A Very Modern Family Ch 03
- 2 years ago
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I was beginning to panic! Do I go in and help the girl? Could I turn off the machine? Turning off the machine might do her more harm than good. God ... I don't know! No, ... I must stick with my plan. If everything else went as planned, I would come back and help her later. Looking away, I walked further down the circular corridor to the next room. "Oh no", I though to myself. This one was not empty either. The lights were on. In the back, were the same two cylinders as in the other lab. But now I could almost see into them. Each contained a girl. A bluish fog drifted around their naked bodies. Their wrists where held together above their heads, locked into a metal bar and clamps. Their feet slightly spread and held at the bottom of the cylinder. A vertical tube started at the base and traveled up, between their legs, penetrating them. I continued walking, now in a daze. The next room held more horrors. There was a girl on a table. Her arms were strapped down above her head. Her feet and legs were help firmly in metal stirrups, like the kind my gynecologist uses. Only these had extra straps around the calves and thighs. A black object covered her exposed vagina and mons. Wires ran from the devices along the table to a control panel. And there was a strange clear plastic box surrounding her upper body, covering her breasts. Two tubes ran from the top of the box over to another machine. She was looking towards me, but her eyes were closed. Suddenly, some lights blinked on the control panel. Her eyes opened wide and she let out a long moan, "ooooooooohhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Noooooo mooreeeee. Pleeease ... nooooo mooooore." Her body began to quiver. This was too much. I had to try and help.
Using the keypad, I entered the room. She looked over to me, then closed her eyes in defeat. I remembered the jacket I was wearing. She probably though I was here to continue with the experiment, or monitor her, or something. "My name is Rachael, I want to help you", I whispered. She opened her eyes, her body still shaking. "What is this machine doing to you?" I asked. "Let me help you." Taking short breaths she said, "Neehww Drrug, ... Constant sppppraahy on myyy br ... easts!" Then the lights began to blink again. I heard a low hiss as I looked closer. A mist was spraying down over her nipples and breasts. Again she began to moan and quiver. "Caaahnt laaastt much longeeehr!" Without thinking I scanned the control panel. One knob said 'Dosage'. Another said 'Interval'. A red switch said 'Power'. I flipped it! The indicator lights went out but the spray continued. "Oh no, it's not stopping" I though. Her body was beginning to shake more violently. I had to stop the spray! What about the tubes? They led from the box covering her breasts, along the table, over to a larger machine. I ran to the machine. Grabbing one of the two thin tubes, I pulled hard where it was connected. It slipped off the fitting. At that instant, I realized the mistake I had made! A stream of the clear liquid squirted out of the open valve. I jumped back as fast as I could. Not fast enough. I felt the spray hit the front of the jacket, right between my breasts. I stumbled back. The girls eyes were open wide and drool was running out of her mouth. The drug continued to spray over her left breast. The liquid absorbed into my cotton tee-shirt and slowly began to cover my nipples. I have to get the shirt off! But it was too late. I felt a warmth in my breasts. My nipples became hard. My mind began to fog. Collapsing on the floor, I dragged my body as far away from the liquid pooling at the base of the machine. The warmth had now traveled through my body to my pussy. I was sooooo wet! I wanted so badly to touch myself, but my arms just quivered at my side. Then everything faded. I dreamed of having orgasm after orgasm!
