Hypnotize Me Ch. 02 free porn video

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Goodness, I’m running late. I can’t believe this shit. It’s 7:39 and I need to be in the office before 8 o’clock this morning. I know I’m not going to make it on time. I live 30 minutes away from the office building and I’m just getting into the car right now.

Dammit, why did I stay up so late last night? I was on the phone until 12:30 this morning with her and I wish I had gone straight to sleep afterwards, but I was too wound up for that. After we hung up, I pulled my favorite toy from my box that I keep stored under the head of my bed and made good use of it. My mind was filled with thoughts of her and all that she’d said to me during the phone conversation. I wanted her so badly that I did all I could do with ‘Jack’ just to keep from losing it. As a matter of fact, I think I may have hurt myself in the process because I am very sore right now. I can’t help but smile to myself as I think about this. It was definitely worth the pain because I came so hard that I actually shocked myself. I was moving that vibrator like never before and I fucked it like a mad woman. My hands were so wet and so was everything else. Shit, I must admit it was a good night for me, though.

‘Dammit, you need to actually STOP at the red light asshole!’ I yelled at the driver of the passing car that did not even attempt to stop at the light. Ugh, I hate crazy drivers and this is the last thing I need this morning.

Okay, focus girl.

A feeling of relief washed over me as I finally saw the tall brick building in sight. Whew, I’m here. I drove slowly into the parking garage and found my space. Thank God I have an assigned space because Fridays are always the worst days to find a place to park in this godforsaken garage. I turned the car off, grabbed my purse, laptop and portfolio and ran towards the building.

‘You finally made it, huh?’ I heard someone say just behind me. I turned to see Samuel, the office jerk, heading towards his car.

‘We’ve been looking for you all over the place. You know the day begins at 7:45 for the rest of us peons and not…’ he looks down at his watch, ‘…not at 8:23in the morning. I guess upper-level management has a different set of standards.’

I can hear the sarcasm in his voice as he says this. He hasn’t been cordial to me ever since I received a promotion over a year ago. He and I were two of the last three candidates left for the position and I was able to win management’s trust and win the promotion. Samuel’s sneaky methods of getting the job done, although he was quite successful in his own right, did not sit well with the hiring managers. He’s been hating on me ever since and refuses to let his anger go while he always finds a way to direct it towards me.

‘Yes, Samuel. We have a different set of standards in upper management. Maybe one day you’ll understand if you keep working hard. I’ll keep you in mind when we’re looking to promote. You have a good day.’ I hate being that bitch, but this guy just irks my last cracked nerve.

‘By the way, where are you going at 8:23 in the morning?’ I ask with even more sarcasm in my voice.

‘Well, I’m going to get kolaches and Starbucks coffee for Tom and myself,’ he said in a gloating manner. He was really pleased with himself to tell me this because Tom Mangum is the president of the company and is considering establishing another position parallel to mine. It is a great opportunity and I know Samuel is very interested in it. So, therefore the ass kissing begins. I guess this is his chance to move up.

‘Well, since you’re going to Starbucks I guess you could get one for me too. I’ll take a tall coffee, black. Thanks, I really appreciate it.’

I had to do it. I just had to…

Samuel looked like he could kill me with his eyes when I gave him my order for Starbucks. The look crossed his face for only a moment, but I definitely noted it.

‘Oh, no problem’ he said.

I knew as soon as it came out of my mouth that there was no way in the world that I would drink that coffee. Samuel might spit in it or something. It doesn’t matter though because he knows I am on the hiring committee for the management position so he will do whatever it takes to please me now.

I felt so much better about my little dialogue with Samuel that as I entered the office building I had a little more pep in my step. I stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor. As soon as the doors opened I saw Nicole standing next to my secretary’s desk.

Nicole is a young lady I knew from my college days. She was the first person I was able to help secure a position with the company so I consider her something like a protégé. She is a native New Yorker but you really couldn’t tell because her family is from North Carolina and her southern accent is so deep. She has a great personality and is always the life of the office.

I love to see Nicole because she always has the best gossip in the office. We all lovingly refer to her as ‘The Tatum Report.’ Shoot, she’s better than CNN, sometimes.

