Babsis Leiden - Teil 1 free porn video

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Babsi, eine attraktive Mittvierzigern ist seit rund 3 Jahren geschieden und zieht alleine ihren 14jähren Sohn groß. Jan ist ein schmächtiger, schüchterner Junge, der viel jünger wirkt. Babsi ist Abteilungsleiterin in einer großen Firma mit mehreren hundert Angestellten. Sie ist mit ihren 170 cm und ihren üppigen Rundungen eine stattliche Erscheinung. Da Babsi seit jeher viel Sport betreibt, ist ihr Körper zwar sehr fraulich aber trotzdem fest. Besonders auffallend ist ihr üppiger Busen (DD), mit dunklen Warzenhöfen und dicken Nippeln. Diese sind zudem sehr lang, werden bei allen möglichen und unmöglichen Situationen steif und zeichnen sich dann deutlich sichtbar ab. Darauf ist Babsi sehr stolz. Sie trägt deshalb bewusst nur dünne BHs ohne Einlagen und genießt die unverhohlen geilen Blicke ihrer männlichen Arbeitskollegen. Allerdings ist sie, mit dem Rest ihres Körpers nicht sehr zufrieden, sie findet sich im Gegensatz zu ihren jungen, schlanken Arbeitskolleginnen zu dick. Mit ihrer Weiblichkeit und ihrem freundlichen Wesen ist Babsi bei den meisten Arbeitskollegen sehr beliebt, nur ein paar Kolleginnen sind deswegen sehr neidisch und können sie nicht ausstehen.

Wenn im Sommer schönes Wetter ist, verbringen Babsi und Jan die Wochenenden am liebsten an einer verschwiegenen Lichtung am nahegelegen Fluss. Da sie einige 100 Meter vom nächsten Parkplatz entfernt und von dichtem Auwald umgeben ist, kennt kaum jemand dieses idyllische Plätzchen.

Es ist Samstag und wunderbares Badewetter. Babsi steht früh auf, weckt Jan, wäscht sich rasch und zieht sich an. Sie verzichtet auf Unterwäsche, Shorts und ein knappes T-Shirt reichen. Rasch hat sie alles Notwendige zusammengepackt und schon geht’s los. Am Waldparkplatz angekommen, wundert sich Babsi, dass so früh schon zwei Kleinbusse dastehen. Jan schlägt voller Vorfreude ein rasches Tempo an. Das und die schon überraschend hohen Temperaturen sorgen dafür, dass bei Babsi der Schweiß bald in Strömen an ihren Brüsten herunterläuft. Der dünne Stoff ihres T-Shirts wird dadurch an manchen Stellen transparent. Ihr üppiger Busen, durch keinen BH behindert, schwingt im Takt ihrer Schritte hin und her. Die Reibung des dünnen Stoffes lässt ihre Brustwarzen steif werden.

