Kanata SummerChapter 4 free porn video

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Tanya and I gazed down at my sleeping sister being lovingly protected by her equally exhausted boyfriend, Dwayne Preston. All four of us had given our respective lovers our virginity that day, to be replaced with warm and loving memories that would last us the rest of our lives. But like all good things, the day had to come to an end eventually. I still didn't have the heart to wake the two, but sometimes we have to do things we don't like, I guess.

"Come on, you two sleepyheads. Time to hit the trail," I called in a voice that wouldn't have the power to knock the seed-heads off a dandelion. Tanya giggled lightly at my pathetic efforts to wake our companions.

"You're about as convincing as a late-night TV infomercial", Tanya whispered in my ear as she leaned over my shoulder. There was a soft, musical quality to her tone that told me she was about as enthused with leaving this meadow as I was. At that moment, if I could have homesteaded on our special place, I'd have never left it until the day I died.

"You want to wake them instead?" I asked my lover.

"Not really, but we'd better think about getting back, hadn't we?" She kissed me once as an attempt to bolster my resolve, then let me go so I could squat down and wake the other two.

"Come on, Sis. Time to go, before Mom and Dad have a rescue party sent up," I called a little louder as I shook her shoulder gently. She stirred a bit, then snuggled a little tighter against Dwayne's warm body.

"Dwayne! Karen! Come on! We've got a trail to ride," I turned up the volume a bit, and was rewarded with groans of their struggle to shed the cloak of sleep.

"What time is it?" Karen managed to get out as she attempted to convince her eyelids to stay open.

"About six fifteen by my watch," I answered her. "Do you want to wake Dwayne yourself or should I?" was my next enquiry.

"Huh? Nah, I'll wake him up ... maybe. But he's so nice and warm, and I'm so tired. Can't I sleep a little longer?"

"You really want to ride these trails in the dark, Sis?" I cautioned her. That seemed to get her inspired enough to turn over so that she could whisper in Dwayne's ear in her attempts to wake her lover.

"Dwayne? Baby? Come on, the Old Fart says we have to wake up," she mumbled, then kissed him several times in an effort to illicit a response.

"Huh? What?" Dwayne muttered as he slowly found himself returning to the land of the living. "Shit! I must have fallen asleep. You okay, Sweetie?"

Dwayne's first concern was for my sister before anyone or anything else. That made me feel that she was safer in his hands than with almost anyone else. It also re-enforced for me just how important Karen was in my life.

There were less than fifteen minutes between the time I woke our companions and when we hit the trail. No one seemed to be in a hurry, making it a leisurely trip from the meadow to the junction where that trail connected to the main route leading back to Kanata Camp. But just before the junction, Tanya's horse threw a shoe. We stopped to look at the damage, worried that where the nails had pulled out the horse's hoof might split.

"Looks like it'll be okay," Dwayne volunteered his opinion, "but maybe we should double you two up on one horse, just to be sure."

His idea had merit, and not being an equestrian expert, I had to agree that it was better to be safe than sorry. Tanya dismounted and prepared to ride with me. As she pulled herself up in the stirrup, I couldn't resist running my tongue over the soft flesh of her butt cheeks again. She turned and gave me a sly smile that told how much she enjoyed it.

"If this is going to become a regular thing," she cooed, "I might spend the rest of my vacation jumping up and down off horses."

As she leaned over to retrieve one of the reins, her firm little ass was fully exposed to me and it was more than I could pass up. Once more I kissed her cheek, then slipped my tongue into the crack of her ass, finding her puckered rosebud in the process. At first she squeezed her cheeks together, but after a second or two, relaxed them enough that I could run my tongue over her rear hole a few times.

"You'd better stop that or we'll never get back," I was warned. But she never moved, so I kept on licking her. It wasn't long before the signs of her excitement began to make themselves known. My own arousal compelled me to put the tip of my tongue squarely at the centre of her hole and push lightly for emphasis. Tanya relaxed her sphincter muscles just enough that I entered the first little bit of her before pulling back out.

"You're being a tease, you know," she growled at me. "That's getting me horny as hell. Going to eat my pussy, too?"

If we'd had a little more time, I would have, and I let her know that. She smiled in anticipation of future possibilities, then let reality sneak back in. Reluctantly, she swung her leg over the saddle before shifting forward and relinquishing the stirrups so that I could mount too.

