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I have to admit, I never saw this coming. My car was running rough. It needed to be serviced and I didn't have the money for it. I probably shouldn't be driving it, but I had no choice. I closed the door and saw the looks of people around me as I got out. My BMW didn't belong in this neighborhood.

I headed for the secretary of state office. As I walked into the office, probably based on the way I was dressed, the security guard pointed me towards a license renewal lane. I shook my head and he looked at me puzzled.

"Do you need another picture taken?" he asked. I shook my head negatively.

"Well what are you here for?" he asked. Almost every head in the crowded office turned to listen. Most of them didn't have the decency to even pretend that they weren't interested.

"I'm here to register for State Aid," I said quietly. "You know, Welfare? As in I have no income and no money and I'm going to fucking starve to death, welfare? Or is it, they just came and threw me and all of my stuff out of the crappy apartment that I moved into after I was forced out of the house that I thought I'd live in for the rest of my fucking life, welfare? Maybe it's, I can't find a God damned job to save my ass, because no one will hire me, welfare?"

"Calm down, lady," he said, in a nervous voice. "Half the people in this office are here registering for or dealing with welfare. I know what you need. Go over there and get one of those forms. Fill it out completely and put it in the inbox at the counter. Then have a seat and someone will call you."

"How long will it take for them to call me?" I asked.

"Not very long," he said. "It shouldn't be longer than maybe, 2 or 3 hours at the most."

He wasn't kidding. There were people sleeping while they waited to be called. There was a magazine rack in the corner, but it was empty. I got the feeling that most of the magazines weren't returned when the people who read them were finished with them.

Everyone in the place looked at me constantly. I knew they were wondering why the fuck someone who dressed like me, was here.

It's a long story and kind of funny actually. It all started exactly 2 years from next Tuesday.

My name is Melinda Conrad. Okay I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that my name sounds an awful lot like Mel Conrad. That guy who struck it rich last year and gives away all of that money to charities and all of that bullshit. Well you're right. He's my husband. Okay, technically he's my ex-husband. And you know what else? I got a bum deal. I am directly responsible for that man becoming a God damned gazillionaire and I have nothing to show for it. Okay maybe I'm not directly responsible, but if I hadn't forced him to divorce me, he wouldn't be rich. So I deserve some of the credit don't I?

Two years ago, we were really fucking happy. We weren't rich by a long shot. We were just your typical, average, everyday, middle class family. My husband Melvin Conrad, my daughter, Melissa Conrad and me, were three peas in a pod. We were a very close family. We had a great house. It's the one they forced my ass out of. Then I had to move into that shitty apartment that I was just evicted from, but anyway on with the story. The three of us loved each other like there was no tomorrow.

My husband wasn't very exciting, but he was reasonably good looking and he loved me. He worked very hard to provide for our family and as I've said we were comfortable.

Our daughter had just completed her first year at the state university when it hit me. There are so many names for the same thing these days, but you know what I had. Some people call it a midlife crisis, others call it a hormone imbalance and still others call it empty nest syndrome. They're all great names for "spoiled woman gets bored and does stupid shit and usually regrets it-itis." Occasionally it hits men too, so you guys out there shouldn't feel superior or immune to it. When you see a balding forty something man driving a fucking sports car with a twenty year old blonde beside him, he's probably got it.

Any way I had asked my husband out to dinner because I had to tell him something. Something awful that I had done and I needed to clear the air about. I'm a decent looking woman to say the least. At forty, I was still capable of turning heads on a good day. I'm a little heavier than I was when we first met, but it's all in good places. Mel loved me so much and I was soooo stupid.

He showed up a little bit late, no more than 5 minutes so I didn't beat him up over it. He smiled at me. His face still lit up like a Christmas tree every time he saw me. You'd think that it had been weeks since we'd seen each other but it was actually only that morning.

I was really nervous as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I had butterflies in my stomach then. Something told me I was making a BFM. For those of you who aren't up on your technical jargon, BFM stands for Big Fucking Mistake.

He sat down across from me. His expression was one of absolute joy. I was sure he thought that this was a good thing. I hated to crush the man that I'd lived with, loved, and raised a daughter with for over twenty years, but I had no choice. It was him or my happiness.

"How was your day, honey?" he asked. God damn him, he was the one who'd gone out and worked all day. What did he think I'd been doing, all day? Did he think I'd was working on a cure for cancer or trying to solve the Middle East crisis? I woke up at 9 and loaded the dishwasher. I threw a load of laundry in the washing machine and my day was halfway over.

"Mel, I want a divorce," I told him. He spat the sip of water he'd just drunk straight into my face. I'm sure it was an accident but it ruined my makeup and my hair. I just sat there with water and spit running down my face while he tried to get his breath back.

"Are you serious?" he asked quietly.

"Very," I replied with as much dignity as I could muster, considering that I looked like a fucking raccoon with my water proof mascara proving once and for all that it wasn't water proof.

He stood up and wiped his mouth and said, "My attorney will be in touch with you." The pain and the heartache on his face alone hurt me. I felt like the lowest form of pond scum on earth. Everything inside of me, every fiber of my being told me to get down on my knees and tell him it was just a joke. But I didn't move. He turned to walk away after throwing some bills on the table.

"Wait Mel," I said. "This isn't the way this was supposed to go. Don't you want to talk about it and ask me some questions? Don't we need to discuss how the divorce will go?"

He turned to me and looked at me curiously and asked, "Why?"

I was shocked. I'd rehearsed this whole thing over a hundred times in my head. And this reaction hadn't come up in any of them. He hadn't gotten angry and he hadn't resorted to crying. He hadn't demanded to know why or threatened me at all. He'd simply accepted what I was saying and moved on.

