull out before I cum."

It was a glimmer of understanding in my sister's eyes that caught my attention. I tried to get her to explain it to me, but she just smiled, then held me tightly around my midriff as we continued walking.

"Steve, if we make love tonight, would you do me a favour?"

"Sure. Why not? I seem to be doing favours for everyone else, so you may as well join the line-up," my disappointment seeped into my words.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that!" she put me in my place. "I think I know what's in Dwayne's head. So if we do, could I ask you to use a condom?"

"Huh? I thought you were on the pill. You know how I feel about rubbers, Sis. It's like fucking a garden hose."

"No it's not, and you damned-well know it. But if I'm right, and I think I am, it would mean a lot. I love him, you know. He may not be my big brother, but he's just as special in his own way."

I conceded to her request, asking if she wanted me to pull out, too.

"Not really," she answered. "There's just something about feeling a guy's cock pulsing and twitching when he shoots off that makes me cum every time. But if Dwayne's asked you to pull out, would you try? Please?"

Again, I questioned myself as to whether or not I had the strength and intestinal fortitude.

There was an air of nervousness once we got inside the cabin as though everyone was afraid to make that first move. Flopping onto the sofa, I pulled Tanya with me, then began kissing her softly. Our intimacy became more intense with every passing moment until the next thing I knew, she was ramming her tongue half-way down my throat as I sparred with hers. She repositioned herself so that her pussy now rubbed against my semi-erect cock, and the rocking of her hips had the skin of my shaft straining to keep from splitting and peeling off. About all that saved me from a rub-burn were those wonderful juices that she spread over me. Teasing her nipples didn't hurt the process any, either.

Tanya remained on top of me and I fully expected to feel her slide down my manhood at any moment. When it didn't happen, I gazed into her eyes, only to find them staring out into the room. There, looking over us, were Karen and Dwayne, her hands busily stroking his cock as he fondled her pussy.

"Umm, we're not interrupting anything, are we?" I sarcastically asked my sister. "I really didn't have putting on a show for your exclusive benefit in mind."

"I was remembering what we saw last night," Karen's distant voice started to explain, "and couldn't help but want to watch. Seeing two people making love was hot then, and it's even hotter now."

"It's also a little rude and a lot distracting, Sis. If you don't believe me, we'll come over and watch you two instead. Then you'll know what I'm talking about."

I fully expected them to leave us alone, but instead, they both beamed a wicked smile at us.

"You two have already seen us making love. Remember the quarry? We figured it was our turn to watch you guys, and it's just as much of a turn-on as what you and I saw last night."

"One of you want to fill us in, please?" Tanya almost demanded.

"Karen and I were sitting on the porch, yakking. When I looked up, Mom and Dad were standing in the doorway ... fucking! Right in front of us, too. We even got to see them cum! Gawd, that was hot!"

"What?!" Tanya almost exploded in disbelief. "They fucked? And you watched?"

"Geez, I've heard my parents having sex," Dwayne told us, "but never saw it actually happening. I'm not sure if even Keira has, and she's seen a lot. What got them so worked up to do something like that?"

As much as I didn't want to give out the details, that look on Tanya's face told me that I probably didn't have much choice.

"Umm, Mom and Dad caught us going down on each other?" I tried to make it sound as casual as possible.

"You what?!" Tanya came back, this time sounding more than just a little shocked.

"Princess, it was one of those spur of the moment things. We were talking about sex, and tonight, and whether we'd make love together. Suddenly, Karen was hot and horny, and as soon as she took me in her mouth, I pulled her on top of me and ... and ate her out. Right after she came for me, I looked up and there were Mom and Dad standing in the doorway. Dad had his cock in Mom's cunt, and they were fucking. Kept it up until they came, too. That's what Karen's referring to, and probably why she wants to watch us."

That expression on Tanya's face was almost impossible to read, and I really thought our night of unbridled sex had just gone down the drain. Even I could feel my features pleading with her for some kind of understanding, and hopefully, maybe, a small amount of either acceptance or forgiveness. She had me on a hook and she knew it. I felt like a fish out of water, ruthlessly being played by a sports fisherman. Just looking up at her I could feel my cock go limp, although her pussy was as wet as ever.