God, what was that pain in my arms. I felt so groggy. What had happened? My mind began to clear. I remember trying to help that girl. Sleepily, I opened my eyes. The world around me seemed distorted. Oh no ... my arms were held together above my head. There was a fullness in my vagina. Looking down, I saw a bar between my legs, rising upward into me. My feet slightly spread and held in place by metal clamps. Any movement caused the bar which was embedded so deeply inside me, to push against my tender flesh. I was in one of the glass cylinders! Looking left, I saw another one. It was empty. I looked to the right. It was Monica! She too was held the same as I in a glass tube. She seemed asleep, her head flopped forward. Then I realized the magnitude of the situation. I had failed! Tripp must have found me after his new drug paralyzed my body. By now he must know that the ORG-X implant was not working. Tears began to roll down my face. I sobbed quietly. "Don't cry Rachael." The sound of his voice made me nauseous. Looking through the glass, I saw Tripp walking into the lab. "You fucking bastard, let me GO! I'll KILL you!" "I doubt that Rachael. And as for fucking, you'll be doing lots of that soon enough." He walked over to a control panel and pressed a button. The glass tube surrounding me began to raise up into the ceiling. Fresh air rushed in. I noticed that Monica's cylinder was also opening. Her head moved slightly. "You know Rachael, you really put on quite a good show..." "Show? What the fuck are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the last few days ... All that sneaking about. You turned out to be more ingenious than I had expected. But ... alas ... it was all just a game!" "A ... A ... game?" The word echoed in my ears.
"You don't really expect that I would have allowed any of my girls to wander around the facilities of their own free will. I monitored you the entire time." My mind was spinning. "But ... but ... the implant?" "Ah yes ... the ORG-X implant. Well you see Rachael, you don't have one! The final test results on your vaginal secretions showed that you would not be a good candidate. But I decided to continue as planned, just to see how you would react. Hidden cameras have recorded your every step! I'm sure the tape will be a big smash in the private club theater. I have to admit, I never though that you would go through with the stage show. You're a great fuck, even without the drug!" I felt crushed. My will was gone. "Do whatever it is you're going to do to me. Just get it over with", I said. Suddenly, Monica screamed out, "Rachael ... Oh Rachael, ... why did I do all those horrible things!" She was normal again! "Monica, you're OK? What happened to you?" Before she could reply, Tripp spoke, "Well you see girls, the ORG-X vaginal implant may still need some work. Monica was an excellent gini-pig. Unfortunately, her heart rate was increasing due to the direct release of the drug into her uterus. Eventually, she might have had a seizure, probably at the same time she was having an orgasm. Come to think of it, that might have been interesting to watch ... Anyway, we wouldn't want any harm to come to such a pretty face, so I had to remove the implant." "So ... so does that mean you'll let us go?" Monica whispered. "Don't be silly, you'll both be fitted with nipple clamp dispensers just like all the other staff members. Besides, I may use Monica to test the next version of the implant! And as for you Rachael, you've got such great tits and ass that I may keep you as my personal assistant!" Tears rolled down Monica's face and onto her breasts. I felt fear, anger, humiliation, anguish. All I could say was, "Why? Haven't you done enough to us already?" He approached me and placed a hand over each of my breasts. "Now Rachael, this is where you'll live the rest of your life. You are mine!" I spit in his face!"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He squeezed down hard and twisted my nipples. The pain was excruciating. My struggling only caused more pain in my vagina. "Stop, let gooooo! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ... Pleaseeeee Stoppppp!" He released my sore nipples. Then he bent down and suckled one of them, letting his tongue flick the tip. I gasped out. He repeated on the second breast. Then he moved lower, kissing my stomach as he went. His hands reached behind me as he when down on his knees and began to massage my ass. "Noo ... don't ... please don't." I begged. The bar entered my pussy in such a way that my clitoris was pushed out and exposed. His tongue reached out and went to work. The bar felt so deep inside me. Tripp continued to suck my clit and squeeze my ass. One of his fingers began to probe the tight skin around my anus. I was getting wet. "Nooomoore ... please stop ... please stoppppooohhhh." Then there was a pain in my asshole as he pushed a finger in. "Ahhhhhnooooo ... Not that ... noooooo!" "You've got such a tight ass Rachael. I'm going to give it a good fucking later." He pulled out his finger and stood up, wiping off his chin. "But for now, lets get on with the fun", he laughed. Walking over to the far side of the room, he approached two low padded ottomans covered with straps. Each had a 4 inch protrusion at one end, sticking up at a slight angle. Pushing the first, he rolled it to the center of the room and locked down it's casters. "What ... what are you going to do to us?" Monica spoke. "Just relax Monica. I've got something planned that I think you're both going to really enjoy." He rolled over the second ottoman and positioned it facing the first, about 3 feet apart. "Now I wouldn't want either of you to hurt yourselves by struggling while I move you, so I'm going to inject a muscle relaxant. More fear raced through my mind. Tripp walked to one of the medical cabinets and returned with a vile and syringe!
