My Dungeon free porn video

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You would like my dungeon, I know you would. A place where you can live out your most depraved fantasies.

It’s no use shaking your head girl, I know you, you don’t fool me. Your family might think you are a paragon of virtue but I know the real you. Your friends might think you are all sweetness and light; but I know you better. That’s it, shift uncomfortably in your seat, smooth down your conservative length skirt; try to look as though you don’t know what I am talking about, but I know you girl.

I know what goes through that mind of yours when you are alone with your thoughts; when you are sitting by yourself in the cafe taking a break. I know where your mind strays. I know where your mind wanders when you are on the bus on your way home after work. Most of all I know where your thoughts are when you climb between the sheets of your bed at night and your hand slides slowly down your near naked body to the waistband of your panties. I know what you are thinking as you teasingly slide your hand inside and your fingers make contact with your sex.

I know you girl.

I know that your thoughts run riot as you begin to masturbate yourself.

“What, you even deny masturbating?”

Don’t make me laugh girl. I know you. I know where your fantasies take you as you approach your orgasm; as your body starts to shake; as your mouth lets out its gasps and moans; as you cry out in fulfilment. And afterwards? I know what your desire still is.

So come on then; come to my dungeon. Be honest with yourself and be honest with me, you want to come to my dungeon. So come on then.

“What will it be like?” You ask.

I think you already know that; you already know what’s waiting inside for you as you stand outside the door. But first you must strip; everything comes off; all your clothes, the lot. Only the Maitresse is allowed the dignity of being clothed in the dungeon. So everything comes off; even your jewellery; everything comes off, dumped in a heap outside the door.

The only thing you will take inside with you that first time will be your dignity; and believe me girl, when you leave that room even that will have been stripped from you.

So come inside, and don’t walk with your arms in front of your body and your hands coyly covering your groin; get your hands behind your back girl. I know what a pussy looks like; I have one myself. My dungeon is not the place for shyness; here you will be exposed in ways your never thought possible.

I will show you around. I will start with the wall racks, I want you to see all my implements of pain and pleasure; I want you to see the range of restraints I have, the chains and the cuffs; I want you to see my clamps, those metal instruments that I will affix to your nipples. I want you to see my whips and canes; my riding crops; my floggers and my paddles. I will watch your face as I show you them. I know that in your mind you will already be tasting them against your soft white flesh.

I will show you my St Andrews Cross; make you stand in front of it and look at the restraints fixed to it; the restraints that will bind you. I might even bind you there and then and take advantage of your exposed back, but on second thoughts, ‘no’. For your first time I have something very special for you.

I will show you my bench. Yes it looks odd doesn’t it; a bit like one of those benches you find in a gymnasium, but this one is different. You would kneel on the lower bench and prostrate your body on the rest of the leather covered frame, placing your neck in the special rest. Then I would bring up the clamp that fixes across the back of your neck, locking your head into place. Your wrist would be restrained next, cuffed to the sides. Then it would be your thighs that would be strapped firmly into place against the frame.

I am sure you get the picture now don’t you; your bottom and rear exposed and vulnerable. After a good spanking with a paddle I might put on my strap-on. You know what a strap-on is don’t you? I don’t need to tell you how girls can have girl on girl fun with one of them, do I? I have a nice big thick black one; I call it Mr Negro. You will know once you see it why I have given it that name.

“Never had one used on you?”

It will be an experience you will never forget.

But I have something else to show you; a special table. Yes, that’s it. The strong, sturdy oak bench covered in padded black leather. Come on lie down on it; it will be cold at first but you will soon get used to it.

“What are those ropes and pulleys you can see coming down from the ceiling?” You ask yourself.

You will soon find out; you will soon start to realise what it’s all about when I take the first of the two spreader bars and fasten the cuff attachments to your wrists, then attach two of the ropes to its ends.

“Still puzzled?”

You won’t be when I start to adjust the pulleys, raising the bar into the air and taking your arms with it.

It will be your legs next; first the spreader bar and then the raising of them into the air. You will have the full picture now; naked; restrained and exposed. Exposed to an extent that perhaps only your doctor has seen. Now you feel uncomfortable as I stand in front of you and pull your hips down so that your bottom is neatly perched on the edge of the table; stand between your wide open legs looking down at you; looking at your gaping pussy; looking at every fold and crevice.

