Crossdressing Charlie: Episode 2 - High Waisted Skirt free porn video

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CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 2 HIGH WAISTED SKIRT "Oh Charlie, you're burning up!" said Mom. She took her hand off of his forehead and read the thermometer. She then left the room to get some medicine. Charlie took the thermometer out of his mouth, held it up against the lamp on the bedside locker, grabbed his hot water bottle and placed it on his face. He left it there for a few seconds before he heard approaching footsteps echoing from the hallway. He slipped the hot water bottle back under the blankets and placed the thermometer back in his mouth within seconds. Charlie's twin sister, Rachel entered the room, dressed in the very same school uniform that Charlie had once tried on just a few weeks ago. She had her school bag thrown over her shoulder and an expression of jealousy on her face. "How are you feeling faker?" she asked, leaning up against the door frame with her arms crossed. "I'm not faking Rachel!" stated Charlie. "I feel rotten!" "Don't you think that you're getting a little old for faking being sick just to get out of school," said Rachel, pursing her lips. "I'm not lying! Why are you even here? Get the hell out of my room!" bellowed Charlie. "Rachel, leave your brother alone," snapped Mom, who had just arrived back with the medicine. "He's not feeling very well." Rachel stood by the door, rolling her eyes as Mom handed Charlie the glass bottle of clear liquid. He took two swigs of it, the taste burning the inside of his mouth and sliding slowly down his throat. "Thanks Mom," he croaked. She screwed the cap back on and looked down at her son with concern. "Are you sure you'll be okay at home by yourself?" she asked. "I mean your temperature seems to be through the roof and I don't want to leave you alone." "Mom, I'll be fine! I'm bloody sixteen years old, I can take care of myself!" said Charlie. She didn't look very convinced as an expression of worry spread across her face. Her eyes watered as she looked back at Rachel who just shrugged. "Well - okay but call me straight away if you need anything." She looked at her watch, her eyes widening with shock. "Gracious! I'm late for work!" she bellowed. "Come on Rachel, we need to get a move on." She then rushed out of the room. Rachel was still leaning against the door frame. "Anyway, I'm going to Kayla's house straight after school to study so I won't be home this evening," said Rachel. "Study?" said Charlie, his heart leaping and his eyes widening. "Yes Charlie, study, you know that thing you never do?" "Why should I care what you do anyway?" said Charlie. "Uh because I won't be around to cook you dinner so you'll have to figure out what to eat for yourself!" said Rachel, turning to leave. "Well I wouldn't be able to eat anyway because I'm practically dying here!" bellowed Charlie. "FAKER!" echoed Rachel's voice from the hall. Charlie's head fell back into the pillow and her stared up at the ceiling, curling his toes and clenching his fists from beneath the blankets. He felt the low adrenaline kick of excitement. He could barely contain himself. He had been given more time to do the thing he loved to do most in top secrecy, cross-dressing. It had been only three weeks since his very first venture into dressing in his sister's clothes but it felt more like three years. He listened carefully, waiting for the usual stutter of the car engine before starting up and reversing out of the driveway. He could hear his mother and sister arguing before hearing the thump of the car doors. Then, they were gone, leaving Charlie alone for the next twelve hours. His mother was usually home at half eight and his sister should be back at around that time also giving him plenty of time to bask in his girlish desires. He lay there for a few minutes savouring the excitement and anticipation before he could no longer handle it. He threw the blankets off and jumped out of the bed. He stretched as high as he could, feeling his joints and muscles loosen. He ruffled his hair, feeling the considerable amount of growth that had taken place. His mother was trying to get him to cut it but he refused to do so. After all, a lot of guys had long hair in school. He walked to the bathroom, wearing only his boxers t-shirt. He turned on the water, went for a whizz, stripped down and hopped in the shower. He scrubbed himself hard from head to toe, washing every inch reachable. He washed his hair with care as he was trying to retain a soft shiny glow. When done, he grabbed his bathrobe and put it on. He then dried his hair with his mothers hairdryer followed by eating breakfast downstairs in the kitchen. The time had come once again. He went up to his sister's bedroom. The door was already open, exposing the slightly cluttered room. He didn't feel as nervous as before but he was certainly cautious. He wasn't taking any risks like last time when he was nearly caught by Rachel's friend through the window. He stepped inside, feeling the hairs standing on the back of his neck as he stared at the sacred wardrobe. His skin formed goosebumps as he looked around his sister's room. He hadn't been there since he tried on her uniform. The first thing he did was turn on the light and close the curtains. He then shut the door and looked at the wardrobe. His heart was pounding against his ribs as he approached the doors. He opened it slowly, revealing a treasure trove of girly feminine clothes and outfits ranging from uniforms to party dresses. He already knew what he wanted to try on, something he had only seen his sister wear twice. His fingers ran through the clothes hanging from the rails as he searched for the one he wanted. He couldn't find it and for a moment and he began to panic but then he realised that he was looking in the wrong place. He closed the wardrobe and went to the chest of drawers. He opened the top drawer to reveal a wide array of his sister's underwear. He felt as if hot water was flowing through his veins. His conscious was torn between right and wrong as he stared into the drawer. He was thinking hard about what he should do. Should he abort and forget about it? But no, that seemed to be impossible. His urges were much too strong and he couldn't help it. The first time was just curiosity but now it was becoming something of an addiction. Unbeknownst to him, his cheeks were flaring red and his eyes were watering. He looked over his shoulder to see if anybody was there, just in case. There was nothing, just him, alone. He looked back into the drawer at the panties. He closed his eyes, feeling his heart pounding before sighing