Resolution With a RedheadChapter 21
- 4 years ago
- 25
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The three of us walked into the kitchen together. Agnes and I refilled our cups and sat at the table. We sat next to each other very closely.
Jimmy grinned. “Don’t you get enough of being close?”
Agnes grinned back. “Nope. My Viking is pleasant to sit close to and I’m planning on continuing to do that for the rest of our lives. He is a good man.”
Jimmy smirked. “As long as all he does is sit.”
Agnes smiled. “That will change in two weeks. Then, we’ll debauch each other. I’m looking forward to that time.”
Jimmy seemed do decide that he’d been trumped each time so he kept quiet. Missus Stover had come to no such decision. “There’s no hanky-panky going on with you two?” Her eyes twinkled.
“Not yet,” Agnes responded. “It’s not long so we can wait.”
Her mother said, “If it were longer then, you wouldn’t be waiting?”
“I didn’t quite say that, Mom. I was just speaking to the current factual situation. I won’t deal in supposition.”
Her mother grinned. “Help with breakfast.”
Agnes stood and helped pull food from the fridge and then moved to assist her mother in cooking. I set the table. Jimmy just watched. I had noticed that he rarely helped inside the house.
By the time the food was finished, Mister Stover and Aaron had walked in. We sat down, blessed the meal, and ate.
Once we had finished, we cleaned up and went to dress for church. Agnes and I went to our separate bedrooms to change clothes. Both bathroom doors were open and we watched each other strip and then dress. If I hadn’t been excited before, I was now. We met in the bathroom for Agnes to brush her hair and for me to tie my tie correctly. I didn’t wear one often but Agnes had asked. She saw me struggle and helped. She moved close until we were touching along our bodies.
I smiled. “Did you help your brothers tie their ties?”
“Yes, but never standing this close. I like helping you dress.” She grinned. “I like helping you undress even more.”
I smiled at her as she finished my tie. We went out through her door. Aaron caught us. “Changing together?”
“No, Agnes used her room and I used mine. We met in the bathroom for her to brush her hair and me tie my tie. I quickly found that Agnes is better at tying men’s ties than I will ever be. From there, we just left together.”
Agnes stuck her tongue out at him. We went on to the living room. Jimmy would drive his truck with Aaron while we would ride with the parents. I shrugged. It would be good. I didn’t have to drive and so would get to sit close to Agnes. We rode to the church.
I enjoyed the services with Agnes. We held hands during prayers and I used the prayer time in the main service to pray for my beautiful redhead who would soon be my wife. It was comfortable to have her next to me.
At the end of the service, we left to return to the farm. Agnes and I walked from the truck to the house with our arms around each other’s waists. It was slow but we weren’t in a hurry. Her brothers drove up. They got out and Jimmy went inside. Aaron walked alongside his sister. He said, “You do seem to like each other.”
Agnes said, “That’s true. We love each other, too. I enjoy being with my Viking and am looking forward to our wedding.” I just smiled and nodded.
He had a bit of a wistful look on his face. “Sis, I hope that I find someone for me like you and Eric are for each other.”
“I’ve said it before, Aaron. You may have to go to college to expand your universe of candidates sufficiently. It took that for me. Eric and I found each other quickly though. He’s a really good guy. We’re looking forward to our lives together.”
We smiled at each other. We all went inside to eat lunch before returning for a week and a half of school before the break and our marriage. We ate a fine lunch with Agnes’ parents and brothers. After lunch, we packed. I would bring Agnes Wednesday week and then be in town for the rehearsal the following Friday with the wedding to follow the day after. We left to hugs and kisses and headed back to our dorms.
We pulled in and unloaded or cases. We carried them to our rooms and then met in the women’s dorm’s common room at our favorite couch. It wasn’t long before our friends joined us. All had enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday.
Melody looked particularly happy and at ease. Perhaps, the guy at her side holding her hand had a lot to do with that. Joe was on the same floor with Carl ad me. He had a reputation as a good guy and a good student. I thought that maybe her world was looking up. Agnes looked at me and nodded. She whispered, “It’s good for her.”
When it was time for supper, we all trooped over for supper. Once at a table, Agnes and I held hands as we prayed. The rest arrived and we all ate.
We went back and spent the evening in the common room. After watching the late news, we each went to our room. I slept dreaming of my fair lady. The week passed in a normal manner and we left Friday for my parents’ house. Once there, we stored our cases in our rooms and went to the living room to sit and talk with my parents.
