Kanata SummerChapter 6 free porn video

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I came down the ladder a little too quickly the next morning, banging my cock on every rung again. But this time, it hurt, and not in a good way. The racket woke my sister, who looked at me with sympathetic eyes when my discomfort registered in her mind. Even Mom and Dad heard the noise, adding their own comments to the situation.

"Steve, you're going to have to learn how to do that without neutering yourself ... or we'll never get to be grandparents," Dad mentioned as he extended his own sympathies for my distress.

I ducked into the bathroom to relieve myself and to get away from the attention that I really didn't want in the first place. When I checked my now-limp cock, it had bruises, and that was an experience I never wanted to repeat. Eventually Karen found out and she became almost protective, even offering to kiss it better, which was tempting.

That morning, the four of us had hurried into the back shower stall before anyone else could claim it. Karen let Tanya and Dwayne know of my injury, with their reaction a cross between sympathy and mirth. I wasn't sure what kind of response I was looking for, but the ones I got weren't it.

"Hellman, how in the hell did you manage that?" Dwayne wondered as he surveyed my bruised organ.

I tried to keep it to myself, but with my sister's help, anyone inside that building would know most of the gory details.

"I guess this means you won't be up for Thursday night?" Tanya enquired, her tone somewhere between a snicker and a disappointment.

If I was really careful, there was a good chance that I'd be fine for that night, and even if I wasn't, I still had other ways to pleasure my girlfriend. I was definitely not going to be side-lined, I promised myself. I just didn't tell Tanya that, but smiled wanly instead. She returned my grin with a look of her own that was more of a question than a response.

As much as I wanted to join the others in the shower's playtime, I thought it best to let my body heal instead. Not that I stood off to one side or anything, but I did keep myself out of my girlfriend's hands. She climaxed beautifully for me. Admittedly I did miss having Tanya's soft and gentle touch and the pleasure she always gave me. It just seemed more prudent to let nature take its recuperative course, especially with the possibility of not doing so might delay my recovery. I wasn't happy about it, but not as disappointed as she was.

We spent the day at the lake, swimming, playing Water War, horsing around near the float, or laying on beach towels to soak up the sun. Both girls were getting gorgeous tans, and even Dwayne sported a darker colour. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who have only two skin tones: snow white or fire engine red. When they lathered suntan lotion over themselves, I bathed myself in sun screen. One injury was enough for me. Adding a sunburn to the mix had zero appeal.

Keira and Pete showed up just after lunch, with Christina and TeeJay almost in tow. Moments later, we were joined by Cynthia and Manny, and soon there was a volleyball game in full swing. Because they weren't with anyone, Christina joined our team while TeeJay played on the other side. Christina might have been a little larger than optimum for her height, but what she lacked in slimness she more than made up in agility. For the first time that summer, the game was a complete rout as we stomped our competition into oblivion. The sight of Dwayne's "happy dance" to celebrate our victory had everyone in stitches, including his most avid supporter, Karen.

It was on our way up to the dining hall for supper that Keira lagged back from the crowd, then silently motioned for me to join her. When I let go of Tanya's hand, she looked puzzled, but caught on quickly once she's assessed the situation.

"My brother being over at your place tomorrow isn't going to be a problem, is it?" Keira wanted to know.

"No, it shouldn't be. Karen's looking forward to it, actually. Why?"

"Because Pete and I are thinking of spending the night with Cynthia and Manny, and I didn't want to leave you guys babysitting if he was going to be in the way."

"I think Dwayne's a little old to need a babysitter," I lightly reprimanded her. "The guy's fifteen, has his head on the right way, and would be chasing my sister all over camp tomorrow night anyway, just like every other night. Besides, if Dwayne wasn't there, Karen would be more of a pain than your brother could ever be."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I've been keeping an eye on him for so long now that I sometimes forget he's not a little boy any more."

"Dwayne? Little? Was he out of diapers when that happened?" I joked.

"Easy, Fella!" she checked my verbal onslaught. "That's my little brother you're talking about. He may be big on the outside, but he'll always be my little brother."

Keira's tone, combined with her emerging attitude, sobered me up in a hurry. From the look in her eyes, I wasn't sure if I'd stepped over a line or not, but there was no anger or malice in her features. I realized that she loved her brother just as much as I loved Karen, and probably for the same reasons. In that one moment, my esteem for Keira Preston shot up several notches.

