Babsi indian porn

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Babsis Leiden Teil 1

Babsi, eine attraktive Mittvierzigern ist seit rund 3 Jahren geschieden und zieht alleine ihren 14jähren Sohn groß. Jan ist ein schmächtiger, schüchterner Junge, der viel jünger wirkt. Babsi ist Abteilungsleiterin in einer großen Firma mit mehreren hundert Angestellten. Sie ist mit ihren 170 cm und ihren üppigen Rundungen eine stattliche Erscheinung. Da Babsi seit jeher viel Sport betreibt, ist ihr Körper zwar sehr fraulich aber trotzdem fest. Besonders auffallend ist ihr üppiger Busen (DD),...

2 years ago
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Lena Teil 2

Lena (2. Teil) Kapitel 1 Gabi und Lena erinnern sich und werden Freundinnen Gabi war schon am Vorabend gekommen und hatte im G?stezimmer ?bernachtet. Sie wollte eigentlich Zeit haben, um mit Lena ?ber Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu sprechen, aber Lena war eine ?berarbeitete Hausfrau und Mutti. Gabi hatte dazu den Ansto? gegeben, um Lena in diese Situation zu man?vrieren. Lena, das Fabelwesen, ehemals ein Mann, kastriert, mit dem beringten Schwanz und dem grossen Busen, der jetzt die "...

4 years ago
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Cindy s Leben

Ich bin Cindy und ich bin 22 Jahre. Bisher hatte ich nicht viel Glück in meinem Leben, was wirklich von Dauer war. Meine Eltern sind beide Arbeitslos und leben von Hartz 4. Mein Vater ist zudem Alkoholiker und meine Mutter hat sich auch schon vor langer Zeit in ihrem Leben ergeben. Auch ich habe nicht viel mehr zum Leben, außer das Kindergeld für meine drei Kleinen. Ich sehe nicht schlecht aus, was mir immerhin einige Vorteile brachte. So waren die Jungs durchaus immer an mir interessiert....

4 years ago
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Hannes Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten

Jeder der möchte kann mitschreiben. Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten „Hier Hannes“, mein Vater deutete auf eine verhärmt aussehende Frau. „Das ist Barbara, aber du kannst sie auch Babsi nennen!“ Seine riesigen Hände glitten über ihr stramm sitzendes Shirt. „Das sind Oschis“, kommentierte Vater und zog das T-Shirt rauf. Babis dicke fleischige Oberweite quoll aus dem viel zu kleinen Büstenhalter. Vati strich mit einer Hand über ihre rechte Brust und sagte, „eine Milchkuh zum Achtzehnten. Live und in...

2 years ago
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Die kleine Schwester

Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...

3 years ago
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Eine ganz normale Familie

Es war gegen 7 Uhr an einem Montagmorgen in einer norddeutschen Kleinstadt. In einem kleinen aber liebevoll hergerichteten Einfamilienhaus versammelte sich eine auf den ersten Blick ganz normale Fami-lie zum Frühstück. Peter, der Vater, war 35 Jahre alt, blond und muskulös, war Schulleiter eines Gymna-siums in der nahen Großstadt. Michaela, seine Frau, war 36 Jahre alt, hatte lange schwarze Haare, die sie meistens zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden hatte, sie war gerade mal 1,60m groß,...

2 years ago
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Lena Teil 1

LENA Kapitel 1 - Vorgeschichte Ich wurde als Christian Lennart 1962 geboren. Nach einer Handelsmatura machte ich schnell Karriere im mittleren Kader einer kleineren Firma in unserer Stadt. Ein gutes Einkommen, anst?ndige Manieren und gute Zukunftsaussichten machten aus mir einen begehrten Partner f?r die M?dchen. Eine hatte es aber besonders auf mich abgesehen: Gabi, eine 5 Jahre j?ngere mir unterstellte Mitarbeiterin, die auch ich sehr nett fand. Sie verstand es, mic...

3 years ago
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The Return Home Wyoming Ute IGT

The Return Home Everyone was excited, the heads of Wyoming/Ute Trucking were putting together a second intergalactic convoy. This one would be bound back to Earth to return with more needed supplies, and to let those left behind see that loved ones were well. There was a truck status board in the joint dispatch terminal run by Coyote and Otter, who coordinated the loads between the two families of the joint company as well as those who had joined them in the original quest. But a...

3 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Living Beyond the Dream Saturn

Wyoming Ute IGT,Living Beyond the Dream, Saturn By: Malissa Madison I followed the directions on the trucks map to the right truck, and was met by one of the Terrellian waitresses from the diner. As I tried to recall her name I said, "I'm on my way to meet with your Headmistress." "Oh I hope no one has gotten into trouble." "No," I replied. "Brandi, do you think they need more help in the diner?" asked Rachel to my relief identifying the twin. "I think they can always use...

4 years ago
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The Return Home part 2

The Return Home, 2 Running Water stared at her mother, startled and a little bit frightened. How had she found out? Not even her mother inlaw Missy knew that she was pregnant. Just then Cold Winter her little sister ran up to her hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much," she said. "Are you going to stay until the babies born?" "H, how did you know about that?" she asked. Cold Winter giggled then, a sheepish grin on her face. "Mother Maple is teaching me to see...

