Flower Ch. 01 free porn video

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The wonderful thing about long lasting friendships is that they often create strange, but very interesting combinations of people.

In a small group of friends, who have known each other for years, where the need to hide uncomfortable truths or embarrassing facts should no longer be present, where the need to impress and excel at things should no longer be needed, where genuine friendship should allow everyone to be who they really are, the question still remains – do we ever really reach a point where we feel secure enough to show our true selves to anyone, even our closest friends?

What if we could really get to know a group of women, their lives, their secrets and their innermost selves? Would we be able to see if it’s our thoughts, our dreams or our flaws that define us? And are we really so different from everyone else? Don’t we all just want to have a home where we can feel safe, someone that holds us and speaks of love and something that we can be proud of, that sets us apart?

Meet Sarah, who goes through life spreading happiness with her good cheer and warm-heartedness, who is not afraid to love and love deeply.

And Susan, a strong, self-reliant woman who never lets anyone get too close because people can’t hurt you if don’t give them the chance.

And beautiful, well-dressed, smiling Rose who wants everyone to be happy and lives what appears to be the perfect life.

And Mary, laughing, all-seeing Mary, who wants to protect the ones she love, but who also wants to keep them away, afraid that she will hurt them if they get too close.


Yet another night filled with smiles, small talk and general merriment, and just a few hours added to the thousands and thousands spent in pretend happiness. Yet another gathering for the express purpose of letting the rich stroke each other’s egos and help fill each other’s pockets, and me standing there, just another trophy wife, supporting my husband in his efforts to reach ever higher on the glittering steps of social status and financial gain.

‘Hello Rose dear!’

A female voice woke me from my bitter thoughts and I looked up, smiled and greeted the elderly woman in front of me with a cheerful ‘Hello there’ before kissing her cheek, taking her hand and asking about her family, the simple act of greeting an acquaintance as if she was one of my closest friends perfected over the long years of service.

You could always count on me to do and say the right things, I had been taught well. In those first few months, where I still clung to the notion that my thoughts and opinions counted, he had taught me well and often. Well enough to know that it was in my best interest to smile, wave, hug and kiss my way through any number of social gatherings and to never let any of the thoughts spinning in my head show on my face.

To be really honest, most of the years had passed by in a gray mist, where I didn’t feel or think anything. And perhaps those were the happy years, at least compared to these last few months where a newly awakened need to get away had started to make my life almost as miserable as those first few months of married life.

I stood there sipping a glass of champagne, smiling to everyone that passed me by, the ever increasing need to scream, rage and cry almost overwhelming me. It had been like this since that one Thursday evening with my friends when Sarah had told us that she longed for someone she could love and Mary had laughed and said ‘be careful what you wish for’. Something had just clicked in my mind right then and there, the calm grayness that surrounded me had started to slip away and I became aware of my own thoughts and feelings again. And I started crying myself to sleep every night and woke up screaming every morning. Very silently of course, because I knew the punishment that followed unwanted bursts of emotion.

How I wished I could be free from this miserable life and brave enough to make it so, I thought as the last tones of the national anthem sent my mind spinning again. The dark thoughts of ‘the eternal peace of death’ that kept haunting me were quickly swept away. I wanted to live, but a happy life, not this nightmarish existence with days filled with faked happiness and superficial beauty, where my every move was monitored and controlled.

I felt a chill run down my spine and recognizing the feeling of being watched I turned my head slightly to the left, smiled an even wider smile and waved lovingly to my husband, probably fooling everyone at the party, except for him, hopefully adding some positive numbers to the negative ones that almost falling on the way in had most certainly given me in this night’s behavior ledger.

I wasn’t punished very often these days and I was carefully hoping that his need to go see to his own pleasures – thankfully not so often in my bed nowadays – would make him deliver the needed hard words and accompanying fists quickly.

He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow indicating he wanted me to come to him. I put my glass away and walked over, always the dutiful wife. I kissed his cheek and purred out a ‘darling’ that could be overheard by everyone who stood close by. Perhaps there was a chance for me to get back on his good side before the night was over.

