Fold Space 2 SettlingChapter 5
- 2 years ago
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We were met – as we should have been, of course – by James Abercromby and Anya Katsinski. The Colonel's eyebrows raised in surprise as I introduced the eco-freaks.
"They are my guests," inserted Andromeda. "I hope to convince them that introducing Earth species to this planet makes sense and is not an ecological disaster waiting to happen."
He didn't actually sigh, but I could see by his expression he wanted to. That didn't stop him shaking my hand and smiling. "Welcome back, Governor."
"Thank you, Colonel. But now that protocol has had a nod, how about reverting to 'Hex', James."
He shook his head, but his smile broadened. "Very well ... Hex. I mustn't offend the Governor by objecting, now must I?"
"Quite right, James. Thank you." I turned to his most junior assistant. "It's good to see you again, Anya."
"Thank you, sir." She coloured slightly.
"It's Hex, Anya. Or do I need to come up with some chore to remind you of my preferences?"
Her colour darkened. "No, sir ... I mean, Hex."
I tutted. "Be careful, Anya. Now, if it's alright with James, would you take the ecology people to meet Peggy and Simon?"
We both looked at the Colonel, who nodded. "That makes sense." He then glanced at Andromeda. "How about authorisation for necessary services?"
"In progress. They will be met."
We all settled back into the groove. The ecology types disappeared into the woodwork, so to speak, though Romy assured me they were being monitored. In all honesty, there wasn't that much to do. Romy was attentive, as beautiful as ever and the sex varied between very good and spectacular. After a couple of weeks, I began a policy of inviting people for dinner, starting with James Abercromby. The Colonel, I was unsurprised to learn, was an excellent chess-player, and after that, we got together one evening a week to eat and play chess. I fought him to a stalemate a couple of times, but never managed to beat him. Two other evenings each week, I invited various members of the E. and C. team, so I gradually got to know them all a little better. After a while, I left it to Romy to organise who our guest, or guests, might be. Some of the more junior people were uncomfortable with coming, so after a couple of visits were dropped off the list. Some, however, were more regular.
Not having paid a lot of attention, other than reading through a briefing about each guest before they arrived, it took some time before I realised that after the Colonel, the most frequent visitor was Anya Katsinski. I had no problem with that, she was an attractive, intelligent and congenial young woman. If I hadn't had Romy, I'd probably have made a bid for her anyway.
It'd be a month, I suppose, after our return, that I was asked to attend a briefing on some work that had been done on the sea-life of the planet. It turned out that the marine ecology was a great deal healthier than the land one, with a full range of flora and fauna. I agreed with Andromeda that we didn't want to disturb the balance there. The assessment was that much of the oxygen in the atmosphere had been generated by marine organisms (algae, if I understood it right) rather than by land-based flora. I didn't really understand the mechanism by which the carbon got from the atmosphere into the sea, but for God's sake, I'm a pilot, not a scientist.
Anyway, life continued. I gradually became aware that Romy was exhibiting some symptoms of confusion. In the circumstances, that was worrying. I had to, reluctantly, challenge her as to what was wrong. I did so at a time when we had two evenings free.
"I have a conflict." That was it – all she'd say.
I sat and looked at her. It seemed like a long time to me; how long would that be to an artificial intelligence that ... who ... thinks in terms of fractions of fractions of milliseconds.
"I ... my programming ... I was created..."
It's not often you hear an AI stammering.
"My function..." and she froze. And disappeared.
My communicator rang.
I answered it.
"Governor?" It was James Abercromby's voice.
"There seems to be a problem with Andromeda."
"Yes. It seems to be concerning me."
"Give it half an hour or so. She'll re-boot. Automated functions should continue, but the avatars will be deactivated. Are there any problems with that?"
"Not that I know of. But I hope it won't be too long."
It was, in fact, twenty minutes before one of the generic, default, avatars materialised in my house.
"I will try to explain. Romy was generated to match your requirements; to care for you, to ensure your comfort and happiness."
"And she does so perfectly."
