365 Days
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Maria's Diary: 365 days in the dungeon
Copyright 2007 Master Harris, by virtue of his ownership of Slave Maria.
These are the weekly logs of Slave Maria, taken during her incarceration in the dungeon.
January 4th, 2006
Today begins the first day of my sentence. Master has ordered me to keep a log, starting today, and to update it every Wednesday until my sentence is complete.
He has just left, and I am alone now, locked in the dungeon in the cellar of Master's house.
This is a copy of the summary judgment, which Master gave me not 10 minutes ago. I still can't believe it as I type it in:
Motion of Summary Judgment:
It is hereby recorded that Master Harris (hereafter referred to as "Master") has put forward a motion for summary judgment, due to the facts of the case being uncontested. Slave Maria (hereafter referred to as "Slave") agrees to the motion, and will submit to this summary judgement.
(see appendix a: motion of summary judgment)
(Ed: This is the original motion I signed yesterday)
Slave is hereby charged with criminal negligence, destruction of property, insolence, unacceptable attire, and public nudity without Master's consent.
It is also noted that Slave has a long history of disobedience, and that, though many punishments have been applied, Slave has shown no sign of reforming her ways.
Because Slave has a long history of disobedience, it is clear that she is unwilling to change her wicked ways. For this reason, Slave is hereby sentenced to 1 year (365 days) in the dungeon.
Slave is to be chained up at all times in her steel harness, and may not leave the dungeon during her incarceration
Further punishments or rewards may be given at Master's discretion.
The above sentencing may not be suspended, revoked, or relaxed in any way, except for the duration of a medical emergency.
Eligibility for parole:
It is hoped that Slave will take this time to reflect upon, and reform her ways. Slave will be, subject to Master's approval, eligible for parole after a period of not less than 6 months from the beginning of her sentence.
Parole is offered at the sole discretion of Master, and is dependent upon Slave's behavior during her imprisonment.
Statement of Prosecutor:
I hereby state that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge, and that I will carry out this sentence to its completion.
Date: __January 3rd, 2006__
Master Harris _____________________ (Master's signature is here)
Statement of Defendant:
I hereby state that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge, and submit myself to the findings and judgments as stated above.
Date: __January 4th, 2006__
Slave Maria _____________________ (My signature is here)
This was read to me by Master, and submitted to by me, with the dungeon camera as a witness.
I'm still in shock over the whole thing. My skin felt positively electric as he applied my steel harness, partly because I knew it wouldn't come off for a whole year, partly because he explained to me what he was doing as he went along.
All of the hex bolts that lock my restraints he dipped into a gray, goopy compound before screwing them in. It's some kind of metal glue that prevents a bolt from ever coming loose. Just for good measure, he also drilled out the heads so that I couldn't try even if I ever got ahold of a screwdriver. I truly am trapped in my chains until Master drills out each and every bolt.
I've never been locked up for more than three days until now. The prospect of 6 months, barely able to move, has me really scared (and very excited at the same time!).
Master is coming. I have to stop writing now.
January 11th, 2006
It's been one week, and Master has turned on the computer so that I can type in my log.
This week was very hard for me. I didn't sleep well at all because my chains only let me lie certain ways. Also, the mattress on the floor is thin and sometimes there's a draft (I'm never allowed to wear clothes or have blankets).
The initial excitement wore off after the first day, and it's been really hard for me this week. My limbs are sore from having to hold them a certain way all the time. Do I really have to stay like this for 6 months???
It's the sheer length of my imprisonment that's got me down. Is this how all convicts feel? No, they don't live 24/7 in heavy chains like I do.
I'm given a very strict routine which I must follow:
Every morning an alarm sounds, and I get up.
I go to the bathroom and clean myself while waiting for Master.
When Master arrives, he brings my breakfast, and chats with me while I eat. He also brings any dishes and laundry that need cleaning.
After breakfast, I brush my teeth and then do the dishes and laundry. The dishes go into a drying rack, and the laundry onto a hanging rack that Master brings in and then takes away when I'm done.
All of this is done in a shallow basin in one corner of my cell (which I also use to clean myself). I'm given a sponge to clean the dishes with, and an old fashioned wash board for the laundry.
Afterwards, I clean the entire cell.
It actually takes a lot of time to do this! My chains are very restrictive, and I have to move my entire body when scrubbing laundry against the wash board.
I also can't really wash myself that well, since my hands don't reach everywhere. Master gave me a full body scrubbing on Saturday, which was nice, but I'm starting to feel dirty again.
When I'm done cleaning, I do 20 laps around my cell. This takes awhile because I'm still not used to my chains.
At lunch it's a similar routine. Master comes in and chats, then I brush my teeth and do the dishes, then I do another 20 laps (I need this because I'm dangerously close to being 5 pounds over my ideal weight right now. Master punishes me if I go 5 pounds over or under).
Dinner is usually something hot, but there's also a lot more dishes to do.
I have downtime in the morning before lunch, and for about 3 hours in the afternoon, which I usually spend thinking.
I've had a lot of time to think, and I'm wondering now why I misbehaved so much. My sentence is right and just. I'm a very bad girl and I need to be punished. If only I'd behaved myself, I'd be free right now. I'd be able to walk out into the garden, which will be in bloom in a few months. Down here I can't even tell if it's day or night. The lights are on all the time, and my cell is so far underground that there are no windows anywhere.
The earliest I could ever get out will be July, the middle of summer! My entire spring has been taken away from me! And Master has stressed many times now that I'd have to show exemplary behavior to even be considered for parole.
I'm a prisoner, and there's no hope of escape or release for me. Master always keeps his word in these matters.
January 25th, 2006
There was no update last week because I spent Wednesday and Thursday in the hole.
Master made beef and broccoli for dinner, and I refused to eat it (I HATE broccoli!). Master warned me once, then told me I'd spend 24 hours in the hole. When I protested, he upped it to 48 hours.
The hole is just that; a square, concrete hole in my cell, with a heavy metal cover that can be secured in place with a padlock. I'm looking at it now as I type, remembering the long hours alone in the darkness. I've spent one night in there before (about 4 months ago). It was bearable then, because I knew I'd be free when I came out (I spent 1 night inside - about 10 hours).
This time was almost 5 times as long, and I knew that when I came out, I'd still remain in chains, in the dungeon.
I got cramps all over, and then I cried and whined at the second mealtime (lunch. I never ate dinner the first night). Master got angry and refused to change my diaper for the rest of my punishment, and even threatened another 24 hours, which shut me right up.
Yes, I wear diapers when I'm in the hole since there are no bathroom facilities in there (It's a hole, right?). I had to do a number 2 during the night, and so I had a very smelly diaper when he told me he wouldn't change it.
The stench in such a confined space was horrible. Master washed me throughly afterwards, but I still had the phantom smell in my nose for most of the day.
I didn't complain when he came at mealtimes after that, and so after 48 hours I was let out. My cell never seemed so big! I did 40 laps to celebrate my relative freedom.
