- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1
by roccodadom44
" Jesus I really despise him," Terry thought as she watched her husband ineptly trying to fix her car. She knew he was totally lost and was just pretending that he had any man skills. Terry felt pity for him and this in turned fueled her hate for him, she really felt like going outside, where Dan was trying to get her tire changed, kicking his stupid ass. While she continued to think bad thoughts about her husband, John, the next door neighbor, popped into view and started talking to Dan. Terry immediatly noticed the difference between her wimp and John, who was in shape, seemed confident, happy. Dan looked like an old man next to him. Terry hated how he let himself put on 30 lbs and seemed not to care about his looks at all. Terry was startled to realise her pussy was firing up at the quick vision of John on top of her, she giggled, almost came thinking of running out there and verbally humiliating Danny in front of John.
She was amused at the way their four year marriage had become a farce, knew she had to end it, or make serious changes to it, if she wanted any happiness. She also knew now that she craved a good man fucking and was convincing herself she deserved it, because of Dans lack of sex drive and his 4 inch penis. She smirked to herself as she thought that as he added weight his dick was incapable of penetrating her pussy any more than an inch or so, that was not going to do it, never could she cum with that litttle prick. As she continued to ponder her predictament she noticed John changing her tire, like a pro, hubby looking on like a hapless broad. Terry was an emotional cauldron,she felt rage, anger at her hubby, but was also dripping cunt sauce as she stared at Johns muscles, as he manhandled the tires.
"God I feel like a slut Im so focused on cock" she thought. Even at work she realised she was sizing up who she would fuck if she decided to let loose. On some level she loved Dan, she guessed, but she also had such frustration that she felt the need to make him pay for that resentment. As she worked at a financial firm that was 90 percent alpha males, she knew she could get laid daily, loved the sexual banter the guys threw at her. She also loved her job and wanted to rise up, was smart enough to know the partners would never let a percieved slut become a partner. John had finished the tire change and as he walked back to his yard Terrys eyes bore into his tight man ass, she decided to try to fuck him, soon. Johns wife would be no problem as Terry knew she was in Florida on business till next week. Terry also realised Dan hadnt seemed to thank John.
She was waiting at the door when hubby entered, she went off on him, really felt all her anger flying at him, she was getting wetter at the way Dan appeared to shrink in front of her, he cowered. He actually started to sob and this made Terry crazy with the need to crush him once and for all. She managed to get the sniveling fool to admit he didnt thank John, this she knew was the key to her getting plowed. She went on and on about his lack of manners, finally told him that as it was her car that John fixed, She would go next door and personally thank John. She laughed as he whined that Becky, Johns wife,was away. She nastily responded " I know, so this may take awhile." Terry, emotions burning every which way, stormed out the front door and beelined to Johns. She was aware that she was dressed in a mini denim skirt and tank top with no bra. She laughed at the thought that she was dressed to fuck and in the back of her mind she knew if it wasnt John she would have fucked some guy soon. She was more than a little taken aback by the thought of what happened if John rejected her advances.Terry thought it was possible as Becky was good looking and seemed very sexual. She decided to start slowly and if she sensed resistence then she would thank John and go to plan B, whoever that guy was, she laughed. As she stood on his steps,reached for the knocker she saw Dan looking out their window and she immediatly knocked, stuck her tongue out at him, feeling her cunt wetten, this shit was real.
The wait seemed for ever and part of Terry screamed run but her cunt said stay and get what you need. "This is how a guy thinks" Terry laughed to herself, she knew she wouldnt leave without a real try at cuckolding her husband. As she thought of the implications of taking this step the door opened and there stood John, sans shirt, looking so hot Terry really did go weak in the knees to her astonisnment. Everything seemed in slow motion to her, she remembered John asking her in and she assumed she accepted but wasnt sure. Inside the house Terry got her emotions somewhat calmed and she thanked John for fixing her tire. When he told her he thought it was strange that Dan didnt thank him, Terry was embarrassed and pissed. She appologised again and again and explained that her husband was a bookworm, not good at social graces, at all. She also noticed the sheen of sweat on Johns rock hard body and she blurted out " I want to make it up to you anyway you want".
