AimeeChapter 5 free porn video

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Darynn looked up from his desk. Aimee' had entered without knocking this time, just as he had asked, and was now scanning his bookshelves at a furious rate. He cast a small spell to examine the titles she was looking at, paying attention to the ones she lingered over. He frowned when he noticed most of them were healing spells. Still, if that was what she needed, she had every right to copy and learn them.

She selected one and pulled it down, reading through it. He paid her little attention, dedicating himself to the spellbook before him on the table; the way of Deists and their spells was still beyond his ken, although he now understood some of what the Essentialists did. He looked up once in a while, noticed her penquill flying at that furious rate that even he envied in her, then returned his attentions to his studies.

The next time he looked up he saw that she had fallen asleep in the chair, her own spellbook open but lying across her chest. He rose from his desk and walked over to her. "Aimee'?" he asked, touching her shoulder.

"Huh?" she said, startling awake. "Oh, sir. Forgive me. I just... needed to rest."

He nodded and patted his hand on the shoulder he touched. "That is perfectly okay, Aimee', I understand." He smiled at her. "So, no more storms at Bethsany's place, right?"

She shook her head. "No, sir. I've got it under control now, I think."

"Good," he said. "I should tell you, Aimee', that you are someday going to be the most powerful mage in the world at the rate you learn, but that power and skill must be tempered with learning and maturity." He smiled at the shock on her face. "It is true, Aimee'. Few people recognize it, because your talent, like mine, is sexual, and therefore generally overlooked. In fact, are you willing to listen to one more story by an old man?"

"Oh, yes sir!" she grinned, sitting up onto the edge of her chair.

"Good," Darynn commented. "Remember where my stories left off..."

It came to pass in the Spring of my 24th year that I left my beloved Ryuchia, just as I had left my beloved Awrthom. This time, however, many of the reasons for going were my own, not those of a master shooing me out the door. It was true; Desa had little more to teach me. I had grown beyond the peak of learning, and all was now a straight and understanding path.

I travelled down the road on horseback, armed with spells of defense for most of the travel. Just once, the day after leaving the mountains of the Megassi, was I assaulted by brigands. There were six of them, all told, who descended upon me and demanded I stand and deliver my gold and possessions. They never got within a horse's length of me before three dragons descended from the sky. [You are protected by the will of Desa, ] one told me. [You will reach Barraminum safely.] They slaughtered the brigands and consumed them, leaving their possessions upon the ground. I learned that day to be a practical man and recovered their gold and their horses. At the next town I sold them all and left a wealthier man.

I made my way across the rocky terrain of the northern steppes and found myself in Barraminum after only two months of travel. It was not an easy two months, but it was uneventful. I learned some hardness on that trip that I wish I had not, but I am also glad that I did. I still have not decided on the good or bad of casting 'Stroke' upon a rabbit, holding the spell while creeping up on it, and then slitting its throat in its moment of ecstasy. The idea still bothers me greatly.

But it kept me fed until I reached Barraminum's gates. The guard at the gate wished to treat me roughly. "What do you want?" he said.

"Directions to the College of Mages."

"Haw! And who's your patron?" He was a foul-faced fellow, all pinched and dirtied. Missing a few teeth, too.

"I have none," I said.

"Go on, get on your way," he swore at me. "Nobody gets to the college without a patron. What do you think you're doing here, anyway?"

I reached into my cloak. "I have here a signed letter from Talen Silisto inviting me into the college as an unfettered student." I showed the illiterate fool the seal and quite suddenly he was nice to me.

"Yes, sir," he said. He seemed more than a little distraught, an effect I found rewarding. "I'll bring a boy to lead you to it." He swallowed and walked away. As he did so, I turned my sense of hearing to him and I heard him mutter, "One of these days I'm going to say the wrong thing to the wrong mage and I'll be spending the rest of my days searching for Mrs. Right Toad." I tried not to laugh.

The guard did eventually find someone to lead me through the city, a young and healthy boy of perhaps sixteen. I dismounted my horse as he led me through the gates and to the College of Mages.

Ah, the College. I'm sure by now you're as familiar with it as any student, but at the time the high stone walls and the beautiful spiraling towers within were enrapturing to me. I was entranced by the mere silvered appearance. The open-air main building, it's roof nothing more than magic itself, allowing in the sun and air but not the rain, framed with great stone pillars. All wonderful to me.

