Us Growing Up! free porn video

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Our parents didn't have much money -- they usually drank it all -- so my older brother Tim had to share his bed with me. Any other k** might have complained about sharing his bed with a brother who was six years younger and barely walking yet, but I never remember Tim complaining. And when my parents argued at night, I'd hug onto Tim, and he would wrap an arm behind my back and pull my head onto his shoulder, then he'd just hold me and sometimes stroke my back. I adored Tim.

I'm not sure at what point I began getting stiffies while hugging onto him. Maybe I did all along. Little k**s do get them. Even as I got a little older and ready to enter elementary school, I still clung onto Tim at night, even on nights that my parents did not argue.

When I rubbed my stiffy against Tim's hip, he didn't stop me. It was part of my getting comfortable against him. At some point, I started noticing that Tim was getting stiffies, too. I felt them with my knee. Eventually Tim started pulling my knee up so the inside of my knee rested on the underside of his dick, and when I rubbed my stiffy against his hip, the inside of my knee rubbed his stiffy as well. Sometimes Tim's hand drifted down to my butt and rubbed it while I rubbed on him. Some nights we rubbed just a little. Some nights we rubbed longer until one or both of us tensed up with intense feelings. If I stopped rubbing before Tim was ready, he encouraged me on with his hand on my butt.

We never talked about it.

When Tim was about to start junior high, he told me he was going to quit wearing pajamas because he was too old to wear them. Well if Tim was going to sleep in his underwear, so was I. So that night we got into bed in just our tidy-whities -- actually, mine weren't so tidy or whitie. Like most of my clothes, my underwear were Tim's hand-me-downs, and they were old and loose.

Tim lay down on his back as usual, and I climbed onto the bed, threw my knee over his legs, and and hugged on him like usual, but the feeling of skin on skin wasn't usual, not usual at all. We lay there for a long moment. Then Tim laid his hand on my back and drew his fingertips up the skin of my back. I slid my naked leg on his and pressed my bare chest to his. I laid the side of my face on the cool, soft skin in the hollow under his shoulder, and found that Tim's comforting smell was more distinct than through his pajamas. I rubbed the side of my mouth on his skin and nuzzled into the smoothness of it.

Moonlight was falling through our window, and I could see the tube of Tim's boner lying up under his underwear, not hidden by pajamas. It lay almost to his waistband, and it was pointing in my direction. So I slid the side of my face down onto Tim's flat belly for a closer look. We had not taken a bath together for a couple of years, and his dick looked like it had gotten a lot bigger. I laid my hand over the cloth-covered tube. It jerked under my hand. It felt thick and the movement excited me.

I felt down the length of it, squeezing moving squeezing. I felt Tim's hand on my back. I squeezed his boner and his fingertips pressed on my shoulder blade.

I lifted his waistband. In the shadow beneath, the head of his cock had extended from his foreskin and stared at me like a mouse peeking from its hole. I slid my hand under Tim's waistband to pet the mouse.

The skin of his boner was marvelously soft and warm. I laid my palm on it and felt his skin slide a little loosely over his erection. I closed my hand around it and slid the skin up and down, testing it. Tim's fingertips dug into my back and he moaned. So I slid the skin up and down again. Tim moaned again. So I continued, and Tim moaned and squirmed.

I needed a better look, so I propped up on my elbow over him, so that my armpit was on his belly, and I pushed the sides of his waistband down. Tim lifted his hips and I pushed his underwear down off his hips and onto his thighs. His boner wobble and his balls slid up and then back down as he lowered his hips back to the bed. They looked big.

Tim didn't have any pubic hair yet, and only inches from my eyes, my brother's thick boner and balls were marvelously big -- fascinating -- beautiful. The slit in the end, almost looked like a little mouth with thin lips. I kissed it and Tim's dick twitched. I leaned over it for a closer look at his balls and lifted his scrotum on my finger tips. His egg-shapped balls slid off my fingers to either side, inside his scrotum.

