Anton Station
- 4 years ago
- 42
- 0
Anton sat bolt upright in his bed, terrified out of his wits and gasping for breath. Had he screamed, or was that part of the dream? He listened for footsteps but he could hear no one rushing down the hall. This had been the worst one yet. For weeks now, he’d been awakened nearly every night by terrible dreams - no, not dreams - nightmares. Terrible nightmares.
They began shortly after he was brought to the home. They seemed to drag on and on forever, but when he finally woke up in terror, try as he would, he could only recall snippets. He always remembered seeing Sophia’s face. His sister Sophia. Where was she? Why hadn’t she been brought to Dr. Widener’s home with him? Had she been taken to hospital? Of course, that had to be it! She must have been because she was so ill. Surely they would bring her to him when she was well again. He couldn’t remember much about her illness except that her pretty face was growing thinner and thinner by the day. She seemed to be wasting away in front of his eyes.
In his nightmares he would be reaching for Sophia to hold her close, to stroke her pretty auburn hair and comfort her. He wanted to stop the pain in her tummy, but he didn’t know how. No, that was wrong. In the dream, he did know how, but for some reason he couldn’t do it ... or he wasn’t allowed to do it; he wasn’t sure which. He dreamed that he wept as he held her because he couldn’t end her suffering. It was his responsibility as the elder brother to take care of his sister. That’s what the man told him when they were taken from the orphanage in Bucharest to come to the United States, but he had failed in his duty.
Then came the part that always woke him up. The nightmare would turn red. Anton, in a rage, lashed out at the cruel shadowy creatures that haunted him and did cruel things to his Sophia. They ran, he chased, he struck over and over and over until they lay dying at his feet. Blood was everywhere. That’s when he always awoke to find himself sitting up in bed drenched with sweat and trembling in terror.
He sat on the side of his bed still sweating, shaking, trying to control his breathing. The clock on the bedside stand said 3:26 AM. He knew he wouldn’t sleep for the rest of the night, so he shed his damp underwear, took his towel from the peg on the wall and walked naked down the hall to the boy’s room to stand under the hot shower, hoping to wash away the memory of the nightmare along with the sweat and the fear.
For the rest of the night as he awaited the sun’s arrival, he looked out his window at the empty street below and listen to music on his iPod; always something soothing and peaceful and beautiful like Barber’s Adagio for Strings. Or sometimes he would listen to Clair de Lune a dozen times in a row because it calmed his frenzied, turbulent brain.
There had been many times over these past weeks when he wanted so badly to go to Dr. Widener and ask that kind woman to explain this world he found himself in, but he dared not. He was certain that once he spoke the first word, he would never be able to stop. All the blackness he felt inside him would come pouring out, and he couldn’t let that happen. Whatever uncertain things lay pent up in his head, he sensed the evil in them, and evil must never be allowed to roam free in the world.
So Anton kept his silence.
Where was his Sophia?
Sarah described to Ken her plan to get into the school to talk to the John Doe kid. The only reason she told him anything was because she wanted him to record her interview — rather, her attempted interview with the strange mute.
Ken looked at her like she was insane. “Are you shitting me?! Jesus Christ, Sarah, you can’t just go barging into something like that! You don’t know the first thing about any of those kids, yet here you are going after the one who obviously has serious mental problems. Are you really that fucking self-absorbed that you think anything good can come from that?
She looked daggers at him and countered, “Up yours, Ken. There’s a story somewhere inside that kid and I’m going to be the one who digs it out. What the hell harm can it do to ask him a few questions?”
“What questions? The kid doesn’t even talk! Damn, woman, don’t you even know the definition of the word ‘scruples’? At best, you probably won’t get any more than a blank stare. At worst, you poking around in his mind might stir up all kinds of bad shit. Were you not paying attention when Dr. Widener said that every one of those kids has suffered some kind of severe emotional trauma? Show me your degree in child psychology and maybe I’ll believe you have something other than a selfish interest in sticking your Hebrew nose into his business!”
“Fuck you, fag! Why don’t you just sit here surfing gay porn sites and jerking off! I’m sure I can find a cameraman with balls enough to go after a story.”
“You wish! How’d you convince that janitor to leave the door unlocked? Did he just get a blow job or did you give him the whole works?”
With a derisive laugh, she bragged, “He got the whole works, and you know what? You ought to be crawling on your hands and knees to that stud to beg for some lessons. If there’s anything in genes, I’m guessing he’s a direct descendant of Don Juan. Now, are you coming with me or not?”
“Oh yeah, I’m coming all right, but for no other reason than to stop you from fucking with that kid’s screwed up brain. I’m warning you, Sarah, you get out of line and cause him any grief and I’m going straight to Dr. Widener. You seem to see yourself as the crusading lady journalist, but you’re just a self-centered hack and you’re treading on thin ice!”
