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So what can I say? My muse is a b-. She doesn't even let me finish before she serves me another. Curveballs most of them, and then she runs away to hide, laughing snidely as she leaves me stranded in the deep blue.

Peekaboo, is it? 'Well young lady, let me tell you ... Ouch... '

Yep, she fights dirty.

It was Christmas, and cold.

Drew was standing outside the tube station trying to decide how he was going to spend the night, riding the train or to look for somewhere else. He had just enough money to get some food, or for the tube, but not both. It was in times like this he wished that he knew how to beg.

It had started to snow, and as the first snowflakes started to fall he finally made up his mind. There had to be a homeless shelter somewhere that could give him a place for the night, not that he ever had been there but he had read about it in a newspaper he found earlier.

It was near Christmas and according to the paper the time of year when there was a surplus of volunteers feeling that Christmas charity wanting to draw their straw to the stack. Not that Drew wanted any of that, but he did need some food and a bed.

You couldn't really call him a cynic, he didn't care enough about anything to become one, no, Drew just wanted to be left alone. As he looked in the paper he studied the address again, 34 Lexington Street.

'Well, can't say that I'm overwhelmed with options here.' He contemplated as he looked up at the cloudy overhang, hiding the sky as a big plug inserted above, shaded in a dark and sinister grey. After considering his options some more he found his mind already made up, his legs already starting to take those first treacherous steps.

As he walked Drew wondered why he even bothered, after all, there were ways to get out of this more or less self inflicted misery. It might have to do with his upbringing, not that he was religious in any way but he had at a short period of his life been placed with a woman, Viola, and her man. They had both been involved with the Salvation Army, and it was some of the best memories he had from his childhood.

He had only been there for a year, maybe two, he wasn't really sure, those memories he had from his childhood was at best vague, but he had missed her terrible when she at last died from her cancer. They hadn't let him see her as she waited on her deathbed, and that he hated them for. After that he had other homes but nothing that could compare with her.

When it came to charity and the organizations involved in it he didn't care that much, he knew all to well how the world worked, and how the people involved made it a business, some even expecting it to make them rich. Well, after all money had no conscience, only humans were expected to have that.

He had found it a shame and a disappointment though, reading how some of the financially responsible had embezzled money from the Salvation Army. Viola's faith had been of a simple and wholehearted kind, making the world a little lighter just by her being there.

As he at last came up to the right door he hesitated. He wasn't that religious really, and being of little faith he almost felt as if he was trespassing as he opened the door. Inside the long hall he found streamers hanging in the roof proclaiming ' a very merry Christmas.' And he could hear Christmas music coming from some of the rooms adjoining it.

'It's very posh' he thought as he looked around, the wallpaper engraved with gold, of a rich green shade. He thought that he had seen some hotels less posh than this 'homeless centre'. As he walked into the room from where the loudest music came he found it empty, just having a lot of folded tables, still standing against the walls, waiting to be packed up.

"Hey you, come over here." A voice called him.

As he looked he saw it belonged to a man in his mid fifties, perhaps a little older, dangerously balancing on the ladder he was standing on, as he in vain tried to put a star on the top of the Christmas tree standing in a corner.

"Can you hold the ladder for me? Before I fall and die, preferably?"

As he went over to hold it the man started to talk with him.

"Are you one of the movers? We sure need some help. Strange, we even had to refuse some wanting the work and then come this flu. Now we're so short of people that we had to rent you guys in instead. Well, that's life I guess, what's your name?"


"Hi Drew, I'm Gerald. Do you think you could start to get the tables up? We want them to become one big long table formed as a 'U' with enough space in between that people can move freely. Do you think you could fix that for me?"

Drew nodded, he felt a strong reluctance telling him that he had come only looking for charity.

It felt better having to work for his food than just getting it for free. He would let Gerald keep his illusions for now, perhaps he even could hide away here later? To get some sleep inside for a change. As he looked at the paper he had in his hand he realized that he was much too early, and looking some more at the room and the polished marble floor, he also realized that this hardly could be a 'homeless centre'.