"Your balls got big," I told him. "And they're shaped different." Mine were still little marbles. "Your dick is like, really big!" I said, pressing my palm onto its underside.

Tim moaned and squirmed.

I dropped back onto my elbow over his waist and grabbed his boner in my hand. I started sliding the skin up and down again since Tim seemed to like that. I liked it, too. I liked the feel of his boner filling my hand. I liked the thick feel of it, warm and rigid.

Up and down, I moved my hand.

"Move it higher," Tim murmured.

I pointed his dick up in the air.

"No, move your hand higher."

It wasn't like his dick was that big, except to a little k** like me, but closing my hand around his shaft, half an inch higher to closer to the end seemed to be just what Tim wanted. He moaned happily.

"Go faster," he said.

I went faster and he squirmed. I noticed his balls going up and down with the skin of his shaft. They looked awesome, so propping on my elbow, I used my other hand to lift them and play with them. Tim's legs thrashed.

I did that for awhile, and Tim's body stiffened like he was getting intense feelings, but his dick stayed rigid after. My hand was getting tired, so I sat up, pulled off my underwear, then straddled the tops of his legs. I wanted to see how much bigger his stiffy was than mine. Sitting with my little round balls on his larger, egg-shaped ones, I leaned forward to press the underside of my stiffy to his.

Tim's stiffy wasn't twice as long as mine, but it was longer, and it was easily twice as thick. I liked the feeling, and tried rubbing my stiffy on his, but it kept sliding off. That was okay, because it still felt good. I lay down onto him, and hugged on, and pumped my little hips to rub us together.

"Wait, Jeffy," Tim said. With one hand on my back to hold me to him, he reached down with his other and somehow managed to get his underwear the rest off the way off. My legs fell between his longer ones. He grabbed my butt with both hands and circled me around on him. "Okay," he murmured in a thick voice.

I laid the side of my face on his chest, sort of toward his shoulder, and I grabbed onto the tops of his shoulders, and I humped. Tim, grabbed my butt firmly and pulled his knees up and out to either side, and pumped his hips to meet mine.

We ground, and I had never been so content, so happy, or felt such pleasure. I got my intense feelings, but Tim kept me going with his hands on my butt, and I ground on until I finally fell asleep there, between his legs.


The adventures continued. For a while, we just rubbed, or I'd pump Tim's boner. He told me it was called jerking off, and that I had given him his first jerk off.

The first time Tim laid on top of me the way I had laid on top of him, I thought it was the best thing we had tried. The weight of my older brother's firmer larger body on mine, his hips between my legs, his boner between our bellies, his balls dr****g my little ones... it was incredible! Especially when he wrapped his arms under me and pressed his cheek against my temple and I could hear the rasp of his breath close to my ear and smell the nape of his neck. I could feel the muscles moving in his back with my hands, and I moved with him. It was like my brother and I were one.

Our parents never looked in. They usually passed out in the living room and stumbled to bed later. Our younger sister, Caroline -- younger than me by two years -- had her own little room, and we never let her come in ours. We kept our door locked. So we simply stripped naked every night and crawled into bed to rub on each other until we fell asleep, usually in each other's arms.

We both grew over the next year or so. Tim started getting pubic hair. He started shooting cum between our bellies and we both tasted it. He never had to ask me to suck him. I started doing that when he started making precum. I loved the thick viscosity of the clear drops. Soon we were doing sixty-nines.

Tim would have me lie on my side, and he would lie behind me. Wrapping his arms around me, and he would insert his dick between the backs of my thighs, just under my balls. He would hold me and thrust. His hand would drift down to caress my stiffy and he would press his mouth to the side of my neck. I didn't like it as much as him on top of me, but Tim liked and, and I did like the way he held me.

It was when he was behind me one night that he first talked about wanting to put his dick up my butt. "It's called cornholing," he told me.

I let him try, but it wouldn't go in.