You also feel a little afraid now. You don’t really know me; you don’t know what I am capable of doing, and of course no one else knows you are here. You couldn’t say to your best friend “I am going to a dungeon,” could you. So you have no idea what is coming next; no idea what I am about to do.

But I know what I am going to do. I know exactly what I intend doing. I am going to strip you of your dignity first. I am going to degrade you. It’s not that I don’t like you; I do, but I have to show you up for what you really are.

As you lie there I stroke you and touch you intimately; it’s my way of saying to you “I can do anything I want to you and you can’t do anything about it.”

“You won’t mind if I bring one or two friends in to have a look at you?” I ask you.

Your face is a picture; you look horrified, mortified even. For a moment there is silence; you have been rendered speechless. Perhaps you think I am joking? But I don’t joke. Suddenly you can hear voices outside the room; men talking; men laughing and joking. Men that I have selected specially for you. They too are stripping; stripping for you; stripping to help me take your dignity.

One by one they file into the room; all six of them. Men you have never seen before; men you would not normally pass the time of day with but men, nevertheless, that are going to get to know you as intimately as any man can. One by one they gather round the table, standing with me in a semi-circle around you and looking down at you.

You don’t need to ask what they are thinking, you can see for yourself from the reactions; you can see for yourself their penis’ stiffening; their penis’ hardening from the excitement of seeing you. You know what men like that are like; dirty and depraved, interested in only one thing. You start to mouth something as their hands alight on your body; you want to tell them to stop but you realise how useless it would be. You couldn’t stop them even if you were able too; men like that don’t take no for answer, especially when you are naked and bound the way you are.

All you can do is lie there silently feeling repulsed as they stroke you; as they touch your breasts; as they explore your most intimate places. No place on your body is left untouched by them. Their talk and their language repulses you also; dirty words; filthy words; depraved words, as they talk about your body. Worst of all though is their talk about what they are going to do you; how they are going to use you; how they are going to satisfy their lusts with you. And you see that they mean it; you can see their full erections now; all shapes, sizes and thickness, all ready for you.

You look up at me. I can see you silently pleading “Don’t let them fuck me.” You are saying.

Of course I will not let them. I am not into that. A woman has the right to say no; you have the right to say no to them. But will you? Will you say no?

Of course you will, no self respecting woman is going to allow men to fuck her this way; men she has never even seen before; men she knows nothing about. You will say no won’t you?

But will you?

When one of the men leans over and kisses you gently on the lips as he fondles your breasts and whispers in your ear “I want to fuck you, can I?” Will you tell him no?

You think you will. But what if I taste you first? I love to taste my slutty girls. I love to go down on their sweet pussies and run my tongue over their clitty; run my tongue through the crevices of their labia; delve my tongue inside their opening and feel their juices flooding against my lips. I like also to slip my fingers deep inside their tight vagina, slide in deep until I find that g-spot. Will you say no then?

You may have experienced a man that way; you may have cum from the hand and tongue of a man before but women do it better. A woman knows her intimate parts better than a man does and a woman knows how to please a woman better than a man.

Would you still say no then? Would you still say no if he asked you again as I made you cum? Would you still say no to having his cock inside you then?

Perhaps you might. But you wouldn’t after what I planned for you next.

You would watch me go to the rack and select a flogger. Have you ever felt the leather strands of a flogger against your naked flesh? Have you ever felt those sharp stings? Do you know what it’s like to experience that excruciating pain? Your thighs; your bottom, even between your legs would feel the gentle lashings of those thongs. I would pay particular attention to your pussy. Your labia lips would already be wet and swollen from the attention of my tongue. Imagine the feel of those leather strands against you.

Would you still say no then, as he kissed you and asked if he could put his cock inside your tight pussy?

You might but next time you wouldn’t say no. I can assure you of that.

Once again you would watch me go over to the racks. I would tease and taunt you as I picked up various instruments. I know that you would be watching; wondering what I would select for you. What do you fear most I wonder?

I know what you fear most. I know what everyone fears most. I am not a Maitresse for nothing!

My single-tailed whip would make you say yes. It’s just a pearl handled instrument with a simple, single strand of leather, knotted at the end; just a simple instrument of pain but a very effective instrument. The lashes seem easy to take at first but then as lashed flesh gets struck again and again the pain gets worse; eventually the flesh will start to cut, but it rarely gets to that stage.

You will soon realise that the only way to stop the pain is to have something to buffer the lashes; something that stands between you and the whip. A man. A man standing between your thighs.

