Morgan's CurseChapter 2 free porn video

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Part 2a: Leaving Las Vegas

I woke up, reeking of sex, with a rock-hard, firm stomach. After several months of pregnancy, it was a relief not to be pregnant for a change. Argyle was sitting next to me, and had dressed me in my sleep.

"How long was I out?", I asked.

"Only an hour. You cut it close that time, though."

I nodded, and looked into the back of the car. The infant and mother were there, still passed out. They'd probably both be groggy for at least a day. "Yeah, one more push and I would've transferred into the baby. I'd be trapped there until I got old enough to fuck." I'd had that happen in the past, and it was never pleasant. The last thing I wanted to go through was another childhood.

I took a moment to look Argyle's new form over approvingly. "Nice tits this time around", I remarked. Argyle had taken the form of a slim, athletic Hispanic woman this time, wearing a low-cut black bra under an even lower-cut tank top. Beneath that were a perfectly rounded pair of breasts with just the right amount of sweat showing, and a pair of extra-short denim shorts revealing legs suited to a ballerina.

Argyle broke into a toothy grin which concealed her nature better than any glamor spell she's tried. "All the better to seduce you with, my master", she simpered.

I rolled my eyes and growled out, "I don't care what form you try, demon. I may admire the scenery from time to time, but I'm still not fucking you."

"And after all I do for you", she sighed in reply.

I looked at myself in the driver's side mirror, taking stock of my new appearance. There was a day or two worth of stubble on my chin, my body was relatively well toned, and overall I wasn't unattractive. It's too bad Rudy was a rapist pig; there was nothing wrong with his looks. "Don't worry, I'll let you have this body. Just without me in it."

Argyle smiled as I twisted the keys in the ignition, bringing the ancient car coughing to life. We turned around and went back the way we came, bouncing along the uneven dirt trail back to the street. A moan came from the back, as my former body began struggling back to consciousness.

I could only channel a tiny fraction of my Power through my male body, but it took very little expenditure to deepen her sleep. I paused for a moment to look for traffic, then pulled onto the road and pointed the car towards the Strip. We crept along in traffic until we pulled into the parking lot at our hotel.

The prophet had been very clear to Mr. Wulf that we couldn't use our assets for the journey, but I was pretty sure that this wouldn't be a problem. And anyway, I had a moral obligation to protect the woman I'd been "joyriding" for the past few months, and ensure that her new baby was provided for. It was the least I could do.

Argyle and I dropped them both off in the penthouse bedroom, and I took a couple of moments at my laptop. I sent my standard "check-out" instructions to hotel management, and a second email to a local ob/gyn I keep on retainer in case this sort of thing happens. We'd be long gone by the time he arrived, but at least this woman would be taken care of.

I taped a small, pre-printed information packet to her chest. The packet contained a copy of a valid surrogacy contract, validated with her own thumbprint, and information on the room and a cashier's check for $500k. Typically the first few days are rough, but sooner or later, the owner of my former body will go back to her former life, puzzled but richer and with a baby she knows for a fact is hers, but doesn't remember carrying. As for the baby himself, I was confident he'd be well off. Let's just say that the baby I came that close to giving birth to went on to be named Albert Einstein.

We didn't spend long at the hotel, as tempting as it would've been. Nor did we leave by the private elevator; we just took the normal elevator out. Stepping into the Vegas heat, Argyle and I walked doggedly onwards until we came to Rudy's beaten-up car. Its engine turned over roughly, clattering to life moments before I put it into gear. It let out a belch of smoke and backfired once before we started to slowly move forwards. "Should we steal a different car, master?", asked Argyle.

I shook my head. "Rudy's registration is current, and he's the actual owner of this car. While I doubt he's a stranger to the law, no one's going to miss this car for a day or two. Let's not add any extra wrinkles, shall we?"

