A Night In A Dungeon free porn video

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She was trapped in a basement chained like an animal. She didn’t know where she was or why she was brought to this desolate place. She was taken at night, knocked out by chloroform and brought here, to where ever here WAS. She felt chilly, she noticed she didn’t have any clothes on. She wondered if she was abused. She felt fine but that doesn’t guarantee that anything DIDN’T happen.

There were beams of sunlight coming through a crack in a darkened window. At least she knew it was morning. but where and what day it was, was still a mystery. She calmed her thoughts. She knew struggling with the chains wouldn’t help. They were too strong. She wasn’t into any kind of bondage, S&M thing. Kinky was never her forte, actually sex wasn’t either. She never had a date or even had a cup of coffee with anyone, so why would someone want to kidnap her take off her clothes and chain her to a dingy dungeon?

‘If I ever needed a knight in shining armour, NOW would be a good time!’ she said to herself.

As the light filled the room, she looked around. Trying to get her bearings on where she was and if she could escape. She saw the basic of things, a chair, a table, a toilet, and a mirror. She saw the door and was watching it as to some sign of movement or where she was. At least the chains gave her movement around where she was, to sit at the table and eat, if she was given food. and to use the toilet when she needed it. But, right now, she was hungry and thirsty. She wondered who wanted to take her and who would do this to her. She decided to keep calm and not get excited, her emotions would have to be in check when she was there. for however long it was to be.

She noticed a small bed in the corner, At least she had somewhere to sleep and not on the floor. She heard footsteps outside the door. She didn’t have a chance to be embarrassed about being naked, She had no choice really. The door opened and man came in with a tray of food and coffee. he put it down on the table. He turned toward her and pointed at the food.

‘Who are you? Why am I here? Did you bring me here?’ She asked sternly. He just kept pointing to the food on the table. ‘Can you hear anything I say? Are you Deaf, or just mute?’ She asked more concerned than angry. He kept looking in her eyes and didn’t let them wander down to her large breasts.

She looked into his eyes as well. She saw that he knew nothing of what happened to her and he was just trying to help her have something to eat. They understood each other without him saying a word to her, He didn’t have to. She saw it all in his eyes.

‘Can you tell me where I am? Why I was brought here?’ She asked calmly. He had a distraught look to his face. And turned away. ‘Okay I’m sorry. I wont get you in to trouble, I promise.’ She said, he turned back to her and smiled. She smiled back. ‘Thank you for the food. I am hungry.’ she said. He smiled again and left.

She went over to the table and sat down on the chair and tasted it, cautiously at first. She liked the way it tasted and ate, and drank the coffee. She felt energized. Ready to do battle with what ever and whomever brought her here.

‘Okay, I Have had it!’ She said loudly. ‘I know that you are watching me, you wouldn’t have brought me somewhere where you couldn’t. I just want to know who you are and why I was brought here. Where ever here is!’ She looked around to try to find a hidden camera or even one that wasn’t so hidden. ‘ANSWER ME!’ she screamed even louder. ‘If you are waiting for me to break down and cry, you have another thing coming!’

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, the mute man and his master are watching the scene unfold on a closed circuit t.v. The master was rubbing his chin with his hand, and smiling slightly.

‘She is fantastic, I have chose her well. Her fire is a match for my own. She will make a wonderful bride.’ The master said softly.

The mute man looked at his master, sorrow filling his eyes. The first woman he has seen and has ever fallen in love with. Sure there were others that came to the house, but they never stayed for as long as the master had intended or had they? He began to think of the women who had stayed, some for a few months, the longest a year. It seemed the master grew tired of them and sent them away. But where, he didn’t know. All he knew is that they were gone and never seen again.

The mute man decided this one would be different. He wanted her to not have the same fate as the others. He would take her away from all of this, to whatever fate that was in store for her, He knew he would be a better husband to her than his master, who just used women and threw them away. He had to make plans. He needed to keep it to himself. She saw in him what no other woman had dared. and he thought she knew it too.