That saddle was never meant for two riders. The only way it would take both of us was for me to slide as far back as I could while Tanya found her pussy pressed against the saddle horn. Even so, she would continually move to relieve the discomfort, thereby pushing her butt into my groin. With the swaying motions as we rode, I became hard from Tanya's backside slowly riding up and down on my shaft. By the time we'd covered a quarter mile, I was about ready to go out of my mind.

We were about half way down that last leg when suddenly, Tanya slumped back against me, almost sending me over the horse's rump. I felt waves of panic for her welfare wash over me until I heard that familiar moan issue from her throat. Holding her tightly in my arms, my eyes were presented with a dreamy smile as she leaned her head back against my chest, accompanied moments later by the sensations of her body shivering.

"What's wrong, Princess?" I heard myself almost demand as she continued to moan. She didn't say a word, which really scared me. Reining in our mount, I was about to stop to find out when Tanya's eyes fluttered open and she giggled.

"Mmm, nothing's wrong, Lover. That damned saddle horn has been pressing against my clit, and I climaxed! Between that and your cock on my butt, I think I drenched this poor saddle!"

We both had to laugh at the situation, with her speculating on how many more times she'd orgasm before we got back to the stable.

"You realize that in another hundred yards, you'd have had cum on your back?" I whispered in her ear.

"Really? This ride's got you that horny?" she questioned.

"Mmm-hmm, and your luscious body isn't helping any, either," I added to my claim.

Tanya started to wiggle against my hard cock, trapping it between us as her back massaged me. I warned her once more, but when she continued to rub my cock, I gave up and just let it happen. She even moaned as I erupted, leaving my seed to smear in that little hollow of her spine just above her butt.

"I thought it only fair to let you cum," she spoke softly as I recovered from our impromptu masturbation. "You going to leave it there, or clean up your mess?"

"I should just leave it there until we get back to the stables," I chastised her, but the possibilities of it gluing trail dust to her skin, not to mention my cock, made me rethink that idea. Using my forefinger, I scooped up my errant seed and flung it off to one side. Unfortunately, that's the side that Tanya's mount was on, and my spunk landed on the poor mare's muzzle. Tanya and I were both watching as that nag slipped her tongue out and cleaned off her nose, not once, but several times.

"Oh great!" Tanya groaned with a tone of implied lust. "Of all the horses to choose, I have to get one that's a cum-eater."

"Bet there's a stallion somewhere that's going to love getting an unexpected blowjob," I chuckled, sending both of us into gales of laughter.

The sounds of our mirth got Karen's attention enough that she pulled back to see what was going on. When she asked, Tanya explained the whole scenario to her. That look of incredulity Karen gave us was almost worth the effort of my getting off in the first place.

"I sure wish you'd told me all this back at the junction," my sister reprimanded us. "If I'd known, I'd have doubled up with Hulk."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, an impish grin snuck onto her lips and all three of us laughed together. Dwayne looked back to see what all the noise was about, his look of confusion being all it took for Karen to ride back up beside him and explain. We'd gotten over our laughter, but when Dwayne started to laugh after my sister's recounted story, he let go heartily, which sent the rest of us back into gales again.

I estimated it to be about eight thirty when we arrived back at camp, with the first people we spotted being Pete and Keira. Both were leaning against one of the enclosure fences looking like worried parents waiting for one of their kids that was late for curfew. But their expressions softened as soon as we pulled up outside the stables and dismounted.

"What's the idea of doubling up?" Pete wanted to know.

I explained about Tanya's mount throwing a shoe. Pete went over and checked the hoof for splits, then agreed that we'd probably done the right thing. When he asked if it had been hard to ride doubled up, Tanya started to giggle, her mirth eventually becoming unchecked.

"What the hell's so funny?" he wanted to know.

"Private joke," I begged off and noticed that both Dwayne and Karen were having a tough time keeping some semblance of straight faces.

"Steve, either you can tell us now or I'll drag it out of my little brother," Keira threatened. In the corner of my eye, I saw Dwayne shake his head as a silent indication that I shouldn't tell her anything. I gave her a toothy smile before starting to remove the saddles from our horses. Keira growled her frustrations as Pete took two horses into the stable for us. One of them was Tanya's mount.

"Better keep that one away from the stallions," my girlfriend called out. As we got a stare of incomprehension from poor Pete, both of us began laughing again to the point where we stumbled around until we fell off our feet. I landed on my ass and Tanya ended up in my lap. Even Dwayne and Karen were fighting to remain upright while his big sister just stared at us as though we might be certifiably insane.