"What would that help? Would it make me feel any better? Would it make you feel any different? I doubt all of those. I'm sure for you to be doing this it means you've found someone else and you want to be with him. The way I felt about you obviously isn't enough to change your mind, although it really wouldn't have mattered. Since you're doing this, you've already slept with him, correct?"

I nodded my head and said, "But..." He cut me off.

"Which means that you are of no further interest to me," he said coldly. "Okay, you want questions? Do I need to get a DNA test or is Melissa mine?"

"God Mel," I said. "For heaven's sake of course she's yours. What do you think I am?"

"You really wouldn't like the answer to that question," he said. "Goodbye Melinda." Then he turned and walked away. He didn't seem to be nearly as angry or upset as I thought he'd be.

"God damn it Mel," I screamed after him. "Aren't you going to even try to fight for me?"

My voice rang out across the restaurant. He turned again and from three tables away, delivered his answer.

"Why, Melinda?" he asked. "I can't change the way you feel. Who am I to try to tell you that your feelings are wrong? You obviously don't love me the way I love you. If you did we wouldn't be doing this. Since you no longer love me, I have to get over you and move on. Besides I only fight for things I want and after hearing what you've had to say this evening, that no longer includes you. Have a great life. I have no intention of trying to stand in your way."

Everyone in the restaurant stared at me as Mel made his way to the door. I felt a shiver go down my spine. I'd read about that kind of feeling. People say that it happens to you when someone walks over the ground that you'll be buried under. I guess what it really means is that as I already told you, I made a BFM.

My heart and my head were both screaming at me, but I couldn't listen to them, then. I called the waiter over and asked him where the ladies room was.

When I got home that night, I could tell by the empty drawers and closet that my husband was gone. Any and all chances of calling this off were over. I had the worst headache I could imagine. I picked up my cell phone and called Greg. He'd make me feel better.

"Yeah," he answered.

"It's me," I said. "I told him."

"Cool," he said. "How'd he take it? Did he scream and try to beg you to stay with him? Did he slap you around and beat you up?"

"No," I said. "He just got up and walked away from me. He was very calm. He took it really well under the circumstances."

"Want me to come over and fuck your brains out?" he asked.

"Uhm no," I said. "I just put the torch to a twenty year relationship with a man who worshipped the ground I walked on. I think I need some time alone."

"Okay, see ya," he said. And he hung up. I think that was the moment that I realized that I'd understated my BFM.

I knew all of the reasons why I wanted the divorce. Greg was younger, way younger and he made me feel alive. Greg at 29 years old was 11 years younger than me and nine years older than my daughter. He was wild and uninhibited. He was all of the things that Mel wasn't.

I sat down on the edge of our giant queen sized bed. As I looked at the bed, it had never seemed that big or that empty. I got myself a glass of wine and wondered about the new direction my life would take from here on out. Sometime around midnight, after tossing and turning and failing to find sleep, I took out one of our old photo albums and looked back at some of my twenty two years of memories with Mel.

The next morning was worse. I woke up and wondered why I bothered. I sat at the table and just stared as a cup of my favorite coffee turned into a room temperature sludge. I don't know why I didn't move, but I had no reason to do anything. I kept going over in my mind my conversation at the restaurant with Mel the previous evening and the one with Greg.

Mel had started out the evening looking at me like the sun shone out of my ass. By the end of the evening he looked at me completely differently. He looked at me the way he looked at a problem or a project at work. As if I was just another thing to solve to get to the end of his day.

And Greg had blown it big time. What he should have done was to offer to just come over and hold me or be with me. When someone has a great emotional loss, they need to know that someone cares about them. I knew that Greg was young though, so I gave him a break. Training him to become the man I thought he could be was a big part of the excitement.

I knew that I'd hurt Mel badly. That was what I felt so bad about. But I was sure that eventually he'd be okay. Who was I kidding? I knew that he'd be miserable without me. But at the time, all I thought about was my own feelings. My term of service was over. Shit, I'd given the man the best years of my God damned life. We'd done our part for the propagation of the species. We'd raised a child. Our debt to society was over. It was time to have some fun. I wanted to be happy but I didn't want to wait until my golden years. Why not be happy while I was still young enough to know what happiness was?

I woke up in my hotel room the morning after she told me. At first I didn't know where I was. The room was dark and the sheets smelled different. They smelled antiseptic, like medicine, so I guess they were clean enough. They didn't have that smell that was the culmination of weeks of washing with whatever soap was on sale. Or the traces of body fluids and farts and sex and tears and spilled food that someone had tried to wash out of them. In other words they didn't smell like love.

I sat up in the bed and remembered where I was and why I was here before I blew it all and reached for her. My mind remembered that she wouldn't be here, but my body and my heart missed her just the same.

EGBDF, I told myself and I steeled myself for what I had to do. I had many things to do before I could allow myself to sink into the depression that I knew was coming. I debated calling in today and just staying here to be miserable. Eventually though, I'd have to go out and today was as good a day as any.

Before turning on the lights and destroying the blanket of darkness I'd pulled around me so my tears didn't show, I made a list of the things I needed to do today. I needed to call a lawyer. The guy I usually dealt with didn't do divorces or family law. Perhaps he could recommend someone though.

I had to find a more permanent living situation. I was probably leaning towards either giving Melinda the house or selling it. Whichever worked out better for me, I saw no need to make any decisions based on Melinda's needs or comfort.

I needed to call my daughter to make sure that she could always reach me. I had no intention of making her choose between me and the whore, but I also wanted her to know that I still wanted to be as big a part of her life as she'd allow me. I needed to separate Melinda from me, financially. I'd let the judge and the lawyers settle everything but I wouldn't give her a penny more than I had to. With that in mind I needed to make sure that my assets stayed mine.