2 years ago
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The Return Home part 4

The Return Home, 4 By: Malissa Madison Paula was just as excited as her girls as she sat listening to Trader talking with the Planetary Ruuk Tracking Department. "Yes can you tell us what quadrant Carrashanna and her family are in?" he asked. "Trader do you have Authorization to make contact with a family group?" they inquired. "You understand the locations of the Ruuks, are highly sensitive." "Yes well Caro, who is my brother in law is Durrukian....

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Stowaway

Wyoming Ute IGT, Stowaway By: Malissa Madison It was the middle of the busiest part of the evening when Carline first noticed the girl. She seemed to just be wandering around visiting, but she couldn't remember seeing her with anyone before they'd left Saturn. But still maybe she was one Of Djulie or Klinda's girls that she hadn't met yet. She knew a lot of the Alien humanoid races looked pretty young, and a teen looking Star Hooker could earn a lot of money. But seeing as how busy...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissa s academy 8

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 8 I felt like I'd slept for an entire day, slowly I made my way to the shower seeing Donnie's dirty clothes in the hamper I knew he'd at least been home. Then just before I stepped in I heard the voices of my younger girls as they raced through the house playing. "Slow down, you'll wake up Momma," Rachel said. "Who are your new friends?" "My brother and Sisters," I heard Norrish answer happily. I hurried to finish my shower wanting to meet...

3 years ago
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Kitten 13 Road Trip

Kitten, 13, Road Trip By: Malissa Madison, aka, Bernice The ringing of the phone woke me from my sound sleep. Rolling over I looked past Samantha to the clock beside the bed. It was Two AM, who in the hell could be calling me at this time of morning? "Erika, we need to talk," said Vet my foreman out at the farm. "Can it wait until daylight?" "I'm afraid not." I heard strange noises in the background. "Where are you?" I began pulling on clothes as quickly as I could. "I'm...

3 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT the Long Stretch 2

Wyoming Ute IGT, Long Stretch, part 2 By: Malissa Madison Abe and Ramona were happy to find that they had a market for all the old cell phones they'd collected along the highways over the years. They were being bought up by people and aliens alike. Even their collection of cans and bottles were an item of interest. Ramona had sold a Pepsi can for thirty Galactic credits. She showed Abe the gold coins with excitement. Then they were approached by someone else, someone who had just...

4 years ago
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Als ich mich gegen 6.00 Uhr aus dem Bett meiner Chefin und Geliebten wälze, um unseren beiden Söhnen Frühstück zu machen und sie zur Schule zu schicken, bin ich wie meistens vom Restalkohol noch ziemlich benebelt. Aber immerhin kann ich schon wieder halbwegs sicher auf meinen Beinen stehen, als ich zur ersten Zigarette greife und den Rauch tief inhaliere. Dabei muss ich ein paarmal abgrundtief rülpsen, und mir gehen auch ein paar kräftige Fürze ab. Aber vielleicht sollte ich zunächst einmal...

2 years ago
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Die T uuml rsteher

Wir alle kennen sie: Teenie Jungschlampen, die alles tun würden um in den Club ihrer Wahl hereinzukommen. Der „Club 3000“ war so ein Laden. Wie jedes Wochenende war die Jugend der Stadt hier dabei zu feiern, zu saufen und zu ficken. Die Türsteher waren dabei die erste Hürde die das Frischfleisch zu passieren hatte. Die Crew war dabei strikt angewiesen nur diejenigen Möchtegern Tussis rein zu lassen, die auch das Blut der männlichen Gäste zur Wallung brachten. Dabei war es Gang und gebe, dass...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked The Old Beggar Woman Roadside

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

4 years ago
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The Return Home part 3

The Return Home, 3 By: Malissa Madison As the trucks began linking together Ringneck eased Dream Weaver up to link with Pheasant. They had discussed it with the trucks and both Pheasant and Dream Weaver had convinced the young couple that until Dream Weaver had actually made his first Portal Jump he would prefer to have Ringneck at the wheel in case something went wrong. Not that either of them or Pheasant thought of it as a possibility, but they didn't want the older truck to be...

4 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT

Wyoming / Ute IGT, (Inter Galactic Trucking) Living Beyond the Dream Tim, Missy, Old Elk and Swallow sat at the booth in the usual diner at Prudhoe Bay waiting for the rest of their combined families. Tim was busy bouncing Daffodil, his new granddaughter on his knee when a waitress brought him an envelope. "What is it Tim?" I asked my husband as he tore it open. "Mr Wyoming, Mr Lightfeather," the note began. "My friends and I have been searching for Driver's such as you and...

2 years ago
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Living Beyond the Dream

Living Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison My sister had finally arrived. It was like looking at myself ten years from now, or like looking at Missy. I was searching for words to convey how I felt but nothing seemed appropriate. "Malissa, are you ok?" she finally asked. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. This is just, well everything is happening so fast." "It usually does in battle," she commented. "Thankfully this one is staying peaceful. That's why we're moving so fast, before the...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT 2 Beyond the Dream

Wyoming / Ute IGT, Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison As the last vehicle in the convoy cleared the onramp we got busy deciding on how to form the star train to our liking. We'd be traveling for at least four and a half days nonstop before our next planetary interchange. We'd slowed down to the minimum speed limit for the freeway of one hundred eighty miles per hour to let everyone tighten up again. During which we made sure that Hopper wasn't about to lose another tire, we were...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Omega Seven

Wyoming/Ute IGT, Omega Seven By: Malissa Madison Looking out the windows we could see the different people as they stood or sat in vehicles watching us as we drove by. Some looked like they were really surprised at seeing so many of us. There were now forty trucks including both the Tin Cans, plus we weren't sure how many more would be joining us in the other convoy. I know that TooTall was busy looking for his Brother and Uncles trucks as we reached the edge of the city. I knew...