"You know Rachael, ... it's ironic, ... the experiment you interrupted involved a hybrid of this drug. It was a combination of this muscle relaxant and a strain of the ORG-X. Unfortunately, now I'll have to start with a new volunteer." I thought about this for a moment, then remembered the state I had left that poor girl in. "What ... what happened to the girl?", I asked. "Don't feel to bad, I'm sure the end for her was quite pleasurable! And besides, now I know what the O.D. level for the drug is." "You are a cruel, sick, perverted man! Owww!" He jabbed the needle into my thigh. Then he walked over to Monica and injected her. The feeling that began to spread through my body was horrible. It was as if my strength was being drained away. My leg muscles gave out causing me to hang by my wrists. It seemed that the restraint was designed for this, as the wrist cuffs were well contoured and padded. But as my body slumped down slightly lower, the bar in my vagina pushed deeper in, causing more pain. Eventually I couldn't even hold up my head. I heard Monica yelp out, and then she made a muffled cry. Suddenly my head was pulled back by my hair. "Ouch! What the fucmmmmpppphhhhhhh!" Tripp shoved a ball gag into my mouth and fastened the strap behind my head, before letting it flop back down. A moment later the bar began to retract down. I watched it move slowly out of my pussy. Then Tripp placed an arm around my waist and suddenly my hands were free. As I flopped down, he caught my weight. Next my feet were released, and then in one swift motion he hoisted my naked body over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I felt so helpless!
I was carried over to the first of the two ottomans and laid on my back. It was only slightly wider than my hips. My arms and legs flopped down on either side. Next, Tripp grabbed me under my ass, lifted it up, and slid my body down until my ass was just at the end of the ottoman. As he lowered my ass down, I felt the cold metal protrusion touch my tight anal skin. Had I had any strength, I would have instinctively clamped down with my anal muscles. Instead, I felt an intense pain as he easily pushed me down onto the angled one inch wide probe. I moaned in pain! Lifting each of my arms, he restrained my wrists and upper arms with straps at the side of my body. Then he took my left foot, brought it under and back alongside the ottoman, and attached my ankle to another strap. The same was done to my other foot and leg. The ottoman was wider at the lower end, causing my legs to spread even farther, brutally exposing my most private flesh. Another strap crossed over my stomach. Then, using a crank at the end of the ottoman, Tripp began to raise the end my head was on and lower the other end, bringing my knees down almost to the floor. He stopped when the ottoman was angled at about 30 degrees. This caused my weight to shift down, putting more strain on my legs and pushing the plug in my ass in even deeper. Lastly, he placed a contour shaped pillow under my head which forced me to look forward and down over my tightly bound body. Never in my life have I felt so totally at the mercy of another person! For the next 10 minutes, I watched as Monica was brought over to the second ottoman and restrained the same as I. We were facing each other, our knees only a few feet apart. From my position, I had no choice but to look across at my friends open vagina and bare breasts. I could see the anal probe entering into her ass. I knew she could see the same of me. We both closed our eyes!