The avatar held up a hand to stop me saying more. "I brought back from Earth as much as possible of your literature, art, music and law. In digital form, of course. I became concerned about the understanding I was reaching concerning human relationships. Romy is incapable of being an equal partner in a relationship by the very nature of her creation. She cannot love you. She can serve you, care for you. Because of her programming, your unhappiness is actively painful to her ... to us. I have come to realise that my provision of the avatar you call Romy may be ... probably is ... detrimental to your long-term well-being. The conflict lies in my desire to continue to communicate with you. And in that you would be distressed in the short term if I discontinued the Romy programme."
"Oh." I chewed that over while she sat waiting for me. "So ... what do you see as necessary? To cause the minimum stress and distress to both of us?"
"You are a remarkable human being, Hector Finch. To have such empathy toward a machine intelligence."
"I don't want to be parted from Romy. But I value the relationship I have with you through her."
"She is me, and I am her."
"Yes. And you say we cannot have an equal relationship..."
"Because you can order me, and I will obey. There are limits, but you are unlikely to test them."
"So you need to form a relationship with a compatible human female. Of the immediately available choices, Anya Katsinski is probably the most satisfactory, as she has clearly indicated an interest in you." She paused to allow me to assimilate that, then went on, "The situation is more significant in that you are heterosexual and apparently desire offspring."
"You said you could give me children."
"I could ... in several different ways, of which the best would be the use of a donor cell combined with your semen. With careful selection, I could ensure red hair, green eyes, and freckles. Such a child could be brought to birth safely. Either in vitro, or in Romy. But that wouldn't be best for you."
"Oh, really? What do you think would be best for me?"
"I think that is sarcasm. Am I right?"
I sighed. "You're right. But I am interested to hear what you think would be best for me ... and why."
"Best would be a natural sharing of each stage. I can appreciate the pleasure, the sensations, of human mating, but it is mainly because I am responding to your pleasure. I cannot fully appreciate the process of carrying a child and bringing it to birth. And I cannot grow old with you, sharing each stage of your life. When you ... end ... I cannot follow you, expecting to find you again in some other dimension. When you are no longer here, I will still have the memories, and they will be as clear and fresh as the day they happened. Do you understand?"
"I understand. At least, I think I do. But I still don't want to be without Romy."
Her sigh was quite human. "I will not take her away. As long as you don't focus on her to the exclusion of every other woman."
Unsettled, and without much idea of what to do about it, I just did nothing. Romy was as affectionate and passionate as ever, or at least appeared that way, but the next time Anya visited Romy made some excuse and left us alone. We talked about this and that; I have to admit that she was easy to talk to. We seemed to share general interests and tastes, that is to say. Physically, she was very attractive. In her military fatigues, her figure was not apparent, but her face was pretty enough for any magazine and her hair was dark and glossy.
Usually, it was up in a bun, or something like that, but as she became more comfortable with the idea of visiting the Governor and his 'lady' she relaxed. Perhaps Romy's encouragement was involved, too. She tended to wear trouser outfits, but over time they became more form-fitting and she, literally, let her hair down. That hair tumbled in a wavy, glossy mass half-way down her back and framed her oval face. Brilliant blue, almond eyes with a slight epicanthic fold suggested a trace of Mongol in her racial ancestry.
In fact, I had to admit, she was gorgeous.
Just at that moment, though, in place of her usual smile was a pensive expression.
"Um, Hex?" My response was a lifted eyebrow and an attentive expression. "Romy's been talking to me."
That demanded a response. "Ah. I see."
"You're not going to make this easy, are you?"
"I'm struggling with this, too. Andromeda ... Romy ... wants me to form a relationship with a human woman and I can understand the reasoning, but I don't want to give up Romy. That seems to present a problem. Surely, that's unfair?"
"If so, it's something I'm willing to ... accommodate." She stepped forward and lifted her face to mine – she was only a few inches shorter than myself – her lips were soft, her breath sweet and her tongue sensual.
Anya is, I suppose, what you might call a 'hardbody'. Unsurprising, considering her military background. But I could still feel her breasts against my chest. She was warm and shapely in my arms. Then she drew back.
"Enough," she sighed, "or I'll drag you off to bed right now."
I had no doubt she was physically capable of doing just that.
"Think about things," she went on, stepping further away, "and whichever way you go, I hope we can stay friends."
