Wyoming/Ute IGT, Duke's Rescue free porn video

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Wyoming/Ute IGT, Duke's Rescue and Bob's Heritage By: Malissa Madison Primrose was ecstatic, her Daddy had paid a Quarter Million Galactic Credits to buy her, her very own Lyconian Star Freighter. She didn't even bat an eye when her mother assigned her sister Daisy as her Co- Driver for the second returning convoy to Earth. She and Prairie Flower had almost three weeks down time to travel and visit when they reached Earth. Then they would have to be at the reservation in Miami Oklahoma to pick up a load of Dairy Goats going to Draconia Three. The goats would be put into a Hyper Sleep Stasis for the trip. Their first stop after dropping their load shield generator componants at St Louis was Miss Dotty's Academy for Exceptional Girls. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thirty years earlier Shasta Shaye, at the wheel of her Terrellian Mark Two missed her refuel stop on Saturn's interchange moon, Titan. Well not to worry, she'd exit at Earth, locate a source of fuel then switch her Portal computer and reverse the spin to get back on the freeway. How difficult could it be? She thought to herself. Exiting over the North Pole they ran into minor difficulties with the deep snow until the traction stabilizers were able to adjust. They began making up time as Duke began adjusting his gravity stabilizers as well. But the nearest usable fuel source was due south of their location. The bad thing was that it was a nuclear power plant. Shasta had been very old for a Terrellian Star Driver, near seventy eight years. When she surrendered rather than chance her trucks destruction, she had hoped that they would, as they promised let them go after studying the technology contained in Duke's trailer. When she realized they were lying she tried to get back to Duke, but she had been accidently killed in the act. Now without any knowledge of how to access the tractor portion of the truck, the military was locked out. Scientists spent years trying to gain access without causing damage. The cargo in the trailer on the other hand had yielded a gold mine of advanced technology. Shasta's last words to Duke were, "Find someone who needs you and will love you." Because no one could move him, he'd been loaded first onto a railway car and transported to a secret laboratory base. But still after years of research no one could unlock his secrets. Sure he could draw small amounts of power from his surroundings but not enough to reach full power. He managed to skim the local computers. Enough to begin trying to find out where he was. But he still could not escape, not without a Driver to imprint his drive computers. And then a few weeks ago they had loaded him onto a flatbed and towed him through a long tunnel to a reinforced concrete building on the surface. From there he linked into the new computers. He had access to something called the Internet. They were preparing to move him by road to a new location. The news was full of reports of a group of humans leaving by a new Portal. But still, though he was now in a position to draw in fuel in the form of static electricity and unburned fossil fuel vapors from the vehicles around him, he could not act. He needed a female driver to insert his master reset key to start his engine. His auxiliary life support only maintained the CPU and the Electronics in the truck. His primary key had been in Shasta's hand when she died, and without her to use it they had no access to the inside of the truck. His master control key was in the safe under his CPU. They were moving him farther from the new portal, he had to do something. In an attempt not to draw attention they decided to move him at night disguised as something called an M1 Battle Tank. There were even several on flat beds being moved at the same time though he was much larger and covered by tarps. By his estimate they made about fifty miles before they stopped to let daytime traffic pass for the day. It was during this first stop that he felt the warmth of a body huddled up under the tarp over his back deck. Automatically now that his electronics were able to permit outside scans he did just that. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lisa Ann, saw the Military Convoy in the roadside park. Everyone had said they were all tanks. But even she could tell the one covered with the heavy tarps wasn't a tank, but what was it? Unafraid of getting into trouble, her whole life had been one mess of trouble ever since she'd awakened naked in the city park. She made her way carefully past the distracted soldiers as they were eating. She knew if she was caught she'd be in really big trouble. But hell she'd been in worse trouble since she'd decided to stop pretending that she was a boy, and just become the girl she knew she was inside. It had started with the party, and then a few incidents when she'd seen things through the cat's eyes. Somewhere inside she knew that the cat was herself, and it terrified her. She carefully slipped up under the tarp onto the flat bed then up onto the back deck of the truck. But it wasn't like any truck she'd ever seen before. It was freaking huge. Something in her mind told her it was Alien. She took advantage of the open space under the tarp to walk upright to the back of the sleeper before she remembered the Bic lighter in her pocket. Still she was afraid of giving herself away. She flicked the wheel enough to see there was a little door there and she tried it. But the handle didn't move. Suddenly she heard the sounds of the other trucks starting up. Pressing herself to the back of the sleeper she drew herself into a little ball as soldiers walked around the trailer checking tie downs. It would be cold with the wind drafting up under the tarp, but the metal around her was warm. She thought maybe it had been warmed by the heat of the sun beating down on the tarp during the day. "Please, just don't let me freeze," she mumbled to herself. As the truck pulled onto the highway, she felt the shivers as the cold wind whipped up under the tarps. "Oh god, please don't let me freeze," she begged the empty air around her again only to be startled as she heard a soft click. Duke had heard both pleas from the strange girl, scanning her he found that she wasn't like those other females he'd encountered here. Her body was only half female. The lower half was male, but still he found Estrogen and Progesterone in the female range surging through her body. More intriguing was the presence of a Feline Gene. He made his decision, if nothing more he would at least keep her from freezing. He opened the rear door for her. Lisa carefully opened the door and squeezed inside, closing it behind her she heard the lock click into place. Then she noticed the soft glow coming from the dash, next she felt the cat trying to escape as the scent of another cat hit her nose. Somehow she knew the sent was decades old. Slowly the cat inside relaxed, stepping back away from the front. Duke blinked his lights, drawing her to the driver's seat. He began with his dash speakers at the lowest setting, gradually raising the volume until she responded to his first question. "My name is Duke, what is yours?" he'd asked a total of five times before she gasped. "Y, you can talk?" "My name is Duke, What is yours?" he asked yet again. "Oh umm, Lisa, Lisa Ann." "And you are a Female Shifter of your species?" he asked outright. "Uhh, yes, yes I'm a girl. What they call a Tranny," she answered. What did he mean by Shifter? "I take hormones to help me become