The silence was deafening to Terry and then John smiled, " I am so going to enjoy fucking you. Me and Bec have often talked of getting you into our sex lives." Terry felt a weight off her shoulders and gently ran her fingers across Johns chest as if she had no control of her hands. John was asking about Dan and Terry felt like being mean to her hubby so she asked John to makeout with her near the window so Dan could see from next door. John wanted to know what the deal was and Terry clued him on little boys shortcommings, to Johns apparent amusement. He started to deep kiss Terry and she felt like she was sixteen again, the feelings were so powerful. His taste, his smell, the feel of his body all cried stud to Terry and when John moved her hand to his crotch she gasped at the bulge in his pants. As the continued to kiss John whipered to Terry that her husband was watching and lets surprise him with a one finger salute. Terry was so exited as she and her soon to be lover turned and each flipped off the wide eyed loser next door.
The lustful couple was in hysterics at the pathetic look on Dans weepy face, with tears rolling down his cheeks, yet Terry pointed out his little wee wee appeared to be hard under his pants." Hard to tell" cackled John and Terry felt like speeding this up and dropped to her knees and with lightening speed had Johns 8 inch already hard cock out and proceeded to suck him like a cheap ho. While she sucked him John was looking at her weakling husband and taunting him by massaging Terrys fat tits under her top. Terry thought she would explode if she didnt cum soon and She begged John to fuck her while stroking his cock and looking up at him. John said "lets play rough with your hubby. Lets call him on the phone and tease him a little." By now Terry was completly sure this was all meant to be, laughed to herself when she thought of how wet her panties were from her heat.
With shaking fingers Terry dialed home and when Dan answered she simply told him "you cant satisfy me loser and now Im gonna get what I deserve and you are gonna ask John to satisfy me." He started blubbering that this wasnt right. Terry felt redhot anger ignite in her and she screamed at her hubby " you will do what I tell you wimp or I will divorce you and destroy you. Now I will put John on the phone and you, wimp, will ask him to do your job and you will tell him why you cant do the job yourself shrimpdick." Dan was openly crying now, Terry passsed the phone to John, he pushed the speakerphone button and said to Terry "he really is pathetic. You owe it to him to destroy him and Me and Becky will help you do it slowly and with great fun for us". "But not for my dear husband", gailey added Terry. "Right wimpy?" Terry sighed lustfully. Terry and John could both hear his sobbing and weezing breath, this made them start laughing again. Terry then screamed " I want to hear you beg John to fuck me loser and you had better do a good job or Johns gonna kick your ass". John quickly adding "I will enjoy punching your lights out little boy so do a good job or Im getting a piece of you." Dan, out of intense fear and uncontrollable sexual excitement went into an over the top beg job describing his tiny penis and ugly body. Terry was shocked at his level of self comtempt. She knew then she didnt love him anymore, how could she, he didnt love himself. But she also knew she wanted to abuse and degrade him alot before moving on,wanted him to suffer, felt a real need to leave him broken, physically and emotionally.
John was really making Dan humiliate himself by describing all of Terrys body for him. Terry realised she had started stroking Johns massive meat again, her hand not being able to circle his fat pole, her other hand started to finger her steamy cunt. "John please fuck me' cried Terry and John told her hubby, "see little boy your wife wants a man and Im the man".He picked up the heated Terry and laid her on his dining room table, ripped her skirt and panties off and went right into her cunt till his balls hit her big ass. Terry moaned like a cheap whore but she was past caring about dignity, this was to fucking hot. John fucked her for only four minutes but Terry had at least three good cums and when John told her he was cumming she had a major over the top screaming orgasm Terry now knew what a real orgasm felt like and she wanted more, if she added up all the small cums hubby gave her over the years, they wouldnt compare to what she just felt. Her head felt clear, she was completly relaxed with John on top of her and his still engorged cock in her throbbing fuckhole.