‘Good morning, Fancy. Is Nicole bothering you?’ I laugh as I walk over to her desk. She’s the best secretary I’ve had but she’s too nice sometimes. She’ll let Nicole talk to her all day if I don’t say anything.

Nicole sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes at my comment. ‘Anywaaaay…’

‘Good morning, boss lady. No ma’am, Nicole is no bother at all.” Fancy’s smile helps to brighten my day even more.

She hands me the morning messages and I walk pass her desk towards my office. Ms. Nicole is in hot pursuit. I can tell that by the way she’s smiling that her brain is brimming over with somebody’s personal business.

‘Boss lady? Hmm, whatever to that new name.’ Nicole says and laughs as we walk into my office together. ‘Hey girl. What happened this morning? Something must be up because you’re never this late.’

‘I know, right? I woke up really late this morning.’

Nicole squints her eyes and looks at me closely. I hate when she gets all ‘private detective’ on me.

‘Was Stanley over last night? I just know he was and he got him some, right?’ Her laughter is so loud that I immediately move towards the door and close it before she has the whole damn office peeping in.

‘No girl, nothing like that.’ I walk back to my seat and fall down on my big, comfortable leather chair. I love that damn chair. ‘You better control yourself in this place. I’m not trying to be the talk of the whole damn office with your loud mouth.’

‘Whatever, boss lady.’ Nicole teases.

I pull my laptop out of my bag and snap it onto the docking station and as I am logging on Nicole is off and running her mouth. The story just starts spilling out of her without any coercion.

I am only half listening to her because I want to hurry and get started on the work for today and there are a ton of phone calls to return. Half way through her breakdown of the Thursday night happy our goings-on I hear something that peaks my interest and she has my full attention.

‘Girl, I couldn’t believe it. Ms. Monica was throwing back those drinks all night. I was surprised because she never drinks like that. At first I thought she was trying to wind down because you know she just got back from that training course in Vegas yesterday. But it was more than that. She kept looking back at the door and she wasn’t even giving Vince as much attention as she usually does.’

‘Monica was drinking heavily?’ I interrupt her. ‘I wonder what’s going on with her. She’s not usually like that.’

‘I know, I know. Let me finish telling you, though’ she says.

Nicole loved knowing everybody’s business but more that that, she loved telling me everything she knew. I guess it’s her way of keeping me informed, but I know she really just loves talking about folk. I’m not mad at her though. She keeps me up with everything that’s happening.

‘Girl, I was thinking the same thing. I
know Monica well enough and she was not herself. After I noticed her looking back at that dang door for the fifth or sixth time I just had to ask. ‘Who are you looking for like that? All night you have had your eyes glued to the door and Mr. Vince is a little uptight. You’re not feeling him anymore or something?’

She looked over at me and I knew she was three sheets to the wind and I guess that’s why her tongue was so loose but what she told me blew me away.’

Nicole is dragging this thing out and I’m trying to remain patient but she is going to drive me nuts. I sit back in my chair and give her my full attention. This was her sign to spill the beans and she went for it.

‘Girl, she started telling me about her little tryst from last week. Well, I had to leave the happy hour early because I had to go to Junior’s damn accordion recital. I don’t why he plays that damn instrument anyway. Two hours of listening to five kids play the accordion is enough to drive you crazy. But anyway, it seems that she and Vince were left there with Tasha. Do you know Tasha from IT?

‘Yeah, I think. She’s the lil’ cute one with the fly short cut?’ I asked.

‘Mmm hmm, that’s her. She’s a sweetie and I just love it when she comes out with us. You know those IT people know how to party.’ She laughed her throaty laugh which made me chuckle. ‘They are the freakiest people in the whole office. Well anyway, she was there with the two of them and obviously Vince asked them to play some sort of drinking game. Vince will do anything to get a woman drunk and it seems that he had two willing women. According to Monica, they were all getting trashed.’

