Goku Si Fotte Chichi Dopo Averla Spiata In Bagno free porn video

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Sono goku, e dopo essermi allenato duramente tutto il giorno ho infine deciso di rientrare a casa per farmi una bella doccia calda.
Anche se a dire il vero, le nuove tute in microfibra create da Bulma non mi hanno neanche fatto sudare...sono davero eccezionali.
L'unica pecca è che sono decisamente troppo attillate,specialmente nelle parti basse...mi si vede praticamente tutto il pacco.

Appena aprii la porta di casa, vidi mia moglie Chichi che stava pulendo. Era praticamente messa a 90, con quel suo meraviglioso culetto rivolto verso di me...
In quel momento senza rendermene conto mi toccai il cazzo tramite la microfibra della tuta e iniziò a venirmi duro.
Chichi appena si girò e mi vide, mi disse di aspettare ad andare in bagno, che voleva farsi una doccia prima lei.
Io le dissi che va bene e mi sedetti sul divano.
Guardandomi si accorse del mio rigonfiamento in mezzo alle gambe...
Si avvicinò e facendo un po la stronza, mise una mano proprio la e mi diede una palpata alle palle dicendomi in tono di sfida: "ma cosa abbiamo qui..."
Poi se ne andò in bagno.
Dopo un po sentii l'acqua della doccia partire, e girandomi mi accorsi che la porta era semichiusa e c'era uno spiraglio da dove usciva il vapore.
Mi alzai per chiuderla...quando avvicinandomi vidi Chichi che stava per togliersi i vestiti.

Rimase tutta nuda...con le gocce di sudore e di vapore che le scendevano lungo tutto il corpo...
Era proprio bella...aveva un corpo che mi eccitava tantissimo...un seno piccolino ma terribilmente morbido...un culetto che non avrei mai smesso di palpare...delle gambe che non finivano mai...
Improvvisamente vidi che invece di entrare in doccia si sedette per terra...
Aprì le gambe...e inizio a toccarsi la figa tutta bagnata...
La massaggiava un pochino e poi ci infilava due dita dentro...e intanto si tastava le tette con l'altra mano...

Si stava masturbando davanti ai miei occhi, senza saperlo...
A quella vista non resistetti.
Mi tolsi la tuta, boxer e canottiera.
E mentre continuavo a spiare mia moglie, mi accorsi che il vapore che usciva aveva bagnato anche il mio cazzo.
Non resistendo più lo presi in mano e cominciai a toccarlo...lo massaggiavo andando su e giù e ogni tanto mi palpavo le palle...
Mi stavo segando guardando Chichi di nascosto...
Continuai a masturbarmi per qualche minuto.
Decisi di entrare per scoparmi mia moglie, e cosi feci.
Aprii la porta di colpo, e appena Chichi mi vide si fermò un attimo...e poi riprese a toccarsi guardandomi il cazzo tutto grosso e bagnato con uno sguardo malizioso.

Allora mi avvicinai a lei, la presi e la portai in camera.
La feci mettere a pecorina e le aprii le gambe...e vidi quella deliziosa fighetta tutta fradicia di sudore e vapore...sentivo il suo profumo...
Mi avvicinai e cominciai a baciarla...mordicchiarla con le labbra e infine leccarla di gusto.
La leccavo ovunque...girandoci attorno per poi entrare proprio dentro con la lingua, per poi andare a leccarle anche il buchino di quel meraviglioso sederino.

Era già tutta aperta...e sentivo che pulsava di piacere quando la penetravo oralmente. Continuai così per un po, fino a che Chichi gemette come una troia...
Poi tolsi la lingua, lasciandola piena di saliva, pronto a fotterla alla grande.
Mi presi il cazzo e con la cappella mi strusciai sulla figa tutta bagnata di mia moglie.
Improvvisamente Chichi si alzò di s**tto e mi prese il cazzo in mano.
Si inginocchio di fronte a me e cominciò a segarmelo lentamente, mente con la bocca mi succhiava e leccava le palle grondanti di sudore.
Oddio, era una goduria...
Non so per quanto avrei resistito.
Poco dopo infatti un rigolo di sperma cominciava ad uscirmi dal cazzo per scendere lungo tutto il percorso fino ad arrivare al viso di Chichi, che sembrava non voler più smettere.