When he finally pulled out there was a popping sound and quickly John squeezed Terrys cunt lips closed saying "you have to feed hubby the cream pie" Terry thought if Dan eats my twat Im gonna really fuck him over, how gross would that be. John was idling toying with her tits when he said laughing "look tinys still yanking his carrot" When Terry looked across the yard, sure enough the perv had his little shooter out, this so disgusted her that she grunted with hate, really made a noise, giggling at her hate, nursing it. John was quick to push her further by saying " make sure you empty your bladder down his throat after he eats my man juice" Terry asked in disbelieve "do you think hes that nasty, that he would do that?" John chuckled loudly "Terry, your hubby will soon be eating your shit if thats what you want" To Terrys surprise this picture made her hot again. John told her he was late for a golf outing but she was welcome to stop by later for more fun. Terry decided to be noncommital, girl had to play hard to get, though she knew she would fuck John again, how could she say no to that pleasure. So after she cleaned Johns cock off at his insistance, Terry dressed and thougt how cool this was all playing out for her.
Walking back home Terry was overcome with waves of elation and this confused her. She didnt know why destroying her hubby turned her on so much but she needed this like crackheads need the marching powder. "I cant believe how much fun it is to humiliate him" she kept thinking, as she tried to keep Johns massive load of cum in her suddenly loose cunt. As she entered her yard she knew that her marriage was now completely changed, could never be anything more than hubby serving her and her friends. Her mind was whirling with images of Dan being brutalised by men and women while Terry laughed at her hubbys fate. "I need to break him fast when I get in the house, I need to leave him no choice." th this mindset she entered her house, partly horny, partly angry.
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Hiiii meenu here, i am greatest fan of iss, i read much stories in this site, i also want submit my experience fantasy in this site, mai 18 saal ki khubsurat ladki hu college mai padti hu, ghar mai mummy papa bade bhayia aur bhabhi (pinky)hai meri 1 behan hai aarti jo mujse badi jiski shadi ho chuki hai, d mere jijju (RAJ)ek smart ladke hai didi unke sath bahut khush hai,hum bi jijju ko bahut mante hai, mai apni figure bata du mera kad 5.3″ hai figure 32 30 34 hai,rang gora meri bhabhi bahut...
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When I was about 16 I "accidently" let my sister catch me. I was laying on my bed on my back, stroking to a Penthouse, when I had a thought to have my sister catch me.( she was slender had a great chest and I had spied on her getting off several times). I closed my door almost all the way but left a slight crack, just enough to see in but not so much that it was obvious. There was a chest of drawers just outside my room that held bath linen etc.. The perfect set-up. I could hear her walking...
Hi guys I’m raj from mumbai and I’m a engineering student .Agr kisi aunty ya lady ko thoda enjoy krna hoto mjhe mail kro fbird5410~gmail.Com and ye story mere aunty ke bareme jo unsatisfy thi mere uncle se jisko maine satisfy kiya . Let’s start with the story ye story h april 2017 ki main bata dun jia aunty ke bareme ye story h usko main chodne ko roj sochta tha aur usko soch ke hillata tha daily uska figure tha 36-34-38 tha . Ek din meri mom ne mjhe bola ki jake aunty ke ghr me ye saman deke...
In the spotlight From the moment it was announced that for our graduation we would be wearing the traditional gowns and caps, I knew my moment was coming. For as long as I could remember I'd struggled with my gender, and as high school was coming to a close my ability to continue to hold back the truth - that I had always felt like a girl, on the inside, was eroding faster than a sandcastle during a tidal wave. I would have to plan very carefully - if anybody figured out...
We used to have a maid servant who was really old but sometimes she would come to our house accompanied by her grand daughter saritha. Saritha was around 25 years old… Around 5ft 4 inches tall with a nice olive complexion. She had a pretty baby-like round face and nice hair. But her breasts were really huge for someone who was so short. Even her ass was a thing of beauty…whenever she would accompany her grandmother she would just sit outside our house in the garden and i would purposefully sit...