You know you have to say yes now don’t you? Even if his cock has to be inside you; even if he has to fuck you; even if he has to use you like a whore. You have no alternative but to say yes. As he leans over you once again and runs his hands over your breasts; as he kisses you gently and he asks to fuck you again you finally give in and whisper “Yes”.

“What was that?” He will ask to be certain.

“Yes.” You will say a little louder.

“Yes to what?” He will tease.

“YES, FUCK ME.” You will scream, as your stinging bottom gets worse.

And that is all that he would be waiting for; all that they would be waiting for and all I was waiting to hear from your lips. Your invitation to the men to fuck you. I can nod to them now; give them my approval. You have consented to letting six men; six strangers; six dirty and depraved males use you like a whore.

I would stand and watch; watch as one by one they satisfied themselves with your pussy; watch their cocks thrust in and out of your cunt; watch as they emptied their cum inside you, watch as each one pulled out for the next man to take his place. Watch as cock after cock pushed back the cum dribbling from your pussy as they entered. Watch as your dignity evaporated into the air.

You would try to hold back from taking any form of pleasure from them but it wouldn’t last; you would start to enjoy their cocks inside you; soon start to enjoy that thick, long flesh inside you. But most of all you would be unable to hold back the slut within you; you know and I know that deep down inside you are a whore.

By the time the last one had taken his pleasure with you the first would be ready to take you again. I told you that I had selected them specially; they are by no means Adonis’, in fact they are most unattractive but they are selected for their staying power. They rarely get the opportunity to fuck a young, slim, and attractive women like yourself so they will make sure they have their fill of you.

But I know that secretly you will be pleased; secretly you will be thankful that they did manage to go round and round again. You have a lot of pent up lust inside you; lust that has built up over the years; lust that is now being satisfied and once they had finished it would be your turn to pleasure me.

Yes you heard right; pleasure me. I expect my sluts to pleasure me. Your arms will be lowered and your hands released from the spreader bar and I will climb on the table. As I lower myself down on your face you will know what is expected of you. You may have not pleasured another woman before but you will pleasure me; your tongue will touch every part of me; it will delve into every cleft and fold of flesh; it will lift the hood of flesh over my clitty and tease me; it will dig deep inside my opening and you will enjoy the rush of juices that flow over your lips. You will bring me to climax and my juices will flood your face and flow down your cheeks.

You know what I will do to you if you don’t satisfy me don’t you? You know that I will be merciless with my riding crop on your already tender bottom, don’t you?

And as you pleasure me be prepared for the men to take turns with you again. Men get excited at seeing a woman pleasure another woman and these men will. They will get erections again and will take their pleasure of your already well-fucked pussy again. But I know that you won’t complain; deep down inside it has always been a secret desire of yours to pleasure another woman while getting fucked at the same time.

Once they have finished with you; once we have all finished with you, you may go. The men will take you to the shower room; you don’t want to leave smelling like a well-fucked whore do you? The men will join you as well; they won’t want to go home to their wives smelling of you. Don’t be surprised if they fuck you again either; a shower can revitalise a man very quickly and the sight of a naked woman alongside them will be arousing. So just because you are out of the dungeon don’t think they can’t touch you again; they are entitled to make you touch your toes and fuck you from behind.

When you are dressed and composed you will come and join me for a few moments so that I can consult my diary and book you in for your next appointment.

“You won’t want to come back?”

Don’t make me laugh girl; I know you. You’re a whore, a filthy slut, and you need someone like me. You will come back time and time again.


So when are you going to come to my dungeon?


I can see you there in front of your computer screen, with one hand on the mouse and it’s cursor on the red exit button. You have one eye on the door in case anyone comes into the room. I know you. They may think that you are writing a report but I know that you are reading this; I know what you are thinking. I know that your panties are damp you filthy little whore. So come on then slut, you know where I am, come and join me.

“Will it be like with that woman?”

Wait and see. Not every session in my dungeon is the same. I will know within minutes of meeting you what you really want; what you really need. One thing you can be sure of though; no one leaves my dungeon the same way they came in.

So come on.

My dungeon awaits you.

