Lucky StiffChapter 19 -- Advice Plus Senior Weekend I free porn video

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Did you write the book of love?
And do you have faith in God above,
If the Bible tells you so?
Now, do you believe in rock and roll?
Can music save your mortal soul,
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?

--American Pie (Don MacLean)

After we returned from the junior high where we performed the final performance of Music Man, Mr. Proilet invited me to a late afternoon at Vaughn's.

"Jim, I'm quite amazed at the amount you were able to accomplish for the musical," my music teacher told me.

I brushed off the compliment. "This isn't my first performance at the school. However, I now know what the other students went through to put on Guys and Dolls and Annie Get Your Gun."

Mr. Proilet shook his head. "You don't understand, Jim. Nobody has bit off as much as you did for the musical. This year has been more of a cakewalk for me than it was in any year past."

"Huh? I saw you working with Seventy Six Trombones and its final reprise, and that took a lot of hard work."

"And while I was doing that, you were doing Lida Rose, Wells Fargo Wagon, Till There Was You, Marian the Librarian, the square dance number, and most of the others! The bit of side business that you added for the train number was classic."

I laughed. "Actually, the Rock Island bits were added by Roy..."

"You suggested Roy, who nobody actually considered, as he was a sophomore just as you, and he worked wonderfully! In addition, every one of the numbers you were responsible for were nearly showstoppers, not just the ones that were supposed to be showstoppers," Mr. Proilet interrupted. "Trouble got an ovation, but just about anybody could make that song get one--it was written as an ovation piece. You made the Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You duet an ovation piece! Almost all of the parts you put your effort into were showstoppers, Jim."

I shook my head.

"Jim, you couldn't have put your own personal mark on this play any more if you managed to stick Hooked on a Feeling into it, somewhere. In fact, I was waiting to hear the barbershop sing that on their offstage walk instead of Good Night Ladies!"

I laughed. Roy actually suggested that--jokingly, of course--at one point.

"Jim, you have more talent as a sixteen year old than I see in professional conductors of major symphonies. I don't think Lenny Bernstein will be looking over his shoulder at you--at least, not until you graduate--but he's a fucking minority!"

I never heard my music teacher use profanity before. He was really impassioned.

"Have you thought of Julliard?" Mr. Proilet asked, seriously.

I shook my head. "Kristen has her heart set on Harvard, and she's going to wait two years for me to be there with her. New York and Boston are five hours away by car, but on a college student's schedule..."

"How about Berklee? That's in Boston."

I heard of that school. A bit different than Julliard, but almost as prestigious. I hadn't really considered actually attending college. I thought I'd find a job somewhere in Cambridge as a trumpet or piano player...

Mr. Proilet saw the uncertainty in my eyes. "Jim, you have a magical gift. When I first saw you in seventh grade, I thought, 'another damned prima-donna.' Thurd said that you were exceptional, but he says that a lot. This was one time when he delivered. If anything, he understated your ability!"

Mr. Thurd was my music teacher in Junior High. I remember Mr. Proilet didn't take me seriously the first year I did the musical, but by the time the show went to performance, the relationship between Mr. Proilet and I completely changed. We were no longer adversarial, and he kept pushing me to try more and more things. I was singled out as a soloist as well, which didn't make me very popular with the older students.

"Mr. Proilet, I mean no offense, but I'm quite aware that there are two ways to spell the word 'musician, '" I said. "The most common way is B-R-O-K-E. Maybe if Kris and I get married, money won't be a problem. If that happens, I'll be able to play just for the fun of it. I don't want to..."

Mr. Proilet wouldn't hear it. "If you have money, you're ahead of the game. You need to consider this: Bernstein isn't hurting for money, neither is Fiedler. You have the potential to dwarf either one. You might not do the Pops every year, or you might not get the opportunity to rewrite Romeo and Juliet as a musical, but you'll do your own thing. I know it, Jim."

"I still have a couple of years in school," I said. "I'll continue to work at what I'm doing. I think it's fun, and while it continues to be fun, I'll continue doing it."

Mr. Proilet sighed. "You give me a couple of years, and don't slack off. I'll get you a scholarship so that Kristen doesn't need to be an issue. Marry her--she's your muse and just the two of you together spurs you on to astronomical heights. I've seen you grow this year more than you have in any other previous year, and this year, whenever you did something wonderful, Kristen was right there. However, even if anything happens with the two of you, I can probably get you a scholarship to Julliard, Berklee, or anywhere else that has a realistic music program."

I never saw Mr. Proilet so animated. It was embarrassing. I don't consider myself to be as good as any of the people the Mr. Proilet was saying, but I figured he was just trying to hammer the point home.

"I'll make you this promise, Mr. Proilet."

"Jean." He pronounced it the French way, like "John."


"My first name. You are more than my equal. Call me Jean. If you wish to call me Mister in class, feel free. Between us, we're friends. Soon I'll be calling you Mister."

"If you say so," I said, feeling strange. "I'll make you this promise, Jean: When music becomes work, I will stop working. Until then, I'll continue working hard at it. All right?"

My music teacher furrowed his brow trying to make sense of what I said. Finally, he smiled. "The day that music becomes work to you, we'll have a real American Pie... it will definitely be the day the music dies."

I laughed at the reference. It was difficult to consider this man that I've called Mr. Proilet as 'Jean, ' but I'd try to remember. As long as music continued to be fun, it would be what I liked to do. Doing it with Mr. Proilet was always fun.

Mr. Proilet paid the tab and he drove me back to the High School. Kristen was waiting by her Camaro.

"Sorry for stealing Jim for so long, Kristen," Mr. Proilet said.