P.S. When I was released from the hole, my next meal was beef and broccoli. I ate it without complaint this time!
February 1st, 2006
Master asked me why I never described my steel harness. It never occurred to me that I should describe it since we both know what it is. Is Master planning on showing other people my diary?
Slave Maria's steel harness:
The steel harness is a combined set of chains and restraints that all lock to each other in order to severely restrict my movement. Everything is made from stainless steel (which is quite heavy), and all parts that lock around my body parts are lined with neoprene to prevent chafing. Master is very concerned over any rough edges that might cause injury, and so it took him almost a year to build it. I helped out a lot, filing, sanding, and buffing till my arms felt like they'd fall off. Every piece is beautifully made, and looks exquisite against my skin. I just never expected to be locked in them for so long! This is my 28th day in them. I have at 154 days to go if I make parole. 337 if I don't.
Anyway, there are a few main parts:
The head cage:
This is a cage made of steel bands that wraps around my head, and ends in a collar around my neck. There's a plate across the mouth area with a hole in it for feeding, or applying gags (Master has made a number of gags which can be locked in). There's also a hinged piece under the chin that, when locked, holds my mouth shut.
The steel bra:
This consists of two steel mesh cylinders that poke straight out. My tits go through those and poke straight out like bazookas (I'm a 34D, so you can just imagine how they look). The cylinders connect to the main harness, which looks like a metallic bra with thick straps. Think of Madonna's famous pointy bra, but made of metal and with open cylinders instead of cones. Take that, Madonna! The shoulder straps attach to the torso strap in behind, and it all locks at a single point. The whole thing is lined to avoid chafing, except for the breast cylinders. It's a snug fit, and my tits bulge about an inch out of the ends when I wear it.
Master also added an extra evil feature to it. There's a thin band (about 1/2 inch) of metal that lines the inside of each cylinder at the back, and comes out of two slots at the top. When you pull on them, they squeeze my tits like any breast bondage would. It also has holes along it so that it can be put over the row of locking posts on the cylinders and locked in place with a padlock. They're currently locked at the third post, and my tits are ballooning out the ends. 3 is uncomfortable. 4 is painful. He's only locked it at 5 once, and I almost fainted.
Wrist and elbow restraints:
These are heavy steel manacles. The elbow cuffs connect via a chain to my collar, and another chain to the wrist cuffs. My wrist cuffs are also connected to a metal bar, which has three attachment points so that Master can lock my arms at almost any point. There's also a second bar that can be put between the elbow cuffs (in front or behind), but that gets painful after awhile, so it's not normally attached long term.
Chastity belt:
The chastity belt consists of a locking waist band, and a shield running underneath. The shield can be disconnected from the front and/or the back, so that Master can fuck me any way that pleases him without it getting in the way (It can even be removed completely, but Master prefers to keep it attached at one end to remind me of my place).
There's a hole at the back to do #2 out of, and it's big enough that Master can penetrate me anally while the shield is on. There are also dildo attachments that can be put inside the shield, but Master hasn't used them since my imprisonment began (This IS a punishment, you know!).
Thigh cuffs:
These attach via short chains to the chastity belt, and have a chain between them.
Knee cuffs and ankle cuffs:
These are connected via four metal bars in a sort of rectangle, making walking very difficult. My legs are always spread, and I have to shift my weight and pivot in order to get around.
All parts of this ensemble are connected via short lengths of chain, fitted to my body. I can't move any part of me without one of the chains pulling. In this way, I am constantly reminded that I am a helpless prisoner, entirely at the mercy and whims of my Master.
February 8th, 2006
Sometimes I worry that something might happen to Master, and I'd be trapped in here forever with no hope of rescue.
Is it weird that these kinds of thoughts make me hot and excited? I mean, if he were to get hit by a truck and die, or even if he had to spend some months in the hospital, I'd be doomed to a slow, agonizing death through starvation. No amount of screaming, or struggling against my bonds would free me or alter my fate.
When I think about that it scares the hell out of me, and I touch myself.
February 15th, 2006
I spent another day in the hole yesterday for not waking up on time. I've finished my morning chores and so now it's time to update the log.
I'm on a porridge diet until tomorrow, which means that I'm locked into my feeder gag. It has a hole in the center for breathing, and for sucking up the porridge. My breath is whistling in and out of the hole as I type. I'm getting steamy just hearing it.
February 22nd, 2006
Not much changed this week (when does anything change down here?).
I've just sat here for 15 minutes and realized I have nothing to say!
March 1st, 2006
Master cut my hair off yesterday. I can understand why, since it was all matted and impossible to clean, but it was still very traumatic for me. I had long, beautiful hair for most of my life. When I look in the mirror now, I see this ugly, badly cut head. I could be a leukemia patient!
I'm pretty much used to my bonds now. They feel like a natural part of my body. It'll probably feel weird when they finally come off, but that's still months away! Until then, I remain locked down here, doing my daily routine, never seeing the sun.
Actually, I haven't described my cell, have I?
Master owns a nice home (I won't say where), and the basement is very big. Master converted half of it into a playroom and jail cell (each taking 1/4). He got some plans from a real jail and a military bunker, and built his from there. He's very talented, and has an eye for detail, which is good because it's important that I really have ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to get out. No secret keys, no safe words, no loose bars. It's even sound proofed so that I can't call for help. You could be standing in the kitchen above me and not hear me screaming my lungs out. Since all of my restraints are bolted on, I couldn't, for example, try to pick a lock with a bent fork or something.
Everything from floor to ceiling is concrete reinforced such that it could withstand a direct bomb hit. The bars are all welded to a long bar running inside the concrete. They won't ever come loose.
My cell is made of three concrete walls, and then metal bars forming the front of the cell. The door is mounted on welded hinges, and can only be unlocked via an electric switch outside and around the corner, or via a hand winch in case power is lost. Master keeps the access panel locked at all times, unless he is coming into the cell. Even when the door is open, I still can't get out, because my harness is chained to the wall. I have enough play to just barely stand at the door and peek out.
The playroom and dungeon half of the basement is also behind two heavy steel doors, which Master always keeps locked. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out.
It's camouflaged on the other side. I'm not allowed to say how, but you'd never know it was there (He actually challenged me to find the door when I first came over. I couldn't tell at all until he opened it).
In the Northwest corner, there's my wash basin. It's mounted flush with the floor, is 3 feet by 3 feet, and is about 6 inches deep. I have hot and cold water, although Master can turn one or both off from a master valve if he wants to. There's also a stainless steel mirror mounted there so that I can see myself in my chains.
The northeast corner is my bed. It's another indent in the floor, filled with a thin, plastic covered foam mattress. The top of the mattress is flush with the rest of the floor.
In the exact center of the room is the hole, which I've described before. It's the only part that is padlocked, because when I'm inside it, I can't reach the lock.
On the southeast wall (next to the bars), there's a section of thick, bulletproof glass near the floor. Behind that Master has installed a computer screen (he can access it from the other side of the wall).