Time ticked away as we finally regained some sort of control over our laughter. Pete had returned to the scene of the crime, so's to speak, and joined his girlfriend in her wait for some kind of explanation. I had no idea how I was going to tell them everything and decided to leave them wondering. Even a barrage of questions from Keira couldn't dislodge what she wanted to know from any of us. All she got was a group of silly teenagers grinning back at her as we fought to keep our secrets.

"I give up on you four," Pete finally resigned himself. "We're going to head down to the lake for a quick swim before we give up for the night. I was going to invite you to join us, but if you guys are going to be idiots all night, I'm not so sure I want to."

"You just want to be alone with my sister," Dwayne accused him, "so why would you want us tagging along?"

"Because you guys were out all day long, and it's a little late to be coming back from a simple trail ride. That means that either you got lost out there, or something happened, and I want to know which one it is," Keira snapped at her brother.

"And if we don't tell you?" he retorted. "You going to beat it out of me?"

"I just might do that, Munchkin!" she threatened.

The idea of Keira taking on her brother and winning was a pretty hefty stretch of the imagination, although I knew he'd never do anything to hurt her.

"Tell you what, guys," I began to mediate their sibling squabble. "Let me go tell Mom and Dad that we're back, then we'll meet you down there. I could use a good swim and maybe get some of this trail dust washed off."

Karen looked at me as if to ask whether I wanted her to come with me even though her thoughts were to stay with Dwayne for as long as possible. Tanya, on the other hand, was right beside me with the implication that she'd go anywhere I did. That suited me just fine and I had thoughts of taking our time after we left the cabin again. The idea of another blowjob like the last one I'd been given went through my head, except that this time, I wanted to return the favour. Just the memory of her flavour sent thrills through my body with the attendant twitching of my cock as it threatened to become hard.

Heading towards the cabin while the other four started towards the lake, I reached out a hand to Tanya, and she interlaced our fingers. Several short yards later, we'd relinquished that grip in favour of holding each other around the waist.

There was just enough light to see where we were going. I found myself stumbling on the uneven ground quite a bit, although Tanya was a lot more sure-footed than I was. She accused me of sneaking a drink of something when she wasn't looking. But I didn't need any kind of a stimulant that night, for I was already high on love, Tanya, and all we'd shared that day.

I ran up the stairs to the porch, pulling the screen door open hard enough to almost remove it from its hinges. Opening the cabin door, I stuck my head inside, then heard a moan of lustful sexual engagement. Part of me wanted to leave before I was discovered interrupting something private, while the rest of me was dying to find out who was making the noises, and why.

The latter won out.

There on the edge of the large bed in the cabin was my mother on her hands and knees, her legs spread apart and her ass up in the air while she accommodated a man that was enthusiastically enjoying the place where I had entered the world through the fruits of my mother's labour, over seventeen years ago ... and he wasn't our father!

My first instinct was to turn and run as far and as fast from what I'd seen as I could. Closing the door was easy, but letting the screen door slam would defeat any chance of clandestine escape. At the last minute, I caught the swinging frame and eased the screen shut as quietly as possible. On tiptoes, I turned to traverse the porch, jumping clear of all three steps in an effort to avoid any boards that might squeak or otherwise betray my presence.

"Did you find your parents?" Tanya asked as I returned to her, a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead.

"Umm ... yeah. I think it was them," I stuttered, my voice high and squeaky.

"Did you tell them we were back?"

"Umm ... no. They were ... busy," I clipped my answer.

"Too busy for you to let them know? There's more to this than you're telling me, isn't there?"

"Just trust me on this one, Tanya. They don't want to hear from me right now," I desperately wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Let's just go down to the lake and join the others."

"Steve, what's going on? Why wouldn't you tell your parents?"

How was I supposed to tell her that my Mom was sprawled on the bed — and was fucking a man that wasn't my father? Just what the hell was going on in there? I had no real idea, and was in no hurry to find out either.

"Come on, let's go. I'll ... I'll try to explain it on our way."

"No!" She was adamant now. "You owe it to your parents to tell them so they won't worry. What's so hard about that?"

"Umm ... they're having sex?' I tried to form a plausible excuse. It came out more as a question than a statement.

"Who? Your parents?"

"Well ... yeah, I guess," my voice faltered once more. "One of them is, anyway," I added.

She wanted more details than I was prepared to give. I also didn't know how to deal with what my eyes had taken in. I grabbed her hand and started pulling, but she squirmed out of my grip, then turned and headed for the porch.