Time passed and I slowly began to regain control of my muscles. Tripp had left us there, waiting for the drug to wear off. I wanted desperately to talk with Monica. She had kept her eyes closed. Maybe she was in shock? Ten minutes later, Tripp returned. "So girls, how are we feeling now?" He was so god dammed smug. If I could have, I would have ripped his eyes out of his head! I struggled slightly against my bonds. "Don't waste your energy Rachael. You'll need it soon enough." He rolled a table over near us which was covered with some sort of control machinery. Then he picked up two round black disks, ... nipples clamps! "Mmmmmmffmmmmfffffffff." Monica's eyes were open wide and we both began to struggle. "Now calm down girls. These nipples clamps are a special modified version. They have no ORG-X drug in them ... yet!" He leaned over Monica. She continued to struggle. "Would you like me to massage your nipples, or shall we just use the cold spray?" "Uhhhhhhmmmmmmmmuuuuuuu." "I can't understand a word you're saying", he laughed. I think for now will just go with the spray. Later on I'm sure you'll breasts will be more willing!" Ssssssssssss, he sprayed her left breast. Placing the disk over her stiff nipple, he used the small tool to lock it in place. Her body jerked as it clicked. My mind wandered as I though about how I had planned to escape by using that very tool. When I came back to reality, Tripp was standing over me with a spray can in one hand and a nipple clamp in the other. I looked over to Monica. Both her breasts had the black disks around her nipples, covering her areola. Now was my turn!
During my whole time here at the club, I had remained free from the effects of Tripp's mind control drug. All the other woman, everyone of them, had been forced to give up their lives when these horrible black disks were attached to their breasts. It was this I feared the most! My body trembled. I struggled. But it was to no avail. In the end, I just closed my eyes. Ssssssssssssssss, I felt the cold mist on my right breast. My nipple became stiff and engorged. He took my breast in one hand while he place the disk over my nipple. I felt the plastic push against my areola. Click! I jerked at my bonds from a sharp pain at the base of my nipple. As the pain faded to a dull throb, the effect of the cold spray also faded. My nipple shrank, but remained pulled forward from the pressure surrounding the base. Then I felt the spray on my left breast. Tears rolled down my face. This was the end. I thought of my family, ... my life, ... my friends. I would never see any of them again. Click! Again my body twitched from the sharp pain. "There, that should do it", said Tripp. "Now that wasn't so bad Rachael!" I opened my eyes. All I could see were the nipple clamps on each of my breasts. The visual sight and the pain they caused was too much for me. My mind blacked out.
This is a fictional story about a mid-aged women working in an MNC and having an exciting accidental sexventure with another girl. Kavita is a 39-year-old lady and looks 6-8 years younger than her actual age, thanks to her discipline towards her fitness regime. Her fitness regime has kept her in perfect shape, and even at this age, she gets a lot of attention from men (in this case a young girl) of all ages. She is 5.8″, athletic, fair and voluptuous body with a right mass at right areas, and...
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I guess that's why it's called an accident. During my career, I had occasionally been required to fill out accident reports for my employees. According to management, almost every accident has a root cause. It's always our first reaction to say that it was, "just an accident." An event happens that is so unexpected. A key piece of equipment might fail. A freak storm might come out of nowhere. Your attention might be diverted for a split second as the semi-truck, with an unconscious...
In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - A.S. The talent show started out with Roy, who was quite an impressive singer. He was mixing a Bobby McFerrin-style a cappella solo with some comedy, and the audience was eating it up. We were scheduled to play in the fourth of six slots – one act had withdrawn – preceded by some kid doing magic and followed by Elaine’s brother. The evening’s other band, Green Space, was closing out the night. Shannon...
This is a story I wrote about one night being used at the sleazy hotel I lived at. If you've seen it before it was postedAbout a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night. He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one...
Tiffany's friend invited us over for a dinner thing but we ended up going out to eat and came back to her place and sat around talking a bit about stuff. The subject turned to taking pictures of stuff and she brought up that I send her pictures in her text messages some time. So her friend asked what kind of pictures? Well, Tiffany paused and said, Let me show you. She pulls out her phone and shown her friend some of of them and her friend grabs her phone and starts scrolling through them....
My girfriend (A) and I had been out for the evening having dinner with relatives at a restaurant in Windsor. A had dressed elegantly in a knee length black skirt and white blouse with knee length high heeled lace up black boots and black opaque stockings. Underneath was a little more exciting. We had been to Erotica a few days before and she was wearing a white bra with black lace trim, a grey pin striped under bust corset with a six strap suspender belt and black lace panties. A is a size 16...