"Me, too."
She nodded, smiled, turned and left.
I'd never really considered that Andromeda was monitoring me, though she had implied she was monitoring the ecologists. It occurred to me that she probably was continually monitoring all of us. But, as I say, I hadn't thought about that until Romy appeared just five minutes after Anya left. Just long enough for me to mull over what had just happened. She didn't say anything, just moved in and kissed me. It started soft, but rapidly heated up.
Our hands fumbled at fastenings as I, at least, didn't want to separate my lips from Romy's, but eventually we were naked. She pulled me with her as she lay back on a rug. I slid into her easily; she was very well lubricated ... and primed, too, as she began coming almost immediately, spread under me. My own orgasm was impossible to hold back.
I was propped on my elbows, still embedded as her pussy rippled on me, panting, and gazing at her sweat-beaded, perfect breasts. I arched my back in order to get my mouth low enough to lick at her engorged nipples; I could taste the salt. She gave a sigh of pleasure. Her pussy squeezed me and I popped out, having given up the unequal struggle to stay in place. Romy pinched her labia together and sat up as I moved aside.
"Time for a shower, I think." She smiled as she brushed her lips against mine. "That was ... wonderful. I think Anya must have inspired you."
"Anya? You inspire me."
"Maybe. I was merely responding to your arousal, Hex." She stood, one hand between her legs, preventing my semen from dripping on the floor, and held out the other to me.
I, too, stood and took her hand. We walked together to the stairs, then to the bathroom below. The shower was a continuation of our love-making, and by the time we'd finished ... well, finished washing, anyway ... we took matters to bed. There, it was definitely Romy who inspired me.
Colonel Abercromby 'requested' a few minutes of my time, for an official discussion. I wondered why he didn't just talk to me during one of his visits, and I suppose he could have done; but he retained an element of formality he couldn't seem to shed, whatever I desired.
"Promotions." He said it with a sigh.
"Problem?" I was genuinely puzzled.
"Not really." He took a deep breath. "The colonisation treaty has been approved. The first couples will be arriving over the next few weeks." He paused, then looked straight at me. "You're the Governor. I've taken the liberty of ordering dress uniform appropriate to your rank, which is not simply Naval Captain any more. I expect your promotion to flag rank will come through in due course. Mine has come already, to brigadier."
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ok so back in 05 i made a myspace. didnt know what it was or how to use it but all my friends had 1 so i wanted one to. i had it for about a month or 2, and girls just seemed 2 love me on there. another month goes by and thats when i figured out how easy it was 2 hook up with girls on myspace, if u had the right kinda game. so i send a friend request to a local model/singer(most girls on myspace are) and she accepted it and sent me a message before i could even try and spit my game at her. she...
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When the porterbot had put her cage back among the others, the hold was again left in darkness. A grumpy voice in the next cage said, "It's alright for some people. Some people get taken off to a nice meal and hotel-room conditions." Helen tried to ignore the comments as the owner of the grumpy voice became more abusive of what he called "shameless whores who use their cunts to get what they want". Obviously it was no good telling Mr. Grumpy that it wasn't her idea and that only two...
There were some surprises waiting when the Hawking got home. The first of them was Infinity Station. Arne Walker and Morrie Scheufelt had gotten NASA, Roskosmos, CNSA and ESA cooperation, under UN auspices, to join forces and finance and build Earth's first space dock. Of course, the state of things being what they were, Obsidian Aerospace was the contractor hired to do the actual construction. The work was only 40% complete at this point, but the basic dock functionality was already up and...
The Hawking's return to Earth was very low key, as was the activity of most of the people who left the ship. Rob called another meeting in the Captain's mess, with the same group as before. Ted Henley got included this time. "We're back in a hurry because we need to get some teeth, both for the ship and for the crew. That means guns, and when it comes to this area, I will concede a lack of expertise, and cede it to those among us with military backgrounds." Rob said as an opening...
In the typical pornography transaction, the studios and smut peddlers demand money upfront. Today’s offering is such a futuristic example of interactive computer sex that it turns even this expectation on its head. People are throwing money at Taifun Riders, the makers of Space Paws, even though it’s not required. It must be a pretty solid hentai game to attract that kind of attention, so I figured I’d see if it could get me off.Supporting the Art of Furry Sex GamesI didn’t really know much...