Argyle nodded as we drove west into the mid-afternoon sun, the car reaching the speed limit with some slight effort. The succubus reclined in her seat, letting out a deep breath and shifting around a little. "Breasts can be so tiresome, master", she purred as she traced her nipples' outlines with her fingertips. "They always gett hot, and the nipples always get hard and then soft, and then hard again. I don't know why you prefer staying in a female form", she pouted.

I shrugged. "I spent my first hundred years in a woman's body. I'm comfier when I'm wearing one."

My attention was drawn to the passenger seat just in time to see Argyle pull off her tank top. Her rack was now only covered by a dark, translucent bra which didn't do much to hide anything. The darkened circles of her Latina areolae peeked through her bra enticingly, but then I snapped my attention back to the road with a muttered curse.

In a female body, Argyle's advances pose no real temptation to me. But a male body's urges are much harder to control and predict. I gritted my teeth and kept driving, keeping in mind that as long as our contract holds, I must endure her attempts to seduce me. Sometimes, our contract was almost as troubling as the curse I was trying to break.

Speaking of which, I may as cover that now. The road out of Vegas is very long, and even more boring than it was long.

As I mentioned earlier, my name is Morgana Le Fay. I was half-sister to King Arthur, former lover to Merlin, and if I must say so, amazingly well preserved for a thousand-year-old sorceress. But I once cheated on Merlin with a hot slab of beefcake named Lancelot, and in his rage, he un-anchoring my immortal soul from my body and cursed me to an eternity of wandering.

The rules of my curse are simple: if I'm a man, my soul jumps into the first first woman I impregnate (and impregnation is almost guaranteed with each fuck). Once I'm in the woman's body, by definition that body is already pregnant. If a man cums inside me while I'm pregnant, my soul transfers into him; that's how I took over Rudy's body. If I fail to transfer into a man before giving birth, my soul gets trapped in the baby.

The final way my soul transfers, sucks the most. Any time I die, my spirit's drawn into the nearest living human. I'm stuck in the back seat then, so to speak. I can see through their eyes and hear through their ears, but all I can do is watch until the next time they have sex or die. I was once trapped in a monk in the 17th century once, for over fifty maddening years. When the monk finally died of old age, I transferred into another monk. I expected to be trapped for a long time, but I was pleased to discover that the next monk was sneaking out to brothels at night.

One of the minor annoyances about this curse is that I rarely get to finish an orgasm before I transfer. There was one way I could have an orgasm any time I wanted though, except that she'd eat my soul in the process. That brings me to Argyle.

The misinformed would call Argyle an incubus or a succubus, but demons fueled by sex magic are both and neither. These demons may at any moment choose to be male, female, or both. And like most demons, they burn incessantly with a lust for Power.

Like me, lust demons draw their Power from fertility magic. Having sex with one is mind-blowing, but it opens a direct conduit to your soul, allowing the demon to absorb your body and soul. Once absorbed, you're trapped in hell, perpetually being bled to feed Power back to the demon who damned you. Ordinary humans provided a trickle of Power, but if Argyle could swallow the soul of an ancient sorceress like me, her Power would increase beyond measure.

... which is why Argyle serves me. She believes that some day my guard will drop, and she'll seduce me in a moment of weakness. Our contract dictates that in exchange for her fealty, I must feed her the souls of the damned and may never command her to stop trying to seduce me. This last clause has produced some embarrassing public scenes over the centuries, but Argyle has learned with time that any success with me will be in private.

Argyle had apparently decided she was going to get particularly distracting. She tilted her chin up provocatively and ran her fingers down her throat, to her shoulders, and then down the gentle curve of her right breast. I watched as her fingers fidgeted on the soft slope of her breast, and then she pulled her bra down and outward, just enough for me to see as she took her nipple between her two fingers and began to idly stroke it. My cock hardened at the sight, and I cursed my luck as this turned out to be one of the more hormonal male bodies I've used. No wonder Rudy became a rapist.