We also had a few social obligations that I needed to tactfully inquire about. I had no intention of becoming a hermit but I really didn't feel like seeing anyone or trying to go out and become some parody of myself by pretending that everything was fine, while the shreds of my tattered heart proclaimed that to be false. With that in mind I called my father in law to talk about the barbecue we were supposed to go to on the weekend for their anniversary.

"Hey Bob," I said when he picked up the phone.

"Mel, how's it going?" he asked. "You are still bringing the Dos Equis aren't you?"

"Bob, that's what I was calling to talk to you about," I said. "I really would like to wish you and Jean a happy anniversary. Your marriage is what I'd love to have when I'm your age. But I can't come on Saturday so I was hoping that you'd allow me to take the two of you out to dinner Friday night instead."

"Stuck at work huh?" he said. "I remember those days. Don't let it get you down, Mel. So we're having a double date huh? I haven't been on one of those in years. Sounds like fun. Maybe you'll let me dance a couple of dances with your wife. I always did like younger women."

"Bob, it's only going to be me and the two of you. I'm not seeing anyone right now. But if it's an uncomfortable situation for you, just tell me and I'll send you a present or something else," I said.

"Mel, what the hell is going on?" he asked. "Your voice hasn't sounded right since you started this damned call."

"Bob, your daughter asked me to go to dinner last night," I said. "While we were there she told me that she wants a divorce. She's found someone else and she wants to be with him."

"What?" he yelled. "She did what? There has to be something else going on? Did you do something to her? Are you cheating on her?"

"No Sir," I said quietly.

"Mel, I'll call you back. I need to..." he began.

"Please Bob, I don't want to cause a fuss. I'm sure she'll tell you in her own good time," I said. "I don't want to create any trouble or distract from the event in any way. What we're supposed to be celebrating is the fact that you guys have been married for 45 years. We're supposed to be honoring the ones who made it, not torn apart by the ones who didn't. I'll call you next week and we can talk then. I just didn't want you or Jean to think that I didn't recognize how special what you two have built is."

One down one to go, I thought as I dialed my daughter Melissa's number. Luckily for me she was away from her phone. I guess I could have dialed her cell phone but I didn't really want to talk to her. I just left my cell number and let her know that she could reach me there from now on or at my work number.

Another call and I had a referral to a divorce lawyer. The woman sounded evil over the phone but she agreed to see me later that morning.

I pulled out my laptop and started looking at condos and apartments. Most of them were the same except for the prices. Somehow I didn't see the benefit of buying a space in a building that you'd never own. I guess I'd eventually want to buy another house so renting was fine. Hell, I might even end up buying Melinda out of our house.

I took a quick shower and dressed in my usual business wear. I didn't really like ties but I could rock a sweater and sport coat with the best of them. I decided to look into getting a gym membership as well. Eventually I'd probably want to start sprucing up the property if I was going to try to interest another woman in taking a chance on me.

I went outside and smiled for the first time since Melinda broadsided me yesterday. There was a woman with a small boy in the hotel's parking lot. She was having trouble dragging him away from my Mustang.

There used to be three things that made me smile every time I saw them. My wife, Melinda was the first one. My daughter, Melissa was the second. The last was my 09 Mustang GT. It never failed, every time I looked at that car I just smiled and shook my head. It takes me back to when I was a kid rolling my Hot Wheels cars all over the floor in our living room.

The drive to work was always a pleasure and today was no different. It was a chance to concentrate on something other than how shitty I felt for a little while.

I walked into my office and my assistant Joyce was on me like a hound on a fox. "Melinda has called you twice already this morning," she said. "She says she can't get through on your cell."

"Joyce, have a seat," I said, indicating that she should sit in my chair at my desk. She sat down and smiled broadly.

"Have you finally realized that, I'm the reason for your success and decided to reward me justly?" she asked.

Joyce was a friend besides being my assistant. We'd been together for so long that it was almost like we were related.

"Joyce, remember the dinner I had to hurry out of here for last night?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"I'll bet somebody got lucky last night," she said.

"Well if somebody did, it wasn't me," I said. "All I got was my teeth kicked. Melinda told me that she wants a divorce."

Joyce looked at me and saw through my façade of ambiguity. "That bitch!" she said. "I guess you never saw this coming did you?" I shook my head. Joyce stood up and pushed me down into the chair. She rubbed my shoulders and tried to be sympathetic.

"It you need anything, just let me know," she said.

"For now, I won't ask you to lie. Could you just tell her the truth? Tell her that I'm not accepting her calls," I said.

Joyce looked at me and nodded. I could tell she wanted to ask more. Everyone always wants the dirt. But she could tell I didn't want to talk about it. She was kind enough and smart enough not to push.

Just before lunch, I grabbed the file folder that I'd put copies of all of my financial documents into. I left the office and headed for the appointment with the attorney.

Her office wasn't what I was expecting. I guess I thought it would be a large office building and that either the entirety or a large portion of it would be owned or leased by a large law firm. I was wrong on both counts. It was a small, single story office that was part of a strip mall. Next to her office on one side was a small medical clinic. The other side was occupied by a Frederick's of Hollywood franchise. Further down the strip there was a liquor store.

All of the businesses seemed to be thriving. The incongruity of the types of businesses seemed bizarre at first until I gave it further thought. Once I did, I realized that there was actually one business missing. If your marriage was in trouble, you could come here and buy your wife some lingerie. You could plan out a nice romantic evening and buy things from Frederick's to try to put some spice back into it.

If that just doesn't work you have the handy divorce lawyer. You find out that she's cheated on you, so you go to the clinic for STD screening and then to the liquor store to drown your sorrows. The mall offered quick, easy, convenient one-stop shopping. The only thing missing was a therapist or marriage counselor. Maybe a detective agency and a gun shop would be handy too.