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Times In Tehran ContinuedA comment saying “I want more” was posted on my “Times In Tehran” story so I will relate a bit more about things Paddy and I enjoyed together in and around Tehran . If you haven’t read that earlier story you may want to read it before reading this one to learn who Paddy and George are and why I was in Tehran. Paddy had certain ways about what she would do and what she wouldn’t do. She might spend several nights in a row with me, or I might not see or hear from her for...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Food DesertChapter 21

Ms. Chen took me to task. Seems I wasn’t paying as much attention to my businesses as I should. “I’ve got good people, Mom. I’m just a bit preoccupied right now.” “News flash honey. Women have babies every day and the world doesn’t stop revolving because of it. You have an even bigger duty now, besides Mickey, you’ll now have a little one. You need to look to their futures.” “I understand your logic, and while women have children every day, they don’t have mine. I’d like to savor every...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 8:Annie’s first day in her new freedom role started out with her being fucked by Jake bent over the kitchen table. Sitting at the table to the side was Bobbi, her elbows on the table sipping her coffee, not two feet from her. She was realizing something new about herself, already. Having Bobbi sitting there so casually while she was being fucked was an additional turn-on. She enjoyed being seen by them. There was an exhibitionistic side to her. She saw that it would come into play a lot...

2 years ago
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RoomersChapter 14

'How come you spend so much time lookin' outa that dam' window?' Jeez, what a dumb question. My comfort zone, Annie. Guess it's where I do my thinkin'. You gotta go already?' She was dressed, hair still damp from the shower, looked exactly like a well-fucked woman. Fact is, she looked almost exactly like the first time I saw her. Older, sure, but she was handling it pretty good. Still gave the best BJ's in the fuckin' universe too. I was kinda glad ol' Ray was mostly out of her...

2 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 9

A Little Tail - Part 9 By Lexi Lee Question I really need your help here. No it's not that I need a cum fix (Umm, I can't believe I said that, maybe later, 'K?) What I need is some information. You see we were having a discussion over lunch and it ended up in a bet. You really have no idea what I'm talking about do you? Sorry I'll start at the beginning. Mickey, Cherry, Chad and I went to our local mall for a girls day out. You know shopping, flirting,...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Britney Amber Second Appearance

Britney Amber might be the biggest slut in town. Seriously. She’s been to this particular adult book store so many times, the clerks are tired of her. They know what she’s up to back in the video arcade, and quite frankly, they’re not too happy about it — at all. “Well, if your dick was big and black, I just might suck it!” Britney chirps, as she strolls back to the “cruisy area” of the store. Britney knows the video arcade is full of creeps and...

1 year ago
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FourWay BrideChapter 6

It was a dream, Millie thought after awakening in the morning. I dreamed the whole thing! But the vividness of the memory made such a conclusion difficult to accept. Slowly, trembling with dread over what she would find, Millie reached underneath the sheet that covered her and glided her hand down her body, across the ruffled hem of her nightgown and up into the hairy cleft between her thighs. Her pussy remained slightly puffed, the passage easy to enter. Slipping two slender fingers...

4 years ago
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Fiftieth Birthday Act 4 The Meeting

Helene Helene Connors sat in the spacious conference room at Johnson and Kemp Attorneys at Law, the yellow legal pad on the large polished table in front of her mocked her with its emptiness. She was getting ready for the most important meeting of her life and she sat there, mind wandering, unable to put a cogent argument together about why Michael should not divorce her. For a week she had been attempting, without success, to make notes or bring some semblance of order to her jumbled...

2 years ago
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Brutal Femdom

Brutal FemdomI met her in a local tavern one evening after work. She was sitting atthe bar nursing a martini and quite alone. I watched her for the better part of 45 minutes and finally decided to send her over a refresher. She looked up at me as the barmaid set the drink in front of her and gave me a half smile and a wink.She was absolutely the most beautiful woman I had seen in a long while.Her jet black hair was cropped fairly short, not too short. She wore agray pin striped business suit...

2 years ago
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fishing freddie

We had just moved house,my mum nad dad and me and my younger brother,we had moved to a little village in the north of england 7miles from the nearest town.the first few weeks my brother and i were on school holidays so we went exploring our new surrondings.i was fifteen at the time and he was 13 and we were very keen fisherman which was lucky for us as we found we were very close to the river.after we had been there a week or so we decided to go fishing and as usual we got up at 5oclock the...

2 years ago
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Under the Mistletoe

The sounds of traditional Christmas music, intermixed with more conventional party fare, filled the air as the employee Christmas party at Hanson Brothers Auto Mall entered its fourth and final hour. As company parties went, this one was better than most, despite the fact that it was taking place in the temporarily emptied showroom, as opposed to one of the restaurants or rental halls that most other companies in town booked for the occasion. Hanson Brothers was a fairly good-sized business,...