“Why don’t you grow a pair, faggot?”
“I got a pair, whore, but unlike you, I’m choosey about who gets to play with my toys.”
Raul’s last text said the door to the kitchen and the utility area would be left unlocked. He suggested they arrive about six when the kids would be done with their evening meal and most of the staff would be gone for the day. He gave her John Doe’s room number on the third floor and the location of the observation room where he spent a lot of his evenings after dinner.
Ken parked the van on a side street and shouldered his bag of gear. Halfway up the alley they came to the back gate that opened onto a small basketball court behind the building. There was no one playing or sneaking a smoke, and they found the rear door unlocked just like Raul promised.
The industrial dishwasher was running but there was no one around as they moved quickly through the kitchen to the back stairway. Raul said most of the kids would probably be in the downstairs recreation area on the first floor watching television, but Sarah had her story ready in case they ran into anybody.
They made it up the stairs and down the third floor hall of the boy’s wing undetected. Sarah knocked lightly on the door but no one answered. She tried the doorknob and it was unlocked, so she opened it and peeked in. There was no one in the nearly bare, spartan room. Not a single picture or poster hung on the wall and there were no personal items lying about. She stepped across the room and opened a drawer. If she hadn’t seen some socks, T-shirts and underwear neatly folded, she might have believed Raul had given her the number of an unoccupied room.
Sarah whispered, “He must be downstairs in the observation room. We have to go back to the first floor to get to the other wing. But first, get a shot of this room. This is not a normal kid’s room. It’s as empty as the look in his eyes.”
Ken, feeling like a thief in the night and already regretting his decision to be a part of her scheme, whispered, “Well what the hell did you expect? You know, if Widener ever finds out about this, you’ll never get within a mile of this kid again.”
“Yeah, well we’ll just have to take that chance, won’t we?”
He followed her down the stairs, camera recording. She eased the door to the main lobby open and peeked out to make sure the hall was clear. The observation room was supposed to be to the left and all the way to the end of the hall. The other way let to the offices, the cafeteria and the TV room.
As they neared the observation room, they could hear faint piano music - something classical. It was one Ken recognized; Liszt’s Liebestraum. Part way through a passage, the music stopped and started over again. Someone was practicing.
There was a small alcove with three doors off the hallway; one right, one left and one to what was probably a narrow room from which the other two rooms could be observed. Sarah tried the center one and found it open. They felt their way into the darkness and stood in front of the one-way mirror looking into the room where the boy was playing.
He sat at a small spinet piano working on the Liszt piece without any written music in front of him. His concentration was totally focused on the keyboard and his hands as he taught himself how to play the piece by ear.
Sarah poked Ken in the side and whispered, “Get as much of this as you can. This kid must be some kind of savant!”
The video camera never stopped recording.
Sarah slipped out the door and into the room with the kid before Ken even realized what she was doing. “Shit!” he spat out, but he kept the camera on John Doe.
The moment the boy heard the door open, he stopped playing and sat perfectly still with his hands in his lap. At first Ken couldn’t hear what was going on, but then he saw an intercom switch beside the window and flipped it on. Sarah was moving slowly toward John Doe saying, “It’s okay. I just want to ask you a couple of questions. Where did you learn to play the piano so beautifully?”
The kid sat looking down at his hands in silence, refusing to even acknowledge the question with a glance in her direction.
Sarah continued as she edged closer, “You can talk to me, you know. I just want to help, but you have to help me in return. Can you tell me your real name?”
She took another couple of steps closer — apparently too close because the boy suddenly stood and headed toward the door. As he passed by her, Sarah reached out to grab his arm and immediately wished she hadn’t. She caught his fist on the side of her face and fell over the beanbag chair, sprawling on the carpet. John Doe ran from the room and down the hallway to the stairs.
“You stupid bitch!” Ken gasped as he rushed into the room, kneeling at Sarah’s side as she sat rubbing the side of her face. “Are you okay?”
She moved her jaw around to insure it was still working. “Yeah, I guess. He just caught me by surprise is all. Jesus, that kid packs a wallop!”
Ken helped her to her feet. “Yeah? Well good for him, because as far as I’m concerned, you got exactly what you deserve.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Mr. Early!” said Dr. Widener, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. “Ms. Bernstein, I believe this is trespassing, if not breaking and entering. You should know that I intend to file charges of assault against you with the police department.”
Sarah flared, “Assault? Jesus Christ, woman, he hit me!”
“I was standing three feet behind Mr. Early and I saw the whole thing. He only hit you after you grabbed his arm, and that looks to me like self-defense. Now you get the hell out here! And one more thing; I intend to call your boss, whoever that may be, and kill this damned documentary if I can. I don’t want my young people even vaguely associated with you or your self-serving news program! Now get out!”
Sarah practically screamed, “No way in hell you’re gonna do that, bitch!” She stalked pass the doctor and out the door.
