Debt Paid
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2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50
My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all.
My stomach convulses and I jump up, desperate to get to the bathroom. My head hurts so bad I almost collapse. I look around. I'm stunned. Everything looks strange. I see a door and a dim bathroom and all but dive for it. There seems to be very little left in me, the heaves are painful.
I kneel over the toilet bowl, panting and sweating. As the sound of the flush fades, I hear that background voice: ["Her eyes move dully over the strange bathroom. Hardly taking anything in till they happen upon her sex. 'What's happened to my pussy?' she whispers. Indeed all her pubic hair is gone. It looks so different, so strange, it's so not hers."]
My eyes do fasten on my sex. My voice says, "What's happened to my pussy." I look at it and it looks so strange and not at all like mine. And in fact it's not. Mine is such a dark rude twisted thing. This one is so sweet and pink, its lips smooth and puffed.
For the first time I get a good look at my so not mine breasts. They're full and firm and their flesh gleams the softest palest pearly pink, it's almost like they're made of wax. They are the breasts I've always wanted. That I've stood before the mirror and tried to force out of my chest by pure desire.
I remember my mother looking at me once, saying, "Pity you take after your father's side. Flat and dumb. Every woman in my family is stacked."
I want to touch them, to not only feel them with my fingers, but feel my fingers with them. My hands remain clinched to the rim of the toilet bowl and I'm wracked by another heave, this one brings up nothing at all but makes me aware of how foul my mouth tastes.
I totter to my feet and step to the sink and fill a glass of water and drink. My eyes meet my eyes in the mirror. I don't recognize them at all as mine. These are green flecked with gray, not boring brown. And my hair. Where is its dirty pale brown? Now my dark red hair tumbles gleaming about my bare shoulders. I look again at those amazing breasts, with their aureoles decorated with tiny bumps and their nipples so pert. A couple blue veins stand out beneath their pearly flesh. I try to will the stupid Nancy into moving her shoulders so I can feel them shake. She of course doesn't.
I forget all about the story and what's going to happen, just reveling in my looks.
The background voice goes: ["The bedroom door opens without a knock and Mrs. Preston walks in. Nancy suddenly feels her naked exposure. She leaps up and dashes blushing for the bed and dives under the covers. Looking up she meets Mrs Preston's cool gaze."]
Its like I'm a puppet. I dive like I'm scalded for the bed. From there I look fearfully up into the awful Mrs. Preston's hard gray eyes. I say, "Where am I? Where's my Dad?"
"Where are you? Think of it as Hell. Who am I? Think of me as Adel. Where's your Dad? Think of him as gone."
"Where is he?"
"Don't you remember last night at all? You work for me now," she says, "That's all you need to know."
"I want to leave! You can't keep me here! It's against the law!"
"Will you come downstairs with me?" she asks.
"And out the door! Where are my clothes!"
"You must come as you are. Are you ready?"
"Fuck you."
"Just let me know when you change your mind."
The door closes. I feel myself separate a bit from Nancy. Her/my body gets up and I drape the bedspread around my shoulders. I think, "This is a mistake, put it back!" and then I head for the window.
The door opens again. I spin. There stands Mrs Preston and two swarthy guys. One of them I recognize as the guy in the car, the driver I guess. I freeze. While Adel watches calmly, the men approach me, smiling broadly. I shrink backward until I feel the windowsill against my butt through the bedspread. They try to pull the covers from me. I fight and kick and when the bedspread's torn from my hands I shriek and leap at Adel. My arms are grabbed and I can do nothing. The other man strips the remaining sheets from the bed and the one holding me pushes me violently onto the mattress. As I lie curled in a ball, sobbing, Adel says calmly, "When you promise to leave the bed made up as it's supposed to be, you can have your covers back." Then "Luis, the towels from the bathroom too." Then they are gone.
I shout and scream for help until I'm hoarse.
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 1052
I stand looking out the bedroom window. It's a second floor window. I am so desperately hungry. That is what consumes my mind. I am so hungry that I'm finding it difficult to separate myself from Nancy.
I hear that background voice, that rich hypnotic man's voice, it goes: ["What a picture Nancy is, there by the bedroom window. Outside it's a beautiful spring evening. Two large apple trees glow white in the setting sun, beds of daffodils and tulips line the drive. Across the lawn is a small suburban street and on the other side of that is another lawn on which sits another huge house. It is quite distant, maybe two football fields away. Her attempts to wave at it have been fruitless. She is so lovely with her dark auburn hair, her delicate face with it's band of light freckles along her upper cheek and nose, her fine boned shoulders, thin waist, full soft bottom, slim narrowing legs, neat ankles, one foot pushed back. The dark shadows under her eyes, their redness from weeping, the slight uncontrollable shaking of her hands where they rest on the window sill, only serve to make her more vulnerable and attractive.
"She is so so hungry. Its ache fills her.
"It is 5 days since she arrived. 5 days of nothing but water."]
The ache makes it like so hard for me to think. My memories are so confusing. It's like they're duplex. There's my memories from reading the story, leaning eagerly over the laptop, and my memories from experiencing it. I remember my escape attempts, slipping out the bedroom door in the wee hours, only to set off deafening alarms and get caught halfway down the stairs by a laughing Luis or Miguel, of being carried struggling back to the room, of being collared and tethered by a locked strap to the toilet, my arms bound behind my back. Of Adel standing watching, wearing a gray bathrobe and looking absolutely unsleep-disheveled. I remember how when I read that passage I felt kind of like an erotic excitement, the same as when I chanced upon bondage pictures on the web. It was more intense because while I was reading it I seemed also to be feeling Nancy's desperate emotions.
When I'd experienced it for real, as Nancy, it'd just completely ruined me. I could still hear Adel's cold voice say, "Agree to behave in the morning and you'll get the freedom of the room back" and I could still remember the impossible long hours sitting naked on the bathroom tiles, my back against the toilet, then morning and my/Nancy's first surrender.