‘Rose,’ he said ‘I’d like for you to meet Senator Reynolds.’

‘Good evening Senator,’ I said and turned to the stocky, red-faced man standing a few steps away ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you!’

I could feel his eyes trailing across my body and the way my tight dress followed my curves. His face grew just a few shades redder and the speed of his breathing increased. A discreet sign from my husband made me aware that this had been his intention and as I slid closer to the Senator I wondered what this particular person had or could do that my husband needed. I wrapped my arm around the Senator’s, laughed at the small jokes he was telling me and forced myself not to shudder as his eyes ran admiringly across my cleavage. I hoped I wouldn’t have to go too far in my admiration for him, there’s nothing that can make you feel quite like a cheap whore as being… a cheap whore.

– – – – –

I didn’t wake up screaming the next morning but just opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling, my whole being filled with a sense of purpose. I had to do something about my life otherwise I’d be stuck doing the same things over and over again for the rest of my life, pleasing and pleasuring my husband and everyone he threw my way until I couldn’t take it anymore.

But how do you break free when you don’t have any money, when you’re almost always under surveillance and when you can’t trust anyone, except perhaps your three closest friends, the only real ones you have, who will no longer be your friends after your husband has destroyed them as he has promised he can and will?

I carefully eased myself out of bed, trying not to upset the ribs on my right side that hurt from that single strong blow to them the night before. Still, I was glad that he had only hit me once, you had to appreciate the little things in life.

I stepped into the shower, letting the hot water sooth my body, trying to relax the muscles that were somehow always tense, perhaps waiting for the next degrading task or painful experience. I couldn’t really remember what my body had felt like when I was younger, when I ran carelessly across the fields by my grandmother’s house in the summers or when I danced the night away as I grew slightly older.

Thinking back only caused me pain, but I let myself walk down memory lane, seeing myself as a girl, then a teenager and then slightly older, on the verge of womanhood. I remembered the way my family had always laughed, hugged and kissed each other, the way my mother and father showed their love for each other every single day and the way I just couldn’t wait to find that special love for myself. Naïve, starry-eyed, poor eighteen year old fool th
at I was, I had been an easy target for the good-looking, rich prince of our town. The way he had been such a gentleman always, the gifts he brought me and the way he said he only had eyes for me had made me fall madly in love with him. When he asked me to marry him I had jumped at the chance, even though my mother had cautioned me to wait a little while longer, to get to know him a little bit better.

I was the envy of everyone as I walked down the aisle and became Mrs. Bannister, the lovely new bride in one of the wealthiest families in the area. I couldn’t have been happier and as I waved to my parents after the luxurious wedding party I did it with high hopes and the biggest smile I had ever worn. The honeymoon changed my feelings quite abruptly as I was taught lesson after lesson about myself and the man I had married.

I shied away from the thoughts of the warm days and nights on that miserable tropical island. I could feel the need to throw up rising, as it always did when my thoughts circled too close to those first three weeks of our marriage, and the following week that I spent in a luxurious room at the hospital after having ‘fallen down the stairs’. The private hospital where no questions were asked, no reports were written and where the staff members who looked at me with pity in their eyes, soon found themselves without a job. Such were the ways of the very rich.

Some part of me was grateful for the way that my father-in-law stepped in and told his son to ‘not leave visible marks in the future’ with the added ‘she’s no good to us without her looks’ comment. But the way he said it, standing in my room at the hospital, not caring if I heard him made me realize that he had known about the rough and violent nature of son. It also made me realize that I could never expect any help from that side of the family, because in their eyes I was just another bought item, something my husband could use as he pleased, just as long as he did it discreetly and kept the family name clean from scandal.

I don’t think that my mother and father believed in the falling-down-the-stairs-story, but they were never allowed to speak to me alone and after I got out of the hospital I only managed to call them once before they crashed their car into a tree on their way to work. I didn’t want to think about that day either, because I worried that my quick phone call the day before the crash was what caused their deaths, and those thoughts led to sure madness.