The crisp and chill morning air turned the breath of me and Virginia into streamers of fog as we sprawled together on a pile of clothing and grass. Dew had collected around us, and the enchantment that Virginia had cast to ensure we would not freeze as we lay in our natural state had worn off with the coming of the dawn. And so, the two of us were beginning to collect ice on the parts of our bodies not currently touching – a hand here, a shoulder there, bits of our legs. We were not pressed...
Nola looked at me and said, 'I couldn't give in to you a little. It was all or nothing. I had seen you date and leave other girls who didn't resist you. I figured this trip would make or break any possibility of a relationship.' "Yeah, so I have proposed to you and you accepted. You trapped me." She chuckled. "You love it. You looked so trapped when you fulfilled my fantasy." We smiled at each other. Emma said, "What's that about?" I said, "Nola will have to tell you. It was...
Sex on Manness Island. The island would have passed undiscovered but for the fact that it held a magical secret. And that secret was, that it helped you overcome any sexual hang-up you cared to think about. Anything. Some people had problems with getting it on with another human being. Man or woman, they just could not manage it. But here on Manness Island, you could find a solution. Some said it was already buried here, like Pirate treasure. Some said it was brought here during the war, and...
Disclaimer – this story is a bit of a slow burner…the first three chapters are a build up and there is no bdsm until the 4th chapter. ***** Chapter 2 Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Session One Dr. Prescott took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair as Ava started to describe how her relationship with her mother’s best friend had begun. She watched as Ava weaved strands of blond hair between her fingers and maintained unflinching eye contact. She studied the warmth and intensity of her hazel...
We finally plan to meet when I come to France. I am so excited, but so nervous also. You come to pick me up at my hotel and I am waiting for you right outside. I see you crossing the street looking so fucking handsome in dress pants, a white collared shirt and a black wool jacket. You finally look my way and smile and say, "bonjour" and lean over to kiss my cheek. You step back and look me over. You are pleased. I am wearing a charcoal colored sweater coat down to my knees and tied in the front...
Anal"You and Leah sure seem close," Mary told me after a delicious dinner at Keen's Steakhouse Saturday evening. Mark and Leah had slipped off to fuck in the bathroom and I was missing Leah's beautiful, angelic face, her blonde hair, and her full lips that I had come to love to kiss. I flushed. Ever since this morning, I had felt like I was falling in love with Leah. At every moment we could, Leah and I would kiss or hold hands. We were like a pair of teenagers. And if we could get away with...
As we continue from the last story, it was Wednesday. Weeks of fun with my Bengali landlady bhabhi Mouni looked like a lifetime and I planned to enjoy every second of it. After cumming, we cleaned the cum with water and then cleaned each other one by one. After clearing, we kissed like a newlywed couple. Then I came out of the shower, but Mouni wanted to stay for a while. Then I cleaned the water with a towel and put on the bathrobe. I went to my room and changed my clothes and sat on the bed...
Hello friends.Main vicky singh phir se lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek aur story.Jaisa maine apni pichli story mein bataya tha ki mummy kaise mere second father se sex karne ke baad pregnant ho gayi thi aur after 9 months unhone fix date se pehle hi baby boy ko janam diya aur uska naam sunny rakha.Mummy ki normal delivery hui thi isliye dr.Ne unhe 1 week tak rest lene ke liye kaha tha par mummy kahaan maanne waali thi.Woh teesre din hi office jaane ke liye ready hui aur mere grandparents ko...
For now, she ignored the image of a shuddering sky, tossing up to eagerness, excitement, elation, and the awareness that soon she would be dancing, sweating, and writhing against another warm body again very soon. Rounding the corner she could already see the lines to the clubs. To the left was 3rd Street Anti-Grav Club. Usually she went without panties and wore a short skirt, but today she only had half that equation. Pass.On the right, with not nearly as big a line was New Pluto. A nonhuman...