"That's all right. I just got out from doing some planning with some friends a few minutes ago."

In the car, and back at the apartment, Kristen and I talked about what Mr. Proilet said. I told her my big fear: a school such as Julliard might be so focused on turning me into their idea of a musician that I might never become my own idea of a musician.

"Why didn't you tell that to your teacher?" Kristen asked.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "My idea of a musician is difficult to imagine, Kristen. If you're with me, then it's easy."

"I'll be with you, Jim."

I looked at the seriousness in Kristen's eyes. "I know you will. Would you really like to live a musician's life?"

Kristen shrugged. "I'd be a musician's wife. It's not the same."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You misunderstood me. Would you like to live a musician's life?"

"Me? A musician?" Kristen laughed.

She saw the serious look in my eyes. "Yes, you."


"I've seen you play. I've seen you help Amy. You get almost as much joy out of music as I do, and you put less than a tenth of the effort that I do."

"Me?" Kristen was completely taken by surprise.

"You become a musician--a millionaire musician," I said, smiling. "I'll become one as well. Together, we can redefine music together."

"The two of us?" Kristen said.

From the look that Kristen gave me, it occurred to me that she never even considered this option.

I found one of my best male friends in the hallway the next day. "Roy? I need help with a female singer."

Roy looked at me strangely. "The musical is over, the concert is over. Are you thinking of putting words to Pomp and Circumstance?"

I laughed at the suggestion, and tried to merge the words "Hooked on a Feeling" to the processional to Pomp. The two of us laughed at that. "Actually, I have somebody with a wonderful voice, but it has never been trained."

"How old? Fourteen?"

"Not Merry, and she's fifteen," I smiled. "Eighteen."


I nodded. Roy and I seemed to communicate a lot with few words.

Roy thought a few moments. "Eighteen is old."

"Not impossible, though," I said.

"Didn't say that. What's her range? Alto?"

"Don't classify her. Let her find her own range."

Roy nodded. "She plays keyboards surprisingly well. You starting a group?"

I laughed. "Maybe eventually. How long before we could get something... interesting?"

Roy shrugged. "Have you told her your plans?"

"Not exactly."

It was Roy's turn to laugh. "After you get out of the hospital, Jim!"

I was sitting in the music room. It was the Monday before the Senior Weekend. Thursday evening would be the Prom. For the rest of the weekend, Kristen made her own plans that involved us as well as Camille, Patty and Toby, Wendy and Gerry, Roy and Jill, Jackie and a guy named Steve, Lynette, Tiny and June. Tiny and June were a surprising last minute addition, and Lynette and Camille were both going stag.

Mr. Proilet was in his "father" mood.

"Jim, you can turn a bunch of musically challenged students into the equivalent of a Broadway production."

"You've told me that."

"You cannot turn Kristen into the female Jim Crittenhouse in a matter of weeks!"

"I've got a couple of years..." I started.

Mr. Proilet let out an audible sigh. "Kristen is talented. Have you talked to her about singing?"

"No," I admitted. "I wanted to sound it out with Roy and..."

"That's not the way you do it, Jim, and you know it," my teacher told me. "You're not her Svengali!"

"Her what?" I asked.

"Look it up at the library. Ask your friend Camille. You're trying to turn her into Pygmalion... look that up, too."

"What are you saying?"

"Why do you do all you do with music?" Mr. Proilet asked.

"Because I love it."


"Exactly what?" I asked, confused.

"If you force music on Kristen, it will turn her off. What happens when somebody tries to force you to play a stringed instrument?"

I remembered a particularly obnoxious music teacher in elementary school that thought that I should be a violin virtuoso.

Suddenly, I understood my teacher's worries. "Am I doing that?"

"Sadly, yes," Mr. Proilet said. "If you force her, she'll resent it. You'll be driving a wedge between the two of you."

I sighed. "How do I do it, then?"

"Slowly, and let her choose her own pace. She's not you, so don't use yourself as a benchmark. Treat her the same way as you treated that actor that played Harold Hill in the musical. Work with her, but don't push her. Keep it fun, and let her be herself."

My teacher gave me more advice that day, but I realized that I learned the important bits.

At the senior prom, I danced to a lot of the songs with Kristen. As I listened to the group that was performing, I was assessing their talents, spotting their weaknesses, and thinking how slight changes could transform them from a band that did proms to a band that could get the bigger venues.

June Rodgers and Tiny Jonas found the two of us on the dance floor, and June asked if we could switch partners.

I smiled. "Sure."

I then took Tiny by the arms and started to dance with him, which had the effect of reducing Kristen and June into convulsions of laughter, among other people.

We quickly switched so that I was with June, and Tiny was with Kristen.

June was a lovely cheerleader, and she was about three or four inches smaller than Kristen. She had a cute face, and she was very light on her feet. Dancing with June made me feel that I was a much better dancer than I really was.

I looked at Kristen and Tiny. They were dancing close together. June saw where my attention was, and moved closer to me and we slow danced together as well.

After that song, it seemed that I was on a list as a partner for each and every cheerleader present at the prom. One after another, they took over, one dance at a time.

When Lynette Robbins took her turn, I asked, "How come I'm the focus of attention from the cheerleaders?"

Lynette looked at me as if I was kidding her. "You don't know?"

"No," I answered, seriously.

"The cheerleaders never had as good a friend as you, Jim."

Lynette said this so seriously that I was speechless. Despite the fact the song the band was playing was a fast number, she pulled her body close to mine, and I could feel the warmth of her body through my clothes.

After the end of the song, Camille started toward us, but Lynette shot her a look, and continued dancing the next song with me.