‘It is time! I will reveal myself to her and tell her why she is here.’ He said in a flurry. He gathered his cloak and went to the dungeon.

The mute man followed him a few paces behind. When they got to the door, the mute man unlocked it and they went in. She was sitting on the bed. She got up and faced the master while the mute man took off the dishes.

‘So. You are the one who forced me here against my will. Just WHO the hell do you think you are anyway?’ She said angrily.

‘Jeanne, Please, all will be explained.’ He said. The mute man smiled at her name.

‘How do you know my name and why was I brought here?’ She asked.

‘I am Count Frances Snowdon, I have been watching you from afar. I want to make you a bride.’ He started.

‘I do not marry anyone who uses kidnapping and imprisonment to get a bride. Sorry, that is not the way I do things. I like to go out with whomever I want to see how it goes. I like to get to know someone before I commit to something as sacred and special as marriage.’ She said defiantly.

‘And how many dates have you been on recently?’ He asked curiously.

‘None. but that doesn’t matter, it is still my choice to choose whomever I want to marry and I Don’t think you are my type. I don’t go for arranged marriages or anything like that.’ she said and paused. ‘And if you think I am desperate to get a man by any means, you have another thing coming!’

‘I do so like your fire and spunk. It was worth it to bring you here, It was well worth it.’ He said.

‘And that is another thing. WHERE am I? I remember reading where there was a town in England called Snowdon. But to bring me from America to England would be ludacris to say the least.’ She said.

‘Yes you are in England. We are in England, the county of Dorset. A beautiful place which I am sure you will enjoy for the rest of your life.’ He said.

‘You just don’t get it do you? Forcing me to be here is not going to make me like it more. And especially with me being chained up. Oh the countryside is so beautiful from my cell. it’s not like I am ever going to be outside. And my clothes? I don’t have any and I doubt if you kept them.’ She said getting more annoyed at each passing minute.

‘Yes your clothes are still here. Being cleaned and freshened, And we will go out and buy you some more.’ He said.

‘You have no idea what I like. and how can you buy me clothes when you don’t know my size? I am very hard to buy for.’ she said.

‘My dear, of course you will be with us. I wouldn’t dream of buying you anything you didn’t want or need.’ He said.

She looked over to the mute man. he was still looking down and trying not to pay any attention to what was being said.

‘What is his name?’ She asked curiously. ‘It would be awkward to say ‘hey you’ to get his attention.’ she said.

‘His name is Bob. He has been my faithful servant for a little over 10 years now. He has always been quiet. I have never heard him speak.’ He said.

‘Sometimes talking is more than words, I can see in his eyes he is very intelligent and he cares about my safety.’ She said.

‘Is that so?
Well I will speak to him about that later.’ He said.

‘I don’t want to get him in to trouble. I see something in him that I Have never seen with anyone else before.’ She said.

‘No he wont be in trouble. I promise you that.’ He said.

‘Good’ She said calmly. She held up her hands ‘When will these come off? Or will they?’ She asked curiously.

‘Yes they will… in due time.’ He said. ‘Come Bob, We have things to do.’ He said, Bob took the plates and things from the table and turned to her She smiled and winked. and he followed behind the master again. He locked the door behind him. She sat down and started to think.

Later in the day, she is still naked, it is a bit past lunch and she was getting hungry again. and definitely more thirsty, than before. She wondered what time it was and what day it was. Being knocked out has its disadvantages.

Bob came back in with her food, drink, and clothes. He put the food on the table and the clothes by her bed. He averted her large breasts for a time but could help taking a peak at them. He unchained her from the bonds. He looked at her so lovingly.

‘Thank you.’ She said, ‘I was wondering when I was going to get my clothes back.’ He turned his back so she could dress in private. She finished in a matter of moments. ‘You didn’t have to turn around you know. I think seeing me naked is torture enough.’ She said with a laugh. He turned around and looked at her lovingly.