What I remember caving completely, just hours before, huddled in bed under the scant protection of the covers, telling Adel I would do whatever she wanted just to give me something to eat.
"You will come downstairs with me this evening?" she asked
"Yes, Yes, just give me something to eat now."
She'd said coolly: "This evening, after my little get-together, if you've been cooperative," she pauses, "After you've been the life of the party" and she'd left. I remember weeping and the continual desperate hunger.
If anything, I'm grateful when that hateful man's voice goes: ["There is the sound of the door opening. Nancy squeaks with shamed alarm and dives for the bed. The door to the bedroom opens and Adel enters, she gets just a glimpse of the girl's white form vanishing under the covers."]
The bedroom door does open. I'm filled with shamed awareness of my exposure and I dive for the bed. I have the covers over my bottom and up to my chin as Adel enters, I so hate and fear her, which is the truth. She has been in and out of this room since I woke. Always calm. Always dressed neatly in the Office American clothes my mother wears to work, 2 piece gray or blue suits, white blouses, low heeled black pumps. In fact, I realize, it's hard not to compare her to my mom, there's like the same stinking superiority, the same amused contempt.
That background voice continues: ["The girl says, 'Please Adel, I've agreed and I'm so so hungry, can't I have something to eat now?'"]
My lips move of their own volition and I go, "Please Adel, I've agreed and I'm so so hungry, can't I have something to eat now?"
I am so very very hungry, hungrier than I've ever been in my life.
"And have you change your mind, Nancy?" Adel pauses, watching me calmly, "Not likely. Get up and stand beside the bed."
I think for like the millionth time that I must wake from this dream! I try to bite my lips but can't, my lips and jaws won't move. As the words said I'm like frozen, staring up at the horrible gray haired woman.
"Now Nancy, we have a tight schedule."
The voice in the background reads: ["Still she doesn't move. Adel takes the covers and yanks them off. Oh what a sight the weeping girl is! So soft, so exposed, her skin the palest contrast to the white of the sheets! Her breasts the round firm globes of an 18 year old in all their first glory! How delicious she looks as she twists trying vainly to conceal her hot young flesh!"]
I stare up at Adel. I'm consumed by embarrassment and shame. I cover my breasts with one arm and the other hand goes between my legs.
"If you are to eat, Nancy," Adel says clearly and slowly as if speaking to an infant, "You must stand. That is the first step." She pauses, then "The first of but many."
Flushing, miserable, I swing my legs off the bed and obey. Bending a bit from shame. I still can't get over the body that I see with my lowered eyes. The breasts so round and firm, the hips plump, even the feet are wrong, not stupidly long and narrow. I've never liked the way my feet look. I feel like my head has been lopped off and glued onto the neck of some hot young thing, as perfect as the teens I so vainly admire on the web. Except, I've got the perfect teen's head and face now too.
Adel sets the little black cosmetics case she's carrying on the bed. "You've showered like I asked?"
Adel slips a finger along my armpit, I feel the bite of her fingernail. She raises the finger to her nose and sniffs.
"OK." She takes a little glass perfume dispenser, "Lift your arms."
I blush, frozen and shaking. I don't want to lose what little protection I have.
My arms seem to rise of their own accord. My underarms are sprayed and feel suddenly chill.
"This is expensive stuff," Adel says, "Try not to sweat it off," she pauses, then "You'd best avoid all excitement."
She takes a pinkish red lipstick and runs it along my lips, putting a hand behind my head to hold it still. The hair that flits through the sides of my vision is dark red and long. It's funny that I don't seem to get used to anything about being Nancy.
From the cosmetics case Adel takes something with a little bristly brush and paints my lips with it. Her face is so close to mine I can smell her breath, there's wine and something spicy on it. My stomach lurches with hunger. She takes mascara from the case and does each eye. My lashes are like a dark fringe on the top of my vision.
"Your arms!"
I've put my arms before my breasts again. I raise them.
She cups one breast and applies the lipstick to the cookie sized aureole and then to the nipple, pushing it about, coating it all over. I watch and feel fascinated. That breast is such a stranger to me! I never get tired of looking at it. It's so large it blocks out her cupping hand. Its skin's so soft and delicate!
I shift anxiously. The touch of the lipstick and her hand feels so exciting. I'm again reminded of the reservoir of heat within me, if only it could be turned into food! The other breast is quickly attended to.
Adel drops to her knees and kneels right in front of my waist. Before I can do anything, she's running that lipstick along the inside of my, along my sex lips. I jump when it touches me, "Oh" I gasp, "Stop!" My hand reaches down to interfere.
"Stand still," Adel orders. "Keep your hands up! I'm perfectly willing to put a stop to the evening right now. It could be a week or more before my guests are free again. Think how hungry you'll be then!"
My arms cross in front of my chest. One of my legs begins to tremble and shake uncontrollably. I feel tears welling in my eyes.
"Careful," warns Adel, "I'm in no mood to redo that makeup."
Adel parts my sex with one hand, spreading it as far as it will go. The sensation is shocking. She works the lipstick about quickly, I close my eyes and clench my teeth. She grips my little tender tip and coats it too.
Way in the background I hear that man's voice go: ["Adel sprays Nancy's cunt with the rich perfume. Nancy jumps at it's sudden chill. Adel says coolly, 'Sweating won't be the problem down here.'"]
Adel sprays my sex and I do jump at the sudden biting coolness of the perfume. Adel does say, "Sweating won't be the problem down here."
"Turn around and bend, rest your arms on the bed."
I do. I know what comes next. Nancy jerks with shock and distress as her butt cheeks are spread. "No no" she pleads.