The next song was a slower number, and Lynette was still slow dancing with me. Lynette moved her lips toward my ears and whispered, "You are the most wonderful guy in school. You refuse to take advantage of girls when given the opportunity. You also alerted Cammy about the best cheerleader we've had. You had a lot to do with getting rid of that asshole Tim Hawking."

I shrugged. I knew that Lynette didn't know the entire story about Tim Hawking.

"You hang out with Cammy, but you don't really ogle the cheerleaders. In fact, you're the opposite of a cheerleader groupie; you are a real friend. We owe you a lot, and we seniors will be saddened to know that we won't be around with you the next couple of years."

"Cammy said you and she have a thing for Kristen," I said, trying to change the subject.

Instead of looking shocked, Lynette simply nodded. "Cammy and I swing both ways."

I remembered my conversation with Will Swift last Thanksgiving, and adapted one of his favorite sayings. "That means you have the capacity to love twice as many people as I can."

Lynette actually stopped dancing and stared at me. She didn't see me laughing at her. After a few moments, she started dancing with me again. "You know, if I said that to any other guy, they'd try to tell me how much they understand while trying to get me to agree to a threesome with Cammy. You didn't do that. You really are amazing."

I didn't mention that I have had many opportunities to have a threesome with Cammy, but never took any.

"I know a guy who also 'swings both ways, ' as you put it," I said. "He's a really nice person. If you were trying to shock me, it didn't work."

"You are very unusual," Lynette said.

She then stopped dancing and gave me a long kiss in the middle of the dance floor. Her tongue was insistent and our action was noticed by many people, including Kristen, who mostly looked amused.

"I'm looking forward to this weekend," Lynette said after finally breaking the kiss.

"So am I," I said, smiling.

We were in one of a set of limos that Kristen hired leaving the senior prom.

I felt a little out of place. Of all the people in our group, Roy and I were the youngest by at least a year. Of course, being the boyfriend of the hostess for the rest of the weekend gave me certain benefits of being the "host."

Surprisingly, none of the guys treated me as a kid. They seemed quite interested in what I had to say, and spoke with me about the kind of songs they liked (after all, popular music was considered my specialty, and one people could identify with).

I think I earned my own badges over the past year. After all, I was known as "Oogie" to just about everybody in my school. Since the name referred to the song I dedicated to the most wonderful girl in the world, I found that I had little problem with it.

Of course, my real friends called me Jim. The big exception was Kristen, who called me "Oogie" just about any time the feeling hit her. Did I have a problem with that? Are you fucking kidding?

Actually, the people who were part of Kristen's birthday party started referring to me as "Oogie Woogie," the name that Camille came up with before Kristen's birthday party. I thought of "Oogie Woogie" as a persona, and not as myself; that showman who had no embarrassment when he stood at a microphone and sang a very personal love song to the Goddess of his dreams in front of strangers and even her parents. The guy who could get his lover's mother to sing a song in public after having left the field for almost twenty years.

When Tiny wasn't with June, he was near me. I think other people bothered him. He was known as an athlete, but due to his skin color and other biases, he really never was part of the "in crowd." He felt more comfortable with the musical crowd, which readily accepted him once we found out he was talented, and that crowd seemed to have no concept of skin color or stupid stereotypes... at least, that described most of the people who were part of my jazz band.

Tiny seemed to think that he owed me a debt of gratitude. I thought this was strange, since Tiny was the savior of nearly every pretty girl in the school: Tim Hawking had all the makings of a serial rapist with the scary benefit of owning Lucky Tickets.

I didn't know how to handle Tiny, except as an equal. He was nearly my equal on my favorite instrument, the trumpet. I would even go so far as to say that he was better at coming up with improvisational solos. If I looked at him that way, I could easily treat him as an equal. The fact that June got along with nearly everybody also helped out.

We were going to a vacation villa on Lake Michigan that had ten bedrooms, an equal number of bathrooms, lots of living space, and a boathouse on a tributary that easily led to the lake. The boathouse contained a cabin cruiser and two outboard power boats.

When we arrived, the owner of the property showed us all around, and gave everybody a half hour lesson on boating safety. During the summer, there was a roped in swimming area that was accessible from the property, but the owner pointed out that the temperature of the lake water was in the forties, so lake swimming was probably not a good idea. Luckily, there was a large heated pool that was currently in an enclosure that would be perfect for the anticipated weather.

At the lake, the owner pointed out the buoys that identified the deep waters necessary for reaching the Great Lake. We were also warned to stay out of the lake during bad weather; it may be a lake, but it was a Great Lake and its size made it dangerous when the weather turned.

Although the owner knew that we were all on a senior weekend, Kristen apparently dealt with him previously as was made clear when he always called her by her first name. She paid a hefty security deposit for the long weekend we were going to be there. Even in the event of emergency, the owner could be reached and at the property within minutes.

At one time or another during the school year, I partied with nearly everybody except June, and nobody seemed to be heavy drinkers. Even so, there were a couple of cases of Budweiser when we unpacked. By my reckoning, there would be a bit more than three cans of beer for every person in our group--a number I thought was a bit high, but Kristen assured me that amount could be managed.

Being one of the youngest people at the property, I had the least knowledge of what to expect on a "senior weekend."

Kristen and I got the master bedroom, and the others picked rooms that were convenient. People quickly changed into bathing suits and about a half hour after the owner left, we started to head down to the swimming pool.

Outside the boathouse were a few canoes and a couple of row boats, and some couples made plans to use the boats in the future. Kristen suggested that every couple that uses a boat let Camille or her know so that there was an accounting for all the equipment and people.