She squirmed in her seat, fully aware that pheromones were wafting from her nether regions and filling the car. "May I at least suck you off, master?", Argyle inquired.

I shook my head. While Argyle can only devour souls through vaginal sex, getting a blow job while driving across the Vegas desert in a rattle-trap car was probably still inadvisable from a safety standpoint. "I'd really rather not get pulled over. I just want to find Merlin, kill him, and end this damn curse."

Argyle pouted for a moment, then sat up and looked as we approached an SUV with a huge fraternity logo across the rear window. Her face lit up with a grin as she lifted up her bra, then flashed the frat boys as we pulled even with them. A cheer erupted from the cracked windows as they spotted her perfectly-formed light-brown rack. I rolled my eyes and muttered to her, "I'm not letting you eat them."

She was facing the window now, cradling her bare tits in her hands to show the guys as we passed. She shot a glance over her shoulder at me and said, "Sometimes a girl just likes getting admirers."

I rolled my eyes again. "A girl likes admirers, perhaps. But a demon just wants lunch", I retorted.

The SUV's driver hit the gas pedal, pacing us as flashes started coming from the SUV. Apparently, some of the frat boys mistakenly believed that flash photography from behind rolled-up windows would produce useful results. In response, Argyle opened the sunroof and stood up through it, her bare chest fully exposed as she waved at the van of guys.

I hit the gas and accelerated, pulling ahead of the frat boys as Argyle pouted. Her breasts bounced with every bump of the freeway, and as the van began slowly to shrink into the distance she sighed and sat back down in her seat. "You could've let me at least take a nibble from one", she pouted.

I shook my head. "Just a nibble, huh? I've heard that one before. So have a lot of the souls you've eaten."

"Can't help it", Argyle mewed as she snuggled against my arm. "Demon."

Damn her, she'd perfected 'cute' down to a tee. This was going to be a very long drive.

Four hours later, we were in a dirty little town named Baker, right near the California state line. Our "borrowed" car was about to run out of gas, so I stopped at one of the overpriced gas stations to spend the money in Rudy's wallet. It turned out that he had six credit cards, only two of which had his name on them, and neither one worked on the gas pump we were at. Unfortunately, the $5 or so he had in dollar bills wouldn't buy a lot of gas.

I was just starting to come up with ideas for earning or otherwise acquiring some cash, when a familiar SUV pulled into the gas station at the pump behind me. A wolf whistle rang out, and Argyle grinned at me. "I have a solution to this problem, master", she purred, flashing her sexy brown eyes at me.

"You will do only as I command, Argyle." I looked at the guys piling out of the cars, most of whom were wandering off to the store. They left one of them at the gas pump, a scrawny guy who looked like the runt of the litter.

I addressed the one at the pump. He was a scrawny, mousy fellow who was clearly the group's omega male. "I see that you boys like my model", I said in my best Texan drawl.

"Model?", he asked in an adolescent sounding voice. His hair was a reddish blond, with a pinkish complexion. He wore glasses.

I nodded and gave a big grin. "Yep, model. We just got back from a photo shoot up in Vegas, and she had a great time. So great that she decided to give you boys a show on the way through."

The boy looked down at the ground, sheepishly, and stammered, "Well, I ... uh..."

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing to be ashamed of, boy! She's hot, and she showed you her body because she likes seeing men appreciate it. But right now, we're in a bit of trouble. And that gives you boys an opportunity."

The gas station doors swung open, and a few of the other frat boys came back out, carrying bottles of soda and a case of beer. They saw me talking to the driver and came over, probably assuming I was an upset, jealous boyfriend trying to get them to delete topless pictures of my slut girlfriend.

"What's going on here, Mouse? This guy giving you a hard time?", asked one of the guys. He stepped between Mouse and myself, trying to intimidate me.

I was about to say something when I heard the door to my car pop open. Argyle stepped out and slinked her way towards us, wearing only her bra for a top.

