The breaking of Terri
- 2 years ago
- 24
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After twenty plus years of marriage to my high school sweetheart, our marriage had become as dull as yesterday's news, maybe last month's news. And that's probably an understatement. We both had become so complacent in our marriage to each other, that we both were clearly unhappy with our lives.
The main problem was that we both still loved each other, but had become less affectionate over time, and our love life had become almost mechanical. The fact that we still loved each other could also be a blessing in disguise if we were to reestablish the happiness that our marriage first started out to be many years ago.
Even at forty- three, Terri was still attractive and very desirable to me. True she had gained some weight over the years, but to my eyes she was a voluptuous woman and very desirable. She stood almost five- foot eight inches tall, had medium length brown hair, pretty, expressive brown eyes, and very large, beautiful breasts. I still couldn't keep my hands off them. From the way her nipples stood out at my attention, she still seemed to enjoy my hands on her.
One Friday evening after returning from our usual dinner at a local favorite of ours, we sat down to have coffee and watch the usual TV shows. I broached the subject of our stale marriage.
"Honey, you know we talked about our lives with each other almost a year ago next month. And as I told you then, I don't need a "sister", I need a wife."
Terri gave me the usual look that she did when I brought up serious subjects.
I told her again that I still loved her, but needed more if I was going to be happy. She reaffirmed that "Yes" she still loved me too, but wasn't offering any suggestions on how to get us out of our dull, marriage rut.
I sat on the edge of our sofa, and she came over to me and hugged me. She stooped down and we kissed and I hugged myself into her body with my face cradled between her large breasts. Terri was wearing a long, tan skirt and even though it was a cool fall evening, she had neglected to wear any stockings or pantyhose underneath. I wouldn't have known except she informed me of this as we were going to the restaurant.
Probably only a man could get turned on by the fact that his wife or girlfriend's legs were bare under her skirt in cooler weather. Hell, maybe I was alone in that this bit of info got me turned on.
Anyway, as we hugged and talked, my hands found their way under skirt and slowly moved up her smooth thighs. With her still standing, I slipped my hands between her legs until they moved apart. I could feel my cock throbbing from the touch of her smooth skin. Without going to the obvious place, my hands found their way around to her butt cheeks and slipped under her panties.
After kneading her ass in my hands for a short time, I reached to the top of her panties and pulled them down. She started to squirm and voiced a minor objection that our daughter and her boyfriend might soon come home from their dinner at the local Italian restaurant. I told her that I needed to feel her, and she allowed her panties to slide down her silky thighs. When they stopped at her feet, she lifted her legs, and I slipped them off. Taking the panties, I brought them to my face and inhaled her sweet scent. My wife's clean, musky scent was one of the greatest aphrodisiacs that I had ever known. Again, I was probably alone in this but who cares? As I sniffed her panties, she laughingly told me that I must be a sick puppy.
I told her that she smelled delicious and I could eat her up. She laughed and made reference to her extra weight, and said that were would be a lot to eat. I didn't flinch and said that yes I would eat every square inch of her, and she knew what I meant.
Anyway we held each other for a little bit more, and I started to talk again about our situation.
Reaffirming the fact that I had, (hell we both had) been unhappy with our stale relationship; I forged ahead with our talk.
"Baby, what I need from you is to show me your love by being a more submissive wife." This was the first time that I actually had used that word, "submissive."
As usual Terri's eyebrows had arched and I was imagining her thinking that I wanted her to be my slave. Without saying anything, she allowed me to continue. Her reservations were for now being kept to herself. Trying to explain myself better, I told her that menial or belittling tasks were not my intention. I then described my whole proposal, as best I could. Even though I had rehearsed this for months, no explanation had ever made me more nervous.
I started by telling her that my love for her was as strong as ever, it just needed some new life to rekindle what we once had. By her nods, she agreed more or less with this statement. I told her that being a submissive meant at least to me, that she would re- dedicate herself to me as her husband, her loving master. With her eyebrows still in the arched mode, she listened without speaking or interrupting. Her reticence at times could be more unnerving than a full- blown argument or vocal disagreement.
Taking several deep breaths I outlined my proposals for rekindling our love and reestablishing our marriage on a different groundwork. I told her to please hold any objections until I was finished, so I could get through my list.
