Babsis Leiden - Teil 1 free porn video

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Babsi, eine attraktive Mittvierzigern ist seit rund 3 Jahren geschieden und zieht alleine ihren 14jähren Sohn groß. Jan ist ein schmächtiger, schüchterner Junge, der viel jünger wirkt. Babsi ist Abteilungsleiterin in einer großen Firma mit mehreren hundert Angestellten. Sie ist mit ihren 170 cm und ihren üppigen Rundungen eine stattliche Erscheinung. Da Babsi seit jeher viel Sport betreibt, ist ihr Körper zwar sehr fraulich aber trotzdem fest. Besonders auffallend ist ihr üppiger Busen (DD), mit dunklen Warzenhöfen und dicken Nippeln. Diese sind zudem sehr lang, werden bei allen möglichen und unmöglichen Situationen steif und zeichnen sich dann deutlich sichtbar ab. Darauf ist Babsi sehr stolz. Sie trägt deshalb bewusst nur dünne BHs ohne Einlagen und genießt die unverhohlen geilen Blicke ihrer männlichen Arbeitskollegen. Allerdings ist sie, mit dem Rest ihres Körpers nicht sehr zufrieden, sie findet sich im Gegensatz zu ihren jungen, schlanken Arbeitskolleginnen zu dick. Mit ihrer Weiblichkeit und ihrem freundlichen Wesen ist Babsi bei den meisten Arbeitskollegen sehr beliebt, nur ein paar Kolleginnen sind deswegen sehr neidisch und können sie nicht ausstehen.

Wenn im Sommer schönes Wetter ist, verbringen Babsi und Jan die Wochenenden am liebsten an einer verschwiegenen Lichtung am nahegelegen Fluss. Da sie einige 100 Meter vom nächsten Parkplatz entfernt und von dichtem Auwald umgeben ist, kennt kaum jemand dieses idyllische Plätzchen.

Es ist Samstag und wunderbares Badewetter. Babsi steht früh auf, weckt Jan, wäscht sich rasch und zieht sich an. Sie verzichtet auf Unterwäsche, Shorts und ein knappes T-Shirt reichen. Rasch hat sie alles Notwendige zusammengepackt und schon geht’s los. Am Waldparkplatz angekommen, wundert sich Babsi, dass so früh schon zwei Kleinbusse dastehen. Jan schlägt voller Vorfreude ein rasches Tempo an. Das und die schon überraschend hohen Temperaturen sorgen dafür, dass bei Babsi der Schweiß bald in Strömen an ihren Brüsten herunterläuft. Der dünne Stoff ihres T-Shirts wird dadurch an manchen Stellen transparent. Ihr üppiger Busen, durch keinen BH behindert, schwingt im Takt ihrer Schritte hin und her. Die Reibung des dünnen Stoffes lässt ihre Brustwarzen steif werden.

