Aimees Joint
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Aimee kam nach einem langen anstrengende Tag endlich von der Arbeit nach Hause. Ihr Job als Jungmanagerin beanspruchte sie in letzter Zeit sehr, doch diese Forderungen ertrugt Aimee mit einem gelassenen Lächeln da sie sich auf den Abend freuen konnte. Einen Abend der nur ihr gehörte!
Ihr und....
Aimee warf den langen dunklen Mantel achtlos über einen Sessel und die Aktenmappe gleich hinterher.
Jetzt wo sie zuhause war in ihren eigenen vier Wänden konnte sie es kaum noch aushalten...
Dennoch zwang sie sich zur Ruhe und ging erst mal in das luxuriöse Bad ihrer Penthouse-Wohnung.
Zufrieden musterte sie sich dort in dem großen Spiegel:
Sie erblickte eine junge Frau, kein Mädchen mehr obwohl der Körperbau zierlich-knabenhaft war konnte jeder sehen das Aimee eine Frau und kein halbes Kind mehr war. Sie löste die silberne Fibel die ihre schulterlangen roten Haare zu einem strengen Knoten auf dem Kopf zusammengehalten hatte und das flüssige Feuer fiel ihr auf die schmalen Schultern. Aimee lächelte als sie daran dachte wie sie jahrelang mit dem schönen Kupferton den ihr die Natur als Haarfarbe geschenkt hatte gehadert hatte. Doch in späteren Jahren hatte sie die seltsame Faszination kennen gelernt die ihre Haarfarbe auf Männer ausübte und mit der Bewunderung der Verehrerschar war schließlich auch Aimees Selbstbewusstsein und ihre Liebe zur ihrer ureigensten Haarfarbe erwacht. Jetzt konnte sie sich es gar nicht mehr anders vorstellen. Dieses flammende Rot, das war sie, das war ihre Farbe.
Auch wenn sie das akzeptiert hatte, hatte Aimee lernen müssen das es viele Männer gab die sie nur als Trophäe betrachteten, dies und der Umstand das sie ohnehin auf ihre Karriere konzentrierte waren die Gründe warum sie ganz allein in dem Penthouse lebte.
Doch Aimee war keineswegs eine frustrierte Singlefrau, nein!
Aimee zog sich im Spiegel beobachtend ihr Nadelstreifenjacke aus und bewunderte ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste wie sie sich appetitlich in dem teuren goldseidenen BH präsentierten. Aimee lächelte in sich hinein als sie sich vorstellte wie allein schon dieser Anblick einen Prinz in einen von Geilheit bestimmten Primitivling verwandeln konnte. Dann öffnet sie den seitlichen Reißverschluss ihrer äußerst figurbetonten Satinhose und schälte sich langsam aus dieser heraus...
Ein heimlicher Beobachter hätte nun sehen können wie sie sich langsam nach vorne beugte und zuerst ihren süßen knackigen Apfelpo offenbarte. Es hätte eines zweiten Blicks bedurft zu sehen das Aimee durchaus ein Höschen trug so schmal war der goldig-seidige String zwischen ihren kessen Pobäckchen. Dann während die Satinhose weiter runter wanderte hätte der Beobachter den oberen Rand von Aimees Halterlosen schwarzen Seidenstrümpfen zu Gesicht bekommen und schließlich hätte er beobachten können wie Aimee in einer fließenden Bewegung aus der am Boden liegenden Hose stieg und nur noch in BH, String, Halterlosen und Stiletto-Pumps in ihrem großen Badezimmer vor dem Spiegel stand. Sich selbstzufrieden musternd.
Für einen Moment fuhr sie mit ihren schlanken Händen über ihren knackig proportionierten Körper. Dann verließ sie energischen Schrittes das Bad in Richtung Schlafzimmer.
In der Zimmertür hielt Aimee inne. Da auf dem Bett lagen sie. Sorgfältig von ihr selbst heute Morgen auf dem seidenen Überwurf drapiert. Schon bei dem Anblick schlug Aimees Herz schneller....
My name is Shaye and I’m a 27 year old pre-op transsexual. This is the story of my only sexual encounter with another shemale, which turned out to be one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life. I first started speaking to Aimee about two years ago on an adult chat site. We had some cyber fun for a few months, jerking off on cam and generally having a good time. Eventually, Aimee asked me if I wanted to go around to her place for some real fun. I didn’t need to think about it and I...