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and looked at my reflection in the mirror. God, how I hated the perfect shape of my face, my dark red lips, my large, blue eyes and my softly curling blonde hair. I hated my high breasts, thin waist and slightly wider hips. I hated the way my body seemed to call out for attention and admiration. I hated everything that had made the golden boy of the Bannister family take a notice of me. With a shake of my head I cursed both at the foolish, romantic girl I had been thirteen years ago and at the bitter, angry woman I had now become.

I walked out into my bedroom, got dressed and started my daily schedule, following the strict instructions I had been given as closely as I could, my only goal in life to live through another day without giving the family any room for annoyance, sadly aware that words would always be used to hurt me but hoping that the sticks and stones could be held off for yet another day.

– – – – –

A couple of weeks passed by and my inner turmoil began showing on the outside, perhaps not visible to everyone but still enough to make two of my friends throw worried looks my way. Mary even called to ask what was wrong and in one moment of weakness I actually thought about telling her. I stopped myself just in time and managed to tell her something about being tired and perhaps coming down with the flu.

It wasn’t the flu that made it difficult for me to breathe though, but bruises that were covering great parts of my upper body. Sometimes it didn’t matter how closely you followed every instruction or how swiftly you responded to every command, sometimes you were just a vent to help relieve pressure after a frustrating day.

I walked slowly around the garden, blinking back tears and thinking about the many different ways a person could be hurt by someone willing to put some real thought and effort into it. The purely physical part of domestic violence really wasn’t the part that hurt the most, you could always find ways of sealing yourself off, of going to your happy place. Words usually hurt more, especially if the person delivering the words made sure he had your full attention. But what really hurt the most was the way that a really manipulative person would let you have something in your life that you really liked or loved, something that could later be taken away as a punishment or just as a proof of his powers over you.

Over the years the wedding picture of my mother and father’s, my mother’s favorite necklace, a beautiful painting and several other things had been used that way to shake my world and break my spirit. And my tears now were not for my physical injuries but for the way my gardening shed had been trashed along with the distillation equipment and every single bottle of etheric oil I had managed to produce.

I figured I had now hit rock bottom. There wasn’t anything left that could be broken or taken away. I sat down slowly on a stone bench that couldn’t be seen from the house and wrapped my arms around myself as I started weeping with big gulping sobs. My mother’s favorite songs that I used so frequently in times of need would not help with this level of grief, no woman, no cry, everything’s gonna be alright…

My heart almost stopped as I felt something warm and wet touch the hand that I had let fall by the side of the bench. I quickly opened my eyes to the sight of a big dog with golden fur that had somehow gotten into the garden and was sitting beside me, leaning his head slightly to the side as if he was wondering why I was sitting there alone, crying. He leaned in and pressed his nose to my hand once again and then pushed his head underneath my hand as if to say ‘please pat me’. I let my hand stroke his soft fur and wondered what magic had sent him my way.

‘Here boy!’ I could hear from the other side of the hedge, answering the question of where the dog had come from. The dog seemed content to sit beside me, my hand now stroking his back with slow movements. Listening to the calls from the other side and thinking about what might happen if my husband saw the dog I decided to walk over my next-door neighbor and bring the dog with me. I rose and walked away and the dog obligingly followed.

The house next door wasn’t quite as big as the one I lived in, but much more simple and charming. It was probably one of the smallest houses in the neighborhood, but still a good-sized one. I followed the sound of the man calling for the dog and walked further into a garden that was filled with flowers of every shape, form, color and smell. If the house was charming the garden was absolutely, stunningly beautiful.

After turning around the corner of the house I saw the man who was calling for the dog, a friendly looking man with white hair, creased clothes and dirt under his nails. A man that sounded younger than the probably seventy years and then some that his face told me he was. He saw me approaching followed by his dog and started smiling widely.

‘Alfred, you big goof,’ he said ‘why did you run off like that? Was it because you met this lovely lady?’