There's also a keyboard that folds down underneath it. This is what I'm typing on now, although it's difficult since I have to kneel on the hard concrete in order for my hands to reach.
Master has complete control over what I can do on the computer. In email mode, I can send and receive emails (which first go through Master for approval before being forwarded), but nothing else. There's no internet access in this mode, and since the email is all that shows up on the screen, I can't play solitaire, for example. The same thing goes for log mode.
In browse mode, I can access the internet, but I can't type anything in, or even copy/paste with the track ball. I can't upload/download anything, and it only lets me browse sites that have been approved by Master (mostly bondage sites and bondage equipment dealers).
In this way, I cannot call for help online. He is in control and I am a completely helpless prisoner.
The South West wall is the toilet. If you've ever been to Asia, you'll know about the squat pots. This is similar, made of stainless steel, and without the front hood part (which is apparently only for the male users anyway).
I have to squat over it to do my business, and then clean myself up afterwards (I can't open my chastity belt, so it gets dirty every time I go to the bathroom).
The jail door is also in this corner, so you have to step over the squat pot to come inside. Master actually built a wooden cover so that he can roll the clothes hanger in and out easier.
Oh, and there are two cameras mounted in the corners of the ceiling, so that Master can observe me at any time.
Well there you have it. That's the extent of my world. I've now spent 56 days chained up in the dungeon, and have a long, long way to go.
March 8th, 2006
Master brought over Michelle, one of my girlfriends, early this week.
He can't always be around, and so Michelle is helping to take care of me while he's away.
Michelle works part time as a dominatrix, and she's VERY strict. I have to present myself properly to her whenever she enters the room, and she won't stand for idle chatter. I've already received numerous punishments by her.
Master seems happy with her, and has even gone for an entire day (Michelle stayed at the house overnight).
March 22nd, 2006
I missed another log last week because I spent most of it in the hole.
Michelle and I have a past together. I knew she was tempted, and there's a lot I could have done to reduce it, but instead I pushed her past the breaking point.
Master saw the recordings from my cell and was furious. He locked both of us in the hole together. It was a close fit with just me, but adding Michelle made it downright painful. He even threatened to convict and imprison her as well.
We both spent an uncomfortable night together in the darkness, and then he released her the next day. I stayed in the hole for an entire week.
Michelle came back a few days after (while I was still in the hole) and apologized to Master. He seems to have forgiven her, because she's taking care of me again whenever he's not around, although he doesn't give her the keys to my chastity belt anymore.
March 29th, 2006
Not much to report this week. I've been on my best behavior, and Master has calmed down, although he hasn't fucked me since that day. To make matters worse, my hands have always been locked too high to reach my pussy, so I've been without a single orgasm since I was put in the hole. (This is not for lack of trying, though!)
April 5th, 2006
Almost a month since my last orgasm now. If he were to leave me like this for the rest of my sentence, I'd go mad. I've tried time and time again to stimulate myself by rubbing along the mattress, but the belt prevents all but the faintest sensations. It's almost enough to start, but certainly not enough to finish.
Michelle knows how I'm suffering, but she won't so much as rub my nipple. I complained to Master on Sunday and spent the entire day gagged.
April 12th, 2006
Master must have kept track, because he lowered my arms today so that I could reach my pussy again. It was exactly 1 month to the day. Of all the punishments he's given, this was the hardest to bear. I hope he doesn't make a habit of it.
The orgasm was excruciatingly delicious, by the way.
April 19th, 2006
Over 3 months in the dungeon now. I'm past the halfway point to my parole. I tried to bring up the subject with Master, but he refused to talk about it. Maybe he's still mad about Michelle?
April 26th, 2006
I tried to bring up the subject of parole again. Master got angry and left. When he came back, he brought a sheet of paper:
Prisoner: Slave Maria
Warder: Master Harris
On January 4th, 2006, Slave Maria (hereafter referred to as "Slave") was convicted of numerous crimes, and sentenced to one year in the dungeon, with a possibility of parole after 6 months.
Since Slave's incarceration, she has committed numerous infractions for which it was necessary to administer punishment, including but not limited to:
- Refusing food
- Sleeping beyond the wake up call
- Illegal sexual contact with a warder
For the crime of illegal sexual contact with a warder, Master Harris has decided not to prosecute. However, in light of Slave's flagrant disregard for the rules, her parole is hereby denied. Slave will serve her full term of one year in the dungeon.
I, Master Harris, do testify that the above represents the final status of Slave's parole, and that no further amendments may be made.
Date: __April 26th, 2006__
Signed: ___________________ (Master's signature here)
I, Slave Maria, have read the above judgment. I understand that my parole has been denied, and I will serve out my entire sentence as originally given.
Date: __April 26th, 2006__
Signed: ___________________ (My signature here)
So there you have it. My spring, summer, and fall are now taken from me. I won't see the light of day until January now.
Oh why, oh why did I do that stupid thing with Michelle? And I did it on purpose!
I'm such a stupid, naughty girl! Master is right to keep me locked up.
May 3rd, 2006
Nothing much to report. I got pretty depressed knowing that my halfway point is now a quarter-way point. The good news is that Master is making use of my holes again.
May 10th, 2006
I'm having my period today, and the menstrual cramps have been pretty bad this time, so I'm not in a particularly good mood. As a matter of fact, I've been brooding in my cell all day (well, during all of my free time anyway).
I'm not sure if I can take another 8 months locked in here. The tulips I planted will be in bloom by now. I wonder if anyone is tending to the garden? I had it all planned out so that there would be flowers in bloom all through the spring and summer. I'd hate for them to get all choked by weeds.
May 17th, 2006
Michelle agreed to look after the flowers, so that's a relief. She's also touching me again since Master gave the okay. She's still as strict as ever, though!
She's always playing with my boobs now whenever she cleans me. She's even asked Master to get my nipples pierced (which she'd gladly do pro-bono), but Master doesn't like tattoos or piercings. Fooey!
May 24th, 2006
I broke a dish after dinner on Monday and spent the night in the hole for it.
Master seems agitated lately. I'll have to ask him about it later.
May 31st, 2006
Bad news. Master's portfolio took a dive this month. He saved some of it, but he may have to take up a part time or maybe even a full time job to stay afloat. He still has 3 years left on his mortgage, but he doesn't dare sell the place. With all he's invested in it I can understand. Michelle said she could take care of me in the mornings, but she still does dominatrix work in the afternoons. Oh, the troubles of the working world! It's a world apart from me.
June 7th, 2006
Master took a job as a telemarketer (part time in the mornings). He's not suited to it at all, and always comes home grumpy now. I'm on my absolute best behavior now, so that I don't stress him any more than he is already. What more can a helpless prisoner like me do?
June 14th, 2006
Master quit the telemarketing job, and then spent all his time looking for something else. He said he'd deliver newspapers in a snowstorm if that's what it took.
Fortunately he didn't have to since once of Michelle's customers had to have an operation done and won't be able to work for three months. It's a mail room job, and the boss is okay with Master doing it part time. So that's a relief. Master tried to pay Michelle for looking after me but she steadfastly refused. I doubt Master will let it stand at that, but for now he has no choice; He needs to pay his bills somehow.