More probably it was some rich society's, the Lions club perhaps? Someone's posh property anyway, getting readied for a Christmas feast. If it was for the homeless or not he couldn't care less, as long as he could sleep here for a night. And as he studied the address again he saw that he had got the address totally screwed up. What he had thought to be Lexington street should have been Lexton street, and 34 wasn't right either, 43 was more like it.

'What the heck, if I'm lucky enough there might even be some free food' he thought as he started to unfold the tables, trying to place them as Gerald wanted, and boy, was he ever hungry. After finishing with the tables, he started all over again with the chairs, now finding the hunger pangs coming harder.

As he looked at the clock hanging over the door he realized that the time had flown away, it was getting late. If he wanted to buy some food he needed to leave to buy something now, before the shops closed down. As he looked after Gerald he realized that he had disappeared. Instead he saw a young girl standing, looking at him through the door opening. Smiling at her he called.

"Miss, would you know where Gerald is?"

"Dad, someone wants to speak with you." She called out the door. As Gerald came back, looking quite stressed, Drew told him that he needed to leave for a while.

"Why. Look Drew, somehow you're the only mover that came. Nadine said there would be three of you? Couldn't you stay a little longer, we need all help we can get here?"

"I just need to get something to eat Sir."

"Eat? Lena, get him to the kitchen, pronto girl, and fix him a meal will you. You're too valuable to let go of now Drew, you stay right here, we will have work up to our ears before we get this arranged."

As Lena led him through a long passageway to the kitchen Drew started to feel as if things, for once in his life, were going the same way as him. As she sat him down to wait for his meal, placing him at an old massive sort of kitchen table, he took the chance to look around. It was a really big, old fashioned, type of kitchen with wood stoves, and from where he sat, at least, two electrical ones too.

There was a flurry of activity in it, everywhere women running around, fixing and doing, and to that you could add the heavenly smell of newly baked bread, hanging over it all as an odorous cloud, with all kinds of food being prepared on the stoves. It was also warm, very warm, and as Drew sat there he could feel himself nodding of. The night before he had just walked, the whole night through, trying to keep his warmth as he waited for the dawn, and just being able to bask inside, in the warmth, made it a wonder for his tired muscles and joints.

As Lena came back with the food she tried to wake him, but by then he was long gone with Morpheus, enjoying the wondrous sights as they happily chatted away, she looked amazingly like some girl he seemed to know too? All in all it made a heck of a better dream than the nightmares he had became used to. After shaking his shoulder and calling his name softly a couple of times Lena decided to leave him to his sleep. She looked at the food, it would be a shame letting it go to waste she decided sitting down opposite him, starting to eat. After all, she was hungry too.

Taking her time with it she watched as Drew slept, he wasn't bad looking she thought, a little thin perhaps but still nice, and the way he snored made her smile. She idly wondered what had happened to the other movers as she watched his hair lift from his nose, just to fall down again, keeping a steady rhythm with his snoring. As she looked at him she suddenly realized that he was lucky to fall asleep before her getting him his food, thinking that he could just as well have felt asleep in the soup instead.

As she looked up she saw Nadine hurrying past. "Nadine, Dad wondered where the other movers you had hired were?"

"Didn't I tell him? They cancelled it, the flu they said."

"No you didn't, but I'll tell him."

"God girl, gotta rush Lena, a thousand things to do."

As Nadine smiled at her, she also witnessed Drew snoring away.

"Who's he Lena? And whatever did you do to him? To make him that tired?"

"It's Drew, Dad thought he was one of the movers so he enforced him into helping us."

"Oh God, that poor man. Your Dad's a slavedriver Lena, tell him that from me, bye now girl."

Lena studied Drew, intrigued anew. Why didn't he just tell Dad that he wasn't? Not that it was any business of hers, but she decided to keep a watch on him anyway, not that there was anything valuable lying around, but still? If she could have seen Drew walking with Morpheus, holding hands, she might have changed her opinion though, but she would more probably just have blushed.