Still in shock, I just stood there, waiting for the catastrophe of what I'd seen to bowl me over. Tanya took the steps two at a time, then peeked in the window. As she eased her head around so that her body was hidden from anyone inside, her hand flew up and covered her mouth, and in the cabin's light I could see her eyes were as big as saucers. She'd seen the same thing I had, came to the same conclusions I did, and recognized one of the two people involved. She was also no more able to understand it than me.

Now just as shocked as I was, Tanya slowly made her way back to where I waited, her features showing a complete lack of comprehension. I had my suspicions, but wasn't about to put them into words. Well, maybe once we'd gotten away from the cabin I might, but right then? No way!

Tanya came over to where I stood, then kept right on walking as if I didn't exist. I reached out to find her hand, only to be denied even that small token of solace. We'd walked about a hundred yards before Tanya began to come out of her trance.

"Steve? What did I just see?" was all she could get out.

"I don't know what you saw, Princess, but I know what I did. My mother was on that bed, and some guy was ... screwing her like a mad rabbit! And they both looked like they were really enjoying it, too! I didn't recognize who he was, but I couldn't see very well. To be honest, I don't think I want to find out!"

"Christ!" she cursed. "I saw your Mom with ... some man I didn't recognize! What the hell's going on in there?"

She was still in total shock, although the initial confusion of my own mind was beginning to dissipate enough that my brain could almost function, even if only in a much reduced capacity.

"Come on, let's get the hell out of here!" I strongly commanded. "I need to sort my head out! I'm not sure I can handle this, Princess."

We walked in silence, my head a mass of confused thoughts. My Mom with someone besides our Dad? I couldn't even understand something like that happening. There had been no fights, no hints or clues that they weren't the same loving parents I'd known all my life. And what of Karen and me? Where would we go? Would we live with our Dad in some run-down apartment while our mother enjoyed the house that had been our home for as long as I could remember? Or would we have to live with her and her new boyfriend? And then an even worse thought struck me. Would they split us up, Karen and me?

As that last possibility hit me, I could feel my heart trying to skip a few beats on its way out my throat. Just the concept of my sister being under a different roof than me left a hollow spot inside. All her life, I'd almost taken her presence for granted. Suddenly the possibility that she wouldn't be there to talk to, or to share events in our lives with each other became real. It was more than I could deal with.

"I guess this is the last time we'll be together as a family," I speculated, my fears now beginning to form more thoughts than I could handle all at once.

"Oh Gawd, Steve! I'm so, so sorry," Tanya volunteered her sympathies. "Anything I can do to help you guys, just let me know. Okay?"

"Right now, I'm scared of where Karen and I will end up. What if they decide to split us up? You know, where Karen goes with Dad, and I have to live with Mom and ... that guy? I don't give a damn who he is! I don't want to be in the same house as him! Not having Karen around all the time? I'm not sure I could take that, Tanya. She might be a little brat sometimes, but she means so much to me, especially after today. Gawd, I hate this place!"

"It's not the place, Baby. It's the people in it, or at least some of them. I'd hoped that I'd remember today as the most wonderful day of my life, but after seeing that? I think that just ruined it for me. Probably for both of us too."

"How am I supposed to tell Karen?" I wondered aloud. "She's only fifteen, for heaven's sake! She shouldn't have to go through this ... this crap! And Dad! I guess someone should tell him, too!"

"Steve, stop it!" I was ordered. "You're trying to pack the weight of the whole world on your shoulders. You know better! Your Dad's a grown man. He can handle himself. It's Karen that's going to need all the help and support she can get, so you just work on getting Steve Hellman through this, then be the brother she needs. And just remember that I'm here for you. Anything I can do to help, all you have to do is ask."

I appreciated Tanya's support, although I couldn't quite understand exactly what it was she might be able to do other than lend an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on. Still, it felt good to know that I wasn't alone.

I regained control of myself finally, then walked with Tanya down toward the lake. Still without any planned course of action, we drifted onto the beach that lined one side of the man-made lake, subconsciously seeking the support of our friends. They were sitting in a small circle when we arrived, amiably chattering about something that I couldn't hear. As we approached, Karen looked up, saw my ashen face, and her entire joyous composure dissolved instantly.

"Steve? What's happened? Have you been crying? Your eyes are all ... and you look like shit! Did you two have a fight or something?"

"Or something," was all I could get out.

Like a zombie, I found myself mindlessly sitting down cross-legged, with Tanya doing the same but now clutching my hand in a vise-like death grip.

"Steve?" Karen persisted. "What's going on? You two didn't break up, did you?"