Introduction: After ariveing at the mothly state barbeque Jessica, makes her choices, mouths the Jessica 3000 and has the ride of the end of her life. Jessicas Number Story: #6 Copyright 2004 Written: December 16 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 4 of 4 – BBQ Time After Jessicas request, she grabed her fathers hand and they went straight to...
Oh, great. Another class-wide lecture from the teacher. As if Jessy didn't hear enough of those through the semester. Within seconds, Lisa, the class goody-goody raised her hand and smiled as snobbishly as ever. "Yes, Miss Sands?" Mr. Marrow asked. "I knew what it was, Mr. Marrow, sir. I just wanted to allow the other classmates a chance to try." She replied, in a tone that almost made Jessy puke. "Very good, Lisa. You know, class, you should all really try to be a little...
My university is nothing like in movies - there aren't any dorms, huge parties bordering on orgies, or attractive girls begging to get laid. This was a pretty big disappointment for me, since by the time I started, my sexual experience was minimal and I was horny 24/7. In the first week, I fell in with a group of other freshmen through some lame ice-breaker type thing set up to encourage you to make friends and study partners. One was a couple from a town a couple hours from there, so they had...
With your hands at your sides you stand before Me waiting. You are dressed as I have requested, your little black dress fits you like a second skin. Your long, lean legs encased in your thigh top stockings are parted just slightly, promising delights yet to come. The silver open-toed sandals with their 6 inch stiletto heels bring you to just below My own 6 foot 2 inch height. As is our custom when at home, you are not wearing a bra or panties… a rule I established with you from the beginning. ...
…or ‘Amazing weeks in the Fall ’09’. Why two titles for the post? Right now it’s the former but I know myself well enough to recognize in a few more days or maybe weeks it will be called the later. This is a little therapeutic for me so I hope some of you pretty girls don’t mind if I publish a little story. Maybe you might like it and if you do I hope you’ll let me know that you want more? Maybe you can help me get over this little thing that I’m writing about? First allow me to introduce...
It was the summer of 1999. I was a shy, very sheltered 17 year old guy. My first girlfriend (jennifer) and i were inseperable since the day we got together. I was with her when she hung out with her friends, and she was with me when i was with my own friends. I was also the guy who couldn't say "no" to anyone. Being the oldest of my closest friends, i was the only one with a car at the time. So, over the course of time, i had become the one who would pick up people for school and take...
Hi friends mera name sameer he or me gujrat ke baroda city me rehta hu me ye web ka bohat bada fan hu me almost sabhi story read ki he and me apna exp share karna chata hu aap logo ke sath ye meri pehli story he a6i lage to muje bata na and kisi ladki, aunty and bhabhi ko intrest ho to muje mail kare plez is id pe me aap ko ko puri tarah se satisfy karunga ye vada he mera mail id he Me apne bare me ku6 bata ta hu meri age 24 he height 5.10 he and good looking hu and muje aunty and bhabhi me...
short work in progress loosely modeled on personal loss I was painting when I received word, or more precisely cleaning up painting debris. Hands filled with paper towels and soiled brushes, I trudged to the door. I was annoyed at the persistent knocking, certain it was a salesperson or college student conducting a survey. I’m glad I’m not home to be bothered by this every week, I thought, reflecting on my vacation week schedule. I opened the door to see Elaine, my sister-in-law, dressed in...
Brian had told Connie that she was beautiful. That she was the only girl in the world for him. That he thought he loved her. Everything Connie had heard before. None of this was new, she knew what sorts of things guys would say to get her into bed with them, or at least try to, but this time it was different. She knew they were lines, but she didn't care. Connie actually knew she could do better than Brian, but she didn't care about that either. Though she was far past puberty at age 19, she...