I opened the door and went in. A cute older lady asked me who I was and the purpose of my visit.

"Melvin Conrad, to see Ann Wilson," I said. "I have a noon appointment."

She smiled and told me to have a seat and Ms. Wilson would be with me shortly. The woman had to be at least 60 but she was still a stunner. Almost before my butt hit the seat, Ann Wilson opened the door to her office and gestured for me to come in.

Ann Wilson is a larger woman with longish inky black hair and piercing blue eyes. She looked at me with the same gaze that all predators use when examining possible prey.

"Tell me a story," she said. The statement surprised me. I looked at her in puzzlement. She just arched one eyebrow higher and continued to look at me.

"Okay," I said. "Once upon a time there were three little pigs..."

"Very funny," she smirked. "Tell me about your divorce and the reasons for it Mr. Conrad. Time is money. I don't want to waste either yours or mine, but it's very unlikely that I'll be taking your case."

My shoulders slumped and I started telling her the long drawn out tale of my marriage to Melinda. When I got to the part about the dinner the previous evening she hissed and sucked in a big gulp of air.

"Wait!" she said sharply. "She did what?"

"She arranged for us to have dinner at her favorite restaurant and told me that she wanted a divorce because she found someone new. And she was already having sex with him," I said.

Ms. Wilson stood up. "Have you ever cheated on her?" she asked and she leaned over and looked at me closely.

"Never, Ma'am," I said.

"Have you ever hit her?" she asked. "Okay forget about that, you just don't seem like the type. "What did you do when she told you this?"

"Uhm, there isn't really anything I could do Ma'am. I left money on the table for her dinner, if she decided to eat. Then I went home. I packed my clothes and checked into a hotel," I said. Ms. Wilson shook her head.

"That wasn't the smartest thing to do. You leaving will probably give her temporary residence in the home until we reach a settlement. Is the home in your name, her name, or both?" she asked writing things down quickly on a legal pad.

"My name," I said. "Melinda doesn't work outside of our home."

"Then why the fuck did you leave?" She asked shaking her head. "You're as bad as the women, Jeezus." She threw the pad across the room and looked at me. For a while, I got that same feeling that I got when my third grade teacher was trying to get me to remember my times tables. That, "Shit, how many times do we have to go over this?" feeling. It was as if Ms. Wilson expected me to know all of the ins and outs of divorce laws and procedures.

I stood up and her head whipped around on her neck to take me in that fierce gaze again. "Where are you going?" she snapped.

"Well, I figured you didn't want my case because I've done everything wrong," I said.

All at once her gaze softened and she pushed a button on her desk. She spoke into the intercom and told her assistant, who was also her Aunt, to bring in the cart.

The gorgeous older woman came into the office with a cart full of coffee and fresh donuts.

Ms. Wilson pored herself a cup and grabbed two donuts. I got a cup of black coffee myself.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mr. Conrad," she said. "That's why I'm so pissed. Normally, I don't represent men in divorce cases because usually they're in the wrong. The typical scenario involves a man who has cheated on his wife multiple times, usually with some trophy type woman. When his wife has had all she can stand, he tries to rape her in the divorce and leave her penniless and homeless."

"I've developed a reputation for getting my clients the better end of the deal in divorces, so now I have a lot of men trying to use me to get better deals when I don't feel they deserve it. Why the fuck should they get to have their cake and eat it too? If they cheat and destroy a marriage, they should have to pay for it."

"You've worked your whole life supporting this woman. You gave her a good life and home judging from your address and the fact that your daughter is in college. From looking at your financials, I can see that you've been a good provider. And lastly, you're not a very good actor, Mr. Conrad. You're trying to act as if this is all well and fine, but I can see that this has devastated you and you're just trying to keep moving. Shit, you're too shocked to even be angry yet. And the hurt hasn't even set in yet."

"The things that scare me the most are the fact that you're not even trying to fight anything she wants. She says she wants a divorce. You didn't even make her file, you did it because she asked for it. She's the one who's cheating, but you go home and move out of the house that you've worked for, instead of telling her to leave. She should have had to move in with her lover or her parents if they're still living."

"Mr. Conrad, I am definitely taking your case. Someone has to protect you, if only to keep you from giving her everything you have."

We spent the rest of the afternoon going over my financial records and the value of our assets to determine the best way for me to proceed. There were several times when Ms. Wilson just looked at me as if I was stupid and asked me questions like, "So you want to just give her the house free and clear, while you pay the mortgage. In other words, you want to pay for her to live there with the guy she's fucking?"

"Well, I guess not," I said. But inside me, the impact of her words was beginning to sink in.

"Why are you giving her nearly all of your savings?" she asked.

"Well, she'll need money to live on," I said. "She doesn't have a job. It's only money. I can always make more."

I thought Ms. Wilson was going to slap me. "She doesn't have a job because for most of her life she sat on her ass while you supported her. She has a college degree, so she can get a job. She's the one who wanted a change in her life. Let's give her one. I think we should go for a 60/40 split in your favor. We'll pay her alimony for 6 months and no longer. All other assets should be split 50/50 including the house and you get to keep your 401K," she said.

I left the office feeling shell shocked. I had no idea that things were going to be this rough. Ms. Wilson gave me the name of a good real estate company to list the house with. She thought that it was best to put the house on the market. Usually the woman was allowed to keep the house until any children had come of age. Our daughter was already living on campus, so there was no need for any delay in selling. And since I didn't need Melinda's approval to sell the house, the faster I put it on the market, the faster this whole thing could be over.