My name is Shaye and I’m a 27 year old pre-op transsexual. This is the story of my only sexual encounter with another shemale, which turned out to be one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life.I first started speaking to Aimee about two years ago on an adult chat site. We had some cyber fun for a few months, jerking off on cam and generally having a good time. Eventually, Aimee asked me if I wanted to go around to her place for some real fun. I didn’t need to think about it and I...
Introduction: Scottish vacation This is the third story Ive written involving my wife, Aimee. We saved up our money, and took a vacation in Scotland about two years ago. It was expensive, considering we live in the American south. Big climate change, but a beautiful vacation. We came home wishing we could move there. Anyway, we went for a walk one day, enjoying a beautiful day. It was mid July, the sun was shining, it was far cooler than the humidity of the south, but it was still warm and we...
What a beautiful morning, Molly thought as she looked out the spacious picture windows of their new home. She had awakened happy and with a strange feeling of exhilaration as she remembered last evening's delightful activities. Just thinking about it, she could feel the tingling of a slight arousal. I feel like I need to go in, lie on the bed, and do myself, she thought, laughing at how her sensuous thoughts of last night had aroused her. The phone ringing in the kitchen interrupted her...
Introduction: Wife seduces the pizza guy This is my second story about Aimee. Our fantasy life progressed from being watched, to thinking up scenarios where we invited other people into the bedroom with us. This is the true story of the first time my wife and I involved someone else physically. It was around 7pm on a Friday night, and we had planned to go out to a bar and see if Aimee could seduce some guy and get him to come back to our apartment with us. However, we decided it would be...
Introduction: My wife loves to be watched Aimee and I had only been married about three months when this happened. We were living in a small apartment, trying to save money to move somewhere bigger. Wed discussed our fantasies, and our desires, but as of this point in time, wed never indulged any of them. Between us, we had a lot of fantasies, but the one that seemed to get Aimee the most excited was the idea of being caught and being watched. So I arranged it to happen without telling her....
I knew that I had seen her some place before. As I watched her walk around the room I racked my brain to try and remember where and when it had been. If what she said was true, and I had no reason to doubt her, I couldn't possibly have seen her someplace else. Until then she had never left California and I had never been in that state, but I still would have bet every dime I had that I had seen her before. The call had come as a complete surprise. "Hey bro, stop by mom and dad's after work...
Aimee was a average girl, pretty and blonde, but what was great about her is that she had the feet of a goddess and even better she was my cousin so we had regular visits.One day my parents dragged me into the car, I was surprised and shocked by this but it turns out that they were having relationship issues and I was going to stay at my cousin Aimee's house for the weekend.My mind instantly thought of her cute socks and feet, I had more of a sock fetish than a foot fetish but I enjoyed both.I...
Well, to be honest it has been a few weeks and I wasn’t sure about putting this story to ink because this little adventure has taken us to a very odd corner of the world. If you have read the other two accounts I wrote, Aimee is the 18-year-old daughter of my good friends. Our kids have gone to school together, played volleyball together and had sleep overs. Aimee recently had some problems with her muscles, not going into detail, and a massage that turned slightly erotic was what I...
Darynn had sworn decades earlier that he would always consider his life a lesson and himself a student. Although his opportunities to experiment with the opposite sex numbered beyond his counting he had never once actually paid any attention to them or their needs. Awrthom had made him a man of men, in a world of their own without want or need of women. Aimee' changed that. She had occupied his thoughts for the entire week, from the previous Gayobi to the present. In that time he had done a...
"Master Darynn, please be brought forward." Darynn rose to his feet and allowed his to colleagues to lead him into the moon-shaped circle that was the petition floor for the main council of Mages. Around him sat his thirteen peers, each of whom had heard testimony from himself, Bethsany, and Aimee', as well as additional testimony from several of Bethsany's girls and two of Teltirray's servants. Still, he had to admit, the council saw things differently from most people and he didn't...
In the depths of a cold and still winter night, Bethsany stood by the window and committed an act rare and precious to her: she prayed. It was Tuesday, and in keeping with their agreement Aimee' was supposed to come and study with one of her girls. It had been three weeks since the last tale; on the two occasions since, Aimee's appearance had shown clear signs of abuse and struggle, and of the two occasions, she had looked worse the second time. Bethsany wondered if Teltirray was getting...