Am Ziel angekommen, sieht Babsi zu ihrer Überraschung, dass eine Jugendgruppe an „ihrem“ Platz campiert. Zwei Frauen, offensichtlich die Aufsichtspersonen, stehen mit dem Rücken zu ihr und unterhalten sich. Als sie bemerken, wie die pubertierenden Jugendlichen mit offenem Mund an ihnen vorbeischauen, drehen sich die beiden um. Sofort erkennt Babsi, dass es sich bei den Frauen um Arbeitskolleginnen handelt, die sie nicht ausstehen kann. Auch die Frauen erkennen sie sofort. Sie starren auf Babsi nahezu durchsichtige T-Shirt, sehen wie sich ihre Brüste heben und senken und ihre Brustwarzen den dünnen Stoff durchbohren. Jetzt ist ihnen auch klar, warum die Jungs so entgeistert geschaut haben. Babsi nickt ihnen kurz zu und will mit Jan vorbeigehen. Ohne Vorwarnung zieht die Ältere der beiden Babsis rechte Brustwarze brutal zur Seite. Babsi stöhnt laut auf und geht in die Knie. „Na Du geile Eutersau, was für ein schöner Zufall. Die Männer in der Firma haben nur noch Augen für Deine dicken Titten und Zitzen. Uns beachtet ja niemand mehr. Wie schön, dass wir nun das ganze Wochenende Zeit haben, Dir diese Demütigungen heimzuzahlen.“ Jan schreit auf und will seiner Mutter zu Hilfe kommen. Helga, die jüngere der beiden Frauen schlägt ihm ihre Faust mitten ins Gesicht. Jan stürzt mit heftig blutender Nase halb ohnmächtig zu Boden. Da sieht Babsi rot und wirft sich mit unbändiger Wut auf ihre Arbeitskolleginnen. Babsi schlägt heftig auf die Beiden ein, als Jans verzweifelter Schrei sie innehalten lässt. Die Jungs haben ihren Sohn geschnappt und seine Hosen heruntergezogen. Leonhard, ein kräftig gebauter Bursche mit brutalem Gesicht hält Jans kleinen Penis und Hoden in der Hand und drückt unbarmherzig zu. „Wenn Du jemals Enkel haben möchtest, würde ich an Deiner Stelle sofort aufhören“ schreit der Grobian. Jan laufen bereits Tränen über das Gesicht und Babsi gibt ihren Widerstand auf.
Babsis Hiebe hat die Frauen nun richtig in Rage gebracht. Zwei von den Jungs müssen Stricke aus einem Zelt holen. Jan wird komplett nackt ausgezogen und an einen Baum gefesselt. Mit einer Schnur werden Penis und Hoden so stramm abgebunden, dass sie sich dunkelrot verfärben. Die Frauen befehlen Sebastian, dem Jüngsten der Gruppe, bei Bedarf kräftig an der Schnur zu ziehen. Jan schreit auf, als Sebastian das gleich mit einem boshaften Grinsen ausprobiert.

Babsi laufen die Tränen übers Gesicht, als sie ihren geliebten Sohn so sieht. Die beiden Frauen zwingen Babsi, sich ungefähr drei Meter vor ihrem Sohn hinzustellen. Anita, die ältere der beiden befiehlt Axel und Bernd, zwei muskulösen Burschen, Babsi an den Armen festzuhalten. Die beiden kommen dem sofort nach, drehen ihr die Arme brutal auf den Rücken. Sie nützen die Gelegenheit, Babsis geschwollene Nippel brutal in die Länge zu ziehen. Babsi jault auf und Jan weint bitterlich. Helga lässt sich von Leonhard ein Messer geben und nähert sich Babsi mit einem fiesen Grinsen im Gesicht. Sie packt Babsis T-Shirt am Halsausschnitt, zieht es ein wenig nach vorn und schneidet es mit einer fließenden Bewegung der Länge nach durch. Endgültig durch nichts mehr behindert, schwingen Babsis üppige Titten hin und her. Die Jungs und Mädchen stöhnen bei dem Anblick geil auf und langen sich in den Schritt. „Ihr könnt Euch gerne ausziehen“ meint Anita, ich werde es jedenfalls tun. Im Nu sind alle nackt, die Jungs wichsen ihre steifen Schwänze und die Mädels fingern ihre triefenden Fotzen. Entsetzt schaut Babsi auf das Bild, das sich ihr bietet. Besonders schockiert ist sie, als sie sieht, dass sich auch Jans kleiner Schwanz aufrichtet. Sebastian schnappt sich einen biegsamen Zweig und schlägt brutal auf Jans steifes Schwänzchen. Bevor er aufschreien kann, hält im Leonhard den Mund zu.

Helga hat inzwischen das T-Shirt auch an den Ärmeln durchschnitten und Babsi steht nun mit nacktem Oberkörper da. Helga packt mit ihrer Linken Helgas rechte Melone und drückt grob zu. Der Nippel steht nun noch weiter ab und Helga drückt die scharfe Spitze des Jagdmessers rücksichtlos in die geschwollene Zitze. Helga heult auf und ein Blutstropfen tropft von ihrer rechten Brustwarze zu Boden. Als nächstes schiebt Helga das Messer zwischen hinter den Bund von Babsis Hotpants und schneidet den Stoff durch. „Seht auch das an“ ruft Helga „die geile Sau trägt kein Höschen“. Babsi Fotze ist wie immer glatt rasiert und ihr dicken Schamlippen sind dank des ausgeprägten Venushügels gut sichtbar. Anita kann sich nicht mehr halten, stellt sich neben Babsi, packt mit beiden Händen deren Schamlippen und zieht sie grob weit auseinander. Babsis großer Kitzler steht nun ungeschützt im hellen Licht der Sonne. Bei dem Anblick spritzen zwei Jungs ihre Ladungen direkt auf Babsis Oberschenkel und eines der Mädchen fickt sich mit ihrer Hand zum Orgasmus. Helga nützt die Gelegenheit und piekst die Messerspitze nun auch in Babsis geschwollenen Kitzler. Das treibt Babsi wieder Tränen in die Augen.

