How Lucky Can You Get free porn video

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How Lucky Can You Get? By PFL Janey's hand was shaking as she rang the bell. She double checked the address on the paper with the number over the door. Just then the door opened and she was greeted by a handsome middle aged man with a kind smile. "May I help you, miss?" he asked. "I'm here in answer to your ad. The one for models?" said Janey, making it more of a question than a reply. "Ah yes. Come in, Come in! I'm Benjamin Hunter." He stepped aside so she could enter. "I'm very pleased to meet you, my dear. And your name is?" "Janey; Janey Summers. You'll have to excuse me if I seem a little bit nervous, Mr. Hunter. It's just that I really need this job. I've been all over the entire city looking for work since coming here a month ago and haven't had a nibble. If I don't find work soon I'll have to move back home. And home is the last place I want to go," she lamented. "Why is that? Don't want your family to think you failed in the big city??" "No, that's not it at all. I've got no family left back there, and besides, there's nothing but a bunch of hicks left back there anyway." She clearly did not want to rejoin them after escaping that humdrum life. "Getting back to the job. It said in the advert you were looking for models - for sculptures?" "Yes I am. But not just any sculptures, my dear. You see, I make mannequins. Exquisitely realistic and beautiful mannequins that I promote to upscale stores only, though I do sell to a very select group of private collectors as well. I have a discovered unique way of making my mannequins that is very efficient," he explained. Looking her up and down for a few moments, he continued. "In fact, you have the kind of fresh look and appearance that I think would work very well for me. Does this sound like something you would be interested in?" Benjamin summed up. "Well I really don't know..." she replied, suddenly hesitant. "Like I said, I really do need the money, and if you think I'm the right type of model that's a plus. Tell me, how much does this sort of work pay and what does it involve? I've done some modeling for artists in the past, but not for a mannequin artist." "You're in luck Janey. It just so happens I am in the process of working on one now and you can see how it's done," he said with a smile on his face, as he took her hand and led her through a door at the far side of the small office. She couldn't believe her eyes when she walked into the huge studio lit by overhead skylights. The walls were lined with tall mirrors all the way around the room and high windows above them. Spaced at regular intervals along the walls were several beautiful mannequins dressed in the latest fashions. Each was perched on a little pedestal that revolved ever so slowly to allow a viewer to see all sides of them. Walking up to the first one she came to, the girl stared deep into its eyes. "Remarkable," she whispered. "It's so lifelike and very pretty. Can you make me look that good?" "I'm sure of it," Ben replied. "Come, let me introduce you to Holly. She's the girl modeling for me now in the molding room," he suggested, leading her around a corner into another section of the studio where he stopped and waved his hand in a grand gesture. "My latest masterpiece!" he exclaimed with a flourish. Janey didn't quite know what to make of what she saw. There in the center of the room was a round cylinder about five feet high and about three feet in diameter. It looked to be filled with some kind of white rubbery looking paste. The strangest thing though, was there seemed to be a young woman's head sticking out of the top of it. "This is Holly," said Benjamin by way of introduction. Holly smiled at Janey. She looked pert and had distinctive blue-green eyes that were very striking. "Hi," she said. "Must look pretty weird, huh? I know it does, because I can see myself in that full-length mirror over there." "It's different; that's for sure," Janey agreed. "This is the key to my molding process Janey," Ben explained. "It is my own invention, which allows me to make a precise mold of the model's body which can be used over and over to create carbon-copes. First I do their body; the face comes after because the details are more delicate. The substance you see in the cylinder is a special liquid plastic which takes about three to four hours to set and harden into a perfect image of the model. After the duplicate is cast, the figure is painted and makeup applied. Each one is unique in her own special way; you have already seen the results in the showroom. Aren't they flawless?" He smiled at her warmly. "I am prepared to pay you five thousand dollars for one day's work. If you are agreeable, we can create your mold tomorrow. By then, I should have the Holly mannequin completed for you to see before we do you... I m-mean your figure," said Benjamin. It seems like easy money to her. "I'll do it!" said Janey with a bright smile. This should put an end of my money problems for now anyway, she said to herself. "Tomorrow morning at nine, then, my dear. It will be great fun and I'm sure you'll find