Adel says, "That is a word you'll find means little tonight," she pauses, then, "Use it all you like though." Then she works the lipstick about, pressing it uncomfortably into what feels like my asshole but which I tell myself firmly is Nancy's.
I feel the cold spray of the perfume, then Adel's hands release my rear.
She stands and says, "Straighten up and turn to face me." I do. Then, "Open your mouth and breath out." She sniffs. "You'll need to floss, brush and rinse with the wash you'll find in the bathroom. First put on these. I'll get you a glass of milk. Can't have you passing out. You're the main attraction."
She hands me a pair of stockings, they're ivory colored with broad lacy bands at the thighs, then a pair of impossibly high heeled sandals.
I sit numbly on the bed and slip the stockings on. They fit tightly and gleam, their lacy edges accenting my thighs. I spend a moment looking at my calves, at my knees, my thighs, so different from my own thin ungainly limbs. When I move my legs, those sheathed calves sway so seductively. My skin is the smoothest cream in tone, no red patches or blemishes.
I look at the shoes. The heels are amazingly long, long even when you consider how thick a platform they have in front. There's like a pair of ribbons at each ankle but nothing else. How to attach them? Though I know from reading what to do, I stare at them without comprehension.
"Just press the shoe to the sole of your foot."
Adel has returned. She is holding a large glass, the milk. Its scent makes me weak and desperate and nauseous.
I do as she tells me. I feel the surface of the shoe grip. I try to wiggle my toes and they become attached as well. I lift my foot wonderingly. The shoe moves with it. As I put my right foot onto the other I ask, "How do they come off?"
"Maybe they don't," Adel says, then, "Hurry up, I'll do the ribbons. You drink the milk. Lift your foot."
Adel hands me the milk and takes my raised foot and quickly ties the ribbons into an attractive bow just over the ankle. "The other one."
I drink. I'm so hungry and empty the milk is like painful as it goes down. I feel light-headed and sick.
"Now your teeth. Quick!" Adel pulls me to my feet and slaps my rump, sending me scooting for the bathroom. I'm not used to such shoes, twice again as high as the sandals I'd, I mean Nancy'd worn to the prom, I myself of course've never worn anything higher than sneakers. I trip and sprawl. "Quick!" Adel barks.
I pick myself up and wobble my way to the sink. I see Adel behind me in the mirror, leaning against the doorjam, watching as my hands of their own accord work the floss between my teeth. I hear Adel's shoe tap the tile impatiently.
In obedience to the distant instructions, a voice I recognize as my own speaks in my head. "I shouldn't have agreed! This is so wrong! I look like such a slut! I should refuse."
What I myself think, looking at myself in the mirror, is: "Am I hot shit or what!"
"The mouthwash. Hurry it up."
When I've rinsed and spat, Adel says, "Finally, come on."
Adel goes to the door and into the hall beyond. I follow, unsteady on those stilt-like shoes. She stops in the doorway. I am so aware that I'm worse than naked, the stockings hot on my legs, the sandals tipping my feet forward, straining my ankles and calves.
"What is going to happen to me?" I whisper, looking nervously at the dark hall behind her.
"What do you think?" Adel answers. "Get a move on!"
"I can't go out there," I whisper, "I just can't! Let them come up here. I'll do anything."
"If you don't come, you'll starve, despite being desert."
I take a hesitant step forward.
Adel takes my hand and pulls me into the hall. I will my hand to grab the doorjam, to fight, but of course it doesn't obey. As the reader in the background directs I trip and fall to my knees again and struggle back onto my feet.
The hall has a high ceiling and thick carpet. The door on the other side is closed. On my left, stairs lead down to a landing. Adel pulls me to the stairs. I trip again and barely save myself by clutching the railing with my free hand. The landing is gleaming hardwood. Stairs lead up directly in front of me, I guess to another wing of the house. Stairs to my right lead down into a large hall. Adel pulls me down. My shoes click on the wood.
A large oriental rug covers the hall's floor. To my right is a large living room with several couches and easy chairs, a large flat screen, and a fireplace with a roaring fire. To my left is a dining room with a long dark brown gleaming wood table, a chandelier hangs above it. The table is set for five, the place settings laid out on gold colored placemats. A man hurries across my view on the other side of the table. I panic and turn to flee up the stairs but Adel grips my hand.
"I can't. You can't make me, this is too much," I whisper.
Adel just looks at me. I'm suddenly so aware of rich dinner smells, the smell of meat and cake and rolls and God only knows what. It's like I'm floating inside an oven. My stomach is so empty, I have no choice.
Adel pulls me clattering into the dining room. The two men, Luis and Miguel, are setting out wine glasses, three of various sizes at each place setting.
There is no place setting at the foot of the table. Adel indicates the chair. I'm aware of the echo, the distant man's voice goes: ["Adel commands, 'Climb on that and get on the table'"], an instant before Adel speaks the same in her clipped alto tones.
The distant man's voice goes: ["The girl stares at Adel without understanding,"] and that is what I do, mouth open, though I know perfectly well what is expected.
"What are you, stupid? On the table, Nancy. You're the centerpiece. Every dinner table demands one. And be careful not to mess up the silverware and glasses or these men will make it hard on you later." Adel pauses, then, "Quick!"
As she moves she hears the unseen voice go: ["She steps onto the chair, it's cushion gives under her foot, the spiked heel makes a deep crater. Her upraised stockinged leg with its swaying calf, the lines of stretched tendon against the smooth flesh of her thighs, all look so so hot.
"Nancy carefully climbs onto the table and crawls down the narrow corridor between the glasses, the wood of the table hurts her knees, her rear seems impossibly raised. Somehow having her sex so exposed to the world from the rear makes her feel more awful than before. When she looks down she sees her dark reflection in the wood's polish, her hanging breasts, her pale smooth pussy. Her knee touches one glass and it slides. In the middle she hesitates, her strange dark reflection in the polish of the wood looks up at her, her expression amazed and strained."]