Anita befiehlt nun, Babsi an Armen und Beinen zu fesseln und auf den Boden zu werfen. „Kommt alle zu mir“ ruft sie „jeder überlegt sich nun, was wir als nächstes mit dieser geilen Sau anstellen wollen. Für den besten Vorschlag gibt’s eine Flasche Wodka und darf in zusammen mit mir ausführen“.

Fortsetzung folgt.

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Master of The House

My name is Justin and I am eighteen years old. I want to explain to you why I have a step-father and a step-mother. My biological father married Maria when I was nine years old. Maria came into the marriage with a ten year old daughter named Gwen. Dad and Maria were married for five years when he was tragically killed in a auto accident. I had nowhere to live other than with Maria and being fourteen I stayed with her and Gwen. They were happy to have me with them and Maria was appointed my...

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Kathys Dog ActChapter 7

"I don't understand why you want to wash your hair now," Helen said as she came in with a set of bath towels. "Never mind," Kathy said as she grabbed the towels and ushered the wardrobe mistress out of her dressing room. "I'm just a little tired and dirty," Kathy said without explaining, she gently pushed the woman out into the hall. "Actresses! I'll never understand them," Helen said disgustedly and then walked away. "Thank God!" Kathy said, throwing off her hat and stepping...

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A Quicky Vacation part 13

(Sorry I've been away for awhile, but I've been getting "inspired" in the pass 3 days. It's Sept. 2nd and I hope you readers of xhamster will enjoy my story. And thank you for ur comments, questions, and feed back

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Forces of Love

I reach out and grip you with both hands, gripping your arms that you seem unable to lift from your sides. Your breathing quickens, causing your breasts to rise and fall as I move very close to you. You are unable to run, captive, not knowing what I will do to you as my eyes look down into yours only inches between us. You squeeze them closed not knowing what will happen, and then you feel it. My lips press gently to your forehead, softly kissing you. Your eyes open and you look up at...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 26

------------------------------------------------------ Drag queens, mobsters, and spooks, oh my! -------------------------------------------------------- My presence in this would be minimal. After all, I could be spotted a hundred miles away. And that was the plan. Project T was going in and mussel in on the action the secret organization had going. New Orleans was, after all their base. So our group would come in and try to get as much of the action as possible and wait for...

3 years ago
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Doing it all OverChapter 14

Those four words: There's been an accident, brought the blackest dread to my heart in that instant. Just four little words, a simple arrangement of syllables rolling off my father's tongue and I felt that my whole world had just collapsed around me. I felt fate at work, felt it's presence as I had in the garage when Mike had said he was thinking about joining the Air Force, only stronger, in lethal proportion. Had I really thought that I could thwart fate in the matter of a life? Had I...

4 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 19

Riley Hart, Alvin’s wife, would prove to be an absolutely fantastic fuck, along with being extremely beautiful. She had a thick mane of blonde hair that was parted on the side and brushed over, with a long sweeping bang by her left eye. It hung down in long waves to several inches below her shoulders. Her angelic face had pretty blue eyes and a very sexy mouth with slightly pouty lips. Riley’s body was an incredibly sexy 35-24-35 with extremely nice C-cup breasts. In fact, before she was...