I drove back to my office and saw Melinda's car in the parking lot when I pulled up. I saw her get out of her car, so I drove away. I still wasn't ready to speak to her.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like shit about the way things had gone with Mel and I. I decided that maybe I should just talk to Mel about it. I needed to let him know that my intention wasn't to hurt him. I just needed to move on with my life. I'd tried calling him, but he didn't answer his cell. I tried calling his office and Joyce told me at first that he wasn't in yet. I realized that I'd been stupid. Mel never went to the office early. He always used to tell me that every moment away from me was torture, so sitting in his office when he could be with me was pointless.

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Copyright© 2004 "Please Mr. Foster!" the little blonde teen was almost in tears, "It's just that Mom's been sick and hasn't been able to work!" Actually, her mom was hooked on crack, and everyone in the building knew it. It broke my heart, because I had enjoyed having little Peggy running around the apartment building ever since she was four. Now, ten years later, I had no choice but to evict her and her mother. They were three months behind in the rent, and I wasn't going to keep...

1 year ago
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Tight Spaces

I'm in trouble. For the first time in three years I might be late for work.We're in the slowest elevator on earth. Just the two of us.I only caught a glimpse of him when he got on board on the second floor, together with some businessman who got out again promptly on the third – thankfully, because he was having a rather tense phone conversation and the secondhand embarrassment was starting to make my armpits itch.I caught his height and his skin tone and a flash of a smile when he, in turn,...

1 year ago
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Dost ka lund behen ki chut mein

Hi, I am back again. Aapne meri do storeis padhi thi ‘chachi ki chatpati chut” and didi ki pyasi jawani. Now I am telling you another story. Meri story ka main character hain vikas, his sister soni and his friend prakash. Ab story narrate karega prakash. Mera dost vikas ,ek govt employee hai aur uski do behen hain dono ussese choti hain ek ka naam mita hai ek ka naam soni hai. Soni law ki student hai wo 20 saal ki mast aur jawaan ladki hai aur kaafi frank hai. Aur sex to usme labalab bhara hua...

3 years ago
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My Married Aunty 8211 Part 1

So, few weeks back I read stories on this site and I was soo amazed I started visiting this site almost regularly. Reading everyone’s cheating stories made me write my dark life story too. The stories I’ll share about my married aunty, perfectly real. It’s not fictional at all. I know it’s a sin; but who cares when it’s fun? :) I’m jasneet(name changed) from Delhi I’m still in my college and I’m living a really good life. I’m fucking my female friends from last 1-2 years. Ldkion ki kammi bilkul...

4 years ago
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77 Her motherrsquos gardener

77 Her mother’s gardener.I was just finishing my breakfast, sat mopping my plate of the last of the egg-yolk when my wife Margaret suggested that while we were out we ‘popped in’ to visit her mum. Not one of my favourite occupations visiting and I spluttered a bit but knew if she wanted to ‘pop in’ then pop in pop in is what we would be doing, my life would be less happy if we didn’t, all husbands know that ‘a suggestion by the wife’ is actually a plan set in concrete in most regular...

2 years ago
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Loose CannonsChapter 14

Feeling like she was on the verge of being a millionaire, Maggie walked into the house with a check for over ten thousand dollars in her purse. The first payment from the website company had arrived and she was feeling ten feet tall. She had even gone out to show it to one of her boyfriends. She happened to glance over at Guy reclining on the couch. She hadn’t expected to find him at home. He was supposed to be at work. Puzzled, she looked at him again. He didn’t normally use the couch. It...

2 years ago
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The Bet

My wife and I met when we were in college. She was a cheerleader for my college football teams arch-rivals. I literally swept her off of her feet when several of us went flying out of bounds and one of her players ran into her and I caught her. Later that night we had both wound up at the same party and… we were married three months later and that was all 16 years ago.Since then though, every time our schools play it is a war in our house. She watches on the TV in the bedroom, I watch in the...

3 years ago
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AmberChapter 9

April 29th: finally found a way to loosen up my virgin-cunt sis April 29th: 20 horse cocks will get that gash gapin. n a monster dildo stuck up the slots hole overnight LOL Annie stared in awe at the present that her parents had gotten her. It was her final day of school, and - coincidentally - the day of her 20th tattoo. It had been a big year - she’d methodically fucked half the school, her cunt growing tight again the next morning, each and every morning. By the time she seduced the last...

2 years ago
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cheerleader kristy

Krissy went to a public school in a small town outside of Dallas. She had long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Along with those qualities, she had a near-perfect complexion that the boys couldn’t resist. She was also a cheerleader and one of the hottest girls in her middle school. She was walking to cheerleading practice one Saturday morning. HEY KRISSY! Someone yelled from behind her. Krissy turned around and saw it was her friend Jackie, who is also on the cheerleading squad. Jackie had brown...

1 year ago
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My slut wife outwest 1

We had recently purchased some land in Arizona, and according to state law we had six months to see it and accept or reject the deal. We have two sons and always planned to find a piece of land to give them a permanent home, I was back in college finishing up my degree, and we were strapped for money as usual. Spring break was coming up and that seemed the best time for the trip to see the property. I could stay with the boys and Babette could fly there and check out the land. It was always...

2 years ago
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Paid in FullChapter 4

"Dawn, I would love to have you come out and stay with us," I told her. "We are flying back tomorrow night. I would love for you to go with us. We will bring you back in a couple of weeks, if you can get off work. If not we will fly you back when you need to come home." "That sounds like so much fun. I will ask my father if I can come out. I keep house for him since my mother passed away," she explained. "Please call if you will be flying with us so I can get you a ticket," I...

2 years ago
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Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously rounded bottom. The tiny...

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The Earls ManChapter 17

The breathless messenger burst into the main hall, the commotion interrupting the proceedings as everyone turned to see what was going on. They knew me well enough to know that important information warranted an interruption and the faux pas would be overlooked. “Sire,” he gasped before drawing a deep breath, “the missing ships Feti and Khoi have returned!” Having delivered the urgent message, he made the obligatory bow. I’m sure there would have been quite a chorus of chuckles about the...