it very exciting for you Janey. You'll enjoy the result, I'm sure," said Benjamin. "Yeah, Janey. See you then!" Holly chimed in from within the tank. {Nine A.M. the next morning} "Good morning! Good morning!" beamed Benjamin as he answered the door. "Come right on in, Janey. I can't wait for you to see Holly's completed figure." Janey followed him back to the molding room where standing on a low pedestal in the corner was Holly. Or rather Holly's mannequin, that is. The figure was incredibly detailed and almost looked alive. She was fully dressed in a silky maroon dress, with a full skirt and white lace collar along with flesh colored hose and matching maroon pumps with three inch heels that matched her dress. The brown wig was styled to shoulder length and highlighted, which really brought out her blue-green eyes thought Janey. She looked deep into Holly's eyes and couldn't believe how real they looked for being made of plastic. Or were they glass. She really couldn't tell. Benjamin had replicated their color perfectly. Her face had been made up with dark olive eyeshadow, rouged cheeks, and a lipstick that looked wet. "She's gorgeous!" said Janey. "How did you get her done so fast?" "You'll find out today, my dear. The process is very efficient. Now, it's time to get you started. I need for you to undress completely while I prepare the cylinder. You can go behind that curtain, if you wish." Janey did as she was told. In a way it felt odd to be nude in front of a total stranger, but for artists it was different. Grabbing the robe she found on a hook on the wall and wrapping it around her trim body, she soon came back around the curtain. Benjamin was standing beside the now empty cylinder with a grin on his face. As she walked up, he undid some latches on the cylinder and opened the whole side of it like a door. "You need to put these on," he said as he handed her a pair of clear plastic high heels with four inch heels on them. "They are a size six. Is that about right for you?" he asked. "Yes that's perfect," said Janey as she slipped them on. They sort of cradled her feet while leaving her toes open. "Now, I need you to step into the cylinder and stand in the middle of it." She did as she was told, feeling a little bit like one of those go- go girls from an old TV show. "Now I'm going to pose you first, because once the fluid begins to fill the cylinder, I will need you to remain perfectly still in that position. Okay Janey?" "Okay!" she said, courageously. She was a little scared and a quite nervous, but tried not to let it show in her voice. He spread her feet apart a little, put one hand out to her side a little, spread her fingers, placed her other hand out in front of her as if she were carrying a purse in it, and twisted her torso just a little bit to the right. He was very gentle and soon she was posed exactly the way he wanted. "You look superb! Now stand still, honey, while I start the flow," he said as he closed and latched the door to the cylinder, sealing Janey inside. Benjamin then produced a sheer bolt of cloth about five feet long and three feet wide which hung from a bar about three feet long. The bar had a bend in it to allow it to go around the back of Janey's head as he attached it to both sides of the cylinder letting the cloth drape down against her backside. "That will keep the two halves of the mold separate to allow me to get them apart," stated Benjamin. Janey then noticed the fluid flowing in from a hose at the top of the cylinder. It had a thick pasty consistency, and was a warm soothing temperature. It caressed her legs as it climbed higher on her body. Benjamin just smiled at her as she remained as still as she could. This one was doing an excellent job. "It will get easier to hold your pose as the molding compound hardens," he said. "There is one thing I have to tell you, though. The fluid contains a depilatory which will dissolve the hair off your body. That will give me the desired look I need and will spare you any pain when it comes time to separate the mold halves later. You're doing fine. Now just relax and I'll be back." With that, he left her alone in the room. This feels pretty weird, she thought to herself, as the fluid reached her belly button. It's kind of tingly like it's soaking into my skin or something. Oh well, no sense worrying for nothing. Ben knows what he's doing. Benjamin came back about ten minutes later and shut the flow off just as the fluid was reaching up to Janey's chin. "I was getting a little worried," she said, not so bravely. "If the fluid got much higher it would have suffocated me." "Don't worry yourself, Janey. I would never let that happen. I have performed this process on many models before," said Benjamin. Now is a critical time to keep holding your pose, so concentrate your thoughts on that. I will be back in about three hours. Now don't go anywhere!" he summed up with a wry grin. Yeah right, thought Janey, trying valiantly to remain still.. She eventually dozed off and was awakened by movement in the room. Ben had returned. "Okay Janey. It's time to open the mold!" he said excitedly. He undid the latches and gingerly opened the