"No, Sis, we didn't break up. We're still a couple ... for what that's worth right now," my glum words tried to find some life where none existed. "We ... we ran into something that's got us both pretty shook up, that's all. Give us time to get over it? Okay, Sis?"

"Yeah, okay," she conceded temporarily. "Did you find Mom and Dad?"

How was I supposed to answer that? Could I casually tell her that I had found our mother ... fucking a complete stranger? At that particular point in my life, I couldn't even admit it to myself, let alone to my sister.

"They were out, I guess. The cabin was dark when we got there, and I have no idea where they are, or what they're doing," I lied through my teeth, hating myself for doing that to my precious sister. But I figured it was better than telling her the truth and destroying her world in the process.

"What's going on?" Keira joined the conversation. "You look really upset about something, Steve. I get the impression that it isn't over your parents not being where they're supposed to be. What aren't you telling us?"

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We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 29

Ken could not believe how crowded the theater was. There wasn't even standing room in the place; every square inch was packed with people. He had a feeling that the fire marshal would be a very unhappy person if he could see what was going on here. The girls were extremely excited, and Ken resigned himself to a night of the loud, annoying crap that passed for music these days. He himself, when he listened to music at all, preferred rock from the '70s and '80s. Honestly though, he really...

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The phone must have rang about five times till my wife Kathy finally picked it up. I was busy finishing up the painting of the spare room and really couldn't hear who she was talking too. I climbed back down the ladder when she came into the room. "I think I rented out the room." she said all smiles. "That's great." I smiled back as I put the paintbrush down. We had been trying to rent out the room all summer and were getting a little worried since the start of school was...

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The Ghost of Resurrection Mary

The story of Resurrection Mary was told around Chicago for so many years that it became legendary. But, back in the thirties when a pretty young girl was killed by a hit-and-run driver, it was heartbreaking. Mary had been with her boyfriend at a dance hall when a fight began and she ran out into the dark night and was killed. In the year nineteen-thirty-four, she was buried in Resurrection Cemetery in an unmarked grave. That’s when the sightings began.People, mostly men, swore they’d seen...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Almost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...

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Sex On A Train Journey Part 8211 1

Hey, fellas, it’s my first time writing my experience, so bear with me. I’m Christopher (obviously name changed, actually it’s my gaming name). Tall_wheatish_handsome describes me all. Athletic build and stout. Now introducing the girl Michelle (name changed). Physical stats 36-30-34. Fair complexion. Without further adieu, starting the story, mind you its the real one and have a bit patience fellas. Me and ma 2 sisters (say geeta and babita )were on a journey to kanyakumari from cst (mumbai)...

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Majgen Ch 011

This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...

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Our Second Incest Holiday

Note : This story is completely fictional! The farmer couldn't wait to see us again,after we'd arranged to go down and stay in his fields again. As the time got nearer,my wife couldn't contain her excitement,knowing that being in the nude for two weeks,would allow our son to fuck her whenever her tits and cunt caused his cock to rise and show it's head! The previous holiday had seen us be nude for the whole two weeks,and our good friend,the farmer,also had the pleasure of getting into her...

2 years ago
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Princess of Persia 8211 Part 11

Hey guys, to aapne padha ke Methius jung per chala gaya tha. Rajkumari Misha ko azaadi mil gayi thi mujhse sex karne ki. Aur dusri taraf Methius ki maa Mila mujhe chidha rahi thi bohut saare lund ek sath lekar. Ab Aage. Ye silsila aise hi chalta raha 15 din tak. Fir Misha ke periods miss ho gaye aur fir uski thodi tabyat kharab hui to main vaid ji ko bula laayi. Unhone usko dekhkar bola ke woh maa banne wali hai. Methius ko pata tha ke woh nahi aane wala hai abhi kuch mahine tak. To usne...

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la mia datrice di lavoro

All'epoca avevo 18 anni,ero alla ricerca di una occupazione anche saltuaria x incrementare un po'la cosidetta paghetta di papa'piuttosto scarna.Avevo terminato la scuola dell'obbligo ed ero molto fiduciosa di trovarmi un lavoro anche fart time di ogni genere senza avere preferenze di settore o altro.Ero temprata nelle faccende domestiche aiutando mia madre spesso ammalata ed essendo figlia unica toccava a me sola aiutarla in casa.Mio padre lavorava 18 ore al giorno e quando tornava a casa solo...