and picking up a random pair. He lifted them up and analysed the detail. They were white, soft and thin with lace lining around the legs. On the front was a tiny ribbon bow design which sent chills down his spine. He closed his eyes tight. The voices of his friends and family echoed at the back of his mind. "Are you some sort of faggot?" "Eww what do you think you are doing?!" "Charlie, this is just weird!" "You sick pervert!" "Just look at yourself!" He suddenly snapped out of it, dropping the panties as if they were diseased. He looked around the room, his eyes watering as if he hadn't blinked for a while. He felt strange and swallowed his fear and guilt. He picked up the feminine underwear, folded it and placed it back in the top drawer, gasping with relief... somewhat. He then left the room. He couldn't do it. He couldn't go through with it after looking forward to it for so long. Something clicked inside him that restricted him from going any further, something called a conscience. It just felt wrong to be trying on her sister's underwear and clothes behind her back. It was not only an invasion of privacy but of gender too. He walked down the stairs, his head hanging low as if he were on the way to the principal's office for punishment. He let himself fall onto the couch in front of the television inside the sitting room. He flicked through the channels searching for something interesting to watch, desperately trying to forget that he ever went into his sister's room. He changed the station every few minutes, bored and restless of what he was seeing and thinking. He would spot various outfits on the girls on TV and would immediately fantasise, each time he did he would try to brush away the urges by changing the channel. He sat and watched sports for a while, eventually becoming bored and tired. He turned the TV off and sat with his face buried in his hands. He could feel the strong urge building up inside him once again. He could feel his heart and pulse beating strong as if he had just ran a mile. "Don't give in, you can do this!" he kept repeating in his head. He looked at the clock; it was nine in the morning. It would have been a complete waste of a day if he didn't get what he wanted done. He could study? But he laughed at the prospect. He sat on the couch for what felt like an age, tapping his foot to the rhythm of the clock. "Don't give in, don't give in, don't give in!" he whispered over and over. He looked up at the clock to see that only five minutes had passed. He jumped up and went to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of orange juice and drank. The feeling of the ice cold drink sliding down his throat was a fantastic feeling. He then sat at the kitchen island, picked up his phone and started playing with it. As he sat in silence for a few moments, the urge to dress was becoming much too strong for him to handle. It built up inside the pit of his stomach like a fiery beast, penetrating his veins, fuelling him with pleasurable thoughts and emotions. He had to do it. He could not waste the chance. Days like these were rare and hard to come by. He had to do it. As he stared at the clock ticking slowly over to quarter past nine, his feelings of guilt and fear quickly flipped over to apathetic and lust. It had to be done. He stood up, feeling confident and excited, not caring about anything or anyone, not even himself. His motives immediately changed back to the way they were right before he opened the underwear drawer. He was going to be alone in the house all day. He knew he was going to have so much fun. From his last cross-dressing experience, Charlie learned a valuable lesson, "don't use oranges as false breasts!" because they burst and stain. Over the last few weeks he had been browsing the web on making his own homemade falsies and he found a very adequate solution. He opened the cupboard under the sink and took out two plastic freezer bags. He placed them both under the tap and filled them with warm water. After that he brought them upstairs to his sister's bedroom. He closed the door behind him and looked around the room. It still reeked of Rachel's girlishness. It made goosebumps form on the skin of his arms and legs. He left the water filled bags on the bed and walked to the chest of drawers. He took a deep breath before opening the top drawer, once again revealing Rachel's collection of knickers. He knew the pair he had wanted so he picked them up and analysed them. The white, soft and thin with lace lining around the leg along with the tiny ribbon bow design on the front gave his chills. He let his bathrobe slide off of his shoulders, crumbling around his ankles, leaving him bare and naked. He stepped into the panties and pulled them up his legs, feeling the soft cotton caress his legs in the process as they fit snugly around his waist and behind. He felt so bad, so perverted, yet natural and serene. He turned and opened the second drawer where Rachel kept her socks and tights. He pulled out a pair of thin black high waisted tights. He had never worn these before so it was exciting to step into the legs and pull them up his shins, over his knees, stroking his thighs and up above his waist. It was a lovely feeling of softness and femininity as they hugged his legs comfortably yet tightly. He walked up and down the room for a moment, wiggling his toes against each other within the tights. He shuddered and smiled and he went back to the chest, opening the third drawer which was filled with a wide array of bras ranging from training bras to push up ones. He picked up a white push up bra and stroked his fingers along the soft padding, the frills around the top lining and the extra push support. It gave off the essence of pure femininity and maturity. For a moment he wondered what it would be like to have real breasts then he wondered WHY he wondered that? He picked up the warm freezer bags and expelled the air from them. He then tied them around his neck and placed the bra upon them. Again, he had great difficulty in finding the straps on his back. When he did he tightened them hard, suddenly feeling the sensation of what it would really be like to have boobs. The slight weight, the feeling of the straps on his back and seeing two mounds on his chest made him feel somewhat... girly. "And now for the best part!" he said to nobody in particular. He opened the fourth drawer to see it packed with dozens of skirts, shorts and more tights. He wondered why a girl needed to have so many skirts but then he thought that he would have probably been the same if he was one. He rooted through the drawer, not noticing his heavy breathing of anticipation as he searched for the one