cylinder in two halves, making sure the compound wasn't sticking. Taking a long flat aluminum bar in his hands he pried the two halves of the mold apart; they made this weird sucking sound as they came free of her body, carrying a reverse impression of her every curve and detail. Ben carefully slid them aside, making sure they did not tip over. Janey shivered a little as the first cool air hit her naked body. "Perfect!" he said as he looked at her carefully. "Here let me show you," he said, turning away for a moment. Janey tried to turn to look in his direction, when she realized she couldn't move her body. At all. She tried with all her might but could only shift her head back and forth a little; even her neck felt stiff somehow. "I can't move!" she cried, a note of fear rising in her voice. "What's wrong? Benjamin, help! What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong at all, my dear," he said calmly. "You've come out beautifully," he continued as he wheeled a tall mirror over in front of her. "Take a look at yourself!" Janey's heart leapt up into her throat as she looked into the mirror, seeing the changes it revealed. Her eyes scanned up and down the length of now her shiny body, which was perfectly smooth without a hair of blemish anywhere on it. Her nipples had become the same flesh tone as the rest of her body and they seemed to be flatter. Her navel had been turned into just a slight dimple in her otherwise featureless abdomen. "What the hell have you done to me?" she screamed, not very loudly because her chest could not expand much. "Now calm down Janey," he said in the same soothing tone of voice. "You're going to be just fine. Your body is made of living plastic now; soon the rest of you will be changed. The chemicals in the fluid have transformed your skin into plastic. Next, I will pump the same fluid into you intravenously to transform your insides leaving your lovely face for last. Don't worry though. You are not going to die; you will be able to see, feel, and hear everything when I am done transforming you into a mannequin. You'll be forever dazzling and gorgeous just like Holly is over there." He talked as if it was the most normal thing in the world as he patted her smooth, rigid curves. Janey could see Holly out of the corner of her eye. She's been watching me all day, getting duped like she was, Janey thought, I'm sure she has enjoyed every minute of it. Watching me turn into a plastic statue. Summoning her resolve, she took another deep breath. "You're crazy, Benjamin! You can't just do this to people!" she cried. "Oh yes, I can," said Benjamin levelly. "And I just have done it once more. All you have to do is just look at yourself. Lovely and timeless beauty. I do not understand why you are so upset. There is nothing to fear, Janey. No more worries. You're going to be well cared for, now and you won't ever have to worry about so many things anymore." "Noooo...." she whimpered. Benjamin wrapped the same robe around Janey which she had worn before he began posing her. Back when she was a living, moving person. "This will keep you nicely warm while I prepare for the next stage of your transformation," He tied the sash loosely, knowing her new plastic body was not completely hardened yet. "I want you to be very comfortable and enjoy this process, Janey. You have no idea how lucky you are, really. You will now be beautiful forever!" beamed Benjamin. "I don't want to be a mannequin!" Janey pleaded. "You have to change me back! Oh, please. I thought you were going to just be making a mold of me for making plastic copies, not turning me into plastic instead! I never agreed to this... Change me back!" Janey was crying now and becoming horrified at her predicament. "I'm afraid it's not possible to change you back, even if I wanted to. Left at this stage, you'll die within a matter of days. I must stop your biological functions with my formula in order to preserve your mind. Then you'll be perfect, my dear, a timeless beauty. In time you will grow to love the attention and pampering you get as a display figure. No! You will be a work of art! You will find a home in one of the collections, where you will be dressed and cared for as a priceless sculpture would. In a way, I envy you, Janey." "Please, no," was all she had the energy to say. This situation's hopeless! I'm gonna be a statue no matter what I say... She thought. Ben came up to face her and said seriously. "Let me explain what steps I will be doing next, then I'll give you a choice. If you keep promise to be quiet and keep your head still, I will let you communicate with me up until the very final step of the process. If not I will immobilize your face now, so I can control your expression. What will it be?" There was nothing she could do. "I'll keep still. Really. Please don't immobilize me yet," pleaded Janey. "If you've got to do this, let me stay as human as possible for as long as possible," She figured she could maybe buy herself some time. Who knows, she thought. Maybe someone will show up and catch him in the act and get me out of this? She had not grasped that she could never go back to the way she had