"On your back, Nancy. You can relax for a bit. Take your ease while you can, and Nancy, remember, to be fed, you must do as your told, willingly." Adel pats me on the rump.
Awkwardly, carefully, I drop to my side and then twist and shift so I'm lying on my back, looking up at the chandelier.
Adel pats my thigh, "Again, all you have to do is wait and do as you're told... And of course, have fun."
I'm left staring up. The table is so uncomfortable. Hard on my shoulder blades and rear. I lift and bend my right leg so that it is at an angle, my shoe flat on the table, my foot tipped uncomfortably by the heel.
One of the men comes up. He's holding a small square pillow of gold colored material. I blush furiously and put one hand over my sex, the other arm over my breasts, hooking my hand on my shoulder. The guy grins down at me and sets the cushion down on the table. "Lift your head," he instructs. When I do he slides the cushion and then I hear him move off.
I'm alone. I hear the background voice go: ["What a sight she is! Her auburn hair spreads across the gold of the cushion spilling over the dark shining mahogany, her face lightly freckled and pale, tears welling in her green eyes, her bottom flattened against the hard wood, her plump hips, her blushing sex lips demurely hidden beneath her hand, her breasts keeping their shape despite gravity, and oh her legs, firm in the thigh, her calves penduluming when she shifts, her neat ribboned ankles, her feet so tipped by those heels, the place settings empty along her flanks and above her head. How can anything to be served possibly compare to her? Even if cooked by God's own chef! The diners when they arrive must pause and, gazing at her, feel their mundane bites turn to sawdust and their wine turn to water."]
I remember reading that, imagining myself in the girl's place, flushing with heat, I remember what my fingers were up to. I feel the polished wood getting slick with my sweat under my bottom. How exciting it'd been to read, with the girl's sensations welling up in my mind, how awful it was to experience.
I hear the far off clatter in the kitchen, a faint murmur of men's voices, the distant rumble of the furnace. The room seems quite comfortably warm. I'm suddenly aware of the smells of imminent dinner. My stomach hurts and my right leg begins to tremble and shake.
I stare helplessly at the ceiling. I try to move my toes but they won't budge, they're like glued to the shoes. I hear that unseen omnipresent voice go: ["She shifts her legs to ease the pain of the wood hard on the base of her spine"] and my legs do shift, both shoes are flat on the surface, both knees high in the air, as the voice says, I feel the air moving about my thighs. I hear the voice: ["Seen from down the table her cunt is plump and closed, like a fleshy tropical fruit all but overripe, it's reflection in the shining wood so impossibly hot."]
I hear steps and I stretch my legs and clinch my thighs to like make less of myself visible. I look to the side and see that it is one of the servant guys. He pours wine quickly and efficiently, paying no attention to me.
I still can't get over it. Like how can this be happening? One minute I'm like reading that so exciting text, a sweet climax building, the next here I am, experiencing it all first hand. Even though 5 days have passed in the story, it feels in my memory like just minutes, the length of time it took me to read the words.
Surely it's just a strange dream, possibly it must play it's course to where I was when the laptop fell from my frenzied fingers. Then I will surely come to myself, lying before the fire. There's no way this can go further. I don't know what happens, it won't be able to play in my head. It must let me go.
My back hurts and I raise my knees again, the hard plastic soles of those shoes scrape on the wood.
I remember another email of my mom's: "Oh Dougy, I'm just desperate for a login to But you know it's so expensive! I've heard that its so beyond video. The characters feel like alive and you sense their every emotion. And it's so true. I loaded their sample, just a little bit from that old dog The Story of O. The text appeared on the screen, nothing special, then I was just blown away. One moment I was Ann-Marie, pressing the red-hot brand into O's sweet flesh, the next I was Sir Stephen, savoring the moment. It was so amazingly real."
Is that what's happening? I wonder. Am I experiencing the normal run of my cousins' website? I don't think so. That was more like what reading by the fire had been. Then I'd experienced everyone, though mostly Nancy as the other characters are so like cartoonish, and I'd certainly kept my distance from Adel Preston. I even remember there were parts where Nancy wasn't present. Those seem to be gone now. And there was always, of course the sense that I was in control. Now, it's like I'm experiencing the story from the bottom, locked in this one character, at the beck and call of that reading voice. If it were to stop, I wonder, what would happen to me? Perhaps I would wake? Or vanish? No. I'm sure what'll happen is that I'll wake when I come to where I left off reading. Getting there will be unpleasant enough.
"Man oh Man" a man's voice exclaims.
"Look at how her cunt is reflected by the wood!" There's laughter as I hurriedly stretch my legs flat again.
I hear steps and by lifting my head and looking down over my chest I see four men and Adel enter from the hall. The men are elegantly dressed in black and white tuxes, two have red cummerbunds, the others black. Adel vanishes behind me to the head of the table.
The men sit with a clattering of chairs. Looking up at them, they're all like grotesque, their mouths are strange and I'm like looking up their nostrils.
Luis and Miguel start serving.
The man by my right shoulder, a guy with puffy shaking cheeks and what I guess is a bald head, laughs, "Why there's a hair in my soup!" He lifts a strand of my hair and puts it between his lips. His eyes meet mine, "My name's Andrew and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."
I stare at him dumbly and he laughs. From my perspective his several chins, thick lips and fleshy ears are prominent. I look away and he laughs again. I close my eyes. The smells rising from the soup are overwhelming. I can almost think of nothing else.
"So where did you pick this one up," comes a gruff voice from the man by my left shoulder.