As Drew woke up he was alone at the table, and the kitchen seemed to have calmed down some, with only a few ladies still working. Trying to remember his dreams he could only find a lingering feeling of fulfillment, as if it had been a good one for once. As he sat up in his chair yawning, he saw Lena coming back smiling at him. She waved at him as she went over to the stove first, fixing him a bowl of stew and bread. Coming back to him with it, and a large glass of milk she sat down opposite him, thoughtfully studying his newly wakened countenance.

"Was I out for long?" he asked apologetically, feeling vaguely apprehensive under her imperial gaze.

"Three hours."

"Three hours? But, what about your Dad?"

"Don't worry, eat first, then you can make up for it."

As Drew smelled the food he knew that he had no choice, wild horses couldn't have dragged him away from that sweet smelling food, and as he started to eat he forgot all about her. As Lena watched she realized that it had to be quite some time since Drew had his last meal.

"You did look funny." She said reminiscently

Drew stopped his chewing for a second.


"When you slept, there was this lock of hair falling, awh, nevermind."

She realized that she sounded silly. And he was much to old for her anyway, she was only seventeen, well almost seventeen, and he had to be over twenty, closer to thirty she guessed as she looked at him again.

Drew just shrugged as he continued to eat, not that he minded looking at Lena, but food was his first priority here, finishing the stew he used the bread to get the last drops out of the bowl. As he at last relaxed he smiled at her trying to make a bow, almost dipping his hair in the bowl.

"Thank you Lena. This was very good. There wouldn't be any coffee to it, would it?"

Lena went over to a big thermos bottle and came back with a cup for them each.

"You want milk too?"

He shook his head, for the moment he wanted it black and bitter to wake him up. As he looked at her again, lifting his cup of coffee, he for the first time found the time to appreciate her. She seemed to be the same height as him, around five feet seven, reddish brown hair and warm with friendly brown eyes flecked in green.

She was much too young for him, but that needn't stop him from admiring her, did it? 'What could she be?' Fifteen perhaps he thought, suddenly realizing that she was blushing he looked away. He remembered his cup and took a deep draught, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

"Good coffee Lena. Should we look up your Pa and see what help he will need?"

Lena was glad that he had stopped looking at her. She felt both flattered and saddened by the look in his eyes. There had been such a strong longing in them, but also that infinite sadness as if he was looking at something so precious that he didn't dare dreaming of it. She suddenly felt shy and as they finished their coffee she asked.

"You know, you never told me what moving company you worked for?" waiting for his reaction.

Now it was Drew's time to feel embarrassed. He tried to avoid straight out lies if he could, but now it felt as if she was pressing him. Did she know?

"I didn't, did I?"

"No, but I'm sure Dad would like to know."

'Shit' thought Drew. 'She's right, there will be questions'. Well, there went his hope for getting that nights sleep, he would just have to start night walking again. No way that they would accept him, telling them that he just had had glided in on a banana peel, finding himself at the wrong address. And as for letting her know that he was homeless? Forget it, wasn't it enough with him having to deal with it?

"Well," he said a little uncomfortably. "I'm sure I'll have a visit card somewhere, but let us fix this place up first." And that was only a half lie at worst. He did have a visit card, to a pizzeria, but never the less, a visit card.

As they worked together he became impressed with her all over again. She had this blend of strength combined with gracility, creating a fluid motion to all her movements making him think of dancing. As she was lifting up a carton she stumbled though, almost falling into his arms.

As he caught her, stopping her fall, he froze momentarily looking down at her, forgetting what he was doing. Lena couldn't help notice how he stood there, lost in her eyes once more. She smiled at him as he carefully helped her regain her balance, as if she was made of the thinnest porcelain. And there had been that look of bereavement in his eyes again, seeing it she was pretty sure he wasn't a thief, not holding that sadness in his eyes.

"You okay?" she asked bewildered.

He shook his head ruefully. "That should be me asking, shouldn't it?"

She smiled at him. "You can let me go now." she said quietly.

Realizing that he still held her he quickly released her. "Sorry."

"It's okay Drew. I'm irresistible, at least if you would trust my Dad."