4 years ago
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Living Beyond the Dream Humanization

Living Beyond the Dream, Humanization and Naturalization By: Malissa Madison Drew Correll, CEO and senior President of the Inter-Galactic Bank of Omega Seven, sat in his rather plush office, fully aware of what his best investigator was doing. He was aware because the Banks Owners had directed him to have Jarrell do just what he was doing. When his wall lit up with the images of the Judges office, he was ready. He knew that a corresponding wall there had become a large...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT the Long Stretch

Wyoming Ute IGT, the Long Stretch By: Malissa Madison As the Star Train began to settle into the routine, talk of the long three week stretch between New Haven and Omega Three was the big topic. Kairi sat at her usual table with her Cougar Mother Erika Tyler unsure of what was happening but happy that she still got to be with her sister and spend time with her longtime friends from the shelter. When Samantha waltzed over to the table, a huge grin on her face she knew something...

4 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Duke s Rescue

Wyoming/Ute IGT, Duke's Rescue and Bob's Heritage By: Malissa Madison Primrose was ecstatic, her Daddy had paid a Quarter Million Galactic Credits to buy her, her very own Lyconian Star Freighter. She didn't even bat an eye when her mother assigned her sister Daisy as her Co- Driver for the second returning convoy to Earth. She and Prairie Flower had almost three weeks down time to travel and visit when they reached Earth. Then they...

4 years ago
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McKenzie the Hot Babsitter

****************************************************************************** “Look at me, Auntie McKenzie!” Timothy shrieked. “Look at me!” The little boy posed atop a plastic slide in the backyard of his home. His chest was puffed out and his fists were pumped in the air. He was so proud and gleeful that he may as well have been standing on the peak of Mount Everest. McKenzie dropped to one knee and held her arms out wide. “Come on down, my favorite little man! Auntie McKenzie will...

4 years ago
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Reginald s DisasterChapter 11

In minutes Reg was in the minibus with the driver, setting off again. The man was quite for a spell, then slowly mentioned, “I did happen to hear raised voices and crept closer to hear some of it. Are you in trouble, sir?” “I might be, but I just don’t know.” “I hope it works out for you, sir,” the man offered in sympathy. “One way or another, it will. I think Hermione and Jemima will stay with us in the company. The other matters are what concerns me. You don’t want to know what they...

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Buddies By Teri Franken Chapter 1 Jackie and I were (and still are) best friends', starting back in kindergarten our friendship flourished and has continued up to present as juniors in high school. We live in a small town outside of Madison Wisconsin and we are pretty typical teenagers. Neither one of us was very successful with girls, we are not your typical jocks or even nerds. We dwell as "in betweeners", not hanging with either of the crowds, mainly keeping to ourselves. We...

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Second ChanceChapter 19

Chasen and Deirdre Wellington stayed until the protection people showed up and relieved the people that were protecting all of us. I never noticed it, but Mr. Wellington had another entire layer of security surrounding him the whole time they were with me. They must have been good at their jobs, or I would have noticed. Sienna called Jeanette and Sondra to come over as quickly as possible, as soon as the Wellingtons left with their entourage. Before the guards got the wrong idea, she...

3 years ago
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La Bums

Xaver war endlich da. Hausnummer 69, das Haus, in dem die Party eines entfernten Freundes von ihm stattfand. Vor dem Haus und im Garten sah es aus wie vor einem Einkaufszentrum am Samstag Nachmittag - ein Auto neben dem anderen, dazwischen ein paar Motorräder. Er kämpfte sich irgendwie zum Eingang durch, wo ihn auch schon Stefan, sein entfernter Freund begrüßte. "Hallo Xaver!" "Hi, Stefan!" "Dich gibt's auch noch?" "Ja, äh... komm erst einmal rein, da drüben gibt’s was zu trinken." Es war eben...

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berlandbus als Schicksal

Sie schaute aus dem leicht getönten Fenster des alternden Stagecoach-Busses und seufzte schwer, als die scheinbar endlose Landschaft träge vorbeirollte. Die Klimaanlage ließ den heißen Sommertag kühl erscheinen, aber letztendlich auch langweilig. Es war Rebeccas erste Überlandreise, um ihre Tante für den Sommer in Ravensmoor zu besuchen, und ihre Eltern hatten das Gefühl gehabt, dass der Bus nicht nur die sicherste, sondern auch die billigste Route war, da ihnen mehr Geld für sie übrig blieb...

3 years ago
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Times Like These

Hello, my name is Clondis Travian kind of sucks for a name I know. The thing is the name was good when I was born. I ... what? When was I born? Oh, yeah right, I believe it was January twenty fifth, 1329. Look my memory of this time is a little fuzzy. I had just turned twenty, out looking for work when we started to hear of the black death. There had been talk the year before about it spreading across south Europe. I was making my way back from the docks where I had just landed a job when I...