"I first saw her almost a week ago," goes Adel's voice, so nasty and dispassionate. "She'd just gotten home from her prom. Imagine her in a red strapless dress, bushy below the waist, when she walked in she looked almost like a bell, begging to be rung. She was tired and just wanted to go to bed but her Dad asked her into the living room, 'I want to hear about it honey, ' he said. She glanced at me, shy. She sat on the edge of the couch. She was quite lovely. I nodded to him and he offered her the drink. 'Something to top the evening off, you're grown now' he said. She sipped, got this endearing surprised expression on her face, managed to say she was feeling a little sick and then toppled over."
"What did you have over him?"
"He was the CFO of a smallish company. He'd been embezzling for several years. The place was going belly up sooner than he'd expected and he was worried the FBI and SEC were closing in. Rightly so."
"So that is where the tip to sell short on Continental Shelf Chemicals came from," one of the men said.
"Hey," goes another, "I know who you mean. I read about him vanishing. I even used to work with the guy. At his previous company. Tom Lyons. It was maybe 10 years ago. I even met this girl, at a summer outing for senior management and families."
"He came to me in desperation," Adel continued, "With considerable effort, my influence created a one day window. One of my employees who looks somewhat like this young thing accompanied him on his flight. Everyone thinks Nancy here is with him in hiding in Central America."
"How's she taking it?"
"As well can be expected," the dry voice says with a hint of amusement, "It must be difficult to go so abruptly from having at least the illusion of freedom, of choice, to the reality of it's absence. Most of us never have to face this until the moment of our deaths."
"She is a lovely thing."
There is a pause. While the soup dishes are being removed one of them says, "Have any of you tried ExtremeOPhilia Adventures?"
"Not me," goes Andrew, the old guy on my right, by my head, "I'm more the sedentary type."
Let me start by saying, I am FTM trans. This story is based on my body. Post op top and pre-op bottom. If you don't like the way I refer to my body parts then don't read it. If you don't know what an FTM is, you should look it up before reading this story. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. I can feel the heat and the throbbing of my clit as it starts to swell. It's getting wet. I'm horny again. That's nothing new, I'm always horny thanks to the testosterone. But the feeling is overwhelming now, I...
TransHey guys, Karan again. I told you how it began with my maami Kanika. We had a lot of fun and fuck on her trip to my place. You can find the link to the previous story here: Maami’s Visit Turns My Honeymoon – This is continued incident with her. After about a week of fucking her at my place, I was not satisfied with her yet. The day came when she was to leave for her place. I asked my parents to accompany her as she was...
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Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo kapoor.ksh I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl, just read enjoy and appreciate, this time a babe is narrating this...
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Gail Murtaugh wanted that house so badly she could taste it, but she was nervous about the things she had heard about Corona Heights. She could never find out anything definite, just rumors, impressions and vague references. Somehow, no one had ever actually seen or done anything, nor did they personally know anyone who had. Like so many parents, she was ready to send her kids to private school after the experiences of the last couple of years. Oh, things weren't terrible, but she could see...
Hi readers. Am Satheesh. Am little girlish type, white, have nice ass and a smooth body. Am here to tell you the story that happens when am on 6th std. I usually travel by bus to school and my way back. On that day I was on bus, I got a seat towards the back end. After some time a guy,maybe 30s, little dark, sat beside me. After some time I felt a hand on my thighs.It was that guy’s hand. First I thought it was an accident. But after sometime I came to realize that its not an accident. He...
Gay MaleAt orientation for classes, I notice her. She is hanging out with another hottie and every guy is trying to get their attention. She is simply breathtaking....about 5'7" with the athletic body and strength of a dancer, Blonde, and natural 32 D tits. We get our schedules, and then i find out we are in the same class. First day of class, all but one of the guys is hitting on her. I figure she is out of my league anyway, and i find out she already met some dude in another class. I figure there no...
There I was getting nipple cream applied to my nipples so the pasties will stay on me. Of course you're wondering why this sounds a bit weird. Well for starters I was a man several days or has it been weeks? Time around this strange place is starting to take its toll on me and since being changed into a woman it hasn't gotten any easier. I've been submitted to strange trials where I've been forced to dress in women's clothing and I even had sex with a man and while it was surreal for a...
A/N: Here is something I’ve tried to write for a while now, and finally succeeded. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Also, English is not my main language, so if there are typos or mistakes, I apologize. Tales of Cera will be a series of stories that happen in the same world, but each story will focus on different people and even different periods of time. Some stories will refer to others and one or two may be crossovers, but no need to be worried. I will give an A/N if that...
CHAPTER 1 Tired from the long flight from Australia where he’d been on a long working holiday after completing a lucrative management contract, Willis Westwood looked at the exhausted-looking young blonde standing in front of him and grinned as he always did at a pretty face above a pair of great looking tits… er natural ones. ‘Are you collecting for charity?’ he joked before she had time to open her mouth. ‘In a manner of speaking yes. I lost my billfold in this terminal last night. It...
This incident happened to me in my life last year. I am 28 years of age based Avadi, Chennai. Mrs. Sumitha is my neighbor she is aged about 34 years. She is having a school going kid and her husband working as a Human Resources Manager for a private company and he is aged about 45 years. She came to the rented premises last year since her husband got transferred. Both our houses are located in the same compound. She is one of the beautiful creations of the god. No words to explain her beauty. I...
Lou had almost reached the shack when the dark clouds rising up out of the southwestern sky let loose. In seconds he was drenched. The rain fell so heavily that he could not see more than twenty feet in any direction. He could still make out the ground he was traveling, but just, forcing him to watch his footing even more. A curtain of silver gray streaks blurred his vision. Water fell from the sky with such force it bounced against the rocky ground. Every pocket in rock or ground quickly...
Clint Callahan’s parents turned out to be a surprise. Well, his mother did. On Metro North from Grand Central to Greenwich, I asked him, “Do they know about Vanessa?” “Of course.” “What do they expect ... about, you know, you and me?” Translation: What I was really asking him was: what the fuck do you expect, Clint? You, yourself. Who are we anyway? I’m married, you’re widowed, we live half a country apart. Yet there was a steadily growing bond between us. “I’m not sure, Winter. I told...