The bitter cold whipped against Aimee's face. "My cloak, sir. Please!" "It is of no matter, Aimee'," Teltirray hissed, impatiently. He disliked waiting, especially when a stupid girl like Aimee' slowed him down. Although even he had to admit that she was less stupid than most. Her beauty, like flawless amber, attracted him to her, and he had known so many months ago that he had to possess her. He had arranged with the idiot at the orphanage to "tutor" her, so long as all record of...
Darynn walked through the room again, his robes still flowing behind him. Everything seemed to be in order, just as it had a week ago. He was concerned with every detail of the room's appearance; he wanted to put his young student completely at ease. Not, he thought grimly, that that could ever be fully achieved. In his head he reviewed the note Bethsany had sent him describing what she had learned this week of the situation amidst Teltirray's "girls." He new now that the original report...
"Come here, child, sit down, sit down." Bethsany patted the couch, trying to be welcoming to the nervous young girl who stood at the doorway. "Young" was perhaps a bit of an inaccuracy to Bethsany's eyes, since she had some girls working for her who were younger. She walked forward, her eyes scanning the room intensely. Bethsany saw the careful, analytical training that Darynn had imbued Aimee' with, but she also saw the youthful nervousness that came naturally to girls at Aimee's...
Darynn looked up from his desk. Aimee' had entered without knocking this time, just as he had asked, and was now scanning his bookshelves at a furious rate. He cast a small spell to examine the titles she was looking at, paying attention to the ones she lingered over. He frowned when he noticed most of them were healing spells. Still, if that was what she needed, she had every right to copy and learn them. She selected one and pulled it down, reading through it. He paid her little...
Intermission Darynn smiled as he pulled the robes tightly about himself. Although inside the council chamber the fires had kept the meeting comfortably warm, outside the chill of winter easily permeated the halls of the Administration Building on the College. As he walked away he had the distinct taste of victory in his mouth. He thought back... it had only been minutes earlier... "Master Darynn," Teltirray had said, approaching him. "Master Teltirray," he had replied...
Bethsany examined herself in the mirror. "I still look pretty good. Don't you think, Lilli?" "Yes, Miss," the tall brunette encapsulated in leather responded warmly. "Be honest, Lilli." "At your age, Miss, you will not bring in customers except for those with certain... desires, but no matter. I wish to have your body and health when I reach your wisdom, too." Bethsany turned around and stroked Lilli's face gently. "You say the right things, Lilli." She kissed the taller girl...
Johnny felt his softening cock pop free from Katie's warm pussy. This sudden departure from her caused one last marvelous sensation to shoot through his now tender penis. Johnny had just shot an enormous load while girlfriend Katie straddled him and ground her moist cunt up and down around his thick shaft. Now he was spent. Katie giggled as she gave Johnny a quick kiss on the lips, then swung her leg over him and headed for the bathroom. Johnny watched her pink, dimpled ass sway as she...
Sarah’s phone call was quite a surprise. I had not seen her in over four years. We met in the park across the street from my condo and spent the afternoon lying in the sun, talking and catching up on each other’s lives. She was the same Sarah that I had known, with a few changes. She was more refined; grown up; chic; her hair was longer and styled; she was thinner, but in shape, with muscular shoulders, arms and legs; and, she wore makeup and dark red nail polish. She had developed into a...
Straight SexIntroduction: This is just a fantasy of mine that i have had for awhile. let me know what you think. if you like i have more parts This is my first story and please excuse any spelling mistakes that their may be. My keyboard is on the fritz and I may miss one or two. Its not because im an idiot because im not so if you dont like it keep it to yourself. This story isnt true its just a little fantasy of mine that ive had for awhile now. I awoke in my bed and yawned, rubbing the sleep from my...
Parry! – lunge! – parry! – our blades made a sharp metallic sound as they clashed together. Then I over-committed myself in an attack and left an opening, which Miss Champney was quick to exploit. With lightning speed, the tip of her foil flicked against the padded collar of my protective tunic, and our practice bout was over. I wasn’t disappointed that she had won – she is my coach, and had been testing me on some new feints that she had demonstrated earlier in the training...
This is a true story pass on to me by a good friend/co-worker.My wife Amber and I have been married for about 4 years now but had been friends for the past 10 years prior. We have two beautiful c***dren together. Both I and my wife are now in our late 30’s. After Amber gave birth to our two c***dren, our sex life took a hit. Instead of every other day, turns to every other weekend. I got frustrated and started my own little collection of porn, stashed in my hidden USB drive, not just any porn,...