"You two are pretty close, aren't you?" I asked in a sombre tone.

"Yeah, we are. Dwayne means a lot to me. He's probably my best friend, next to Pete. It's the same with you and Karen."

"For the same reasons?" I tested the waters, and got a quizzical stare in reply. There was a minute or two of silence between us as she searched inside herself to assess how much information I had, or that I should have.

"Are you referring to the antics your sister and you have in the showers?" she accused.

"Something like that. The three of us know about you and Dwayne because he confided in us. Personally, if it's as special between you two as it is with my sister and me, you guys have a good thing going. I'd be the last person to judge or disapprove. For Karen and me, it's something that started when we first came to Kanata, but it won't end here. I think Tanya knows that, too, although we haven't talked about it yet."

"How much did he tell you?" her worried voice asked.

I recounted what I could remember. The line between what Keira and Dwayne had shared mirrored what Karen and I had established between ourselves, including the closeness it seemed to generate.

"Dwayne mentioned that you two have never... " I started to expound, but was unable to find the right word. Fucking was a little crude, while making love implied more intimacy than might exist. Yet the truth was somewhere between the two extremes.

"Fucked?" she finished off for me. I nodded my head silently in acknowledgement. "There's a reason why, and it's not because I don't want him. If I had my way about it, we'd be lovers. If you really need to know more, though, you'll have to ask him. I have no idea what his reasons are, and until he's ready to tell me, I don't enjoy where it leaves me. Can we leave it at that for now? Please, Steve?"

I found myself wondering about that, and made a note to ask Dwayne at the first opportunity. He was a level-headed guy that cared about his sister more than most brothers ever would, the sex notwithstanding. But that was something that I'd been asked to set aside for now, and out of respect for who Keira was as a person, I complied and gave my oath.

We hurried to catch up to the others. When I took Tanya's hand in mine, she gave me a strange look of non-understanding, leaving possible enlightenment for a more appropriate time. It still didn't mean that she wouldn't ask.

"What was all that about?" my girlfriend tried to pry out of me.

"Just a big sister looking out for her little brother," I skirted the question. That seemed to temporarily satisfy her, although I could feel that she still wanted more information than I was willing to give. My silence told her that she'd have to wait for a while before I did.

Mom had put together tacos, making enough to feed the entire Gang if they wanted to join us. Where she'd gotten the tortillas from I had no idea. Karen, Tanya, Dwayne, and myself all sat together, making our own tacos with the condiments at the table. Keira and Pete seemed torn between Mom's invitation and one from Cynthia's mother for fried chicken and potato salad. The two wavered and waffled for several minutes before choosing. In the end, the chicken won out, but not by much. Still, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as Pete spent his time eyeing the two possibilities.

Clean-up after supper was easy, and when we finished, the four of us went over to help at Haywood's table. I'm not sure if we accomplished anything because with all those bodies tripping over each other, we all got in the way more than anything else. However, the Keystone Kops routines gave a lot of people a laugh, most of whom were almost waiting for a second show. Nothing got broken, just to prove that there still is such a thing as a miracle.

The sky had clouded over with a high haze that held in both the day's heat and its humidity. Just walking down to the lake produced a fine sheen of perspiration, which made the water a welcome relief. The Gang pretty well took over the float, although no one else seemed interested in getting out of the water except us. As I looked around, my eyes fell on Dwayne, reminding me that I was still curious about his reasons for not having sex with Keira. If I was in his position, I doubt wild horses could have dragged me away from her gorgeous body. How he resisted her was beyond me.

"Dwayne, have you got a minute?" I enquired of him, then dove into the water again. He followed a few seconds later, swimming over beside me and treaded water just far enough from the float that we wouldn't be overheard.

"What's up?" he asked, his facial features almost blank.

"Umm, I was talking to your sister this afternoon, and she suggested I ask you about this. Why is it that you don't want to have full-blown sex with her?"

"I'm not sure that's any of your business, Steve," he tried to fend off my question.

"Maybe, but you are my sister's boyfriend, which means it might affect her, which makes it my business. All I know is that Karen's head over heels for you, that you treat her as good as I could ever ask. But this thing about not having sex with Keira? I get the impression that's not her idea, it's yours. I mean, it's not like your sister's an ugly duckling or anything, and I have no idea how the hell you manage to resist the girl. So I have to ask: why don't you want to have sex with her?"

"Umm, because she's my sister, maybe?" he tried to hedge.