he wanted. After a few moments he found it lying there in all its glory, waiting to be worn once again. He touched it and held it up eyelevel. It was designed to be worn high above the waist, short and cute. It was pleated, short and light pink with a black frilly underskirt. The main attraction of the skirt was the large black bow which was tied neatly to the front of the waistband belt. Charlie had only seen Rachel see it once and ever since then he had fantasised about wearing it for himself. Now it was about to come true. He stood up and stepped into the skirt and pulled it slowly up his legs. It seemed that his legs would go on forever as the skirt fabric brushed against his thighs. The waistband went all the way up past his bellybutton lengthening only halfway up his thigh, just about hiding his behind. He then went to the fifth and final drawer, opening it and staring into its wide collection of t-shirts, blouses, camisoles, tank tops and vests. He dug in and grabbed a grey tank top that would match his tights perfectly. He lifted it up, noting the revealing curved neckline to tease cleavage and its sleeveless arm revealing gaps. He couldn't remember the last time Rachel wore it, maybe she never did, he couldn't remember. He pulled it over his head with great difficulty. It was very tight and hugged his false breasts snugly. He tucked the tank top into the skirt and zipped it up, encasing his entire body in the girly outfit. He then walked to the makeup station, feeling the roomy, free feeling of the short skirt flare against the gentle movement. He wore a goofy smile on his face. He couldn't help it. He was just so happy. He sat down in front of the makeup desk eyeing all of the tubes, tubs and boxes filled with lipsticks, eyeshadowers, eyeliners, kits and lotions. His chest was moving in, out, in, out as if he were staring at the most incredible sight ever. He didn't know if it was safe. He didn't know if Rachel would notice. Should he take the plunge and try on makeup for the first time? He had been reading through websites which instructed on how to apply makeup perfectly. He looked around himself to make sure nobody was there, just in case. He looked back at the station feeling anxious and nervous. "I guess a little bit couldn't hurt," he said to himself. His hand was shaking slightly as he touched the round black capsule which contained the foundation. He grasped it and opened the thin lid. He looked over his shoulder again, nobody was there. He didn't know why but he kept thinking that he was being watched by somebody hiding in the room. He brushed it off as paranoia and returned to his more "important" thoughts. He racked his brains to remember the step-by-step guide on how to apply makeup properly. Then he remembered that he needed to moisturise first. He looked around the station and spotted the little plastic bottle filled with clear liquid. He squirted some moisturiser into his hands and rubbed it gently onto his cheeks, nose, neck and forehead. The liquid soaked into his skin pores, leaving his skin clear and hydrated after a few minutes of waiting. He then wiped away any excess grease. Charlie then dotted foundation on his nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. His hand trembled as he picked up the foundation brush and raised it to his face. As the bristles touched his face, he suddenly felt different. He began to feel and even act like a real girl. It was a most strange feeling for him. He looked in the mirror, blending the foundation carefully as if he were painting a masterpiece. After that he began to spread out the foundation with his fingers, and then finishing with a moist sponge to add final touches. He kept repeating, "blend, blend, blend" under his breath as this was key to having perfect foundation. He decided to skip the eye shadow and instead only apply the dark eyeliner. This took him a very, very long time to perfect. He found it difficult to keep his eyes still. He kept blinking and his hand trembled because of nerves. After a while he managed to perfect it to the best of his abilities. He then added pink blusher to his cheeks to bring out a healthy rosy look followed by the careful application of lashes which also took him quite a while to perfect. Once he done he couldn't believe how much he looked like his sister. In some ways it disturbed him yet in other ways it made the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. He couldn't take his eyes off of his reflection. "That's not me, it couldn't be me!" he kept whispering to himself. He touched his busted chest and then stroked the fabric of the tank-top. His eyes were then drawn to a pink hairbrush as if it had just called out to him. He picked it up and began to shakily brush his longish hair. The bristles stroked through the knots and clumps of hair, pulling out strings of brown whilst softening and lengthening it into a soft glowing doo. He brushed for a while, not taking his eye off of his reflection in the mirror. Within moments he had fixed his hair hung down past his ears, gently touching his shoulder like a soft velvet curtain. He sighed, feeling disappointed that his hair didn't look as feminine as the rest of his face and body. It wasn't thick enough but it was still passable as a teenage girl's hair. He fixed the fringe and held his hair back with a yellow band. He didn't want to chance applying the false nails in case Rachel would notice but he put some bangles on around his wrists and wore a silver heart pendant. He then got up and went for the door. He listened carefully before setting foot out into the rest of the house in case anybody was there. The door creaked as he opened it and he walked out into the hallway. He didn't know what to do now. He pondered on what to do next. What could he do? He was most certainly not going to go outside. He may have been free to try on his sisters clothes all day but he was still restricted within the confines of the house. He took a step forward, feeling the cushiony softness of the tights between his toes. He randomly jumped in the air. His hair flopped freely along with the skirt. He laughed to himself as a grin slowly formed across his face. Then he felt a little silly. He looked down at his feet wishing that he had some girl shoes but his sisters ones didn't fit. Then a quick thought flashed across his mind. He turned to his mother's bedroom door, his mouth hanging open as he stared at the handle. His heart began to pound and his body electrified with delight. He walked into his mother room. It was draped with dark purple curtains and matching bed sheets. The floor was carpeted with soft furry wool that was simply blissful to walk on. Like