3 years ago
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Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 1

Whatever Your Heart Desires By Cherysse St. Claire© I had never had a problem with men before I met my husband. I never allowed men to become a problem. Throughout high school, college, then after, men flocked to me. Tall or short, muscular or slender, boisterous or introverted ? I attracted them all. I made them crazy with desire for me ? and still do. I am not a saint. I am not ashamed to use my looks, sensual sapphire eyes, long, shapely legs and killer body to get what...

2 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 37 Four Days in the United States

Two days after the Day of the Dead Ceremonies ended, Jason and Cecilia boarded a plane to go to Frankfurt and then another to continue to Chicago. They were traveling with their U.S. passports, but with special Danubian diplomatic visas that gave them de facto rights as Danubian diplomats. Were either of them to run into any problems in the U.S. it was guaranteed they would have the full weight of the Danubian government backing them. Before they left, Prime Minister Dukov called Dr....

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Penny Barber 150 103000

I love fucking milfs, and so would you if milfs ever wanted to fuck you. There are so many reasons to love milfs, that it's impossible to list them all. Ever since Jennifer Coolidge played her iconic milf role as Stifler's Mom in the hit teen movie "American Pie," men have had their eye on their friend's moms.Nostal-JackingDid Jennifer Coolidge ever create an Only Fans account? If not, she fucked up big time. I recently saw her in a commercial, but I know it didn't pay like Only Fans would. At...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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DeviantHardcore Katrina Jade Lyra Law Mistress Katrina Jade dominates petite blonde slut Lyra Law

Cute blonde babe Lyra Law doesn’t submit to just anyone. She’s a feisty one, but when mistress Katrina Jade wants to dominate her she’ll happily do whatever is asked. She licks Katrina’s pussy the moment she’s asked and practically devours her sexy ass. Katrina isn’t a cruel mistress though, once Lyra has proven what a good girl she is, Katrina gives her some too. Of course, Lyra is too sexy not to use some more, and after sitting on her face and cumming, Katrina leaves, fully satisfied. Lyra...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 20 Got Wood

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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letter to girlfriend Erin from my Skiing holiday

The German guys on the slopes.The 2 guys were staying in our Hotel and Ginni and I had noticed that they were following us about and trying to bump into us all the time. I didn’t particularly fancy either of them but Ginni was really on heat and wanted to get with the one called Franz, the other was called Peter.I thought that they were about 25 but we found out later that they were 28 !!! Ginni is in one of my Non Nude pictures on my Profile, she is pretty and has long brown hair, she will go...

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Long Island Ice Tea

As I sat sipping my long island ice tea I noticed a few things. The first was that I was actually in a bar drinking and wasnt old enough to drink. One of the perks of having a boyfriend that was older and worked at a bar. The second thing I noticed was this drink tasted like iced tea and nothing else. I was certain my boyfriend was lying to me and didnt want me to drink. So I downed the first one like it was nothing, and asked for another. He smiled at me and told me I had better take it easy,...

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College at age 36

I started community college at age 33 with the intent to better my life. I got my job as a Fire Fighter and I wanted to promote. Community college was hard work and no girl action. I eventually was accepted at the big state school and the scenery improved.In the business school every course assigned a group project. I met a cute little 21 year old named Marne during one of these groups. She lived at home with her mom and was cute as could be. We eventually shared more with each other...

2 years ago
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AjaChapter 12

Jason set the controls to switch WNLX AM to simulcast the FM program. He ran through his transmitter checks. Then he picked up the phone and punched in the number for Aja’s cell phone. He heard it ring. Hello? “Aja -- it’s me.” Oh, hi... “Is that WNLX FM I hear in the background?” Yes. I turned it on to be connected with you, Jason. “I wanted to tell you about the meeting with the lawyers.” How did it go? “Well, one of them remembered you and your earlier case.” Are they...

1 year ago
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Your Sister the Whore

Author Note: Any constructive criticisms are welcome as are any suggestions! You sighed as you leaned back in your black office chair, arms resting on the firm plastic armrests as you stared forward towards the screen of your laptop. The blue-light screen was filled to the brim with dozens of excel sheets, each one with allocated budgets and expenses for your company. You weren’t anybody special, you were no CEO or CFO, you weren’t even an official accountant yet. None of that was “you.” What...

2 years ago
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Meri Pehli Chudai Ki Dastan

Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai 18 saal ki thi aur class 12th me padhti thi. Mai apne school ki sabse sunder aur hot ladki hua karti thi. Meri best friend thi Seema jo aaj bhi meri best friend hai. Mai aur Seema hmesha e hi bohot kareeb rhe hain aur apni har baat ek dusre ko batate rhe hain. Mai aur Seema 18 ki umar se hi bohot horny rahe hain aur tab bhi hum aksar sath baith ke ladkon aur sex ki baatein karte the. Hum dono hi apni chut chudwane ko betaab the. Seema ka us samay ek boyfriend hua...

3 years ago
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Wife Sharing from the Bulls Perspective The Conclusion

As you might recall from the previous episode of this story, I find myself at the home of Karl and Francine. Karl and I (both in our early-thirties at the time) are in the backyard pool. We are both naked. I didn’t know it beforehand, but I would find out later that Karl is bi-sexual. Francine has just invited us into the house to join her for some fun.So Karl and I emerge from the pool and dry ourselves off. I follow him into the house where we enter through the kitchen, and go down a long...