more like the girl that I'm supposed to be." As they talked he searched the Internet using the convoy's constant satellite uplink until he found the required information about Transgendered persons. He researched the word Tranny, and determined that Lisa Ann was in deed a female of her species if she was taking Hormones which had allowed her upper half to become female. They had a lot of time to talk, and he felt he was really getting to know her, and that she truly was meant to be a girl, and that in her heart she was one. But she carefully avoided questions about her feline self. By the time they'd made their second stop, he'd made his decision. "Lisa Ann, if you would form a life time bond with me. Become my driver, I can take you to places the likes of which you have never seen." "H, how can I do that?" she asked. "There is a panel under the main switch bank. Inside is a Master reset key. If you take it out and put it in the ignition, I will be yours until the end of our time." He carefully gave her the combination to the locked panel. "W, why do you need a driver if you're this smart? I mean why not just break loose and run away?" she asked cautiously. "My driver was Terrellian, she had the primary key in her hand when she was killed. Without it I cannot start my engine or the Primary Driving Computers. But I am low on fuel, I need my computers to locate an appropriate fuel source." "Is this a map of where we are now?" she touched the display on the dash. "Yes we are travelling north eastward, away from the closest Freeway Onramp," he told her. She traced a line, "This is the new Seven Nations Border." She said. "If you could get across it the people there would help us." "I do not have enough fuel to reach that line," he stated. "There, there are other trucks like you there. Could you maybe try calling them for help?" she suggested. "I've seen them on the nightly news," she said as she fitted the Master Reset Key into the ignition slot. "It doesn't turn," she said. "No it reactivates the Primary Driver Imprint. Please hold the Steering Wheel with both hands. I will register your DNA and then only you can drive me." Already she felt the warmth as he scanned and stored her DNA. The first thing he did was use his newly activated Computers to open all the Air Scoops drawing in fresh air. The next was to regenerate a new primary drivers Key. Watching she saw the current electrical source meter climbing past the half charge state as his wind powered generators began turning with the wind whipping up under the tarps from the highway. Slowly he began raising the temperature in the cold storage compartment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Primrose and Daisy were visiting with friends in the guest house at the Academy when Prairie Flower alerted them. "Primrose, I am receiving a distress call from a Terrellian Mark Two," he said relaying it to her through the key in her hand. "A Mark Two? Where are they?" she asked as she motioned to get Daisy's attention. "Duke is South of Terre Haute, Indiana on State Highway 41." "How the hell did he get there?" she asked as the pair started making their way to their own truck. Upon hearing Mark Two several Terrellian girls became interested in the conversation and tagged along. Standing on the driver's platform one said, "If it's an old Mark Two it won't be able to run on regular fuel. What are your tanks filled with?" "T-7." Meaning Terrellian fuel mix number seven, a Universal fuel that was compatible to all trucks built by the Intergalactic Shops on Kelvin Nine who built both the Terrellian and Lyconian trucks. "Primrose, I can scoop enough fissionable material as I drive, we can transfer ninety percent of our main supply of fuel to Duke." "Why not call another Terrellian Rig?" she asked. "I have," he answered, "the closest one is the Wraith, and they are just about to use the portal in New Mexico. And Duke is currently chained to a Military HET headed further from the Seven Nations border." "Hop off Girls, we're going to help them?" "Prairie Flower can you put me in touch with the driver?" the trucks engine was already revving up the Driving computers coming fully online. "Hello Star Driver," said a soft, low electronic voice. "Hi, umm are you and your driver both alright?" she asked realizing that she was talking to the truck. "I have been on life support for thirty of your Earth years following the death of my driver. My newly acquired driver is still in the very beginning stages of learning my systems." "Does she have any experience at all?" asked Daisy? "No, I've never driven a truck before," answered a feminine voice. "What's your name Honey?" asked Primrose. "Oh, Lisa, Lisa Ann. I think they're being delayed trying to set up a route past the city. How long before you can get here? I think, I think Duke is going to need help breaking loose. His fuel tanks are almost empty." "If we don't get tied up at the border I estimate about three hours at top safe speed," answered Prairie Flower. "Can you alert the Alpha Alliance before we get there?" Primrose asked her own Truck. "Prairie Flower, this is Alpha Black Ten. May we be of assistance to you in any way?" the Alliance had been monitoring their conversation. "Uh Black Ten, we have to get across the border fast. There's a Terrellian truck in trouble in Indiana," answered Daisy on the radio. "Black Ten, this is Shadow Three, we've been monitoring the conversation. I think we know where that truck is. But we can't do anything that would do them any good unless we have a source of fuel for them." Shadow three was a group of three unmarked Alpha Alliance Escapes patrolling for citizens just like Lisa Ann in need of rescue. They'd actually been shadowing Lisa Ann in hopes of giving her a lift into the Seven Nations Territory. The Shadow vehicles began openly communicating with Duke, so that he would recognize them when the time came. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Primrose and Daisy had no trouble when they reached the border, the Alliance had made sure that the road was clear on their end of the bridge. Only a pair of police cruisers blocked the other end. They'd used this crossing in the past knowing that the officers on duty here didn't feel any real loyalty to their own government. Still they watched wide eyed as Prairie Flower, followed by the alliance fuel tanker and three more of the Alliance Patrol vehicles sped across. The fuel tanker, Black Ten Tango let Prairie Flower take the lead after they hit the interstate. The idea was hit hard and fast before the news media realized there was an Alien Truck on their highways. The Shadow teams had sent one vehicle into town to acquire bolt cutters just in case they needed them for the chains. Once free of the chains, getting the truck off the trailer wouldn't be a problem. The overall length of the HET was nearly four times the length of Duke. The actual cargo portion was about twice his length, and barely over a foot off the ground when raised into the transport position. Shadow One, had an idea to ensure that it was on the ground and not moving. The team's sniper had lay flat on the roof waiting for them to start to move. He had what he called a Splatter round loaded. The hollow point was filled with Mercury, and while it would explode on impact it would sound just like a Hydraulic line bursting. The line he was targeting was the one to the Primary Fluid Tank. But he wasn't going to take out the line. He intended to take out the fitting joint with the shutoff valve, right at the one inch reinforced fitting feeding into the Main line to