Am Ziel angekommen, sieht Babsi zu ihrer Überraschung, dass eine Jugendgruppe an „ihrem“ Platz campiert. Zwei Frauen, offensichtlich die Aufsichtspersonen, stehen mit dem Rücken zu ihr und unterhalten sich. Als sie bemerken, wie die pubertierenden Jugendlichen mit offenem Mund an ihnen vorbeischauen, drehen sich die beiden um. Sofort erkennt Babsi, dass es sich bei den Frauen um Arbeitskolleginnen handelt, die sie nicht ausstehen kann. Auch die Frauen erkennen sie sofort. Sie starren auf Babsi nahezu durchsichtige T-Shirt, sehen wie sich ihre Brüste heben und senken und ihre Brustwarzen den dünnen Stoff durchbohren. Jetzt ist ihnen auch klar, warum die Jungs so entgeistert geschaut haben. Babsi nickt ihnen kurz zu und will mit Jan vorbeigehen. Ohne Vorwarnung zieht die Ältere der beiden Babsis rechte Brustwarze brutal zur Seite. Babsi stöhnt laut auf und geht in die Knie. „Na Du geile Eutersau, was für ein schöner Zufall. Die Männer in der Firma haben nur noch Augen für Deine dicken Titten und Zitzen. Uns beachtet ja niemand mehr. Wie schön, dass wir nun das ganze Wochenende Zeit haben, Dir diese Demütigungen heimzuzahlen.“ Jan schreit auf und will seiner Mutter zu Hilfe kommen. Helga, die jüngere der beiden Frauen schlägt ihm ihre Faust mitten ins Gesicht. Jan stürzt mit heftig blutender Nase halb ohnmächtig zu Boden. Da sieht Babsi rot und wirft sich mit unbändiger Wut auf ihre Arbeitskolleginnen. Babsi schlägt heftig auf die Beiden ein, als Jans verzweifelter Schrei sie innehalten lässt. Die Jungs haben ihren Sohn geschnappt und seine Hosen heruntergezogen. Leonhard, ein kräftig gebauter Bursche mit brutalem Gesicht hält Jans kleinen Penis und Hoden in der Hand und drückt unbarmherzig zu. „Wenn Du jemals Enkel haben möchtest, würde ich an Deiner Stelle sofort aufhören“ schreit der Grobian. Jan laufen bereits Tränen über das Gesicht und Babsi gibt ihren Widerstand auf.
Babsis Hiebe hat die Frauen nun richtig in Rage gebracht. Zwei von den Jungs müssen Stricke aus einem Zelt holen. Jan wird komplett nackt ausgezogen und an einen Baum gefesselt. Mit einer Schnur werden Penis und Hoden so stramm abgebunden, dass sie sich dunkelrot verfärben. Die Frauen befehlen Sebastian, dem Jüngsten der Gruppe, bei Bedarf kräftig an der Schnur zu ziehen. Jan schreit auf, als Sebastian das gleich mit einem boshaften Grinsen ausprobiert.

Babsi laufen die Tränen übers Gesicht, als sie ihren geliebten Sohn so sieht. Die beiden Frauen zwingen Babsi, sich ungefähr drei Meter vor ihrem Sohn hinzustellen. Anita, die ältere der beiden befiehlt Axel und Bernd, zwei muskulösen Burschen, Babsi an den Armen festzuhalten. Die beiden kommen dem sofort nach, drehen ihr die Arme brutal auf den Rücken. Sie nützen die Gelegenheit, Babsis geschwollene Nippel brutal in die Länge zu ziehen. Babsi jault auf und Jan weint bitterlich. Helga lässt sich von Leonhard ein Messer geben und nähert sich Babsi mit einem fiesen Grinsen im Gesicht. Sie packt Babsis T-Shirt am Halsausschnitt, zieht es ein wenig nach vorn und schneidet es mit einer fließenden Bewegung der Länge nach durch. Endgültig durch nichts mehr behindert, schwingen Babsis üppige Titten hin und her. Die Jungs und Mädchen stöhnen bei dem Anblick geil auf und langen sich in den Schritt. „Ihr könnt Euch gerne ausziehen“ meint Anita, ich werde es jedenfalls tun. Im Nu sind alle nackt, die Jungs wichsen ihre steifen Schwänze und die Mädels fingern ihre triefenden Fotzen. Entsetzt schaut Babsi auf das Bild, das sich ihr bietet. Besonders schockiert ist sie, als sie sieht, dass sich auch Jans kleiner Schwanz aufrichtet. Sebastian schnappt sich einen biegsamen Zweig und schlägt brutal auf Jans steifes Schwänzchen. Bevor er aufschreien kann, hält im Leonhard den Mund zu.