Rachel, she had a makeup station and a chest of drawers. The walls were covered in chocolate brown stripped wallpaper that gave the room a soothing quality. There were pictures of Charlie and Rachel throughout their lives hanging on the walls. He looked at a picture of himself, Rachel and his father. He stared into his father's beaming face with an expression of bitterness and woefulness. He wondered what his Dad would think if he saw him right now, in his ex-wife's room about to try on her shoes. He quickly looked away as he thought this, feeling that his focus was being directed elsewhere. He went to his mother's walk-in wardrobe. It was a massive closet, filled with clothes she has worn once or twice throughout her life. Under the rails were shelves filled shoes, slippers, runners, boots and high heels. He began to look through the massive array of shoes, carefully putting them back in there right place. They were all two sizes too small for his feet. He began to feel frustrated. He continued to search through the dozens of shoes, coming across some beautiful pairs of heels that he would love to wear but like the rest they were all too small for him. He gave up and sat on the ground feeling hot and flustered. He took several deep breaths before noticing an unopened shoebox stuffed underneath a pile of random single shoes. He leaned out and pulled it out from beneath the stack. He opened the box to find a pair of unworn black ankle boots. The heel was four inches long with a decorative bow on the outer side of each boot. His eyes sparkled as he looked down into the box. They were perfect! But did they fit him? He took them out of the box and placed the sole of the boot against his foot. They fit! But they were slightly smaller. He began to smile once again. Not only had he found a pair cute of high heeled boots that fit him but they also complimented the rest of his outfit perfectly. He remembered his aunt had bought them for his mother about two years ago as a birthday present but they were obviously too big for her and she stated that she was too old for "ankle boots". He walked back into his mother's room carrying the shoes and sat on the bed. He lifted up his right foot and put it into the shoe with great difficulty. He strained to get his foot right though the hole. He gritted his teeth as his arms shook. Then his foot fell in with ease. His heel touched the inside snugly but his toes were slightly cramped. He did the same with the other and within a moment he was wobbling about the room in his new high heeled boots. He chuckled to himself out loud as he looked down at his feet. He felt so much taller yet very girly at the same time. It didn't take him long to stop swaying from side to side. He smiled as he looked at himself in the full length mirror. He placed his hands on his high waisted skirt and performed a curtsey to his reflection, batting his eyelashes and smiling coyly. He began to feel warm from head to toe as his cheeks turned scarlet, embarrassed by his dainty appearance. He felt that his outfit was missing something. He looked at the tank top tucked nicely into the waistband and wondered what was overlooked when he was changing into the outfit. He clicked his fingers as it dawned upon him. To truly complete his garb he needed a jumper or a jacket. He left his mother's room and walked back into Rachel's room. He didn't wobble but his walk needed a lot of practising in order for it to look anyway womanly. He opened his sister's wardrobe and browsed through the various coats, jumpers, sweaters and jackets hanging from the rails. He glanced through several garments before finding the adept jacket to compliment his outfit. It was a light pink blazer with a black outline around the collar and cuffs. It had rolled up sleeves with cuffs and a short tail at the back. It matched his pink skirt, black tank top, tights and heeled boots sublimely. He put it on without difficulty. Suddenly, he felt whole. He looked like a true girl and intermediate feelings of awe and fear churned within him. Awe at how much he resemble his sister and fear of being caught. He had basked deeper than last time, the makeup, the heels, the skirt and tights. It was too much for him to comprehend. He stared into the full mirror feeling flustered and decalescent. His chest pushed in and out as his breathing accelerated. His eyes began to water as if he were staring at a firework display. He touched his cheek and gasped breathlessly. "It's me," he whispered silently. A wide grin slowly spread across his face and within seconds he was strutting up and down the hallway as if it were a catwalk. His ankles nearly bent a few times but he didn't give up. He wanted to perfect his walking with heels. His only wished that he had an hourglass figure just for the day. He walked around the house with his shoulders thrown back and his pelvis pushed slightly forward. However he wasn't pleased. He picked up a cookbook from the worktop in the kitchen and placed it on his head. It fell on the ground dozens of times before he managed to gain balance. He walked from the kitchen to the sitting room to the dining room, his skirt swaying from side to side and his hair bouncing slightly. He continued to practice his walk over the next few hours. He learned to put his heel first before his toes. It felt strange but it wasn't long before he developed an elegant stride. He couldn't help but feel giddy as his feminine walk formed. His arms swayed back and forth naturally, close to his sides and the fingers still. And before he knew it hours had passed and it was almost three o'clock. With his mother and sister not home until eight o'clock that evening he still had hours left to try on other clothes. He ran (yes he ran in heels) up the stairs smiling cheerfully, excited on what was to come. He went into his mother's room to take off the heeled boots. He took one last look at his outfit before sitting on the bench in front of the makeup station. He placed his hands on the boots and began to pull. They were nearly impossible to take off. His thin arms shook under the strain of moving his foot out of the shoe. His face turned red as he felt his heel slowly slide up. Suddenly, he froze and all colour was drained from his face as he heard echoing footsteps from the corridor approaching. Louder, louder, LOUDER! "Charlie, I'm home!" called his mother's voice. "I just thought I'd check up on you during my lunch break!" A massive weight plummeted to the very pit of his stomach as his heart crawled up his throat. A tidal wave of terror crashed upon him. He literally couldn't move. He had no idea know what to do. Poor Charlie, he was so scared. To be continued.