I swam for about an hour and then moved out of the pool, resting on one of the lounge chairs outside in the fresh air. Tiny and June took out a row boat, and I could see him rowing the two of them out toward the lake. I watched as he dipped the paddles expertly into the water.

Kristen asked if I wanted to take one of the boats into the lake, and I declined. I was a bit water-logged and wanted get back to the villa. It was a warm day, about seventy degrees, but the air still felt a bit chilly after leaving the warm pool. Camille seemed to feel the same way, and the two of us went back into the villa.

"This is a great change of pace," I said to Camille once we were back in the house.

"In what way?"

"I've been doing music, music, music since the year began. Don't get me wrong... I love it! This is just a change of pace. I don't have to write anything. I don't have to help somebody who is having problems... I don't even have a fucking piano nearby. You know?"

"How did you get so old?" Camille asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You sound like a teacher, not a student," Camille said. "We're supposed to be having the time of our lives. We're in high school. Maybe we sweat a bit with homework and tests, but this is supposed to be the time of our lives."

"That's not how things are happening with me," I observed.

"You have a lot of responsibilities. Your jazz band, the musical, tutoring Tiny and Toby. And you are in fucking tenth grade!"

"Yeah," I said. Actually, I didn't have any complaints, but not having any particular responsibilities relieved a burden that I hadn't even realized that I was carrying until now. "Wait until next year. Everybody will expect me to top this year."

"That's a quick way to an early grave, Jim," Camille said. "My dad was like that. Work, work, work. A heart attack on the job, and he's gone. Poof! Just like that."

"I don't think..."

"I'm not saying that you're heart attack material, Jim," Camille said, softly. "I'm just saying that you don't need to save the world. The one thing I didn't mention before was that on top of all those other responsibilities, you have to deal with those tickets and assholes like Tim Hawking."

I shrugged.

Camille kissed me warmly. "You're a knight in shining armor, Jim."

I didn't feel like a fucking knight, but with Camille kissing me, I didn't feel like complaining.

After we kissed, I decided to have a talk that I was waiting to have with Camille for a while.

"Have you written to your Valentine?" I asked.

"You mean, Will?"


I saw that Camille's eyes were unfocused as she thought about Kristen's brother. It was obvious that she still had it bad for him.

"What's the attraction?" I asked.

Camille looked at me sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Cammy," I said, soothingly. "I love Will. He loves Kristen and he seems to love me as well. I have nothing against him. However, the moment the two of you laid eyes on one another, it was as if Kristen and I were just a minor inconvenience."

"I feel... something... when I see him. I still feel it when I think about him."

"What is it?"

Camille looked at me, wondering if she could trust me. She must have realized that she already entrusted quite a lot in me already. "I... can't say, but I see something in his eyes. It's mystical."

This sounded like what Will told me. I didn't laugh at her. Instead, I said, "He says I have a strange aura."

"He doesn't recognize yours, although he saw it in Debbie, and he now sees it a little bit in Kristen and me."

"Debbie? Your sister?"

"Yeah," Camille said. "Will met my sister, saw her aura, and ran away. He sees it around me, but differently."

"This sounds so..."

"I know, Jim," Camille said. "If you don't see it, it's difficult to understand it. Will actually sees it. What he describes is strange, but you have to admit that there is no explanation for your Lucky Tickets either, but they do exist. I've learned to accept some weird things. I can tell that Will is serious when he tells me about his auras, and I believe him. He has no reason to lie to me."

"I sort of feel that way as well," I admitted. "Will first told me about his auras when we were touring MIT. I felt it was a bit ironic, but I could tell he was serious."

"Jim, when you see auras around people, you don't always tell people about it. Will trusts you quite a lot to tell you. I think he's only told Kristen, you, and me about them."

"I know, but you didn't answer my question. What's the attraction between you and Will?"

"All right," Camille said. "Will is bisexual. So am I."

"And..." I said, prodding Camille.

"Jim, you sleep with me a few times a week, right?"


"And you love Kristen, wholly and totally."

Of course, I thought. "Uh, huh..."

"And I love her as well."

"I'll accept that."

Camille raised her eyebrows. "Interesting way to put it, Jim."

"Cammy, I have no way to know what's going on in your mind. You say you are in love with Kristen, and you act that way. I'll accept that."

"You don't go any further?" Camille asked.

"Will told me that as a bisexual, he loves everybody. It sounds wonderful, the way he puts it. At the same time, however, it sounds lonely. He'll love anybody, which is not the same thing. He doesn't discriminate, which may be considered something positive, but what if you don't discriminate between a good person... such as Albert Schweitzer, and a bad person... such as Adolph Hitler?"

Camille considered my remarks. It was a measure of how much she valued my opinions, even when she disagreed with them.

"You point out an interesting trap, Jim."

"I talked with Will for a while last Thanksgiving."

Camille said, "What I was thinking is that Will fits a part of me that nobody else does. It's a part of me that he fits perfectly. At the same time, Kristen fits a different part of me. I could be with both and there would be no overlap."

"And how is that different when you are with Kristen and me?"

"You and Kristen fit, and Kristen and I fit," Camille said. "It's almost the same thing, but with her."

"The way that you describe it, Camille, is that no two people can possibly love one another a hundred percent."


"You fit Kristen, I fit Kristen. That's a hundred percent between three people. Will fits you, Kristen fits you. Another hundred percent between three people."

"Yeah?" Camille looked confused.

"Up until you came into our bed, Camille, I would have sworn that Kristen fits me, one hundred percent. I thought I fit her the same way."

"What changed?"

"Love isn't either/or, Camille. I can love Kristen one hundred percent, and still love you. You and I don't actively make love with each other in bed, but that's because we both don't know Kristen's feelings on the matter. What if Kristen asked you to fuck me?"