Here is my list for the changes I was proposing for my lovely wife.
- We would both show more affection; always hug and kiss when leaving or arriving home. This may seem like a minor issue, but it's something that had gone out of our marriage.
- She would wear only skirts or dresses when going out with me. And the length wouldn't be down to her ankles either.
- She would wear front- buttoning blouses with v- or scoop necklines that show a moderate amount of cleavage. And she had the breasts to fill this one easily.
- If pullover type blouses are worn, must have my approval and be tight. - Get the kind of bras that accomplish the third request.
- Must wear shoes with high heels- nothing too high, but no flat bottom shoes with me, except when type of activity requires them.
- No pantyhose ever in my company, only bikini style panties. Since I knew Terri hated thongs anyway.
- Be in bed by ten o'clock sharp. If she asks, she may watch some ten o'clock shows with me in bed.
- Wear only gowns or nightshirts to bed. Never any panties or bottoms, except during that time of month.
- Become a participant in our love making with more with actions or talk.
- Be more affectionate in every day activities with more touching. Okay maybe a slight repeat of the first one, but can one get too much?
- Terri was to get her bath before actual bedtime, and wear robe or night shirt or lingerie- no panties when ready for bed, even it's relatively early.
- Keep her pussy trimmed. At times, I may want to actually shave her pussy when we're having a play session. It shows that you're grooming your private area just to please me (which it does!
- I may want to play bondage games with you sometimes, and or spank your bottom. This will always be a light spanking, unless you ask for it to be harder.
- I may want to "eat" you frequently, since that it is a very big turn- on for me. (This might seem like a stupid request to some of you, but Terri has always had a hang- up about this being an unsavory activity. And she's always been a "reluctant" cocksucker at best. I blame it on her parents' puritanical upbringing. More on that later.)
- When you wear jeans or long pants in my company, they have to be tight to my approval.
- Hair must never be cut short, I prefer it moderately long, but will give you some leeway in this matter.
- When sitting next to me in the car or a dark movie theater, keep legs uncrossed. If I put my hands on your legs, don't resist, open yourself to my touches.
- If we meet someone in public don't be afraid to show affection to me. Hold my hand, put your arm around me. If we meet someone that we both know, give them a nice hug, both men and women. It shows your loving nature.
- Call me at work sometimes, just to talk to me, not the usual problems for me to fix.
I had asked my now- quiet wife to take down all my requests in a notebook. She looked at what I had dictated and asked her if she had any questions. She raised one eyebrow and had a tight- lipped smile in the corner of her mouth. While she looked at me, I told her to think about these requests in the coming week, and not give me an answer either way until next Friday night.
I told her I would love her regardless of her answer, but couldn't promise any real excitement if things stayed status quo. I kissed her and suggested she keep her list in her purse, so she could look at all the points in the coming week. I then hugged her and kissed her and told her that I loved her and only wanted her for my soul mate.
We spent the rest of the weekend without discussing the list, although we made love Friday, Saturday and again on Sunday. Normally, we only made love once or twice at most a week at this stage in our dull routine.
Just to set the record straight, I wanted this potential change to our marriage to be one of give and take. Besides my absolute love and devotion to my wife, I announced that I would be taking on some of the more menial tasks around the house.
My wife was an excellent cook, and since she usually had her afternoons free, she had always prepared our dinners on nights we ate in. But she really hated to clean up after dinner, so that was going to just one of the tasks I'd perform without complaint. I would gladly clean up after dinner and take my wife's coffee into the TV room while she watched one of her sitcoms and just relaxed.
The other major concession to her was I'd go grocery shopping with her on a weekly basis without complaint. I know a lot of men already do that chore with their spouses, but I'd been guilty of shirking that one. They're were several other lesser things I'd offered to do for her, like drawing her bath water in the evenings, but I'd been doing that for her for years, so it wasn't anything new.
In any event, I told her to think of other concessions she'd like from me, and tell them to me on Friday evening.
I knew that Monday was Terri's day to go visit with her mother, and she would have at least two hours during the drive to think about our situation. At least this was my hope, as I often did my best thinking during long drives.