I put on my best salesman smile as she came up by my side and said, "Boys, my model and I are on our way back to LA, but we ran out of cash. She's a professional model, and I already know that you love her tits. And I know those pictures you tried to take through your rolled-up windows must have sucked. How about you buy us a tank of gas, and you can take some really nice pictures? Hell, I'll even coach you so you can take professional-level shots. I'm not sure which one of you boys owns that SUV, but pictures of her naked body sprawled out on the hood must be worth some points back at school, right?"

Argyle winked seductively and draped her arm around my shoulder as the boys looked at each other for a moment.

"Give us a moment, dude", said the one who'd been trying to intimidate me earlier.

The boys huddled together for a bit, and it didn't take long for them to come back with a counter offer. "Half a tank", said the alpha meat head, "and she gives us more than just pictures."

One of his cronies slapped him on the back and said, "You tell 'em, Butch!"

I shook my head, trying to protect the boys from their own stupidity. "Guys, she's been on the cover of Epic Tits Magazine, and Lord knows she's made a couple of movies. But she's not a hooker, and she doesn't do hardcore. We'll go as low as half a tank for a fifteen minute photo shoot, and that's the best you'll get."

The one they called Mouse stammered out, "Guys, that's a really good deal. That car can't hold more than $40 worth, and fifteen minutes with a model like her is worth at least two full tanks."

Butch scowled at Mouse and raised his hand as if he were going to strike him. Mouse cowered reflexively, and Butch put his hand down. Turning his attention away from the scrawny guy, Butch turned his attention back to me and set his face into a hard-edged scowl. "Half a tank", he repeated, "pictures, and one blow job apiece. Keep trying to bargain, and it's gonna get worse."

I rolled my eyes. "Listen - wait, what was your name? Bitch, was it?" Butch's nostrils flared and his fist clenched to strike. "You don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're into here. I've got a whole lot of reasons why you don't want to fuck her. Believe me, if you do anything with her beyond taking pictures, it'll end badly for you."

I never even saw Butch's fist coming. It hit me like a railroad engine at full speed, catching me under the jaw and lifting me off the ground. I spun, feeling light-headed and disconnected, and I felt myself bounce off of the van and then start falling. I must've hit the ground, but I never felt it. My vision going dark as I began to pass out.

Argyle screamed as one of the guys grabbed her. "Listen", she said pleadingly, "I'm clean, don't listen to him. He's been acting weird this whole trip. Just don't hurt me, I'll even fuck you if you'll let me!"

As I sank the rest of the way into the darkness, my last thought was that a good fuck from Argyle is exactly what they deserved at this point.

Part 2b: The Train to Freedom

I wasn't out for very long, but the boys had worked quickly. I half-awoke as the late-afternoon sun beat its way into my eyes. My hands and legs were tied, and one guy had my feet and the other had me by the shoulders, carrying me into a cheap motel room that Butch had decided to rent for a few hours. I pretended to still be unconscious when they unceremoniously dumped me into a chair near the air conditioner. I heard Mouse whisper into my ear, "Sorry, man, but at least they didn't leave you tied up in the van. You might've died in the heat."

I half opened my eyes, and noticed that there was duct tape over my mouth. It was nothing that a spell wouldn't resolve, but frankly Butch had pissed me off and I was going to enjoy watching what happened to him next.

Speaking of Butch, he lowered his crew-cut, square-jawed face into my field of vision and slapped my cheeks lightly. "Well well, I see you're awake. Good! I want to make sure you watch how a real man fucks that girlfriend of yours." He smirked at me and watched for my reaction. I staged fury and an intense stare, but carefully. Over the centuries, I've mastered expressions to the point where if I'd wanted to make him yelp like a scared puppy dog, I could've done it with just a glance. But I didn't want to do that at this point. Hell, even in a male form I could've mustered enough Magick to free myself and kill him. But that would be an act of mercy, and I was presently not in the mood for it.