Nikki By Cheryl Lynn This work of fiction was suggested by a loyal fan. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it follows the forced feminization life style of our poor hero Nick. In the end he was amazed at how a couple of bad decisions had so radically changed his entire life. Comments welcome at [email protected]. All standard disclaimers apply and may not be downloaded for anything other than personal pleasure without consent of the...
Hi, This Is A True StoryThis Happened About 2 years Ago When I Was Just 17.My Friend Jake Who Was the same age as me was invited to a family christening one weekend.Because he didn't want to be bored he brought me along to the after party at rugby club function room .We was both their for a few hours and most the older family members went home and jakes uncle ross came over and bought us a drinkHe started chatting to us having a laugh and a joke. I was Gay and Jake Knew and the day before he...
As Whitaker and Taylor headed out of the hotel and toward the location, Whitaker was texted by the Deputy. There had been a lot of tense silence between them since they’d met, but Taylor could feel the anger coming off Whitaker. And yet, she hadn’t thrown in the towel completely. Taylor knew he’d been too dismissive of Whitaker from the beginning, but he wasn’t sure how to make any of them listen to reason. He promised himself he would try and go easier on her if at all possible. The hard...
Sarah the receptionist at the hotel I worked at was one of those girls one admires from afar. she seemed quite aloof and way out of my league. That was until one day she was asked to tidy up a room for a guest who would be arriving later that day. This was normal practice, when we are short staffed everyone helps out. Sarah asked me if I would mind helping her. Being Sarah it said I would. As I followed Sarah up the stairs I could not take my eyes of her arse. I swear she was swaying her hips...
This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. A week later after the incident, my mother-in-law asked me a favor. Usually, she went to purchase grocery in a mart nearby. But as she was feeling sick, she wanted me to go for that. She instructed me to go and select the items and...
Ready for Anything? A thrill-seeking crossdresser gets caught by an old friend while on a business trip. She pushes him farther and farther toward public exposure. Is he ready for the consequences? Prologue "Pick one." Those two words started everything. Those two words were the innocent drink that led to my addiction. They're responsible for my current situation, and the nerves racing through my mind as I approach the hotel lobby bar dressed as no man does, at least not...
How Lucky Can You Get? By PFL Janey's hand was shaking as she rang the bell. She double checked the address on the paper with the number over the door. Just then the door opened and she was greeted by a handsome middle aged man with a kind smile. "May I help you, miss?" he asked. "I'm here in answer to your ad. The one for models?" said Janey, making it more of a question than a reply. "Ah yes. Come in, Come in! I'm Benjamin Hunter." He stepped...
GINGER DUCK IN CHASTITY by Throne I sat on a kitchen chair, shifting my feet anxiously. My wife Desiree looked at me with barely restrained impatience, like she was dealing with a difficult child. Yet her green eyes held a hint of mischief. Those pale lips suggested the beginnings of a smile. I sat there trying to appear capable of reasoning with her, but that's not easy when you're dressed in a yellow top with a ruffled front and capped sleeves, and you're naked from the waist...
My life was grand untill one day my mom was killed in a car wreck. I had no father so the state was looking for a relative to take me in. I was sixteen and could not live on my own. They finally found Uncle Bob. He lived in Montana up in the hills on his ranch. I took the plane to him and he met me at the airport. He was not a bad looking man but was not happy to be stuck with a teen ager. When I walked to him he looked me over from head to toe. I was built like my mom with great tits and nice...
Present – Jack – At the cabin I along with three Marines I acquired from Glen are ripping into the ventilation system in hopes that we can use it to get into the tunnels and rescue everyone - especially Vanya. Jennifer's dog is raising hell and trying to help: He's biting the hell out of the metal and digging at it with his paws like crazy. This gives me hope that my plan might actually work. I hear a hell of a lot of gunfire from the Marines I stationed on the perimeter, take a second...
Your name is John, a high-school student and your favorite hobby, pretty much your only hobby, is to masturbate. You're a weak thin guy who's never been popular, in fact you've been bullied for most of your life so masturbation is the only way to relieve your cock. You don't have any friends, even less of a girlfriend. The bullying got bad enough that your mother decided to move to another town and start fresh together with you and your siblings. You suddenly wake up from the nightmare you just...
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Free Porn Tube SitesI am a middle-aged woman whose marriage is in decline. I do love my husband. Didn't I? I mean we had four kids, the two girls were in their 20's and both in university. The two boys were "Oops" babies, and at nine and 12, they kept us young and very busy. My husband and I had been married nearly 30 years. We got married right out of college. I got pregnant right away, much to the amazement of the doctors, who said that wouldn't ever happen for me. I miscarried, and I felt like such...
Straight SexAshleigh woke up and looked at the clock. 5am. Suddenly the thought struck her that she was at the wrong house. Not that she didn’t like being here in Tom’s bed with him sleeping beside her but her work clothes were across town at her own apartment. She slipped quietly from the bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. After her shower, as she just finished drying herself, the door opened and Tom entered completely naked. ‘Good morning, princess.’ He said, ‘You’re up early...
Namaskar mere sabhi pyare dosto. Mai iss ka regular reader hu. Is site par ye meri pehli kahani hai umid karta hu ki apko ye pasand ayegi. Mera man Manish hai. Mai Puna ka rehnewala hu. Mai ek athelete n basketball player hu. Body ekdam tagadi hai jise dekhke koi bhi ladki ya aunty fida ho jaye. Aur ha sabse jaruri baat mera loda jo ki 7″ mota n 2″ jada hai. (ladkiyo bachke rehna isse) Baat un dino ki hai jab mai Puna se kisi kam ke silsile me Mumbai gaya hua tha. Waha ka kam khatam karke wapas...
i was in my 26th year and had a geat gilfiend Trish, we lived together in a big house that we could not afford so we got roomates, no of witch neve stayed fo very long.....Then we met Liz a 20 year old blonde who had move to town with her boyfiend and they split he left and she stayed and needed a place. Liz was tall about five foot ten hundred and 15 pounds, small hard tits tight little ass, long legs and the brightest blue eyes, witch perfectly accented her long blonde hair. I was living...