"She won't!" Camille said.

"You can predict Kristen like that? Congratulations, Cammy. I've yet to be that sure of her myself. She seems to have a terrible jealous streak in her, but at the same time, she already gave you and Patty permission when she came back from Austria last winter. Remember?"

Camille didn't answer, but obviously remembered Kristen's conversation with Patty and her.

I continued. "I don't think there's another guy that will love her like me, even her brother. She knows that. She accepts you because there's no competition between us. However, that day when you told me about the tickets on Lake Shore Point, Kristen was angry and thought I might be thinking of you romantically."

Camille looked shocked. "What?"

"It didn't take much for me to reassure Kristen, but her jealousy is still there. Do you remember that terrible fight that Kristen and I had last autumn?"

"The one that Sherry helped you guys through?"

"Yeah," I said. "This is private, because it's between Kristen and me, but I thought you might want to know. Kristen sort of insinuated that she wanted me to sleep with somebody else... make love to another girl. I didn't want to--the only girl for me was and is Kristen. There was more to that argument but that's really personal. Anyway, she can be jealous on the one hand, and want me to have sex with another girl at the same time!"

There was silence as Camille thought about what I just said.

"Anyway," I continued, "you love her differently. I can't read your mind, but I wouldn't be surprised if you loved her a hundred percent. I also love Kristen one hundred percent. You don't add them together, Camille."

Camille shook her head. "That can't be. Anything I can do with Kristen, you can also do, physically."

Same as Lucky Stiff
Chapter 19 -- Advice plus Senior Weekend I Videos

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 12 Advice With a Twist

August 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Why would Elyse ask her to have lunch with us?” Michelle whispered after we left Alli with Elyse. I laughed almost as hard as I had outside, and Kara answered. “Michelle, she didn’t invite Alli to have lunch with us, but to see if Steve wanted to HAVE Alli for lunch!” “What?” she asked, then gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh!” “Let’s just get our showers and have lunch,” I said. “Wait! Would you do that? Just go to bed with her because she asked?” “It...

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Grannys good advices to bro and me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Though having reached my 18th birthday since some time then, i was quite naive in my mind, always doing silly things, trying to tease my older brother to keep his attention on me. I didn't quite realize that i was a grown up lady: with ample firm breast that danced in rythm with every movement i made,slim waist which i loved to twist erotically during my Brazilian dancing classes,and a lovely buttock which every man had eyes i didn't notice. I...

2 years ago
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Gretas Story 3 High School Senior Year a Naked in School Tale

Funny, after Sam and Brenda and I returned from Gramma Kramer's the summer quickly melted away into the new school year. Three new things separated junior year and senior year. First I had agreed to take the work-study job with the Program, which in addition to my gardening money and my nursing home hours was putting a tidy sum away for college. My medallion, which identified me as a full time Naked In School participant, had been taken from me on the first day of senior classes. Oddly, a...

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The Senior Party

Senior year is about to end in a small-town located somewhere in Maine; teachers are a little less stressed, students are a bit more enthusiastic, parents are a bit more worried, and everything is about to change for many young people. For many; they feel like it was just yesterday when they were starting Middle School. Some claim that it feels like Elementary School felt just like last week, others claim it feels like a lifetime since freshman year. No matter the differing opinions on the...

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Guided On A Sexual Journey By My Senior

Hi, this is Luffy, back with a story, or rather a series of stories, after a long time. Let’s begin without wasting any more time. We have all looked to our seniors to guide us through our college lives. I joined college with the same expectation. Little did I know that I would be guided on a whole new sexual journey by my senior – a journey that is unfolding to this day. In the winter of 2012, when I was in my first year of college, I participated in an event. My team was responsible for the...

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The Senior Center

There is no sex in this story. It could go in Romance or Mature. It’s a story about a young woman who became a nurse in a Senior Citizen Center and a friend she became very fond of. Thank you to Mr. Wolf for editing this story for me. * Chapter 1: My name is Nina and this story begins when I got the position of being a nurse at a senior living facility. I have to say I was very nervous at first but after awhile I loved my job. I had recently graduated from college with a nursing degree but...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

Introduction: This is a story that describes a unique situation that confronted a mature couple when they bought a beach house in Florida. They suddenly found themselves in a Swinging Community of senior citizens. Although it is a fictional account, the story applies real people and actual circumstances to develop the narrative. As expected, names have been changed and situations have been modified to provide anonymity. Be warned: the story starts very slowly, in order to develop the characters...

1 year ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 21 Senior Weekend III

The autumn wind, and the winter wind, Have come and gone. And still the days, those lonely days, Go on and on. And guess who sighs his lullabies, Through nights that never end? My fickle friend, the summer wind! --Summer Wind (Frank Sinatra) Kristen found me after the party. "Why did you do that?" she asked. "Do what?" "Tell Lynette to love me." "You mean, 'Pussy Slave, '" I pointed out. "Jim, you told her to love me." "She already told me that she loved you. If she...

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I can hardly believe it. It's January of my senior year in high school, meaning my life just got a lot better. I just submitted the last of my college applications yesterday, and now that those are off my back, I can slack off a bit more and enjoy the free time with friends. After all, that's what the second half of senior year is about, right? I sit up, swing my legs over and hop off the bed. Opening the window shade, I see that a light snow has fallen during the night, the thin layer of snow...

2 years ago
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Good Advice Is Fatal

Aphrodite’s mother was a psychic who legally changed her surname to Tyche (the name of the Greek God of fate) after she dreamt about him, she was always a bit delusional, always doing strange things on impulse, a lot of the time she struggled to understand her mother’s weird affinities. Even now she didn’t know why she had named her Aphrodite; she was no Goddess of Love, or Beauty of even Sexuality, she was none of the things her Goddess namesake was. How her mother could think of effectively...