Once my invitation was acknowledged to be genuine, I was given a place to stable my horse and then led into the Main Hall, through a hallway and to an office, where I waited for Talen Silisto to meet with me.

Finally, he did. "Ah, Darynn, you have arrived. You have no other name?" I shook my head. "Fine, fine. I am Talen Silisto." He was a tall man, reedy thin, with fine, strong feature. A well- shaped face with a sharp nose and inquisitive blue eyes. "Come into my office, would you?" He directed me towards the door, walking behind me; once he was in, he locked the door. Needless to say, this made me nervous.

He sat back in his chair behind his desk and examined me closely. I felt probed, inspected, dissected by his careful vision. He finally pressed his fingertips together. "So you have recently come from Desa Megassi."

"Yes, sir."

"How is Desa?"

"Fine, sir, although in his dragon form he does not get out much these days. I only saw it twice in the 25 months I lived there, and both occasions were very brief."

"I see," he said. "Still, it is nice to hear that he is alive and well and teaching again. For a while I though I should never hear from him. Instead he sends me you. A student not even 25 who has already created an incredible spell base. And, he tells me in private, you have mastered another spell base that has been nobody's knowledge for centuries."

My jaw dropped when I heard that. "Sir?"

"The genetic bases. Nobody has been able to learn those; they're almost strictly dragon lore, and now you wander into my college knowing them! Inconceivable!" He leaned forward. "Tell me. If I asked you to, could you write them down?"

Taken by surprise, I nodded. "I could. Given time."

"Do you think anyone else could learn them?"

"Sir, if you're asking me to pass on my knowledge, I will gratefully to students who can use it. But I will not simply turn my studies over to a book for irresponsible students to leaf through at their whim."

His expression took on a pall of surprise, and then he leaned back in his chair. "I see. Desa has taught you very well."

"Thank you, sir."

He clasped his hands together on the table. "I have no illusions about your first spell-base. 'Pleasure' is as powerful and as dangerous a Base of the Mind as any I have ever seen. Most of the mages who viewed it felt the same way. We have downplayed its existence because of that very power. I also understand that your power is channeled by sexual arousal, so I will be sure that your teacher is one of discretion in this matter, as well as one acceding to your needs. I would take you as a student myself if it were not for my age and my preference for buxom young women instead. You have all the makings of a researcher, Darynn, but you must learn to protect yourself as well."


"I am assigning you to Lien Pappen. Lien is a sexual spellmaster of no little skill who will teach you the ways of defensive and offensive magics. We will work around your trance- state methods."

"None of the other students here will have knowledge of who you are. Many are here on anonymous patronages; the patrons don't wish their neighbors to know they are financing a household mage here at the college. You will simply be one of those, richer than the rest, I suppose, because of the accumulated patronages you already have. Yes, indeed, both Awrthom and Desa have forwarded to me significant amounts of remuneration to keep you here." He smiled. "I have my doubts, Darynn. You are young, undisciplined, and overpowerful. Your power derives from that most dangerous of all human drives, sex, and not only that, the release of that power proffers you to be a sodomite!" He pounded the table with his fist while shaking his head. "Your life is going to be difficult, Darynn. Your teachers are putting a great deal of trust in your hands. Do not disappoint us.

He reached into his desk and pulled out an envelope. "Here. This is your new-student orientation material." On the back, he wrote out a name. Opening the packet, he pulled out what appeared to be a map and wrote on it. "And this is where Mage Pappen lives." Finally he wrote out a note and placed it in an envelope. "And this is the letter of introduction to Mage Pappen." He rose from his desk; sensing a cue, I rose from my chair as well. We shook hands as he handed me the packet. "Welcome to the College, Darynn."

Nervous, it took me a moment to remember my voice. "Thank you, sir," I finally managed to say to him.

I followed the directions on the map, walking high and low amongst the buildings until I found the one I was looking for. A short wooden building on a stone foundation, it had a comfortable look to it. I walked onto the porch and rang the doorbell. The door opened to reveal a young woman wearing nothing more than a short skirt about her waist, and that skirt was made of leather. The only other mark on her was an intricate scrollwork tattoo over her heart. "May I help you?"