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Ned Aliceand Neds Grandmother

I left early the next morning, curious to see if Alice's promise to relieve Ned's worry would actually happen. I parked several blocks away, walked back and was just taking up my post at Ned's window when the light switched on. Ned was on his back sleeping, his semi-erect cock tenting the sheet. Alice walked slowly into the room, her eyes intent on his bulge, wrapping her shower-fresh hair with a towel. Her silk robe was untied, and as she walked towards Ned, I could see her perfect, small...

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Abby TwoChapter 19

Alice directed and I drove. At the gate, Alice said, “We have a standing appointment with Mrs. Broadbent.” “Alice ... this is the racetrack.” I should know ... I race here at the amateur events. “I know,” Alice said. “You know the houses on the west side?” “Yes.” “People actually live here. Mrs. Broadbent is a recent widow and she wants to move. She doesn’t hate the races ... she hates the drive to get out of her home during the the 12 hour race. She has problems with the track when they...

3 years ago
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I pulled out of the station as Michelle took her bags to the bedroom in the back. I could hear her humming some tune I didn't recognize. It was nice to have another presence in the coach. Since the death of my wife, I had been alone traveling the country. Now I had a passenger, but Michelle was more than just a passenger. She was my companion and my lover. The night before we had been lying together after a long bout of lovemaking and Michelle had told me a little about her life. Her parents...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 15

Tommy smiled broadly. He couldn't be happier; now he could show his mother how much he truly loved her. Now he could give back some of what she had given him all these years. The comfort, the closeness, and the feelings of worth and worthiness he had enjoyed from her, he could now return."Now please Tommy, let's quit talking about fucking and give me what I need, namely that big young hard cock. I want you to fill me with your hot cum… yeah like that, baby… oh fuck, I love your cock so much!...

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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 2 Shelenarsquos Naughty Offer

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Tuesday I couldn’t believe I was crying. Me! I leaned against the wall in the second-floor corridor, Guanting Chan’s futa-cum leaking out of my pussy. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I struggled to get my emotions under control. Anger boiled through me at the mocking laughter that had surrounded me in the cafeteria. All my life, I had been in charge. The tallest and fastest futa on the team. The one with the biggest cock. Girls were all sluts for my dick even when...

2 years ago
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Sex Encounter with Neighbour

Hi, I am from Chandigarh doing Job In MNC. The incident which I am going to tell u happened with me itself. Its really a true incident & not just a story to boast off. It last Month when we got shifted into our new home. I was very excited & overjoyed.Within a few days i got ourselves settled. I have two galleries-one in front & the other at left side.I used to sit usually at front gallery early in the morning studying.One day I opened the side gallery early in the morning & saw a beautiful...

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Playtime in the Park0

“Come on, do it, Jessica.” The man told his woman. “I can’t, Damon. Someone might see.” Jessica whispered back, giggling as Damon inched his hand higher beneath her miniskirt. “That’s the whole point. Come on. Do it for me.” Damon leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. The woman glanced at Rick but his eyes were glued on the words in front of him as if he had not even seen them. “There is a man right there.” She said under her breath. “For me.” Damon repeated seeming to know...

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The Ghosts of Christmas Past

"You need to think about this, Eric," Tom, my roommate, told me. "I don't think it would be good for you to stay in this apartment alone for a month. Please come home with me for Christmas. My family would really love to have you." I told him I'd think about it. One I grew up loving Christmas. My parents always made it a fun event. There was just the three of us, and no other family nearby, but we made it fun. We were never all that religious, but we understood the peaceful message...

2 years ago
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Riding in Cars With Boys

Introduction: A girls first adventure in getting in a car for a ride with boys. Riding in Cars With Boys Your mouth is warm, your lips soft, your tongue aroused and probing deep into my own wanting mouth. I sigh as you kiss me deeply like you mean it and with a promise of more. Your hand moves under my blouse then slowly reaches under my bra and starts kneading my breast. I almost gasp beneath your kiss which becomes harder, sloppier as your tongue feels like its going down my throat. You...

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Her Animal ActChapter 11

Looking at his watch at least two times for each minute that dragged by, Elliott limped nervously back and forth in the air- conditioned hotel room. She was fifteen minutes late and he was beginning to fear she wouldn't show up at all. "Garza, maybe you'd better call again." "Relax, Mr. Strickland. She'll be here any minute." He felt like leaping at the private detective and shaking him into action. His professional calmness grated Elliott's on-edge nerves. "It's sort of a...