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Good Advice Is Fatal

Introduction: Is it rape is you are forced to obey by a vampire…anyway ive tagged it as that, like it or lump it. I may turn this into a series, i have more ideas for this one, but that depends if you like it Ironic. On reflection, that was the only word that Aphrodite Tyche could think of about when she met Thanatos Ares. Ironic that her name was kind of a confliction to his, surely love and death, fate and bloodlust should conflict against either other. Why she fell for this guy, she couldnt...

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Had sex with my bestfriend sister need advice

HelloI just open an account here to get some advice on my situation. I don't know if this the right place. anyway here is some information about myself and what happened, ok I am 18 years old from canada, Toronto. well i am originally from Egypt, and moved here 5 years ago, and since moved here i been friend with Ian, well that is not his real name, we been besfriends for almost 5 years now, he help me learn English and the Canadian culture, anyway last Monday ended up having sex with his older...

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Senior Girl8217s Sexy Navel and A Hard Fuck

Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I am Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. I am surprised and happy that most of you who read my stories have texted me and I received positive reactions throughout. I hope to get more reactions for my stories. This story goes back to my 2nd year of Engineering. I had a lot of sex in that year, this also was in the middle of them. At the end of that semester, the college organized a formal function for the...

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Junior And Senior 8211 Part 1

Hy guys, This is one of the hottest ones I ever wrote in iss. Quite a long one. Hope you like it Now I am in college. It’s about fucking my sweet skinny senior on their farewell and getting caught and fucking another senior. My senior amrita( name changed) has a skinny figure. She is hot as hell with small 32 c perky breasts and dark nipples. A small ass and unshaven pussy. She is the slut of the college. She was fucked by many. A few weeks back I got an email from a girl saying she liked my...

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My Senior Colleague Shikha And Me

I slept with my colleague. It doesn’t sound that interesting, but trust me when that colleague is a mature divorcee with no kids; you are up for a no bars game. There is no rule, no reason, and no guilt but just fun and lots of sex. My Shikha is just like that. Shikha, a 35-year-old woman got married at the age of 27 and divorced at 30, less exploited sexually because the husband was drunk and impotent. She buried herself in her work all these years to just open up for me. She was one of the...

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The Portrait Studio Senior Picture

The Portrait Studio: Senior Picture By JDCopyhack (c) 2000 JDCopyhack. All rights reserved. Jeff Marsden opened the door and walked into the well-lit waiting room. After scribbling his name on the sign-in sheet, he grabbed a magazine and sat down nervously. This is the day he had been dreading. For much of his high school life, Jeff managed to avoid having his picture taken for the yearbook. His reason was a simple, yet painful one. A serious case of acne had scarred his once...

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Senior Colleague From Bhubaneswar Shows Heaven

If you like this story please write to me back at a doctor I used to travel to many clinics and nursing homes for attending patients. And it was these days that I was the favourite of many of my senior colleagues too, which included Sushree Apa (Apa = Sister). She was my senior in college but after so many years we were again working as colleagues for some nursing homes. So whenever she would come to the clinic she would call me and we would together go and attend patients.One day while we...

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Senior Skip Day

Tomorrow is senior skip day! The best day of senior year! Actually, to be honest, prom was my favorite day. It was three days after I turned 18 and yes, it wasn’t really prom so much that was the high point of the day, it was going three rounds with my date, the captain of the tennis team, afterwards. He, as well as ninety-percent of my class, were “legal” before me, and while I had last count of how many times a male classmate “accidentally” brushed a hand against my ass or breasts, no one...

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Ultimate Senior Mams8217 Sex

Hi friends this is Akash and I 21 years old now . this is my story of college fucking 2 seniors by losing a bet. I am doing engineering and when this happened I completed my 2nd year. There are 2 great senior mams(yes in our college we call senior girls as mam) both were one of the top hottest girls in our college. Their name are Priyanka and Swati. They have figure of 32a- 28-30 and 32c-30-32 respectively. So directly coming on to the story. Actually we are the best friends yes me and these 2...

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My stories are all about having sex with family members. A sons cock entering his Mothers pussy is one of the most popular subjects written about. This is due to the fact that it is quite rare but has crossed most every sons mind. Tell a true story of sex with your wife might make a reader hot, but tell a tale of how you fucked your wifes mom last Easter, now that will make people cum on the key board. Write about brothers fucking mom silly, people will nut on the monitor before they finish...

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ADVICE By Persephone Back in sixteen hundred something Pedro Calderon said, "A woman's advice is not worth much, but he who doesn't heed it is a fool." I wish someone had drilled that thought into my head earlier in my life. It sure would have made things a lot easier on me but no, not me. I knew what I wanted and I was going to have it my way or know the reason why not. Amber was more than up to letting me know why not. Amber is my best friend and has been for some time now. We...

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Giving advice

Part of my job is giving advice to groups of around 40 people; the reason for the small numbers is in my field of work and a lot of individuals need to ask many questions and you could be their all night.Last Monday I was in Harrogate doing a talk. In the front row, smack in the middle were this good looking couple in their 40s, he had a very expensive suit on and she had this wonderful short dress showing quite a lot of leg extenuating her figure with a nice pair of black and red high heels....