They had reservations at the local hotel in town and had arranged for a catered meal there for the rehearsal dinner. I would have a separate room there and would come here before going with them to Agnes’ town. Dad would drive us to the airport for our honeymoon.
He would pick us up also. My parents’ house was on the way to the college from the airport. We would pick up my wheels then.
We finished our exams and felt good about them. We stored clothing and other items in our new apartment. We left for Agnes’ parents. I dropped her off there and went home. I spent the night in my old room. We left Thursday just after lunch. We checked in and I called Agnes. We would have supper at her parents’ house tonight. She told me that we should come on over as soon as we could be ready. I told my parents and we left five minutes later with me driving Dad’s car.
We drove up and I was first out of the car and walked rapidly to the front door to be met by Agnes. We embraced and kissed while our parents kidded us as they talked to each other.
The two men entered with pistols drawn. I said, “Officers, I think the time for violence is over. Let’s all talk.” The two looked around and slowly holstered their weapons. I looked at one and said, “You’ve been here before. How did they get out?” I had a free hand and arm now and used them to point at Mike’s body and Bill. “I don’t know.” The officer answered. “I would like to find that out myself.” “Someone was criminally negligent in releasing that animal. He was, we believe, going to...
After my history class, I met Agnes in the dorm’s common room where she laid an emotional kiss on me while plastering her beautiful body against mine. My mother said in a low voice, “Fred, I may do that to you later when we can thoroughly enjoy the aftermath.” I decided not to say anything but to concentrate upon the kiss. We finally ended the kiss and I was breathing a little quickly and heavily. We went over and sat with my parents. I said, “Dad, is everything with the court and police...
We ate lunch with our friends. It was fun. As we were walking to Agnes’ history class, I received a phone call. It was from the District Attorney’s office notifying me that there was going to be a hearing Friday over Mike’s death. I asked what was the purpose of the hearing. I was told that it was to determine whether or not charges would be filed against Miz Stover for murder and myself for assault and battery. I asked if we should obtain legal representation since we had only protected...
We went inside and sat on the couch. There weren’t many people there as many had gone home for the weekend. With no football here, there wasn’t much to hold people on the campus over weekends in autumn. Many left Friday after their classes. We sat down on a couch in the common room. There were only three others in the room and none of them were close to us. Agnes came into my arms and kissed me. I helped. We finally broke the kiss panting a bit. It had become impassioned. I think she enjoyed...
We were sitting at a longer table and were quickly joined by Melody, Tracy, and Amanda. Carl arrived moments later and asked if he could join us. Agnes nodded and I said, “Sure, Carl. Leave your stuff and get a tray.” He got in line leaving his books on the table. He returned shortly with a tray of food. “Eric, who are all these pretty ladies?” “The one on my right is my beautiful lady, Agnes. Next to her is Melody, her roommate. Those two are Tracy and Amanda. They’re all good...
I had floated back to my room. I crawled into my bed and slept solidly through the night. I had set my alarm but beat it by a couple of minutes. I got up and went into shower. After that, I dressed and left to meet Agnes. We ate together with Melody accompanying us. After we finished, we went to our classes. On the way, Agnes asked, “Do you mind Melody’s presence?” “No. It cramps our style which is probably good and, hopefully, helps her. She’s a nice girl who got into a tough and bad...
We arrived and all was well and had been quiet. Melody, Tracy, and Amanda were excited to hear that we were engaged now. Supper was a happy meal. Carl even managed to congratulate me. After supper, we went to “our” couch in the common room. We kissed and held each other. The week sped by. Friday afternoon, we got in my wagon and I drove us to the home of my parents. We pulled in and were met by both. Dad had gotten off early. I had emailed them to let them know that we were engaged...
We arrived after lunch but weren’t hungry so planned to skip that meal. Her parents and brothers were glad to see us. We wee glad to see them, too. Mister Stover grinned. “I heard that the surprise for your honeymoon is out of the bag.” He grinned even bigger. “And you’ve agreed to the requirements.” Agnes asked, “Does Mom know about this?” Missus Stover responded, “Yes, it’ll be fun.” Agnes said, “Just remember, paybacks can be hell.” Everyone laughed. We went inside and enjoyed family....
Mom was waiting for us. We were close and she rushed up to us. She hugged me first. After kissing my cheek, she moved to Agnes saying, “You’re even more beautiful in person. You’re tall, too.” “It’s good to meet you, Missus Daniels. I appreciate your son. He’s a great guy.” Mom was surprised a bit. Dad came up from a room. He and I exchanged man hugs before he went to Agnes. “Agnes, you’re gorgeous. My son is showing good taste.” “He’s my personal Viking. I like it that way.” She smiled...