"Bullshit! You both do each other the same as Karen and I do. Something tells me there's more to this than you're admitting. Mind telling me what?"

"Let's just say I have my reasons, and leave it at that, okay? And just to put your mind at ease, it doesn't affect Karen, now or in the future. Look, I know how important she is to you, Steve, and I guess Keira means just as much to me. I love my sister dearly. And yes, she's told me that she'd like to fuck, or make love, or whatever you want to call it. But it's something I can't do: not with her, anyway. Can we leave it at that for now?"

I could see that I wasn't going to have my question answered or my curiosity satisfied. Under most circumstances, that would have left an uncomfortable feeling inside me, but for some reason, Dwayne's deferral didn't.

"Yeah, okay," I tried to reassure him, "but I sure hope you'll fill me in before we leave to go home. It's driving me nuts. You know that, right?"

Dwayne just chuckled, then began to swim back to the float, his focus now centred on my sister. Similarly, the majority of my attention was on Tanya, who had left a space beside her for my return. I showed her my gratitude with an arm around her shoulders and a soft, loving kiss to her offered lips.

"Baby, if I wanted a chicken peck, I'd have fallen in love with a chicken," she giggled. I set things right by smothering her sweet lips, then challenged her to a duel of tongues. She accepted as she gave me her best shots. We called it a draw, although I suggested a rematch later. Tanya just moaned happily as she leaned into me, her head against my shoulder while she flooded me with the warmth of her soul.

There was something mysteriously magical about that night. Whatever it was, it had us sitting quietly enjoying the company of our girlfriends or boyfriends, just swishing our feet in the lake as the cares of the world disappeared. When the sun set, its deep blues and bright reds provided a spectacular backdrop to the end of a peaceful day. Even Christina and TeeJay sat close to each other and held hands. It was plain to see that they were silently sharing happy memories of earlier times.

Actually, most of our days at Kanata Camp had been relaxed and tranquil like this one. Reminiscing, I had to chuckle at the changes in our attitudes. Where once my sister and I had been petrified of the concept of nudity, now it was becoming almost second nature. Where we'd dreaded the boredom of no electronic toys, they seemed like an intrusion into this atmosphere of serenity. We'd made new friends that meant more to us than most of the ones we'd left back home. And we'd all found something that would influence us for the rest of our lives.


As the darkness slowly swallowed the day, each couple slipped into the water and made their way to shore again. Christina and TeeJay were the first to leave, followed a few minutes later by Cynthia and Manny. Keira and Pete weren't too far behind them. Dwayne and Karen seemed to be waiting for us to make the our move first. The four of us paddled across the lake together, finally finding a beach blanket to share once ashore again.

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow night," Karen let us all know. "It's kind of exciting to be able to spend the whole night with Dwayne and not have to worry about Mom and Dad bursting in on us, or reaming our asses out. I was scared shitless when we found out what kind of a place this is, but now? I'm hoping we'll all come up here again next year — and we still have two weeks to go before we have to leave. I think I'm going to miss Kanata."

"Me too," Dwayne added before going on. "It's too bad we don't all live closer."

"Tell you what, Buddy," I baited him. "If Dad will lend me the car, we'll see what we can set up. And before you two get all gushy on me, keep in mind that this is in the name of self-preservation. I love my sister, but the thought of her getting all pissy from missing her guy scares the crap out of me."

Again we broke into laughter, although I could see Karen gaze at me with appreciation. Just in case I'd missed that, she also leaned over and kissed my lips, but held me for a lot longer than a sister should. Damn, but that girl could kiss! Maybe not as good as Tanya, but she was a close second.

Dwayne offered a hand to my sister as he stood up to walk her to the cabin. Tanya and I were right behind them as we started for home, walking two-by-two, our fingers interlaced, and the girls pressing their heads against our shoulders.

The path to our cabin was in one direction while the one to Morrison's went a different way. We parted company after Tanya gave Dwayne a light kiss good-night. Karen wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"Steve, did you really mean that about going to Preston's when we get back home?" she murmured in my ear.

"Yes. Why?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do that to keep my own hide intact, but if you get some benefit out of it, bonus time, Sis," I teased her, but she wasn't in that kind of a mood. I moved my head and found her lips, then softly kissed her the way she'd kissed me earlier.

"Yeah, I'd do that for you, Karen. Maybe a lot of brothers wouldn't, but then, they don't have you for a sister either," I let her know.