I just languish in my bondage, knowing there's no escape for me. 5 months in captivity now. I hardly remember what it was like to not be bound in chains.
June 21st, 2006
With the crisis over, my naughty side reared its ugly head again. I sprayed master with water from the tap as he came in to fetch the clean dishes.
That was two days ago. Since then, I've spent all my "free" time and sleep time hanging. My head cage is chained to the ceiling, and a chain runs from the front and back of my chastity belt to anchor points in the corners of my cell (with me hanging in the exact center, unable to touch the ground). Any movement is extremely painful on my pussy (actually, just hanging there is painful!), so I keep still as much as I can.
Michelle can't lift me, so my routine has been changed. Washing and cleaning is now done in the afternoon, when Master comes home. The entire morning is spent hanging. Michelle spanks and taunts me every day, adding to my humiliation.
When I finish this log, I'll be hung again for the night. After two days my pussy is VERY sore. I doubt I'll sleep tonight.
June 28th, 2006
I had an accident just before Master came home on Thursday. Michelle was spanking me and I just couldn't hold it anymore.
I'm not blaming Michelle. I was gagged and so I couldn't have told her. But Master said that even if I'd told her, it was still my responsibility to manage my bowels properly.
The piss all went through the edge of the hole cover, and made quite a mess inside since there's no drain in there. The floor all around is inclined to various degrees, so that any accidental spillage will run into the wash basin. Unfortunately, I was suspended directly over the cover, and so it all ran inside.
I spent the night in the hole (without a diaper), and was only allowed to clean it up the next morning.
Things are back to normal now, and I'm behaving myself, trying to make the best of my situation.
So much time in bondage...
Sometimes I wonder why I let myself get into this situation. I didn't have to stay with Master. I could have left him and gone my own way, and yet I submitted to his judgment, I accepted his chains, and now I'm locked in his dungeon.
It takes 20 minutes to a half hour to lock me into the steel harness. I could have run away. Well, not really. By the time I was in his dungeon it was already too late since he always locks the door. I could have fought him, but it would have been to no avail. No. The time to flee was the moment he handed me the motion for summary judgment. The back door was unlocked. Freedom was mere paces away. It still is, actually, but I cannot reach it. We both made sure of that when building my restraints. I can be such a silly girl at times.
July 19th, 2006
No update for 2 weeks since I spent 10 days in the hole.
I was brooding over my predicament, and feeling particularly irritable. Maybe because I was almost at the 6 month point (the fact that my period was due any day didn't help, either).
It was Michelle that set me off, forcing me to lick her boots again. The taste of shoe polish is just awful, and it doesn't go away for hours even if you wash your mouth out.
Anyway, I flew off the handle, and started shouting all sorts of nasty things to her. She tried to push me down onto the bed, but I lurched forward and we both fell onto the floor. I think I might have scared her, because she left and I didn't see her again for the rest of the day.
When Master came home, he asked me if anything was wrong, and I just said "Everything!" Then I started to cry.
He stayed with me and didn't say anything until I finished.
I just couldn't help myself. It was almost summer, and I hadn't even had a whiff of the spring air. Hadn't seen the sun in god knows how long!
I tried to explain to him, and I think he understood, but he reminded me that this is my punishment, and that I must serve it out completely.
Of course he's right. I brought this upon myself, and there's nobody but myself to blame for my predicament. I didn't complain when he put me in the hole, even when he said it would be for 10 days. I was a good girl the whole time, and came out feeling a lot better. One thing about the hole: It gives you a LOT of time to think.
I've decided to behave myself from now on, instead of making Master's life difficult. I apologized to Michelle, and cleaned her boots completely with my tongue (even the soles, yech!).
This is Maria, your good and obedient slave!
Oh yeah! Happy halfway point to me!
July 26th, 2006
Well, I did alright for 6 days, then I stuck my tongue out at Master this morning. Why do I keep doing these things???
I got 10 lashes on my ass, and it hurts to sit now.
August 2nd, 2006
Not much happened this week.
I'm doing my chores diligently, and always submit without question whenever Master wants to use me.
August 9th, 2006
Here's something I never thought would happen.
Master gave Michelle the keys to my chastity belt! (it now hangs from her collar like a trophy).
What's more, he's given her full use of me, as payment for taking care of me.
I don't know if I should be happy or scared to death. Michelle has a very twisted personality. She's become much more strict in recent times, and won't put up with ANY crap from me.
It doesn't bode well for this naughty slave.
August 16th, 2006
It's mid summer, but I can't feel the heat down here (I couldn't feel the cold in winter, either). Every day is the same. Every day I'm still locked in chains. Every day I'm still in the dungeon. God, it makes me hot!
I teeter between hope and despair as I think of how it would be if this were a life sentence. Hoping at the excitement of the prospect, despairing at how it would affect me were it really so.
Regardless, I'm still a prisoner for another 141 days. Have I really spent 224 days in here? I can't believe I survived this long, chained up like this! The longest I'd spent confined before was three days. THREE DAYS! I could do that standing on my head!
Maybe I shouldn't write that. Don't want to give Master any ideas!
August 23rd, 2006
Another week, another log entry. What to say?
Michelle makes extensive use of me now. She's even brought in her strap-on dildo. My mornings with her are now even more grueling than my nights with Master.
Actually, I'm not allowed to call her Michelle anymore. She's Mistress now, and I'm happier than a pig in shit.
September 6th, 2006
Mistress's friend found a better job, so he's not going back to his old one. That means Master can stay where he is! Hooray! Master figures it'll take another 2 years to get to the point where he doesn't have to work again.
Meanwhile, Master has discovered chat rooms. He's online alot now. Sometimes he sets up my screen so that I can see as he types, describing the things he does to me.
It's so embarrassing to have him expose me so. I'm just glad he refuses to post any pictures. I'd just die if he did.
Last night he tried something new. He set up his laptop in my cell, and took requests for what he should do to me.
Let me tell you, there are some SICK minds out there! One guy wanted him to cut off my tits! Master looked at me thoughtfully, and I almost screamed, then he laughed and said he'd never do something like that to his slave. I could never live with it if he mutilated me like that, but god it made me hot to be so helpless under his control!
Anyway, I took a lot of beatings, whippings, and difficult positions that night, as well as a cucumber up my ass. It's a strange, twisted world in cyberspace.
September 13th, 2006
Someone pointed Master to a site modeled after his own heart. It's all about locking women in heavy metal bondage and nasty devices, and then torturing them.
He's got two videos already. One of them is a pink haired girl who gets locked in bilboes, gets her tits stretched, and is forced to suck off some guy.
In the other one, a girl gets bound strappado style, then gets locked in a cage outside and the guy lights a fire under her.
Mmmmmm makes me wet!
We do a lot of nipple play, and Master said he's going to get a pair just like in the video. They look pretty painful!
September 20th, 2006
Master got a package in the mail today. That's all he would say before he went upstairs. This doesn't bode well for me.