During the next week, we went about our normal boring work routines and were a little more affectionate with each other, but still no words about my proposal. I must say, she was making me nervous by Thursday evening. She knew that I wanted an answer by Friday, and it seemed that she was taking her good old time about giving me some indication of how she felt.
I kissed her good bye Friday morning, as I left early for work. She hugged me and gave me an extra sweet kiss before I departed. She did that sometimes, so I was still guessing about our situation. Friday was one of the longest days I could remember, and it had nothing to do with my workload. I returned home that afternoon around four- o'clock and noticed that her blue car wasn't in the driveway.
I decided to do a light workout with my dumbbells, since nervous energy was usually burned off by strenuous exercise. I worked out for a little over an hour, and went into the bathroom to get my shower. By now it was almost five- thirty, and Terri still wasn't home. As I was toweling off after my shower, I heard her come in the door. As she walked back the hallway next to the bathroom, I could hear bags rustling as she brushed them against the walls in the hallway. She must have dropped off her bags on the bed and then came into the bath while I stood naked getting dried off. She gave me a quick kiss and told me she had done a little shopping. I left the bath to get dressed in our bedroom, and she told me she was going to get a quick bath.
I lounged on our bed in my underwear, and watched TV while she took a bath. Terri usually preferred to take tub baths, and I actually loved the effect the hot water had on her skin. She always smelled so sweet after one of her bathes and it made her skin hot and silky.
While watching TV, I had to move some of her shopping bags in order to see around them. She usually got off work at school by one o'clock, and she must have been hitting the mall for the past four hours.
She emerged from her bath wrapped in a large towel that did little to hide her large breasts, and told me to let her get dressed in private in a good natured way. So I grabbed some pants and a shirt and went back to the bathroom to finish getting dressed for dinner. Being a man, this took exactly two minutes, so I retreated to the living room to watch a sports talk show.
Terri took at least forty minutes to put on her makeup and get dressed for dinner. While waiting for her, I drank a bottle of lite beer and watched highlights of last night's basketball games. I finally heard her walking out the hall, and she didn't disappoint me with her attire.
She stopped in the center of the room, and said, "Do you like this dress?" She slowly turned so I could get a good view. It was a dark dress with some type of floral pattern giving it a little color. It was about knee length and hugged her generous hips displaying them nicely. There was some frilly type of front across her large chest and was cut in a v- shape at her throat.
My eyes must have been bugging out of my sockets when I took in her ample cleavage peeking out from the frilly opening.
"Does it make me look fat?"
"Oh my God baby, you're beautiful!" I exclaimed. I quickly stood up and took her in my arms. We hugged tightly, and when we kissed she warned me about getting her make- up on my shirt. In the three- inch heels she was wearing her lips were easier to reach, and after kissing her again, I stepped back to take another look at my sexy wife.
"May I please see what's underneath?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at my request, but didn't hesitate about hiking up the hem to her dress.
I whistled as she revealed black bikini panties, a garter belt and dark nylons. She dropped the hem and smoothed her dress at her legs. The high heels set off her shapely calves and thin ankles. She wore a light type of all weather coat, which I held for her to put on.
While her clothes were clearly to my liking, it still didn't totally reveal what her decision would be later on at dinner. She had sometimes done this to me in the past. Giving in temporarily to some of my requests as if to appease me, and then later on stopped doing anything. I offered her my arm and together we walked to our car. I opened the door and helped her inside as I've done since our dating days, and then went around to get in myself. Driving to the restaurant, we made small talk about our kids and our days at work. I still didn't know which way Terri was leaning on becoming a submissive wife.
Arriving at our favorite spot in about ten minutes, we quickly went inside and the hostess showed us to our seats. Being semi- regulars, we knew the owners and most of the waitresses for years. When they saw my beautiful wife in her sexy dress, a couple of the waitresses came over to our table and complimented her and asked us what the big occasion was this evening. We told them nothing special, so we could have our privacy.
After we were alone at our table, I looked inquisitively into Terri's eyes as if to say, "Okay, what's it going to be?"
Terri was smiling somewhat mischievously and still said nothing until I started to fidget in my seat.
After a minute, she spoke in a low voice, and said, "Honey, you know that I've always loved you, and I want you to be happy with me, so I'll agree to most of what you've asked me, Okay?"