A few nights later, he brought a spoon of Crisco back to our room in a napkin. "I found out how we're supposed to do it," he told me. "Get on your hands and knees."

I climbed up onto the bed and did as Tim told me. Tim crawled up onto the bed on his knees behind me. A moment later I jumped as his finger spread cool Crisco on my pucker. I jumped again as the tip of his finger slipped inside and rimmed my anus with shortening. It felt funny, but not bad.

Tim pulled his finger out and I looked back to see him put a dollop of Crisco on his palm and close his palm around the end of his dick. "Oh," he whispered, as he slid his hand down. "That feels good."

Holding his dick, he came up behind me on his knees. Grabbing my hip with one hand, he aimed his dick with the other. I felt the Crisco-cooled head between my butt cheeks, then pressure at my hole, then the slick slide up my butt and the press of Tim's belly against the backs of my legs. As easy as that. It doesn't always hurt when you're just k**s with k**-sized dicks, and when you use Crisco.

Tim folded his body over my back and wrapped his arms under my chest and started slowly pumping. "It feels good, Jeffy," he whispered behind my ear. "It feels real good."

"It sorta feels good to me, too."


"Yeah. Inside. It feels good inside."

"Mmmm," Tim murmured and nuzzled into the back of my neck. His hands rubbed my belly and down my sides. They felt the tops of my legs, then held my stiffy up against my belly while his fingers stroked my balls, then felt beneath them to where he was entering me. I reached down to feel, too, and his lips pressed the side of my cheek. My fingers felt his slick shaft disappear each time his belly flattened my fingers.

Tim straightened up and grabbed my hips with both hands. His belly started making little slapping sounds against my bottom, and he went faster. Faster felt good. Almost like a really good tickle at my butt, and something else, something good, down between my legs.

He bent over me again and wrapped his arms around me, and he took us onto our sides. His belly pressed my back and the tops of his legs pressed the underside of mine. He thrust deep and long; each thrust driving my own hips forward.

He rolled us onto our backs and, holding my chest, bounced my hips with his thrusts.

He rolled us onto our bellies and his legs fell outside mine. His weight was on me now, and each thrust downward pressed that deep feeling down inside me, down between my legs. His arms were still under me and his thrusts rocked our bed. He whimpered behind my ear. His voice had just begun to change and I remember he moans as pure adolescent.

He drove down hard, his body went rigid, and his voice went higher. I felt his dick throb inside my hole and I thought I could feel him squirting inside me.

He relaxed on me with a long sigh. "Oh, Jeffy," he murmured. "That was awesome!"

"Can I try?" I asked. I still had a stiffy.

"Sure," he murmured, and slid off me to lie on his stomach beside me, all mellow. It didn't matter that he might get Crisco on the bed sheets. We had to do our own laundry anyway.

I knelt up and walked on my knees atop the bed to where he had left the napkin. Carefully, I got a finger full of the little bit of Crisco that was left, and then walking up on my knees on either side of Tim's outstretched legs, I gazed down at his fleshy butt, all white in the moonlight of that night. Tim was growing tall and thin, but his butt was still bubbly, smooth, soft-skinned, and hairless.

I spread his cheeks with the heels of my hands and spied his pucker. Keeping one cheek pulled aside, I spread the Crisco with my finger, then inserted my finger to smooth it inside his anus like Tim had done to me.

"Feels weird," Tim mumbled into his pillow.

Reaching back for the napkin, I simply used the napkin to spread the last remains of the Crisco onto my long, thin stiffy. The sliding, greased napkin made me shudder.

Then setting the napkin aside, I scooted up, straddling the back of Tim's legs and sat on them with my stiffy lying up his crack. I spread his moonlit cheeks again and pressed the top of my dick at his pucker. The tip depressed it for a split second before it opened to swallow my glans like a mouth sucking it in. I slid my hips forward, watching my stiffy disappear, and all the while concentrating on how it felt inside Tim. Warm. The main sensation was the tight ring of his sphincter sliding up my dick. I pressed until my dick had vanished and my belly flattened Tim's bottom.