It's Master's birthday tomorrow. I'd like to do something nice for him, but what can a prisoner like me do? It's not like I can go to the mall and pick up a tie or anything! I'll have to think about this.
He's coming back down again. Time to sign off.
September 27th, 2006
Those nipple clamps fucking hurt! I love it! You should see the indents they leave behind! Master is like a kid with a new toy. He got some new videos today.
One of them is a girl being tortured while locked neck and wrists in a big plank of wood. The other one is about a girl who's kept in a cage. Kind of like me. I wonder how she'd feel to be locked up for a year like that? I know how I'd feel...
October 4th, 2006
Spent some more time in the hole. I blame that video. It just made me so hot!
Master forgot to raise my arms before putting me in, so I had some of my best orgasms yet while I was inside.
October 11th, 2006
Mistress has been a right bitch all week.
First, she turned off the water so that I couldn't do the dishes or the laundry. Then, she pissed in a bowl and left that for me to drink. Master said I have to obey Mistress, didn't turn the water back on, either, so I ended up drinking it. I also got punished for failing to do the laundry. That was only Monday! It's been getting worse and worse each day!
She's gone to work now, and I have vicious welts all along my thighs. I hope Master doesn't want to use me tonight. I'm exhausted!
October 18th, 2006
I spent a day hanging for the bitch remark last week. Master's warned me that I'm getting out of control again. I must always remember my place, and respect my superiors (which, since I'm a helpless prisoner, is everybody!).
It's weird... I can go for hours without even thinking about the chains that hold me prisoner. If you saw me, you'd realize how ridiculous that sounds. How could I NOT notice???
Well, I'm noticing now. I'm alone in my cell, chained up and barely able to move, powerless to get free, and nobody knows where I am.
October 25th, 2006
I meant to type more last week, but the computer shut off while I was touching myself.
Master's attached bells to me now, which ring every time I move so much as an inch. There'll be no more forgetting my chains, or my punishment.
As a side effect, I've hardly slept all week. I got cranky and shouted at Master on Saturday, and spent 2 days crying in the hole as a result.
I mustn't give up hope now. Just over 2 months to go, and then I'll be free again.
November 1st, 2006
I'm still not sleeping well. Those bells are driving me crazy! I've managed to keep it under control, but I'm getting sloppy and forgetful. Master's paddled me three times this week for not cleaning the dishes properly.
Maybe it's the November blues? Hah! I wouldn't even know it was November if the computer didn't tell me so! Wouldn't it be a funny joke if the computer was lying? I remember a movie where this guy kept waking up on the same day again and again and again.
Well my time is up and I'm just staring blankly into space, so I guess I'll sign off.
November 8th, 2006
Happy belated birthday to me!
I turned 24 on Friday, and Master removed my bells. All I can say is THANK GOD!!! They poked me when I slept and rang every time I moved. If I weren't so tightly bound, I'd have ripped them off by now and damn the consequences!
He made me my favorite: Tortellini with lots and lots of parmesan. I even got garlic bread and some red wine, all laid out on a silver platter with a bouquet and a cloth napkin.
He set up a low table so I could reach everything, and we dined together by candle light.
I'd forgotten how good wine tastes. Master never gives me alcohol, but my birthday is a special occasion, I guess.
Oh yes, I got a cake too. I was STUFFED! I'm doing extra laps this week.
November 15th, 2006
A month and a half to go. Master got a video where the girl is actually BOLTED into a wicked looking chastity belt! He used a socket wrench to put it on! I hope it gave Master some ideas.
I feel so completely disconnected from the outside world. Sometimes it feels like it doesn't even exist, like it's a dream or a figment of my imagination. And yet I'll be returning to it soon. Should I be happy or sad?
November 23rd, 2006
Master brought down some turkey for Thanksgiving.
We ate dinner together and had a long talk. I've promised to behave myself from now until my release in January, so as to show good faith.
Master is worried that I might lose touch with reality down here, but I don't think it's a problem. I've spent 10 and a half months chained up already. What can another month and a half possibly do?
November 29th, 2006
The computer broke, so I couldn't browse or read any mail for 3 days last week. This new one is faster, and I can watch videos without them going all jittery all the time now.
Just over a month to go now. I've become very aware of my chains. They taunt me, telling me I'm still a prisoner. I'm still under punishment for my misdeeds.
A bad slave like me needs to be punished, needs to be locked up. I wonder if a year in detention was enough to reform me? I can't really remember if I was any different last year...
December 6th, 2006
Less than a month to go! I've been on my absolute BEST behavior. Not one complaint, not one dirty look. Maybe I am reformed. Perish the thought!
After all this time in captivity, I've realized that this is what I NEED. A prisoner is who I am. The dungeon is my life. These chains that bind me are actually a part of me.
I do hope he'll lock me up some more next year. Maybe not like now, but a few weeks or a month here and there would be perfect!
December 13th, 2006
The anticipation is killing me!
Master seems a bit on edge, too. I wonder how it's been for him, keeping a prisoner for a whole year? In a way, it chains him to the house as well, since he can't really go on vacation and leave me here alone.
I suppose he could set up an arrangement with Mistress and have her look after me while he's gone. Almost like asking someone to take care of your cat! Haha!
I really can't think of anything to say. Master urged me to write more, but there's not really much to tell. I wake up in chains, do my chores in chains, sit and think in chains, write my log in chains, get fucked by Master in chains, and go to sleep in chains. My life is quite simple, really.
December 20th, 2006
Some people have been badgering Master online, saying that he's cruel to lock someone up for a year.
I'm writing a response in my log, which Master will relay to them.
I'll be very frank: It excites me to be helpless. It excites me to know that I can't get myself out. It excites me to know that I'll be violated, and there's not a thing I can do to stop it.
I'm glad that Master is very strict. If he says something, it will happen, and that means that if he's locking me up for a period of time, I KNOW that I won't be freed until that time is up.
It's that certainty that escape is IMPOSSIBLE which excites me the most. When I'm locked up in here, I truly become a slave in every sense. Master owns me, body and soul. I am but a tool, a body for him to use as he wishes.
Am I mentally ill? I don't think so. I've had these fantasies since I was a little girl. Until I met Master, I had no way to fulfill these fantasies.
But Master can fulfill them, and I am eternally, ETERNALLY grateful to him for this. What are the chances of finding someone like this, who understands me completely, and is of a like mind?
I truly am the luckiest girl to ever live.
December 27th, 2006
Merry Christmas, and boxing day too! Master made a turkey dinner, complete with stuffing, potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. Actually, I suspect Mistress helped out, since Master is not that good of a cook. I'll have to do extra laps or I'm sure to go 5 pounds over!
One week to go. I'm rattling my chains all the time now, as if to get the most out of them while they're still on.
It's weird... For the first while I spent most of my time longing to get out. Now I'm not so sure I want to.
I'm having a hard time getting excited anymore. Maybe it's because I know I'm getting out? My mind is my enemy.