‘After about an hour or more of taking shots of Tequila and some serious partying they all decided to leave. Vince didn’t want the party to end so he invited them back to his place since he was the closest to the bar. They all agreed and headed off with him. She says that once they got there he pulled out some bottles of wine and more Tequila and kept on with the party. Girl, you know what happens when you have three drunk people, two bottles of alcohol, and a couple of freaks alone in a house, don’t you? Well, you get a ‘menagatra’ is what you get.’

I laughed to myself because she pronounced it so badly. Her French definitely needed some help but I guess you can thank her Carolina roots for that one.

‘A menage trios?’ I asked.

‘Yep, you heard me. A ‘menagatra’. They all got a little hot and heavy and it seems that Vince and Monica were the first to get to kissing and touching and lil’ Tasha didn’t want to be left out so she got to kissing and touching, too. Monica said she wasn’t bothered by it at first because she was only on Vince but soon she started kissing on Monica’s neck and stuff. Well, Monica said she was too drunk to say no….I’ve heard that one before. So she just kissed her back. I declare that just blew me away. ‘

She said that Vince was on both of them like flies on shit. Oh lawd, ‘scuse me girl. You know how I get when I’m telling a good story. Don’t mean to cuss and all. Anyway, she didn’t give me a whole lotta details and I’m not too sure I wanted more than that. But needless to say I was shocked by that part. And by the way she was looking at that door all night I think it all went way passed kissing and touching’

‘Oh my word!’ I was so shocked I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Is it in the damn water or something? First it was Bonita with the Thalia thing, then my thing with her, and now Monica and Tasha and Vince, no less. My, my, my…

‘You sound like me. I was shocked, too and that’s not even all of it.’ Nicole was leaning forward on my desk now with her arms crossed. She was getting ready to open up even more and I didn’t know if I was ready for whatever it was she was about to say.

‘Girl, after she tells me about what happened she goes on and on about how she doesn’t want to see Tasha because she just didn’t know how to act around her anymore. I’m like what do you mean? She says she feels funny about what happened and didn’t know what to do now.’

‘Well that’s understandable.’ I add. I can understand Monica’s confusion about what happened on a drunken night.

‘Well, you would think that’s what it was. I did, too. But let me tell you… Ms. Tasha did show up and if I say so myself, and you know I’m not like that but, she looked hot. Everything was short and tight so you know Ms. Thing went home to change into that.’

‘Really? Short and tight?’ I asked.

‘Yes ma’am. When she sat down at the table everything was quiet for a moment. Mr. Vince found his way back over, I guess he thought he might at least get a little attention from Tasha since Monica had been ignoring him all night. We all chatted for a little bit and Monica drank the rest of her drink in one gulp while she was ordering another one. She was really drinking that Caribbean Rum and pineapple juice last night and I think that was her fifth or sixth one.’

‘I thought she liked those mudslides?’ I asked, trying to get the picture straight in my head.

‘I know, she usually drinks mudslides but last night it was rum for your girl. She was through, too. I’m talking drunk.’

‘It looks like she was doing that on purpose… you know, getting drunk.’ I add, still trying to understand where this was coming from.

‘I think it was. Anyway, I had to go to the restroom but I really didn’t want to miss a thing so I was rushing. On my way back to the table I saw Vince and Tasha on the dance floor. Your boy works fast.’

‘I now, right? He’s such a slut sometimes.’ Vince and his fast ass.

‘So I’m walking back to the table and looking at them so hard that I miss Monica get up and head over towards them. She walks right in front of me and before I can say anything she’s on that dance floor and all three of them are dancing together.’

‘What?’ I exclaim. I’m so glad I closed my door because I was a little loud on that one.

‘Yes, indeed. And I was shocked because instead of Monica getting behind Vince she goes right to Tasha, puts her hands on Tasha’s hips and is grinding all on her.’

‘What?!’ My mouth is wide open. This is definitely unbelievable.

‘Baaaaaby baby, I’m trying to tell ya.’ Nicole laughs deep in her throat and throws her head back.

‘Look at you. That’s exactly how I looked last night. I sat down and watched for a few minutes because I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was just as shocked as you are… I still am. After the song ended and they stayed on the dance floor for the next one I knew right then and there that I was no longer a part of the group. I had to get home to Cleotis and Junior anyway. So I grabbed my purse and headed towards the door.