the Hydraulic Pump. "Hurry up, they're almost back on the damned highway," mumbled the driver just as he squeezed the trigger on the silenced Sniper Rifle. A half second later the fitting burst open, the cargo portion of the HET dropping to the pavement stopping all forward motion. The sudden stop in turn, snapping the heavy chains holding the Terrellian Semi Tractor in place. Seeing his chance, Dukes Engine roared to life as he backed up to the end of the trailer before cutting his wheels and driving off the side of the trailer. The heavy tarps pulling free in the process. Lisa Ann just sat in the driver's seat, wide eyed as duke crashed through the line of HUMMV's in his way before bouncing across the center median and heading towards the Seven Nations Border. She could remember the looks on the soldiers faces seeing her there through the windshield. Suddenly she was surrounded by Alliance SUVs. "You're doing good kid, we got fuel on its way," someone said over the radio. The escape had been so sudden the military hadn't had time to react. All they had to go in pursuit were HUMMVs, but the time it took them to relay orders had cost them. Duke had reached Interstate 70, and the convoy with Prairie Flower. Now an Alpha stood on top of the Lyconian's Auxiliary tank, another on Duke's driver side Primary as they activated the Emergency transfer pump to begin filling the tank with enough fuel to get him across the border. Their plans of slipping back over the lightly guarded bridge were now obsolete, they were racing for one of the bridges at St Louis. No one knew that Lisa Ann was only just now beginning to learn to drive the truck, though he was still operating in Automatic mode. The gear shift was disengaged from the transmission as he shifted himself while letting her learn to shift using the clutch and shift lever. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Black Ten, keep em moving. Shadows path is clear across the Railroad Bridge." Someone called out to them. The railroad bridge was three sets of tracks wide, but seldom used. The Shadow teams had been using it for a long while now since it was unguarded. There had been a fourth set of tracks but those had been removed twenty years before to make a paved roadway for Rail Road service vehicles. It had become a regular crossing point for refugees escaping persecution for being different. Now it was being used to rescue a self-aware truck and the transgendered girl he had chosen to accept as his new driver. One of the Shadow vehicles led the way across with Duke right behind them. Black Ten Tango and the two remaining Shadows brought up the rear. The little convoy was surrounded by other Alliance vehicles as they hit the interstate again. This time traveling at a slower speed until a truck stop came into view. "We are going to stop here and wait for an appropriate fuel tanker to arrive with adequate fuel," stated one of the Alliance drivers. "Wraith to Duke, do you copy?" asked someone over the radio. "Uhh, yes Wraith, I'm here," answered Lisa Ann as Duke was pulling into the truck stop. "We are thirty minutes out, please wait for us so that we may transfer the legal registration as well as inform the Terrellian Guild of the details surrounding the previous owner's death," stated the Police Transports Commander. Lisa Ann was afraid to get out at the truck stop. Afraid someone would steal the truck. Primrose understood her fears, she and Daisy told her they would bring her something from the diner. "Lisa, no male can drive me," Duke informed her. "It is the Terrellian security program imprinted into every Terrellian truck. Only a female can drive me. And then only if you first give them permission while you are holding the steering wheel. You are my Primary as well as only current driver." "But Duke, I don't know how to drive," she worried. "Then I will just have to teach you," he said. "What if the Terrellian Government or Shasta's family tries to take you away from me?" she continued to worry. "Lisa, they cannot do that. You are my driver now." Duke reassured her. "But if they use the master reset key?" "It can only be used if you are no longer living, and then only if you release ownership of your own free will first. As Shasta did with her dying breath." Duke informed her. "Duke, do you have any pictures of Shasta? I feel like I should at least know what she looked like," she said. "Pictures? Oh you mean images. Please stand by while I access the archives." A moment later a holographic image of Shasta appeared standing in the doorway between the driving and living compartment. "She, she was so beautiful," said Lisa as she sat watching images which included Audio of Shasta at different stages of her life. Happy and laughing, to sad and crying. The final images were of Shasta as she lay dying in the dirt. "Find someone who needs you and will love you." After a few moments Duke said, "I will erase the previous Driver files after Wraith completes the legal registration." "N, no Duke, please. I want to be able to remember her. She deserves to be remembered. I want everyone to know what a truly wonderful person she was." "Thank you Star Driver Lisa Ann Lynx. I did not wish to forget her either," said Duke. "But for now, we have visitors." Wraith was pulling into the truck stop headed straight for them. She watched a very pretty Terrellian officer stepped out to the ground. And then Duke opened the passenger side hatch. "Greetings Commander Lorrna Shaye," responded Duke. "C, Commander," Lisa Ann extended her hand. Lorrna gripped it in a friendly hand shake with and a big smile. "So My Grandmothers Truck has been found. Duke, welcome back to the Free Universe." "Y, your Grandmothers truck?" Lorrna saw the sudden fear in her eyes. "Not any longer, please rest assured Duke is yours by right of free choice as well as a gift from my Grandmother, Shasta Shaye. And no one will challenge your ownership." Singer became aware of the conversation coming from the front of the truck as she slowly began to edge her way out of the cold storage compartment. "Lorrna, we have a relayed message from Terrellia," she was informed by Wraith. "Yes, what is it?" "By Royal Decree, Star Driver Lisa Ann Lynx is hereby granted Honorary Terrellian Citizenship, and is requested to visit the Palace at the first available opportunity." "Wraith and Bondage have been detailed to escort said Star Driver safely for her official welcome. She will not be charged for fuel maintenance or provisions while enroute." "Tarriana" "Who is Tarriana?" asked Lisa. Now smiling Lorrna responded, "Tarriana is our Queen." Then she saw the frightened look in the young girl's eyes. "Don't worry, she's really very nice. You'll have plenty of time to learn enough of our customs and courtesies before we get there." Then both saw the wolf and Mountain Lion girls approaching from the diner carrying take out containers. At the foot of the steps they paused to request permission to come up into Duke. At her confused expression hearing Primrose and Daisy's voices Lorrna explained. "They are Shifters. Surely you realized there were other Shifter species out there in world besides Lynx shifters like yourself." "W, what? I, I don't change shapes." Protested Lisa Ann. "Duke, I thought your Medical scan showed that Lisa Ann carries the Shifter Gene?" inquired Lorrna as the two girls climbed into the truck. "That is correct, perhaps it is still dormant?" "Lisa have you never shifted before?" asked the truck. "N, no just, just weird dreams. And," she stopped, a frightened look in her eyes. "I hallucinated at a party once. Someone