‘This is a first. I never wanted anyone to see me naked before. but in this case I didn’t have any choice.’ She said and looked back at him. ‘No one has ever looked at me the way you do. I see things in your eyes that I never thought I would see in anyone’s eyes for me.’ She said. He looked at her concerned. ‘Well what I mean is, I was never skinny or popular or anything like that. I was shy and reserved. No guys ever wanted to go out with me, even though I wanted to so badly. I thought Guys only wanted the skinny supermodel type who would do what they would tell them to do. I wasn’t like that at all and I guess they saw that and stayed as far away from me as possible.’

He looked at her with deep concern and love. ‘But with you it is so different. it seems you like me as I am, and no one has ever wanted that from me. I thought I had to change the way I look and essentially who I was to get a guy and I didn’t want to be someone I’m not. I cant be. I can only be me and if they don’t like it, well they can jump off the tower bridge or something!’ She said they both smiled.

‘You have a wonderful smile. Any woman would be proud to have you.’ She said. Now he had the shocked look on his face. He waived his hands in front of her and shook his head no. ‘You’ve never had a girlfriend? That is so sad. I can tell, just by looking in your eyes, that you are a kind and sensitive person. Maybe like me, never had the chance to show it to anyone. No one wanted to get to know the real you because of what they thought was a defect.’ She said.

He looked at her knowingly and nodded his head. ‘I understand what you are going through, I think I’ve been through hell and back and bear the scars to prove it. Not physical scars, emotional ones. The ones no one can see but hurt more than any other kind of physical pain imaginable.’ She said and he tried to reach out to touch her face, but stopped. ‘Don’t be afraid. I don’t mind being touched. I’ve wanted it for so long.’ She said, He stopped again. ‘I am not going to marry him if that is what you are worried about. I do not want to marry anyone without knowing what they are like, and to bring me here without my knowledge or consent does not gain any points with me.’

She reached out and touched his face. He closed his eyes and let out a small moan. ‘I’m sorry, did I hurt you?’ She asked curiously, He shook his head no. ‘Good. I didn’t think I was touching so hard. I know it is awkward not being able to tell people how you feel. but I think we communicate rather well.’ She said and winked. He smiled. ‘You are a very handsome man, too bad people didn’t take the time to get to know you. You would’ve been a very popular man and had many girlfriends.’

He waived his hand as if to say ‘You’re kidding’. ‘With those eyes, Any woman would melt at the sight of you. You are so expressive with them. I can tell what you are saying without you even saying a word. Isn’t that true?’ She asked curiously. He nodded his head. ‘From the first moment of eye contact, we bonded. I don’t know how, but we did. I have never had this feeling before.’

He drew closer to her, their eyes met and their lips drew closer. The Count came in and interrupted them.

‘Hello. Am I disturbing anything?’ He said with a slight smile. Trying to contain his laughter. they stopped what they were doing when they heard his voice.

‘Actually yes you were. But I suppose you were watching our every movement and listening in on what we were saying.’ She said.

‘No. Actually I was looking for Bob. We have some shopping to do, remember? The shops don’t stay open all night, But have your dinner and we will leave as soon as you’re ready. Come Bob we need to make preparations.’ The Count said and they both left.

About a half hour later they were in a woman’s shop. Looking for some nice clothes for Jeanne to wear while she was in England. She picked out a couple of nice blouses, pants, Panties and bras and Bob was over in the lingerie department looking at a Blue nightie and an almost sheer blue robe. He tried to picture Jeanne in them. He knew that they would be perfect for her, But put them back when he realized that she was going to marry the count. She came over to him and wondered what he was looking at.

‘What do we have here?’ She picked up the nightie and the robe. And placed them against her. ‘They are beautiful, But I rarely wear Nightgowns and the robe, Seems to fit but a bit sheer in a few strategic places.’ she said with a smile. ‘I think I would wear them if I really loved the man I was going to marry. Tell you what I will get them, but I would like to wear them for you, not the Count. I love his hospitality but like I said, I need to get to know the man I Marry and I Have been getting to know you more than him. I think it’s only fair.’ She said with a smile. He smiled after her.