2 years ago
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My anus used like a receptacle

I was still in high school, some where on the third floor, Daniel, Bruce and Charlie had cornered me and took me into one of the class rooms. I had tried to fight my way free, but Bruce and Charlie were too much for me, they beat me down. Daniel threw a few short pieces of rope to them and they trusted me up like a thanksgiving turkey. My wrist was tied to my ankles, a broom handled was tied to my hands in a matter that spread my feet and hands far apart. The worst part was the part of rope...

1 year ago
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After a night in a rest stop

I lay here in my bed with my panties and leggings on and my poor shirt the front covered in cum my ass is red and sore with I think a load of cum in it. my pants are stained with sperm mostly around my butt and between my thighs and my stomach full with sperm.One evening I decided to go out and check out a local spot where people have been known to come and have sex with complete strangers. It was a rest stop on a highway near by me. It just had the one building with restrooms in it and a...

4 years ago
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The midday sun blazed hot down on the pair of horses riding the path between the high pinewood of northern Ghant. North of the two horses and their passengers the southern reaches of the Westron Range slowly marched, blue with distance and haze. It was nearing the harvest season, and summer was giving the people a last taste of intense heat to keep them mindful of the soothing cool days that fall would offer. The tall trees on either side of the road were very old and somewhat wild, though the...

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The Trinket Ch 03

Room 333 …of the Desert Oasis motel and cafe. Lynn stood at the room’s door for all of about a second. She rattled the key to open the door and jetted towards the wall unit air conditioner. Turned it on, full blast and placed her hand at the vents, waiting. The motel room appeared to be held together with bailing wire and duct tape. But Lynn was willing to keep silent if the room got iceberg cold. Misting, condensation vapors began to trail from the blowing wall unit, so Lynn took it as a...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Jessica 10262017

When we first meet Jessica, she’s giving TC a blowjob in a public bathroom, which she’s never done before but gives us an idea of her adventurous side. At 21, she’s got a rebellious streak as well and got into porn to piss off her parents, nice! She lost her cherry at 13 and since then has had lesbian lovers, public sex and threesomes, so if you’re wondering if she’s a sexual girl, we’ll there you have it. Watch her enjoy TC’s cock and you’ll have...

1 year ago
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The Grudge Fuck

The best piece of ass I've ever had – without a doubt – was a grudge fuck brought on by my being stupid and yes, there is a story behind it. The story starts in the seventh grade on the playground after school. A bunch of us got together to play a pick up game of softball. It was the fourth inning and I was on first when Norm Snieder hit a single to center. I took off for second and saw Harry Sort pick up the ball and throw it toward Phil Reed who was playing second base. I saw that it was...

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Margots End

She's apprehensive. Everything about her, from her body language to her facial expression, screams "I don't want to be here right now." But she doesn't move; because she needs the money. My cock is throbbing because of it. My cock wants to start giving it to her. I want the moment to linger, so I wait. "Use your hand." She looks nervously at me and grabs my cock in her wrinkled hand and starts to rhythmically slide it up and down my cock. Doesn't feel great, but it sets the tone. It...

1 year ago
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Unusual Punishment Part 4

Unusual Punishment Part Four: His Name Is Tyrone Jameson By Norman O. Johnson My bed in Solitary was a bare mattress on the floor, with a blanket and no sheet. I slept quietly for a while. At some point, I woke up, but I may have forgotten some of the things that happened to me right after I woke up. There are frustrating gaps in my memory, but I know these terrible events really happened. I remember lying spread-eagled on my back, naked, with my wrists and ankles shackled to...

2 years ago
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A Correct DestinyChapter 7

Jo, from the right hand seat, brought the A-300 down gently on Mather's Runway 22L with only the slightest of thumps. It was 6:02 AM, exactly the time she'd put on the flight plan for arrival, and the sun was still forty-four minutes away from broaching the eastern horizon. Runway lights whizzed by outside as the nose wheel touched down and she transitioned from flying an aircraft to driving a ground vehicle. She deployed the reverse thrusters to slow them down as a matter of course, even...

1 year ago
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The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9.  He is larger than his picture.  He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part.  His name is (and I kid you not) Lance.  I hope it refers to his dick.  Lance is tall and heavy-muscled.  My mouth waters.  When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down.  Will I measure up?  I have dressed to impress.  Is he impressed?  Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties.  I realized I am holding my breath...

Group Sex
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Animalkind Loving Tigress 2

On the first story, Julie discovered that she was turning into a tigress hybrid and after some doubts, she decided to speed up the process and discovered that she was turning into a wild woman. Will she win the fight against her instincts? Thursday, 07h Robert woke up early and noticed that he was almost under Julie. She had a paw and a hind leg over him and her head was over his chest. When he moved, she woke up and looked at him. "Good morning, beautiful! Are you feeling ok...

3 years ago
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Watching My Wife and Best Friend

My wife and I celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary yesterday. We invited everyone we know to celebrate with us. The gathering was a formal affair which was catered at our home and was a tremendous achievement.Lying next to her the following morning I stroked her mid-length blonde hair. Opening her eyes, she turned to face me, “Good morning love,” she said while pushing me onto my back.Taking a gander at me with those coral blue eyes, she pulled back the silk sheet uncovering my limp...

1 year ago
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Part 2 of Kathy alone with Mr XX

I was really enjoying the feeling of 7 or 8 inches going in and out of my pussy each time I changed directions. It was very stimulated and sensitive and I knew I was going to cum very soon! Hell!! What woman won't be ready to cum with a big in her pussy! In a husky voice, I asked him: "Are you ready to cum yet baby? I know I'm close!" He opened his eyes and smiled as he put his hands on my hips and helped to lift me up and down a little faster now. He told me: "Soon Kath! I'm going to cum soon!...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 6

John stood in line at the cafeteria with his tray full of food on the waist high shelf in front of him. It was a standard southern cafeteria where you push your tray along a shelf, selecting the items that you wanted to eat. The person behind the counter would serve up a single portion. At the end of the counter, you paid for your meal based on what you had taken. More often than not, a person would select a lot more food than they could eat. John looked at his tray and wondered how he was...