been, only forward into a future as an object of art. Just then Benjamin came around in front of her with a set of electric hair clippers and began cutting off all her scalp hair. He beautiful cinnamon locks. Though she wanted to cry again, Janey held her head as still as she could. When he was done shearing, he left her line of sight for a moment, returning with a spray bottle filled with a milky white liquid. "Since you have agreed to cooperate with me, I will transform your head next and then do the inside of your body. This liquid contains the same chemicals which were in the molding paste," he said as he began spraying her bald head with it. "It is a more concentrated formula and so will work much quicker than the paste." "Wait! Stop a minute!" cried Janey. "How will I talk to you when the skin on my face and head is turned to plastic?" "Your skin will remain slightly pliable and you will have limited mobility of your mouth and lips, up until the end. Please, no more interruptions; I must continue." He finished spraying Janey's head, all over, coating the places the mold had not reached. He even sprayed a volume of the fluid directly into her eyes, but Janey discovered after a few blinks that it didn't bother them any more than plain water would have, except it had a distinct odor of plastic to it. The sensation was unusual to say the least as the chemical took effect. Benjamin moved the full length mirror closer to her face so she could see what was happening. Janey saw the skin on her face becoming more even in color as the seconds passed and could feel it tightening a little; becoming hard. Her eyes soon fixed in position and gazing into the mirror she could see as the razor stubble on her head dissolve away, along with her eyebrows. She felt numbness as her cheeks started to turn shiny and stiff. Within a few minutes her entire head, including her lips, were a perfect shiny flesh tone plastic. Oh my god! Thought Janey. It's really happening! Look at me! No one will ever be able to tell I'm alive in here! I'm never going to get out of this! She had to struggle to move her mouth, but she managed to slowly say, "I can't believe... what you've done me. ...I look so ...fake." As she continued to stare at herself Janey was strangely becoming more and more entranced by what she looked like, excited even. She was completely bald. She looked just like all the other perfect still mannequins that Benjamin had in his studio. Every detail of her old self was there. They were just smoothed out and evenly colored; idealized. She just couldn't believe the figure in the mirror was really herself. She really did have the right body for this, he thought, as he finished on her head. She was very lean and shapely with just the right size breasts for a display model. Benjamin broke her rapt concentration when he came into her view with an I.V. stand and some other medical-looking equipment. He held up a bag containing more of the white liquid so her rigid eyes could see it. "The chemicals in this bag will transform the insides of your body into a lightweight plastic. They will not, however, harm your nervous system nor brain activity. The oxygen your brain needs to stay alive will soon be absorbed through microscopic pores in your skin. This won't hurt a bit!" With these words, he inserted the needle deep into her arm and started the flow of the fluid. Slowly it crept through the tubing and into her motionless figure. "This step will take a while, but once the bag is empty you will begin to feel the transformation inside. I have had some models tell me with their last words that it is a very erotic feeling, and is very exciting and enjoyable." "How?" she whispered, but he had no answer for his new mannequin. Janey's mind began to wander as she watched the reflection of the bag emptying. Just as Benjamin had said, she began to feel a trembling inside her, then looked at the bag hanging beside her and saw the last of the liquid running down into the tube. Something odd was happening. She could feel the trembling coming on stronger now. It was beginning to feel almost like an orgasm, though she could not move an inch. The thought of what was occurring to her flashed through her mind just before an enormous orgasm shot through her entire body. At that moment she felt herself become rigid and solid, and that feeling did not go away. The feeling of tenseness, hardness, started way down deep in her abdomen, spreading slowly outward and upward through her torso, arms and legs, ending with a tingling sensation at her fingertips and toes. This faded away into nothingness, leaving her feeling stiff and rigid. Janey tried to speak and found she couldn't move her mouth or tongue at all. She tried to move her head, to no effect. She strained every muscle. Nothing. She could feel herself trying to move, but when she looked in the mirror she was perfectly motionless on the outside. She wondered if she even had muscles, or whether she was imagining them. Either way, she was totally immobilized. He's done it, she said to herself. He's really done it. I'm a...a mannequin! Nobody can know there's someone's consciousness in here! Look