put something in my drink, but it wasn't real, it was just a hallucination. Right?" Singer both felt the fear, as well as the denial of the truth, and she was even more curious. Who was this human sitting in Duke's driver's seat? "Tell me do you remember this Hallucination?" asked Daisy. "Oh man, I can never forget it. It was so real, it scared the shit out of me. The guy was going to, he was going to take advantage of me. And my body just exploded into this huge cat person and everyone ran." "And?" asked Primrose. "I, chased after them into the park where I, where I woke up naked," She blushed then got a haunted look. "I saw them later. They ran from me. The, the guy that was going to, he, he had these ugly claw marks on his face." Singer saw through the lie, the fear of her inner self as the girl talked with the wolf shifter and the Terrellian Police Commander. "And you've never let your guard down since, have you?" "N, no I don't want to be a monster." "You aren't a monster, you shifted out of self-preservation. You didn't kill anyone did you?" asked Lorrna seriously. "Well no, maybe a rabbit, but I don't really remember it." "That's ok, you can hunt with us while Duke is in the shop for maintenance." Said Primrose. Slowly Singer camouflaged herself and began creeping forward to get a better feel for this curious human. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Lisa, I was nearing time for my next service when Shasta and I missed our fuel stop at Titan," said Duke. "Yes and Wraith has scheduled a pre-run Maintenance stop at one of the only two terminals on this planet with a Terrellian Mechanic and the needed fluids for his system," stated Lorrna. "Are we going to Wyoming or Colorado?" asked Daisy. "Miss Lightfeather, we will be going to your family's terminal. After all they have the most experienced mechanics, and they are closer to the portal. And one of you can ride with Miss Lynx to help her learn to shift gears," it was suggested. "You really don't know how to drive a truck?" Now blushing she answered, "I don't even have a license to drive a car." "That's alright we have a learner truck at home here that you can practice with. If you let me see your pretty fur, I'll even show you where to hunt something bigger than rabbits." "I, I don't know. It scares me, what if, what if someone sees me?" she asked. The feeling of being someone else had been getting stronger, and it scared her. Hugging her now Primrose said, "Relax, you're in the Seven Nations Territories now." They sat with her as she devoured the Long Haul takeout, talking about all the places they'd already seen. Commander Shaye assuring her that Duke was hers no matter what anyone said. "You know, it was trying to find out what became of Duke that led me to the join the Intergalactic Police Academy. I wanted to know what had happened to my Grandmother," said Lorrna. Finally after much assurance, Lisa Ann let herself shift in front of someone else without it being needed for survival. She looked around at those with her. "You are so pretty," Assured Daisy. "So very pretty," echoed Primrose. She glanced shyly at Lorrna, seeing tears in her eyes. At first she was afraid, unsure of why she was crying. Then Lorrna pulled her gently into a hug. "Would you let me be your Momma?" she gently caressed her hair back away from her face. "Become Lisa Ann Shaye?" "You would want me?" "Yes, I've never had any children. But I can't begin to imagine how anyone could not want you for a daughter." Commented Lorna. Duke had been slowly raising the temperature in his long term storage compartment, trying to find the right time to tell Lisa about Singer. But now with Commander Shaye here he had sped up the process to awaken her. Now he realized that Singer was aware of everything and watching, as she let her camouflage drop. "Uhhh, th, there's, there's a huge Spider," she was pointing to the rear of the living compartment where a Goth had dropped her Camouflage as she emerged fully to the middle of the living compartment. "Lorrna, there is a young Goth in the truck," Frill needlessly informed her Life Companion. "I see her. Any idea's where she came from?" Lorrna asked her own Goth. "She's pretty but she looks frightened," commented Lisa edging closer, unafraid now that she knew what species it was. She'd seen the news pictures and reports from the Seven Nations Territories. "Lisa, Singer has been in hibernation since Shasta was killed. She was unbonded," Duke informed them. "Jenna her mother was killed trying to save Shasta. But Singer and Morr remained to help guard me." "Morr? Duke what happened to Morr?" Lorrna asked about the unbonded Male who had been traveling with Shasta, but wasn't here now. "He left seeking help from others at the Kitten Academy or one of the other two Academies that secretly teach Humanoid Aliens," stated the truck. "Miss Clara's?" asked Primrose. "Yes Clara or Gwendolyn Heart were the closest but we were almost three hundred Earth miles south at the time," Duke informed them. "Oh you poor thing, you've been all alone like Duke this whole time," Lisa reached out to the young Goth about the size of a medium dog. Singer crawled forward until she was able to touch Lisa Ann. One feeler outstretched to the human girl. She could feel the love and wonder, the caring and concern. Lorrna's eyes grew wide seeing the Goth nip her own Feeler. But before she could say anything the Goth had touched the same bleeding feeler to the back of Lisa's hand moments before she jabbed a single fang into it mixing their blood and a small bit of venom with Lisa's own blood. But instead of being scared and pushing the Goth away Lisa reacted differently. "You're hungry. You need blood," she said aloud as she offered her hand freely to the Growth Stunted young Goth. "Yes but I should not feed from you, it would cause you harm," she heard the young Goth in her mind. "Daisy, we need," began Primrose. But her sister was already in motion, shifting again to her Mountain Lion form before her feet touched the ground. "I'll bring fresh Rabbits," answered Daisy dashing across the lot. It was only a few minutes later that Daisy returned with two stunned rabbits. "Yo, Duke. Do you need some larger game for the Lynx?" asked one of the Alpha's. "No not for me," answered Lisa. "Singer is nearly starved though." "Lorrna, there is a cattle truck on the other side of the lot," Frill informed her. "The Alpha's are negotiating the purchase of three of the steers for us." "Thank you Frill, I will ask Lisa if she will come with Singer to feed," she said aloud. "Lisa, Singer will feel safer with you there," she now thought to the girl. "You would be better able to protect her in your Lynx form." Lorrna knew that the bond would be strengthened if the pair fed together from the steer. She also had enough knowledge of shifters to know that the young Lynx would be strengthened herself by feeding. As she thought it would happen, she watched as the pair fed from the steer, all the while her own Goth's were feeding from the other two. This was the first time Lisa had set foot outside of Duke since he had let her inside. She saw not just stares but welcoming smiles as well. Now back in the trucks Duke followed Prairie Flower to the Academy with Wraith following close behind. Singer had read from the minds around her of the Great Spirit Journey. And the exchange between Bob and the Goth Arlina. They'd only been at the girl's academy less than a day when Singer felt the thoughts of the Red Banded Tarantula, Cherry drop riding with another truck that had just arrived. Together the pair