"Did you two ... did you fuck?" was all Tanya seemed interested in finding out.

"No," I tried to ease her anxieties. "Karen said that if we did, you wanted to be there when it happened. It's a little kinky maybe, but if that's what you want, Princess, then that's the way we'd do it."

"When you came, Steve," Dwayne continued the questioning, "did you cum in her mouth, or did she jack you off?"

I looked up at my sister's boyfriend, and was met with an expression of real concern.

"Umm, she sucked me off. Why?"

"Did you swallow his cum, Sweetie?" he turned to my sister with that same look of worry.

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Summer Heat

Why is there no air conditioning in here? You would think a small trailer in Florida would at least have an A/C unit come standard with the rent, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t. I suppose when you’re a landlord renting units to students and other low-income tenants, amenities aren’t exactly a concern of yours. Worse off, it was in the dead of summer when the humidity is at its worst and your skin never feels completely dry. Even a standing fan doesn’t make much of a difference.If it...

2 years ago
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Only Us

It was New Year’s morning and you were badly hung-over after celebrating well into the early morning hours, but I couldn’t help teasing you, “HOW’S YOUR HEAD THIS MORNING, HONEY? FEELIN’ REEEAAALLL GOOD?” I giggled at you as you cringed and pulled a pillow over your head. I tugged at the pillow just to tease and the tug-of-war was on! We both gripped an end, wrestling, pulling and yanking, with all of our might, until the pillow split open. Thousands of feathers littered the air and you shot me...

1 year ago
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Cousin Sister The Slut Dreams Are Made Of

I looked at her a long time. It came as a surprise to see her in a random Saturday when I was out clubbing. The truth is, she wore this white colored very mini-skirt along with a tight top, and even though she was my cousin sister, my eyes were totally fixated at her for a few minutes and I had an instant hard-on looking at her slutty and sexy appearance. I would have fucked her right there and then if I could. I went ahead surprised her “Hey Naina, What a goddamn surprise! So you clubbing...

1 year ago
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Wyatts Daughter

Chapter 1 Working on Sunday mornings was never any fun. Working on a beautiful Sunday morning in June, the day after your birthday was probably the least fun of all. I was not only a year older, I was also dressed in the green double knit pants and tan cotton shirt that made me look about two inches wider in the ass and two smaller in the chest. No woman needed two more inches of ass and two less of boobs, no matter who she was. Okay, I wasn't exactly the perfect height / weight ratio to...

1 year ago
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My elder sister lured me

Note : This story is completely fictional!I am living in india where to get a girl for sex is very very hard. So naturally when we grew we all look around the girls close to us. Thought incest sex is a big taboo in india but it prevails , but under the house roof. After all we all are adam and eve and then afterwards we have relations. We are four members in my family. Me , my elder aged 24, my mom and . Both my mom and dad are working. As i grew up to 18 i started masterbating dreaming of...

1 year ago
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BackcountryChapter 7

We took care to leave quietly and not let anyone see which way we went, although Mataoka had taught Eliza the route to our farmstead as she and I had taught ourselves; Eliza had been reciting the path, tracing a finger up and down across the fingers of an outspread hand – “and in the second valley there is a deep gorge, and you can cross it about a mile south where tall ceders lean over it. And then...”. It was important to us that Eliza knew, and that she guided ma and pa should they come...

1 year ago
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Office bum fun

I arranged to meet up with a guy last weekend at his office, (he owned the company) as he had a fantasy he wanted to fulfil about his PA. I arrived on time dressed as he had asked me, in a tight satin pencil skirt, red satin blouse, seamed stockings and suspenders but no other underwear, finished off with lots of make up and 4 inch heels. I drove into the industrial estate and found his office easy enough. I got out of the car and tottered over to the reception which as I was told was open....