I turned around one last time just to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. There they were, Vince, Tasha and Monica all three on the dance floor. Tasha, with her freaky ass, was right there in the middle with her hands thrown up in the air, eyes closed, moving and grooving, loving every second. But let me tell you something, Monica and Vince loved it just like her. They all looked like a ball of heat ready to explode right there on that dance floor.’


This day has been crazy. It started off with me arriving to work late and then having to be greeted by sour Samuel. He brought the coffee that he said he would get for me. I promptly asked Fancy to throw it away because I did not trust the wide smile plastered on his face when he walked into my office with it. He arrived just as Nicole was leaving and I knew he was taking notes on that just to see how I spend my time. Damn, I can’t stand haters.

The day seemed to fly by with all of the returned calls, a very long and boring conference call, and a working lunch with Tom Mangum and Dallas Wells. Dallas was one of the original five founders of TR Solutions, Inc., which is one of the largest distributors of pork products in the south. We met to
discuss the last three candidates for the new position.

Samuel, JoAnna and Jose were the final three. I was definitely pulling for JoAnna because she was the most qualified, she had IT and Sales experience, and she was another sister who was all about business. The only thing that may hold her back now would be her age because the other two gentlemen were much older than her. This fact alone was the main point of discussion throughout the lunch. The two gentlemen did not feel comfortable with handing over so much responsibility to such a young woman. I just hope that is the only factor because I would hate to believe it was the fact that she was a young black woman that they would hold her back in this company. I am sensitive to this notion because I received the last (and first) position at TR Solutions in upper level management to ever go to a black woman. I hope I’m able to push that negative thought out of my head because I would love to see more women and men of color who are trusted in these positions.

Goodness, I can’t believe it’s already 4:15 pm and I haven’t heard from ‘her’ at all today. My mind seemed to keep straying to her when I had a moments break, but we never able to speak with because something urgent would pop up and I was busy again.

Now that I have this free time, she’s all I’m able to think about. I wonder how she feels about our conversation last night. We talked for four long hours and I still felt like I could have kept going. She was so damn intriguing and all I wanted to do was make her mine. She told me stories about her life as a kid growing up in the south. She spoke about her family, career, dog, and her college days. We talked about everything under the sun and nothing seemed off limits. The more we talked… the more I wanted to know.

I made sure I used all of my comfort phrases and cues throughout the conversation. I wonder if it worked. I wonder if she was just falling for me or being hypnotized by me. I need to call her. I should call her right….


Damn, I jumped at the buzz as it tore me away from my thoughts.


‘Yes, Fancy.’

‘You have a call on line one. It’s from the sales department about next weeks Pork Skin and Pig’s Feet numbers. Can you take it now or do you want me to take a message, boss lady?’ she asks in her stern ‘mama’ voice as if she’s protecting me. She knows I hate last minute business calls on a Friday afternoon because they usually lead to longer hours in the office.

‘Sure, send it through.’ Oh goodness, I hope I don’t regret this.

‘Hey girl. How are you doing? I haven’t talked to you all day. You must have been really busy.’ I heard her soft voice on the other end of the phone and my face just lit up.

‘What’s up? Yeah, I’ve been really busy. Dang girl, I was just thinking about you.’

‘All good thoughts, I hope.’ She teased me.

‘Definitely good thoughts.’ I said. I was at a loss at what to say next so I just brought up the reason for her call. ‘So, you wanted to discuss the pork skin and pigs’ feet productivity numbers for next week?’

‘Um, not really but we can if you really want to.’ I heard the laughter in her voice and knew that was just a cover for making the call. ‘Well, I told Fancy that because I just wanted to scare you. I know how fearful you are of business calls after 4:30 on a Friday so I was just joking with you. We’re okay over here in Sales. You know I run a tight ship and keep these ‘porkers’ moving.’ I could hear the laughter in her voice as she said this and I cracked up as well.

‘Girl, you are so silly. I love the ‘porkers’ comment. You are hilarious.’ I was laughing hard as I said this. She was the Team Leader in the Sales Dept. and was responsible for training and production for all Sales employees. Like she said, she kept the porkers moving.