"I am Darynn, late of Megassi. I was instructed to hand this to Mage Pappen."

"Allow me." She reached for the envelope.

"Are you Mage Pappen?"


"Then I will not hand it to you. My instruction say to give it to Mage Pappen."

"Brand, let him in." The new voice came from a taller man whose age was indecipherable. He looked twenty, thirty, even forty. He looked strong. "I am Mage Pappen. What did you identify yourself as?"

"Darynn, late of Megassi."

He descended the stairs and crossed the room to peer at me. "The dragons?" He seemed surprised.

"The same."

"There must surely be some mistake. I've no ken for dragon lore." He opened the letter and began reading it. "Or, perhaps not." He smiled at me. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-five, sir."

"Brand, leave us." The woman, without so much as a blink, turned and left the room. "Now then, Darynn, Unbalance me."


"You heard me. Unbalance me."

It took me a moment to get up the courage to follow his command. I have never simply demonstrated my skill in public before; it's not often one is commanded to masturbate publicly. Which, in effect, is what I needed to do to move that spell at that time.

I dropped my pack and robes. Leaning against my staff, I reached into my pants and found my penis, stroking it softly. It came to life quickly, and in less than nine seconds I found myself breathing hard enough to summon power. One second later I formed the base in my head, the second after that I built an Unbalance over that base, and in the twelfth second I opened one eye, looked at Mage Pappen, and released it.

The Mage looked happily unbalanced. "You are he!"

"Yes, sir. I created the 'Pleasure' base." I blushed, embarrassed. "I realize I have achieved a bit of notoriety from that."

"Yes. We'll have to work on that arousal pattern you have, get it down from twelve seconds to one." He grinned. "You'll have to find your arousal in the satisfaction of the act, not the other way around. We'll manage." He looked at my staff curiously. "Is that staff yours?"

"Yes, sir. It was given to me by Desa Megassi, Master Mage of Hakkana."

"Well then, Mage Darynn, welcome to my home. You are once again Student Darynn as well, you understand." I bowed my head, agreeing to the term. "Excellent. Brand! Come show Darynn to room three, would you?"

The woman returned. "Come with me."

Lien Pappen, it turned out, was considered the sexual mage on Campus simply because he was the only mage of advanced skill who could do sexual work. Sex was a consuming passion with him and what he preferred, but it was not what he did best. Where his expertise lay magically was in process work. When I described the spell I had cast on myself and my beloved Ryuchia, he positively glowed. "Darynn, I must ask that I see you perform this spell process."

"With whom, sir?"

"I would ask that you perform it on me. I cannot ask you to perform it on Brand since she is a woman, and therefore not to your liking."

"Yes sir."

I explained the procedures necessary, and he agreed to them. We arranged a space in his basement in which to build the equipment necessary. I felt relieved to be in my own element again; it had been three months since my arrival at the campus and I had begun to feel depressed. I was without lovers here, a state not to my liking and certainly discouraging to a mage of my studies. Unlike dragons, the people in Barraminum regarded my preferences as disagreeable and limited my attentions to the boyhouses by the waterfront. Although my allowances would certainly allow me to wander down there once in a while for relief, I did not relish the idea of purchasing relief. I craved friendship and a friendly bed, not what these places offered.

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My first temptation

It was an innocent leaving work party, she had her work mates there and. I was her boss. She was 9 years younger and was moving away, about a one hour drive. I didn't expect that she… It was an innocent leaving work party, she had her work mates there and. I was her boss. She was 9 years younger and was moving away, about a one hour drive. I didn't expect that she had a crush on me but I knew than a couple of other girls did and I often flirted with them, often tempted to start a romantic...

2 years ago
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The New StartChapter 25 Tasha

Tasha walked across the central plaza of the village to the cabin that she occupied alone. At her orders the robots had constructed it specifically to her plans. Her reasoning for having separate quarters was she felt it unfitting for her to live with the women who were her subordinates. In reality Tasha had just wanted her own place. No one had been inside with the exception of Naomi. Tasha had equipped her cabin with every convenience and modern thing she could think of. A computer terminal...