The Count was speaking to one of the saleswomen about Jeanne when she saw them looking at the nightie and the robe.

‘I want them to get anything they want. No expense spared.’ The Count said,

‘All right, Sir, Whatever you say, They are a cute couple. They look so good together, How long have they been together?’ She asked curiously.

‘A very short time. Only a few days but I knew they would hit it off when I first saw her on a trip to America last year. I knew she would be perfect for him and my instincts were right as usual.’ He answered.

‘Good Sir, Would there be anything else?’ She asked.

‘No Just let them look around some more and I will pay for their things when they are finished.’ He said,

‘Yes sir’ She said, They finished picking out her clothes and came over to the register. ‘did you find everything to your satisfaction?’ She asked them.

‘Yes, Everything is beautiful here, I definitely could spend a day here shopping. And I don’t go shopping all that much.’ Jeanne said and the Cashier smiled. She rung up the items and the Count gave her his credit card, it was immediately approved and she put all the clothes in a large bag with a handle.

‘Thank you and have a nice evening.’ The cashier said and they walked out of the store.

‘Now where are we going? Back to the castle? And back to my dungeon?’ Jeanne asked curiously.

‘Yes. Back to the castle But I need to tell you why you are here and it seems you fit in perfectly here. I am very proud of what we have accomplished today.’ He said. Bob and Jeanne looked at each other in bewilderment.

‘I Have no clue on what you are talking about.’ She said ‘And I don’t
think Bob does either.’

‘All will be explained when we get back home.’ He said and they left in the car and drove back to the castle. They went in and sat down on the chairs in the front room.

‘All right. We are here, what is the big news we need to know? And why am I here?’ She asked curiously.

‘My dear I must start from the beginning. I am sickly. I don’t have very much longer to live, My cancer has spread to far and it is inoperable. I Have one Heir to leave my fortune and name to.’ He says. and points to Bob. ‘He is my Heir.’ Jeanne and Bob looked shocked.

‘And you never told him? you made him out to be a servant for all these years? How could you?’ She said with anger in her voice.

‘My dear, there is more to the story May I finish?’ He said. She nodded sheepishly. ‘I am from Romania. A gypsy put a curse on my family and said that my only male heir would never speak until he has found his one true love. I have been searching the globe to find him the proper mate. When I saw you, and the fire in your eyes, I knew you were of the old country. You had something in you which as you said to him, that no one had ever wanted to see. I knew you would look past whatever affliction he had and love him for who he was, I tried to bring different women in but once they found out that the couldn’t speak, they never wanted to see him again and they left.’

‘I couldn’t tell him of what was going on. I suppose I wanted to protect him too much and that made it a bit worse. Keeping him away from people. He wasn’t used to being around a lot of people He has been outside but he chose to be inside and hide from the world. Which is why I had to try to find the right woman for him. He would never have done it himself before I died and before I had told him and you the truth.’ He said

‘Why was I brought here naked? What happened to me that I had to be naked for 2 days? or how ever long I was unconscious.’ She asked. ‘And why was I chained?’

‘You were unconscious for technically a day. with the flight and the time difference. You were naked because as I said your clothes needed washing and we didn’t have anything else to give you to cover. You were chained because I didn’t want you to escape. Could you honestly want to stay if I had told you that you were a bride for my mute son?’ He asked.

‘And as I told you, I want to get to know someone before I marry them, It doesn’t matter to me what kind of affliction they have. I look inside not on the outside. I would’ve asked about him and tried to communicate with him.And I think we have been doing a pretty good job of it so far.’ She said and looked at Bob. He smiled.

‘Yes, As I said I knew you were perfect for him, You have an old world feeling about you. I cant explain it but I knew you would be good for him.’ He said.

‘Did the gypsy say how the curse would be broken? I know he feels something for me. I can see it in his eyes. Is there a specific way for the spell to be broken?’ She asked.