2 years ago
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Enoch the Honorary Troll

ENOCH THE HONOURARY TROLL (C) 1995, 2002, 2006 Enoch was walking through the market one day when he spotted a man selling fruit in the market stalls. He walked up to the man and was about to hand him a few stolen coins when a boy threw him a bag of money as he ran by! "Here - catch!" the boy shouted. "I'm being chased by guards!" "Stop, thief!" cried a big man with a knife. Enoch ran - he ran for his life. He ran out of the city into the...

2 years ago
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Strangers To Love Ch 04

After tending to the horses, James stood looking up at the stars. His mind kept drifting back to the kitchen and Leanna. She had no idea how beautiful she was and those clothes! If she kept wearing those he was going to be in a constant state of embarrassment. He could feel his cock twitch just at the thought of her. This was going to be difficult. And she looked so hurt when he ran out of there but maybe that was good. If she thought he wasn’t interested, maybe he could keep her at arm’s...

3 years ago
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I Saw Her Through a Crowd

Sometimes it only takes one meeting of eyes, one fleeting glimpse across a packed room to know. Sometimes your eyes connect with someone so intensely that it transcends the sound of Velvet Underground being blasted from a rented PA, the dozens of fratboys with red cups and the couples practically fucking on the stained couches. That’s what happened to me that night. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I was only there that night because a friend of mine needed a wing man. I was supposed to...

4 years ago
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She Needed Money

"Please Neil, I need a job and badly," she begged, "the rents overdue and the kids need new clothes." "Alice, Alice," I soothed, "how much do you need, you know I always help you." "No, no, you've been too kind as it is and I can never repay you the money you've already lent me," she said, "no, I need a job." "You know I'm the last person you should asked for a job," I explained, "you need a nice job like in an office." "No I need a job that I can do," she persisted,...

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Inappropriate Father Daughter Team Rape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

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it happened on vacation and continued at home pt 7

How long can this go on. How far can this go and how far am I able or willing to go. We don't know everything we are capable of until we are faced with a situation. I am full of questions about whatever had transpired, what does my sister know ?. I don't know if she is evading the issue or just full of young lust like I am and everything takes a backseat to togetherness, love and SEX. Have I grown, matured ?. I've found out a lot about myself and learned some things in the last few weeks...

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I was married to Merril and Jackie was married to Alan, and by and large, we were all very happy with our lot.The four of us had arranged a weekend away on the south coast, but at the last minute, Alan was stuck at work later than expected and he asked if Merril and I could collect Jackie and for Alan to travel down the following day in his own car.This was agreed and Merril and I picked Jackie up from her house at about six oclock on a Friday evening. She was carrying a large suitcase, which...

2 years ago
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The Flight of the naked Goddess Chapter 3

The content of a bucket of brackish water quickly shocks me back into consciousness and slowly I start to understand, that the old bald man next to me must have bought me in exchange of a few jars of sour wine. But he helps me up and even smiles at me: »A good number that you just did up there, Queenie, but now you better come with me!« His name is Thorses, he says - and he doesn't really look like bad man at all. And he must be already much too old to advance onto such young girls like me, but...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 21 Lucy

I was able to keep all the spare muskets and dead men's ammunition only two days. Then I got persuaded, talked out of it you might say, convinced anyhow that it was in my interest to let the stuff go. I must admit that I was well rewarded. I rode into a small, nameless crossroad's village about noon under a sky that promised rain, found the blacksmith at work and got him to look at my two horses' feet and shoes. While he did that, I visited the local and had a bitter pint of beer. "See...

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My First Taste of Heaven

Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis Working as a consultant in the communications industry leaves me a plenty of free time to indulge in other activities. Currently my requirements are very minimal; my excess baggage had packed up and disappeared, leaving me a 'dear john letter'. She flew out of my life, taking everything that wasn't nailed down. Our joint bank account had been cleaned out and the overdraft was up to the limit...

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Morning LightChapter 28

Jennifer awoke with the morning light coming into the bedroom. She smiled as she glanced down and saw Rhonda's sleeping form snuggled into her arm. The room was filled with the smell of sex, but there was another smell; it was the sweet smell of shampoo, soap, and perfume. It all blended in an intoxicating aroma. Jennifer could feel her lover's warm, naked flesh pressed to her body and she sighed contentedly. Jimmy tapped lightly on the bedroom door then opened it. He smiled at his mom as...

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My InheritanceChapter 46 Jewelry

The big Suburban hummed north on Interstate 25, heading for Denver where we would pick up I-70 west to Vail. Mary was driving with Lisa riding shotgun. Andy was curled in my lap, her crying spent and the tears of joy drying on her face. “I can’t believe you threw my birth control pills away like that. Are you sure, Davy?” “Very sure, Andy.” “You know that makes me the happiest woman in the world, don’t you?” What gentle, loving eyes. What a soft, feeling touch was her hand on my cheek....

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Busty Blond Braless Bimbo

BUSTY BLOND BRALESS BIMBO by Throne (Just a bit of fun. Had the idea and wanted to share it. ENJOY.) I couldn't believe it. My wife really DID know magic. She had turned me into a blond bimbo, a curvy female with an outrageously large bust and a booty to match it. My penis, formerly a whopping nine inches hard, was now a laugh-producing two inch erection that wouldn't go down. She had dressed me in an incredibly slutty outfit. A big floppy beret, low-cut and cropped top,...