"Baby, you know how much I love you too, and your happiness is very important to me, but not if being a submissive wife makes you miserable," I said while leaning close to her.
"I'm willing to try what you've asked me, and actually it kind of excites me," she said.
"And you were right saying that we've been in a rut, and this kind of gives us a new start with our marriage," she added. Terri was smiling broadly at me from across the table. I've often sat looking into her pretty brown eyes when we've been together and told myself what a lucky man I am.
And now after hearing that my wife was willing to submit to me as I'd requested, I was swelling with pride and love for my beautiful wife.
"Are you absolutely sure, you want to do this? And if so, you have to understand that being my submissive starts right now, is that totally understood?" I asked with a serious look at my wife.
She continued to smile and nodded her head yes while taking my hand from across the table. If anyone was watching us, they must have thought, why are those two smiling like lovesick teenagers?
"Thank you baby," I said as I lightly kissed the back of her hand. I inhaled the Tabu perfume she was wearing and smiled knowing that she knew the effect it had on me. Putting my hand in my pocket, I retrieved a small, decorative wooden box that had gold colored ribbon around it.
HOW TOMMY AND TERRI BECAME SWINGERSA true story as told to Fred Lake, © 2014 Fred Lake At a recent swinger party, somebody asked Tommy and his wife Terri (relatively new members of the group, both are now 26) how they became swingers. Their story was interesting, and I thought it was worth sharing. I discussed this with them, but they said they were not writers and could not do their own story justice. I invited them over for a long weekend afternoon a month ago, and (amid some assorted...
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I'll admit it I love sex with a man or with awoman or, if no one is available, I love solo sex. But I guessmy favorite partners are my cousins. Let me tell you how I gotinvolved with them. Terri and I used to spend a lot of time together, since we'rethe same age and attended the same business college. Itwas to be expected that we spent a lot of time together studyingand all. One night when I was staying overnight with her, Territold me how she had found her brother's sex magazines, and...
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I signal Terrence to start filming. Terry's sitting on the bed in front of the camera. Her hair’s up in a bun. She's nude. She has one of those skinny bodies that makes you want to fuck her until she splits. Pale skin with dark brown hair. She's naturally skinny, not because she works out or pays attention to what she eats. Her face possesses a sexy, youthful glow that a lot of porn whores lack. They quickly lose it after being in the business for too long. "What's your...
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Hello to every one, this tale is actually taking place right this minute, we have a kind but sex mad neighbor, his name is Terry, my wife is not very keen on him , he is not attractive in the least ,he is 72 fat almost bald, he is in fact a ugly but kindpervert. Now I should tell you at this stage that Terry is retired, and a expert electrician you need to know this as it is the main reason I am writing this story Last week we had a major electrical fault in our home which almost caused a...
My name is Terry. I am a 35yr old male Nurse and I enjoy caring for the elderly.I am not a spectacular looking specimen. I stand about 5”11” and I am a bit chubby, not too much though. I have black hair and dark blue eyes, which are my outstanding feature. I am told I have a great smile and a good sense of humor. I had been working at the Nursing Home for a few months when I had an experience I will never forget. I am a fully trained Registered Nurse and have always enjoyed working with the...
MatureTerry's tits are saggy. I don't understand how you can be that skinny, have tits that small, and have saggy tits. Whatever. I didn't hire her because she's real pornstar material. I hired her because she's a skinny 95lbs waif, and she's naive and unexperienced. She doesn't know what questions to ask, what signs to look for, or how much a scene is worth. Basically she's just a regular slut looking to become a porn whore. I signal Terrence to start filming. Terry's sitting on the...
I find that I am in an interesting situation and I'm not at all sure as to how I should handle it. On the one hand I know what I'm doing isn't right (although I thought it was when it started), but on the other hand I am getting what I don't get at home and I don't want to stop. I guess I need to explain. It all goes back ten years to when Darlene and I were married. Darlene came into our marriage a twenty-three year old virgin while I had been laying pipe since I was eighteen and...
After Alyssa’s alert had chimed that let them all know that they had just entered Grey space, they left the debriefing room and all assembled on the bridge, taking their usual places. Alyssa darted up to the executive officer’s station and brought up the sector map with the territorial line between the Terran Federation and the Ashanath Collective clearly marked. The Invictus had only crossed over the territorial line for a few minutes when Alyssa noticed an incoming long distance...