Pressing up on my hands, I ground down with my hips, eased back, ground down. "It does feel good," I agreed.

"Yeah, and this doesn't feel bad either. Sorta like something good getting rubbed."

"Yeah." I lay down on him and liked the feel of his butt under my belly. I slid my palms under the fronts of his shoulders and grabbed on and buried my forehead in the back of his neck as I cut loose with my hips and just ground away.

It surprised me how quickly I came to a dry orgasm, burying my mouth between Tim's shoulder blades to hide my grunts and moans. I stayed hard and kept grinding. Tim fell asleep, and I fell asleep, still grinding. I woke when my dick slid out, but fell back asleep on Tim.


It was a few months later that we got around to trying cornholing face to face. Tim had me lie on my back and pull my knees up. By then, we were getting by on mostly spit, and Tim spread some on his dick as he scooted up to my bottom and splayed his knees to get low to my entrance. He spread spit in my crack and then positioned himself and eased in.

It was different, watching him like that, and seeing the muscle seams that had developed in his belly. He seemed more beautiful to me, all the time. He bottomed out and I felt his balls against my butt. He ground, testing. I ground back. He grinned down at me and I grinned back.

"You like it?" I asked him.

Tim nodded. "Yeah. It feels good. I feel your bottom bones." His smile faded as he gazed down at me. "I like looking down at you like this," he said softly. He got that look a guy has when he's got butterflies in his stomach, or that feeling like the bottom's dropped out, sort of achy. He laid his body down onto mine, gathering me in his arms. He embraced me tightly and drove his dick firmly up my butt. "I love you, Jeffy," he whispered beside my ear. "I really love you."

If I hadn't adored Tim before, I certainly would have then. I hugged him back and nodded my head against his. "I love you, too," I whispered.

Tim lifted his head and his eyes dropped to my mouth. Slowly, gently, he lowered his lips to mine and kissed me for the first time ever, softly. Then, grinding with his hips, he kissed me more firmly. I felt his tongue at my lips and when I opened my mouth, he pressed in with his tongue. His hips paused as we simply held one another and he explored my mouth with his tongue and we whimpered softly.

His hips started to move again. I wrapped my legs around his waist. We hugged and he ground, and his belly rubbed my boner back against my belly.

I came that night, a dry orgasm, with Tim inside me and the sides of our faces pressing, him panting in my ear.

My dad moved out some time that year. Mom got moodier. She still got drunk most nights.

To all the world, Tim and I were like most boys, and in fact, like most brothers. Tim did well in high school and was about to be on the varsity football team his junior year. I was awfully proud of him and had started
playing pee-wee football so maybe he would be proud of me.

And then, one night, our world came crashing down. Mom caught us.

I don't know why she suddenly decided to barge in on us, and I don't know if we had forgotten to lock the door, or she had used something to open it, but there we were, in a sixty-nine, sucking away.

We looked up. Mom froze, and for a moment, looked like she was trying to focus. I hoped she was too drunk to know what was going on. But she wasn't.

She exploded with cursing and throwing things and Tim and I scrambling to get pants on.

She called our dad that night and made him come over to pick Tim up. They moved Tim over to my father's aparrtment, and suddenly, for the first time since I was a toddler, I slept alone.

I cried. I'd strip, crawl into bed and hug Tim's pillow, and I cried.

I fell asleep crying two straight nights.

The third night, my mom threw open the door, turned on the light, and dragged in my sister, Caroline, naked and crying. Even younger than me, my sister was just as flat chested and hairless as I was.

"Tim may be queer," Mom said, swaying slightly because she'd been drinking. "But I'm not going to have you turn out that way." She shoved my naked sister toward the bed. "From now on, Caroline sleeps with you."

My mouth dropped. Caroline stood there crying. Mom grunted angrily, and taking Caroline by the shoulders walked her to the bed as I scooted back. She got Carline down onto her back on the bed beside me.