I smiled back, aware that my face probably showed all the signs of my short crying spell.

‘Hello,’ I said ‘my name is Rose and I live next door. This gentleman came walking just a few minutes ago and I thought perhaps it was him you might be missing.’

‘Yes,’ the man answered ‘this if Alfred, my best friend and companion, and you can call me Edward or Ed for short.’

He reached his hand out just a little bit
too fast which made me tense and draw myself back half a step before I finally reached out to shake his hand. His face went from happy to worried and back to happy again quickly enough for me to think that perhaps I had imagined the sad frown on his forehead. He asked me if I wanted to stay for a cup of tea but I shook my head and started walking back through the hedge, back to life as I knew it.

* * * * *

I saw her walking round and around in the garden next door, noting the way her steps were slower than they usually were, that she was leaning slightly to the left and that she was dragging her right foot somewhat.

I had been watching her over the past few months, first just happily contemplating her loveliness, seeing her as just another beautiful flower to be admired from afar, then later reading her body language and trying to figure out what was bothering me about the lovely picture she made. It shouldn’t have taken me this long to figure out the answer to why she made me feel uneasy. I knew the signs well, both from personal and professional experience. I also knew that stepping in, telling her what I knew and trying to offer her my help would probably just send her off running.

She walked slowly to the shady corner of her garden, hidden from the eyes of the world, and I cursed my inability to come up with a plan to help her. I walked downstairs and was greeted by Alfred, happily chewing on one of his favorite shoes. When he saw me heading towards the door he gave a low bark and followed me out, waving his tail to me as he ran past and started smelling his way through the garden.

I looked at Alfred’s joyful explorations and sat down on the steps, leaning my head in my hands. There must be something that I can do, I thought to myself. Perhaps…?

I jumped up and walked into the house to get a certain well-chewed old sneaker. Alfred saw me coming, carrying his favorite toy, and followed me gladly towards the back of our house. I tossed the shoe into the garden next door and saw Alfred follow it in there. I quickly walked back to the front of the house and started waiting. It was a long shot, but Alfred liked people and people liked Alfred, so it might at least give me a chance to say ‘hello’.

I waited for five long minutes before I started calling for my dog, using every ‘come here’ expression I could think of, except for the one I knew would actually make him come. I didn’t have to wait for very long before the woman came walking, closely followed by a happy dog.

When she saw me she seemed to automatically straighten and correct her posture and walk and as she greeted me her face was covered by a lovely smile. Of course I could tell she had been crying, but there was no other sign of weakness, sadness or any other emotion but happy friendliness.

I saw her twitch as I reached my hand out to shake hers, but her hand was steady as she gripped mine in a firm handshake. This is a woman who knows how to hide her secrets, I thought to myself as she walked away.

Determined to find out the truth behind her perfect smile I walked into the house to make plans. I looked at the sweet still slightly puppyish Alfred, sure that he would be glad to help me make friends with the lovely lady next door.

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Ariston was suddenly awake. He looked around; nothing. He lay absolutely still aware of danger without knowing why. He had just purchased this house with gain from a necklace he had received as a token to the Goddess Ashtar. He intended to settle into this city and become a merchant, leaving behind his hard life on the road. He had not yet become weak from the city life and his feral senses brought him instantly alert. In the dim light of the stars, he saw a black line at the top of the...

4 years ago
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USAChapter 46

Rested with the American ambassador? Formosa, taken by the Japanese in 1895, was agricultural. Certainly. The triplets have dual citizenship. Born in New Orleans. Finn-Americans ... American-Finns? Besides, the trio are famous. They talk to dolphins. We spent quite a bit of time in Taipei. We also found out that fresh water eliminates a lot of saltwater marine growth. If there's a river that has deep water beyond the tidal surge a week or so does nicely. Brackish water doesn't work as...