I woke to my alarm and cleaned up to meet Agnes at her dorm. I got there just as she was getting off the elevator. In the middle of the common room, we embraced and kissed each other. “My personal Viking, are we going to eat breakfast and go to church together?” “Yes, dear lady. I look forward to all that.” Agnes was a vision in an ivory pants suit with a deep emerald colored blouse. She looked great. We went to the front door holding hands and looked for my parents. They drove up moments...
Things were quiet. We had a light supper and everyone then loaded up for the football field. I rode in back with Agnes and Aaron using the backseat of Mister Stover’s big pickup. I had my arm around Agnes. We didn’t make out. Small town high school football games in the south are fun even if you don’t know anything about the teams. The communities get into the spirit of the competition. Everyone who is local knows everyone else. You easily can get included. Since I was with the Stover...
I entered the next-door girls’ dorm and immediately saw Agnes. She was wearing sneakers and shorts. I smiled. “Hi, Agnes. You look good this evening. Would you like to walk?” “That sounds good, Eric. Thanks, and thanks for coming over.” “I enjoyed talking to you earlier. That’s why I called. I’m just glad I could help out. I guess you aren’t a big-time TV watcher either?” “No. I really don’t care for pro football and that’s what is on, too. Mike had showed up at our room. He’s rough on...
He barged in along with another guy. He said, “Bill, hold pretty boy while I take a turn with the bitches.” He kept moving toward Agnes and Melody while “Bill” came at me. He was planning on grabbing me but I hit him first. I hit him hard. My father had taught me that, if I had to fight, I should fight like I meant it. Bill was heavier but not as tall. He took my first punch in his gut which folded him over. I helped him find the floor by chopping down on his neck. He landed limply. I heard...
We had a delightful meal. I noticed that Melody was more at ease with Mike out of the way though that had been a violent episode in all our lives. I also realized that it was the people not the food that was so good. We had been joined by Tracy and Amanda and my roommate, Carl. We had sat a longer table more or less in the middle. That allowed a number of people to join us. It was fun but the lady by my side made it best in my mind. I was proud to have her by my side and felt she likewise...
Shortly thereafter, we left for town with Aaron in the back seat of my wagon. It wasn’t far and Agnes had me park in front of a farm store. Then, she gave the list to Aaron and said, “Aaron, take the list and get the stuff on it. Put it in the back of Eric’s wagon. I’m taking him walking.” I think Aaron wanted to protest but he didn’t. He went inside the store and we walked along the sidewalk holding hands. We hadn’t gone fifty feet when we had two girls walk toward us. One of them, a...
I regained consciousness slowly. I started to remember what happened when Agnes came in and ran to me. Tears were running down her cheeks as she leaned over and kissed me lips gently. I could tell she wanted to hug me tightly but was holding back. I smiled at her slowly. Hoarsely, I asked, “How bad is it?” Dad said, “He hit you in your right side almost nicking a lung. You should be okay after a while.” I looked to my right and saw Carl with his arm in a sling. I looked puzzled. Dad...
I woke in the morning to shower, shave, and dress before meeting Agnes. I walked over in nicer than class clothes to meet her and found her waiting with Melody, Tracy, Amanda, and the R.A. plus some other girls who were going for moral support. We went into the cafeteria together, got our food, and sat together. As we ate, others heard and gathered. We left for the courthouse at eight thirty and were now about a hundred strong. We all pulled up in our cars and found parking places. We walked...
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I went back to the office to find out what Maggie had for me. I needed more pieces to the puzzle and without going to Mexico to talk to Alan, Maggie was all I had at the moment. It was not yet 5:00 and Maggie was still at her desk typing into the computer. Without looking up she handed me a folder. “The list of properties you asked for,” she said. I took the file into my office and began to look it over. I discovered that the condo that Alan lived in was owned by Beckwith Importers. ...
August 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case. As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk. “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said. “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him. Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc. Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies. I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...
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one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...
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Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel. Then he remembered Savanna. He ran to the door, opened it...
Straight SexAugust 7 th , 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles “Maggie, I want to go over what we have so far,” I said. “Beckey has a warehouse where she is importing dolls filled with pure cocaine from Bolivia. These dolls are not going through customs and are being delivered in small packages and probably to different locations. We don’t know how the money is being transferred but it’s probably cash all the way, and likely being transferred to the ship at the same time the dolls are picked up.” “Alan has gone to...