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Silk of Life

Many things crossed Emily’s mind on that run. The blazing hot ball of fusion that cascaded heat down upon her white shining skin, the pavement that boiled that heat back and threatened to scorch her feet every step, save for her running shoes – the list could drag on, but Emily was most preoccupied on what happened a week ago – the day mother had taken her two sisters and fled the house – the day she had slept with Ryan, her father. It had been among the most pleasurable moments of her life –...

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Sarah Carerra 249 Central Park

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: August 15, 2011) Chapter 49 - Central Park The rest of the weekend was much more low-key than the previous week had been. After sleeping in slightly longer on Saturday, we spent most of the day traveling in the bus to New...

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Anita white slut wife for BBC

Anita white slut wife for BBCTwo days after coming back from our Caribbean vacation, my sweet wife Anita confessed me that she had always fantasized about being a slut whore for a big black cock.I told her that I already knew her greed for black cocks, because I had witnessed how she had been fucked by that nigger during that morning at the resort, just one week ago.She was a little bit surprised, but also confessed me she had been fucked by Markus every day during the rest of the whole week...

3 years ago
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Das Tor

Jackpot!! Ich sa? fassungslos vor dem Fernseher. 6 Richtige und Superzahl! So langsam wurde mir klar, was das bedeutete. Nie wieder arbeiten, in Rente mit 25... Und es schlich sich mir ein Gedanke in den Kopf, den ich schon vergessen glaubte: Das Tor. Jetzt w?rde ich es gr?ndlich untersuchen k?nnen, jedenfalls besser als beim ersten Mal, vor langer Zeit. Damals sorgten die Ereignisse f?r einen Umzug und einen Schulwechsel. Und ich sah das Tor zehn Jahre nicht mehr. *-* 10 ...

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Enslaved to the Mob Ch 02

“I said I’d take you home.” He tells her after seeing the look of bewilderment on her face, gathering his coat as the car slowly comes to a stop in front of the mansion. “I just didn’t tell you whose home you’d be going to.” “What the fuck is going on?!?!?” Angelique screams out to Mikhail, drowning out the sounds of the front doors of the limousine being closed. Remaining quiet, Mikhail takes another gulp of his alcohol as he watches Angelique with amusement. Her panic filled eyes...

1 year ago
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Swapping Cousins

Todd and Sissy Bracklin were two fairly normal kids, who had a fairly normal relationships as brother and sister. Todd, being seventeen, could drive and Sissy, who was fourteen, loved to shop, so it wasn’t unusual for them to spend time together as Todd ferried her from place to place. In each place he had friends to hang out with, and so did she. So they actually spent more time than usual with each other than the average teen siblings. Three states away, where Julie and Brad Bracklin lived,...

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No and YES

As the years have gone by, I have always thought I've gotten better and better at sex. I learned early on how to get a guy off, perfecting my blow jobs by listening to the breathing and grunting sounds they make. I paid attention to the way a guy would hold my head, gripping it and pushing it down on his cock as my throat and lips and tongue caressed it to the point of explosion. And I learned how to take an eager pussy-licker's efforts and make them even better, when I would tell him ... SHOUT...

1 year ago
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Mukuneiu 4 Cinders

-----"It's... so amazing, Erika." Adra said, her eyes half-filled with tears of joy, her voice soft and angellic. "Not nearly as amazing as you, my darling. Besides, I figured it was good time to have a nice dinner out with you like this, after all, we did just move in together." The voice that soothed her was so peaceful and loving, suiting the loving arms that bound her close. She was in Heaven. Perhaps it was not a fairy-tale world, and perhaps it was not paradise, but for now there...

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Girl Time 2 Becoming Jessica

Girl Time 2: Meeting Jessica by Maria Ski Hi dear reader my name is John. I'm 18 and I have to be honest with you. I mean really honest. For you see I have this feeling that I am not who I meant to be. I have felt this way for a long time. To be frank with you, I've had this feeling since I was a very young child. I would like to be... no I sense... no I think that I should've been born as a girl. I can not explain why I feel like this but it's true. Looking at it from my point of...

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Driving in Snow Ch 13

Chapter 13. Another day. I stopped at a drug store on my way to the office and bought a package of condoms. First time in over fifty years. That felt weird. When I arrived at the office Joyce was already there. She greeted me with a big hug and an extra bright smile. She said: ‘Something extra special happened here last night. What was it?’ I replied: ‘You’re right but how do you know?’ She answered: ‘You were sending love again but this time it ended in an orgasm.’ Then she asked:...