1 year ago
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Janets Awakening Part 1

My mother was a couple years younger than my father and was 5’5’ tall with a nice figure and large breasts and round hips that attracted attention from guys. She has green eyes and long curly red hair. My oldest brother 4 years older than me and is 5’11” tall with a husky build. He has green eyes and blonde hair like my father cut short. My other brother is 2 years older than me and is 6 foot tall with a slim build. He has hazel eyes and red hair to his shoulders like the members of the...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 32 Winds of Change

“Congratulations!” I said as I held my glass of champagne up before the interns and the cameras. “You’ve all done a tremendous job over the past month, and we brought home the winning bid for the Army’s contract.” They cheered for themselves. They had worked hard, together; both in Nevada at the Lab, as well as in the temporary production facility we had set up in Atlanta. They had overcome logistics and manufacturing issues, and had established an actual production line in record-setting...

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At the Summit Ch 05

by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Late in 1997 ‘I don’t think that I can wait to find out what Laetitia is going to do with Dean!’ Sophia smiled at me meaningfully and laughed deeply. She arose from her chair and advanced on me. Her curves and points showed up well, even in the cotton exercise outfit, especially as the look on her face and her manner of moving indicated a deep longing for something more than words from me. The faint traffic noise outside, the...

4 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 17

Jenna and Joanna, of course, didn’t get to watch the video until after Joanna was moved out of the ICU and began the process of release from the hospital. Still, it seemed to entertain both of them while they waited. I had, of course, in my enthusiasm forgotten that cell phones are banned from most of the significant areas of a hospital. Even so, Jenna and Joanna thought of it as a very sweet gesture, as indicated by the video that Joanna sent me after she got into Jenna’s Ford Ranger and...

2 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 36 Mattress Relay Round 1

Early Friday Afternoon Eventually, with Abril’s gentle urging, the “bold move” I expected came from the one who was the most timid. Li and Abril pushed Resha to me. She took note of the fact that I was a more than a little swollen someplace. “I was wondering ... if maybe you would not mind ... well, I would kind of like...” Resha was not normally this shy, at my office she sheds everything before the door is even closed. (Except, sometimes, her push-up half bra - I encourage her to wear it...

2 years ago
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The Carpet Cleaner Part 2

I had just showered and sat down with a cold one when my phone rang, it was Dennis the boss and he had a quote for me, the price albeit a little high was reasonable considering the ‘extras’ so I agreed for him and Kate to come over tomorrow.“Will the back entrance be accessible?” he asked, I liked Dennis as he was full of inuendo’s and I told him my back entrance was always open and he laughed as we both had the same sense of humour, “That’s good” he said, “Katie likes to use the back entrance...

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I caught my mates sister

I'd arrived at pauls house at about 8 o'clock for our usual thursday night out on the town. It had been raining most of the day but had stopped in the last hour or so . Paul told me to leave my jacket behind and that i could pick it back up in the morning, as no one would be in he gave me the spare key. I caught movement through the living room door and saw pauls younger sister Sally walk past into the kitchen. She was 19 and at college, 3 years younger than me and paul.She was about 5'7 tall ,...

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I Fell in Love with a Ghost

This is not a Halloween story. I just added the bit at the end in honor of the holiday. Hope you enjoy. ………………………………………… He just showed up one day, and the bar owner did everything but kiss his ass in front of everyone. He even set up a small table in the back near the restrooms, and no one was allowed to sit there except him. The place had been a working class bar forever, but when the economy went bad and manufacturing dried up, all that was left were the unemployed and the retirees. The...

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Getting slutty

Lisa was pleased to be able to help her friend out at the exhibition but was nervous as it was her first time at a sex exhibition, let alone helping out at one.Her friend Debbie tried to persuade her to dress up in some of her merchandise telling her that her blond hair, 5ft 4inch slim frame and large breats would help raise some much needed money. After a large gin and tonic, which her friend kept topping up when she wasn't looking, she agreed. Debbie picked out a daring black low cut mini...

2 years ago
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Aunt Abby and The Artist Part 1

This story is dedicated to my friend Abby... I hope it makes her dreams come true.'Aunt Abby and the Artist' (Part 1)David Connelly walked briskly through the airport terminal towards baggage claim. This was the first time the teenager had ever flown by himself, but he wasn’t nervous. In fact he was a little upset that his mom and dad had forced him to take this trip to stay with a relative while they took a vacation cruise. David, or ‘Davey’ as his mom still called him, had protested that...