"Oh, I trust him okay." Answered Drew before realizing what he said.

Shit, she might think that he was trying to flirt with her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean that." He said.

"So, you don't trust him then?" she said, a little mischievously.

"I do, but I meant..." she made him go all red as she stood there with her eyes laughing.

Suddenly aware over the power she held over Drew, Lena started to fell a little ashamed over herself. It was almost as if she was coming on to him, and she definitely wasn't doing that. He was much too old and she was still in school. She tried to put him at ease again.

"Thanks Drew, for catching me." She smiled at him.

As she turned to lift the carton he froze again, lost in her movements. She reminded him of all that had been good in his life, of Viola and those dreams he once had nurtured, that inner hope of goodness most of us carry around.

Mentally prying himself loose from his indecisiveness he realized that he needed to get away, before he made an even bigger nuisance of himself. Looking around he saw that they were almost finished anyway so, as she turned back to him, he said.

"Lena, its late. I need to think of getting home."

She saw that there was something he was hiding, guessing she said.

"You don't have a car, do you? And the subway doesn't work this late. Look Drew, my Dad will drive you home, stay here."

She left him staring helplessly after her, on one hand just wanting to run off like her. On the other there was this feeling, as if he was approaching some kind of turning point in his life. As if there was a junction waiting for him, and with it, choices to be made. Maybe you know what I'm talking about here. I believe that we all face those situations at times, mostly only recognizing them when it's too late to do anything about them though.

Drew was very lucky in realizing that it was one. Leaving would only lead to him walking in the cold of the night, waiting for that new dawn to come. But staying might demolish that little card house of half lies and truths keeping him there, and maybe compromise him irrevocably in Lena's eyes. Not that he understood why that was so important to him, but it was? He didn't want her to see, in fact he didn't want anyone to see what and how he was. Maybe it was time to end this sham, once for all he thought, but his gun had disappeared with his backpack, and somehow he was grateful for that. He was still standing there, lost in time, staring unseeingly into space as Gerald came up to him.

When Gerald saw him, remembering what Lena had told him, he at last realized who Drew had to be. That guy wasn't a mover, he was at the very most a vagrant, and if judging by the forlorn look, also a lost one. But at least he hadn't lied to him, just not answering, and he had proved to be a good worker. Looking into his eyes, waiting for him to recognize him Gerald got a bad shock though. The last time Gerald had seen a guy with eyes like that, the man had died in less than a fortnight. In Drew's unblinking stare he slowly recognized something that he had hoped for never to see again.

They used to call it the 'thousand year stare' in Nam. Like if you had seen it all, from hells worst to the even worse and just waited for it to be over at last, not even there anymore. Suddenly he felt as if no matter how good a worker this guy was, he just didn't want anything to do with him, there could be all kind of terrible experiences warping this guys mind. But as Gerald looked down at his daughter he recognized her trust in him, her smile lightening up the whole room. And there was also that affinity she seemed to have developed for Drew, and knowing that he couldn't disappoint her he, while laying a friendly hand of Drew's arm shaking it, firmly told him.

"Drew, wake up man. I have a suggestion for you. We are going to need help tomorrow too. And Lena said you had no car"

Drew at last seemed to wake up from his trance.

"What? Oh sorry, I was thinking."

"I said that we will need you tomorrow, and we need to start early if we're going to finish this. I was thinking, we have a guestroom, you see? And then you could go with us in the morning getting here in time?"

As Drew listened he was both grateful and terrified. Grateful that Gerald didn't ask him about his firm, terrified that he would have to spend more time with the family if he agreed, and maybe even have to lie. He knew he wasn't that good at lies, and he didn't like them either. But it would keep him out of the cold, and near Lena of course.

Not that it was that that swayed him in the end, at least he thought so? No, it was the need they had of him, it was a long time since anyone had told him that they needed him and he too had his honor. They had given him food, warmth and companionship and he wouldn't refuse their need.

"Thank you Gerald. It would simplify things for me. If you don't mind that is?"

"No he won't." Said Lena just as firmly, lightly touching his hand. "You come with us now, it's in the countryside, you'll love it."