As Ken shouldered his gear, he apologized, “I’m really sorry, Dr. Widener. I tried to talk her out of this but she wouldn’t listen. Is the kid gonna be okay?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Early. We still don’t know what goes on in his mind, but you can be assured this little incident didn’t help him one bit. In all likelihood, it set him back a couple of steps because Ms. Bernstein violated a space he thought to be safe. Now get out, and I don’t want to see either of you around here again.”
“Yes Ma’am. I’m really sorry. Um, did you say you were standing behind me in that room? Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
“I was curious to know what you had in mind that would cause you to sneak in uninvited. Our John Doe is indeed a prodigy, but he’s a prodigy struggling with some brand of severe emotional injury. I will not allow Ms. Bernstein or anyone else to exploit him.”
“I’m with you on that, Dr. Widener. I promise this won’t happen again. Sorry.”
“Good night, Mr. Early.”
Rhonda Simmons had been watching the new boy since the day he arrived. Word got around the home pretty quickly that he was odd, that he hadn’t said a single word since a county social worker delivered him to Dr. Widener’s office. But there was a look about the kid that stirred something in her; probably the pain she saw in those haunted eyes.
When Rhonda arrived at the home a few months earlier, she wasn’t in as bad a condition as the John Doe, but she was definitely a mess, an emotional train wreck. She had been doped with heroin, prostituted and used as a fuck toy by a couple of dope peddlers from the time she ran away from home at the age of thirteen. When she wasn’t working the streets under the close eye of her pimps, she was kept locked in an apartment with barred windows above a sleazy dive on skid row.
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College SexJanuary 25 Since we had already practiced the G-spot lesson on Monday, Katie and I mostly just played today. After we made out for a while, Katie insisted on sucking me off before I did anything for her. This one was quick, as my girlfriend went straight for the prize. It was barely five minutes after she first took me in her mouth that I was blasting a load across her tongue. As always, Katie made happy noises while she savored the taste of my jizz in her mouth. She loves the taste of my...
When I got home from work, no one else was home. My girlfriend at the time had told me she had gone to sleep because she had, had a long day. Walking down the hall of the house I glanced in every room, to make sure that we where indeed alone. After getting to the end of the hallway, our room last on the left, I turned the corner and saw her, sprawled out, naked on our bed, her red hair covering her breasts. Her legs partially open, allowing me to see her lips, which made my cock start to throb,...
BDSMHi friends I am madhu rani Me apko apni kahani sunane ja rahi hoon Mera fig hai 36 40 38 Me girlish hoon or mujhe mans ko satisfy karne me mza aata hai. Is kahani me 3 character hai Me mera colleague and meri mom. Jaise ki me cd hoo ek din me office me panty pehen ke chli gayi. Ravi ne meri panty notice kar li pr wo bola kuchh nahi. Sam ko office party thi wahan drink karne ke bad ravi ne mujhe kinare le ja ke poonchha tumne panty kyo pehni hai.Ravi ne mujhse poonchha to mene kha ki meri...
The convention center, which occupied the entire 122nd floor, was a tumult of activity. Countless numbers of businessmen and women scampered around in business casual attire as they set up their booths, got their tablet-driven presentations ready, and unpacked heavy shipping containers filled with equipment and giveaways. Tyler stood dumbly in the middle of it all, back leaning against the elevator hub, wondering where to go and what to do first. He remembered his AG&M contact from...
My ex-girlfriend and I were very horny as we met after a long time. I was desperate to fuck her just as she was. But I controlled my beastly desires and thought of making her beg for it. I took out two pints from the bag, handed one to her. I walked past her keeping the distance between our bodies teasingly close. I sat down on the multi-seater sofa, beside the one she was sitting on. We started drinking and talking about our work-life. We were passing secretive and mischievous eye glances to...
The note arrived nearly a month later. I was amazed the courier had found me, but he said he had been well paid and that the girl was so pretty, he felt he had no choice. I gave him a coin, one of the few I had left after some long sessions with another man's cards. I popped the wax seal and read. "Come quickly, Julie" was all it said in a childish, poorly-blotted scrawl. I showed the note to Foster and he gave me a pass and a sour look. I cooked some rations and was on my way through...
Introduction: By Jim Davis maggie had managed to bring me back to reality – back from the fantasy i was having over my young daughters swelling tits – back from the image of her belly so big and pregnant. it was time to check on the male rats id injected with spring water. we suspected what the results would be, but what we found surprised us nonetheless. the rats were going crazy – running around their cages and throwing their bodies against the sides of the little cells. maggie took pity on...
I was talking to a friend of my two sons, Matt. He was telling me that he had helped his mom secure her house by putting up cameras all over it. I was thinking of his mom and these cameras and wondering if I could get the IP. Then he pulled out his iPhone and showed the set up. He bounced from room to room and camera to camera. He said he could do it 24/7. My cock started stirring at that thought. I was asking him some more questions about the system and the how could you keep others out...