Butch stepped back and pointed at the bed, where Argyle was tied to the headboard. "Since you weren't sure what a bitch looks like, we're going to show you what one looks like. We're going to run a train on your girlfriend here, and we're going to give her what your cock probably never could." Butch stripped off his shirt, revealing rippling muscles and a truly impressive body. Argyle, all the way over on the bed, had a look of unbridled lust on her face.

Butch started walking over to the bed, and when he got halfway there he turned his head back to me. He pointed his finger at her, inadvertently striking a pose with his chiseled physique that would've stirred a storm of appreciative hormones if I were in a female body. "See that, little camera fag? She already sees how much more of a man I am than you." He flexed a little, doing a sort of little dance as he stood at the foot of the bed and undressed. His buddies started taking off their clothes too, and I stopped myself a split second short of removing the gag in order to point out that while he's calling me a homosexual, he's the one stripping down in a room with seven men and only one woman.

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MorganChapter 2A

Saul Roberts was on the phone when Morgan brought him his coffee. “What the fuck do you mean you can’t get here ‘till Tuesday. Phil we are at a standstill here, the client wants these brochures Monday morning and we still have half of them to do!” Saul shouted down the phone. “Well fuck you then if that’s your attitude. I’ll get some other fucker to do them.” Saul slammed the phone down. “Asshole!” “Um, Mr Roberts.” Morgan said, he was a nerdy little kid with thick framed glasses and a...

3 years ago
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MorganChapter 6

Sally sat at her dressing table brushing her hair. Her best friend Alice was staying with her for a week while her mother was off on holiday with some guy she had just met. Sally didn’t care much for Alice’s mother, she had apparently slept around a lot when she was still with Alice’s dad, now she was single she was even worse. Take this week for example, Sandra had only met this guy a couple of weeks ago and now they had gone off to France for a week together. Sally got so angry at the way...

3 years ago
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MorganChapter 8

Morgan turned off of the main road and onto a track that cut between huge piles of white sand spotted with large lumps of granite. The girls looked around curiously as the large BMW X5 lurched along the rough track. “This should be graded by the end of the month,” Morgan said from the front of the car, “It really should have been finished by now but I keep giving Sergei and his crew other jobs to do.” “Where are we going Morgan?” Sally asked for the fourth or fifth time this morning. “Are...

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Morgan MckennaChapter 2

I came out of the bathroom, with a little bit of the tension in my crotch relieved, to find her sleeping on the couch, leaning against one of the arms and cuddling a pillow. I picked her up and took her to the back bedroom, laying her in bed and tucking her in. She said, "G'nite" rather sleepily as she rolled away from me and buried her head in the softness, wiggling her small frame to get comfortable. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments, listening to her steady breathing....

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Morgan Im a bitch

Introduction: Morgan is a bitch, written from Morgans perspective I liked the story Morgan is a Bitch, so I decided to rewrite it from Morgans perspective. I hope the original author doesnt mind! —————————— Im on my way home from school. I am so excited for the weekend! My friend is having a party and shes gotten some more alchohol&hellip, its been a while since weve just been able to go crazy. I smile to myself. I see my house and pick up the pace, ever got that feeling that someone was...

2 years ago
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wondering why she had followed the instructions on the handwritten note, perhaps it was the perfumed scent that had made her tingle inside, or that she was so sure she recognised the handwriting, she shook her head briefly and carried on walking towards the huge blank-faced building and it's single solitary door.she put her hand to the handle and cautiously opens the door, pushing it and walks throughshe stops, her hand still on the door handle, leaving her arm trailing a little behind her ......

1 year ago
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Morgan and Me

Morgan and Me By King Leopold Chapter One I walked into the room where fifteen year old Morgan had been waiting forme. She was in the same spot I had left her thirty minutes earlier. What choicedid she have bound and totally nude as the day she was born. That's how I hadleft her. She was facing the left wall of the room, about eight feet from it. I hadher wrists bound together behind her back along with her arms at the elbows,pulling them painfully together. This forced her shoulders back...