Peek into the shadow of my life. Come into the light of my mind as I give you a glimpse of my soul. What turns me on, you ask? Be careful what you ask. Can you really handle the answer? Yes, you say? Okay, sit back as I weave you a tale of what I desire. My tale will begin with a scene I once had. This scene will be for you to decide whether it was real or just from the shadows of my imagination. I lay spreadeagled on my 4-poster bed. He shut the curtains around the bed, to block out my view...
"I'm not looking for a job. I have an idea I want to pitch to you. We can both benefit from it. I really would prefer to pitch it over dinner." He said it smiling his boyish smile of course. "What time?" I asked. "I know I'm going to regret this maybe not tonight or tomorrow but someday soon and for the rest of my life." I know it was a flagrant violation of some copyright law somewhere, but there it was. "I'll be by at seven, and trust me you want regret this," he said. "Yeah,...
Think I was about fourteen when my feelings for my mother changed. Want was getting to me was my moms breasts which were very large with very pronounced nipples. You see, mom has this cozy warm short robe with a flimsy belt so many times as she making breakfast, it comes loose and her breasts are exposed. Since she rarely wore a top when wearing her robe I was always getting an eye full. It was just open day suddenly I started having sexual feelings for her, big time. I wanted so much to just...
The doorbird squawked again. "I'm coming," she yelled. When Wilma opened the front door she found her best friend and next door neighbor Betty Rubble standing there. "Hi Betty! What's up?" "Hi Wilma. I just thought I'd come over to visit. It's kind of lonely around the Rubble homestead without Barney and Bam-Bam around this week." "Oh, I know just what you're saying Betty. I miss Fred and Pebbles too. Come on in and we'll talk about it. Go ahead and have a seat in the...
I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have gone. To say that Sara was upset would be and understatement. She was gone immediately, and I rushed home to find her packing. I knew I'd been stupid and didn't want her to leave, so I begged her to give me another chance. She...
One warm summer weekend morning, I managed to get myself out of bed in my old 3 room apartment and went about my normal routines. Shower, breakfast and coffee, then mail. Last night, I drank myself silly from the loneliness so the pounding hangover was making a big scene in my head. It was something I'm used to though. Drinking myself away when I couldn't find a date on a Friday night, not even a quick suck and fuck with the local bar flies despite the fact that it was my 20th birthday today,...
Mind ControlHi friends, en peyar Arun, vaythu 26 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil thirumanam seiyaamal irunthen, en veetil naan oru paiyan matum thaan. Veetil enaku pen parthu kondu irukiraargal. Enaku oru nanban irunthaan, avan pengalai niraiya matter seithu seithu enaiyum pengalai matter sei endru soli irunthaan. Naan ithu naal varai entha pennaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, enaku pengal mulai endraal migavum pidikum. Vaitha kangal edukamal mulaiyai paarthu konde irupen, oru naal nanum en nanbanum theateril...
Across town from the Double-X Theater, Jackie Burnside sat at the dinette table with a Western Civilization book spread out before her. She had fallen behind in her reading this week, especially since her mother, Stella, had bought the handsome, lithe guard dog and brought him home to live with them. Kaiser was curled up under the table in a semi-sleep state, his big shapely head resting comfortably against the teenager's slender bare ankles. And although nothing untoward had happened...
A Road Trip Gone Wrong By Jaana "A recent college graduate has a chance encounter with a young woman, unaware that he would become the recipient of a terrible curse." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, masturbation and female arousal. Rated X. You have been warned. *** *** PROLOGUE *** He should have suspected a trick. What where the odds? And now here he was in lobby of a motel, fighting a rising hunger as between his soft, curvy...
Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...
Jillian Janson is a sensual babe who’s very into ensuring that her own sexual needs are met. She’s just starting to get down and dirty with herself for some hot masturbation when her stepbrother Justin Hunt and her stepmom Alana Cruise burst into the room. Alana has a mission for Jillian: Make Justin appealing to a rich girl. Jillian is upset at the intrusion, but eventually she gives her stepbro the info he needs to have a successful date. Later, Justin returns home and shares that...
xmoviesforyouI glanced at my watch. Two-thirty A.M. “Shit,” I thought to myself. “Hopefully my dad is asleep.”“Why?” Ryan asked.“You know my dad Ryan. He’s never liked you first of all and its way past my curfew.”“Curfew!” exclaimed Ryan. “You’re 18 years old now Meg, and you’re in college now. What’s with the curfew?”“Ryan, you’ve known me long enough to know my dad. ‘My house, my rules’ he always told my older sister when she complained about the rules that still applied when she got home.“Rules,”...