Chapter 12 — The trial of Maria Elena Rodriguez-Torres While the student protestors continued to kneel outside, Spokeswoman Lee-Dolkivna, Director Cecilia Sanchez, Prisoner # 101025, and the two officers escorting the prisoner passed through the main door of the Central Courthouse. They walked through an ornate entryway and passed through a second set of doors that led to the main courtroom chamber. The main trial room was quite large, with old wooden furnishings and huge windows on the left...
Penelope had been nursing Maximus as he was dying of cancer. The pain was so bad that she had to resort to giving him raw opium in his wine so he could sleep in comfort. She sat at his side every waking moment. She loved him as much or even more so than the day they met at her father's feast. They had their arguments but what couple married this long didn't? But no issue they heatedly debated could come before their love for each other. At first, Penelope wanted to selfishly hold on to...
Ivory suddenly raised her sexy ass and moved away from my sight. I looked up to see Amber smiling down at me, before she leaned forward to kiss me. “I love you, Lucien. Damn, your cock feels so fucking good in my pussy.” “Your pussy feels damn good stretched over my cock too. Kiss me, Amber. Kiss me, then tell me what your future holds. When our lips met, she nearly sucked the breath out of me. With both hands cupped over her breasts, I kissed her just as passionate as she was kissing me....
I've been going to the nympho-nights at swingersclub Monique for about a year now, this is a gathering once every month or so where about twenty women feast themselves on quite a few men, in other words: one big fuckfest! The evening is organised by swingersclub Monique and Roxy, Robin and Sonja, know from the Roxy & Robin site, help out the rest of the staff on these evenings, you can't do anything with the staff, they are there to serve drinks at the bar, tidy up stray glasses and...
As noted in my previous stories, I am a divorced, bi cross dresser and live in a rural setting. Although there is a paved two lane road that runs in front of my house, I am up on a hill and a good 100 yards from the roadway where the traffic usually goes by at 50 MPH or better. So, I am comfortable working out in the garden wearing very little, sun bathing on the deck in a little string bikini or going out to fill the bird feeders in just my bra and panties. The only thing I hadn't thought...
CrossdressingHi bhabiyon , ek baar muje mere boss ne apne ghar par bulwaya, kisi meeting ke bare me discuss karna tha. Jab main uske ghar per phauncha to wo wo kahin bahar jane ke liye ready tha. Mujhe dekhate hi wo bola, ki main abhi kise zaroori kaam se ja raha hoon, jaldi hi laut aaunga , tum mera yahi wait karna, mere boss kareeb 50 saal ya usase kuch jyada ke the. Main drawing room me baith kar uska wait karne laga. Tabhi uski wife, jo ki kareeb 40 saal ki hogi, waha aa gaye, our boli. Kuch chaiye?...
Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Do You Love Me? Both Adele and Celia were wearing hold-up stockings and panties, nothing else. They had undressed this far before falling onto Adele's bed. Celia was on her back and Adele lay beside her, suckling one of Celia's nipples whilst stroking the other. Celia had her arms around Adele encouraging her. Then they kissed, lazily exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Their lovemaking could be swift and torrid, or...
Chapter 5 - Private Lessons Authors Note: ( This series was originally title "Goat Testical Soup for the first for chapters. I know, bad title, but What the Hell it was my first published work and it was only a joke anyway. "Spreading Seeds" is better, Let me know if you like the title change) __________________________________________________________________________________ The day after the Great Barney Clusterfuck, as it came to be known, we awoke and the girls all left...
Floating down the Rabbits hole Waking up early with a with a hard on was quite normal for me. What was changing for me were the things that first popped into my mind as the sleepy haze faded. The last thought that had to be on my mind before I awoke. For me it has always been a beautiful naked blonde girl sometimes someone I knew or a stranger I didn’t.... but these days it wasn’t a person per say it was a body part that was the center of my attention. At first I thought it was my hard cock...
One day my sister came running from the field, I was kind of irritated, because I had to look up and she was sitting at the side of the field with another mom. “Mrs Bason wants to know if you would come and help her” I frowned behind my sunglasses “Come on sis, you know I’m not supposed to place any strain on my knee” She grinned and I knew that her teacher really wanted some help when I saw that mischievous look in her eyes “Come on, you don’t need to do anything, just tell us...
“Now that is one hell of a way to wake up” She smiles and rests her head on his chest, hugging him close to her “We would probably have to get up and go make an appearance, or my parents might freak” Joe chuckles “So you mean they don’t know that their daughter is a little minx who can’t get enough of me and who I can’t get enough of either” She laughs softly and pokes his ribs “Yes, now get dressed, I want more of what we had earlier after supper” She slips out under the...