2 years ago
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Lord Potter

Harry sat awake in his chair, a sturdy old thing he’d found in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld Place, it was now well into another night of Harry’s chosen seclusion from the rest of his society, he had taken this nearly immediately after his victory over Voldemort, he had left a brief statement where he stated that he was pleased to have finally defeated the dark lord who had been terrorising the world since his fourth year of school and that now he wished to be left alone for a while so...

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Black WolfChapter 2

At the moment, Black Wolf was intent on keeping his head down. That accursed White Eyes was too good with his repeating rifle to take a chance. When was he going to have to reload? It seemed as if the man had been shooting forever. There it was! The click of an empty gun! Now it was his chance. Black Wolf dropped his bow and drew his knife even as he was running at maximum speed toward the White man. Black Wolf knew that he only had moments before the rifle would be reloaded and shooting at...

2 years ago
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My friend from Pakistan

I am a real nudist. At home I am always naked, and when possible also outside. One day I was online chatting and I started talking to someone from Pakistan. After a while he asked if he could see my webcam, so I warned him: It's fine with me, but I am naked. He said that was no problem but he did ask why I was naked. I explained him I liked being naked. It gives me a sense of freedom, but I have to be honest, I also find it a turn-on when people see me naked.For weeks we saw eachother regularly...

2 years ago
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Delightful deliveries

Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected]        Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...

4 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 20 Memories of Sainte Jacqueline

I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

"I think we should meet." Over and over, again, I rolled the words across the tongue in my mind's mouth, like a buttery-toffee, leaving sweet trails of delight in its wake. A meeting. She and I. My mind raced with wild abandon at the possibilities. Since the divorce from my loving wife of twenty years, I had precariously guarded my heart from experiencing such pain and loss again. That is why I had turned to the Internet. While online, I could satisfy the needs of my heart and my desires,...

3 years ago
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His New Panties Lead to New Things

It was Friday afternoon and I had returned to the hotel suite after finishing with my best friends dress rehearsal for her wedding which was Saturday evening at 6 pm. I had about 4 hours to kill before my husband and I needed to be at the rehearsal dinner. Steve, my husband, was out playing golf with my dad and my brother and wouldn't be back for another at least two, maybe three hours. Dinner was being held at the resort we were staying at dress was to be "dressy casual," so I wouldn't need...

2 years ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Andi Rose Chloe Temple You Owe Me An Orgasm

Chloe Temple has been dumped just a little while ago. She’s already having a hard time with the breakup, but ten minutes later her ex posts some photos of him with another girl! Andi Rose, Chloe’s roommate, is here for Chloe. They’re sitting together in the kitchen when Andi goes to get a soda. She asks if Chloe wants one, but then discovers that she has taken the last one. Andi jokes that since she took the last pop, she owed Chloe an orgasm. Chloe tries to laugh it off, but...

4 years ago
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My Sister Made Me A Girl That I Am

I was 18 and I started to develop high sex drive, I was very curious about girls and their body. I couldn’t find any gals outside to satisfy my lust. So I started looking inside and there she was, my sister. She was 20; even at that age she had developed a curvy figure. Her boobs were handful and she had a decent size at the back. We were in a very small house, my sister and me used to sleep in one room. It was my sister’s duty to sweep and mop the entire house. This was the time I could...

2 years ago
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A good sister 8211 2

She awoke the next morning and looked at the clock. It read 7:57. Perfect timing. She petted her bare cunt in anticipation. Naked, beginning to moisten between her legs, she peeked out of her room. Seeing the coast was clear, she tiptoed through the hallway and into her brother’s room. He was still asleep, naked, with no sheet or cover. She stared longingly at his half-erect cock. She wanted to play with it some more, put it in her mouth, but she knew that she wouldn’t dare with him still fast...

3 years ago
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Halloween Costume

The halloween after having my bathing pulled off by the water while knee boarding in front of family. This is what happened. My family wanted to have more fun with me and since I didn't have a costume picked out yet and I had to wear it out i public. After the boating trip last time they had fun with me I knew I would be excited this time. Halloween night came around and they told me my costume is in my room upstairs. I went up to my room and hanging on my door was a girl's naughty school...