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Married Life 05

I climbed out of my ute as Jan came walking up all excited and gave me a big welcoming kiss, “ Hi Honey, how about we ring Peter and suggest we will drive up early in the morning, I feel too stuffed to drive up there tonight sweetie”. Jan snapped back “no way Jim, I’ve spent the afternoon at the beautician waxing & having my nails done, I’ve laid out your clothes on the bed, now you get in the house take a shower and get dressed, I will drive and you can rest! I’ve been waiting all week for...

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Y Zark the Apprentice Ch 4

Y’Zark the Apprentice, Chapter 4 As we continued out of the Dead Zone, which would come at another time to be known as the Great Ashen Desert, I found myself growing more and more weary. Finally, I called a halt. ‘Getting tired so soon?’ he chided. His voice was different – I turned to look at him. ‘Yes indeed, as we come back to the magic, my spells of youth are taking effect once again.’ He smiled. ‘And of course, I can walk now. Just don’t give me too many stairs, eh?’ Walking proved...

3 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure pt2

He suggested you and I wear the same soiled panties this whole weekend, then on Monday, you and I could meet in the Ladies Restroom, where each of us would slip out of our soiled panties, and put them in a ‘sealed Bag. Then we could exchange panties with each other. Then for the rest of this week, when we have sex with our husbands, they could ‘sniff our soiled panties. Edwin could sniff your soiled panties, and Randy could sniff my soiled panties right while we are ‘doing it.’ We could...

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I was alone in the house, Tina was at work. It was 4 in the afternoon and i was looking over some pictures when the phone rang. It was Tina, "Hi Sweetheart" i said. The tone of her voice was harsh "Start getting ready, tonight you will be my sissy, you can choose to wear any of my clothes except the ones in the top drawer, I'll be wearing them." That was all she said and put the phone down. My tiny little dick instantly got an erection. This was really unusual, i normally have to hassle her in...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 3

Dad and Deana came back just after noon, and by that time we had everything fully cleaned up. The girls were helping me move the last of my things into the garage, labeling all of the boxes and printing out sheets on the computer with an inventory of what was inside each one. Dad came and I showed him how I had organized it all, and he was impressed. “This way, if I need to get something or you need to send me something, it should be easy to find. There will be a folder on top with all of...

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YakimaChapter 8 Getting Closer

Gordon Winters grudgingly accepted the proposal offered by Miles Hoffman on behalf of Reese. I got the impression from Ali that Gordon was intimidated by Miles after he witnessed the pasting lawyer Huggins received in the family courtroom. The fact that Kim was present at the negotiations probably underscored he had little room to move. He signed the documents and the deed was done. Reese was out from under a bad potential marriage and financial hard times. Gordon left for Wenatchee at the...

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My Biology Teacher 8211 Part II

Hi iss readers I am Hari I had a sex with my mam I want to share it with every one so I am writing this story this is my first story. My biology teachers name is Chitra wow what a mam she is 36-34-36 I don’t know the exact size but she is hot and fair and she has thick long black hair, her hair touches her butt if she opens her hair and her style of wearing saree I also sexy….One nice day morning first period is biology for us I went to her lab our school is a small school with less students...

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapters 1 2

I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...

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Lehrk rper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

4 years ago
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Blowing Betty

©2001 by Couture "... last night I had a dream that I had a penis. I think I had it because I've been reading Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice, in which Lestat takes over a mortal's body." Betty continued telling me all about her dream last night, instead of doing her homework. She did look lovely though twirling her blonde hair around her finger and playing with the hem of her skirt. "Then he had to figure out how to use his penis again since he hadn't been mortal in...

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MyFamilyPies Chloe Temple Kyler Quinn Hot In The Kitchen

Chloe Temple and her stepsister Kyler Quinn are fully committed to becoming Internet stars through their new cooking show. They’ve decided to only wear aprons with a bra and panties apiece beneath them since that will give their show a sexy edge. They also decide to ask Chloe’s step-cousin Seth Gamble to help them with filming. Chloe’s mom, Edyn Blair, overhears the girls on the phone with Seth and tells them she doesn’t want them anywhere near that bad influence. The...

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Those Three Little Words Part Five

It was Friday night and I was in heaven, lying with my Master his arms wrapped securely around my naked torso. I was completely exhausted from the brutal fucking He had just given me, but all the time I was still excited just to be in his presence.“Charlotte, I want you to do something for me,” He said softly, as if I had any choice now. I was bound to him now, I would do anything thing and everything for him. “Yes Master?” I asked, turning to face him. “I’m going to be out of town for a few...

4 years ago
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Waking up groggy from the late night sounds of her stirring around the room.  I get a kiss and she says we don’t have to checkout till 11 sleep in.  I’ll be waiting for you when you are ready.  Another kiss, before I hear the door close.  I roll over crushing the extra pillow into a comfortable position and fall back to sleep.Waking again the clock says 9:33 feeling warm and comfortable I roll over.  Fret isn’t back yet.  I’m going to have to get up and start packing.  I see the dresser is...

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The Magic WandChapter 5

They were deep in what a generous philosopher might have called ‘discussion’ when the door opened and the janitor came in with his long-handled dust mop. He stopped and looked at his watch. Mindy looked at her own. It was a few minutes past five. “Good grief,” she moaned. “Your parents are probably frantic.” Bobby pulled out his cell phone and called home. “Hi, Mom. I’m fine. I got delayed by a tutoring session. I got a chance to work on catching up in math, and lost track of the...