at me! Plastic. I can't even tell I was once alive and I'm looking right at myself! The more she thought about it, the more she seemed to be turning herself on. Was it the permanence of it? The helplessness? This is reality, now, she thought. I'm going to be exactly like this from now on. For the first time, it seemed like eternal beauty wasn't such a bad thing after all. "Well Janey, how did you like that? And how do you like your new look?" It was Benjamin. He had his face about a foot in front of her static visage and he was grinning from ear to ear. "I think you're utterly ravishing. But we're not done yet! This," he said, holding up a small jar of something colored flesh tone, "is to smooth out your vaginal area." He took some of the paste and Janey watched as he smoothed over her crotch. It sent waves of ecstasy through her. He then used some paste to fill in her navel a little bit. "There, that's better," he said. Next he produced a metal socket which he inserted in her rectum, using more of the flesh tone goo as cement. "That will be used to affix you to your stand. It's just about time for makeup, a wig, and some clothes; then I can put you on display in the studio." Again Janey could only watch and marvel as he skillfully painted her face. He did her cheeks with a faint hint of rose, her eye shadow with a smoky gray and violet. Her lips he colored with a deep red gloss. Carefully, he painted new eyebrow hairs onto the canvas that was her face. She thought she now looked very exotic and artificial. Especially after he sprayed her bald head with spirit gum and placed a jet black wig on her head. The straight plastic-looking hair reached past her shoulders and flipped up at the tips. She thought it was much more beautiful than her old short mousy brown hair had been. Next, he removed the robe from around her shoulders and gently laid her hardened body prone on a table nearby. That feeling of utter stiffness when he moves me is very alien indeed, she thought. At least I'm not cold anymore! The erotic feelings she experienced when he slipped the yellow satin panties up her slim smooth legs and pulled them tightly into her crotch were nothing short of fantastic, but she climaxed explosively when she felt the slippery nylon of the flesh colored sheer pantyhose sliding up her legs. I wonder if he knows what this is doing to me. "I believe in having my mannequins be properly dressed," said Benjamin. He placed a pair of yellow pumps with four inch heels on her feet, which gave her the feeling of standing on tip-toe. She worried about being able to balance before he lifted her up and placed her on a stand, atop a metal pole. There was a hole in her underwear and pantyhose for the shaft of the stand to go through. He adjusted the height until she felt her feet barely touching the ground. He continued dressing her by placing a very lacy and shiny yellow satin bra around her torso and adjusting it on her firm breasts. She felt another shiver go through her body as the fabric brushed across her nipples. After adding a single strand of pearls around her neck, Ben turned her toward the mirror again. Janey was dumbfounded by what she saw. Her transformed appearance looked just like a mannequin in a lingerie store! Next, he completed her undergarments with a very sheer and silky matching yellow slip with lace at the short hem. She relished the feelings as its coolness floated down around her motionless form. Then finally, the dress. Benjamin placed it over her head and going around behind her, zipped it up. It seemed to fit her plastic body perfectly. As he straightened the neckline, he whispered in her ear. "You are very beautiful, Janey. And from this day forward you will be always," As the motionless girl looked into the mirror at her new self she couldn't help but agree. I'm stunning! The dress was gorgeous; it had a tight satin bodice flowering into a full knee length skirt made of flowing taffeta. She began to feel good about what had happened to her as Benjamin carried her competed figure out into the studio and placed her on her very own pedestal. She could glimpse her reflection, sometimes see all of herself in the many mirrors around the large room as the platform begin to revolve ever so slowly. He left momentarily and returned shortly with the mannequin that was Holly, placing her on the pedestal next to Janey's. "I think you two ladies should be displayed close to each other for now," said Benjamin in a fatherly way. "My two newest masterpieces..." Just then, Janey heard a doorbell. A few minutes later she saw Benjamin come back into the studio accompanied by a very attractive young lady. She was tall, and thin, and had very lovely eyes; she had 'the look.' The girl walked right up to Janey's motionless, plasticized face and looked right into her blankly gazing eyes. "Amazing," she whispered. "They all look so real; it's almost spooky! How DO you do it?" "Come my dear, and I'll show you the molding room," said Benjamin. It looks like I'm going to have another companion real soon, Janey thought as she stared at the new girl. When it happens to you, don't cry; it's not so bad after all...