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The House that Jo Built Bonus Chapter Two Charlie and the Fudge Factory

"What's Christy want?" Dan asked. "How do you know it's her?" Charlie checked his phone. "Because it's always her, man. Ever since you started dating her it's been, like, nonstop. For real. What's it say?" "It says she has good news and bad news and which do I want first." "Always take the bad news first," Dan took a bite of his square pizza while Charlie texted back, any further rumination on Tony Soprano's fate paused until the disjointed exchange could conclude. "I...

2 years ago
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Charlie Says Chapter 1

A quick message from Lizzy: As most of you know, I've been writing fiction for the TG/Genderfluid community for a few years now. I've always been happy to share these for free as it's both been fun for me to do and a great way to improving my writing skills. Recently, I've been thinking like I'd like to take my skills to the next level and am hoping to enlist a professional editor to help me do so. In order to achieve this I've started a crowdfunding campaign and would gratefully...

4 years ago
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Charlie and the Chocolate Shoppe

Charlie and the Chocolate Shoppe Author's Note: I started with an idea that would have been a sequel to Companion but decided I liked that story ending the way it did and that people could decide how that story went on for themselves. But I had decided I liked the title I came up with, so with a twist to my original idea, here is a new story. Angela was carefully placing more chocolate covered strawberries in the display case, making sure they all looked perfect to any customer...

1 year ago
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Uncle Charlie finally has both his sister and his

"Hello Uncle Charlie. Hi this is Tiffany. Are you by chance going up to your cabin this weekend?" "Great! Do you think I could come up and spend the weekend." "No nothings wrong, I just feel a bit burned out. I figured a weekend without the phone or friends would recharge my batteries." "You still call me baby girl after all these years." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, you're the best." I hung up the phone and smiled as I lay back on my bed. I had planned this moment for months. I thought back to the...

3 years ago
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Charlie WorkAthens

"You should know better, Charlie. We keep it on the level." "You didn't have me make the three hour drive here, pay for my hotel, and pay for my dinner just so we could catch up." Tiffany took a sip from her wine glass and brushed her jet-black locks out of her eyes. Her emerald eyes glowed like the edge of a knife. The candles lighting the Italian restaurant were barely enough to light each booth, but it worked well in giving each patron a sense of privacy. She scooted around...

1 year ago
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A Charlie Brown Christmas story

Introduction: A Charlie Brown Christmas story that would never make it on to TV. *Disclaimer: I do not own this story, just figured I would share* Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some...