2 years ago
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Perverted encounters with Punam Chapter Two

'It's either now or early morning tomorrow', Amrita replied indifferently. She knew I would never choose a morning mission. I stopped the porn on my laptop and pulled up my pants. Feeling like a clown, I said ‘All right, I’m going now.’ ‘A guy can’t even masturbate in peace’ I thought to myself. But what enraged me more was that I wasn’t even going to get anything in return. Amrita and I had broken up a year ago and though she agreed on remaining ‘friends’ there would be absolutely no...

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Master Slave Meet

It has been almost a year now and still we haven’t had opportunity to meet, but all is changing now. I have arranged for business meeting in same town you are visiting on a weekend for sales work. Arriving first arrange suite in hotel and have desk prepared for your arrival. When you arrive and sign in they take you to our room. You look surprised and comment to porter “Are you sure this is right room” he replies “Oh yes Ma’am” Accepting it you start to look around the three large rooms....

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Halloween Night Voice from the Dark

It was Halloween night and I was 16 years old. Too old to go trick-or-treating, but young enough to wish I could. Anyway, I was bored and just hanging around the house watching my family handing out candy to the kids that came by. We lived in Northern California and the weather at that time of year offered up crisp clear evenings with just a hint of a chill in the air. I still remember the moon was intensely bright that night and everything felt so alive and mysterious. After hanging around...

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Sweet Revenge

Years ago, before I met my true love and soul mate, I was deeply involved with a redheaded Texas girl. She was absolutely beautiful, with a body built for sex, and totally unaware of her beauty. She was raised in West Texas in a redneck family, and had never even been given flowers before I met her. She moved to Virginia when she was nineteen to go to school, and to escape her rather hard life in Texas.We met at school, and were instantly attracted to each. Our relationship was great until she...

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Time goes by

Life was more exciting before the pill allowed freewheeling sex for all. Condoms were called 'French letters' in those days (the French called them 'gants anglais' - English gloves) and we only used them with prostitutes. The only other form of preventative was a dutch cap and on the whole the only women who owned them were married. So where was the excitement? Despite the war and rationing, we were fitter then partly because we ate healthier food and partly because we were all broke...

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Unexpected Cuckolding Part III

It was now Friday and we sat opposite at the breakfast table. Tension of sorts was definitely in the air. We'd been making meaningless small talk all morning and I don't think either had slept particular well."So what are your plans today?" I askedShe gave a small giggle, "I'm quite busy actually, I'm having a bikini wax at eleven, a pedicure at two and then I'm going clothes shopping""Do you mean underwear shopping?" I asked trying to sound nonchalant, and failing."Sorry, yes, I didn't want to...

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TotemChapter 18

Sam woke to the delightful sensation of a warm mouth sucking his cock. Gina was apparently too eager for more practice with oral sex to wait for him to wake up. For only the second time, her technique was impressive. She brought Sam to orgasm after only a few minutes of licking and sucking. When it was over, Sam sat up and kissed Gina on the forehead. "Thanks," he said. "Nice way to wake up." "My pleasure," Gina said, seeming suddenly shy again. Sam was astonished by the two sides to...

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My Encounter With A Cute Waiter

It had got very late for me returning from office. Some urgent work came up at the last moment. By the time I could complete it, it was past 11:30 at night. Tired and hungry, I dragged myself to the bus stop hoping to get something which can take me to my house. Waiting at the stop with me was another guy of about 21 age, slim, clean shaven and fair. In all he looked cute. He was wearing a slim fit body hugging jeans with a t-shirt. The fitting of his jeans gave nice glimpse of his round ass. I...

Gay Male
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The Wages of Sin Part 1

“Gotcha!” I said to myself in satisfaction as I reviewed the video feed from the security camera. “Gotcha, indeed!” As the lead Verger at an Anglican-rite church, one of my duties was being the de facto head of the Worship Committee. A few years ago, towards the end of the summer, one of the Altar Guild ladies had informed me that they were experiencing “inventory shrinkage” in bottles of un-blessed wine. After discussing the matter with the Vestry, and due to the amount of wine going missing,...

3 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Mark was enjoying himself immensely with Ginny! What differences they had were quickly resolved ih total sexual heat! He felt he got to know her well enough to explore another notion.... going to see Steve; they were scheduled to meet that Thursday, his wife was expected to be out-of-town for 4 days..."You mean get fucked by a man...

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From the Pages of Fantastic Four

The confrontation had not gone as the Fantastic Four had planned. They had saved She-Hulk from the slave pits, and Reed had freed his team from the devices of the Psycho-man. However, here he was King, and his powers seemed almost limitless. The villain stood watching as the team along with She-Hulk went about facing their utlimate fears. In each nightmare, they watched their teammates fall. The situation seemed helpless. Sue's nightmare was the worst. What she saw was unspeakable. Her senses...

5 years ago
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Hi folks, I am sandip and I am 28 yrs. old, very handsome guy. I am a crazy fan of doodhwali and want to share with U my sexual Experience I had with my sexy, 35 yrs. old aunt. She is divorcee and lives in Mumbai. She is 5’7″ in height, perfect figure with big, round and firm boobs and a sexy large ass. Couple of months ago, she came to Delhi for some business purpose, I was seeing her After 15 years, and I noticed her in the first sight, she is extremely sexy, and more over she is having...