SpankingThankfully work was busy, and I did not have much time to dwell on last night with John. When I got home, I could tell John was trying to act as if last night was nothing unusual. We were just going to have dinner and a quiet evening like we usually do. I tried to do the same, but I caught myself looking at John and thoughts of last night’s sex play flooded into my mind. I saw him looking at me and then quickly looking away. There was a moment when he gave me a hug and a tender kiss on the...
For the past couple of years, Roxanne Starr had diligently worked to become accepted as a legitimate businesswoman in the community. Being the owner of a somewhat notorious bar and strip club did not ingratiate her with the other business owners. However, when Roxanne opened the lingerie shop in the main street retail district, the other merchants could not ignore her presence. Roxanne became active in the Junior Chamber of Commerce and participated in their activities. The Jaycees hosted an...
Saturday StayW8BNMSWD? Saturday StayI needed to go for my annual insurance check-up and needed a new GP, because of the retirement of my old one. My secretary suggested a doctor who was her next-door neighbor. I had little time to look around for one and told her to make an appointment. When I showed up the following Thursday, I was escorted into the examine room after the usual wait. I was surprised when a beautiful woman in a lab coat entered the room and introduced herself as Doctor...
The bell boy stood behind you not knowing what to say he could see your sexy and well used body hanging there like a slab of meat ready for the taking, and The man stood there watching him knowing by the bulge in his pants that he would like to touch you.His phone beeped and he smiled as I had answered him and he showed the message to the bell boy and then to you, it said ‘’ I appreciate the text and whole heartedly agree that this bell boy should fuck and cum in my slut, If you could do me the...
I quickly drank the rest of my coffee as it was now time for me to prepare for Lucy’s return. I opened the cupboard in my study and reached for the strap and the cane which would be used on her. I would though, start with an over the knee hand spanking, both buttocks spanked soundly until every square inch glowed as red as a perfect Mediterranean sunset. Just thirty minutes earlier Lucy had stood before me in this very room and allowed the contents of her inner mind to flood out, she had wanted...
Their first encounter had been well planned. Since Kim and her master had already corresponded via email for some time and even chatted on the phone, they knew they were ready for the real thing at last.Master Jim had booked the hotel room, stocked it with liquor, then went to the spacious lobby. He sat down and nonchalantly set the room key on the adjoining table. He waited for what seemed like an eternity.Just a couple of minutes late, she walked in. And my, did she look fine, every bit as...
This is a first time story from me and I hope that you all enjoy my writing. If anyone wants more, feel free to drop me a line and I will submit more stories. This is the story of Ivey James. Ivey is a 18 year old male who is of black and japanese descent. His father was in the military and his mother was japanese His childhood was one of being a typical military brat, moving from base to base. All of the moving caused him to be somewhat shy, especially towards the opposite sex even though he...
InterracialHey, guys, I am Mick and I am back again. I have received a lot of review and suggestions for my previous stories. Thank you for showing your love and reading my story. For first time readers, I am Mick, 20 years from Pune, studying in Mumbai. This is my imagination of fucking my aunt and cousin. This is a partially fiction story about my cousin sister. Let me tell about her. She is 18 years old. Her name is Arpita. Her stats are 30-24-30. She is my cousin uncle’s daughter. They live in our...
IncestIt had been almost two weeks since I had seen my sister-in-law after our afternoon rendezvous. I hadn't wanted to push her for another meeting and didn't receive any messages from her and figured another get together would work itself out. I didn't have long to wait. As it turned out, my s*s-in-law was supposed to drop off a check to our house while she was out running errands one day. Perfect I thought, we'll see what happens when I have her come in my house. Home turf is always better right?...
Darren's Dilemma Chapter Three Jana's New Sissy Toy By Suzie Q Haff Jana shaking me in her high pitched voice: "So are you like dead or what? Come on sleeping beauty, rise and shine!" She rolled me over on my stomach and planted a really hard whack on my butt that made a deafening smack and stung for ten minutes. Darla complaining in Darren's voice: "Damn! That was not necessary! I was getting up." Jana: "I have been...
Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. ‘Daaa… deee!’ she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...