There were tears of happiness in the corner of Karen's eyes, a smile of gratitude on her lips, and that feeling of love between us. I hugged her once more, then spun her around so she faced her boyfriend before lightly swatting her firm little butt.

"See you back at the cabin?" she queried over her shoulder to me before returning to the shelter of Dwayne's arm.

"Maybe. I could be a while, though. Meet me on the porch?"

"I'll give you an hour," she advised, "but I really would like to talk to you before we go to bed."

"I'll try, Sis. If I don't make it, blame this little sex-kitten," I referred to Tanya. "She has a bad habit of doing things to me that I can't resist," I teased my girlfriend as she curled up under my arm.

"Me? You're the one that's always horny!" we heard as an excuse.

"Uh-huh!" I exclaimed. "And I've got some land for sale, too — just as soon as the tide goes out! Come on, Princess. We've got an hour before the Warden locks me out," I teased as we parted company from our companions.

Once again Tanya managed to get me lost. I hadn't been paying attention to where we were, and experienced a sensation of deja vu as I realized that we were no longer on the path to her cabin.

"Umm, is this anywhere near where we were the last time you took advantage of me?" I softly murmured in her ear.

"Uh-huh," she whispered in response.

"Are you planning on ravishing me again?" I asked.

Silly question.

Tanya slowly began to kneel in front of me, then shifted her undivided attention to my hardening cock.

"I've been without this all damned day, and it's driving me crazy," she started to explain, just before that pretty pink tongue of hers snaked out and licked the head of my cock. "This isn't going to interfere with your ... recovery, is it?"

"It's a little tender still, but they tell me that saliva has medicinal properties. Maybe it'll speed the process up," I hedged.

She said not a word, but began to lick every inch of my shaft, coaxing it to full erection in a matter of seconds, then formed a perfect "O" with her lips as she took me into her soft, wet, and warm mouth.

"Gawd, you feel good, Princess!" I groaned. "Right now, I don't think I'd care if the damned thing fell off!"

"I'd care!" she let me know as she released me just long enough to comment before taking as much of me between her lips as she could.

I felt her progressing down my shaft as that light swirl around the rim of my purple helmet teased and tortured me. Once she'd taken as much as she could, her head began to bob up and down, that light touch of her tongue only driving me closer to the edge. My hands moved involuntarily, my fingers now softly combing her hair as Tanya continued to suck me. Not having cum all day, I knew I probably wouldn't last long — and I was right. Within a minute or two, she had me teetering on that ecstatic brink, then with a final flick of her tongue I felt that familiar pressure as my shaft filled with semen, then erupted in her mouth. Tanya guzzled all I had to give her, then licked me clean as she savoured the last of my juices.

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Back when my youthful horniness was at its peak, I found myself at a crossroads with my sexuality. I had only hooked up with girls, however, I often caught myself fighting off feelings of sexual excitement at the thought of my best friend, Ryan. While I considered myself to be straight, I felt moments of weakness in the locker room after soccer practice. Although we would never get fully naked in front of each other, Ryan and I would strip down to our boxers to change from our gym shorts into...

2 years ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 03

3 Lynn Of course everything changed in Boston. Even in the glorious insanity of that first month in California, I always knew it would. And I assumed Winston did too. But, in retrospect, perhaps he didn’t. At least not that it would change so much. How could he? Even I didn’t know that. It was love at first sight. Imagine the late unlamented Marlboro man suddenly coming to life beside you, but with charm and intelligence. And smiling eyes. Weathered from flying and sailing, not horses. It...

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A Critical PathChapter 36

"Good morning, Mrs Evans," Nick greeted Meg the next morning. "Best behaviour this morning." Sally snorted derisively. Meg looked at him questioningly, a slight smile playing round her lips. "I'm expecting a call from the Chairman." Meg looked suitably impressed. "To tell him they've decided to send him to Siberia," said Sally, shrieked with laughter and darted into her office closing the door behind her. It opened two seconds later and two bright, laughing eyes peered through...

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Milf and Matts Birthday

100% fiction! Exactly 2 days before Matt's Birthday, my son George walks over to me in the kitchen while I was cooking and asks me "mom, what do you think I should get Matt for his 21st Birthday?" I was acting like I didn't know it was his birthday in a couple of days, but I knew, I simply had to act like I didn't because of my son. I told my son "well I mean what does he like?" ....he responded by saying.."I'm not too sure, maybe a shirt, cologne or a gift card." I said those were all good...