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Anything For Georgetown part eight Houlihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

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My Lucky Life

My Lucky Life Prolog Four years ago I won the Powerball. Lucky me. It wasn't the biggest jackpotin history, but 92 million after taxes isn't chicken scratch. I was 28 andin good health, was and still am a computer tech by trade. Bought a nice houseon the Florida Gulf coast. Not too big mind you, after all it's just me livinghere. Also bought a bunch of nice, fast cars. I didn't change much after thatlucky day, until my second lucky day arrived. Chapter I It was a nice fall afternoon. My...

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A Wet Sunday Afternoon in 1961

DAVE'S WET SUNDAY IN 1961 - WITH GODDESS GERALDINE It was a typical Sunday afternoon in England in late 1961, with the rain pouring down. My sister Wendy was expecting her best friend Geraldine to stop over for the night and they would both go off direct to school the following morning. Wendy and Geraldine were both 16 and I, Wendy's younger brother, Dave, was a couple of years younger at just 14. Our parents had gone out for the day to visit friends and were not expected back until...

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First time touching another boys cock part 3

I knocked on my friends nans front door, hoping he would let me in quickly as my cock was still hard and it was making a damp patch in my jeans where the pre-cum was leaking out.David opened the door and held his finger to his lips letting me know to be quiet. I held up the bottle of rum and walked past him squeezing his ass as I did so.I was so horny I needed his cock in my mouth right now, he whispered that his nan was sleeping so if we were quiet she should stay asleep all night.I just...

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Rent For Pleasure

I live in an apartment with a 20 year gay guy from a wealthy family. He was also pretty fit. While I struggled to make it in the acting field he was nice enough to cover my portion of the rent. After a few months, he got fed up and wanted me to start paying my part. But I didn't have the money... So one night, in the summer, I went to grab a drink in the middle of the night and saw that he fell asleep on the couch completely naked. Then it hit me... I could trade sex for my rent! So I...

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Miss Abi ch 1

Miss Abi {Part One}[This Story has some introductory Photo's to what the girls look like, please view my profile for them.]“And that’s a wrap” the director of the new Batman film yells triumphantly over the set. The final scene of the new Batman film comes to an end, and a loud roar of applause is echoed around the set. Nathan Thomas, the star of Batman, and with his first feature length movie under wraps breathes a sigh of jubilance having just completed his dream role, is instantly surrounded...

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The Bounty Fantasy 0

It took a moment to shake me out of my memories as the man spoke to me. I glanced up at his face, strong jaw lining up to rugged facial hair marred here and there with small scars, conveniently shaped like where a woman's nail may have grazed in struggle. He definitely looked the part, dark eyes set evenly on his features, bushed eyebrows and thin lips. His shoulders were broad and squared off as he spoke again. "Did you hear me?" he said. "No, sorry my mind was elsewhere. What were...

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Teacher a Short Novel Under Construction Chapter 20

On the way home, they stopped at the new Gettysburg Battlefireld visitors center and looked at some of the exhibits. After checking the prices, they decided not to eat there. "Explain the Studebaker, the wonderful, beautiful golden Avanti," he asked, once they were back on Route 15. "Can't. He's got a thing about some cars. Had one of those beautiful Raymond Lowey coupes, a '54 I think, when I was learning to drive. Fine car. But he sold that to buy the Avanti. You ought to see the...

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Naughty Next Door Neighbour

Life as a thirty-something wife & mum had become very mundane. The saying "Eat, Sleep, Gym, Repeat" pretty much described your life perfectly.  Work was mundane, the gym was just a distraction from home life and sleep was never for long enough.  Sex had also become a luxury, even when you did manage some, it left you feeling unsatisfied and frustrated.  Your husband couldn't satisfy you, and most nights you ended up finishing yourself off whilst watching porn as he slept soundly beside you. ...

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BusinessChapter 8 Dan

Alex as usual was only ready to see the good in people. From the moment the last conversation with Dana was over, her anger towards Dana had dissipated. She was trying to calm me down by telling me that she loved me no matter what and if I loved her as much, then Dana couldn't hurt us. Me on the other hand, I didn't trust the bitch as far as I could throw her. So I decided to get some help. Without Alex knowing it, I hired a PI. I wanted to know everything Dana did from the time she woke...

3 years ago
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Mike versus Michelle

Synopsis: This story follows a young boy and his flirtation and eventual evolution into womanhood from the ages of 12 to early 20's. Its about 150 pages long, so I suggest you bookmark it. There are a few chapters that contain sex, but that happens when the character is 17 and of legal age. The story is 90% G, and 10% R. Mike versus Michelle 1: I'm not a sissy Most people who know me...and I mean really know me, can't understand how or why I could have given up my life as a...

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Lady Luck

It’s ten thirty p.m. I’m staring at an empty e-mail inbox while waiting for the microwave to finish nuking my dinner. The empty inbox is no real shocker, but it is a disappointment because the online personal ad I placed three days ago still has yet to produce even a nibble…whoever the hell said you can find anything on the internet obviously never tried to rustle up a date with anything other than a friggin’ porn site…. The whirring stops and the bell dings, signifying that the outer edges...

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Cult of Sexuality Part 5

We picked up our scattered clothes and got dressed. He took the driver’s seat and I climbed into the passenger’s seat. He turned the car over and pulled out. Still, I had no idea where we were going. The both of us were silent as if we refused to acknowledge something. The ride took about 20 minutes before we pulled into the Municipal Parking Lot. I knew better than to ask where we were. “Now, don’t be nervous. You’re not in any trouble,” he said as he fixed his tie. He exited the car and...