4 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 5 Hammer Time

I spent a good bit of time Friday evening and Saturday morning babbling to Serenity about my date. She seemed amused, and I hoped that she wouldn't tease me too much over my behavior. While I babbled, we worked, both in the simulator and out of it, and by Saturday afternoon Serenity had seen enough. "Okay Iron Man, I think its time we let you try and take a swing at something. You game?" "We're going to fight?" Serenity only laughed, a rude snort of a laugh too. "You would be more...

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Forbidden Desires 8211 Sleeping Acts With Sis

It was 1 o clock in the night, when i was studying on my study table. Suddenly i was thirsty and got up to get some water, when i saw my younger sister sleeping on her bed. She was sleeping on her back and was wearing a night gown, i could see her small perky boobs, which were moving up and down with her breath. I was slowly getting an erection and thought this is not correct way to think about her. She was slim and fair and had small perky boobs and a shapely buttock with ample flesh on them....

4 years ago
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Coupled by Vickie Tern "I'm leaving now, honey." "Are you? Oh, of course, look at the time. OK, Enjoy yourself, baby. Oh, first let me look at you?" Slightly impatient but smiling modestly, he came further into the room and then did a slow turn. Beautiful! I could see at a glance that he'd gone all out. He'd given himself a flawless complexion, and bright red, delicately shaped lips, and eyes that were deep pools of mysterious black. His...

3 years ago
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Owner Ki Ladki Ko Choda Or 2nd Wish Mangi

Hello dosto mera naam Sam he or me Bangalore me padta hu, muje aap logo k bahut se email mile aur mujse or kahaniya likhne ki guzarish ki he, par jaise ki aapko pata he meri saari kahaniya sachchi ghatnao par hoti he isiliye me jyada kahani nai likh pata hu. Meri iss kahani par b hamesha ki tarah muje email kare or comments bheje. Aaj me apni 1 or kahani aap logo k 7 share karna chahunga. Ye story mere 2nd wish k bare me he jo mene apni owner ki ladki se ki thi. Meri purani kahaniya padhne k...

4 years ago
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The Night That Stole The Virginities Part 1

Hi, Guys, STRICTLY 18+ ONLY. This is the first time I have put down my real-life incident as a sex story. Hope you all like it. Any girls/Women interested can contact me on “”. Also please mention your comments below. Before going into the sex story let me introduce the people along with their personalities so that it is easy for you to imagine. Vishal: Height 5’5″ and weight 60. Slim, Short and Medium Complexion Surya (Myself): Height 5’9″ and weight 85. Stout, Medium height and Medium...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 8

Luna continued her slow pacing round her back garden. Gone were her looks from the night before. When she was at home she liked to spend her time in muggle clothes she found comfortable. Today she was walking round her garden bare foot wearing a pair of shorts, a loose flowery shirt and a braided headband in her messy hair. Luna liked spending time in her garden. She'd often spend time walking around humming quietly to herself or listening to the birds whistling from a near by tree....

3 years ago
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Married Life 06

Introduction: A story of Lust & romance It took us three days to recover from our weekend of debauchery at Sally & Peters home , Jan appeared to have struggled with the events & actions of the Saturday night party asking me if I still loved her after all the things she had done. But by Thursday we had discussed every detail and I had convinced her that I had been equally involved in all the actions and had thoroughly enjoyed myself. I loved her more for joining me and sharing the event. That...

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Summer vacation changed whole life pt1

During my childhood my aunt used dress me as a girl very often she even used take me out as girl for girls parties. even I liked being dressed as girl, but when I grew older I stopped dressing as girl . I was a straight guy and was attracted for girls and I even had few girl friends . But at times I used think of those days and wanted to become a girl again . I was 18 when this happened, during our vacation aunt has planned a tour for 15 days . everything was pre planned and all the...

2 years ago
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Making Out In Her House

Hello readers! I’m a vivid ISS reader and always wanted to share my experiences. This is the story that happened to me Ron 23 and my girl Anitha 23 (name changed) and it is our real experience and penned down with the concern of my girl. Let me introduce Anitha, she is a curvy, soft, and milky hot girl with a body stat of 34-30-34. And myself Ron with a 13cm dick and an average physic. Let’s get into our exhibitionist voyeuristic love-making story, while her mom was taking rest in a room...

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On the balcony

We go to a party. You’re dressed to kill in a short skirt, stockings and garters with no panties…just the way I like you. We visit for a bit and have a few drinks. I open the doors to the balcony and take you out there to look at the night time city lights and stars. You lean against the railing, looking out over the city and I step behind you, my hand around your waist. I lean into your ear and tell you how beautiful you are tonight, and gently start kissing your ear, down your neck and...

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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 8 Intense Training

Kristen Flint opened up the door to her dorm room and instantly knew it had happened. There were no sheets on the bottom bunk, the second dresser was completely empty, and the little mini-fridge was gone, but her flavored waters were strewn across the floor. There wasn’t even a note or anything. There was nothing in her inbox on her phone. Her roommate Alice was just gone. Her heart sunk and her stomach twisted. She’d seemed so nice when Kristen first got there. Sure, she wasn’t like the...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 427

The Retreat ...”Yes, Sir,” Jeff responded through clamped teeth. “Colonel, we’ve been over this before. Ship, out there,” he said while vaguely motioning toward the back of the Retreat, “is too important to our planet to risk. And before you say anything, “yes, I certainly know there isn’t anything on Earth that could destroy her, but she has already told you that she must have a Prime ... and you’re it. What would she do if you got yourself killed, hmmm? Would anything keep her on Earth?...

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