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 1

Rebecca Donaldson, the perky co-host of the morning show Good Morning San Francisco, was happy with her life. From the first day of her joining her hosting partner, Danny Tanner, she was welcomed into his family circle. Though she was actually 27-years-old, she could easily pass for a young girl of seventeen. She was introduced to his three daughters, Debby Jo (better known as DJ by all), Stephanie and Michelle. Danny had to raise them alone since his wife passed away a few years before. She...

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His Senior Project

They were just about to graduate but only one thing was holding them back. That was the Senior Project they were required to do. They hadn’t come up with an idea and had to start there at least. They knew they had to have that done and so they headed home and spent some time thinking about it. They thought hard that night. Time was closing in. Jefferson even went to bed thinking about it. He was the groups’ leader. He laid awake that evening as thought and he thought about her that night. He...

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Senior Dare

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, teacher, student, school, bdsm, dom, sub, maledom,femsub, sex Summary: A senior in college turns in a dirty story on a dare. It started off as a dare. My senior year of college had come. I was about to graduate I had practically passed all my classes. I had to turn in a couple papers, take a few exams, and finish my elective, free writing. A class I couldn’t fail. In Free Writing, on the first day of class our professor handed out a...

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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

My name is Dave Stewart. I was in my early sixties at the time that the following series of incidents occurred and had been married to my wife Carolyn for more than thirty years. I had retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in my early forties and was able to apply my skill in logistics to a second career in the business world with a multi-modal logistics company in Raleigh. After many years of service there, my regional firm was bought-out by a large, multi-national...

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His Senior Project

They were just about to graduate but only one thing was holding them back. That was the Senior Project they were required to do. They hadn’t come up with an idea and had to start there at least. They knew they had to have that done and so they headed home and spent some time thinking about it. They thought hard that night. Time was closing in. Jefferson even went to bed thinking about it. He was the groups’ leader. He laid awake that evening as thought and he thought about her that night. He...

First Time
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Senior Week Ch 00 Prologue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

4 years ago
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Senior Week Ch 01 Tough Love

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Senior Trip

A week before the trip… Jason Robbins tapped his pencil on his desk as he listened to his science teacher drone on. His emerald green eyes kept darting over to the clock, waiting for the school bell to finally ring. Come on sixty seconds he thought, the tapping of the pencil speeding up. The school year was almost over, which meant one thing to him. Senior class trip. He had been waiting for over a month to go on this trip. A full week away from all the pressure of school, a week to spend with...

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Seeing What I Could SeeSenior Sex

Seeing What I could See...Senior Sex! It's strange to realize that it's been 24 years since that fateful day that my “Auntie A” revealed herself to me. Her tall robust body had caught my fancy at a very young age and the want grew from there...big legs, large bust, wide hips, beautiful facial features...the older I got the more I wanted to see.I think somewhere along the line she noticed my interest as I always watched her move, sat at family...

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Nandhini My Slutty College Senior 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone, Arshaan is back. I hope you guys enjoyed the earlier parts. I had received many positive comments and would love to thank my readers. Now, let’s conclude with the final part of the saga. My slutty college senior Nandini’s sexy ass is to die for guys, those heavenly shaped, perfectly cupped round and bouncing cheeks are an amazing sight to behold. I was watching her prepare Maggi in the kitchen with her ass globes facing me and I got an instant erection. Even though she had...

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College Senior Bombshell Vidhya

Hi, I am Siddarth. This is my second story in English and 3 stories were in Telugu. Do check them all. I am of 25 years age, 5’10 height, brown-skinned with 6.5-inch dick. Thanks to the regular gym and workouts, my body is fit. The story of this story is how I nailed my super senior Vidhya after her graduation when she came for the certificates. We met a few times before too in parties. It was 2012 December. Vidhya had completed her grad in April and came to college for her certificates. Her...

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A Juniorsenior And Super Senior Part3

Hi, everyone of indian sex stories dot net this is a fantasy story between me and my super senior girl.If I got a chance to fuck any women I like to do in this way.Before entering into story about me, myself Sriram, good looking guy of 24 age with 5’10 height,75 weight from Hyderabad I respect women and I love sex too.Any interesting women can contact me to “”. Let start the story in Telugu Nenu,kerthi and Anu threesome taruvata one week ke kerthi nenu malle threesome ke ready ane adegende nenu...

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Me And My Senior Lost Virginity1

Hello, all the ISS readers and thanks for the indian sex stories dot net site to introduce all kind of sex stories. I am new to this site one of my friend introduced me five months back now I am a diehard fan of this site. From the day my friend introduced me till now I read 5k stories and thought of sharing my experience with you. I believe most of the stories on Indian sex stories are usually fake or maybe the guys write here just to get noticed by someone to get a chance. Many people don’t...

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A Junior Senior And Super Senior Part 2

Hi, every one this a fantasy story between the super senior girl, senior girl and junior boy.If I got a chance to fuck any women I like to do in this way.Before entering to story about me my self Sriram good looking guy 24age with 5’10 height,75 weight with 6-inch tool from Hyderabad I respect women and I love sex too any interesting women can contact me to Let start the story in Telugu Nanu kerthi koreka teruchaka Tanu naku night call chase thanks chapende Kerthi:eroju nuvu na koreka...

1 year ago
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Loved It To Be A Slave Of My SeniorA Real Femdom Sex Story

Hi to all the readers, I am Samit from Pune, working in a company and I’ll share the experience of how I ended of having a sex with my senior girl. I am a big fan of this website so I thought of sharing this sex story. So, this incident happened around 10 months back. I had completed my graduation and I came to Pune in search of my first job. My friends were in different locations of the same company I joined. To settle down here in Pune, I had asked my senior from the same college who was...