She was surprised but pleased about her father's idea. She had had this strange feeling, as if something terrible was about to happen, but as he thanked her father the feeling slowly seemed to dissipate leaving her with a unexplainable feeling of happiness instead. And she found it brilliant thinking, taking him home to them. Her mother had died three years ago so it was only her and her Dad now and, yes. Somehow it felt like it suddenly was going to be a tremendously good Christmas.

As they drove home in Gerald's old station wagon she surreptitiously tried to study Drew in her rearview mirror, wondering who he was and if he had a girlfriend. He definitely needed a haircut she decided, and his clothes looked as if he had been sleeping in them.

'Typical boy's behavior' she thought contended as she planed how to get him out of them, not that she had any other plans than to wash them though, and him of course. Well, he would have to take care of that on his own, she regretfully had to admit, her Dad would go ballistic otherwise. And as she saw where her thoughts had taken her she had to look away from him, blushing again.

Gerald on the other hand knew that he would need to talk with Drew at some time, but as he studied the withdrawn, almost forbidding, look on Drew's face he decided that what the guy needed most, for now, was some human decency and warmth. And on those qualities he utterly trusted his daughter's instincts, she had always had an uncanny understanding with wild things, and he wouldn't call Drew tame.

"I better warn you." He said complacently as he drove up on the little byroad leading up to their house. "My daughter might be a tad bossy. But if you find it too much, just do as I use too."


Drew woke up again, he had dozed of in the warmth coming from the car.

"Do what?"

"Just do as she ask, it will be easier on us all in the long run."

"DaaD! Stop teasing me."

"Okay Lena. Whatever you say, dear." Winking his eye conspiratorially at Drew.

Drew had to smile listening to them jabbering, it was very clear that they liked each other, a lot, and had good fun arguing. He once more wished that he still had his backpack with him and some clean clothes. It had been stolen from him a week before, as he had fallen asleep while riding the subway. The thief had been real good, cutting of the almost invisible strand he had bound to his wrist. 'Maybe even Special Forces material' he thought jokingly. More probably it was him slowly losing his edge.

It hadn't meant that much to him when he was working, the job had been a dirty one and people would just see it as his working clothes. But carrying them inside someone's home? He felt distinctly uncomfortable thinking of it. But he felt as if it was out of his hands now. As he started to nod of again he idly wondered whose hands it was in then, if it wasn't in his?

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These are compliments of fmwarmac A police officer came across a terrible road accident where the driver and passenger had been killed. As he gazed at the wreckage, a little monkey emerged from the trees and started hopping around the crashed car. “Gee,” said the officer scratching his head and looking down at the monkey, “I wish you could talk.” The monkey looked up at the officer and nodded his head. “You mean you can understand what I’m saying?” asked the officer. Again the monkey nodded...

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Twice LuckyChapter 40

While Jake was waiting for his answer from the twins, Randal Thornton was sealing his own doom. Randal was flying high on nose candy when he had a drug-induced epiphany. His control of Thornton Development would be guaranteed if he controlled Melissa. He had almost succeeded the time when he was down for Russell’s funeral. He thought that he had lost control of Melissa because of her boyfriend, that young puke Turner. What his niece needed was a real man, a real man like Randal Thornton. He...

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Zodiac Coin Libra

The Zodiac Coins: Libra By JRD 2400 YEARS AGO... He was a humble shepherd. It was night and the flocks were sleeping. As he gazed at the stars, he saw a shooting star. He knew it was a portent of some kind, but was not mystic enough to know what. A little while later he saw another shooting star and guessed that whatever these portents were, they were for something either very grand or very dire. If he had been born in another time, he would've known that what he saw...

2 years ago
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My Personal Professor

I graduated from high school several years ago and got caught up in marriage and kids, though I always knew that I needed to go to college, if only for my own, personal satisfaction. I'd known for some time that I want to be involved in the medical field, though I'd never been exactly sure what aspect of the field was perfect for me. I'd been considering physical therapy, but my husband wasn't too keen on the idea of me touching other men on a regular basis, even though it would be strictly...