January 3rd, 2007
Tomorrow! I'll be released tomorrow!
How do I feel? Relief that it's finally at an end. Maybe fear at what lies ahead.
After all this time, I'll be able to walk out of this cell and out into the sunlight! (Well not really, Master said it will be rainy tomorrow, but one can hope!)
I didn't sleep well last night. I doubt I'll sleep at all tonight. I can hardly wait to get these chains off me!
Oh yeah, and happy new year!
January 4th, 2007
I'm free!
I'm still in my cell, but the door is open! Master just finished drilling out the bolts a few minutes ago. It took the entire morning because he had to go to the hardware store to get more drill bits after all of his broke! He's going to think up a better way to lock me up that doesn't require so much time to undo at the end.
Now I must make a final log entry before I actually leave my cell. He'll be posting it to the internet, so that everyone can see how I served my 365 day sentence.
My god what a strange feeling to be able to move my arms so freely! I can dance, I can pirouette! I can run around!
My head is the strangest part. It feels light as a feather now, and yet I miss the feeling of the head cage against my cheeks and the back of my skull. At least I can start growing my hair back again.
I look at my naked body, and it seems VERY naked now without the chains binding it. How strange...
Well, my sentence is over! My punishment is ended! Although it didn't really feel all that much like a punishment in the end!
This is Slave Maria, final log entry.
Addendum by Master Harris:
Slave Maria is once again in the dungeon. Her log entry explains:
January 19th, 2007
Stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm so fucking stupid!
I was out! I was free! I felt the outside air, saw the sky, for the first time in 12 months!
Then I had to have another Maria Moment.
I'd asked Master, hypothetically, what would be grounds for a life sentence.
He said it'd have to be something very serious, like kicking him in the balls or something.
So I did.
I didn't think it would hurt that much! I knew men were sensitive there, but I didn't think I kicked him THAT hard!
I really started to panic when he threw up. I was torn between running away, and staying to help.
I told him I was sorry and that I didn't think it would hurt like that. He just lay there, coughing and turning purple. I was about to call an ambulance when he grabbed me by the hair. I panicked and started screaming. There was no telling what he'd do to me after that!
He dragged me by the hair down into the cellar, and threw me into my cell. I didn't see or hear from him for the rest of the day.
God I was so scared! When he didn't come down the next day either, I REALLY started to worry. Was he dead? Had I killed him? Or was he leaving me to starve?
He came down the morning after, carrying my metal harness (He'd spent the previous day drilling out the holes and re-tapping them). I'd already removed my clothes and laid them in a neat pile. He kicked them out of the way as he came inside, ordered me to sit, and started screwing in the bolts.
I tried to apologize, but he ordered silence. I've never seen him so angry before.
I'm gagged now. It's a feeder gag, which means long term.
I face a life sentence now, just like he said I would:
Motion of Summary Judgment:
It is hereby recorded that Master Harris (hereafter referred to as "Master") has put forward a motion for summary judgment, due to the facts of the case being uncontested. Slave Maria (hereafter referred to as "Slave") hereby agrees to the motion of summary judgment, and submits to it.
(see appendix a: motion of summary judgment)
Slave is hereby charged with aggravated assault upon her master.
It has been determined that, due to the severity of the crime, and due to her repeated and willful disobedience, slave is incorrigible, and cannot be reformed.
Slave is hereby sentenced to life in the dungeon, with no eligibility for parole.
Slave is to be chained up at all times in her steel harness, and may not leave the dungeon during her incarceration.
Slave is to be gagged at all times for the first year of her sentence, unless Slave's mouth is being used by her master or mistress. Special dispensation may be given for some meals, or when Slave is required to speak.
Slave is to be placed in the hole for a period of 24 hours, twice per week for the first year of her sentence.
Further punishments or rewards may be given at Master's discretion.
The above sentencing may not be suspended, revoked, or relaxed in any way, except for the duration of a medical emergency.
Eligibility for parole:
Slave has no eligibility for parole. This remains in effect in perpetuity.
Statement of Prosecutor:
I hereby state that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge, and that I will carry out this sentence to its completion.
Date: __January 9th, 2007__
Master Harris _____________________ (Master's signature is here)
Statement of Defendant:
I hereby state that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge, and submit myself to the findings and judgments as stated above.
Date: __January 10th, 2007__
Slave Maria _____________________ (My signature is here)
Appendix A:
Master Harris (hereafter referred to as "Master") hereby petitions for summary judgment against Slave Maria (hereafter referred to as "Slave"), on the grounds that there is no contestion of the facts in this case.
Master affirms, and Slave agrees upon the following facts:
1. Slave did, on the 7th of January, 2007, kick Master in the testes, constituting an aggravated assault upon Master.
2. Slave did assault Master with malice aforethought.
I, Master Harris, do declare the above statements to be true, to the best of my knowledge.
Date: __January 9th, 2007__
Master Harris _____________________ (Master's signature is here)
I, Slave Maria, do declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, and agree to submit to a summary judgment against me.
Date: __January 10th, 2007__
Slave Maria _____________________ (My signature is here)
I don't know if I can handle being gagged all the time, but it's in as part of my sentence so I'll have to get used to it.
Why did I do this? I knew that Master never goes back on his word. I'll be chained up in this dungeon until the day I die! He's NEVER going to let me out!!!
Oh stupid, stupid, STUPID ME! Is this really how I want to spend the rest of my life??? What the hell am I doing?
I just had a long cry. Master still isn't back, but the computer's still on. Does he want me to write more?
What can I write? I'm sorry? It's a bit late for that now.
I just heard the lock on the inner door. I'm permanently encased in chains, and I could never escape here no matter how hard I tried. Master is coming now. Nothing can save me. He's coming to lock me in the hole.
October 13 Dear Diary, A truly incredible thing happened to me the other day, so mush so that I'm still a little shaken when I think back on it!!! It was early Saturday morning when my door bell rang and standing outside my door was Bonnie Jenkins and a girl I had never seen before! Bonnie asked if they could come in for a few minutes, and even though I was still in my bathrobe I said "sure" and invited them inside. It was then that I really got to give the other girl the once over, and to say...
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-1- “Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. “Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look...
-1-“Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock.“Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed.Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look away, he was getting...
Dear Diary, My name is Tilly Crawford and for the past ten years I've been the housemother for the Delta House Fraternity here at State U. Another year of school started just yesterday and the boys have been getting ready for fraternity pledge rush week by planning parties and of course the open house to allow the new freshmen to get an idea if they'd like to join Omega House. It was long summer for me diary, I really miss being around the boys and of course my pussy missed the attention it...
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Synopsis: This could be fiction, There are sections that dwell on sexual domination; By my definition a joyous state of mind, should you disagree with my perspective, by all means go elsewhere and DON'T READ ON !! Dear Diary - ForwardMy name is Danial Martin, Dan. How we got here is and isn't really all that complicated, think of it as a some what normal evolution of events, more than a social experiment, but it's more something I just stumbled into perhaps, or was I cleverly led,...