"Sit up!" she told me.

So I sat up.

Mom pulled open Caroline's legs and pressed a finger at the bottom of Carloine's slit. "It goes here!" Mom almost yelled. Then she left, slamming the door behind her.

Caroline lay there, legs apart, belly heaving and tears streaming down her cheeks. I moved beside her and pulled her into my arms.

I was naked, too, and got hard, but wasn't about to do anything about it. Strangely, comforting Caroline took away some of my own ache for Tim. We fell asleep with her in my arms.

I'm thinking about a second part. If I get time.

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Look at the tits on this chick! Today we have the beautiful Annabel Redd having a joy ride on her bike. The way her gigantic boobs barely fit in that bikini…that gets me going. We have her stop halfway because we’re concerned for her skin. It’s hot and we can’t have this beauty all sun burnt! So of course we give her some sun block. It just so happens that our sun block gets her to look very shiny and it actually shows off her huge knockers. But hey, we’re not mad...

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Jalgaon madhe taii sobat 2

Priya mitrano mi mazi pahili story hindit lihili aahe pan aata pudhachi goshta mi marathi madhe lihit aahe. kontihi ladies/mulgi/kaku/mami/atrupta mahila mala anytime mail kara mi tumchya sevet hajar aahe agadi maharashtrat kuthehi ho goshta aaplyatach rahil, i promise, so mail me or tar mi aani mazya kakanchy mulichi goshta sangat hoto. aata mi tichya var hoto aani. Ti mala khalun jorjorat dhakke det hoti. Aataparyant ti maza lavda chokat hoti aani mi tichi chut. Aamchi doghanchi chati...

1 year ago
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Happenstance Quarantine Ch01

A Mother and Son deal with a trying time. Happenstance: A chance happening or event. A chance situation, especially one producing a good result. Fuck! I thought, when my mother, Jasmine, told me that we were now under a national lockdown because of a global pandemic. I guess I could understand as to the reason why; but in all honesty, the only thing that I was worried about, at that moment, was if this emergency was going to hinder me from getting laid once more. Okay, call me selfish, but...

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Girls Night In

He thrives on getting off – seeing the variety of emotion play through their minds while their bodies respond, often involuntarily, to the stimulation they’re experiencing. As is true with most men, it is his fantasy to witness multiple women getting each other off. He has no way of knowing that behind the door he is about to knock on, at this very moment, lies the opportunity to fulfill his wildest sexual dream….. Carly had dropped by Heather’s place to pick her up for a night on the town....

4 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 7

During dinner, so our wives would know what was to expect, I discussed what we planned to do for the next several days until we got more information. “I’ll go out there and check the recording on Monday,” I finished. Our wives had already finished feeding the girls who were happily playing with the goo on the trays of their highchairs. “You want me to go with you?” Ed asked. “No, I don’t believe that’s necessary. I’m only going out there to change the recording disk and the batteries. I’ll...

2 years ago
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My Real Slave Life The 7 Humiliations

Before we go into that though, let's address a few questions about me to give a little context. I've always been attracted to confident guys. Not all of them were into bdsm mind you, but when I say confident I really mean that there's certain dominance about them. For you guys out there heed my words when I tell you that confidence is like catnip to girls like me. I love when a guy doesn't ask me what I want because he took the time to get to know me, therefore he doesn't have to ask. He...

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Caitlin and James Part Seven

Caitlin and James - Part seven Chapter 20 - The skirt debut - Jamie at work After I finish my first court hearing of the day I go to a waiting room and take off my wig and check my phone, expecting messages from assistant Felicity. There are text messages from her but my attention is caught by one from my lovely Jamie who is wearing a skirt and heels at work for the first time today. Jamie texts: "Haven't been made fun of yet but work is awfully busy - I'm on my morning 10-min...