Saturday morning we got up and had a light breakfast out by the pool, in the fresh morning air. Kari again walking around, her breast jiggling underneath her robe as Hunter and I both praying for it to fall open. Then Hunter and I hit the gym and Kari went to the spa for a morning facial and pedicure. After lunch we made it back home. I donned my suit, grabbed some books and headed for the pool. Hunter was already there. When Kari got home she poked her head out, said 'Hi' and went...
I am not a writer by any means, but I had to tell my story.So my girlfriend of 5 years has always been a good one. She does her best to keep me happy. Unfortunately she also does a good job at keeping herself happy. A couple years ago, she and I got into taking molly on the weekends and pretty much just sitting around naked smoking cigarettes and talking. One of these weekends for some reason we absolutely could not come no matter how hard we tried or how kinky we got. So eventually we got to...
[“I laid low, just raising you kids after that until TJ called me in late 1972.”] “What happened then?” Bob asked. “We put together a plan of how Jim and TJ could use my abilities without putting any of us in danger!” Dad smiled brilliantly. “So, you’re not trying to talk us out of our plan with Tom? It sure sounded like you were trying to scare us out of the idea.” I exclaimed. “Scare you? Yes, and no. Enlighten you? Definitely.” “So what’s the plan?” Bob asked excitedly. “Hold your...
This is a short story on how I became a cocksucker for a man that was 70 year old. It all began when moving into a new building, where my neighbor across the hall was a old married a couple. A nice older man and a lovely woman which I sometimes chatted with when i saw em, about everything and nothing. However as fate had decided his wife slowly began to become ill and it went down hill from there. Each time I saw them in the hallway now it was something new, and the man began to take care of...
The story was edited by Sissy Kathy Duty of a soldier Part 2 "Explain yourself! How come you didn't mentioned that you are transgender?" "Sir, I'm not! It all belongs to a hooker, he helped me. The sect was going to kill me!" "So, we have a transgender hooker connected to a religious sect and wishing to be a ranger?" The sergeant's face is getting bright red while he is shouting at me. "I'll tell, you something! You will be a ranger, but I will see that you will be send to...
THE TRUSTING MAN James Kilroy was a nice, trusting man and couldn't imagine that there was anything significant that he didn't know about his fianc?e Fiona when they married. She was a sweet, loving , caring person who found her vocation looking after elderly or vulnerable people. She had even been looking after him devotedly, she was worried when he looked a bit run down on the run up to their marriage and had him on a regular dose of vitamin tablets. They married quite young, he w...
Friday, April 1, 2005 (Continued) For most of the short journey, Carol sat turned around in her seat looking back at us. She kept an almost nonstop gush going: "Julia looks so beautiful", "Your dress is wonderful, Julia", "Mark is so lucky", "Julia is so lucky", "You two look so good together", "I wish I was older", "I'm going to wait up until you get home, to hear how it went." Mom quickly responded to that one, "No you won't, Carol. Mark won't be home till well after...
Fictional story about getting absolutely humiliated!I was chatting with a guy on Grindr, he was passing through my town and I offered to blow him. He sent me a picture of his cock, nice and average, 7 inches long and circumcised. I sent him some slutty pictures of me and before I knew it we were planning to meet up. It was evening and the sun was setting. He told me what he drove and I told him. We planned to meet on the edge of town at a forest where I could blow him in the woods. I drove out...
My wife mentioned to me that there was a ship coming in to dock for $th of july weekend and a newspaper article was looking for families that would adopt a sailor for the weekend and allow him to have a family style fun 4th while in a strange port where they may not know anybody. I knew what she had on her mind and got hard thinking of the possibilities. I told her to call, and she said I already did, and they had questioned her on specifics. she told them she would prefer a sailor that was a...
This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...
One weekday, I was at home because all of my lectures had been cancelled. I was in my third year of college, with two years left to complete my five-year MBA. When I went to have my breakfast, I saw Khanna aunty sitting and talking to my mother. There was another lady there, with her back to me, and because the sofa had a high back, I could only see the top of her head. Mom came to the table to tell me to finish everything my plate and went back. While mom was walking back, I saw a beautiful...
I was always a bit of a loner through school. I was average looking, nerdy, shy, and anxious. I had a few close friends, and had a few boyfriends through that time. Sure I had had sex before, not many times, and other than being told I was really good at giving a blowjob by two of my exes, I was pretty inexperienced and naive. My mother was a strict Christian, so if she found out she might kill me. My father had lost his faith, being paralyzed after a work accident, and though we shared a...
I could not believe it. My dad just left on a business trip and doesn't plan to return for three days. He knew I have a big game this Friday and we always have a "boy's" night before the game. I look forward to it every Thursday. We usually order a pizza and play some cards or watch some sports on TV. It is usually the only time I get to spend with him since he works a lot. Dad apologized for missing our night before the game. He said I could invite some friends over to hang out instead...
Ravi woke up the next morning around 10:30 am, on top of his naked aunt. Raji was in deep sleep and started to mutter “Put it in” as Ravi got out of bed to go to the bathroom. The naked nephew smiled as he took his phone on his way to the toilet. There were ten missed calls from his grandpa and mom. Ravi called his grandpa from the toilet as he started to take a dump. Grandpa: Where the hell are you? Why aren’t you answering your phone? Ravi: Sorry, I was playing video games all night and...