It took a few months, but everything was falling into place. I had been in contact with dozens and dozens of Katie's fans from her website after I hacked into her computer. She was pretty gullible and ran a 'joke' file I sent her. It was a custom program, not detectable by normal scanners. It gave me complete access to her system, although it was a little unstable. It didn't take long for me to find her diary. It was labeled "Katie's Diary.txt" and sat right in her Documents folder. I...
This Diary is the property of Sally Straw PRIVATE! KEEP OUT! May 5: Dear Diary, I'm ten today! Can you believe it? I don't feel any different and I sure don't look different. I'm almost done with fourth grade. I'm so sick of Mrs. Beaner that I can't stand it any more. Fifth grade should be so much cooler. I hope I start to 'develop' before then. I think I'd like to have a boyfriend y'know? May 15: Dear Diary, I'm soooo jealous! Tammy Winter is starting to grow boobs already. And...
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Sunday had been overwhelming for Donald, and Emma too. They had not eaten at all with their exploration and had fallen into a deep sleep early. When they wake, they can only stare into each other’s eyes in total mesmerism.They are now, almost there, not quite, to being so intermeshed with each other. It is amazing. For Emma to be at this point is somewhat understandable, but for Donald to cast off his arrogant ways for such lust and want, and yes, perhaps even to begin to love Emma? That in...
Love StoriesJune 1st Dear Diary: Please excuse the messy writing; it is so hard to have good penmanship on a train. Yes, Diary, I am on a train traveling from London to York and thence to Brasethwaite Castle. I am going there for a month of Bed Training. Poppa says that all the smart people are taking it and so must I before I go away to Girton College in the fall. Momma was worried about the idea until Poppa reassured her that virginity has no value in a bride any longer. After all, my dear little nephew...
Son- janu aaj mausam kitna suhana hai. tumhe kuch feel nahi ho raha hai? Mom- haan! ho raha hai na! Son- kya? Mom- yehi ki aaj mai phir se chudne wali hoon. TO READERS: Ma wrote this photography session in her diary. I read this many days later after our first copulation. I think it is better for reader to study her version instead of my narration. You can read full story separately in title-“Long Dong King Kong in Mom” with son’s (me) narration. “Tonight my son made me model. Not an ordinary...
Incest(Chapter Menstrual Pain Aggravate) Diary, I landed straight on my baby’s body. Though he is strong man but abrupt force-full fall of 60 Kg lady grounded him too. All due to his fault. The enormous pain didn’t allow me to think anything else. I hold my belly and rolled in floor in foetus position. Now my son too became panicky. He hold me and starts shouting—Ma’, Ma’, Ma’. He understood that he didn’t administer anti inflammatory injection in the evening, so pain triggered once again. He said-...
IncestThis diary belongs to Cody Swanson. If you find this then please return it to : 3521 Beach Road, Deerhead Harbor, Maine/Hare Island 12/8/2019 Dear Diary, Tommy was raving on and on about lights in the old Beckstein-Manor. No one believed him. I mean that building wasted away for the last century. Ever since that family of German migrants gruesomely died. At least, that is the legend. No one in their right mind would try to live there. Not to mention that it would take a...
There he is sat on my bed, my Uncle, Uncle Creep, well that's what I call him. I'm just staring in shock as he flicks through it. "Put that down, it's private," I manage to blurt out. "Don't worry, you poor little thing. I've read it right through a few times. I won't tell anyone, Vicky, isn't it?" I'm shaking in horror, my diary, my pink diary with all my secret thoughts and wishes, my fantasies, and things I've done, embarrassing things. Well how many 18 year old boys get a kick out of...
This story is papers taken out of Heather’s diary. It is a prequel to: (A Phone Call: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-phone-call-603190). You can read the two stories in any order you like._________________________________________________________________Dear diary,Today was my father’s funeral. I’m so sad that he left us. I can’t believe that we lost him suddenly like that! He was caring, tender, and kind. He was the best dad and the best man I’ve ever seen or heard about. How did he work as a...
Sophia's DiaryLastnight, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significanceto this particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horseis a dream of passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks,I am not surprised. Iread it again, noticing she had written those words the previous night, andslyly returned her diary to the walnut table where I had found it. It hadbeen a mere whim...
Copyright©2003 There was a young lady named Gilda Who went on a date with a builder. He said that he would, And he could and he should, And he did and it damn well near killed her. "I don't care what it says, it was wrong Carol!" My husband pulled the duvet up to his waist and settled the book on his over-sized round stomach. My anger was about to explode. "God damn it Darren - our daughter may be sexually active!" I stood at my side of the bed with my hands on my...
September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...
EroticSun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...
Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...
After they eat an early dinner, Emma does tell Donald that she would like to read the rest of this entry of her mother’s diary. She is so interested to know what happened at the start of her parent’s honeymoon.Settled back on the bed with fresh drinks, Donald opens the diary again and begins to read.May 5th We made it to our flight with no trouble and were seated comfortably on the side of the plane with just two seats together. Me by the window, Edward protecting me on the aisle. As we went to...
Love StoriesChapter four: My diary Wednesday August 23, Dear diary, I love you so much. We are going to be such good friends for ever and ever. I am going to keep your secrets and you are going to keep mine. Please forgive me if I do not know the etiquette of talking to you correctly. But I am too excited so I just have to blurt out that I just have to tell you that tomorrow we are going to take an adventure together to buy me a bra. It is going to be the utmost greatest day of my life and I...
On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 11:55:15 PM GMT, Kirsten Clarke wrote: Wednesday 28th February. My period started tonight, just before going to bed, so I'm lying here wearing one of the black, lace trimmed underskirts I sleep in, wearing a bra as a treat for an hour or so - lemon, Chloe by Boux Avenue. It's a touch tight, but I'm hoping to lose a little weight one day. Besides, when I've been fitted in the past the women have always said to wear my...
June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...
EroticDear diary today is April 1 and Last night I was very, very . I met this guy last night at the store and he was just drop dead gorgeous. He asked if I wanted to go for a drink and I said sex being cute. We had a couple of drinks and then we walked out back of the place. We were both hot and horny from all of the kissing we did inside. He had me up against the wall my hands were in his one large hand behind my back and then other his hand was up under my skirt and rip went my thong, his hand was...
InterracialIntroduction: This is a special chapter that is outside the flow of the storyline. I wrote it as a gift for the fans of this series, especially Rinoa, who took the time to PM me some ideas and constructive criticism, which I really appreciate and encourage. Rinoa thought there was something missing about who Clara is and how she came to be such a slut. This should help… The following diary entries have been edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation only. These entries provide some...
September 8, 2006 Dear Diary, Donny and I have been going together since we met in the fourth grade at Revelations Evangelical Elementary School. Donny was by far the most pious and devout boy there, and since I had always thought of myself as the most pious girl, we were just naturally a ‘pair.’ Both of our parents were equally god-fearing people, so they heartily approved of our relationship. But my Dad just got laid off last month and so, after all those years together at revelations and...