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I Know Hes A KingChapter 8

Although I more considered Alexander as my best friend than anything else I would have loved to hear him say that he loved me. I loved him, it took all of my willpower not to hug him and whisper it to him every time we met. The longer time we spent together the harder it got to say goodbye. Once when he was about to leave I tried to hide my disappointment in his short visit. It turned badly. We yelled and I tried to kick him, and then he just left. He did not return for a full week, and I...

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Forward to the Stars

I have finally gotten a editor to go over and check my stories. As of chapter twelve they have been gone over and hopefully together we have corrected everything! While some may delete all past comments I am going to be leaving them to remind myself of how badly my first chapters sucked. Still any and all comments are wanted. ************ Brian sat paying attention too the mountain in front him or at least ATTEMPTING to do so anyway, he kept getting slightly distracted at all the giggling...

1 year ago
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Scotts SituationChapter 13

Scott and Sula walked hand in hand out onto the balcony while Jenny attended to Afia’s recovery. He surveyed the boulevard lining the beach five floors below. Every building was a neutral colour of beiges, soft pinks, and yellows. “What a beautiful view,” Sula sighed, looking left and right along the sandy coast. “Yes, very beautiful indeed,” he replied, gazing fondly at his young bride. “I could get used to living like this. What it would be like to have a nice home on the coast with my...

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Clothing control

In your dream a big muscular men walks over to you and says: "You are the first test person. From this moment on you can control what persons are wearing. There are three kinds of control: The first option is, to make rules for the future: 'You have to dress in green shoes.' If you want this person to only dress this way in a perticular surrounding, you can also say for example: 'You have to dress in white shirts at work.' If you want a person to only wear a perticular thing you can also say...

3 years ago
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A MILFs Craving for Teenage Testicles and Cum

It has always been unsettling to me to read magazine articles or true online stories about families having incestuous relations, especially those involving either of the parents and their kids of either sex.  I just couldn’t understand how a parent could subject their child to sexual advances, although it made sense that some children might find it erotic and enjoyable.  But now, I’m actually contemplating having sex with my sixteen and seventeen-year-old sons and their friends. My husband has...

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Faerie Fire

I sit on the bench outside the library for a chance glimpse. She always walks by about this time. She would then sit down and draw. I always wondered about what she drew. I watch The pale full moon as I wait. I smile as I see her walk by and sit on the grass. I pretend to read a book as i watch her. Her raven hair covers her eyes and inches towards her paper. Her pale skin sparkles in the moonlight and all I can think about is what she might smell like. She wears a black Victorian style dress...

2 years ago
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Trading For Sex First Sugar Daddy Experience

I didn’t ever plan on sharing this story, however, I hit a block whenever I tried to write about something else. Apparently, this story had to be told.I didn’t say yes with the intention of trading something of financial value for sex. I said yes because I liked flirting with Jason, he’s cute and he asked. The concert sounded like fun, and to be honest I didn’t think the night would end in the bedroom.At the time, I worked at a Hooter’s type restaurant. What can I say, it paid better than any...

First Time
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Celestial MattersOn the Run

-Maria- It felt like I was going on an adventure. The old timber of the carriage creaked as it rolled. I could hear the clips and clops of horse hooves against the worn cobbled path. I was leaving France. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined living anywhere but Paris. Never had I imagined being anything but a prostitute. Now I was headed for Ireland in clothes fit for a baroness with a man I called Master ... and lover. Despite the insulation of the carriage, the cold air...

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The nasty EXGF

We all have heard the stories, XGF who never did the nasty things we wanted to do, she told you that it was disgusting or perverted. Yea, only time can erase that lie. Went to New Orleans few months ago, needed the break and to see the seedier side of the quarter. Walking thru the quarter I was inundated with all forms of humanity, some beautiful, others of questionable heritage but all were enjoying themselves. One particular bar was of interest and featured excellent drag shows. After getting...