Helga hat inzwischen das T-Shirt auch an den Ärmeln durchschnitten und Babsi steht nun mit nacktem Oberkörper da. Helga packt mit ihrer Linken Helgas rechte Melone und drückt grob zu. Der Nippel steht nun noch weiter ab und Helga drückt die scharfe Spitze des Jagdmessers rücksichtlos in die geschwollene Zitze. Helga heult auf und ein Blutstropfen tropft von ihrer rechten Brustwarze zu Boden. Als nächstes schiebt Helga das Messer zwischen hinter den Bund von Babsis Hotpants und schneidet den Stoff durch. „Seht auch das an“ ruft Helga „die geile Sau trägt kein Höschen“. Babsi Fotze ist wie immer glatt rasiert und ihr dicken Schamlippen sind dank des ausgeprägten Venushügels gut sichtbar. Anita kann sich nicht mehr halten, stellt sich neben Babsi, packt mit beiden Händen deren Schamlippen und zieht sie grob weit auseinander. Babsis großer Kitzler steht nun ungeschützt im hellen Licht der Sonne. Bei dem Anblick spritzen zwei Jungs ihre Ladungen direkt auf Babsis Oberschenkel und eines der Mädchen fickt sich mit ihrer Hand zum Orgasmus. Helga nützt die Gelegenheit und piekst die Messerspitze nun auch in Babsis geschwollenen Kitzler. Das treibt Babsi wieder Tränen in die Augen.

Anita befiehlt nun, Babsi an Armen und Beinen zu fesseln und auf den Boden zu werfen. „Kommt alle zu mir“ ruft sie „jeder überlegt sich nun, was wir als nächstes mit dieser geilen Sau anstellen wollen. Für den besten Vorschlag gibt’s eine Flasche Wodka und darf in zusammen mit mir ausführen“.

Fortsetzung folgt.

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Suck it and see My first blowjob

This is another one from my days in sixth form college. It was quite early on in my first year. I was seeing Gemma still, but hadn’t popped my cherry with a guy yet. I was a bit shy when it came to boys and I would go a bit coy and giggly if I spoke to someone who I liked. There was this one guy who I kind of had the hots for and I think he had them for me too. His name was Alex and he would always say ‘hi’ and he even bought me a coffee once. I expected him to make a move then, but he didn’t....

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Perfect Day Lucy and John Pt 1

The morning sun had just woken up, the soft light filling Lucy’s bedroom with a gentle glow. The light roused Lucy, laying in her large, yet cozy, bed. Next to her, John was lying on his side facing away from her. She moved to snuggle into him, her soft breasts pressing into his back as she gently wrapped her arm around him. Lucy’s hand softly stroked the small patch of soft fur on his chest as she lay her cheek on his shoulder, inhaling the yummy scent of his skin. Her warm breath flowed...

4 years ago
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Sharing The Bed With Shawna

'My sexy little sister wants to sleep with me?' I thought, licking my lips from the inside of my mouth. "I know if our parents asked, you'd feel obligated to say, 'Yes.', so I'm asking," she uttered, slowly peeking at me. "How am I supposed to say, 'No.' to you, sis?" I wondered, leaning up on my bed. "You can't, but I promise I won't cramp your style. Although, would it be out of line to ask if we could just sleep in your bed? You have that queen-sized bed, and it is big...

4 years ago
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School of Deceit Pt 6

School of Deceit Part 6 That winning feeling and a night out with Linda Back home I checked with Clare about Linda's plan for a night out but found out that as she knew I would be tied up with the game on Saturday she had arranged a shift at the Charity Shop. "There moving premises so everything has to be boxed up and moved over to the new shop and there is new stock coming in as well so maybe some goodies for you. If Linda is picking you up can I use the car then to help with the...

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Step Mothers perversion

It was years ago. Hell, she was half my fathers age. Even I knew she had married for the money as did the whole family. Her name was Julie. A beautiful woman with Hispanic features. She would shower me with compliments when I came to visit as a young c***d where my father worked. She was his secretary and he...the Boss of a successful landscaping business in San Diego. A powerful man who's first marriage dissolved as fast as he built his empire. I would come into the office and she would be...

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Between the Fucking Line

Preface: I am not trying to paint an erotic picture here. I am merely trying to be tongue-in-cheek, satirizing the somewhat trite cliches and images that abound here. I’m not trying to piss anyone off, so please, don’t take it personal. I know I wouldn’t. Thanks a bunch. * * * * * I lost in thought at the moment, thinking about the malaise endemic to society in recent weeks. I was also thinking about how cool it would be to have an 11-inch cock. Soft. ‘Boy, bet that would hurt though. It...