1 year ago
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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Five Sweeties and Stockings

The Christmas season has flashed by us so quickly and I can barely wait for the big day! Only another week until I can finally see my gorgeous hunk Kyle... It seems an age since I first started and laid eyes on him, so much has gone off since then, if only he didn’t have to take that vacation... In the house itself, there was a much warmer feel, tinsel was up around the ceilings, and the two huge trees were up, with presents dropped aimlessly around them. A sign of affection in a boy’s...

1 year ago
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Dream MasterChapter 26 Complications

Allison had mixed feelings about Christine's new schedule. On the one hand she was unhappy that we wouldn't get a ball to work with and that the experiments she had in mind for the evening had to be put off. On the other hand, it meant she got me to herself for the evening, and she planned to take full advantage, going to bed so early my mom even said something about it. "It was a long day," Allison said. "I'm a little burned out, so I'm going to meet Jimmy in the cabana for some...

1 year ago
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Watching my gf from the closet

This clearly blew me away, seeing actual proof that she was into other guys. But it also was fascinating to me, that she could be planning this while acting totally normal towards me. From what I saw, she was hooking up with this guy, including previous times in our own apartment. I was completely hard reading this, and enticed. I heard the shower turn off, so quickly scanned what I could, seeing that Nathan was arriving at 8. The rest of the day was normal, with Amy acting completely...

2 years ago
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Rashmi Bhabhi Ko Choda 8211 Part I

Hi my name is raju. Mai gujarat se hun. First main aap logo ko mai apne bare mai batana chahta hu. Meri height 5 ft 6 ” hai, handsome bhi hu aur body bhi achchi hai. Mai aap logo ko jyada bore nahi karte hue sidha story pe aata hun. Mere pados mai ek bhabhi rahti hai jiska name rashmi bhabi hai. Jo dikhne mai ek bada hi maal lagti hai. Jise hamare maholle wale sab ke sab use pana chahte hai. Uski age karib 35 sal hogi par lagti nahi hai. Lekin unke ghar hamara aana jana rahta tha.Rashmi bhabhi...

4 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 20

Mak came striding easily along the trail, Kim trotting jauntily along at his side. Behind them a ragged tail of woebegone men dragged along, looking as though they might collapse from sheer weariness if they ever let themselves stop. "Hello, the camp," Mak called in a cheery voice. "How about some food and drink for the hungry travelers?" "Sure thing, Mak. Bring them over by the fire." Jewel couldn't help laughing at what she saw when the sentry's hail brought her to the edge of the...

1 year ago
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Me My Mom My Aunt

My name is Nitin. I live in a small house in Pune with my widowed mother and her cousin sister. This happened around 11 years back when i was 17. My mom was around 40. Mom's cousin sister lived with us to help us with the household chores. Her husband had left her after 10 years of marriage for another young girl. My mother's name was Radha and my aunt's name was Shalini. My mom was 40 yrs old. She is slightly on the fatter side still had a smooth sexy body. Her breasts were huge, must be...

4 years ago
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Threesome with lesbian couple

Here is a true story about my fabulous BBW lover Claire. I didn’t know it when we first met, but later on found out that she was bisexual. This didn’t bother me at all, actually it turned me on.. a lot. One day when we were chatting, she asked me if I would every like to watch her with another woman. Well I was shocked and very horny at the prospect, ‘yes ok, that would be fun’ I said, but she new that really I was gagging to watch! She said that she had a friend who was a lesbian, who she had...

3 years ago
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Shower Fingercuffs too

Shower. (Fingercuffs too) "Ive told you before. Its not a shower." Mark says, his grin becoming even wider. "Its a wet room." Personally I have always considered it somewhere between the two. His bathroom is gorgeous. Plenty of pure white tile with random grey and black tiles spread around the walls. Very masculine but then Mark lives alone and can...

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Forced My Aunt For Sex Intially And Enjoyed Her Body For Years

Myself kumar and I am from tumkur, karnataka…This is a real story of mine.I always dream of fucking my aunty who is very sexy, she had nice boobs and back and very cute face…Her name is kamala. She was 40 and I was 22..I had completed my engineering in the year 2005 and came to bangalore in search of job and my uncle was a govt employee. I got a job and stayed with them… I didn’t have any such intentions till my uncle was alive, my uncle met with an accident and died. I was the only guy in the...