‘You know I missed you at lunch today, but I understand that you had to schmooze with the big dogs. Maybe we can catch up with each other next week.’

‘Oh yeah, that’s good. We will definitely have lunch together next week. As a matter of fact, how about Monday?’ I ask her as I look at my calendar.

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"What's this, honey?' I innocently asked my husband, pulling a lacy underwire bra from the bottom of his sock drawer. He turned beet red and stammered a few things about how my underwear must've gotten mixed in with his. "But dear, you know I don't usually wear anything as lacy and racy as this!" I was smiling, now. I'd known all along that he liked to dress up in women's underwear. And now, I had the "goods" on him.I asked, "Did you really think you had me fooled all this time? That I wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 16

Zoe was convinced that the crisis had been adverted and that Sally was going to be fine now, but James wasn't as sure. Together, the trio had managed to pull Sally out of the downward spiral, but there was still a maelstrom brewing in her head. He had the feeling that there was a lot more going on in her mind than her father abandoning her and her mother's drunken, but still tragic, death. She was going to need professional help, not just the loving support of her friends, though she would...

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Through the Looking Glass Part II The Discovery

Part II The Discovery - Through the Looking Glass. Anne’s stride had purpose.   She had heard something and Robert was nowhere to be found.   She panicked slightly hoping that Robert was alright.   She hoped he had not hurt himself on one of his early morning walks around the property that she knew he enjoyed so much.    She realised that she had virtually ignored him since the shower fuck last year and had been feeling both guilty and a little horny lately.   She just could not bring herself...

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Legend Of Zelda A Link To Womanhood Part 2

Back by popular demand, The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To Womanhood. While staying home from work due to having the flu, I decided to rewrite much of this episode, and begin posting my stories on FM again. Please remember, I write this story with poetic license. I never meant for people to argue about this story as they began doing shortly after I posted the first chapter. This is merely a mixture of many different components of the Zelda universe. Also, against many suggestions, I have...

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Luck and the Lady Chapter Four

It has now come time for me to reveal that I was, on one occasion, quite scared by Maureen. It seems so strange to make this admission, since thoughts of that day now excite me to a point at which I must seek some sort of relief. My "ordeal", as I felt it then, began with my desire to play the teasing innocent. The previous week, while passing a thrift store window, my gaze chanced upon what I can only assume had once been a figure skating costume. It was really quite a simple,...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 3 of 3

Three  Brenda stayed on the bench staring at the horse. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had just transpired. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even thought she was sexually satisfied, she was alarmed at how far he went. Brenda was genuinely afraid when Master took out his knife to cut off her bra and panties, She was sure he would never do anything to harm her, but he had never introduced a weapon into their relationship before. And the flogging, he had never...

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Wife IS the Party

We went to a party after work was going to just stop by quickly. But Margarita's with no salt are her favorite. And the song by Bob Dylan called lay lady lay, came on and she was being flirted with and felt up by guys and she liked it. Dancing slowly and rubbing against hard cocks got the better of her.She started to rub back and they responded, the first to ask if she wanted to help him was a young guy from the mechanical crew that was just 20 years old. She was 45 looking hot and he liked her...

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He Got Used and Didnt Mind Part 1

I am getting back into the habit of writing stories. As I have done in the past physical features of characters are left to the imagionation. Please comment on this if you like to let me know when I need to write part 2. Dave met Jesse online and they kicked it off well due to things they have in common. Since they lived in the same city they decided to meet in person at Jesse's place. Dave had been working side jobs and told his wife Lucy that his new friend Jesse wanted to talk out some jobs...