3 years ago
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Bound and Teased

This is my first published story. I have been writing for almost a year and reading for longer. This particular scene came from a very inspiring chat with a fellow Lushie. It’s got light bondage, some temperature play and teasing. Enjoy!! You and I are sharing a joke on the couch after having a nice meal. I take a sip of the wine and you pick up your glass and hold it up for a toast, “To good friends and good times!” We clink our glasses, drink the contents down, place them down with vigor as...

2 years ago
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The Demon of My Dreams

He stalked toward me like a lion hunting a gazelle. I froze in fear, unsure if I should bolt for escape or submit to his pleasure. He has haunted me for years, always at the edge of my conscious, waiting for me to let my guard down. Curiosity brought me to where we were now. I had let my walls tumble in hopes to understand what he wanted, which I found out much too quickly. He didn't want talking or me to understand him. No, he wanted action and not the kind to put him at peace. He wanted my...

1 year ago
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Kimmy and Grandpa Part 1 an erotic fantasy

This is all fiction, none of it ever happened.Getting older is a bitch.I had this thought as I muddled through some of my book boxes. I never read this one, probably never will. It would be one of those things the family came across after I'm gone. Anybody want this book? No? Okay, Thrift Shop Box.Don’t be so negative, I thought to myself. Kimmy was coming over, and I was excited about that. My daughter was going out of town with the older k**s, but Kimmy didn’t want to go. That call made my...

1 year ago
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Whispers 1

Juliette sighed as she dropped the final box onto the bed of her new room. She had gotten lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view. Since she had been the last person to apply for a room in the dorms, and nobody else had wanted the single room on the top corridor, it had become hers. It wasn’t the room itself that was the problem. It was a nice room, not quite as large as a double dorm room, but plenty roomy, and well-lit with large roof windows which had electrically operated...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

The Picnic a story by LePhantom The bright red Sebring convertible rolled down from the ferry onto the dock. The disappearing fog muffled the sounds as it rolled through the gravel parking lot. She sat softly in the right seat, with her sandal'd feet curled under her allowing the sun to gently warm her exposed thighs. Her sparkling blue eyes, flashed with laughter as the breeze ruffled her auburn hair.His eyes glanced from the road, down to her legs, traveling slowly up over her body, watching...

Love Stories
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MyFriendsHotMom Sydney Paige 31733

Parker stops by Levi’s house and brings his bass to have a jam session. Unfortunately Levi has stepped out to run some errands, but Levi’s mom, Sydney Paige, is home and let’s Parker in. It just so happens that Sydney also plays a little bass, although she much rather play the skin flute. So when Sydney notices that Parker is a horrible bass player she offers to help with his fingering techniques and she makes Parker is her pussy as the instrument. Bass players get all the...

3 years ago
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Another Maid in Montana

I suppose it was sort of asking for trouble even taking the job. I never kept house worth a darn in real life and now I was supposed to be working as a maid. But there aren't a lot of jobs in Montana, so the hotel job in ski season was about the best thing I could find. And I probably would have lost the job the first day if Katie hadn't come along to show me how to do it pretty well and pretty fast. Katie was kind of a big girl, as tall as most boys and not exactly fat but big-boned, I...

2 years ago
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Wedding Night

It was love at first sight. Well, almost. It would be more accurate to say, she fell in love with him one piece at a time. The first time she saw him, she fell immediately and deeply in love with his ass. He was huddled with the director over some documents. And his butt was framed so nicely against his slacks she couldn't help but notice. It was firm and athletic; not too fat; not too thin. She could actually see his muscles ripple as he shifted weight. Nice. When he stood, she loved his...

3 years ago
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On the Hour

I’m bound face down on the bed, waiting to be fucked. Again. The only illumination is the digital blue of the clock, the numbers crawling slowly towards the next hour. Every hour, on the hour, he returns. It’s almost 6 am so this will make the seventh time. I tingle with anticipation, wondering what the coming hour will bring. Each time he surprises me. Each time I cum louder and harder than the time before. I’m sore, my arms and legs stretched out across the mattress, my ass and pussy still...

2 years ago
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A Collection of Vampire Short Stories

Multiple stories will be added here over time as I have random ideas or scenarios that I would like to explore. Stories may be expanded upon long term, but there is no guarantee of that. If you like something, or feel like I need to do a better job with my writing in places, please let me know. I’m open to criticism, but it may or may not get responded to.