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From Candace to CandyPrologue

Jim Jones is an 18 year old senior in high school. His step-sister Candace, is a 14 year old freshman. Their parents are very wealthy and also very rarely at home. To compensate for their long distance love the parents have given their children unlimited credit cards and run of the house. Jim and Candace have shouldered the responsibility and have never betrayed their parents trust. The two siblings are not blood related; Jims' mother did not give birth to Candace. His father died when he...

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Candices trailer park visit

She was thinking about Max and the crazy sex they had last week nonstop since it had happened. Her pussy or "Cunt" as she was now calling it because Max had called it that and it now pleased her to call her betraying vagina a cunt. Her cunt was back to normal. For a few days after 'having coffee' with Max it was sore and stretched. Very tender and leaking his cum. She smelled and tasted it for days. On the third day she could still get small traces but she really had to force her fingers...

4 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3

Howie was up at dawn. He ran and worked out. Then he drew in his garage studio for an hour. At ten he was at the FIJI house helping the other pledges as they cleaned the house. "Chief, what have you got that Dorothy sees in you?" a pledge asks. "A dynamic personality, I guess," he said. One pledge said, "I hear that Dave is pissed." Another pledge asked, "What is the Dunger pissed about now?" Another one said, "Cause he is getting any, not less any that looks like her." They...

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Howie RandolphChapter 4

The Friday after football was over, Becky totally avoided him. Wanda said, "Three pounds and I feel good." Howie squeezed her butt and said, "You do feel good." Wanda looked good. Now she looked more muscular than overweight. "You look really good. I am very proud of you. I know it wasn't easy," he said. The next Friday, the school gave out athletic letters. The coach called out, "Howie Randolph, a letter and the conference champion patch. In addition, Howie was All Conference...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 9

Candy and I arrived at the Gigots' for dinner at 7. We were met by Helen and ushered in to their home. She told us the servants had been given the night off so she and Mandy would be serving dinner. That was why she greeted us in a French maid outfit. It was black, with a bustier top that held her tits up but did not cover them. Her nipples had been rouged and their redness drew my eyes to them. When Helen saw where I was looking her nipples immediately got harder and I could see them expand...

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My First Candy Cane

College life was pretty crazy. Between classes, basketball (I was on a basketball scholarship) and chicks I was swamped. The hardest part was balancing the three. Because I an academically strong, I took a heavy class load (I was not on the road to the NBA...I was just using basketball to get my education for free), I was starting on the basketball team as a freshman (a rarity) and I had a few co-ed's who were usually more than eager to suck or fuck me.I am not being arrogant, but I am decent...

3 years ago
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Haitian Americans in Canada

Man, sometimes I wonder what the deal is with them Black women in the Confederation of Canada. As a Black man, they mystify me. The name is Stanley Mondesir. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I’m originally from the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I moved to boring little Ottawa because my parents had no money for my schooling. My father, Etienne Mondesir is a police officer in Boston and my mother Astrid Xavier Mondesir is a...

4 years ago
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Howie RandolphChapter 2

Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....

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I Dream Of Bridgette

Introduction: Bridgette B. is one of my favorite pornstars and so when I came across this photoset of her in a harem girl outfit, I knew I had to make a story of it! This story is a sexy parody of the old TV show "I Dream of Jeanie” but with a few sexy twists! I hope you like the story as much as I liked writing it! * * * *Tony Williams sat in the holding position, awaiting permission to enter the runway and take off. His small Cessna 340 twin-engine plane was fueled and ready for its...