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I’m not generally one for parties, but my very good friend Josie invited me to her open house to celebrate her new home. It’s quite lovely, and has a nice veranda to a deck to an in ground swimming pool. From the living room there are sliding doors that take you out to the pool. To the right is the front door, and through that door walked my good friend Karen and a new accompaniment. Karen is a stunning beauty. She’s tall with a lovely figure and a gorgeous face, long blonde hair, and smart. My...

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MorganChapter 2D

Susan woke for the second time in this small bed. Looking around with a slight sigh she thought she ought to get up. She looked at the bedside clock for a moment before it registered that it was morning again, that would make it Sunday. Her stomach grumbled to remind her she was hungry. Susan climbed from the bed and found her now cleaned clothes folded neatly on the bedside cabinet, she blushed as she saw her bra and panties on the top of the pile. She quickly dressed before leaving the...

2 years ago
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MorganChapter 4

Eleven year old Sally Anderson went back to bed with a funny feeling in her belly. Why did watching mummy and daddy swim make her feel like that? Was it the occasional glimpses of their naked bodies as they swam. She wondered how often they swam this early. That night when she went to bed Sally set the alarm on her watch to wake her up at seven in the morning. To her disappointment she slept right through the alarm. It was two mornings later before Sally managed to get up and watch her...

3 years ago
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Morgan MckennaChapter 1

June 1975 Central Illinois I had just finished pitching hay flakes to my two horses when the radio in my Jeep went off with that high-pitched squeal that meant I was being paged. It was overcast and dark and we were under a tornado watch, one of the reasons I'd decided to feed the horses early. If I was called out, there was no telling when I could get back to them. Their nervous stamping and huffing told me they didn't like the weather either. I walked over to the Jeep and heard, "Unit...

1 year ago
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Morgan Im a bitch

------------------------------ I’m on my way home from school. I am so excited for the weekend! My friend is having a party and she’s gotten some more alchohol… it’s been a while since we’ve just been able to go crazy. I smile to myself. I see my house and pick up the pace, ever got that feeling that someone was watching you before? I hear a noise from the bushes by my side, as a turn to look, a hand clamps something wet over my mouth. I inhale to scream but suddenly I become so weak and...

1 year ago
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MorganChapter 9

Beverly sat at her kitchen table deep in thought, she had written up last nights dream in her diary but now she had some decisions to make. She was certain that what she had dreamt was somehow real, but it was hard to take it in. Ever since puberty hit her Beverly had been subject to the dreams, it made no difference whether she was awake of asleep they could come over her at a moments notice. Her parents had referred her to a psychiatrist who had taught her how to concentrate to keep the...

4 years ago
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Morgan MckennaChapter 3

I lay on my stomach on the bed, crying, bereft of sense and time. What had I done? Was I going insane? I heard the door open with a soft click and felt the weight of her body on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you mad." I rolled over and hugged her. "I'm not mad, I'm crazy." I wiped my eyes with a tissue and sat up a little so I could see her better; she was watching my reaction intently, waiting for me to...

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Inappropriate Familial GangRape of Daughter Story

Inappropriate Familial Gang-Rape of Daughter Story Description: In this story, Sandra?s family conspires to rape and enslave her, for no particular reason other than that she is beautiful and they are horny psychopaths.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction...

1 year ago
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On Top of a Mountain Ch2

When they arrive home……… After Gary and Marion had spent six wonderful days together in the Ski- resort, they both knew that they would have to part and go to their respective homes and job. These were in different parts of the county and they knew it would be hard to keep in contact, other that on the phone or chatting on Messenger or Skype. Gary arrived back in Denver and after calling Marion, and making sure that she had arrived safely; decided that this was not the way to pursue the woman...