3 years ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 25

As ‘the Old Man’ had warned me, the work at the library wasn’t at all glamorous - especially in the beginning. Almost nothing I did had anything to do with the books, except carrying heavy piles of them from one place to another. I wasn’t even allowed to touch the books the Magicians had used and left behind. Patience. I was now here where I wanted to be and I didn’t even have a plan how I was going to achieve what I wanted. In fact, I didn’t even know exactly what I wanted to do....

1 year ago
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Abduction from the BDSM Cafe

Some people keep journals. Some keep diaries. Sarah revealed much of her life on the Storiesonline boards. She was young but wild, a true submissive with a masochistic streak a mile wide. Nick was more of a lurker. Sarah had caught his eye early but he dismissed her as a potential sub. Not only was she much too young, Sarah was a Libra. Nick had much better luck with fellow water signs. She lived four hours away along the same road he'd traveled to visit Connie, the last younger woman he'd...

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Mom8217s Sex Ride

This is Royden and I am 18.I love in Goa with my mom. I am currently studying in an university and doing my BCom first year. My mom was divorced when I was 8 when my father left her for some other women. She is extremely beautiful with a well maintained figure. She is 39 but seems like she is 25. She is very much sophisticated and men find her very much attractive. She never remarried but she used to hang around with many men and sleep with them. She meet s them in clubs and have one night...

1 year ago
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Down on the Farm 02

Nicole pulled her car out of sight behind the barn. A fast glance at her watch told her that she was running late, so she quickly got out of the car and ran to the back to open the trunk. Stripping off as fast as she could and throwing her clothing and jewelry into the trunk, she reached for her white cowboy hat.She had just placed it on her head when Annabelle said sternly from behind her, “Why are you late?!!”.Nicole yelped and jumped and then sobbed out quickly, “There was an accident, the...

1 year ago
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Macks MamasChapter 2

"Mack." The woman who answered the door looked ... hard. She wasn't a bodybuilder or anything, just lean. Her face said, 'I've been around' without hearing it come out of her mouth; the nose looked like it had been broken -- maybe more than once She had that biker chick look to her. The hair was bleached blonde -- and looked ragged, damaged. She backed up to let us in without saying anything else. Somehow, I didn't get past her face until we were inside; she could have been holding a...

2 years ago
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Daughter Seduced and Degraded

Daughter Seduced and Degraded  Daughter Seduced and Degraded  By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] This story started in late September of Katie?s sophomore year of high school.?...

3 years ago
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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
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Rendezvous IIChapter 23

Hairy Good lord, back in class again. Although I’d never stopped learning now I was getting educated. There is a difference. Learning usually happens because I survived. Survival is generally accompanied by sweat, blood and tears ... sometimes feces and urine feature prominently. “I Told you so,” is frequently heard. I hate that part. Educated has instructors and books. Books seldom cause blood ... except a paper cut or two. I never was very good at math and flying has math. At least...

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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...

4 years ago
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Early Sexual Experience part 2

Hey everyone this is my second time writing mystory so please excuse some errors. This story is really about me when I was (11+1) years old. Please enjoy :) A few days later at school Matt told me to meet him at the church storage room. After we went in there he locked the door and said he had a surprise. He had taken a Hustler magazine that he took from his dad. We sat in there looking at the pictures, within seconds we were both hard. He told me to show him my cock and I did. I was nervous...

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GPS and an unplanned trip

It was an early spring morning when the season’s first warm sun came out. I had nothing planned that day so I scanned the room and spotted my new GPS and I thought to try it out in the woods. An hour later, I arrived at a park that was popular for day hikers, mountain bikers, and family nature ventures. The morning chill had vanished and the season’s first warm sun felt erotic. I switched on the GPS and headed into the woods. Perhaps it was the erotic sun, who knows, I never planned nor have...

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Roommates get Banged

I came home late one night after a fight with my boyfriend, my roommate Sheila wasn't expecting me and had planned to have the apartment to herself all night. I walked in to the sound of loud sex coming from Sheila's bedroom, it wasn't uncommon for Sheila to have her boyfriend over and spend the night. I walked up the hallway the sounds getting louder as I approached her bedroom, the door was wide open. I looked in to see this Huge Black Guy pounding his Massive Cock into Sheila spread in a...

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