2 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 7

"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...

1 year ago
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How Lucky Can One Girl Get

How Lucky Can One Girl Get By: Simonne Danielle © 2007 DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age, or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in this story are fictional and...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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Say Hello to Georgette

Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping mall. No one else seemed to mind either because I never interfered with their activities. I usually just sat there and listened to them gossip or complain about boyfriends. I liked to imagine I was a sheikh and they were all my harem girls. Occasionally one of the girls would ask my opinion about something they were talking about, something they were wearing or a boy one of the girls liked. I was...

3 years ago
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Say Hello to Georgette

My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

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Moroccan Boys

From the curved seat at the fantail of the private, two-masted schooner, “Nevis”, I watched the fourteen-year-old French Jewish boy, Emile, moving about in the rigging overhead like a nimble monkey. He was all deeply tanned arms and legs, moving deftly like a circus acrobat, changing the sheeting to match the change in the wind as the schooner raced down the French coast toward Casablanca, our goal of refuge for Reggie’s exile--or escape, depending on who you talked to. I was along because I’d...

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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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It was eight thirty in the evening on a Friday but unfortunately for Bridgette she had to stay to finish the project in the laboratory she and colleagues had started earlier in the week. The vaccine had proved a difficult one to manage but success had been accomplished and she just needed to ensure all the proper documents were straight before they presented their accolade to the many ministers, heads of departments and other dignitaries at the forthcoming press conference on Monday...

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Becoming Candi Part 2

It had been two weeks since I had transformed Jake to be my sissy slut Candi and today was the first day of the academic year. It was a Friday and it was the first lecture to get us introduced to the class and lecturer before enjoying a weekend break clubbing with our new classmates. Over the last two weeks Emma and I had continued training Candi to get her used to her new life. I was still giving her the muscle relaxant drugs each day and she seemed to have resigned to the fact...

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Hot Black Wifes Fucks Big Moroccan Cock

Shirley is a woman of 45 years and living in Amsterdam. She is 20 years happily married to Jermaine. Jermaine has been working at the tax office while Shirley works at an accounting firm. They have two c***dren, a daughter aged 17 and a son of 15. Shirley is a woman who loves sex and is similar to that area insatiable. Jermaine can not keep her often and is happy if the sex is over quickly. Shirley for her age a good figure. She is chubby but everything is still tight. She has big boobs, double...

4 years ago
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Becoming Candi

Becoming Candi Rachel        The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren.        ?Rach, will you get that?? I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

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Becoming Candi Part One

Becoming Candi Rachel The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren. "Rach, will you get that?" I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

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Santa Spanks Taylor Hangs A Candy Cane In Her Bottom

Santa spanks Taylor & Hangs a Candy Cane In Her Bottom.Taylor was home for Christmas from college and she was in their bedroom for a long winter’s night.  Not a creature was stirring her family away but pretty coed had decided to stay.As Taylor had made merry and cheer. Little did Taylor know it was the condition of her cute rear she should fear?Her pretty long brown shimmery hair swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed tight into her blue jeans and bust...

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Trying a Moroccan dick

Trying a Moroccan dickIt had been a busy day at the office.Helena was absent, because she had had to take care of her mother, who was staying at the hospital for a few days…However, my slutty friend called me in the afternoon, when I was driving home and asked me if I was in the mood to go out with her that night. Of course I was…It was Friday and Victor was at home, but I knew he wanted to stay there and it would be nice for him to be alone for a while. I called him to tell my plan and he...

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Banging Bridgette

Bridgette and I would talk all the time through text messages since we had similar jobs. We both worked for a large telecommunications company in the IT department. We did not work in the same location but it was fun comparing notes with each other. We would complain about the dullness of our jobs, the long hours, and of course the pay. In the last series of text messages she complained about her husband not fulfilling her needs in bed. She said he was barely...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 2

I was getting anxious as the minutes seemed to drag by, but finally my sister appeared in my doorway dressed as I desired. My note to her told her to shower after she woke up, to put on the camisole and panties I left on her bed and come to my bedroom I wanted to talk to her. She did as she was instructed, it was a good start. The camisole was pink and very sheer, her small tits were visible through it, and I saw how large her nipples were for the first time. Her breasts were the size and...