Love Stories
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Dearest Mummy

If she's patient, a woman can give me an amazing orgasm just by pleasuring my nipples. She can fondle them, stroke them, pinch them, pull them, kiss them, lick them, bite them, ride them, or even massage them with her own erect baby girls.I'm a post-grad student, but I still live at home with my parents. My darling Mummy, I'm sorry to say, is far from the right kind of woman for decent nipple play. A slow build-up works best for me, and she doesn't have the patience. Like earlier today, she...

1 year ago
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Surprise Waiting ch 3

My life had changed so dramatically since that day the voice on the phone said simply, “Hi.” Prior to that I knew I loved Amie, but the age difference was likely to get in the way of any lasting relationship. Or so I had thought. That day changed everything. After Amie and I made love for the first time--literal first time for her--I discovered how real her love for me really was. I asked her to marry me, something I would never have predicted. The other thing I could not have predicted was...

3 years ago
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Abduction of a Slave

He grinned with mischief as he read her reply to his questions on the BDSM Dungeon. The woman who called herself "AMF" was indeed very kinky. She liked to have someone force her to do stuff that she wanted to do, but also feared. She had fantasies where someone abducted her and made her service him and his friends. The Taskmaster thought that might prove useful to fulfilling his own desires. He knew that no one had abducted her before, because she had said as much online and that she...

3 years ago
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College Tail

You stumble home, drunk from another night out at the bars, another night of being ignored by the girls there. It is late, so you are not surprised to find your dorm room locked by your roommate. You fiddle with your keys, eventually finding the right one, and you stick it into the lock. You turn the lock, and then open the door. It is dark in the room, but you notice that the tv is on, and your roommate is on the couch watching some late show. He is covered up with a blanket, and seems a bit...

2 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 12 Reward

March, 1812 It must have been his 10th time in over two years of sighting the Mediterranean Fleet Thomas thought idly as he timed his next manoeuvre carefully. As usual, Tempest carried the mail for the Commander in Chief, and that set the priorities. No sooner had Tempest settled on a course a cable length athwart from the flagship than his gig splashed into the water, and then he was racing down the Jacob’s ladder with the mail bag. Only five minutes later saw him on the quarter deck...

4 years ago
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Vacation with sisterinlaw

Hi all ISS readers, I am a regular reader of ISS and I have read all the incest stories. But i never believed that these kind of things would happen in real life. Now i believe because i myself have experienced it.iss stories helped me to achieve this. Readers please send your suggestion and feedback before starting the story let me introduce myself. I am sudharsan.i am 23 yrs old and working for a mnc. I am 6 feet tall and 60kg. I don’t have massive figure but not very lean. She is jaya(name...

2 years ago
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The Heart Blossoms When It Blossoms

"What's the big deal? They just want to throw you a bachelorette party." I marched right out of the bathroom and halted right in front of him, as he stood a few feet away from the door. "I'm fully aware that when I marry you, I marry into your family, but that setting is the last place I wanna be in with them." He bit his bottom lip and I saw the brown hair atop his head moving around. "Well, they both loved you when they met you. My mom is a sweet lady and I've known Celeste for five years...

3 years ago
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Frankies Story Ch 03

(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.) * Between both the girls and the doctor I was getting updates all through the day. The visit to the doctor resulted in an insane amount of...

1 year ago
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Very First time with a guy

I have always considered myself straight, my entire life hasbeen consumed by woman, I am attracted to them, I want them, I desire them and I have sex with them. But and this is big but, I have always had a fascination with cocks, ever since the first time I saw one as a teenager in the locker room. I know as men we are not suppose to look at other guys cocks but I was fascinated by them. I of course being a heterosexual male put it out of my mind. I went of to college and had lots of sex with...