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River Boat Day 04

The loud ‘Shriek’ of a crow squawking woke Sam. Or perhaps it was the smell of the coffee as he raised and looked around. He didn’t see Abby so he got up and went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup. ‘Morning sleepy head,’ Abbey said from the back deck. Sam peered out and walked towards her when he realized that she was fishing. He grinned as he asked her, ‘Got bait on that hook little girl?’ He said laughing as he took a drink of his morning eye opener. Recalling her tale of when she...

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The Priest Teaches His FlockChapter 3 Sally Pays for Her Sins

He moved around in front of her, watching her expression as she sat there, her breasts pushed up by the bra still tightened beneath them, the twin peaks rising and falling with her ragged breathing, her eyes showing the humiliation of having to submit to the fondling and abuse of her youthful breasts. "Look at what the tempting of your body has done. My penis is swollen and hard. Your naked breasts and your soft hands have filled my testicles with the demon seed of sperm. You must purge the...

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Twist of the knife ch 1

Twist of the knife! Fiction-mostly.Chapter 1. Awestruck!Fall of 2016. I'm watching the sunrise through the small window in my room. The red, yellow and orange maple leaves look as if they're on fire in the early morning light. I know It's fall here in southwest Michigan, but I'm not sure what day it is, and It really doesn't matter anymore! I seem to have a lot of time on my hands these days, when I'm not ranting at the asshole who ruined my life! I hope I don't see him today. But like I...

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Kaise 4 Sal Friend Se Net Pai Bat

Hello dosto it’s Garry m from Punjab but now I live in a USA California.Mai is site ka 10 class se reader huan. Maine ispe bahut sari stories padi hai abb mai app sabko apni life ki ghatna batana chahta huan I hope you guys like it. This is a story about me and my net friend how I make her my girlfriend. Meri umar takreeban 20 sal hai aur mujhe sex krna bahut pasand hai agar koi wi ladki mere se chudwana chahti hoa to mujhe contact kar sakti hai meri email id hai Mai india aksar ata jata...

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Problems in the Ponderosas Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE This is another story arising out of the seemingly innocuous situation of a young couple going into a forest to have a picnic lunch and make out a little while they’re there. The first story I submitted that started out that way, got mangled up in the submission process, and only a little bit made it through. Later I re-submitted it, slightly rewritten, under the title ‘Peril in the Pines’ in seven chapters, and it came out all right. This story starts out the same way, but it...

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The Carnival Pt 2 Week two

I wondered where girls learn to suck a dick like that; or was it just Corrine that sucked like that? I’m going to need more of that soon, I said softly to myself The outside was alive with a new cacophony; people talking and shouting, the generators were starting up. I was used to quiet and rest on Saturdays. My boss was already up banging on one of the two x fours that framed my tent. “Bobby, you up yet!” I heard him with his raised voice. “We have an early start today. Saturdays we...

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Reluctant HeroChapter 4

Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the...

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The Beating of Brenda Brideshead part two reposte

This is part two of this story reposted because, for some reason, some technical deficiency on the site has changed all the quotation marks and apostrophes into irritating question marks in the original post.With some sort of plan in mind Lord Castlebridge rose the next morning in a considerably better humour. He was humming tunelessly as he donned the clothes his valet had laid out for him and feeling in fine spirits. His wife sat up blearily in bad and peered at him. “Are you going in to the...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Violets Affair

Note: This takes place during Chapter 43 and at the same time as Lillian Get's Spanked and April's Cumbath. Friday, November 8th, 2013 – Violet Matheson – Tacoma, WA "I'm going down to the lobby to do some writing," April smiled as she slipped her laptop into a satchel. "Are we still going out with Lillian tonight?" I asked her. I lay stretched out on the bed and flipping through the latest copy of Seventeen. I was reading the most fascinating article: "How to attract the Living...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 9

“Aaiiieee!” Lisa’s ear-piercing squeal reverberated throughout the house. She raced around the corner into the kitchen with her daddy, Jake, in hot pursuit. They were both laughing so hard they could hardly breathe. Jake made a desperate grab for her and she squealed again, dodging toward the wall next to the refrigerator. “Ah-ha!” Jake crowed triumphantly. “I got’cha now!” He lunged toward his daughter and wrapped his arms around... Nothing! He crashed heavily into the wall. ‘Damn!...