2 years ago
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The Suite Sex Life Of Zack And Cody Part 6

Just then Zack walked out with a towel wrapped around him. Which Maddie took notice to. She knew that he had a crush on her and she kinda liked the idea of getting to know him a little better. And as Zack was moving toward the bathroom she could'nt help but look at his ass through the towel. She then ponderd what it would be like to squeeze it as he fucked her brains out. She then noticed a wet spot on the towel. She waited for him to close the door before she turned to Cody and whispered...

1 year ago
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Cajoled That Gym Babe

Hello to all the Indian sex stories readers. I am back once again with yet another story after a long time. This story is a bit long but please bear with me as I assure you that you will definitely enjoy this story and won’t be able to resist yourself from relieving yourself after reading this story. Now for those who are new to my stories, I will first tell you about myself in short. I am Rohan from Pune. I am 20 years old guy with 6ft height. I have muscular body as I always keep myself fit...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 6

It seemed to me that the British Army were caught in a catch 22 position in their occupation of the city of Boston because they needed the support of the populace to weed out the patriot scum that made daily disloyal threats against the rule of the King and yet their very dependence on the colonial infrastructure made it impossible for the average American to accept their occupation as anything but out and out oppression. The farms were a good example. Most of the active producing farms...

2 years ago
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My Wife the Stripper

“Hey, sweetie, Brian proposed to Jenny last night and they are flying off to Vegas, to do it quickie style, this weekend. He doesn't want to go to a strippers so I thought we could bring the stripper to him, so I was wondering if you’d mind doing a show for us tonight? But not just a regular dance, I was kind of hoping you could give us the full VIP treatment, like you do when you’re working? Thanks, bye.” I left the message on my wife’s voice mail during my lunch hour hoping that she’d get...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The naughty family pt2

I woke up hungry. It was dark and I was on the couch, stretched out, a light comforter thrown over me. I sat up and leaned over to turn on the lamp sitting on the end table. An antique clock Sandra had inherited from her grandmother that was sitting on the dormant fireplace mantel informed me it was nearly eleven o'clock. I suddenly realized I was missing my pants and then I smiled, the memories flooding back of having Sandra stretched out on the couch, one of her legs propped up along the back...

2 years ago
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Freshman Felatio 101

It was the fall of my sophomore year in college and I had just moved into a new apartment and I had put up an ad for a room mate to help cover the expenses. A number of girls had called but the one I settled on was a girl named Alicia who was just a freshman but her parents were well to do and she didn't want to live in the dorms. Most of the other girls I either knew by name or reputation and I really didn't want my pad to become party central. Alicia was a small town girl, who was still...

3 years ago
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Cousin Behen Ko Seduce Kar Ke Chod Diya1

Guys me apna ek sachi kahani batane ja raha hu,jo ki mera aur mera cousin ke bich kese sex ho geya, Guys ye tb ki bat h jb me apna pdhai comlpt kr k apna relative ke ghr geya tha.Wo relative k ek bata aur ek beti thi jo ki khub sexy thi uska figure kya batau yaro itna kam age me v itna achi figure dekh k to me uske pyr me pgl ho geya . Uska figure karib 34-28-36 thi. Jb me unka ghr pohncha to unhone mujhe bahot ache se welcom kiya.Ese hi ek din par ho geya. Me batana bhul geya uska nam ritika...

3 years ago
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Addickted to Trouble

Garden of Eden Therapy Center:"And remember, it works if you work it. Say it with me, everyone. It works if you work it. It works if you work it. It works if you work it...."As the chanting grew in decibel level, Katherine gently massaged her temples and fought the overwhelming urge to run out the doors or punch someone in the face or do both. After the meeting ended, she trudged along with the others to the back of the gymnasium where the usual refreshments awaited. Of course,...

4 years ago
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Alex Rider Cherrypopper

"Finally, slowpoke." she teased. Alex shook his head. He was fourteen as well, and he was incredibly well developed. Of course, that's because he was a teenaged spy. All of his life, his uncle had taken him on excursions and adventures that kept Alex is peak physical form, and after Uncle Ian's death, Alex found out the truth: His uncle was a MI6 spy! The British intelligence agency had almost immeadiately saw Alex as a potential resource to use in covert operations; each one nearly...