4 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 5

"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...

3 years ago
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Girl Named CharlieChapter 2

"Well, what do you think? Like what you see?" "God, Charlie, you're absolutely stunning. You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life." "That's just the outside--wait'll you unwrap the present. Now, carry me across the threshold." I picked Charlie up in my arms, pulling her tight against me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her mouth up to mine, her lips seeking mine. We kissed, our mouths hungry for each other's lips and tongues. Finally, we...

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Charlie Ch 3841

Chapter 38 At St. Matthew’s Parish, they pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank for the remainder of the trip. Nathan took a moment to call the house, letting his mom know they were only 30 minutes from home. After the call and while Charlie packed up her computer, he sent that quick warning message to his sister. He could only hope his hard-headed sibling would actually listen for once in her life. As they got closer and closer to his parents’ house, Charlie began to fidget more...

2 years ago
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Ms Charlie and Angela

CHARLIE AND ANGELA Charlie pushed back from the table and gave a self-satisfied belch. ?Your niece is a wonderful cook,? she said. ?Thank you,? Aunt Mildred said, ?I taught her myself.? ?You did a fine job,? Charlie said. ?There was just the right amount of tartness in the apple pie.? ?I told Angela, you didn?t like your pies as sweet as we do,? Aunt Sophia said. ?Mildred is partial to a sweet pie.? Sophia reached out, took Mildred?s right hand and gave it a squeeze....

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Charlie Miley Ch 02

Haley stared at a painting on the waiting room wall. It was a rural farm scene in pastel colors and she found herself wondering what farmer would paint his barn powder pink. The artwork was terrible and she was curious if the depicted objects were blurry on purpose. Why did all waiting room artwork have to be so terrible? Haley forced her eyes away from it, her head starting to hurt. Jack was sitting next to her, bent forward as he looked down at his lap. One of his knees was bouncing with...

2 years ago
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Charlie and Daniel abused me at will

It was between my sophomore and junior years of college, I would come home for summer break and Charlie and Daniel resumed their sexual abused of the timidly afraid young man. It was doing my return from college after my first year that Daniel and Charlie rekindled their contact with me. Reminding me that they would not hesitate to let my folks know that their baby boy was their sex pet. On numerous occasions they two of them would take turns sneaking into my room at night to have sex with me...

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Charlie Ch 2528

Chapter 25 Day 1 gave her ‘I wanted to.’ Day 2 was simply quiet. Day 3 welcomed her with a ‘Good morning, sunshine’ and nothing else. Day 4 pissed her off when he told her to get some sleep. Day 5 dragged because her insomnia was riding her full force, and all Nathan had to say was ‘LOL.’ Day 6 came with a ‘Be home tomorrow. Shelley says hi.’ The morning of Day 7 meant Nathan would be home soon. Sometime, that day he would be home. Charlie couldn’t focus on her work. After re-opening her...

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Charlie Ch 0912

Chapter 9 The bouncer moved the rope out of her way, and Charlie entered the club. Music assaulted her ears. The smell of smoke, alcohol, and bodies filled her nostrils. It was just the distraction she was looking for. She pressed her body between different people to get to the tables in the back corner. Melanie always had a table for entertaining. Periodically, Charlie would have to rub against the back of some random male. One guy actually turned to say something about being rubbed with a...

2 years ago
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Charlie Daniel and I

Charlie and Daniel, the two brothers of the three brutal bullies of our school, managed to cut me off on my way to school and took me to the empty apartment that they had commandeered and turned in to their fuck room. It was up on the third floor of a condemned building where they had cut a hole from one apartments closet to another so they would not be caught easily. In one of the rooms was a couples of ratty mattress that was stacked on top of each other. Numerous amounts of discarded...

1 year ago
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I think Charlie is cheating on me again

I think Charlie is cheating on me again. The first time occurred just six months after we were married. He had a torrid affair with my mom’s sister, Bessie. Aunt Bessie was a notorious whore who would fuck anything on two legs.Aunt Bessie was a voluptuous teen when he was seduced by a male teacher in high school. The teacher taught her the fine arts of pleasing a man. She became an accomplished cocksucker with the ability to deep throat. Bessie was a willing and eager student who became...

3 years ago
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Charlie and Clyde

Chapter 1 The tech chat room was busy when it suddenly appeared, ‘DB ex crash cash end. Charlie.’ Now to many people that ad meant absolutely nothing, but to me it was pretty clear that Charlie was desperate for a database geek who would work on a crash project for no money until the job was done. I didn’t like the cash at the end, since I was broke. In fact, I had been evicted from my studio apartment a few days earlier and had been freeloading on a friend’s couch. However, database...