The plan agreed, Dolphin Frolicking Unchecked wanted to get started so she could finish arranging others for the night and so the two out of Oak Leaf could dine. The Lady Celeste reclined naked on a sofa so Dolphin and Ashley could get down to their business. Dolphin removed her skirt and tossed it in disarray next to Celeste. Celeste, for her part, frowned but decided against complaint. Dolphin went to Ashley, and pulled the younger woman into a hug. She ran her hands soothingly over...
The sun had set on Aberdeen Proving Ground, leaving all the basic trainees there to finally get some sleep after their long day. It was about one month into their training and things were much more routine than they had been at first. Now the new privates had more time to think and with that time they started to think of things they missed. This was what was on Pvt. James Newberry's mind as he waited in the stair well, watching Alpha Company's laundry room. His basic training unit was a...
My head was resting on his chest and i could hear Frank’s heart beating. i continued rubbing his cock very slowly remembering how quick he came before. i felt relaxed and was enjoying the warm feel of him but didn’t know how i would react if he came. i didn’t want a repeat of becoming embarrassed and running away again.“Here’s my favorite part Terry. Watch closely.“The girl’s head was resting on the guy’s stomach, her mouth half way down his cock . He started bucking and he came. When he was...
'God, I hate it here,' Danielle thought to herself as she made her way from her last class of the day to her dorm room. It was a typically brisk November late afternoon in Ann Arbor: temperature down around forty degrees, a gentle, though sporadic breeze, and crisp, blue skies. If she weren't so biased, she would love it here. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that there was not a drastic difference between this and her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. If she could overcome the bitter...
ExhibitionismQuite a while now – somewhere around 2 months and Rima did not get enough of cock meat, her cunt was swelling every morning and she had to quench the pulsating urge and juice flow using her pussy and anal beads and follow it up with a good hard fierce shower in the bathroom directed on her clit and anal pulses – her anus would ooze secret pungent juices full of sex in them and she would just yield to these secretions completely aware that the 29 year old body needed s strong cock – a big cock...
Jen and Chris had been best friends for quite some time and were looking forward to the long awaited camping trip. Chris had just finished hitching the boat trailer to his truck and they were starting the drive to the lake. Both of them loved the outdoors and the water, and the lake setting in the middle of the forest was bound to be a very fun, yet quiet weekend. When Jen and Chris arrived at the campsite, they began to set up the tent. It was large, and they were only half way thru the setup...
“Here you go,” Ellie Travis said to the well dressed woman on the other side of the glass counter as she handed her the small store bag continuing her purchase, “and thank you for shopping here at R.J. Nickels.” Ellie always felt a little silly saying that after every sale, but knew all too well that some supervisors were eager to write you up for not doing so. As her customer walked away from the counter, the short haired brunette took a moment to check her hair and makeup in one of the...
Saturday Week 17 Jill was up first, making breakfast for them as soon as she had used the ensuite. She was cooking bacon and eggs, so had put an apron on in case of fat spitting out of the pan, which could be quite painful on her bare skin, especially her breasts, she realised. Dave as usual dressed, as he wasn't keen on sitting around naked in the morning, and, in any event, he had to go outside to pack up, load the car on the trailer and generally get ready to leave. But he was always...
My name is Terry. I am a 35yr old male Nurse and I enjoy caring for the elderly. I am not a spectacular looking specimen. I stand about 5”11” and I am a bit chubby, not too much though. I have black hair and dark blue eyes, which are my outstanding feature. I am told I have a great smile and a good sense of humor. I had been working at the Nursing Home for a few months when I had an experience I will never forget. I am a fully trained Registered Nurse and have always enjoyed working with...
As Matt sat there dreading this horrid day that was inevitable his thoughts came crashing back down to reality by the sound of his mother’s voice calling for him from the kitchen downstairs. “Matt your breakfast is getting cold, get a move on or you will be late on your first day.” Giving out a huge sigh he rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he took a shower and went through his usual morning routine in getting ready for school. He made his way down stairs and sat...