wandered the lot feeling for the thoughts of the Tarantula. Now they stood in front of Bulldog. Slowly Jake Longcreek climbed down, Cherry Drop riding his shoulder as Joella Longstep joined him from her own truck. Suddenly Frill was there as Singer began requesting to know Cherry Drop's 'Paternal' history. Cherry Drop provided a single drop of blood, from which Singer read the lineage for the last thirty years. In his search, Morr had come across the Arachnid Zoo and decided to free the captive Spiders. Unlike wild spiders though, there inherited memory started when they mated with Morr. As thanks for their rescue, the red banded females who had been born in captivity, mated with him. He had promised to return, and Nameless and her sisters had promised to wait there for him. A promise that his offspring had kept all this time. Only leaving when they too found a companion who cherished them as Morr had showed him that his kind were cherished by their Bondmate's. But Morr had never returned. "You seek to know the life of Morr, our kin from beyond the stars?" came the thoughts from the little park across from the Academy. Everyone bonded with a Goth or Tarantula now turned toward the park across from the Academy. "You know of my brother, little sister?" thought Singer to the Wolf Spider. "Yes I know of your Brother, my Father," thought Willow. "We have remained here watching for more of his kind to come." Fay Whitehorse stepped cautiously out of the little snack stand when she heard the conversation in her mind and then saw the people headed her way following the huge Spiders. She stood staring at the smaller Goth. 'She looks just like Morr,' she thought as tears began rolling slowly down her cheeks. Unknown to her, her own memories of the huge spider she had rescued from the side of the road had been read instantly. She figured he had been hit by a car, she herself had stopped, thinking at first that it was an injured dog she had seen in the ditch that night. He was badly injured and missing three of his legs. She'd tried nursing him back to health, even when out of pain, he'd bitten her she still cared for him. But that had only been the beginning. He'd recovered only long enough to mate with Willow's mother, the Wolf Spider that was then, her own companion. And to teach her to create a bond with other intelligent Spiders. Not wanting the government to get hold of him she had followed her own people's traditions. She had bound his body in a burial shroud, then sent him to wind. Now reaching inside the little vending stand she took out the Urn containing his ashes. "If you are Singer, then that truck you came in must be Duke," surmised Fay. "He was so close to finding help," wept Singer. "Thank you Willow, and thank you Miss Whitehorse for what you tried to do for him." Willow, like the Missouri Red Banded Tarantula's was nearly twice the size of other Earth Spiders on the Continent. To Lorrna she offered the Urn. "He deserves to go home to his own kind." "Thank you, but you should make the journey as his bondmate," said Lorrna. "It is our tradition for the bondmate to carry the ashes to Terrellia." "Perhaps we will see Cherry Drops Mother on our journey," said Willow. "I would like to see Bob again, and her Bond mate. Now Primrose invited Faye Whitehorse to visit her truck. "I'm sure that Spider Silk and her girls will be happy to talk with you," she said and Willow picked the images of Torque and Millie from her recent memories. Instantly she shared them with Fay. "You are welcome to join us," offered Lorrna. "We are to escort Lisa Ann and Duke to Terrellia as soon as Duke has had proper maintenance for the trip. And we would be honored to have you traveling with us." "But I don't have anything that could make such a trip," Fay said. "All I know is running this roach coach. And even its engine doesn't run anymore." It was true, the engine had long given up the ghost. It had been stationary for the last ten years. Before that, she had driven back and forth between Clara's and MMA while she tried to watch for more Goth's to show up. They'd just reached Wraith and Lorrna had placed a call to Reaper. They were waiting for a reply when an alert began blaring from the Communications Console. "Layella, what is happening?" she asked her Communications officer who just cut the message into the intercom system. "Wolfs Bane, to all Intergalactic Police Transports, we have a Transport Down on Delphi Nine. I repeat Transport Snarl is down on Delphi Nine. Unknown Circumstances," said the voice over the Long Range Interstellar Communications. "Ma'am?" "Standard precautions, we are too far out," directed Lorrna. "We cannot act until we know more about what is happening on Delphi Nine." "Commander Shaye," interrupted the young Phase Spider, Daniela as she jumped into the midst of the Command center. "There is nothing that you could do there. They were attacked by a stray Skecksies ship which itself has been destroyed by the Transport Lady Justice." "That's a Black Widow," gasped Lisa. "Yes My mother is Leila, the Sol Quadrant Queen. I am to become the advisor to my Sister in one hundred years when she becomes the Queen," stated the Spider proudly. "So everything Morr showed me in his memories, they are all true," said Fay with new found wonder as she listened to the little Queen telling her about the Academies on Iridani Five, and the Red Widow Hive in the Terrellian Quadrant. "Yes and everything that you tried to do to save Morr, and your taking up his quest, have earned you too a special place in the History of Terrellia," Promised Frill. Fay contacted the young mother who had graduated from Clara's, and worked the Roach Coach stand with her. "Della, the stand is yours. I am going to Terrellia. But you must promise me that you will look out for Bea," she told her mentioning Willow's daughter who still lived under the stand. "Will, will you teach me to make a bond with her before you leave?" Della finally realized how it was that Fay always knew what the Spiders needed. So now they sat with Della and Bea as they created the bond. It was two days later as they were heading to Colorado that they got a response from both Reaper and Spider Silk. "Lorrna we have everything on Delphi Nine under control," began Otru. "Yes I know, but that wasn't why I was trying to contact you," she told him. "Have you ever asked Tiny about her Heritage?" He saw the grin on her face. "No, but I take it you know something huge." "Otru, Saniya, Dessi, they are the offspring of Morr who was Jenna's unbonded Young male who was accompanying my Grandmother when she and Duke disappeared thirty years ago," she ran it all together. "He was searching for help when he mated with a captive Tarantula that he helped to free. But he was injured in an accident and Fay found him and helped him before he finally died of his injuries. But Willow here," she gestured to the Wolf Spider. "Is his last daughter, they were watching Clara's for more of his kind so that she could relay what happened to Shasta, Jenna and Duke." "Wait, you said Duke? Tarriana has detailed Bondage to meet you to escort him and his new driver to Terrellia." Now Lorrna pulled Lisa Ann into the view. "Otru, this is my adopted Daughter, Lisa Ann Shaye. And she has bonded with Duke, and with Singer who has been in hibernation in Dukes cold storage for the last thirty years." "Otru, Lorrna, I have reached Spider Silk and Torque," said Dessi as she cut them into the conversation. An hour later after getting the full story from the spiders they now understood why the Missouri red banded stayed in the one specific area, also why they grew larger than any other species of Tarantula. And then they met Willow who was herself a first generation hybrid. "You know what this means?" asked Otru. "We have to notify the Queen." "She will want to meet with Fay Whitehorse in person. She and Willow will be a guest of Terrellia," stated Saniya. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They'd just reached the Shop at Ute Trucking's, Home Terminal when the call from Tarriana came in. "Commander Shaye, Otru said you needed to talk with me urgently but you didn't wish it to go through the normal channels. Is there some problem with Duke?" she asked with deep concern a moment before her own Goth, Peaches became excited. "You've found descendants of Jenna's offspring! And Singer is still alive," marveled the Queen. "Please tell me you are bringing Miss Whitehorse and Willow with you." "Yes your Majesty. That is why I wanted to call you, to let you know ahead of time. That and to tell you that I am adopting Lisa Ann." "I will sign the adoption myself before you leave Earth," assured the Queen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Beast had just finished dropping his load at the Earta Prime Assistance Center when he received the message. "Spider, we have just received an urgent message for Bob," the truck informed her. "For Bob? Who would be trying to contact Bob?" Spider was suspicious. "Her Majesty Queen Tarriana's Goth, Peaches. Shall I play the message?" "Spider, what's happening?" asked Torque. "I don't know, but we're about to find out," she answered. The message contained a short one for Spider Silk as well, from the queen. "Your presence is requested at the Terrellian Court, along with the Goth/Tarantula, Bob and the Goth/Wolf Spider Willow and her Bond Mate, Fay Whitehorse who will be arriving with the newly rescued Terrellian Truck, Duke." "I believe that Bob and Willow are already acquainted." "Tarriana" Suddenly Spider understood that it wasn't just her care, but a genetic inheritance that had allowed Bob to grow larger than most Tarantula's. It was also the Goth genetics that allowed them to create a mental bond. Grinning now she decided to call her cousin Primrose to see if she'd met Lisa Ann. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was Prairie Flower's first time in the family's training course through the canyons as Primrose led Duke who was teaching Lisa to drive for real. "Yes Spider what's up?" asked Primrose. "Are you in the canyon? What are you doing there?" "Helping Lisa Ann learn to drive Duke. Daisy is with them though so they don't get lost." "You've met them?" "Yes and Bob's Great, Great, Great Aunt Singer if you can believe that?" giggled Primrose. "Oh I have someone who wants to say high to Bob." The view widened to show Willow riding on Fay's shoulder in the passenger seat. "Are you sure this is how your family learns to drive trucks?" they heard another voice over the radio in the background. "Are you getting nervous Layella? If Duke and Prairie Flower can make these turns then Wraith can too." "Prim, is that really a Terrellian Police Transport following you through the Canyon?" asked Spider Silk. "Yes it is and that means that my truck will be able to make the run with me when we come here together," grinned Daisy. They talked as they drove and the conversation soon included Layella, Wraith's primary driver who was doing better than she realized. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Wraith, Bondage, safe travels," called Nightmare as they joined the Earth Convoy leaving for Iridani a week later. "Andorra, Congratulations," giggled Commander Tabitha Springer of the Bondage. She was only making a wild guess after the announcement that Nightmare was now assigned to the Sol Quadrant as her new Patrol sector. Now with a happy grin Andorra waved her hand casually toward the screen, "I have no idea what you are implying." Suddenly the view screens on every Terrellian transport lit up with their Queens image. "Andorra, I am happy for you. But please don't let me see any more images of Nightmare cruising the freeway with streamers and 'Just Married' across the back," she laughed as she held up a still shot taken from the tourist parking lot at the top of the Grand Canyon. "Of course next summer you will swap patrol patterns with the Princess of Pain so that your daughter in law and Granddaughter may visit Draconia." Now it became clear to the Transports why they had all suddenly been assigned to Overlapping Quadrants. Andorra was being assigned to be closer to her husband, as well as the others who had family elsewhere. When Princess Clarita Keeli Volk graduated they would be assigned to Draconia as that would be when Karin's Parole was ended. The tragedy with Snarl had caused both Queens to realize that their Transport officers spent too much time away from home and loved ones. Of course all the quadrants overlapped at Iridani Five, to include those of the Lyconian Transports. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lisa's eyes grew huge watching as they approached the dark haze, at a steady four hundred miles an hour. She was glad that Duke was helping her hold it steady as she felt the gravitational forces from the toll booths. Duke was now pulling a short trailer filled with what Primrose termed a training load of Alfalfa Hay, seed, and dormant Bee Hives. They would be passing through Iridani on their way to Terrellia, and would be leaving the load there. Lisa knew it was really because she'd expressed her feelings of guilt that she wasn't hauling a load like everyone else. But still she, Duke and Singer were happy. Now sitting comfortably in her Lynx form she realized that she no longer needed Hormones if she stayed in this form. "Non-shifting Transgender's have discovered that they no longer need Hormone Replacement once they begin shooting portals on a regular basis," Duke finally informed her. "The Portals seem to make minute adjustments to their DNA each time they pass through one, until they no longer need the extra hormones." An hour later they were all linked up with the convoy, which said it was nice to have the Police Transports linked in, though the two had chosen to remain at the rear of the double column Star Train. Duke was right beside Prairie Flower now and Lisa while being more relaxed after being accepted by everyone after Dukes rescue, was now nervous at going into a more enclosed environment. She didn't yet realized how there could possibly be room in Blue Jay's Dining trailer for everyone. This was Blue Jay and Ruuks maiden run out into the stars. Though Babsie, Caro and Kai were experienced Convoy Diner hands this was the first time in their own Diner, and they were still getting their own staff up to speed. At the same time they were teaching their cousin, Stormy Brightfeather and her crew the best methods as well as what to expect from the Terrellian Academies that Blue Jay would be serving. "I must say this is definitely different than my last trip through the stars," commented Duke as Daisy stood up from the passenger seat once everyone was linked together. Lisa was curious about everything, wanting to know what to expect at each stop along the way. How to greet other races, how to read a star chart. But more importantly how to find shipments, or loads as the other drivers around her called them. Lorrna and a few of her off duty officers made their way forward to Duke. "Lisa, would you like to go forward and get a cup of coffee and something to eat? Singer can join us, they'll have blood patties for her," she offered.