5 years ago
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Story Reader Anu Se Chat

Hi friends, its LOVE GUPTA again with a little conversation with 1 of my sexiest and hottest reader. Friends ye meri 3rd story hai jo main yahan post kar raha hoon apni pehli story MERI PYARI BAHEN (jo ki mere mama ki ladki hai) ke 5th part ko post karne ke baad is user se meri baatcheet hui thi. Main aap sabhi ka tahe dil se shukargujaar hoon ki aap logon ne meri AAPBEETI ko pasand kiya or us par apne reply bheje. Par friends main sirf girls ko hi apni friends banane mein jyada interested hoon...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Striptease Game

I'd forgotten my damn key again. And my wife was taking forever to answer the door. What was she doing in there? I was mildly irritated by the time she finally opened up, but before my lips could even form the words to some smart-assed remark about how long I'd been standing there, my senses were overloaded with the sight before me. I gave her a once over -- I swear, my wife could make a pimple look sexy. If she farted while we were having dinner with the president, my first reaction would...

2 years ago
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Fig Leaf Erotica

We ended our first May-December date at her apartment. Subdued lighting and candlelight to the accompaniment of soft music wrapped the night in possibilities. She took my hand as we emerged from the shower and led me to her bed and lay down in a posture of innocence and beckoned me to proceed. “Your wish is my command.” Her pink and beautiful bare skin glistened with hot water droplets twinkling like diamonds in the flickering light. I bent down and, starting at her knees, I kissed my way...

3 years ago
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Ammi Ki Train May Chudai

Mayne yaha par bohot sari story padi hay socha apni ek exp v shear karlun. Ya bat 10 sal phale ki hay jab may 12 sal ka tha or mayri ammi jinka nam nazma hay wo 28 yrs ki thi.dakne may gori dhud ki tarha or khubsurat bhi bohot thi,or unka figar size tha 36-32-46 Unki sadi bohot kam age may huwi thi kisi majburi k tahat.khar ab may story may ata hun. Hum delhi se lotrahay tha may or ammi raat ko achanak humare samne tiket chakiyar aya jo ammi se ticket puchne laga to ammi apne bag dhund ne lagi...

2 years ago
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Affairs of the Heart Ch 02

Special thanx to our editor and friends that have enjoyed our stories. I want to add that these stories are not to be taken too seriously – they are fantasies after all. We hope you enjoy the second half of our romance! Mulls and I look forward to more fantasy fun in the near future! *** With the setting sun, the woods became darker and harder to navigate, but Lynn had Jake holding her hand and helping her along after their heart racing, earth shaking, soul shattering moment that had left...

3 years ago
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“DADDY!!!”. I shot out of bed like I had been blasted from a cannon. “DADDY!!!”. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I grabbed my shorts and in mind jump had them covering my ass while I ran towards my daughter screams. “WHERE ARE YOU JESSICA!”, I yelled as I frantically scrambled around the house. “Out side. Under the deck! Hurry!”. I didn’t even think as I sprung towards the back door. It looked open, but the screen was shut. Not much was left as I broke through it. Tearing a big hole in the...

1 year ago
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Last Time

Disclaimer :- No one in this story is a real character, period… Emma stood outside her love's abode, the air gliding over her soft skin, the cold contained within pricking at it, wrestling with her nerves, trying to get her to retreat from the act she was about to commit. She shrugged off all comers, pulling her fur coat further around her body, blocking herself against the attempts. The door opened and the house looked somewhat more inviting. In the doorway stood Tom, wearing his usual jeans...

2 years ago
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Galactic RangersChapter 9

We couldn't be sure if the convoy leader had been able to radio in that they were under attack before he was destroyed by an RPG. It really didn't make much difference one way or the other, but I was curious. From the looks of the way the trucks burned, it seemed like they were filled with food and not cannon shells. Actually, this was better as far as breaking the siege was concerned. No shells meant that nobody inside the town would die from shellfire, but they would eventually run out...