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Fucking A Lovely Doctor In Pune

Hi friends I am telling you the experience which I had with Dr. Tabassum name changed and my Doctor in Pune. I would really appreciate if you could get in touch with me so I can satisfy all you lovely women also. To tell you more about myself, I am from Pune. 5.11 ft tall fair with a athletic body and my greatest passion is to spread love among all the lovely women who are deprived of it. So please all you lovely lonely women, house wife’s, aunties, bhabis and girls between the age group of 20...

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Moonlight love

I am mia this is based on a true story * The sun shone heard as the thunderstorm shattered down on the cat hid under the covers..and I fell into a slumber..drifting to a legs fell to the side of the bed. I felt her hot touch. .on my skin. Caressing my breast firmly. Suckling my nipple softly. ..pecking my nipple...tugging softly... stroking..rubbing...rubbing... Stroking my nipple softly.. moaning,as she pecked me. nibbling my nipples.aand covering me softly with her...

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Stunning Aunty In The Subway

Hi this is sidhoo, I am originally indian living in usa when I was kid. I love western life specially the freedom .And girls here know how to satisfy a man .My dick is 7 inches thick and healthy that can satisfy any thirsty young or old pussy, sometime I love being a wild in the bed but I always go by my partner how she like to be fucked .Because it is better to talk about it I think you enjoy more if you talk about it before. This is my first story I hope you guys would like it.Ok come to the...

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Learning CurvesChapter 21

Phil’s last class on Tuesday morning ended 90 minutes before Hailey got through for the day. He planned to head back to his apartment and nap but instead ran into Katelyn. “I thought you might help me start my trek across the wilds of Meridan,” she said. “Aurora – I mean Tiffany – mentioned that you had done a solo trek after your apprenticeship. I don’t want my character to die.” “I lost my first one,” Phil admitted, “fried by his own dragon of all things. That was what my first character...

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Plum Puzzled

At their press conference for their newest Compact Disc release, Extended Family, the six extraordinary musicians who comprise the Neo-Alternative Rock and Fusion band “Plum Polygamous” made headlines among the veteran music press corps by entering in three separate groups. For years the curious goings on as well as the behind the scenes dynamics of the band had provided gossip or news for both the tabloids and legitimate press. Traveling with the three men and three women of the band are the...

1 year ago
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Facebook Fuck in London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till...

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Family BrideChapter 5

Her lips seemed to have lost an their moisture while she was sucking Rich's big prong. She ran her tongue over their surfaces and stared wantonly into her father-in-law's lusty eyes. Lying on her side facing her husband's father, she could feel her brother-in-law's eyes caressing the rounded cheeks of her ass from behind. She took some perverted pleasure in wagging her white rump at him. She didn't know exactly what she had intended by this whorish action, but she caught her breath...

2 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 4 Hot Tub Tits

After showering and laying out in the shade Chase was finally joined by his wife. She walked slowly into the patio area in an obvious daze, still stoned out of her mind. She smiled sloppily when she saw Chase and lay down on the lounger next to him. Chase could see her eyes were dilated from the effects of the drug. "So how was your treatment?" Chase asked nonchalantly. "Hmm?" She answered before realizing what he had asked. "Oh, right, my massage. It was great, I mean, Kaci was quite...

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The Epic of Diocles

The setting sun cast shades of yellow and orange upon the hills enclosing the Argive plain. The reflected hues colored the limestone buildings scattered throughout plain, making the whole country seem to glow in the dying embers of the day’s sunlight. Diocles stood on a large hill overlooking the plain. He loved to linger on this hillside in the setting sun as he drove in his family’s bleating sheep, enjoying the last warmth of the day. The sun seemed to lend its glory to his homeland,...