‘She did mention something about Loves first kiss. I had to stop you before until I could tell you the whole story. Do you still want to kiss him?’ He asked.

She looked at him lovingly. ‘Yes, Yes I do.’ She said, They looked at each other for a moment and drew closer and kissed lovingly. She smiled after they finished.

‘I Love you’ Bob said. She looked at him lovingly

‘I Love you too.’ She said. they held each other close.

‘My work is done, I can die in peace.’ The count said. Jeanne and Bob continued kissing and holding each other


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The Secret Dungeon

I could be wrong and maybe someone has already thought of this and just doesn't speak of it in polite company but perhaps more home builders should consider a false wall or hidden doorway in master bedrooms that opens to a dungeon. Something with no windows, light finish work which leaves a rugged look to it. The effect of bare studs or support beams on the wall and ceiling or some inexpensive brickwork and a little sound proofing.A perfect place to keep bondage furniture like the ones...

3 years ago
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A Night in the Sex Dungeon

Fetish boots and Bullwhip: Midnight with Madame Wanda Picture this, a decaying manor house, grimly clinging to its former grandeur, standing isolated deep in the English countryside, and inside it a dominatrix called Wanda blew smoke rings and admired her skinny behind in the full length mirror nailed to the wall of her modest dressing room. Touching six feet in heels, late twenties, Wanda was a pale beauty with exquisite features, tall and willowy, hardly any tits, with her long black hair...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Sex Dungeon

“Mistress Wanda, it is midnight,” came the gruff voice of the Servant. Wanda picked up her bullwhip and cracked it in front of the mirror, feeling her power, heels clicking on the concrete floor as she turned and headed for the door. The cellar was dank and cavernous, used formerly to house a wine collection it had been transformed into an ersatz torture chamber, with a pillory, a wooden framework to secure head and hands mounted on a steel post drilled into the concrete floor, the...

3 years ago
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Tess finds herself roped and gagged in a dark dungeon

He leans over my ear and whispers: ‘Are you going to obey me, or am I going to have to hurt you?’ His blue eyes glimmer in the twilit room. I am gagged and roped. I know I’m sitting down, but I can’t move her arms or legs. ‘Do you want me to untie you?’ He asks. I nod instantly. ‘Then you will not try to run, because, for one, you would get nowhere, and second, I will punish you.’ I slightly nod again. He suddenly removes the tape that was gagging...

2 years ago
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The Dungeon

I could feel myself slowly waking from a heavy, dream filled sleep, my limbs felt heavy, my mouth dry.  I wanted to reach out for the glass of water that I always had on the bedside table, however I could not seem to lift my arm. Ah well, I would just lay and enjoy the memories of my evening with my lover.  We had spent a lovely day in York, followed by dinner in a romantic Italian Restaurant in the Shambles, then…. and then what?    I vaguely recall leaving the premises, held close to his...

3 years ago
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My Dungeon

You would like my dungeon, I know you would. A place where you can live out your most depraved fantasies. It’s no use shaking your head girl, I know you, you don’t fool me. Your family might think you are a paragon of virtue but I know the real you. Your friends might think you are all sweetness and light, but I know you better. That’s it, shift uncomfortably in your seat, smooth down your conservative length skirt, try to look as though you don’t know what I am talking about, but I know you...

4 years ago
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Cuntbust Dungeon

You're a female adventurer seeking treasure in a dungeon, but this particular one just keeps targeting your cunt! Can you find the treasure and make it out with your pussy intact?

2 years ago
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The Moon Dog and the Dungeon

Dungeon. That was the only real name for the land they all lived in. In a massive underground complex, spanning one hundred and fifty "Floors", each larger and more treacherous than the last. In the center of each Floor, a large "City" could be found. Each was in ruins until the facilities were unlocked by the lucky adventurers that managed to make their way there. But first they had to face the endless horde of monsters roaming the fields, the traps in the "Stairways" and boss guarding the...