3 years ago
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I found my sister stripping Ch 2

"My lover." The words reverberate through my head. What have I done? Not only did I just fuck my sister, but I came in her too! I felt so dirty, but thinking back, I don't think I could have stopped myself. It just felt too good. Geo moaned on top of me, and I felt it all the way to me flaccid cock, still in her. My sister rolled off me, and I saw Dixie getting between her legs and sucking my cum out of her. "Mmm, your brother's cum tastes soo good!" Dixie mewled. A hand...

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Roommate To Soulmate

Hi, my name is Akash I am 18 years old I am very shy person with no friends. I love to be alone. I never share my feeling to anyone. But I am a gay. I am not interested in girls not at all. But when I look someone handsome guy I become mad and start to stare at him wildly (I know it’s bad but it true). I also love to touch though hot muscular body but can’t get chance yet. I always do gay chat online with many people but some become my good friend and for them I make my new facebook id. To be...

Gay Male
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Having an affair with my boss

Did you do it on purpose? I’d been looking at you in the office for a while. I’d always wanted to talk to you, but never knew what to say. You were the first guy that intimidated me… you made my heart beat faster, my pussy would always start to throb when you were around. I was always so nervous. So when you were stood so close to my desk talking to a colleague, I couldn’t help but admire you. You looked so professional in your suit, but I wanted so badly to see what was underneath. I wanted...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Ana Rose Creampie For My Girlfriends Daughter

Ana came to visit her mother, when she meets her Mom’s new boyfriend, she gets shocked, he is so young for her mother, so she feels an instant attraction and starts stalking him, first she offers him a bj in the kitchen at first he is reluctant but Ana is young, hot, sexy, and seductive so he cannot resist, they almost get caught by Ana’s mother so they have to stop, Ana is so horny that when they go to sleep she starts masturbating in her room, but this is not enough she...

4 years ago
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Young Son8217s Lust For His Mom 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is my first story at this site. I was interested in this type of story when I started studying ISS stories. Let me start the story of a son lusting for his mom. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Sam, and I am the youngest son in my family. My family consists of four people – me, my dad, my mom, and my elder sister. My father is a businessman, and my mother is a housewife. My sister is studying in a college in 1st year. Let me start the story now. In this story, I’ll...

4 years ago
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The Labors of Jasper Episode 01

20Jas0001, The Labors of Jasper Episode 01; 5367 words Except for the car, everything Jas owned fit inside a closet. Kind of sad, really. Two and a half meters by two and a half meters by one dot two-five. Bed. Standing closet. Desk. Lamp. A sling chair and an Easy- Boy. Refrigerator, aircon, micro, maker, three empty bins for maker stock. His SCA armor and weapons hung on a rack he'd hand-built for them. His pasocon was in the car, along with other items Jas thought he...

3 years ago
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Becca B Part 3

Becca B. Part 3part 1 2 B. Part 3It was getting late and I had to be at work by 4 am, we made our plans for tomorrow, we decided that I would drop her off on my way to work and with it being so early no one would be awake and all should be good to go. I would be getting off at noon (being a store manager has its perks) and we would meet at the malls parking garage and I would pick her...

2 years ago
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Katia and Cay

Chapter 1: The first meeting It was her first visit back home since the accident; she was nervous and a bit afraid. She pulled into the driveway of the old country house and got out of the car. "Hey sweetie, it has been so long. I missed you." Her mother was a small woman and it was always a shock when people found out that she was her daughter. "I missed you too mom. I am glad to see you are doing well." "Well Katia I can't complain, now come one your brother and sister are waiting for...

1 year ago
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From Coffee Shop To Bedroom

Hello friends! This is Poojan, 25 male, here from Baroda in Gujarat. I am 5’7″ inches tall, wheatish but having a nice cock of 6 inches which can satisfy any girl or lady. This story is how I fucked an online friend so sweetly that she became a fan of mine. The name of the character is Sanjana (Obviously name changed) and she was a sex bomb with 34-30-36 figure. She had boobs that any guy could die for. Before proceeding further with the story, I would request all to share your valuable...

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