1 year ago
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The First Date Continues

Note : This story is completely fictional! My head was spiining as I sat, satisfied for the moment, in the backseat of my mustang. N had just finished lapping my spilled jism up off the seat and resumed sitting next to me. We were both still naked, as she curled on the seat in my right arm. The guy in the car next to us was clearly stroking his cock and his eyes had not left N since she had stripped and I had begun fucking her. She giggled and said, I need to pee after all that exercise. Well,...

2 years ago
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the sail

That evening, we again visited the same restaurant, both dressed in a similar fashion as the night before.   We were again, warmly greeted on our arrival and ushered to our front row table.   Although I didn’t flash my naked boobs, there was more than enough bare flesh on show to get quite a few admiring glances.   Andy, the waiter who had told Shilla that he fancied me, came over and asked me if I would like to go for a sail on his boat the next day.   I turned to Shilla, “what about...

3 years ago
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Stacys Secret is Discovered Part 2

Michelle lay on her bed, her eyes closed. She could feel the muscles in her damp opening still gently contracting against her fingers. She knew that if she opened her eyes she would see her best friend’s face; her best friend who had just watched her masturbate until she’d cum; her best friend whom she had just watched have an orgasm herself. Michelle kept her eyes closed, her breathing starting to slow. The only other sound in the room was the sex video she had found of her half sister and her...

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Fucking My Landlord8217s Indonesian Wife

Hey guys, this is my first story here. About me: I am a 30-year-old guy who is currently settled in Amsterdam. I am 6 feet tall and have an athletic body. This happened to me when I had just shifted to Amsterdam. I was 25 years old and it was my second job after graduation. It was a well-paying job but due to high rental costs, I was looking for a room to share rather than an entire apartment. I found an online Ad for a room rental in the area I liked with a reasonable price. I called up the...

1 year ago
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My trip to grocery store prt 2

Rudy walked into the room with a smile on his face, I made eye contact with him, and I knew this is what he meant when he told me to be a good little whore , he got closed to me and pulled his zipper down I reached inside his boxers pulling his cock out and I started stroking it and sucking it hard the way he likes it, I stroke both cocks with my hands at the same time they looked at eachother and Rudy still had that big smile on his face Chris was a bit shy but he said

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Into PerversionChapter 11

We went back and fourth talking about all this and Bill kept telling Asher that we had no choice that he was not homosexual and I was not a whore no matter what it looks like on the tapes. Asher wanted to check them before leaving so Bill put one then the other in or machine. Asher like us could not believe that Ballard and his wife were so brazen to video tape them blackmailing us. Before leaving Asher told us both that first thing in the morning they would be arresting the Ballard's. He...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Night Out

Linda was away on business for the second time in two weeks and having to be away all week this tie by the time it got to Thursday night she was ready to get out of the hotel for the night. As luck would have it a group of women had arrived earlier that day on a batchelorette weekend, so short on fun Linda tagged along with the on a night out. They started out at a couple of bars and Linda got to know a few of the women and was having a good time when they told her they were going to a strip...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 17

I was alone with Suki when morning came. She was snuggled up with her dark head on my shoulder. As I gently moved to attempt to get out of bed, Suki looked up at me with watery eyes, "You were perfect last night, Sal. I think we were all afraid that you would freak when you realized you were going to be a father to two babies." The little woman scooted up to kiss me soundly. As I held Suki, she said, "I need the potty. Let me up and I'll come back to bed." I told her, "I'll follow...

4 years ago
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Teaching Mom About Orgasm Epilogue

I decided to write this epilogue because I had received a few requests for the address to the site where mom's pictures were posted. Unfortunately, the site has since closed. That's too bad because the pictures were exquisitely arousing. Not only because they were pictures of a beautiful pussy, but because it was my mother's beautiful pussy. It was the first time seeing her cunt. And as any man who has ever had erotic thoughts about his mother will tell you, seeing her vulva, her lips, her clit...