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Introduction: Im just here to make homework a little more interesting. Naughty Youve had a long day, wasting away at the computer as you feverishly try to finish a research paper. You rub your eyes and stretch, cracking your spine as you do so. A pair of warm, soft arms envelop you, and your body stiffens in shock. Hey . . . Her voice makes your cock jump slightly in your pants. You go to spin the computer chair around, but she stops you: I dont want to interrupt you. Just thought Id give...

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my sisters

With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now. I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my...

4 years ago
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Gloryhole visit

I see myself as heterosexual with the occasional need to play with a cock. I got into swinging in the mid 1990s and I love watching and joining couples fucking. At some of these parties in the 1990s I did watch guys playing with each other, but never really thought about joining in. Then there were a few occasions when I was taking part in a threesome when I was asked to help guide a guy’s cock into the woman and I didn’t hesitate in holding the cock, and in some cases having my cock guided in...

3 years ago
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Shalya is a very beautiful and gorgeous woman very fair, long black hair, around 5’2”, at 39 years of her age mother of two still looks very sexy in her well toned curvy body, she is living a very normal life with her doctor husband who has below average looks, shapeless body, almost bald with specs, their two daughters 7 and 12 yrs old also look like father with below average looks and specs, younger one is skinny and elder one very fat, their household was very normal them as they are little...

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Jamal Gets Susan Again

The pool area was deserted so we decided to lay out in the sun for a while. After a few minuts my husband got up and went towards the bar. He was gone for about fifteen minuts so I glanced around for him when I saw Jamal walking towards me. I said,"Hello Jamal"He looked at me with a wicked grin and said,"Dam baby you look hot! Let me take you into the pool to cool off."I smiled and said,"OK"As soon as I got up I saw my husband carrying a tray with three drinks so I knew he and Jamal had already...

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SisLovesMe Aspen Romanoff Don8217t Say You Love Me

Sexy stepsister Aspen Romanoff woke up freezing her hot little booty off! She sought out stepbro for some cuddles and warmth. It was all pretty normal until he started rubbing her tits though. Aspen knew something was up, and decided to do some further investigation throughout the week. Later that evening she entered her stepbros room in a towel then completely exposed her breasts! Stepbro knew she wanted to fuck, and gave it to her doggystyle right there in his room. It was all hot and sexy...

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Love Thy Neighbor

“Hi Mrs. Jones, can Tommy come over to play trains for a little while?” A neighborhood boy would always come over to the house and ask my mom if I could come over and play. It was always play with his train set or when Pong was released it was to come play Pong and later on Atari. Mom would always say it was okay and to be back “by dinner time.” When I’d go over there they had several layers of sheer window coverings so you could get sunlight in, but no one could really see out or in unless you...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 14

It was after ten before I dragged myself out of bed. But since it was the first day of Christmas Vacation, that wasn't bad. Actually we don't get Christmas Vacation anymore. It was winter break. Maybe Tami was still in bed and I could go join her. There'd been a dance at the high school last night, and Robbie and I had gone for awhile to perform with the band. Then we met Tami and Ashley at Robbie's house for a party of our own. Mostly Risk and some dancing and making out. It was a nice...

2 years ago
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Cougar Nurse Sheila

Cougar Nurse SheilaMickey had his slender dick in his younger (by nine minutes) brother’s ass. He would go slow and then speed up. Then return a few minutes later to slow and deep. His little brother was so tight and hot inside. Roger had a perfect little hole between his ass checks. Mickey made his brother’s ass jerk and shake. When he looked down, his brother’s muscular little butt cheeks reminded him of their mother’s breasts.Mickey leaned forward, placing his hands on Roger’s back....

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Their New MotherPart 2

There followed a time of complete confusion. Betty shook Billy awake and climbed over him and ran from the room. Her ears roared and she could barely breathe. She found a dress to pull on and quickly brushed her hair but collapsed on her bed. She was too afraid to move. Eventually the roaring went away and in the quietness she could hear almost normal things around her. There was no yelling or angry voices. Just quiet conversation and people moving about. After what seemed like hours there...

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Yep I Can Fly Part 5

Chapter 14 Chip "What the hell is this?" Jack asked as he held up the tiny sliver of metal to the light. It's hard to believe such a minuscule thing could turn my whole life upside down. Just piecing the scenario together in my head seemed crazy. Did Janet actually control my mind? Make me order that blue outfit? And where did the microchip come from? "I wonder what would happen if I downed it with a shot of..." "Can I see that please?" I sarcastically muttered, which...

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