3 years ago
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My sweet wife tied in a dungeon

Ana and I had been invited to a swinger party with some friends.But it was Tuesday and I should finish some heavy paperwork at my office; so then I could just be there after midnight…The solution seemed simple in that I would meet my hot Ana there. But my sexy wife surprised me by being reluctant to go alone; as she said that she was feeling very aroused that night and she would feel vulnerable and tempted to stray. But I reassured Ana that I trusted her choices and I very much enjoyed her...

4 years ago
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The Dungeon

The DungeonSomewhere beneath the cellars of a secluded castle you will find a fully equipped bdsm space . In one corner Jane is sitting on her knees in a cage , and gagged with a ball gag . On the stairs sounded the steps of the Master, they come steadily closer. Tense wait Jane on what is to come . Master enter the room without saying anything , he makes the cage and makes the chains that Jane was chained to the bottom of the cage . Master field to its right to stand. It carries out its back...

4 years ago
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Masters Dungeon

I wake up completely exhausted, slumped against something soft. It feels like a bed... I think, as I try to open my heavy eyelids. They open to a view that immediately starts my sluggish heart racing.Was I drugged...? I think to myself, blinking a few times to make sure the image is real. No...I definitely wasn't drugged.... In front of me is an alluring woman, with long brown hair running down my chest. She's completely naked and is lying over me while nothing but her hair touches my skin. Her...

2 years ago
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My Car My Dungeon

l Pamela and Jan were lounging by her pool in their bikinis three months later as she explained her theory of milkings! The two luscious pampereddivorcees with teenage c***dren had gotten together regularly after their first meeting at the school PTA. Pamela was still the mentor ofthe two, the more experienced domme and semiprofessional, and Jan was fascinated by her handling of her son Timmy! "Oh, how lovely," Jan chuckled. "And it's so integrated with whatwe want for their future...

2 years ago
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in my dungeon

you had been in my dungeon for about an hour now, hogtied on the floor.There was a ball gag in your mouth and a blindfold over your eyes.The large butt plug in your arse was vibrating powerfully sending pulses of pleasure to your pussy and clit.You were so wet you were dripping on the floor,little moans of pleasure coming from your gagged mouth.I started to untie you,telling you what a slut you were,reminding you how much you needed the pain and the bondage I was so happy to give you.I ordered...

2 years ago
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in my dungeon

you had been in my dungeon for about an hour now, hogtied on the floor.There was a ball gag in your mouth and a blindfold over your eyes.The large butt plug in your arse was vibrating powerfully sending pulses of pleasure to your pussy and clit.You were so wet you were dripping on the floor,little moans of pleasure coming from your gagged mouth.I started to untie you,telling you what a slut you were,reminding you how much you needed the pain and the bondage I was so happy to give you.I ordered...

3 years ago
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The Dungeon

I could feel myself slowly waking from a heavy, dream filled sleep, my limbs felt heavy, my mouth dry.  I wanted to reach out for the glass of water that I always had on the bedside table, however I could not seem to lift my arm. Ah well, I would just lay and enjoy the memories of my evening with my lover.  We had spent a lovely day in York, followed by dinner in a romantic Italian Restaurant in the Shambles, then.... and then what?    I vaguely recall leaving the premises, held close to his...

2 years ago
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Hayden Mansion aka Dungeon

Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn?t afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? ?Miss Stone, come in here NOW!? His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn?t bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew,...

3 years ago
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My AI Dungeon

This first page will be more like my table of content page. It’s do to change frequently as I add new stories. The first chapter will be decided to a story I generated about you being stranded on an island. On this island will hopefully have many adventures to enjoy as I continue writing within the Ai dungeon engine. Mind you I will have to do some minor edits to the engine’s generated parts so that it sounds smoother as a whole. If you ever used the engine before you may know that it can be a...