Arrivato a quel punto allora la presi di forza e la feci sedere sul mobile.
Le presi un gamba e la tirai fino a farla arrivare alla mia spalla.
Aveva finalmente le gambe aperte...
Mi presi il cazzo in mano, lo avvicinai a quella splendida figa di mia moglie e lo spinsi dentro molto lentamente, guardando l'espressione di Chichi che divenne di puro piacere...
Poi la alzai dal mobiletto e la sollevai di peso inziando a sbattermela da in piedi.
Sentivo il cazzo ingrossarsi ancora di più dentro di lei, che entrava ed usciva senza la minima difficoltà...sentivo i suoi umori che uscivano ogni volta che glielo spingevo fino in fondo...
Continuava a gemere...si avvinghio con le gambe al mio bacino e iniziava a non capire più niente, mentre io la guardavo soddisfatto.

Dopo un po le tirai fuori il cazzo, e la presi in braccio girandola con la schiena appoggiata al mio petto.
Le aprii le gambe e la feci abbassare un po, fino a sentire le goccioline che le uscivano dalla figa bagnarmi la cappella.
Allora con un colpo deciso la feci scivolare sopra e comincia a penetrarla senza pietà tirandola su e giù. Godeva talmente tanto che i suoi umori, le uscivano colando lungo le mie palle, fino a gocciolare per terra.

Stavo per venire, ma non avevo ancora finito di divertirmi con lei.
Allora mi fermai un attimo e la feci distendere per terra. Le ficcai il cazzo in bocca e lei da brava, me lo leccò e succhiò tutto, ripulendolo per bene...
Allora le presi le gambe e gliele allargai.
Le diedi una leccatina veloce alla figa e mi presi il cazzo.
Mi misi sopra di lei e glielo spinsi dentro senza fatica. Entrava ed usciva talmente bene che sembrava oliato.

E mentre la fottevo, Chichi aveva uno sguardo completamente assente...non riusciva far altro che godere come una troia...
Non resisteva...godeva come una matta e apriva la bocca per leccarmi la lingua ogni volta che poteva.
Allora decisi di spingere il mio cazzo ancora più a fondo...
Il suo ansimare divenne un gemito continuo di piacere allo stato puro...

Dopo un po capii che Chichi non ce la faceva più, e quindi decisi di finirla in fretta.
Ma c'era ancora un posto di mia moglie che non avevo ancora sfruttato...
E visto che le cose vanno fatte bene, mentre lei era distesa per terra a riprendere fiato, con un espressione di puro godimento, mi trasformai in super sayan per finire di fotterla alla grande.

Appena trasformato Chichi mi guardò e notò subito che il mio cazzo si era ingrossato ancora di più.
E mi chiese che intenzioni avessi.
Io senza dirle niente la feci mettere a pecorina e lei che ormai non capiva più niente, si lascio fare.
Mi misi dietro di lei e le leccai un po il buchetto del culo, per poi spostarmi ogni tanto sulla figa, mente la sentivo gemere ancora.
Allora le appoggiai il cazzo sul buco tutto bagnato e lentamente cominciai a spingerglielo dentro.
Chichi si lamentava un po, ma però spingeva anche lei...e dopo poco metà cazzo era dentro. Allora iniziai a sbatterglielo un po più veloce sentendola godere...

Ma ancora non riuscivo a spingerlo fino in fondo.
Allora mi misi sopra di lei appoggiandomi, e in questa maniera finalmente le avevo messo tutto il cazzo dentro.
E subito lei, tra gemiti vari, mi disse che non poteva prenderlo tutto, perchè era troppo grosso.
Allora glielo spinsi dentro con ancora più forza, e lei invece di dirmi di smettere ansimava di puro piacere...