Straight SexI went back to the office to find out what Maggie had for me. I needed more pieces to the puzzle and without going to Mexico to talk to Alan, Maggie was all I had at the moment. It was not yet 5:00 and Maggie was still at her desk typing into the computer. Without looking up she handed me a folder. “The list of properties you asked for,” she said. I took the file into my office and began to look it over. I discovered that the condo that Alan lived in was owned by Beckwith Importers. ...
Straight SexAugust 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case. As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk. “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said. “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him. Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc. Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies. I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...
Straight SexAugust 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers. My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able. Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.” “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know...
Straight SexHey everyone! My name is Chandni and Im from Mumbai, India. I live by myself in Bandra, and am 27 years old. I am 5 ‘ 9, long brown hair, fair in skin, hazel green eyes, and my figure is 34A- 24 Waist – 36. I have a boyfriend whose name is Raj, and I have been with Raj for now almost 2 years. One night Raj called me, and said “Hey Chandni, Wanna go to a club tonight?” ” Uhm, I don’t know Raj, Im busy and really tired, but i’ll try” I said. I heard a little grunt from him, and I figured that...
IncestA couple or maybe three hours later from the ridge above George-town we could see the dark river, some glowing lamps and a few lighted windows. It must have been after midnight, and Billy had given me the job of counting people and finding Jim Griffith and Mike Ware. We huddled together to keep warm and smoked, chewed some food and stomped our feet. The wind had died down, but it was still very cold. We all breathed out clouds of steam like a herd of beeves. I found the men he wanted and...
Beckwith was putting together a bunch to go down to the bridge and waved to me, "Caleb, he said, "Gus Yore hain't quite thawed yet. Why don't you go with these men and take charge of that bridge." I hated to do it, but I pulled on my coat and wool hat and picked up my rifle. We went out and found our beasts, folded their blankets back over their rumps and clattered down to the creek without seeing a soul along the streets except for our own people. Seemed like the town was empty or...
Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...
Billy went out into the cold as a couple of farmers came in. Stud explained what was going on to them as people moved around, and the Foster women took up a sheltered position in the high-backed settle near the fire. The cat joined them, purring, and perched on the girl's lap, paws folded inward. Didn't anybody look like they was going to cause trouble so after a bit I asked Annie if she was interested in a quick one while we waited, and she elbowed me in the ribs hard enough to crack one...
The sun was setting behind some pink and gray clouds when we reached Mr. Peter's sturdy brick house. The first floor windows all showed candle light as Beall tied his horse to a weight and set it on the curbstone. "You plan to sit out here and wait?" he asked me. I couldn't figure if he wanted me to say yes so I said no, I'd rather get out of the cold. We went up to the door together and Beall knocked. A well-dressed, old black man answered and said, very polite, that Mr. Peter was at...
"Damn," Billy Beckwith cursed. He jumped up, grabbed Jimmy by the arm and hustled him outside. Some men rushed to the windows and a couple hurried out the back door, but most just stood talking to each other and waiting. In a minute Beckwith stuck his head back inside and yelled, "Caleb!" I went out as Judge Peter said, "Let's have a short recess" and stood up. "Be upstanding," I heard Alex Beall say as the door closed behind me. Griffith had ridden in from the Bladensburg road and...
The front door banged open again, and somebody stuck his head in and yelled, "Billy, they're here!" There was a loud scramble of men grabbing weapons and hurrying out the door while buttoning their coats one handed. Judge Peter said, "Let's take another brief recess. Mr. Morrison, a word, please" before Alex Beall could say anything about standing up. "I would appreciate it very much," Judge Peter said, standing at his desk with his feet planted wide apart and his hands clasped...
"Gentlemen," said Judge Peter. "Enough. I think we will take a short recess here." "All stand," Beall cried too late as there was a mad scramble for the doors. Soon every tree, clump of shrubs and back house in the neighborhood had a crowd of men near it. I helped Judge Peter, robe and all, to the front of the line at the tavern's two-holed jakes, and he emerged gasping. "Haven't been in one that bad in years," he said when he got his breath back. When court resumed, a keg of ale...
Zoe held Alison as she continued to sob quietly. The girl was so upset that her father could read in her thoughts that she would be incapable of following his instructions anytime soon. His connection to Zoe also informed him that she had no interest in him, in fact that was an understatement. His ghostly spirit departed, returning to his body which was lying on the sofa in the family room downstairs. Zoe comforted Alison, continuing to question her softly as to how her little body seemed to...
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50 My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all. My stomach convulses and I jump...