4 years ago
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Easing into Swinging Of Sorts My Experience

My wife and I used to have a turbulent relationship at the beginning of our dating process. We used to judge each other on what we "might have done" or thought rather than otherwise. After a year, we moved in together, got settled, and calmed down. Well, sort of calmed down. I was always attracted to other females at work, and we wound go out during the work days. Pretty soon, this developed into something more physical with several. This went on for a couple of years until I married my...

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The Group A High School Sex Ring in ActionChapter 8 Bringing in a New Member

The Group's monthly social meetings for enjoying sex among the high schoolers and their football coach and women's gym teacher were going well. Everyone had found it a whole lot more exciting and sexy to get together and have sex with a random selected partner than they would ever have believed possible. Everyone in the Group had begun to look forward to each month's meeting at the Evans' house. For March, Ron and his wife Janet had decided to bring a new female member into the Group....

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The Train Ride Ill Never Forget

It was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon . And yet I couldn’t shake a sad feeling I had. Like a twinge of loneliness was setting in. I had come off a bad breakup and now she was trying to rub her new boyfriend in my face. And while I hadn’t talked to her for a long while, I still kinda missed the warm and fuzzy feeling she gave me. Maybe it was blind love, I don’t know. But anyway. I was on my way home to see my parents. Finally I got a decent amount of leave since going home on Christmas. I was...

4 years ago
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The 1st Meet

If we were to meet I would expect you to wear a see through blouse, no bra! A short skirt, stockings suspenders and panties would be optional. We would meet in a public place for our first meeting, say a park or pub. Let's say a pub. We would meet in the car park and walk in together, sitting in a quiet corner I would ask what you wanted to drink and as I rose to fetch you a drink I leant over and told you to remove your jacket by the time I returned. When I returned I told you to move your...

4 years ago
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My Sex LifeChapter 6 My younger sister 3

On the Thursday after her period I had anal sex with her, being the third time doing ass fuck it was easier to penetrate her butt and she enjoyed more than the first times, she even said that she may prefer ass fuck, I told her I will give her both ass and pussy fuck. The next day (Friday) we were off to the sugar estate, we prepared a fake resumé of what we did during the week we knew our mother would ask. We back home on Sunday, as soon we arrived we undressed, Jan positioned herself...

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Reading between the lines

At the library, we’re sitting so close together I can feel his breathe on my neck. I stare at a page of letters, grouped and typed in small neat rows. Already whole paragraphs of Times New Roman have become gibberish. His hand slides further up my thigh. My pussy anticipates his touch, a dull ache begins on my insides as desire starts to form. Our row of desks are nine flights above street level, facing the window. At night the view of blackness from these floor-to-ceiling glass panels...

2 years ago
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Mount DominanceChapter 2

The Amazon now strode slowly across to the next male whose ultimate seeding had heralded his dispatch; his Mistress waving to the supreme woman, her thighs now slipping together with the juices of her arousal, the tight thong wet with her fragrant essences and nursing her cunt close to her own victorious orgasm. The grinning impregnated Mistress stood with nipples excitedly erect from her swollen breasts, the latex maggot that had sired her, wriggling below her firmly planted foot in his...

3 years ago
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DestructionSynopsis: A slave is used by his new Mistress and her friendI’d met her online, and four weeks later I was waiting nervously, naked in between the only two bushes in the parking lot. Cars drove along the main road lighting up my hiding place as they went past. I was beginning to think this was a really bad idea, when a car turned in and parked at the other end of the parking lot. It sat there idling for what seemed like forever then the trunk popped open. This was it, I ran as fast...

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  I’ve always been a very adventurous girl and love to try new things and especially love my toys I have quite a big collection now but I’m always wanting more. My partner and I had decided it was time to go bigger with the toys, so we ordered one we liked the look of, it was an 11 inch long and 3 inch wide black dildo, I was so excited and couldn’t wait for it to be delivered. He had gone away to work for a few days when the postman arrived with a parcel I knew straight away what it was,...