2 years ago
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His and Hers

Tumbling together through the front door the 6ft, muscular, dark haired Adonis catches her around her 24" waist and pulls her close. His arms snake around and down to her tight little arse, giving it a harsh squeeze. He grunts as her head reactively flips back and a moan escapes her puffy red lips. He kisses the smooth, soft skin of her exposed neck, working his way down to her full 32C breasts, kissing and licking the tanned flesh. Her hands reach up to his thick hazel coloured hair and pulls...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The cock milker pt 4

Shaila and Radha exchanged pleasantries. Shaila sat down on the couch. Radha got a drink and offered it to both Shaila and I. They started with a pretty normal conversation. Radha asked her what she did for a living and stuff? soon they exchanged the names of their favorite stores and restaurants. I was just sitting there and for a moment I thought I was almost invisible to them. Radha decided it was time for dinner and the three of us sat at the table. We spoke and joked about stuff...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Takleef Duur Ki

Hi dosto ,mera naam naeem hai main karnatak ,bellary sey hu .Main is site ka bahut purana readder hu aur main apni pehli tory likhney ja rahu ., i hope ki aap sabko ye pasand ayegi.Aur mujhey aap sab log dosti karna chatey ho to plzz mujhey mail karrey @ yahi mera facebook i d bhai. Ab main seedha apni story pe jata hu ye story meri aur meri bhabi ki hai ,unka naam shabana hai ,unki age 23 years ki hai aur meri 18 years . Merey ghar main sirf main bhabhi aur mom rehtey hai bhai dubai main kaam...

1 year ago
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Schooling Ashley chapter 1

“SO WHAT if I tried to run away last night...! I didn’t ASK to be sent to this STUPID school. It’s not my FAULT that my mother died and that my stepfather “just can’t handle me” any more! SO WHAT if the drinking and drugs and parties are a “little” out of control! It’s not like anybody really CARES anyway!” The oak office door opened and the Headmaster appeared. “Come in Miss Gracen, we need to talk.” She thought for a moment about refusing, but there was something in his voice that...

2 years ago
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Lucky and old Tom 7

This morning he pulled me over to the kitchen bench and sat there. I removed my knickers and lay on the bench. He quickly mounted me. Oh no foreplay this morning. He had been pumping away quite vigorously for a couple of minutes when I noticed Kim’s grandad stood in the doorway videoing me. As much as I struggled I couldn’t move. Lucky had his legs hooked round the bench tight. Well I haven’t seen anything like this since I worked in the far east. I think me and you are going to have lots...

2 years ago
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Having Nicole Pt 2

This is still for you……. Please read, Having Nicole Pt 1 so will be able to follow this story! After eating my best friends pussy, I stood up off the floor and decided that I’d had enough fun for one night. I already felt bad, like I had taken advantage of her in some way. I told her that we would have a lot more fun this weekend, we always shared a bottle of wine on Friday nights and knew we would both be more relaxed. Nicole protested slightly but agreed, she knew we both needed to get up...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbour Part 6

Over the next fortnight, I was called upon regularly by Jennifer to perform mundane tasks. I liked it best when she closely supervised my work. Allowing me perhaps a whiff of her expensive perfume, a glimpse of her sensational legs, a whispered word of encouragement or even (oh heaven!) a gentle guiding touch.More often, however, I was quickly abandoned with curt instructions or even, warning criticism. She had high standards in everything and certainly knew how to manipulate a lowly male to...

1 year ago
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Serap 12 Sex bis an die Grenze

Serap 12 Liebe Leser! Wenn Ihr die ganze Geschichte von Serap, Jutta und mir verstehen wollt, dann lest Kapitel 1-11. Ansonsten viel Spaß!!!!…..................Ich packte mir Serap und flüsterte Ihr zu: „Du schläfst heute bei mir!“ Das glückliche Paar wird schon etwas mit der leeren Wohnung anzufangen wissen. Wir verließen die Party und machten uns auf den Heimweg.Eigentlich hatte ich gar keine Lust nach Hause zu fahren und Serap ging es genau so.Jutta war zwar auch zu der Party eingeladen,...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 4 Photography

As Cathy and I had agreed, we spent the next few days apart. I did my piano grade exam practice for several hours each day, it was boring, but it had to be done. We did speak to each other every night to talk about the things we had done that day. The rain that had cleared on Monday afternoon had returned, so we would not have been able to do much outside anyway. Actually, thinking about it, may have led to more inside activities, including more of what we might discover in Cathy’s copy of...