Continuai così per un po, fino a quando Chichi non venne squirtando dalla figa, sebbene la mia attenzione era rivolta solo verso il suo culo.
E stavo per venire anche io...era cosi stretto, ma cosi bagnato...non potevo resistere ancora per molto...
Infatti dopo poco glielo tirai fuori, la feci distendere per terra e mi sedetti sopra di lei, infilandole il cazzo pulsante tra quelle due splendide tette e mi misi a muovere il cazzo strusciandolo in mezzo.

Venni di prepotenza, lasciandomi andare e schizzando colate di sperma sulle tette e sulla lingua di Chichi, che da brava aveva aperto la bocca per bere più succo che poteva...
Oddio...che goduria...
che gran troia...

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The Arena of Illusions

Ten years ago the fifth Monster War started. Once again monsters from the wastelands started attacking the civilized kingdoms, forcing the civilized (and some not so civilized) races to put aside their differences and unite against the common threat. Most men and some women have been forced to join the army and fight for the survival of all. For the past nine years the war has been at a stalemate - neither side has been able to make any real progress. Life away from the frontlines is only...

3 years ago
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Just a Game Ch 04

They were jolted from a deep sleep by loud pounding. Gabe bolted upright in bed and Cass grabbed his arm, confused and startled, her heart beating in her throat. ‘What the-‘ ‘Cass! Cass, open the door!’ ‘Shit,’ Gabe sighed as Aaron’s voice tore through the early morning, shattering the peace. ‘You should hide.’ Cass’s mind still felt muddled with sleep and she was more irritated with Aaron for waking her than anything else. ‘No, I’m not gonna hide. He already knows I’m in here or he...

4 years ago
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Hum aur mum

Hello friends mera name nishit age 18 years strong boy.me apane mummy papa ka ek lota lucky boy hoo.mere papa ka name sunil age 45 years.meri mum ka name anjali age 42 years.hum teen new mumbai me rahate he.new mumbai me hamara ek food store he. Ab me apako jo sunane ja raha hoo wah thode samay pahele ka mera pahala sex ex..he.muje woh din puri tarah yad he jees din sham ko papa gar aye aur hame bataya ki mene ek naya farm liya he jo new mumbai se 40km ki doori pe he aur me mum aur papa farm ko...

2 years ago
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Masturbationmy habit practice and compulsion

Like most guys, I was very young when I first started to explore my body. I started with my anus anus, fingering it, smelling it and looking at it in the mirror. By 11 or 12, I moved onto my penis and started rubbing it and discovered that, gee it feels so good. Soon after I started ejaculating and it felt so good I was hooked and still am at 62!Fifty years of masturbating and ironically these days now that I'm retired, I jerk off much more than I did when I was 18. I find that I have a lot in...

5 years ago
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A Slaves Strength

A Slave's Strength by mechgogo Tom Donovan knelt on the ground beside his owner - technically employer - in one of the public social areas of FanTan Naturists Resort. Tom was an indentured contract laborer - "indent" for short or ICL to the bureaucrats who oversaw the program - contracted for domestic service to the woman who sat in a lounge chair next to him reading a magazine and intermittently petting his belt-length chestnut hair. Stripping away the legalistic tap dancing what it boiled...

4 years ago
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Worlds luckiest guy

I met Mary a little over three years ago at a sex party so we both knew that the other fucks around. It was a pretty big party with probably 20 guys and a dozen women. Both couples and singles from early 20's to early 50's. After the group warm up with introductions, jokes and prizes there was a sex card game where the high male card and low female card had to get up and the guy had to take off an article of her clothes and then had 30 seconds to do whatever he wanted with her. The...

2 years ago
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Sacha Pyar

Hi Friends This is Rajesh (Name Changed) here. 28 Im New Delhi. This is my first real story.  Now I am starting in Hindi. Ye story mairy aur mairy girlfriend sonia ki hai. Ye aaj se karib 4 saal pehle ki baat hai jab main Sonia se pehli baar mila tha. Us waqt Uski umar kareeb 21 years thi aur meri 24 years. uski figure 36-24-36 thi aur rang doodh (Milk) jaisa. She is very sexy. Mairy nazar se dekho to sonia se sunder larki aaj tak bani hi nahi. Ab uski shadi ho chuki hai. but I still love...