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My Senior8217s Wife

Hi, this is Sumit Rathore from Goa and I work in a MNC. I had sex with many ladies, particularly housewives and the story is one of them. I was at Mumbai last year and used to work from home most of the time. i was residing with my colleague in a one BHK flat in Dadar who used to be out during day time. I used to report daily progress to my senior and he was very happy with my work and frequently used to call me at home for dinner. His was a small family, only wife and a 2 year old son. His...

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Forcefully Drained My Cream Inside Office Senior After Intense Orgasm

Hi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 25 years old and I’m here to share with you how my colleague in head office forced me to give her an orgasm after she got to know my sexual intercourse with my colleague at factory, Thulasi. In fact this story is unexpectedly a continuation of my earlier story “Dirty And Desperate One Night Stand At Office Guest House” where I shared my unforgettable sex experience in April 2014 with my sweet looking colleague, Thulasi who works as an accounts assistant at the factory...

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Brandy Tackles Her Senior High School Year

I have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what...

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Gretas Story 4 Senior Summer a Naked in School Tale

Sam Kramer looked over the kitchen table at her adopted daughter, Greta, and admired the even golden glow of the teenager's tan unblemished by strap marks or tan lines. "Just how much time have you been spending lazing by the pool, Greta? I ask with no purpose beyond pointing out the the risk of sunburn and skin cancer; you can consider this the 'use an SPF 45 lecture' the combined forces of motherhood and professional nursing wish me to express. And who else is with you, there are too many...

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The Senior Center

Chapter 1 My name is Nina and this story begins when I got the position of being a nurse at a senior living facility. I have to say I was very nervous at first but after awhile I loved my job. I had recently graduated from college with a nursing degree but I still took courses to improve my knowledge and update my skills. I usually worked the second shift so I helped my guests with dinner and getting ready for bed. I preferred to call them guests instead of patients. I believed they had...

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The ArrangementChapter 15 Senior Year and Beyond

The summer between Riley’s junior and senior years was a wonderful three months, the first time Riley and I truly lived together. All of the lingering questions about our relationship were answered, I knew we’d be together forever. Although we weren’t engaged (yet!) we might as well have been, and we weren’t shy about being affectionate in public or in private. Of course, only two days after Riley moved in with me, we straddled that “public / private” line, having sex on my balcony shortly...

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Hay Meri Patakha Senior

Hi everyone myself sam from Bangalore. I am a sportsperson, height 6ft aur athletic body hai…. Now let me introduce u all to my sex goddess she was my senior name vinita, a mast punjaban pataka maal. Sare college k faculties v line marte the usko student ki baat to chor hi do. 5ft7inch height thi gora rang lambe baal, bade boobs aur round shape ass. Kisi k v dekh k khada ho jae. Hum juniors me se bahuto ki fantasy thi usko chodna. Now let me come to the story. Mere college me departmental...

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Lucky StiffChapter 32 Parental Advice

If only I could find a way, To feel your sweetness through the day. The love that shines around me could be mine. So give us an answer, won't you? We know what we have to do, There must be a thousand voices Trying... to get through. --Lord, Is it Mine? (Supertramp) June's note, which had been to Kristen and Lynette, also said that she'd be over the next morning to pick me up, and we'd be able to pick up Merry for the initiation on Saturday. I knew that I'd miss not having June...

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Lucky StiffChapter 42 Personal Advice

Not guilty for being on your street, Getting underneath your feet. Not guilty... no use handing me a writ, While I'm trying to do my bit. --Not Guilty (George Harrison) On Sunday morning, I woke up in bed, spooned against Lynette. I looked around, but Kristen wasn't in the room. My movement alerted Lynette. She whispered, "Kris got up a while ago and went downstairs. She told me to keep you company." Lynette and I kept each other company by kissing each other for about five...

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Fucking My Curvy Senior In The College Library 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. This is Karan again with another episode of my sex life. First of all, I would like to thank each one of you for the overwhelming response to . This again is a true story just like the rest of the two stories. I will be sharing this story in two parts. Without wasting any time, I will quickly get started with my story. The heroine in this episode is my M.Sc batch senior. Her name is Prajakta. We used to call her ‘Raj’ affectionately. She had a good figure. She was curvy and had...

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Love Making With My Senior

Hi hand shaking boys and finger drilling girls here I am arun from Chennai with my second experience which is a true incident and close to my heart .I received many mails for my previous story encouraging me to write the second story and without delaying let’s get into the story. It all started with our friends tour I have a gang with my seniors too once we all planned for an outing and went for kishkintha theme park in Chennai.There one of my senior brought his friend name Anjana she was his...

3 years ago
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College Me Senior Or Classmate Ki Chudai

Mera name “samar” hai.. Mai ek seedha saadha middle class family ka ladka hoon.. Dikhne me acha hi hai… college me mr. Fresher reh chuka hoon.. Isliye famous bhi hoon.. Meri height 5’9 hai or body builder bhi hoon… Yeh kuch mahino pehle ki baat hai.. Mere college mein freshers party hui thi.. Wha meri dosti seniors se hui…Mujhe mr. Fresher bhi bnaya gya… mujhe ek senior partner mili thi..”reema”.. Me use pyar se sirf reema hi bolta hu… Wo dikhne me bhut jyada sexy hai…Height 5’5 hai.. Figure...

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Birthday Weekender

I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...

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First Time Gangbang With Project Partner His Room Mate And Seniors

Hello, Mera naam parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujrati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu. Mai first time iss pe mera incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai kea p sabko pasand ayega. Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke maine recently B.Com kiya hai, aura bb M.B.A karne wali hu, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe t-shirt aur jeans pehana pasand hai. Aur jyadatar time mai shorts...

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Senior Week Ch 10 Deliverance

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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