This story and all it contents and names are fictional.January 1st.Dear diary,This is my first diary entry ever, so I suppose I better tell you about myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 19 years old. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes. I think of myself as a very attractive girl. I like to stand in front my full length mirror and admire my naked body and of course play wife myself, I love looking at my pussy when I orgasm, sometimes my juices even spray on the mirror, I lick all my juices off my...
IncestOctober 4th I’m sorry I haven’t written in you for some time now diary but life was moving too fast. However if I’m ever going to be a writer I know I need to write in you ever single day. I know you want to know about my Daddy and me. My little sex diary.Daddy, Mama, and I had a little talk. Of course nothing about the talk was realistic. My Mama is totally clueless about what is really going on with our little family. My Daddy just wants me to stop being angry at him. I just want sex.Yes, you...
IncestMY SISSY DIARY by Throne I guess it's my own fault because I accepted that glass of white wine my wife offered me. On the other hand, I couldn't have refused it. And she knows how poorly I handle drinks. Even before she turned me into the sissy I now am, I would get giddy after just one drink. So maybe she just gave me that fatal glass of wine to amuse herself. But the result is what you're reading now, my sissy diary. Wendy's sissy diary. My male name was Wendell but she...
Kitten's Diary by Throne Monday. Okay. Marnie says I have to write in this diary, so that's what I'm doing. The other night we were talking and she wanted to know what I like about her. I didn't really think it through and said something about her big tits. I mean large breasts. She got mad because I didn't start with her smile or how smart she is. So, I tried to cover up by saying how I like that she's short, the way I am. That seemed to help. I even mentioned that I'm not a...
Singles - Diary of Jane Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the Breaking Benjamin's song "Diary of Jane." I will be rewording some of the lyrics in the story and want to give songwriter, Benjamin Burnley, credit. I also hope that I give his work the respect it deserves. ************ Derrick drove over to his best friend's apartment for he was so sick of not hearing back from George. George wanting to spend time alone was normal, and Derrick respected his best friend's choice...
November 22, 2006 Dear Diary, This thing about Daddy, it’s gotten so weird. I mean, these feelings are just not right. I know I’ve always had them, since before I started keeping this diary. But now they are getting more and more vivid. I tried to sneak a look at Daddy naked today. I failed, because he shut his bedroom door just at the last moment. I even thought about hiding a camera in his room. I mean, it would be so hot to secretly have pictures of him, or maybe a video of him and Mom...
The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me, I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...
Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home. He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...
IncestDear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...
Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to. The place still felt — even smelled — like home. He'd grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else. He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...
September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...
EroticStoriesA Slave Father's DiaryA Slave Father's DiaryI have always had a submissive streak, I suppose, but over the years, and especially after I married, it became more and more pronounced. Unfortunately, although my wife accepted me wearing lace underwear whenever possible, she could not bring herself to dominate me sexually.... she "loved me too much to degrade and humiliate me," even though that was what I implored her to do. I hold no grudges regarding this, but nonetheless found it very...
The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...
Dec 3 2015 Dear Diary, I love my FB friend, but I’m afraid, I’m married and he’s seven years younger. It’s hard to believe how soon everything happened, seems as if yesterday that Ajay sent me a friend request on Facebook and started chatting with me. In no time we became close, I shared my joys and sorrows with him and he did the same. This brought us so close in a year’s time that he got some courage to propose me. And even though I told him no and tried to make excuses like age and me being...
"Raaaaaaaaaab!" My wife's shrill voice cut through the damp basement air. Geez, it's as if she had dropped a brick on her toes while in the middle of saying my name. I answered quietly, but it didn't matter what I said because it was a reply so low she couldn't hear me. I remember when I enjoyed the soothing sounds of her voice, but today the sultry voice had been replaced by that of one with the same jarring noise to my senses as fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. "Raaaaaab, have you...
(Chapter Q) My right leg was on floor and my son put my left leg on table. Within a fraction of second, I opened in front of my son. Material of V-String was so less, that both lips of my crack goes out of panty. As if moon came out from cover of clouds. A faint sound erupted from my son’s gullet- Maaaaaaa. My little baby licked his dried lips and with faint voice ordered me to put hands back of my head. With his quivering hands, he attacks on my crack with camera. As a true (un)professional he...
IncestDear Dirty Diary, I tried to relax but every thought led back to my ongoing string of bad luck. I thought back and brooded yet again over the theft of my car and the loss of my laptop computer. I got the car back after a week or so but the computer, with my shameful little diary in it was nowhere to be found. Then three weeks later, after the insurance claim gave me a new one, the police department phoned to tell me my computer had been recovered. I seriously considered getting it back, until...
October 5th Diary, mmmm, I wish you were a real person and could see me just lying here with my sore and stretched open pussy ready for anyone to come in and use me in any way possible. But that isn’t going to happen. I’m going to do what Mama told me. What did she say? Well let me start from the beginning. “Cindy, open up.” Mama demanded outside my door.I didn’t open it, diary. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Just like that old black guy from the...
IncestThe doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn't know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn't mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, "Hi. May I help you?" I asked...
The handwriting on the note was from my son. He was probably the only one with the audacity to snoop in my room and challenge me. I assure you that when I walked up to his room, I was calm and collected. I thought it may be a simple matter of demanding the return of my diary and my sex toy. I did not believe that Michael would dare push me on the issue when I strode up to his room. I was more than willing to lay off of him and not spank him again – at least for a while. I assured myself that...
October 3 Dear Diary, Kim here and glad to be back at Tech, it was a really nice visit back home in St. Louis, but I think of this as my home now!!! I got an unbelievable welcome home from Betty Sue, it was like she hadn't seen me in a year instead of just a few days!!! When I walked thru the door, she practically tackled me, hugging and kissing me all over my face, she was so hard nipples and we just kept rubbing them back and forth across each other!!! We were grinding our pussies together...
EroticI wake up to find myself in a small cramped black cage. I soon realize that i have been placed into chastity and a collar around my neck. I scan the room and to me it appear that I'm in a dungeon, whips, bondage gears you name it was s**ttered across the dimly lit walls of the dungeon. There i see another man in a cage but he has more freedom in his than i do and lots of movement can be made in it. It was Ali. "Why is his cage bigger than mine" i said to myself. And look he isn't in chastity...
Between playing their different games, Emma now broadcasting on one of the adult sites they found on a regular basis, and just life in general, the fall does seem to fly by. Before they know it, it is Thanksgiving. Their first together. This year has been filled with so many firsts and then repeats. It is hard to imagine that it is only eight months since Emma attended the lecture Donald gave. And six months since this all began with them.Neither had really done much for Thanksgiving for...
Love StoriesThe Incredible Diary of Paula Page One thing I want to make clear about this diary. Even though it may seem incredible, every word that is written here is true. The fact that it is published on a fiction site is (as you will learn) is the only reason that my owners will let me post it at all. Yes, owners. If you want to get an idea of what I am talking about, I would suggest that you read the story ?The Frat?. You may want to skip there before you start reading my diary. It will...