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 10

Chapter 10 I couldn’t stay the night with Amy and on the drive home all I could think about was which one of Amy’s friends had just sucked my cock. I knew that no matter how many times I asked she would never tell me, so I just let my imagination run wild. I had met many of her friends but none seemed like the type to do what we just did, but I guess that made it all the more erotic. When I walked into my house Beth was sitting on the sofa watching TV and said, “Hi daddy, where you been?” “Just...

4 years ago
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The ASMR Goddess Part 2

The snoring broke through Yael’s subconscious, pulling her back to reality. Slowly opening her green eyes, she slowly glanced around to find herself still in her hotel room, laying in her bed, along with the overly comfortable “dad bod” of Shawn. As his snoring proved, he was completely asleep still.Yael bit her lower lip as she rested her chin on Shawn’s hairy chest. Looking over his features, seeing the deepness of his sleep made her smile, almost in the same way someone might smile when they...

Love Stories
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Lesbian Nurse Does The Bosses Wife

Hi, I’m Marsha and here is the story of my reintroduction to the lesbian lifestyle. I work as a Nurse for Dr. John Everett, an Ophthalmologist. We do a lot of Lasik eye surgery. His wife Ruth is also a Doctor but practices at a local hospital. Now I’m not a complete lesbian by any standards, but I did have a two month affair with a neighbor several years ago, so I guess I could call myself bi-sexual. I sometimes look at certain women in a sexual way. Mostly, I am attracted to large curvy women...

1 year ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 8 Agents and An Aggressor

The lobby of the hotel seemed brighter than it had when I left that morning. It could have been the light heart I felt, the song in my head. It certainly wasn't because of the two men in suits approaching me. "Mr. Setton, we would like a word with you." I stopped, looking at them. "Who are you? Both of them reached into their jackets and pulled out wallets. Holding them open, I saw the FBI logo on both IDs. "I am Special Agent Conway and this is Special Agent Ellison. If you would...

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Hot Wife exposed by religious inlaws

My name is Jenny, and the adventure below describes one of the most difficult ten days of my marriage to Brad.For the fourth of July this year, my husband insisted on visiting his family in Kentucky. This was usually a bit uncomfortable for me since the majority of his relatives were conservative Southern Baptists.  I really didn't want to go but, he usually calls the shots.So off we went to the Appalachians in Kentucky.The first two days were actually rather pleasant, and I began to relax...

Wife Lovers
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Hot Sex Bomb

Hi guys and gals, I am Raghav Arora, 28 male from Faridabad. I am well build, 5 11 , fair complexion. I am happily married and living with my wife in a rented house. We got married 2 years back. Lets come to story directly and it starts in March month only when I left my wife to my hometown as we are expecting a baby soon. Last week, when my landlord told me that they are going out of Faridabad for 5 to 6 days and that weekend. I was feeling very hot as my wife is not here so I was masturbating...

1 year ago
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At the ConferenceChapter 3

On the day of the BBQ, the weather was gorgeous. By two thirty in the afternoon most of our guests had arrived. We had seventeen for our outside feast and Peter was busy cooking over the hot coals. This allowed me to speak to all our friends and catch up with family gossip with the friends we hadn’t seen for some time. Jake made up the seventeenth person. I was looking at Jake in a completely different way now. Before he was just an old man who lived on his own in the next street. To me he...

2 years ago
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My wife comes home laughing and relaxed

That late afternoon my sweet wife came home from work and she looked happy, smiling and very relaxed…I asked her if she was in a good mood and she said it had been a fine day.Then I insisted why, but she said only that it was a fine day.The entire week she had this huge grin on her face coming from her office.I asked everyday why and everyday she said she was just happy…On Friday evening she rang and said she was going to be a little late; she was going to the pub for a couple hours after with...

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Narutos Discovery Part 1

‘THOUGHT’ KYUUBI Naruto felt the heat as Sasuke slid in and out of his ass moaning his name. He was so close. Sasuke reached around and gripped his erection and pumped it a few times before bringing his hands back to Naruto’s hips and pushed in deeper with each thrust. Sasuke let out a feral grunt and then… he was awake. This had been going on for two weeks and it pissed Naruto off to no end. “Why the fuck do I keep having these dreams!? It’s getting to where I can’t even get a...