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 2 Rescue

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

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Beginnings Day 5 Suzy to the Rescue

BEGINNINGS - DAY 5 - SUZY TO THE RESCUE When my doorbell rang I hurried to answer. There was Suzy, wearing a cute skirt and top looking ever so good to these tired eyes. She came in and we immediately kissed. Oh how I loved the feel of lipstick on lipstick, breast on breast. Holding her as we purred together I realized how aroused I had been since my dinner with Harry and how wonderful it felt to have her in my arms. We stepped back and she took inventory of my outfit. I did a...

2 years ago
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Twin to The Rescue

My Twin to the Rescue Ken Brown was an average man. When you looked at him, you saw a man that stood about 5'8" tall and was about 165 lbs. He had auburn hair that, although was a bit longer than what you would expect for a business man, was still neat, and clean. He worked as a bank loan officer and was expected to wear a suit to work every day ("You have to present a professional appearance if you want people to take you seriously," his supervisor often said). On his days off,...

3 years ago
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Rescue All my life I've been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I've always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make. Then one day I learned how right I had been .... I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I headed out of town, thinking I'd visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch. The engine...

4 years ago
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Animalslave Rescue

The SPCP "Welcome to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Petslaves," Damian,the chief Investigator, said as he opened the door. Outside, on the step, wasa man with a microphone and two cameramen. "As you no doubt know, we're anoffshoot of the SPCA. This branch was formed when the overpopulation problemmade it necessary for the excess of slaves to begin performing the duties androles of certain animals usually considered pets. We take care of abused, neglected,and abandoned ponygirls...

2 years ago
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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 19 Rescue

I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...

2 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 4 Rescue

“Walk with me, Tia,” said Seth, “and tell me more about this gift” They had been traveling for three days’ forced march now, and all were weary. Aard had recovered quickly, if not yet completely, and Dann’s bruise was healing well, and had subsided to a mere shadow of its former glory. Tia had teased him, saying it made him look like a patch, but patches were black, not purple. They were noisy, too, a minor annoyance when quiet was preferred. Harmless and friendly, patches were often kept as...