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My Reluctant Lactating Wife at the School Bazaar

The following story took place about fifteen years ago, when I was thirty-five years old and my wife Joan was thirty-two. We met as teachers ten years earlier at the same parochial high school, where I teach math and science, and Joan teaches special education for students with learning disabilitiesJoan is a lovely, petite woman at five feet and four inches tall, weighing one hundred and fifteen pounds,  and with perky-cut brunette hair and a very pretty face. She also has the nicest C-cup...

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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 6

"Shit," Nilsen muttered as he watched the retreating backs of his twin sisters. Turning back he sighed and looked at the woman sitting up in his bed. She had the hint of a smile on her lips and had allowed the sheet to fall down uncovering her very large, and from the looks of them, firm, breasts. "Damn," he said crossly, "you can at least cover yourself up. If you don't want men to stare at your breasts then you shouldn't flaunt them." Rather than the expected angry response, or at...

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Speaking With Your Demons19 Unwanted Assistance

“This is an emergency news broadcast, interrupting your normal programming. As strange as this sounds; there’s an otherworldly ‘aerial conflict’ unfolding along Seattle’s streets. After repeated attacks on Phil Walker—the man championing the idea that invisible demons cause mental illnesses—he’s apparently declared all-out war. Give me a second to read this, as it’s quite a doozy: there are now several dragons and an ... allied Viking Berserker ... searching the city for a renegade band of...

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middleageminx after the birthday surprise

As the days past after my birthday I was more and more enthralled with what happened with Rob and John, and more than excited about what might of happened. With Rob living next door and seeing him almost everyday it was so easy to imagine more, and I think Rob was of a similar mind, the way he looked at me and the odd 'innocent' innuendo passing for normal polite neighbourly chat.Nothing transpired between us until several weeks later, when Rob asked if I would like to accompany him to a...

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Two Teen Whores Part 1

It was a hot and sultry Sunday afternoon. I had been running errands all day, and my jeans were saturated with sweat. The last thing on my list was to move my SUV in preparation for Monday's street cleaning, and then I was going to hit the shower and call it a day.As I walked to the car, I noticed two petite, slutty teens standing on the sidewalk next to my vehicle, one blonde, one brunette. They were wearing tank tops and short skirts, and were talking to some guy who was sitting on his...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 5 All Night

Hiryu gasped, and his eyes opened wide. Even expecting it, the pain was staggering. He moaned as Eigis’s talons dug deeper into his skin. The demon twisted his head back and forth, teeth gnawing furiously. Disgusted and furious, now that the demon was close enough and sufficiently distracted, Hiryu tried to fight back. The chains clanked as he tried bending his arms, jerking up his knees. If he could just hit the damn creature! But it was no use. His arms and legs were stretched too far...

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Cocktail Party Wife

John's friend Jane Doe and her husband Jack Doe decided that they fancied having a cocktail party where they and all their friends could get dressed up to celebrate and have a proper party before everyone started getting pregnant or moving from their hometown. There was a few married couples there and my Ex-Girlfriend Jessica and a few other stragglers. Everyone knew everyone else as we'd all been either friends for years or had been at school with each other. Jane was a hottie who I had wanted...

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Weekend 1

I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...

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Mike and Julie with Jennys introduction

Jenny went off shopping, leaving Mike in the penthouse, a few minutes later Julie turned up wearing a short pleated white tennis skirt, white tennis shoes and socks and a white cropped top. " Look what I've brought from my brother's shop !" She waved a thick, 3" wide 9" long leather paddle that had studs in it! " What are we meant to do with that?" asked Mike. " Thrash ME with it !" said Julie, " BUT.....It would be nice if Jenny Did It!!!" " She told me she has only been spanked by others,...

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Ryders Redeemed

Hey everybody, this is an unofficial addition to the epic Sci-fi Series "Theirs Not to Reason Why" by Jean Johnson. I love this series with a damned fire, and when it ended, it was the first series to make me leak a few tears because i loved the worlds and characters so much. I encourage you to read them if you enjoy Sci-fi works. It is one of the best I have ever read. I hope to make a story that would be worthy of being in that world. During their farewell ceremony, the members of Ia's Damned...

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