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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

3 years ago
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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

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Candi Coated

Brandi saw her aunt on the street, ran past with a breathless “Hi,” ran up the walk to her cousin’s house, and entered without a knock. She took the stairs quickly, burst into her cousin’s room, and found Candi lying on her back, in bed, her face flushed, her dress pulled up her legs, and her nipples impudently poking peaks in the soft cloth of her top.“What are you doing?” Brandi asked, knowing full well what Candi had been doing.“Nothing,” Candi gasped, having difficulty coming back from the...

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in cantina

Gianni, mi andresti a prendere la sega che ho dimenticato giù in cantina?... Attento, non è quella poggiata sulla vecchia credenza, è quella che ho lasciato sul mobiletto accanto, quello dove tengo i giornali vecchi» mi chiese mio padre intento a fare dei lavori in casa con me che ero lì ad osservarlo.Avevo visto spesso mio padre utilizzare vecchi quotidiani quando verniciava o quando utilizzava olio o lubrificanti ma non avevo mai visto da dove li avesse tirati fuori; però senza fare domande...

1 year ago
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The Truth About Black Canadians

Life is funny, folks. Case in point? Me. Steve Acier. Mr. Big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in Nepean, a suburb of the capital city of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario. I moved there from my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, at the end of 2009. Since then I enrolled at Carleton University and I also work part-time as a security guard at the local art gallery. Since I moved to Ottawa, I experienced a lot of culture shock. Ottawa is a city with a growing population of...

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Mexican Boy Meets American Boy

My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...

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Candi Coated

Without a doubt, Candi has the biggest tits in the neighborhood. Even before she turned eighteen, everyone noticed her huge E cups. It would be a gross underestimation to say her huge tits are her best feature, but that’s what everyone says. In truth, her entire voluptuous body is her best feature.Standing at six feet tall, Candi towers over the other sluts. All that height comes from her long, thick legs, which perfectly match her big-titted body. However she stands, her thick hips and curvy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Say Hello to Georgette

My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping...

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My Friends Dominican Mom

My story about making new friends and experiencing new cultures.......I grew up in an affluent town 12 miles north of Boston. During high school, inner city students from the Boston/metro area were shipped in small numbers to go to school in the more affluent, suburban schools surrounding Boston. It was during this time I met Eduardo or "Eddie" as we called him. He was a Dominican k** from Boston, and from the moment we met in school, we hit it off. We became really good friends; we hung out...

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A Candy Cane Aventure

M/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....

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A Candy Cane Adventure

M/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....

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Black American Males in Canada

I come home after a long day. Home sweet home. Big and empty. Exactly as I like it. I lie down on my king-sized bed, and finally exhale. God, I needed that. It’s not easy being a big and tall Black guy in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. People stare at you so much sometimes you wonder if you’re an alien. And it’s not just Caucasians doing the staring. East Asians, North American Indians and Arabs stare at my Black ass too. I thought they were minorities too but go figure. Anyhow, I try...

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Why I Hate Canadians

My name is Steve LaFleur. A big and tall young African-American man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I was born in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, in 1987. I’ve been living in Ottawa since 2009. I moved here because I had a scholarship offer from Carleton University. It’s the only reason why I’m in Canada. The place really sucks. And I can’t stand Black Canadians. Why? They’re all Oreos. In case you don’t know, an Oreo is someone who’s Black on the...

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Wiccan Rites

The Beginning Incendiumaeger Obscurus Dominusluna was his given name, but Lynx Atratus was his Wiccan Name . He was only seven when his parents died by the hands of the Church. The Clan Ducere, Arg Lunaris, then adopted him. Lynx knew the arts of Juudoo; Kendoo; Jiu Jitsu; Aikidoo; and Nihontsu. He was also trained in the style of fighting that the Romans used, called Genus Hyades. Lynx knew only the Spells of Protection and that of Regeneration. He was Norwegian, and was raised by...

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