2 years ago
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Beer Ka Taste Callboy Yogu Mera Best

Hello friends aur meri pyari raseeli kamseen chutwali, aunty, bhabhi, kaku, vahini aur ladies girls aap sabhi ko. Mera aapko mere 6.2+ lumbe lund ko khada karke namaskar. Main apka Yogu, age 26 abhi Pune mein job kar raha hu. Waise aaj ki story meri aur meri kamseen bhari huyi gadarayi jawan pahachan wali aunty ki chudai ki hai. Ab story pe ata hu. Maine bataya last matlab mein ki kaise humne us raat khub enjoy kia. Aap is story ka pahla part padhana ab age batat hu. Unki age 36 saal thi. Unka...

3 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 35

Gerome went to The state wildlife office to meet Michael Williams. They were headed for a tour of the nesting area of the endangered Mississippi Sandhill Crane that morning. He and the professor drove two cars to the first site. There were only two known nesting sites in the whole state so the tour was expected to be over quickly. Gerome was tasked with two different jobs that morning. He had been told by Lucinda to record the images of the land with no cranes visible. He was also charged...

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The Preachers Wife Chapter One First Affair

Naked, Maggie stood in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom. "Fifteen years," she said to herself. "Fifteen years ago today I graduated from high school. The class of 1969."She looked critically at herself. She was still slender and was more attractive than she had been in high school with character lines making an ordinary face interesting. Her breasts were small. Her nipples were no longer rosy red tips but were now brownish and wrinkled, the consequence of having given birth to...

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Three Valleys SammiChapter 17

Sammi looked for Bob before school, but he was nowhere to be seen. She waited for him outside the entrance, and only gave up at the last minute, sliding into her seat in Home Room just before the bell rang. She thought of checking with the office, but decided that if she did that she'd look like some kind of a fool. She was just going into the bathroom before Sex Ed when she saw him in line ahead of her. "Hi there," she said, coming up behind him. "Hi, yourself," he said, slipping an...

4 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 8 New Friends in the City

This picks up where Hartstein ends, it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

4 years ago
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Anger Not Those Wild Wyldewood BoysChapter 9

I should have started to worry the minute I told Marsha that Saturday morning that I would be spending a week up at dad's cabin with Lindsey. She took the news far too well and way too calmly. No sulking, no dirty looks, no comments about my skinny fancy pants piece of ass, no threats to cut off my more delicate parts with blunt instruments. Nothing. She gave me a smile, a wink and a bounce of her near ass length long hair as she gave me a big tonsil mashing smooch in my office in the back...

2 years ago
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The YVirus Ch 02

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 48 The Interspecies Threesome Part 3

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality & lesbianism fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

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Shanas Submission

"O my god, you are never going to guess what I witnessed today just before I left school!" Tina gasped as the brunette and her three friends connected to the group's video call. Always eager to hear the latest and greatest (and the dirtier, the better) blondine Jessica was the first to respond "What? Come on, tell us!". When Tina didn't hear anything from Tiffany (her redhead friend) and Deborah (also a blonde), she figured they were also waiting on the news and said "I'd best show you.". While...

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Dark and Wonderful Things

Cass Raven walked slowly through the crowd of guests, smiling occasionally when she saw a familiar face. It amazed her that she barely recognized any of these people. But then again, it wasn’t her party so she wasn’t that surprised. She scanned the crowd of people in search of Leo, but to her disappointment he was nowhere to be seen. Trust him to disappear from his own party. She smiled wryly to herself and accepted a flute of champagne from one of the many hired waiters. She’d known Leo...

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The first time I fucked my mother inlaw

As you can see from my pictures and videos, my mother in-law is very sexy. She is 60 years old, 5’4”, 34DD tits, fat ass and a tight body. Every time I see her I just want to bend her over, rip down her tights and fuck her hairy wet pussy until she cums over and over again. This story is about the first time I fucked my mother in-law.My wife and I, both 34, recently sold our house and while we waited for our new house to be built, moved in with her mom. My wife is 5’6” with a similar body to...