We awoke to find ourselves in a rocky desert. The machine had landed, if that is the right term, against a large rock and tipped sideways. I helped pull the others from the machine and climbed to the mouth of the canyon to see where we were. From the canyon, I looked down on a small village. We had done it. I could tell that this was Hole-in-the-Wall. I turned to the group and said, "This is it. That town must be Fry. We've done it!" We pulled our costumes out of our 20th century gym...
Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... SHE DIED… TERRIFIED I’ve been trying to cut down on the number of girls I kill. For one thing, it’s dangerous; more bodies mean...
Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...SHE DIED? TERRIFIEDI’ve been trying to cut down on the...
I was born twenty-nine years ago, the offspring of an incestuous relationship between my father and my older sister, Caroline. As of this writing, if my sister is still living, she is forty-three; my mother has passed, and my father is seventy-one. He suffers from severe emphysema, has suffered a stoke, and is unable to care for himself in any meaningful way. That is why I still live at home and why I have lived in this house since a very few months days the day I was born. My mother and my...
Joelle the terrible (femdom, interracial cuckold) Joelle Tall, Long legs, blue eyes, a models face and frame, plump lips, that any guy would like see around his cock. Long black hair that she has straighten each month, which is in contrast with her pale ivory skin. Small perky breast, that she stuffs to look bigger with big bottle size rosy nipples, that begs to be sucked on. She has many of her Jewish features, except the "nose job" that she got as a birthday present when she turned 13. She is...
Terrana was excited to be going home for a summer visit. It had already been a couple years since she last visited during the summer months. While Killian was busy with work, she saw this as a golden opportunity to visit family and friends. “Are you about packed for the trip?” Asked Killian walking into their bedroom. “Ugh, I always forget something,” sighed Terrana. Killian pulled out his trusty travel checklist. As he read off each line, Terrana would confirm she packed the...
I was delirious from combat. The English Channel is no place for a pilot to recite patriotic poetry. Scenes from the flick where the hero babbles Rupert Brooke while he waits for the rescue plane are for bullshit pussies. I was too fucked to be a hero. To keep myself awake I kept talking. I said things like this: ‘My name is Jim, Flight Lieutenant Jim Glow-worm. I’m a fighter pilot for the Royal Air Force. Squadron 223 flying Hawker Hurricanes out of Biggin Hill. My engine blew chasing an Me...
The idea I finally settled on was to get her drunk, then just wing it. I decided to execute at a party my cousin was throwing the next week at his house while his parents were out. I sidled up to Maddie in the living room, chatting with a few friends. She was wearing, despite her “modesty” a low cut tank top and spandex leggings. Her cute ass looked great, as did her perfectly formed tits. I needed to find a way to get her away from her friends. “Hey Maddie,” I said. I quickly reasoned...
I fucked this girl last night in my dorm room. Woke in the middle of the night raging and got into that tight cunt again. Now this morning we jump in the shower together. Soaped her up good, then after rising off licked her sweet pussy and even stuck my tongue up her asshole. Got her so excited she was on her knees in the shower begging to suck my dick. How could I say No. Grabbed her head and fucked her mouth ’til I was ’bout ready to cum. Then I picked the cute little thing up and carried her...
I fucked this girl last night in my dorm room. Woke in the middle of the night raging and got into that tight cunt again. Now this morning we jump in the shower together. Soaped her up good, then after rising off licked her sweet pussy and even stuck my tongue up her asshole. Got her so excited she was on her knees in the shower begging to suck my dick. How could I say No. Grabbed her head and fucked her mouth ’til I was ’bout ready to cum. Then I picked the cute little thing up and carried her...
The first time I ever masturbated I was 19. I had grown up being told that sex was a bad thing and that women were not really supposed to enjoy it all that much. Touching yourself was completely out of the question, unless you were bathing. So, early one morning I was feeling a little hot and horny and decided to try it out to see what I was missing. I had always wanted to see what it was like but had only gotten as far as being a little curious. For some reason whenever I had even thought...
Captain Shay straightened his helmet as he pushed the door open, heaving a deep sigh. He hated interviews. He walked up to the silver figure waiting for him at the end of the room. Feeling slightly stupid, he cleared his throat loudly, sure that his loud footsteps should have announced his arrival, already.The interviewer was tiny, her back turned to him, her mane of silver hair reflecting the halogens off in all directions. She turned around, and for the first time in his short life of...