1 year ago
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Charlie I

Personally I found her gorgeous. Her hair was a hybrid of blonde and brunette and she had incredibly thin legs which were accompanied by knee socks or the standard type of tights and a miniskirt which generally left very little to the, or in this case my imagination. Her breasts were just the right size, not too big and not too small either. I had talked with her on several occasions and it seemed to me that she, in personality terms was just as nice as her body. Her personality...

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Charlie Ch 3337

Chapter 33 Nathan sat on Charlie’s bed with his head in his hands. How could this girl not understand what just happened? Did she not feel anything about the way he touched her? What the fuck? He let go of his head and looked towards the bathroom door. For a brief moment, he smiled when the sound of the door lock engaged. With a small huff, he moved to the bathroom door and put his hand in the middle of it. Though the door stood between them, he could feel a larger chasm building. It was time....

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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final. Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly...

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The Ladys House Part 1 of 3 Three Dresses for Charlie

The Lady's House Part 1 of 3: Three Dresses for Charlie By Gail Blue The tires made a dull thunk-thunk noise as they ran across the cobble stone street. The bus looked out of place next to 1800s style shops and houses. Just a few blocks away, the town was more modern, though still well- mannered and quaint. But in the town center, there were no cars, and no modern electronics were visible from the street. Charles got off the bus behind a load of Japanese tourists. He tried...

2 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 7

Charlie called into his own home on Friday afternoon and found Diane waiting for him in her car. "What do you want?" he asked in a cold tone. "Just to talk," she said softly. "Can I come in?" He didn't think it would do any good but, being a polite person, he agreed and even offered her a cup of coffee. He knew just how much of a mistake that had been when he came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups. "This isn't easy for me," she said when he came into the living...

4 years ago
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Looking After Charlie

It was the phone call that every parent dreads, the one from casualty."Hello, Ms Williams, this is Nurse Ratched from the Royal Infirmary. We have your son Charles with us at the moment." At this point I died a little. "It's not too serious, he's got a broken arm and some cuts and bruises but he's basically fine. Would you like to come and collect him?""Five minutes, give me five minutes," I said as my heart pounded."As I said, Ms Williams, he's basically fine. There's no great rush."There's no...

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Charlie Ch 2932

Chapter 29 Nathan stood in a bit of shock. Those weren’t the words he was expecting to hear from Charlie. Yes, they were what he wanted to hear, but definitely not expecting them. Her hands on his back were making it difficult for him to think. The only thing that kept crossing in his mind was how close she was standing to his erection. The soft feeling of her lips brushing against his was not helping either. A voice in his head kept telling him to grab her and rush her up the stairs to his...

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Charlie Ch 2124

Chapter 21 It was about five o’clock that same afternoon, when Charlie’s phone beeped. She was laying on her bed, half dozing and half reading a book. Nathan: Need movie night Charlie: I’m okay. Nathan: I need one! Charlie: Okie dokie She rolled onto her back, wondering what weird movie Nathan would play this evening. It even made her smile that he would need a movie night, and that it wasn’t just about her lack of sleep. Sometimes, everyone needs a ‘Chinese comfy movie’ night. It was a...

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Charlie Ch 0104

Chapter 1 Charlie stood on the balcony, watching the rain fall from the darkened sky. It made a soft cascading noise that felt vaguely comforting. She inhaled another puff from her cigarette and exhaled it just as easily. Charlie took a moment to think back on some of her past experiences. Sure, there were men that had stirred some feelings within her. There were others that satisfied a few primal needs and urges. However, none in particular stood out in her mind, there just hadn’t been the...

3 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

2 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

Straight Sex
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 3

He woke up the next afternoon not remembering what had happened the night before. He stumbled to the telephone and quickly dialed his boss in a heated rush as he wouldn’t be showing up for work that day, and judging by the crumpled crème-colored card that he found in the palm of his hand, he also had an appointment with Artie Tedesco that he hoped to avoid, considering how nauseous he felt. He swore that he would never go to the bar to drink again, regardless if this Artie Tedesco brokered...

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Charlie Avoids Being Fired bimale MMF DP

My name is Sam and I manage a small company offering leisure services. There is a small team of staff and the nature of the business means that some weeks we just see each other at team meetings and work independently the rest of the time.Four weeks ago I was working on my own at a computer in the office. I needed to research something on the internet and opened the browser to look for the information that I needed. When I started typing something into the address bar the autofill came up with...

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Charlie Miley Ch 05

‘I was afraid to admit that I even had a problem. After my first week here I almost snuck out in the middle of the night. I had a bag packed and everything, but then my boyfriend called. Well, my ex-boyfriend, I guess. He told me how proud of me he was and that he loved me. It reminded me that I still had hopes for our future, you know? I want us to be together, but I realized it would never work if all I did was drink every night at a frat house until I blacked out in some strange guy’s bed.’...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 2

Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....