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Arcades New Niche

Location Secret Arcade?s New Niche?Main castArcadeMiss LockeMagma: Amara AquilaMoonstar: Danielle MoonstarHusk: Paige GuthrieWolfsbane: Rahne SinclairFirebird: Bonita JuarezTigra: Greer Grant NelsonNamorita: Namorita PrentissSilverclaw: Maria de Guadalupe SantiagoJolt: Hallie TakahamaSongbird: Melissa GoldDagger: Tandy BowenCitizen V: Dallas Roirdan.Free Spirit: Cathy WebsterM: MonetSt. Croix   Location Secret  ??????????? ?Gah, look at these crappy assignments, Miss Locke!...

4 years ago
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The Shower

The water burns at first,so I turn and let it spray all over me till it gets just warm to my skin.I fill my hands with soap and rub all over my body and your face comes to my mind.Water washes over me and I feel the soap running down my body and the feel is seductive on my skin.My hand runs down my neck, wishing you could nip me there, then my hand runs to my breast and I feel my nipples bud and tighten. I take one in my fingers and twist and then pull, as I imagine your mouth would do. My...

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Best Friends With Benefits 8211 First Try

This is a particular event I wanted to explain thoroughly. Even though I have written many stories in ISS platform this ,I have given my best effort for it. So let me introduce myself I am Hari and this story I intend to release as many parts. Basically I am a mallu and girls and ladies who are interested in chatting with me or even want to take it to the next level can contact me in the mail id and I will be always online in hangouts to chat. I assure you that our personal details will be...

3 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 18

"I can't decide what to wear," Jennifer said to Jimmy as she walked into his bedroom. "What do you think of this outfit?" Jennifer had on a pair of tight green capri pants and a short sleeved V-neck sweater. The pants molded to her like a second skin and the top showed a good amount of cleavage. She also had on a pair of high-heeled sandals. "You look great mom," Jimmy said honestly. "But I think you look great in anything or... nothing." Jimmy stood up and pulled his mother into...

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Susana Gives Up Her Ass To Save Her Cherry

This is part three of a series you can read it as a standalone story, but if you really want to get the characters read the other parts of the series first. Part One isn’t essential, but Part Two sort of is.I was in heaven as the love of my life an eighteen year old virgin was in my bed with me and she had a butt plug in her ass prepping herself to take me inside her ass for the first time.She said, “I think it is time for the bigger one now.”I slowly pulled the smaller one out of her butt and...

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Watch This

Hi, I guess it is my turn. This is Gwen. You may know me from my boyfriend, Andy’s story about our fun and games, or my best friend Robin’s musings as she was testing the waters. I guess this is my essay on what I did last summer. My summer vacation was not off to a good start. Instead of hanging out with my hunky boyfriend for - how did he put it? Oh yeah, naughty fun time - or spending the summer with my bestie at our new college, my Mom had drug me down to Florida. Do you know how stinking...

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CuckoldSessions Aubrey Black 04102022

Aubrey is a Real Estate Agent sick of her lazy Husband who just sits around and watches TV all day but refuses to get a job. She tells him she has an important meeting with her Real Estate Agent partner to go over some figures and can he go somewhere else in the house and he says no. She asks him if he can go grab some food and he says no. Then she reminds him that he crashed her car because he’s such a bum and she’s always paying all the bills. Finally she decides to teach him a...

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My teacher kept me after for a reason

This happened when I was 16 years old and had just began the gymnasium in Sweden. Which is the equivalent to high school in the US. I was still a virgin but very curious for having sex.Me and my two friends entered class and walk to our usual sit places in the back of the class room. This was the fourth Spanish lesson so far. It was early on the autumn, middle of September. So we walked over and sat down and opened up our laptops. Although we didn't really need them. But Facebook was more...

2 years ago
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Twice In A Lifetime Ch 01

Author’s note: Unlike my previous stories, this is a true story – about a night in my life I will be lucky if I never forget. Enjoy! I was a senior in High School and just recently 18 years old, on concert choir trip. Now, I’d first taken choir years before when I was in middle school for an easy grade, and I’d stuck with it all those years for three reasons, first, it was an easy grade after all, second, it was fun most of the time, and third, there was a six to one ratio of girls to guys, and...

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Natalie Submits

Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...