3 years ago
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Stupid Stuck Cabinet

The snowflakes fell thick, to the point where Justin could only see a few dozen feet into the distance. He ran a cold, ungloved hand through his hair, brushing white powder and ice off, and tried to walk a little faster. The snow was up to his knees even on the plowed section of the sidewalk, and his feet sank into it as though it were freezing cold sand. The day had been a long one, and Justin was tired. His school vacation had been filled with more work than play, ever since his boss at the...

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Playtime Ch 0405

Chapter Four The morning came. It was Christmas morning and we had got presents for the whole group of us. I looked in on the man I had grown to love over the last day. ‘Breakfast is ready. Would you like toast, sausage, and eggs?’ Pet shook his head. ‘I’m not hungry. I need to go home. I’ve been having a good time, but I have someplace I have to be.’ Pet looked at me with trepidation. ‘My family will be expecting me for Christmas, and Mom and Dad will worry if I’m not there. I should have...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 41

The weekend was a little strained without Bobby around and not knowing what was up. I did a few honey-do type repairs inside the house that needed to be done and laid out in the sun a lot. I was silly hanging around home thinking Bobby would come strolling in any second. Monday morning, I woke at my usual time, completely rested. Wanda was wrapped around me, but the other side of the bed was still empty. I slid from bed, slipped on my peg and a pair of shorts and went out side for some...

3 years ago
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Akkanu Dengina Ma Close Friend

Hi readers na peru suresh ma akka per mamatha chala baguntadi ma akka ki 2 year back pelli aindi kani pillalu leru ma akka and bava hyderabad lo rent ku untunaru intlo akka bava matrame untaru bava private chestaru akka house wife bava private job cheyadam tho akka tho ekkuva time spend cheyaleka pothunadu akka eppudu lonely ga feel avvedi e vishayalu anni naku cheppedi akka natho full close ga undedi even bava tho enni times sex chestaro kada chependi……… Eppudu story loki velte naku eppude...

3 years ago
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Gullibility Ray

Late one night a mad scientist worked tirelessly in his lab. See, this particular mad scientist is a chyoa reader. If you guessed from the title is a big fan of the Gullibility syndrome story. In fact he was inspired by it. This is what led to months of working in secret. Perfecting the his greatest work. The gullibility ray his pride and joy. The scientist was tempted to keep this beauty all to himself. However, he decided that was not in the true spirit of the story. Thus he actually made...

Mind Control
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Me and my sisterPT 1

I was about 10, I guess, when I first learned about masturbation. I slept on the top bunk and so I was free to stroke off all night if I wanted. It wasnt long till that wasnt enough though so Id sneak down off the bunk when Mom was undressing to shower and crack the door enough to see. Then Id stroke my cock, watching those beautiful big tits of hers. Then I decided to drill a small hole so I wouldnt have to crack the door. I would sit and watch her before she started to shower...

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They Call Me The Fireman pt 1 of 5

I have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel. Only minor damage was done but still the lady of the house was worried. We did a secondary search of the house, surrounding walls and found nothing. I explained to this very lovely, yet scantily clad young woman she had nothing to fear. She asked if I could come back and check it the morning. I told her...

3 years ago
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THE LOVERS Despite the blanket of snow outside, the heat inside me makes me want to open the car window. The arm around me holds us close and our mouths are locked in a kiss that is far more advanced than we have ever exchanged prior to this moment. Yes, we had started as most do, as friends brushing cheeks in greeting, each partner doing the same. As our friendship grew the greeting developed to include a hug then our lips brushed in a brief peck. It wasn’t long before I noticed the soft,...

5 years ago
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CherryChapter 2 A year later

I started my story about a year ago when I had just turned 14. Things have changed quite a bit since then. For starters, I’ve had another growth spurt and I’m nearly 4 feet 10 inches tall now. My tits have grown very pointy and are almost an AA cup and my butt has got a bit rounder. My pussy is still just a slit with my tiny clit poking out. My weight has increased just a little bit and I now weigh about 90 pounds. My dad told me to start getting rid of the few pubic hairs that I had,...