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Breaking Brenda Baskin

Your name is Brenda Baskin. You're a 48-year-old homemaker living in Stockport, Iowa. It's the kind of small town in which everybody knows everyone, or at least it seems that way to you. All faces become familiar when one keeps to the same routine. You go to church on Sundays, not because you're particularly religious, but because not going is looked down upon in this part of the country. After church is when you do laundry. On Mondays, you drive the 15 miles to Fairfield to buy groceries and...

4 years ago
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Teacher Takes A Dare Part Two

He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her all through lunch. As they got out of the car back at school, he looked around to find her again. He finally spotted her getting out of the other car in their group, and in doing so, she flashed a little of her bare inner thigh. ‘It can’t be her,’ he thought to himself. ‘I’m just not that lucky.’ He had to sit through an exhaustive planning session in the department chairperson’s classroom. She sat in a student desk three seats in front of him. He barely...

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A professional job

A professional job. Fiction by Johnny Cumlately Whenever you open a newspaper or watch the TV, there always seems to be a scantily clad girl looking out at you. This is great! I think many guys will focus on the assets above the waist. They will particularly admire her breasts. The centre of my interest lies further down. I see her smooth crotch and am conscious of how ugly I think my own bits are. I am envious. I was always interested in enforced chastity and made myself a...

4 years ago
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Our Time Together

CHAPTER 1 Although her real father has always been somewhat in her life my stepdaughter (Anna) and I have always been extremely close. During the fourteen years I have been in her life she has only called me daddy a few times and I had never pushed her to do so. I always felt I should be as good as a friend to her as well as daddy, I seemed to work great. Over the years I have always communicated with her on a higher maturity level than her mother had so she always seemed...

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AnnAlyssia Blue Ch 1

"Ann-Alyssia Blue, come to the Principals' office." Everyone present in the cafeteria, graze seeks me out. Oh my God! Can this be any more embarrassing? To be honest, I am anxious. I have no idea why or what the new Principal wants me for. I have not been to the office, in awhile due to the fact that the old principal, went into cardiac arrest and God bless his soul, passed away. "Aly, what does he want?" I look at my friends, who are also curiously wondering why I have been summoned....

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 23

Tom and Paul were glad that Jim and Nala had turned up as they were due to meet the next wagon train in the morning. They guessed that Trae had a lot to do with their timely arrival and they were relieved that the Cutters would not be alone. While Trae had made more crystals available, transporters were still expensive, wagons and lankys were still the norm for most of the population. They and their brothers had determined that the Rangers wouldn’t be out of jobs for some time to come. If...

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My captured mom

Hi all!Before you read my story, I wanted to say "Thank you" to "mumlover40" for posting his great "American Nurse Captured in Syria" story.I loved the story so much, I couldn't resist "rebooting" it, adding to it and putting me and my boys in the "starring roles...So once again: Thank you!P.S.: I posted a special pic to go with my story too, you can find it in my "Galleries".Big kiss,Ann xxx!!!Captured mom.Hello, my name is Robert V.I live in London, UK with my younger brother K. and my...

3 years ago
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Internet ConnectionChapter 2 Still Connected

After our first rendezvous, and multi-orgasmic date, Dawn and I had returned to our respective homes where our cyberspace relationship continued. We chatted and teased each other nearly every night. Over the next few weeks, the lone night we spent together was practically the only topic we talked about. Dawn continued to be amazed by her ability to have multiple orgasms. She said she was already looking forward to our next date. It seems we had lit a fire in her belly. A fire that needed...

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The Benghazi ZigZig That Wasnt

Many moons ago before Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his followers staged a coup making him the dictator of Libya the nation was ruled by King Idris. At that time the capital city of Libya was either Tripoli or Benghazi, depending on which city Idris was in at the time. At that time the US Air Force had a station known as Wheelus Air Base just outside of Tripoli. As a young airman I was sent there on a two year tour of duty with the 633d AC&W (Aircraft Control and Warning) squadron. We jokingly...

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