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Charlie and KarenChapter 8

They found the door unlocked when they got back to Karen's. Gilly was sitting in the lounge with one of Karen's videos playing. She obviously had something on her mind as she was hardly taking any notice of what was happening on the screen. "I guess things didn't go too well at home," Karen said, sitting beside Gilly and hugging her. "Come on, tell us what happened." "Mum had talked to him but it made no difference. We tried to make him see reason and relax his rules but he...

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Charlie and ClydeChapter 3

While our business partnership was growing at a slow, steady pace, our personal relationship had become a wild, impetuous sexual growth with no boundaries. We loved each other and both of us sought to bring pleasure to the other. While I was no longer a virgin, my sexual experience and knowledge was at a beginning point. Charlie was a considerate and vocal lover who pushed me to experiment and seek higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment for both of us. She insisted that we talk to...

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Charlie Ch 0508

Chapter 5 Charlie’s eyes felt like they had been glued shut. It took a herculean effort to open them. There was a steady stream of fuzz on the television screen. Nathan’s legs were propped up on the coffee table. The pillow and her head were now completely in his lap. As the rest of her body gained a bit of consciousness, she realized that one of his hands was wrapped in her hair. The other one rested on the side of her body. She shifted her head slightly to look up at him. His head had lolled...

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My Charlie

His name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie. We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and...

Gay Male
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 10

As soon as Charlie stepped into the cool interior of the castle, he knew that when Artie Tedesco tells someone to do something that he just better well do it. Artie had his gym shorts on and a muscle tee- shirt that exposed a pair of meaty arms that could have been pistons in a V-8 engine. His body was bronzed from sitting out by the pool for most of the morning. Charlie spotted his open laptop and a pile of his legal papers spread out on a patio table that touched the edge of the pool. He...

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Uncle Charlie and my Summer Family Ch 4

Chapter 4. Thunderstorms (4600 words) As Tess entered her third week in Arkansas the weather turned nasty. The days became exceptionally hot with heat indexes in the high 100s between 10AM and 2PM. Between that and the bugs the outdoors were nearly unbearable. Then the afternoon thunderstorms would roll in and cast severe downpours that would soak you to the bone in moments. This led to them hanging out indoors much more than they’d like. For a family that chose an outdoor lifestyle it...

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 6

Within a few minutes of his arrest, he noticed that the handcuffs were way too tight on him. The female officer had locked the steel rings tightly against the bones of his wrists, and he couldn’t move them without it paining. It was hard to walk down the stairs, and he tried to keep himself balanced as she led him by the arm. On the street below, three squad cars waited for him, their lights flashing in the dead of night as though a rocket ship had landed amidst the quiet cool of the evening....

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 9

When he finally went to bed, he fell into a dream that hovered just beyond the thin cover of wakefulness. He could have sworn that he had been transported to yet another garden of sorts, where pinkish blossoms hung limply on the branches of a bush. He saw cherubs frolicking behind this bush along an emerald expanse of lawn that was both brightly-lit and endless. But the sunlight that doused this field in the brightness had a certain dullness to it that didn’t make the look of the scene all...

2 years ago
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Bruce Charlie Daniel and My self

It was Nonmember twelve, the shool was having a Pep Rally for our home coming game that evening. The gym was full of students our football team was on the floor the cheer leaders were cheering. My friend and I has sneaked beneath the bleachers and was getting peeks up the girls dress and skirts. As we worked our way out the end we made sure to move so it would not attract attention so we left one at a time. There was two huge portable chalk boards at the open end of the bleachers and my friend...

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Charlie Macs Gadget Shack

Charlie Andrew Macintyre was born in to this world on night of Friday the thirteenth seven minutes before the clock struck midnight on that October in 1933. The president was FDR and the flag had forty-eight stars on it. It was the height of the great depression, none of these things mattered to the new infant though. The Macintyre family was a large one like many farm families of the time. Little Charlie as he would later be known was the ninth child of the family, and the fifth son. The...

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Such Good Friends Chap six Tina Carla do Charlie

Chapter six—Tina & Carla do Charlie If you haven’t read the first five chapters, you should, otherwise it will just be too confusing. Mark was in heaven. He was making love to the third member of the “Terrific Trio,” a nick name used to describe the three most beautiful girls in school. The three had decided to share him as their boy friend and lover. He had already fucked Beth and Jen. Moreover, his sister Teeny and her best friend Carla had seduced him and used him to learn as much...

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 12

The conditions of one’s own entrapment varies by degrees, and what may seem like entrapment for one man is freedom to another. Take the man who suffers from his inability to rise above the vices of the street or the ghetto. Charlie had seen some of these people, both white and black, stumbling home drunk, sometimes from his apartment window. They were fierce when he passed them. They liked to own the public streets. They were loud. They cursed openly. They played loud music from their...

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