Straight Sex
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I lost my virginity to my mother

*AUTHORS NOTE: Some of the events entailed in this book have actually happened, and others are completely fantasized. I HAD SEX WITH MY MOM.Here is the story of my sexual experience and encounter with my own mother.It was a cool september day, and I had just turned 15. For my birthday, I had gotten some makeup, a couple T-shirts, and a condom as a joke from my older brother, joking around that I'd be having sex soon. Which I thought was never going to happen for a long...

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Dressed for the Beach

Like many cross-dressers I’ve been sentenced to a life of secrecy.  Over the years I have accumulated a small stash of panties, bras, shorts, slacks, blouses, stockings, and shoes.  I wear them on the too little opportunities where I can sneak away without suspicion, mostly to the trusty adult bookstore.  It is such a thrill to walk around in a semi-public area dressed like a woman and, sometimes, being pursued as a woman.  I’ve had both oral and anal sex several times with men when dressed as...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 55 1 Baap Beti Ke Raat Ki Taiyaariya

Narrated by Swati Hi, main Swati, aaj ki kahani mere taraf se. Pichle baar mein to aaplogo ne dekh liya ki kayse main apne papa ke sath nadaani ka khel ki aur fir besharmi ki. Ab main aur papa apne khel mein ek ek kadam aage badh rahe the. Pichli episode mein papa ne mujhe mere kamre mein kafi maza dilaaye. Par maa ke beech mein aane se main unhe khush na kar paayi. Lekin jaate jaate unhe bol gayi ki unko aaj raat apne kiye maze ki keemat wapas doongi. Unke kamre se jaane ke...

3 years ago
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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 12

Jackie had been dropped off at the “whores house” early Sunday morning and slept much of the day, only to be awakened late afternoon and told she had to clean the house. Still groggy, she asked where the bathroom was. “You haven’t earned the right for the toilet yet, so you go to the backyard.” “What do you mean?” “Until you have serviced all of us, including William, you shit and piss outside.” And she grabbed Jackie by the arm and led her to the backdoor and roughly ushered her...

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The Other Half

The Other Half Tricia came into my office with a file in her hand. She looked worried. "Look Evan, we really have to figure out a plan here. Business is not great and these smaller projects won't pay the bills." Tricia's voice was rising. "At this rate, we will be done in less than three months." "I know," I said dejectedly. "I am bidding on the big mall project and hope it will go well. We'll know soon." Tricia Long was my college class mate in Law School and we had completed...

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Caught Again by sis Part 2

After our day of unbelievable things happening, I was hoping for a pretty wild Saturday. It was so hot to be naked in front of a girl, even if it was my sister.I woke up Saturday morning and could smell coffee, I got up, went pee and started downstairs naked. I was going to go all weekend, until my parents got back naked, unless of course, I had to leave the house and back yard. As I got to the bottom step I could hear my sister talking to someone, so, out loud I asked "who is there?" She...

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He had watched her for some time. Lusted to taste her lips; watched her shiver with pleasure. He still wasn't certain as to how they'd come to such an impasse - how he had settled into the dreaded "friend" zone. Yet here he was, forced to listen to her talk about man after man, tryst after tryst. She never seemed to noticed how he ached for her. It wasn't that he wasn't attractive - she had mentioned as much many times. She would comment on his lean abs, his sweet looking lips, and ponder aloud...

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Cody 1 - Hitchhiking's Dangerousby Emile Copyright 2007.? This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.? You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults.---- He was hitchiking on the side of the road, wearing only a rucksack strapped to his back and a pair of loose trackpants which still showed a big meaty cock in the fold of the crotch.? I guess he must've been half hard or something.? I don't usually...

4 years ago
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Last January my life changed in a way I never would have thought possible. The following story tells of the even that triggered this change. Before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela and I am 21 years old and a housewife in Tucson, Arizona. I am five feet six inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. My husband Travis always tells me I have a great body and he says he loves my 34B breasts. We have been married for a year and a half. Travis is 36 years old. He...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 6 The Cruise Crew

No one on the Aphrodite's Pleasure showed their faces again for the rest of the first day until it was nearing dinner time. At that time an announcement was made ship wide saying, "Cum is a wonderful appetizer, but it's not a real meal, so anyone that wants to eat something else for a while, dinner's on the table, come and get it and CUM with me while your at it!" "That's not Josie," Laura said as she momentarily stopped sucking Stan's cock. "It must be the new cook Henry...

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Don t Open The Door

I was woken from my drunken slumber by the buzz of the doorbell. Slowly climbing from the couch I began to piece my night together.Student night at the union. Cheap and nasty shots... far too many of those. What am I doing fully clothed on Dawn's couch? Shit. yeah... Dawn. Left her high and dry in some bar. Why did I do that?I knew why I did that.I've known Dawn for a year. When I first met her I thought she was the most graceful creature to walk the earth. Tall, slim, glossy black hair with an...

4 years ago
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History LessonPart 2

Leaving the meeting with Mr. Reed, Beverly was mortified. First was the way she had acted: she had talked to James like she was some kind of slut. Reflecting on what she had said, she blushed furiously. Then when he abruptly stopped the discussion at the end and sent her off to do the research, Beverly felt rejected, that she wasn't appealing to James. This hurt her vanity even though she knew she was being foolish. She had become more attracted to him, really a schoolgirl crush, with each...

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