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Demanding Supply Ch 05

Chapter 5: Life’s a Beach Amanda made her way home, unsure about what she had just done, wondering what had gotten into her. Sure, she had had fun that was she wasn’t denying. It had been a whole new experience for her, to have wandered away from her clothes, in public. For that short period of time, she had been for all intents and purposes, completely stranded. It had also been quite embarrassing to get caught masturbating by someone else! Sure, he had taken it well if anything, he was...

3 years ago
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The Stranger

It is late and I have been on the go for fourteen hours straight. All I really want is to go home and relax, but Debbie has others ideas’, begging me to join her at local bar because she wants to see if the hot guy from last week is there again. I roll my eyes but go with her, knowing that she would do the same for me. We touch up our makeup in the taxi on the way and soon we are in the bar. The music is pumping and there are lots of customers in, too many for us to find a seat so we stay close...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Liza Rowe Braceface Fellatio

Liza Rowe is the cutest braceface around, and loves to suck cock whenever possible. She likes it when you hold her pigtails as she motions back and fourth down your shaft. She likes it even more when you make her gag. If she really likes you, she will use her feet to hold your dick while she slobbers all over it. This is a hell of a sight to see. Looking into those beautiful eyes as she stares into ours with a face full of cum was magical. Liza will stay forever in our dreams, and always on our...

2 years ago
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Wifes Birthday bone

It was my wifes birthday and she had taken the day off to celibrate, I said I had to go to work and she shugged it off. I left as normal and went to the store for a cake I ordered the day before ad some flowers. After picking them up I drove back home circling the town for time, I wanted to surprise her - I was the one surprised. I let the car coast into the drive way and got out quietly but as I was going for the cake I heard Judith giggling, the same giggle she makes when I'm eating her...

3 years ago
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The Face

John Looked again. The face staying back at him wasn't his. He closed his eyes tightly, scrunching his child's face up in a pained expression, and then letting go. For a second he held the rightness around his eyes, before finally releasing them — knowing full well what would be looking — or rather peering back at him from the shadows of the silvery stream. For a second there was nothing, just a watery vibration; dispelling all shape and resolution. Then it was there again — The Face. John...

4 years ago
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Lost Virginity In Bangalore

Hello ISS users, I am a big fan of this website and I read different stories each and every day so thought of penning down my experience. Kindly ignore, if any mistakes were found in the writing. Let me tell something about myself, I am Priya Manisha (name changed) graduate from a reputed college from Bangalore. I do have a lot of self-respect and raised as an independent woman, because of this behavioral aspect I always aspire to do a job post completion of my graduation so that I could be the...

3 years ago
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Dark TownChapter 13

THURSDAY AFTERNOON It was another day at McDonalds. The rest of the gang were sat down, chilling out. Roberto Garzia and his girlfriend Marcee who sat down on his lap, Kira, the 3 sexy Latinas named Gabriella, Esther and Santanika, the 2 Asian-Americans named Sharon and Mark, and Sukhbir Singh. "Funny that I can't get hold of either Miley or Carol???" Kira sounded puzzled. "You think they all left town and were busy with family matters??" asked Sharon. "Or maybe they were all taken...

2 years ago
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I Found a DVDpart3

Having babysat for my friends Jane and Pete a couple of times and watched videos of them enjoying each other, I was getting hornier than ever. I had seen Pete's cum all over my friend Jane's face, I had seen Jane cum and squirt over his face and finally I had seen my friends hairy pussy filled with spunk. Since watching these amateur porn films, I had been constantly wet in the pussy area. I just couldn't seem to shake the images of my friends fucking from my mind. I even went out and bought...