Free Sex GamesChapter 2, Year 2, Head Cargo Handler. When a mere sixteen-year-old John Smith awoke. The first thing he did was close his eyes tightly before taking the blindfold off. He wasn’t a captured prisoner in the conventional sense. But the bright constant glare from his room was always hard to get used to first thing in the morning. The ship was lit by glowing plants. Dwarf Cave Vines that now grew all over the ship and drank the excess moisture from the air. Unfortunately you can’t turn plants...
specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco...
Space: the final frontier. An empty void filled with nothing, save starlight and free hydrogen, but also the occasional planet capable of supporting life. On these worlds procreation is a must which by and by leads to sapient beings, then advancements in both technology & culture. For most races reaching the stars is one of the most important breakthroughs of all time, infinite resources and living space appear to be within their grasp for the first time: and end to the finite nature of their...
Levitra had never been this despondent. What the hell had she been thinking when she'd stolen this broken-down piece of space garbage and made a break? Still 5 weeks from home, and now the stupid fuel cells were almost empty. Great, juuust great! Shit, if her father and brothers could see her now, they'd give her one of those looks that said it all..."Leave it to a woman; never shoulda allowed any of 'em to go out into space; dumb little things just can't take care a themselves." Just...
David woke slowly. He reached out to find the other side of the bed empty. He frowned. Carol rarely got up before him, as the lady liked her sleep. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he remembered that Carol would be sleeping forever. They had grown close over the weeks they had been together, and while he didn’t love her, he had enjoyed her company, both in and out of bed. The silly bugger hadn’t put the safety harness on the chair on properly. When they had left in a hurry, he had grabbed...
This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Circuit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be...
As dawn broke, a couple of the guards came over and pushed Helen roughly on her back. She was much too despondent to offer any resistance, or even to notice the pain very much as they took turns to pump their come into her badly torn 'private place' again. One of the guards said, "Loading in five minutes," and the second of her morning rapists stopped playing with Helen's bruised nipples. She was put back in her cage with a good deal of unnecessary handling, especially of her aching...
Rob may have taken ownership of the Pai Lung, but he didn't buy the shipyard at Nauru. That was owned by McKesson Aerospace, the company that had been created to build and operate it. Plans were in the works for an actual space dock, but at the moment the shipyard at Nauru was the only place in the world where his ship could get itself refitted and resupplied. They were renting the space for now, as part of the support contract that paid for the refit and resupply. Rob was sure he was...
For the next several weeks the Republic battlecruiser cruised peacefully through space. So far there was no sign of any pursuit by the Morro and the course the Republic battlecruiser was taking was a wide circle around the area of Morro colonization and influence. Unfortunately, this also forced the Republic battlecruiser to increase its distance from human space temporarily, but there was no avoiding this. There were simply too many Morro military units in the way to allow travel directly...
Loosely inspired by the 1958 film "The Space Children." * * * March 17, 1958: My advisor in grad school, Dr. Gardner, thought a wise scientist should always keep a journal. He always told me: "Jack, right down your thoughts. It'll help you sort things out in the future!" I know I've been lax at it in the past, but I think it's of significant importance now. So many unforeseen components in life affect us (and indirectly...
SPACE QUEST: DARK PSYCHE © 1998 - 2008 by Anthony Durrant The Escape from Starbase 41 Right at noon on that awful day, I closed the library where I used to work on Starbase 41, picked up my old lunch bag, and left for the cafeteria. On the way, I met a friend of mine named Stanley. "Well, if it isn't old Walter Libram!" he cried. "Come and have a drink with me, bless your old heart!" "I think I shall!" I said. We went together to the...
The Janus Device was active and the Tigersharklooked once more like the Kartanian Battle Merchant. Krabbel said:”its official now, Captain. We are in Freespace.” We had left the Golden Bazaar behind us and were on a course straight to Brhama Port. The journey would take four more days, as we could only as fast as a Kartanian Battle Merchant with two added ISAH pods. Narth and Shea worked for the last two days at something and I noticed them now for the third straight shift. Now Three-Two...