First Timeby TW, aka Ratfink Harry, a recently retired contractor that had done pretty well during San Antonio's housing boom, was fleeing his home on Mustang Island, a narrow barrier island on Texas's gulf coast. His truck was one of the last vehicles to squeeze on to the very last ferry making the run to the mainland at Aransas Pass. What a ride that was! He didn’t know the Laguna Madre could get that rough. He shoved the emergency brake pedal as far down as it would go and kept a foot on the brake...
My mom and I were always very close. We did everything together. Shopping was our favorite pastime though. We loved to window shop, and often spent hundreds of dollars each in one shopping trip. We had been to Paris, New York City, Japan, Italy, and Milan to go shopping. Daddy's company was launching a new product, and he was needed at headquarters in New York City. While mommy and I usually would've gone with, we decided to take a break and just chill for a week. "Mom! What about Harvard Law?"...
Incest"So you got my text?" I so would have loved to see your face when your cell vibrated and your beautiful eyes fell upon the content. 'Central Library. 9pm.' I can only imagine the inquisitive raise of your eyebrow. I mean if it had been against any other name it would be a dead cert for a wrong number. But the thing is it was not a random number or name that flickered upon your cell screen. Innocuous to any prying innocent's eye, we both know 'Sally' was not really an old school friend, however...
Quickie SexMy wife has always been very curious and turned on by the fact that as a teenager I had a long period where a friend and I enjoyed sucking each other's cocks. We have often talked about it and she knows how much I still love seeing a nice cock on a porn film. She sometimes tells me how nice it would have been to watch me and my friend and if we are having a fuck she gets very dirty about wanting to see me suck a cock.One evening we had watched a TV programme which featured two bi guys and so...
~new venue~She stood in the doorway, head held high, and posture perfect, so to speak, waiting to be invited into the room. I had never imagined in my wildest dreams that such a lovely vision would present itself to the lowly offices of the T.O. Dicker Detective agency. The cluttered little room was scarcely the size of a large walk-in closet, papers, pictures and various file folders were spread on every available flat surface. She wore a sleek, form-fitting dress, mid-length, knitted...
I can not believe my Mom just goes snooping around in my room, I had just got home when my step-mom Melanie is sitting on the couch holding a used condom. She found it in my room, my parents had some suspicion that I was having sex but this just confirms it. I thought I was in deep trouble cause my Dad never liked me bringing girls over the house but to my surprise, Melanie was turned on by how big the condom was, she asked to see my dick to make sure it was from me. I can not believe I am...
xmoviesforyouAfter a few months of being alone and satisfying myself with my hand, anal toys, and internet porn, I decided to place an online add and meet a few guys to service. It didn't take long before I had sucked a few guys and remembered how much I enjoyed it. It was clear that I loved having a cock in my mouth and having my ass played and now I wanted more. Just as I was craving a hung stud to come work me over, a hot top guy answered my ad who was just what I was looking for. His screen name was...
CHAPTER TWO Again stunning girl selected set up. for no other reason than, she appealed to certain members who on discovering her. Will have watched her, probably for a few weeks. Then set up when circumstances became suitable.Now they will systematically torture both girls slowly, in the torture chamber they have. It will be milder torture,, but frequently they will be subject to the wooden horse, in short spells.Light , birch-ing whipping etc. Nothing too extreme they won't even break the...
The rain was pouring so hard that the old windshield wipers on Ryan's car were unable to clear the window and he almost passed the Wellsworth estate. He hit the brakes and turned quickly into their driveway. Suddenly, a lightning flash made the old iron gates look like something out of a bad horror movie. He stretched his arm out the permanently opened window and pressed the buzzer. Jigs sounded irritated when he answered. "Sorry Jigs but the pool still has to be cleaned, even when it...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Lesley looked around the parking lot. After seeing no one was around, she leaned over to the drivers seat and laid a passionate french kiss on her father’s lips. “I’ll see you tonight, Les.” “See you tonight Daddy.” Lesley stepped out of the car and walked toward the high school. School was out for the day, but it was time for cross country practice. Lesley was a junior and she loved being on the team. All her friends were on the team and all the...