3 years ago
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Bua Ki Chaddi Ka Ched

Hello friends, main mera naam Manish Singh hai, main indore ka rahne wala hu meri age 18 years hai, main aaj aaplogo ko ek kahani sunane ja raha hu ye ek incest sex story hai jisme maine apni ek bua ke sath sex kiya tha ye ghatna tab ki hai. Mujko sex ke bare main lagbhag kuch-kuch pata tha bachpan main mere gaon ke dosto ne bataya tha aur tabse mujko chudai karne ki iccha thi main jab bhi kisi aurat ke saath sota(mom,bua,any other ladies) tab jab wo so jati thi to main dheere-dheere unki saree...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 124

The White House guardians wouldn’t allow a big flat screen to be placed on the wall because of the historical pictures and paintings. They said it was because of all the tour groups that were given permission to walk in and look at the President’s historical desk. But they did install a screen that dropped down from the ceiling and a ceiling projector with a pedestal camera that would show me to be able to do an MTAC or VCATS. I pressed the buttons to make it all work. As soon as the screen...

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Honey Priya

Hi main aapka pyara raj hoon from Mumbai. Hmmm doston mere pyar ke din khatam ho chale the. Main bahut hi tanha rahne laga tha. Kahte hai na har kutte ke din change hote hai mere bhi hue aur main vohi pahle wali aukat pe aagya tha. Main toh jaise taise muth marke kaam chala raha tha. Aur main jyadatar apni pichli yaaden yaad karke muth mara karta tha. Tab mujhe bhi ehsas hua ki main sex ke bagair nahi rah sakta . Aap log meri photo dekho get oh aap sab bhi kahoge ki saala dekhne mein hi tharki...

3 years ago
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Second cock

The first was when I was twelve, this second 42 years later was equally as exciting,,,,,,,,,,,,So I had set up my camp site fairly near the trail. I being mid summer it was still light outside around 8pm. I was just finished eating and was staring in to the small campfire I used to heat a precooked meal I had brought. I was thinking about how nice its going to be to get naked after the sun goes down and wonder about in the meadows I was near in the moonlight. I had done it before, walkin around...

1 year ago
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The Troubled Celestial RiverChapter 2

Hiro sat in his new office on Jupiter Station reviewing the reports from his staff. They were compiling a list of technologies, and evaluating available Confederacy technology with their understanding of Mitsubishi developments to see which ones would offer the most likely benefits. Each department head was diving into a different aspect of ship technology, from energy and propulsion, to sensors, to weapons, communications and other ship’s systems. Within this box of puzzle pieces might...

3 years ago
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New girl at work

As an undercover security guard at a department store, I have the advantage of seeing all the beautiful co workers on the cameras without them seeing me. Out of all the gorgeous girls, there was one that always seemed to catch my eye, let's call her Vanessa. Vanessa is what you would fantasize about when you close your eyes and imagine a gorgeous Hispanic; perfect, soft, light brown skin, big brown eyes, curly brown hair, and a perfect petite body. She wasn't built huge in the chest, but she...

Straight Sex
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JourneyChapter 7

Alpha Centauri (yellow dwarf), Proxima Centauri (red dwarf), Orion α (black hole), Sol (yellow dwarf), Nemesis (red dwarf), Sirius (white giant & white dwarf), Orion β (black hole), Epsilon Eridani (orange dwarf), Procyon (subgiant & white dwarf), Gliese 876 (red dwarf), Altair (white giant), Chi¹ Orionis (yellow dwarf), Fomalhaut (white giant), Vega (white giant), Pollux (orange giant), Gliese 370 (orange dwarf), Arcturus (orange giant), Denebola (white giant), Capella (subgiant), HD...

3 years ago
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The Ocean Waves The Air Waves BackChapter 7

"I'm going to shower and join the fun," said Diana looking into my bedroom where I fucked Penny up the ass while she sucked on a blurry, semi-conscious yet demanding Martine's pussy. When Diana arrived an hour before catching the end of the couch blow job, she and I carried a weakly struggling Martine into the bedroom. After tossing her face down on the mattress we contemplated the situation. I handed Diana the key to the cuffs. "I'm going to grab some rope and some wash cloths," I...

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Nine Times Out of Ten

Nine times out of ten, I’m not thinking about sex. I won’t lust after every semi attractive man that walks into view and I don’t think naughty little thoughts about bulges in pants and hot, wet kisses. Nine times out of ten I’m firmly rooted in reality. I realize and accept the fact that I’m not perfect and the kind of relationship that finds me is one of give and take. I know that the sudden, hands under hems, steamy love making won’t ever happen to me, and that’s alright. Oh, but when that...