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Love Party Britain

In the continuing austerity afflicting UK, the previous administration had formed a loose voting alliance between the neo-conservative religious right and the increasingly feminist run left. The policies introduced included tighter controls on all television broadcast to the UK, not just terrestrial channels, to such an extent that nudity and swearing were completely outlawed. “Game of Thrones” and main other HBO classics simply could not be shown. Prostitution and topless beaches were banned...

4 years ago
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Laid Off

Laid Off By Bill Hart "Goddamn sorry fuckups," I heard the tall dark-haired man with the salt-and-pepper beard grumble loudly as he entered the bar and stomped straight to bar. After sitting down, he ordered gruffly, "Whiskey straight up, barkeep. And leave the fucking bottle here." Without saying a word to the loudmouthed man, the bartender poured his ordered drink and set down the glass and the bottle in front of him. After gulping it down, the man snatched up the bottle and...

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New Beginning Chapter 8211 1

Hey, guys, this is shubham with new real story. Enjoy and don’t forget to drop a mail for suggestions or queries on One Cold Rainy Night: When I woke up that morning, it dawned to me immediately that it was the end of one chapter of my young life. From tomorrow I would embark into a new one. However, at that time I did not have any clues whatsoever how later events of that day would totally change my life forever. I was 19 and was indeed very lucky to get admission in the famous IT college...

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What a way to wake up

I am laying on my stomach, my feet crossed as I prop my head up on an elbow, looking at you laying next to me. I sigh softly, biting my lip as I let my eyes wander down your temple and chin, along your neck and then the sheet bars my view. I softly and gently pull the sheet back, making sure not to wake you as I lift myself off of the bed slowly. I get on my hands and knees, unable to stop smiling as I settle down on my knees between your legs, my eyes traveling up your chest to your peaceful...

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Aunty Affair Leads To Incest

Hi readers hope you like all my stories. These are the links to the first four parts. The anniversary ended by me being fucked by 3 young guys and a lesbian sex with their whore. Then it became a regular thing for them to pay a visit to my home and use me whenever however they wish to. They made me change my style, I joined gym to loosed weight, I was not allowed to wear inners. Most often when Mihir used to come to take my daughters tuition in her room the other two would take my...

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Breaking Drake Ch 09

Drake was exhausted. His whole body throbbed, and every muscle felt like jello. He’d been herded back with all the other slaves to the smaller sleeping pens. He’d wondered if he was supposed to go back to his original pen as they walked past it, but the trainers made no move to put him back in. Once back he looked around the pen he had been put in. There were around 25 guys in his pen. He watched the same female trainer as before come around with the feedbag carrying slaves. Drake sat on the...

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In Heat

This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is dedicated to Rin.She knew that something was different from the moment she woke up. The dull pain in her lower back was familiar, she was ovulating, but this time it was something different. It had been two weeks since she had discarded her birth control pills. To say that sex was at the forefront of her mind was an understatement. Sex was dominating every moment of her conscious thought,...

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My trust was broken as well as my world. The worst thing was that I hadn't suspected a thing. I had trusted Chris with my life. He had fathered my only child. Chris had had an affair. Although he claims it was a drunken one night stand with a hooker who was milling about outside a hotel where he was staying while out on work. In short - it was a terrible mistake and everyone deserves a second chance. The problem is, he often stays away from home. So one prostitute could easily be ten or more....

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MonstersOfCock Riley Star Tiny Blonde Takes on a Monster Cock

Riley Star happened to be alone at her parent’s house when the roofer came in to drop off a quote. She didn’t think much of it until she noticed his large shoes. This made her ask him if he had a big cock. She then proceeded to drag him inside the house, where she pulled his pants down and reviewed his monstrous cock. She struggled to wrap her lips around his huge cock. Soon after, Riley shoved his cock deep in her pussy. Her tiny little pussy got stretched in several different position before...


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