Incest"The Roommate" Pt. II I heard my nylons zip, my skirts rustle loudly and heard the click of my heels as I spun around to see Ted standing there! He set his briefcase down without taking his eyes off of me. For a split second he must have thought that a woman had just invited herself into the house and had started cooking dinner. Because of the wig, the false eyelashes and all the makeup I sure didn't look like much of a man now and it took Ted a few...
The next day we practiced again on the course where, two days hence, the four consecutive days of qualifying would begin. Seventy-two holes. "This course isn't that tough," Tess said as we walked (not for the first time) the long fairway of the par-5 eighth hole. "I'd be happier if it was longer," I agreed. "It would suit your game better." "Gonna have to grind." "Yes. Nothing spectacular. Just four days of churning out rounds." "I can grind," Tess said. "Sure you...
The walk home A black, new looking car honked it's horn in rapid succesion as it slowly passed a mostly red, and fully naked, rabbit on the nearby sidewalk. Bunny, as he went by to most, blushed as he watched the car pass, unable to see the driver through the heavily tented windows, but he didn't bother covering himself up. He couldn't cover his large cock with both paws even if he wanted to, the already rock hard foot plus of his length throbbing and bouncing loosely in the cool air as...
Did I ever tell you about the time I measured 5000 penises? And met my wife? My Ph.D. thesis in physiology wasn't exactly Nobel Prize material, and I was growing desperate for a job when my thesis adviser at MU called me in. "Mark," he said, "I have a research program for you. Fully funded. It might last indefinitely." There had to be something wrong with it, of course. And there was. I looked a question at him. "It's funded by Sir Lance-A-Lot. You know, the condom manufacturers,"...
What is going on? Did Caryn solve some hidden mystery? “I spent some time with Caryn today,” I told Ellen and Ava. “You what? She is crazy as shit and way too smart. You can’t trust anything she says,” Ava said. “This is a trap of some sort. It must be. I know her.” I told Ava, “You trust me, and I will be there. Did she lie to me? Sure, I called her on it every time, so she stopped. I don’t know what is up, but she seems to have found something and wants to show us.” “Fine,” Ava said. I...
I had a few side trips planned as well. Once getting into the downtown core and parking, I made my way to the area of town that I knew was littered with businesses for the gay clientele. I searched out the sex shop close by the black door that I was looking for and with little trouble found it next to the dime store. I brazenly walked into the store and continued towards the section that held the toy selection. After a quick sweep of the racks I found the area I wanted- the small brown...
Present – Ben - leaving the cabin It is good to be on the move again - spending time at the cabin and connecting to Jens are some of the hardest things I have ever done. It reminds me of what should have been until Hussein fucked it up: Jens and I living out the rest of our lives at the cabin, surrounded by children and later grandchildren. To leave the cabin was to permanently leave that part of my life behind me and move on to other things. One part of leaving that part behind me is making...
The Cheese announces... "Cough, hack, hack ggggggrrrrrrgggghhhh, cough, hack," spit..."eww!!" "Eww!! Cheese!?!?!" Jo remonstrates... "What? what? Huh?" Cheese questions... "Disgusting!!" jo expostulates... "What? ... oh ... ooops." Cheese realizes... "Oooops my ass! Scrape that up!" Jo demands... "Eww!! Scrape it up? Eww!" Cheese rebels... "No!! Don't cover it up!! Scrape it up." Jo commands... "Errrrrrrrrrrrgggghhh ... hack ... haccccckkkkk..." Cheese...
Midnight found Kat standing just outside the Tavern against the side of the building waiting in the shadows. She thought about dressing a little warmer as she stood in the chill of the night air, but she reasoned that if she dressed in anything but her tight top and flowing ankle length skirt from her job it might make the Vampire suspicious and prevent her from forming a plan to stop him. While she was trying to figure out what to do she heard softly behind her "My, don't you look good...
My name is Kannan. I am living in Chennai. I am studying in Final year B.A. in Presidency College. I was going to College by bus. My College was fairly distance from my house which is Avadi. My journey takes atleast 1½ hours. I always was going to college with my friends. During our journey we have doing something special with college girls like songs, dancing, Foot boarding. Importantly why we should like to traveling in bus were college girls. I am very eager to pressing boobs and butts of...
hello ISS reders, this is my first post on ISS,, write ur feedback if you like my story……. on … i would love to read from all of you… i am gujarati living in ahmedabad. June Walker fidgeted nervously in her seat while waiting for Dr. Sherman. “How did she get herself into these things?!?” she asked under her breath while staring at the sweeping second hand of the clock on the wall. She was lost in thought when she was ripped back to reality when the door to the office burst open and Dr. Wendy...
The party was planned by Elena. She was overjoyed for her son, and she wanted to send him off with all of his friends honoring him for a night. It was going to be a classy event, held at an intimate upscale restaurant with an elegant-casual dress code. We arrived at The Hobbit in Orange at half-past seven, Addie and Rita carpooling with me from the salon. We’d all gotten our make-up and hair and nails done professionally. Addie looked like a damn queen in her long red sequined gown, like she...
Paul and Maggie Turner had a fairly large Modern Colonial home. While the house wasn't enormous, it was still very big considering that there were only three people living there. However, right now ten people made the family room seem a little bit squishy. "Carrie, just relax honey," said Tom, stroking her strawberry blond hair. She was sitting on his lap. "You just called me 'honey'," she said quietly. "That's what you are to me. You're 'my honey'. You don't mind that I call...
A Naturist Mother and Her Naked Son by Oediplex 8==3~ She believed in things being natural, as it was in nature; but, was what they did at their secret beach a natural sort of activity between a mother and her son? It was one of those days where the air was perfect. It was the right temperature, the right humidity, a slight breeze, perfect. You know how that feels, when the atmosphere is just exactly at it’s most comfortable. It is a sensation that makes you want to be nude, shed...