My wife and I volunteered to work at a fundraiser recently. It was a nice event, so we had to dress accordingly. We got there about 5pm. I was wearing a black button up dress shirt, dark jeans, and black dress shoes. She was wearing black dress pants, an aqua sleeveless top, and tan open toe heels. Her toes were freshly painted pink. A little more about her. She's 5'0" and about 110lbs., petite and sexy. Light brown hair with green eyes. We did our work until about 10:00 p.m., and ran into...
FetishAlicia's New Life By Christine statment by Kathy Peterson I know that there is no way that I can take back what I did to my brother so many years ago. The only thing that I can say is that at the time, I was 14 and had just lost both of my parents in a terrible plane crash. We both were given into the custody of our older brother who didn't care about anything. When he hooked up with this mean blonde, she gave me many ideas how to torment my brother. I was 14 and wanted to take my...
"What time is it there Honey," DD asked glad to see Lizzy looking so calm and happy (then again the fact that Tommy Reyes was pumping his protected cock in her pussy plus the fact that Tammy Bradson and Carmen Reyes were each connected to one of her boobs could be helping with that). "It's 5 PM, what time is it there," Lizzy asked blissfully as she watched DD's cock traveling in and out of the nicely trimmed brown haired pregnant girl's cunt called Heather and imagined that it was the...
Friday, Inside Sir’s Front Door: SirI hung up the phone from Joe, the concierge, who had called to tell me that he had buzzed that beautiful blonde in, and she was on her way up. I knew I should have made big, elaborate plans for tonight and the weekend, but somehow, I needed to know where Marta was mentally. I didn’t want the fantasy of Marta to interfere with the reality. I wondered just what was going to happen, but I was hoping it would be as good – in all ways – as last weekend.I also knew...
BDSMIntroduction: Hope you enjoy Things have been getting really weird since my parents got divorced and my mom married this guy from her job two years ago. His names Tyler even at the wedding hes been giving me this strange look and licking his lips, but its subtle so no one else notices but the person hes looking at which is me. My names Heather and i just turned 18 like tomorrow im so excited i cant wait. But back to Tyler hes average height like id say 62, he was dark medium length hair, kinda...
Shortly after hanging up Darlene asked me to hand her panties to her. I found the tiny pair on the floor just out of her reach. She grinned upon taking them. I watched with great interest as she stuffed them just inside her cunt. Darlene stood up then carefully. A trail of cum oozed from one side so she stuffed the panties in a bit farther on that side. I looked at her quizzically and she said, "I'm saving this for Eddie to see when he gets home." I laughed at that and went to my room to...
> > I have paused in my writing for only a moment, asJoey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it this time?> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in thebathroom, getting ready for>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smoothbrown body, well>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautifulsculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never in my thirty two years seen a>dick like...
(In front of the wreckage of the Aoiya, Omasu hands Kaoru a cup of tea.) Omasu: Here you are, Kaoru. Kaoru: Oh--thank you. Misao (climbing to the top of the smashed roof): They really wrecked the place. Okina (similarly perched): Ah, this is nothing compared to what happened in the Boshin War. Omasu: Will you two get down from there! (You're hurt!) (Kaoru broods over her tea.) Hiko (sipping sake): You worried about him? Don't be. The Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki I taught him can't...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. A Silk Stalkings Adventure The Ramon Vargas Affair * Chapter 1: Preparing To Enter The Fray Rita turned off the warm spray, squeezed the surplus water out of her hair, squirted a generous helping of shaving foam over her crotch, and rubbed it well in, before stepped out of the shower cubicle. She sat down on the fluffy lavatory seat...
A Sissy called Jezebel Part LX - Agent Deavers makes an 'impression' on Jezzie, both physically and on a psychoneuroendocrinologically (say that one seven times fast, I dare you) level. We learn that Jezebel struggled with making friends as a 'tween' and Jezebel's mother doesn't know 'diddly poop about architecture'. I am led towards a fallen tree trunk. Mother says, "This will do, Jezzie climb up and lean over the trunk." I lean over the trunk, with my rump facing Agent Deavers. ...
This is a true story.This is the story of how I became Jennifer. I’m not going to give my full history in this story, that is for another time. But I do need to give a little background information for you. I’ve been cross dressing for years, going through all the usual purges. Then about five years ago I decided to embrace the dressing. I was approaching 50 and I decided I wanted to really explore my sexuality.The situation arose where my wife was working away a lot so I decided to grab the...