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Pooh8217s Virgin Pussy

Hello to all readers! I’m a regular reader here at this place! This is my first story here. This incident happened recently before 4 months. First of all let me introduce myself!! I am Raj from Gujarat! I am medium built guy but very handsome! I’m working in an MNC in Chandigarh. My vital stats are having 7″inch long dick and 2.5″ thick. Let’s not bore you anymore n move directly to the story. During my night shifts I don’t had much work. So I used to chat during nights and had started chatting...

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Family ReunionChapter 7

"Thanks, Uncle Ike!" Nancy skipped happily away, her red pigtails flying behind her. She was very pleased that Ike (at her request) had shown her all about how to operate the video tape machine. He had been using it to film the volleyball game that afternoon, during which the entire family had participated in a lively contest. The women played against the men, and Nancy had been quite amused and interested to see how her Uncle Ike and Grandma acted as though they had never been doing those...

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A Vida de Uma Barbie 1

A Vida de Uma Barbie 1 Um impertinente raio de sol atravessava a pequena brecha entre as cortinas escuras e banhava o quarto com seu brilho t?o inconveniente numa manh? de s?bado. O garoto que estava deitado naquela cama espa?osa e confort?vel j? havia pensado in?meras em se levantar e dar um fim naquilo, mas sua cama estava especialmente espa?osa e confort?vel naquela manh?. Ele examinou seu rel?gio que estava sobre no m?vel ao lado da cama, ainda faltavam oito minutos para as nove horas, o garoto praguejou ...

1 year ago
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Bromfields Temptations Ch 07

Chapter 7: In For a Penny Our second night at the studio was much like the first, except that nobody had to disrobe since none of us had dressed. We gathered again in the room furnished with tumbling mats and soft furniture, and watched another tableau. I suppose it was a variation on an old theme — the family that plays together stays together. In this case, the family consisted of mother and son. Blair led his mother out on the stage and showed the audience how rewarding it could be for...

2 years ago
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Double Trouble

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

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The Aroused Woman

The innate ability to smell things others don't quite get, or before anyone else smells them has always been with me. It both blesses and curses me. In a crowded elevator, stinky crotches, smelly feet bad breath, unwashed sweaty bodies and clothes always smell stronger to me than to others, I have found. If I am on an bus with a friend and I say, "Oh, did you smell her shitty underwear?", after we get off. Invariably, my friend will deny smelling anything and think I am off my medication...

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Another unexpected Guest

A friend text me yesterday complaining that his girlfriend had throw'in him out of the home.so I asked if he wanted to crash here at my home a night or two while she settled down? he agreed. he comes over with a friend of his, a 22 yr old black girl, her name was Adele. we chatted a while and Scott received a call and had to run over to somebodies home todo something. so Adele and i were chatting and as i played ps4. As we talked i started to go through the Ruko an stopped on the internet and X...

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Mistis Adventures Part 214

Gloria got up the next morning, and went into Susan's room, to see her and Maria laying on the bed, covers at their feet, completely naked, and smiling. It was immediately evident that they had made each other as happy as two women could make themselves. Both were visions of satisfied females, and were even lovelier for it. Gloria was going to share with Susan what her Dad had made her feel, but it was also apparent that she had been made to feel the same by her Mom. She went back out of the...

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The RescuedChapter 90 SM03Pi Day 29

Steve awoke slightly confused. He was spooning with Anna, her full breast in his hand, but there was another woman pressed against him from behind, her erect nipples making little dents in his back. He looked down, realized that the woman he was holding wasn't Anna, and finally woke enough to remember the night before. Mary had been torn about her sexuality ever since the rape; she'd had a very pleasant lesbian experience, but she was still both strongly attracted to Steve and dreadfully...

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A Fresh StartChapter 93 Wreckage

That wasn’t the end of it, of course. Both Time Magazine and the New York Times came calling, since Paying the Bills came out in time for their yearend gift ideas and non-fiction book lists. The Times quoted me as ‘one of the leading young intellectuals of the fiscal conservative agenda’, which made me wonder just how many of them there were. There obviously weren’t very many at all if I was a leader. Time did a puffy human-interest piece, and I let my mouth run away with me. They pushed how...