3 years ago
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A True History Book OneChapter 23

The events in Pakistan had taken almost six hours, so I got at least a couple hours of sleep with my girls before getting up for school on Wednesday. Breakfast was quite normal, which almost surprised me. Margie did tell me that she thought I needed to stay home that night and mentally rest, even if I wasn’t physically tired. The suspense of wondering where I’d show up next would play with the minds of all the countries I’d mentioned. High School classes went fine, with everyone at lunch...

3 years ago
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CYOTF Your Story

A swirly cloud of something that looked like fog filled the room, and then it faded into the night. You lay sleeping in the bed, covers pulled up to your chin. The clock next to you showed "6:59", then quietly flipped to "7:00" and began to beep. You were asleep, and right in the middle of a very exciting dream, when the loud beeping of the alarm woke you up. You blinked your eyes a few times, rolled over and turned off the alarm. You lay there in bed for a moment, remembering what you was...

4 years ago
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My beautiful little ldquoTraprdquo

It felt so good to have a warm, wet, wonderful mouth wrapped around my cock. I strongly suspected that this girl was actually a boy, but strangely that only made it even hotter. So beautiful and feminine, her soft lips felt amazing as they gently slid up and down my hard shaft. Her mouth and tongue worshipping my dick, almost making love to it. It was incredible.I met her outside a club. The street was filled with bars and night clubs, and people looking for sex. She was so sexy and feminine,...

2 years ago
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Erotic story of BINITA 5

Chapter 05: They Celebrate Holi TogetherWhen Thakur Hari Singh stirred from his slumber he immediately became aware that while he was covered by a sheet, he was not wearing his dhoti and the lower part of his body was bare. His eyes felt cool and his body felt alive with a buzz and he remembered savoring the luscious body of his bahu (daughter-in-law). It reminded him of how he had felt in his younger days when he lost his virginity to one of the older maids. That particular maid, one who had...

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911 Perspectives

This story may not be what you expect. This is the introduction of a novel upon which I am working about the struggles of two people to come to turns with cognitive dissonances in their memories of loved ones that they lost on 9-11. This is the story of the random encounter of a fire fighter’s widow with the younger brother of one of the hijackers. It is not about wrapping ourselves in Old Glory and singing the anthem. Nor is it about pacifism. It is about humanity and healing. Through their...

1 year ago
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Charlenes Not So NonNude Angels Ch 05

Warning: dickgirls, demons and magic make a strong appearance in this story. If that’s not something you’re after, then move along. † † † † † Charlene sighed as she sat at her desk, looking at the onscreen message from her father. She’d had plans to draw things out, to tease and have fun with Jardin, Debbie and Wanda but it was apparently not to be. Her father’s plans had moved faster than either of them had anticipated so they were calling a halt to their operation here and moving on. Her...

2 years ago
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Allies Story

Chapter 1 I remember meeting AJ at a party that his fraternity was putting on. He stepped into a situation where some creep of a guy is hitting on me, and would not take no for an answer. It was not long and we were dating. I found it odd that he came from Bay County like I did. We lived in different parts of the county, but only twenty minutes apart. A few months later I was not dating anyone else. I remember the first time that we made love. It was three months after we had met. He took...

3 years ago
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Generic Space Adventure 2525

Welcome to the year 2525! Earth has been a member of a rich galactic community for 200 years now. Still fledgling by many species standards but well known and liked by the majority of galactic citizens. Around 10,000 different sapient species exist in your resident galaxy, the Milky Way, spread across a million different habitable worlds, some much more habitable than others. Technology has progressed to where with adequate energy and materials food and most objects can be replicated, space...

3 years ago
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The Ballet Dancer Part 2

I had no time to think, not even to react, which may have been all the better for me. As she glided towards me, she let slip the towel, revealing her full, firm breasts, with large, deep red nipples that had stiffened in the shower. I could see as well that she was a natural blond, though she had trimmed her patch into a tasteful landing strip. And then she was on me and through me. The heat of her passion crashed into me, burning my crotch even through the layers of the suit I wore still. The...

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