3 years ago
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Of Monsters Men Mermaid chronicles II

Introduction: Sorry it took me so long guys, I found it hard to write for a little while. Please post any suggestions for story in the comments and i will consider them, as part of my problem was introducing new material. Oh and no one answered my question: Is having sex with a mermaid bestiality?? please tell me. im not quite sure as this is a mythological gray area. Fuck me. Fuck me Fuck me fuck me. That thought kept running through my head. The airport was my least favorite place on the...

2 years ago
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Taboo IslandChapter 4

"Mom, aren't we going to the lagoon today?" Thomas asked the next day when his mother showed no indication that she was getting ready to go. Grace told Thomas that she wasn't feeling well and that they would have to wait a few days for any further lessons. She wasn't entirely lying as her period had started. But there was another reason ... she was worried about being alone with him again. She could see that Thomas was upset but she convinced herself that it was unavoidable. She...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 30

I found out what she was talking about when I woke up in my room. Actually I woke for a while in the recovery room, but then went right back to sleep. When I woke up in the hospital room, Joan and Jose were waiting for me to return to the land of the living. "I want to know if I should be jealous," I asked when I got my wits about me. "Probably," Joan replied with a playful laugh. "I was afraid of that. Jose is a real heart breaker," I said and watched him redden. "So how are you...

1 year ago
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Aunty Reshma

Hello to all its abt my sex life how got in to it. We used to stay in an old Mumbai bldg. And it was the best multi religion society. We have the best educated and u say the worst it was mix match society with lot of funs always. I was like almost 15 yrs old .and kind of aware abt sex. But never experienced. I always was fascinated .with all those aunts bhabi kept watching them. I was an athlete with a height of 5.3 and ok build .me and my friend (who is a top cop) always watch this aunty .wish...

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Progenitor 2 Just a Shopping Trip

Trying to shop for clothes, the Progenitor fathers over a hundred children. To those following continuity: Progenitor 1 originally ended with a very short, rushed bit where the Progenitor traded the egg he was holding for a satchel of cash and used it to obtain a room at a hotel. I vastly prefer its current ending, where he walks out the door and doesn't know what to do next. The upcoming eBook edition (tenatively titled 'Progenitor: Origin') expands those events into a story about as long...

3 years ago
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Gigolo Service in Gujarat

Hello dosto,kalp again,mai gujarat me rahata hu ap sab ne meri pehli story padhi hogi. Lekin ek response ek married female ka mila. Usne likha tha “ nav, mujhe aapki story achhi lagi, kash ye mere sath bhi ho pata!” To dosto main us ledy ke sath ka apna experience share kerna chahta hoon. Meri ye real story padh ke response zaroor bhejein. To dosto maine us mail ka reply diya, usne mujhe milne ke liye bulaya when her husband was not at home. Main uske batai hui jagah per pahuncha. There was a...

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These Fucked Up Days Just Keep Coming Pt 3

Author’s note: I’m not Kate, and I don’t engage in or agree with incest outside the confinement of my fucked up imagination. ~FT December 15 th Blog Entry: I hate to fly when the temperature is below freezing. I don’t care what the reason really—if they have to de-ice the plane before takeoff, the trip isn’t worth taking. And to add to my traveling disdain, I’m surrounded by my family. You’ve heard me bitch about them before, bloggers. My parents are unkind, arrogant, judgmental assholes and...

1 year ago
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First times are never what you expect them to be

First times are never what you expect them to be, mine certainly was not. I was 19, 5 10 blonde and with blue eyes. The newish world internet was but a dial-up away and I had learned of the joys of cybersex, but not the real thing. In many ways the ease of how you could meet people and be more honest was much easier than real life and looking back I probably got a little to immersed in that side of things and missed a few real life romances. This is because while I was "one of the lads" I was...

First Time
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Maid to be Submissive part 1

As I stared up at the ceiling, contemplating my own existence, I couldn't help but retrace the last few weeks in my mind. My girlfriend had just broken up with me, apparently, she had met someone else and had been cheating on me for months.The same week, I found out that my company was laying people off and I was about to lose my job too. This is how I ended up at age twenty-five, living with my mom again.It wasn't all bad, I thought, trying to convince myself. My mom owned a long-stay motel,...


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