2 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 34 Dungeon

With Sharp Eye’s assistance, Ki Jung is able to find bigger and more dangerous beasts. This is thanks to Sharp Eye’s ability to fly off and search ahead of her. She still picks up specimens of smaller creatures, but her goal is beasts of a greater size with possible magical and alchemical uses. As the days pass, Ki Jung and Sharp Eyes range farther away than the last day. Then, one day, through Sharpies’ eyes, she notices something different. The bird doesn’t take note of it until Ki Jung...

2 years ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 15 The Dungeon

Pam's prediction about the girls' ability to convince Evan that a trip to the nightclub was necessary proved well founded. Given his good nature and inability to deny them anything it was pretty much a slam-dunk; sex and sweet talk didn't hurt either. Their web site had done well in its beta testing and the date was set for it to go live. Their outing was scheduled to coincide with the site's opening and was choreographed more like a PR appearance than a night on the town. "Is this...

4 years ago
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Reckless Dungeoneer

What a book ! Really unique and special, with it's red velvet cover and golden letters. There was many rumors about this book, but to find it in such abandonned and runned down library, it's a real occasion to learn more about it's content before it disappear again ! But, the first page is blanc, and as all the pages are turned quickly, there is this sentence animated through the book : Who is the Reckless Dungeoneer ? Male or Female ? Once you remember it, return to the first page. Truly, this...

2 years ago
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Dungeons and Dungeons

Your friend Eric had convinced you. Your other friends Mark and Will had gone along with it. The plan was simple, score some drugs, play some Dungeon and Dragon, maybe do some more drugs, and then sleep. The plan had gone all wrong when Eric convinced you all to rob his mother's panty drawer. You were already all high when it happened, and no one expected quiet Will to slip his pants off and then slip Eric's mother's black lace panties on. They fit almost too well, other than his cock hanging...

1 year ago
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Lecture Hall to Dungeon

It was the last class of the semester. Ally went in and took her usual seat, right in front of the professor. This was her favorite class, fiction writing, and she had been doing well, even though it wasn’t required for her major.She knew the professor was struggling to keep his eyes off her during every class. She always dressed the way she wrote, provocative. Today, being a hot April day, she was wearing tiny, tight denim shorts and a low-cut, tight tank top that accentuated her otherwise...

2 years ago
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Dark Dungeons

Regret plagued Alexia's heart. She was jolted around in the horse-drawn steel cage she sat in. Passers-by gave her disdainful sneers and demeaning insults. There was a small rag covering her body, where once she wore elegant dresses and luxurious jewelry. She sighed deeply. Alexia was born of noble birth. At the age of fifteen, she was married off to a small lord of a nearby fiefdom. Though kind, her husband was more than ten years older and a bore in bed. Alexia, cooped up in the keep with no...

2 years ago
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Masters Dungeon

I wake up completely exhausted, slumped against something soft. It feels like a bed… I think, as I try to open my heavy eyelids. They open to a view that immediately starts my sluggish heart racing. Was I drugged…? I think to myself, blinking a few times to make sure the image is real. No…I definitely wasn’t drugged….  In front of me is an alluring woman, with long brown hair running down my chest. She’s completely naked and is lying over me while nothing but her hair touches my skin. Her green...

4 years ago
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The Dungeon

Floggers. Chains. Handcuffs. These things are everywhere. And it is really dark. Yet, a strobe light of sorts flashes every so often illuminating all the naked people around me. There are so many naked people ... doing so many kinky things. I am frozen. This is like nothing I have seen before. It is a lot for someone like me to take in. People are tied up. People are being spanked. People are having sex in groups ... on the tables ... on the floor ... chained up against the wall. You name it...

4 years ago
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Erotic Dungeon

Iron hangs loosely on your shoulders. It was once a chestplate— no more than a joke in front of steel. Caved in by blunt weapons, scratched by arrows, and unbound by swords penetrating the gaps, it somehow kept you alive. You soundlessly discard whatever is left of it with a tug and remain close to the soil, hidden in thick grass. Keeping your head down, you use your sword's broken blade to learn of any movements. There are wounds on your chest, where swords met flesh, and your left arm is...