1 year ago
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Yoga Pants

Reddit Yoga Pants, aka r/YogaPants! There is nothing more fap-worthy than girls in Yoga pants… and, of course, this mostly applies to ass men. I mean, if you prefer tits instead, there are plenty of subreddits that might offer that, but the r/YogaPants/ is obviously made for ass lovers! So, if you are a man of culture and you understand the beauty of women wearing tight yoga pants, welcome to a beautiful place filled with that type of content.The great thing about Reddit.com is the fact that...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Forbidden Part 1

Please note that this is purely fictional. Enjoy lovelies xoxo. I sighed as I looked at my watch, one hour until my shift ends. I couldn’t wait. A couple of my friends and I were going out tonight. They were eagerly waiting in the back booth of the restaurant I worked at, already ordering drinks. I was designated driver of course, but I didn’t mind. I wasn’t a big fan of alcohol anyway. “Hey, Sasha,” one of my coworkers said, she had her hands full and was looking really stressed. “Someone just...

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indian family reunion ch02

Indian Family Reunion Ch. 02 By the next morning, Usha had reconciled her dilemma. She knew that her son had no lewd thoughts about her. That was not her problem. She was unsure of herself, and she knew it. But she finally decided that nothing would happen between them, for no other reason than the fact that Ashok would not even think about such a thing. She felt confident that she would be all right. Ashok woke up early, and looked over at his mother, who was sleeping in the next bed. She...

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OpenFamily Natasha Nice 25257

Natasha Nice is need of her friend’s expertise in computers…. or so Tony thinks. When he stops by to check out her laptop that is having issues, he’s surprised and embarrassed to see naughty photos of her. Natasha assures him its OK and proceeds to show him her big natural tits in real life. Tony is hesitant, showing respect for Natasha’s husband, but she explains that they are an ‘Open Family’ and she’s already fucked many of Tony and her...

2 years ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 13 Night Call

The meeting lasted the rest of the day, though Pru was able to move it along by accepting many of the suggestions given as "for further study". She knew it would take time to put things into perspective and full operation. After dinner, she went to the compound's Salle and worked out for an hour or so, practicing both armed and un-armed combat routines. After her impromptu match in Ceuta Sector, she had been much more conscientious about exercise and practice. Her endurance and strength...

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Three Days in the MoonChapter 1

Monday 9 August, Evening John was annoyed. Someone was banging on doors and disturbing his reading. It was after ten at night and this was a generally quiet building with prosperous middle class families. Not the sort of place where your neighbours disturbed you this late. He put down his book and got up to have a look at what was going on. Before he got to the door someone rapped abruptly. He opened it prepared to give whoever it was a piece of his mind, only to have to change gear rapidly...

1 year ago
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Sally And DukeChapter 3

The expected entry did not come immediately, however, and Sally lifted her head to look down over her quivering breasts and see John Blodgett's massive bulk crouched over her. He was sliding backward, crab-like, over her naked body until his head was positioned over her widespread thighs and with sudden horror it dawned on the girl what he had in mind. She cringed in terror. "Oh no... please, I can't... I never have!" she pleaded, with her husband's employer, her horrified grey eyes...

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MommysGirl Sarah Vandella Molly Mae Jealous of My Son Part Two

Milf stepmother, Sarah Vandella wakes up from her smoking hot lesbian dream determined to have a talk with her new daughter Molly Mae about the birds and the bees. When she confronts her, she re-enacts what transpired in her dream, admitting that she wants to experiment with her sexually…Molly is taken aback but the desire to taste another Mommy’s pussy is overwhelming as she watches Sarah undress and expose her massive boobs. Sarah explores Molly’s youthful body by tasting...

2 years ago
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The LottoChapter 16

"Jake, I've spent over $100,000 on therapy ... gone through two courses of it, and the results were the same from both." I cocked an eyebrow. "It all goes back to my dad..." "Bullshit! I've gone through some counseling too and that's the standard finding ... in fact I've told my kids to just cut out the middleman and blame me whenever they screw up ... saves a lot of money." She gave a wry chuckle. "True, but in my case it's right. And I know it." I just shook my...

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A very VERY special visit

Crystal and I had been dating for almost 2 years.  We were nearly inseparablec and she almost immediately started staying with me in my trailer home, which was fine with me because I didn't have to masturbate, and she could suck "chrome off my hitch", if you get my point.  She had a voracious, insatiable appetite for sex and had no boundaries.    We had sex everywhere. We had a 3some with a guy she met at the grocery store,  a girlfriend in our trailer park, anal sex, public sex, nothing was...

1 year ago
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Soul MatesChapter 9

Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...

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