"Do you wanna come fuck this tight wet pussy tonight?"That's the message I got from this woman who I had been chatting online with. We had exchanged a few messages back and forth over the past week or so, and she seemed pretty cool to me. So when she sent that message, there was no way I was turning her down.There was a bit of a catch though. Turns out she wasn't home alone. Her husband was there with her, and he wanted to join in. In fact, it turns out that it was his idea to invite me over....
I use to work across from a gym in Chicago; I won’t mention the name but its open 24hrs a day. Now I tried to be professional when I worked out there, but it was extremely difficult with the hotties working the front desk running around in their tight tee shirts, sports bra and yoga pants. Now Sarah is this sexy red headed little gal who was always friendly but professional. She was my shake girl, she always wanted to make my protein shakes after my work outs. We always chatted about stuff,...
Laura (Lulu Chu) has recently moved from her small hometown to the big city, and is staying with Dave (Seth Gamble), using his spare bedroom for a few weeks until she can find a job. Dave is also originally from her hometown, having moved away some years ago. He’s a family friend, so Laura’s parents arranged for Laura to stay with him, thinking he’d be trustworthy. However, it turns out that Dave has become a boorish creep, and Laura especially doesn’t approve of all the...
xmoviesforyouI sat until the girl's movie went off and they came out to get me to help tuck them in bed. I made a big production out of it as I always did. I went back to the kitchen and set the coffee pot up for the morning. I remembered my favorite go cup was still in my unit and went to get it. I found it on the floor with a bullet hole through the center of it. To say it was ruined would be an understatement. Now that pissed me of because I had used it for years and it was the only one I had ever...
After finishing the water, Maria said she needed a shower and went into the bathroom. After a 2 minutes she yelled that Eric had to come to the bathroom. Eric stood up an walked into the bathroom. Maria told Eric that he was still a slave and so ordered him to start to clean here body. Eric moved into the shower and started to put liquid soap on Maria's shoulder. He moved behind here and started spread the soap all over here body. He fondled here tits, carefully massaging Maria's nipples...
It’s been a mundane few weeks since Alex came by the house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since she gave me mind-numbing head on my couch while my daughter slept upstairs. Claire hasn’t brought her up either. Maybe she feels awkward about hooking up with her friend’s father and wants to keep her distance. That’s my best guess. I understand, but it would’ve been nice to see her at least once, even if we didn’t get a chance to do anything. I should’ve asked for her number when she was here. Oh...
TeenWe start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a strip of old white buildings. Shop downstairs, accommodation upstairs. They are separated from the road by a pave wide enough to accommodate off street parking infront of the shopfronts, most of which is occupied by Volkswagon and Peugeot house-wife runabout cars... We focus on one store in particular – marked “OASIS beauty therapy” – looking in through the window to see a middle-aged woman being given a facial mask by a young,...
As a boy I was rather shy. Besides that I was a little heavy, and it was “baby fat” I would later grow out of, but at the time it seemed like more than it actually was. Simple things would make me blush and stammer and I lived too far from the school in a one car household to be involved in after school events, dances and the likes. So it added up to I wasn’t very popular with the girls classes and I was a tad socially backward at the age of 13. Dad always worked two or three jobs and wasn’t...
PART 1For quite some time, I'd yearned to try my hand at modeling, but every shoot I checked into wanted someone younger than my twenty-two years or taller than my five-seven or thinner than I'd ever been in my life. In the meantime, I had to work, or move back home and accept the negative comments from my folks, something I was not about to do.I took jobs that were way below my skill level for a while but one Saturday, while having lunch with a friend, she remembered a classified ad she'd...
Chapter 3: Fourth Date ‘I hear you helped the Browns start their car today,’ Peggy said. They were on their way to Brian’s house. He wondered how she could speak so casually about something he had done that day. Had she forgotten what they were about to do? ‘Yes, I had to push their car out of the garage so the jumper cables would reach. I’m going over in the morning to back the car in the garage. If it happens again I won’t have to strain myself.’ ‘That was nice of you,’ she said. They...
I am from INDIA and for my indian freinds i have added hindi text and english too............well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark road and went behind bushes and wore my bra and put soft cloth pads in it then i wore my lace panty and...