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ConvergenceChapter 20 Rescue

Jerome Parsons had been snatched from the cement floor of the loading dock by an invisible hand. Then everything went black. He had still been conscious. He knew that because he was aware of the blackness, the absolute silence that surrounded him, and the fact that he was being led by someone. Jerome was frightened, but not in the same way he had been frightened by the men who had kidnapped him and his family. He was also worried about his family. He needed to find a way to rescue them. “I...

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Anitas RescueChapter 18 Anitas Rescue

It wasn't the fact that Anita refused to be separated from Tony that made up Carol Smith's mind. It was quite the opposite. Tony seemed to be totally devoted to the charming little girl. Well, she was little, but at twelve she was far from a 'little girl' emotionally. Physically she might never top Tina's height by very much and it would take quite a few of Carol's famous peach cobblers to ever get her over a hundred and ten pounds. No, it was Tony's reaction to her new daughter...

2 years ago
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Capitol BeatChapter 5 Revenge Rescue

Zoe was escorted into the empty elevator that would whisk them to the top of the Washington Monument. Zoe noticed there was a long wrapped package propped up against the elevator wall. Zoe had good reason to fear Claire’s wrath, but her angst over her mother’s reaction was overruled by her human feelings for Francis. Their relationship had blossomed like the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin and the national monuments in Washington DC. Slap! Claire slapped Zoe who had just delivered...

3 years ago
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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 5 The rescue

As everyone was saying how lucky he or she was to have escaped the raid, a man was seen running from the direction we had come the previous day. Since it was obvious that the villagers were familiar with the runner they ran to meet him. Apparently, the previous day his small village had been raided, the raiders had killed two men and taken their wives, as well as the runner's wife as hostages. The raiders had consisted of fourteen men and had been observed heading west. So working out that...

4 years ago
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RedTails Rescued

This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.This means that my works may be reposted elsewhere provided that proper credit is given, the full work is available verbatim, and no fee or other restrictions are implemented in order to access my works.Additionally, as per the Share-Alike term,...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked 2 Rescued

1. WAITING TO BE RESCUED! As the boat came towards our island to rescue us, I gathered a few items quickly that I thought I might need. I had no idea what the ship was that we were going to be taken to. I rushed around the shelter and threw some underwear, panties and bras, a few skirts and tops and a couple of pairs of shoes quickly into a bag. I put some makeup into a hand bag and then at the last moment, I grabbed a packet of the contraceptive pills I had been taking for so long and...

4 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 14 Rescued

Thoughts I remember well the day I became more interesting. It was actually the day that I became aware of myself. The day I awoke from my dream and found myself able to put my hands — mentally at least — on the controls of my body. Everything up until now, although I've talked about it as if I experienced it firsthand, has been the dream-walk I've described. I talk about my past life the same way a human does, but all of us are only relating memories of events we believe we once...

2 years ago
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Dads Rabbit Rescue

I remember one time when I was in high school, we lived in a garden apartment in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The superintendent had just cut the grass on the lawn, and disturbed a nest of four baby rabbits. Those little fuzzy soft baby bunnies were only about three inches long, tops. And they scattered about for a bit, and I was able to catch three of them in my hands, and get them inside of a big cardboard box. But there was one little baby bunny that was missing, and we searched and searched...

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At Her Rescue

Amelia Donovan was going through some very difficult times. She had just lost her husband James who had been killed in war and she’s been in battle with her family who were pressuring her to marry under arrangement. She lived in New England with her mother, father, two sisters, and a younger brother. Then one morning, she decided to take a walk to the beach. She loved the smell of the ocean air and the feel of the soft sand under her shoe-covered feet. So she saw a boat and went rowing. A...

1 year ago
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At Her Rescue

Amelia Donovan was going through some very difficult times. She had just lost her husband James who was killed in war and she's been in battle with her family who were pressuring to marry under arrangement. She lived in New England with her mother, father, two sisters, and a younger brother. Then one morning, she decided to take a walk to the beach. She loved the smell of the ocean air and the feel of the soft sand under her shoe-covered feet. So she went to the boat and went rowing. A storm...

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The Pigtail Curtsey Skipping Game

Hello tiffy, Do you remember the little game the Ladies played with skipping sissy betty? Well now you're going to play! This will be at the Resort with you in charlene's place, the pathetic sissy husband of Lorraine. I won't tell you how many rounds you're going to play, so we'll just play till I tire of you. Before we begin, tell Me the rules as you understand them. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Mistress Joy )&( sissy betty skips around in a...

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Home Coming Queen to Hooker Pt 1 Rescue

I was always the class geek in high school, they called me Gary the geek! Jump forward eight years with four years of college majoring computer science and coding and four years of Seal Team training and what do you have a hansom bulked up geek! My job with the team is to go in take over a location or take out a target, then I would gather all the electronic equipment and data devices, take them back to base and extract any useful information. Our schedule consisted of days of intense training...

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The Rescuer

The Rescuer by Caroline Jane Bradley Revised 2019 Part One A long weekend David Sheriff had always enjoyed the occasions when, after a long week at work, he could get home on Friday night and start the process of relaxation. His routine was such that, within 10 minutes of walking through the front door of his small house on the outskirts of London, he was luxuriating in a deep bath containing an...

1 year ago
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Lesbian To The Rescue

I am not a super-hero, I’m not sure they even exist other than comics, movies, and TV. But I was inspired by a complete stranger to not be afraid to do some things some people I know have called ‘heroic’. It all started when I was all of eighteen years old and working at a small airport bookstore. You know the type of job, you keep the shelves filled, cash out customers, and pretty well try and stay busy enough not to be bored. It seemed in the time before kindles, people traveling bought lots...


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