3 years ago
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My Baptism

So I thought I was a true Cock Worshipper, but my friend told me that there are many interpretations as to what Cock worship was. When he said he belonged to a Worshippers Church, he meant just that. The group he belonged to was devoted to the worship of Cock, Priapus being the God of Cock and Cum being the sacrament.....the seed of life....that all things come from. There were rules when at church that must be followed and all members must present themselves once a month to a church service,...

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The Santa Claus Suit

Here I was at the Halloween Party. Since it was for mostly the salaried employees I figured no one would recognize me; especially in the Santa suit. I hoped the little rumor spread earlier worked. I guess I would know in the next hour or so. I figure I should explain this story from the beginning. My name is Ross Hughes and I've been employed with General Motors for the past fifteen years. I got this job thanks to my dad and uncle who helped get me it many years ago. I was a jock in high...

2 years ago
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Miss Pink Part 2 Induction Night

ONE I'd been at home a while. It was a few days later and I'd just finished a display change with Abbie. We got along great and made easy work of it. Out for about half six and home for seven. After a nice, relaxing bubble bath, the scented berry aroma lulling me for a good half an hour, I dressed in a sexy little thong and bra, pleated skirt and soft, patterned blouse. Just a hint of make-up. A nice day look, even though it was night-time. I pulled my shoulder length hair back and...

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What is it about office sex that is so enamoring? If you are the boss and you have a sexual conquest, is it satisfying? If you are the junior and your boss conquers you sexually is it satisfying? I have wondered and wondered pretty often. Unfortunately for most of my working life (except once) I have been working in places where it has been a combination of non-attractive women and / or un-available women. This is the story of that one exception… The org was pretty big one with close to 3000...

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Transgender Latex Lust Samanthas Story

Several years ago, I was asked by a major latex clothing designer, to model for her latex- wear catalog. I had done it once before, with my then girlfriend, Karen, so I had no reluctance to doing it again. This time, I again agreed to do it, as it was so much fun wearing all those hot, skin-tight outfits, especially under the blazing studio lights. Teamed with me this time was Samantha, a very attractive girl of mixed parentage. Her Father is an American, her Mother is Japanese. Samantha is a...

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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land Adult Story

Sue was disoriented. She had been separated from the rest of the team. She had fought a piece of the strange alien robot Reed warned them about. To her utter horror, a dinosaur like creature had lifted her off the ground in mid-battle. When she finally reacted with her force powers, she was dropped miles away from the team. Unfortunately, the fall broke her communicator and locater. It would be hard for Reed and the team to find her. To her own dismay, she decided to trudge out into the forest...

3 years ago
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Missy Young But Shy NymphoChapter 2

Missy was loving the fact that she was finally experiencing the sexy hotness of being with Ethan, the well-hung young black man that she'd been fantasizing about having sex with for quite some time. As Missy had gone into his apartment, he'd quickly taken matters into his hands and he soon had Missy naked and then his own clothes off too as he seduced her and then mounted her for a very sexy interracial fuck. Missy wasn't the only one who had been fantasizing. Ethan had noticed Missy...

1 year ago
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My Friends Introduce Me to the Joys of the Pool Jet Part 1

I spent the second semester of my freshman year in college in an exchange program in Germany. I got along well with everyone, particularly the girls in my class, who would go together as a group to a spa that had a nice, heated pool that was nice to swim in, particularly during the cold months of the winter. I had been to the pool several times with them, and this time didn't seem any different than the previous ones at first. It was around closing time, and I saw a girl from my class, a German...

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Making the RevolutionChapter 3

Jos and Zeke drove a bit further towards the Yardungarl Community from Lake Argyle Road on their return. “We think it can be done,” Jos reported. “Zeke thinks someone he knows in Wyndham can supply what’s needed.” “We’ll need some dosh an’ a slab o’ tallies,” said Zeke. “Mebbe two slabs.” [A slab is a carton of 24 bottles or cans; a tallie is a 750 ml bottle (about 25 fl. oz. or .8 of a quart).] “No moolah?” “Nah. If we bring a bag o’ maccas [McDonald’s], he won’t want any razoos.” “So,...

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