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Stephanie McMichael had never really been demure. She had never been reluctant to use her looks to get what she wanted. In a sense, she thought of her looks as a career asset, sort of like her wardrobe. She invested a lot of time, money, and effort into maintaining both. It was easier to maintain the wardrobe than the body, that only took careful shopping, good taste, and money. The body, on the other hand, required steady exercise, long hours at the beauty salon for manicures, pedicures,...

4 years ago
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Torturing Cheryl

It was the Sunday before last.  Watching tv, I was bored to death and decided to give my slave, my wife, a bit of a work-out. I instructed her to come with me down to the driveway at the back of the property.  When we first got married, she might have asked me why, or refused, or said it was too late.  But training a slave requires asking a little bit more of her every day.  And after 3 years of such training, any instructions are obeyed.  Sucking my dick, bending over so I may fuck her,...

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European Nightmare Part I

Author’s Note: I intend for this to be a long story, and so the beginning is a little slow, but I hope you will read it, just to set the scene. As this is my first story I would greatly appreciate any feedback whatsoever, any suggestions or ideas for the continuation of the story or the characters would also be much appreciated. Enjoy. Chapter 1 Olivia smiled as she stared into man’s exotic brown eyes, only half listening to him as he spoke to them. She was lost in her own world,...

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Tonys Family

Tony's Family By slimv Synopsis: This is a complete story about a 13 year old boy named Tony who becomes Toni and the relationship he has with his family. It's rated 'G' - no sex. It does contain smoking (of course). I hope to write a sequel to this story called "Tony's Friends". I can still remember the looks on both my parent's faces when they came home early from celebrating their anniversary and found me on the couch, dressed in my mother's nightgown. I hadn't expected them...

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Rapes ProgressChapter 18

I had the first night-watch on the Black Swan as we headed north to Fiddler's Green. The owner, pop star Basil Bundy, was locked in a cabin. Cleo, Marsha and a tearful red-headed woman called Ruby kept me company on the bridge deck, while Popeye went below to drown his sorrows. "You'll have to let the girls out of the bolt-hole soon!" whispered Cleo, snuggling up to my starboard side. "Yeah," agreed Marsha, as she rubbed her hip softly along my port quarter. "It must be getting...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 55

Waking up Sunday, I was sore as hell. The side of my face was the worst, it was throbbing nonstop. I downed four ibuprofen before sitting down to breakfast. Looking at the clock it was 10.45AM. I guess nobody woke me up for church. When I was putting my dishes in the sink, I noticed that there was an envelope sitting on the counter addressed to me. Looking at it, it was something I wasn’t expecting, but was now looking forward to. Kiku had actually written me a letter from Stanford. I had...

4 years ago
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A night with Rachel

“So how many of your girlfriends have you been in bed with?” she asked “Considering I only had 3 girlfriends all throughout high school and into college 2. The second one was a good catholic girl thinking that sex was for making babies and not pleasure and the sex should only be after marriage” I said “Well that sucks. Too many of them are around now days. They all need to learn the sheer pleasure of sex” she mumbled as she took a sip of her wine. “How many guys have you fucked?” I...

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I’ve been browsing Tantaly for the last couple of days with a semi-hard dick, which isn’t all that strange for me. I am, after all, the world’s foremost Internet smut expert, and I spend my days looking at adult websites. The unusual thing is that Tantaly isn’t even a porn site; they sell high-end sex doll torsos. I never pop a woody looking at even the most expensive Fleshlight, but wait until you see the fucking curves on these headless fake ladies. I initially intended to just do a little...

Sex Doll Shops
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Jo was just brushing her teeth again for the third time that day, she was getting excited and horny as she was meeting Gary tonight and she was guaranteed a good fucking, they had a fantastic sex life always something new and pleasurable. As she was rinsing her mouth jo thought she heard something but dismissed it after all who could it be. She was already dressed ready to meet Gary she was wearing a zip dress which could be undone at either end and a lacy bra and stockings on underneath with a...

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