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Flashing at the Hamburger Palace

© 2002 LaffWithMe Press Internet [email protected] - [email protected] When I was in college I knew a girl who was an exhibitionist. At the time, I didn't appreciate how much fun that type of play can be. How I wish she were around now. Thoughts of her come to mind because of a rare treat I received at a Burger King. It was a lovely day in May about two in the afternoon. I stopped to get a hamburger. The place was almost empty. As I placed my order, a couple entered....

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Ms Marca Mr Wilson Cant Say No

    Ms Marca     Mr. Wilson Can’t Say No.       I'm Marca and I like sex. I like sex anywhere, anytime with anyone. In short, I'm pretty much the town tramp. Despite this, I'm a really nice girl, with a killer figure but really pretty eyes in a cute, ever-smiling face. So why is it when you're feeling a bit horny you can't find a man? It was after school one day and I just got home knowing my folks would be...

4 years ago
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CAW10 ENTRY by Hardrive The memory of that special day when a boy losses his virginity to a stranger on the midnight train to manhood.” ------------------------------------------------------------- It was a stormy evening and I was standing at the door watching my wife Cindy getting into her car. She was on her way to visit her mother and as she entered the vehicle she turned and waved a final good-bye. Looking at the distant sky I noticed that the flashing lights had...

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The Most Perfect Girl

I opened my eyes, blinded by the sun pouring into the room through my window. I rolled over to look at the clock. It was only 9AM. I tried to go back to sleep, but I just couldn’t. 9AM on a Sunday was too early for me. I was usually asleep until noon at the earliest. But today was different. Today, fate stepped in.I sat up, pulled the covers off, and stood up. Being up this early really was a hassle; I could barely stand. Something had to be done. If I couldn’t go back to sleep, I had to find a...

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Contractor to the porn Stars Chapter two

As Ann and I walked through the rooms it was apparent that she’d been right. There were only a few people, setting up equipment for the day’s shooting, even though it was early afternoon. We went into the kitchen and raided the refrigerator. There was still quite a bit of the previous evenings delicacies put away nicely by the caterers. We each made a sandwich, I had a beer and Ann had a bottle of some kind of fancy French water that probably cost more than the champagne that was still...

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NubileFilms Abella Danger Avi Love Her First Threesome

Abella Danger has found someone to bring home to her boyfriend Alex Legend. Avi Love can’t wait to take part in a threesome between herself, Abella, and Alex, but first she needs a glass of wine to unwind. The alcohol has barely passed Avi’s lips before she drops her inhibitions enough to give in to the temptation of making out with Abella. Alex waits patiently in the living room for a while, but eventually he gets up to see what’s taking the girls so long in the kitchen. The sight that greets...

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Nebraska Love

Maris lived in Nebraska on a farm in Nebraska. Maris was a pretty 18 year old red head and I was fucking her. She still lived at home with her parents and they did not like me because I was fifteen years older than her and divorced. Slowly but surely I was introducing her to some and she seemed to enjoy every new thing that I did with her.Saturday I picked her up to go to the park for a picnic in Omaha. She packed some fried chicken and potato salad. She looked so pretty in her blue skirt and...

4 years ago
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part3

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-3 “What shall I say? my emotions of fear and surprise were instantly subdued by those of the pleasure I bespoke in great presence of mind from the turn this adventure might take. He seemed to me no other than a pitying angel, dropt out of the clouds: for he was young and perfectly handsome, which was more than even I had asked for, man, in general, being all that my utmost desires had pointed at. I thought then I...

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‘Show me,’ I whisper. ‘What?’ ‘Show me.’ ‘Show you. . .?’ I whisper even lower. ‘Will you show me the way she touches you? That’s my question. God, I just want to know.’ He laughs. He laughs loudly, turning onto his side and facing me. This absolutely devastates me, his laughing, and I turn away from him. I do not have the strength to stand up and run away. I do not have the strength to scream, ‘Stop.’ So, I resort to the only action my body can bear. I let the infinite storehouse of tears...

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