4 years ago
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Bowsettes Dungeon

This was it. Mario had finally made his way over to the last world to save Peach, the girl of his dreams and the Princess over the Mushroom kingdom. He couldn't remember how many times he had saved her, he had lost count around the 20th. He had crossed paintings, worlds, galaxies and even inside Bowsers own body to save the damsel in distress, but it had all been worth it. He remembered all the sweet sex they had every time he had defeated Bowser. Ofcourse, he and the princess had sex at other...

4 years ago
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The Dungeon

You awake to find yourself in a jail cell of some kind, no light except the soft glow of a nearby torch on the outside of some metal bars. Whilst straining your eyes to adjust to the level of minimal light the fire provides, you manouvre into a sitting position, finding that you were led down on a cot with a matress the only form of comfort. Sitting there in silence for a moment to let the severity of just where abouts you've woken up in settle in, you take further note of your surroundings,...

2 years ago
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Sex Dungeon

Life isn't fair. It makes no promises and grants no guarantees. Bad things happen to good people and all that crap. I was diagnosed with cancer at the tender young age of 22. It came on without warning and was a death sentence. Even with aggressive treatment there was little chance of remission. They say there are stages of grief and at the end you find acceptance. I skipped a few steps and I guess I had my grandfather to thank for that. He was a no-nonsense sort of fellow and laid down the...

3 years ago
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Sex Dungeon

All characters are 18 years old or older. I am struggling with part nine of Mr. Robinson. So in the meantime I have written this one shot for your consumption. It is nestled in the Shawverse but is a standalone and so doesn't greatly impact any major story arcs. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any suggestions for this story or any others feel free to contact me. If you like this or hate it let me know. I hope to finish off the Robinson stories soon and finish off the Evil Bitch line and then...

3 years ago
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Wifes dungeon

Part One.When I first awoke from whatever it was she had slipped in my drink that night before, I was groggy and my eyes could barely focus. Everything was fuzzy. Still, I could tell right away that I had been restrained. I was standing but I couldn't lower my arms. They were tied at the wrists with nylon ropes raised up above my head. The restraints were connected to more ropes hanging from some pipes in the ceiling. I think it looked like our unfinished basement but I wasn't sure. The...

1 year ago
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DONNA Overtime in the dungeon

We were doing some overtime at the store, down in the ‘dungeons’ the store rooms right at the bottom of the store where stuff was stockpiled but very rarely used. The managers wanted volunteers to sort through the crap and we would be paid a set fee for each day. I volunteered for a day and what a day it was.The day came and we’d been working for a couple of hours, it was very dusty and dirty, and there were six rooms all the same. 11:00am came and everyone trailed upstairs for a break, I came...

4 years ago
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In The Dungeon

Be aware that when you step through that door you are mine. There is no turning back. You are in my control. You step through the door. I smile a smile of the spider who caught the fly. You undress for me. You're shaking. Is it from fear or excitement? Both you say. Good I like that. I lead you to my table and lay you down. Completely naked I strap you down. I stand back and you look at you with your hands and feet bound. Legs spread wide. Arms above your head and your cock is...

4 years ago
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The day had finally arrived, he had planned everything, Anthony was finally going to do what he always wanted. One last look at his backpack, everything was there. He zips it and throws it on one shoulder, grabs the post-it he had already written on his way out for his roommates and landlord, which he sticks on the door of his room after leaving. It reads : " Going on vacation, I won't be here for a week. You can contact me at : -email- " .

2 years ago
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Hayden Mansion AKA Dungeon

Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn't afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? "Miss Stone, come in here NOW!" His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn't bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew, by...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 2 In the dungeons

6 July, 1686 Afternoon The Cap—tain left the prisoners alone for the rest of the voyage while he took over the helm. An unexpected favorable wind sped the Angry Whore to Port Royal faster than expected. When they set anchor, half a dozen crew-members fetched the girls and took them into town. The town of Port Royal had grown to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. The city had one drinking house for every ten residents, and nearly...

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