4 years ago
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Make Love To Me Part 3

In spite of the profound events that had taken place with Beth and the stranger, Juan, Allan and Beth continued to enjoy their two weeks away as best they could. Ibiza was always one of their favourite haunts. The warm Mediterranean sun had warmed their skin and lifted their spirits. The continual party environment surrounding the couple helped some, but the atmosphere between Beth and Allan had been noticeably altered. Allan was having trouble putting his finger on it, the change in Beth...

2 years ago
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The Kitten Club Part One

It was my girlfriend's birthday and she wanted to go to this place called the "Kitten Club". My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard of the place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found out what went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a very good reason I'll tell you about in a minute. You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this dark alley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 10 Make Love to Me

As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...

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Another Takedown

when you wake up... you find yourself... on your stomach... completely naked... without a stich on... your pants pulled off... socks and shoes gone... even your tee shirt is missing... "whut's duh mattuh white bitch?... yew bee worried 'bout no shirt... no shoes... end no suhvice?... wail... yew mightn' bee completely nekkid... but yew gonna bee duh won givin' us... awl duh suhvice wee gonna need"... and you realize... laying face down... that your legs... both legs... are spread wide...

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My Backdoor Assistant

Let me start by saying I'm a happily married man and I've never before cheated on my wife. I know, you are thinking “Yeah, right.” However, when this opportunity arose at work I had to take advantage of it. You see I have this strong desire to do anal, I love anal sex, and that's about the only thing my wife will have nothing to do with. We tried it once when we were both pretty drunk and I guess I got a little over excited and pushed too hard and fast. She said it hurt so much she'd never try...

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Erotic Session With Neighbour Aunty

Hi, all this is Vicky raj from Chennai.I thank all for your comments on my previous story with my cousin.Those who doesn’t now about me, here it is I am 22 with a muscular body and 6 feet of height and a hard dick ready to fuck.I am doing my pg in a reputed college.My mail id is Comments are always welcomed.And my dear ladies, I am ready to make love with you so be free with me mail me.I am here to satisfy you. I thank iss team for making such a wonderful site to share my experience with you...

1 year ago
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Rani Fucks Top Cop

Hello young readers. This is Rani here once again. I’m here to share my experience with Amrish, a top cop. I’m encouraged to write about my sexuality because of your lovely fucky, fucky letters inviting me for a screw. And for those who have missed my previous posts, do read ‘Rani’s first fucked’, ‘Rani cums again’, ‘Rani and her boss’ for a warm up. With a promise to keep your dicks wet without a shag, I wish to begin. My boss, Mr.Pradhan and I have had such sucking and pressing that we can’t...

4 years ago
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The Neighbors Put On A Show 3

I was very curious to see Randy and Julie's home movies but it was already two in the morning and I needed to get some sleep. Good luck with that! Images of Julie's perfect tits and Randy's throbbing cock kept running through my brain as I lay in bed. I was so horny that my cock wouldn't stay limp. I started to stroke it, thinking that if I came again, I could relax. I was also enthralled by Julie's sucking skills especially with Randy's cock alongside mine as her lips and tongue...

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Fucked Unknown Lady

After fucking Suman bhabhi in Bhilai we were enjoying this on weekly base. One day i got a call from Suman and she is very happy saying that her hubby and children were out of town for 4 days and she want to enjoy all this moment. As it was saturday when there family member was supposed to go, in the evening i went to her home. we hugged each other and planted kiss, after dinner she asked me to go to bed room and she is coming,there in bed room after having my shorts when i was resting on bed...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Braylin Bailey Stepdad Gives Braylin Bailey a Creampie

Braylin Bailey loves taking risqué photos poolside while her stepdad Derrick Pierce watches. Now that he’s about to separate from her mother, the young blonde takes the opportunity to sample the stud’s big cock for herself. Watch this taboo premium Penthouse family affair unfold as the nubile babe gets her lithe body groped and kissed from top to bottom, from her perky small tits to her curvy ass. Then the naughty stepdaughter gets her tight pussy licked and fucked until a dripping...

2 years ago
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A Dish Best Served Cold Ch 04

This opens the Monday following the twins weekend together. A new ally is found and Lee works on his reputation as a bastard, extorting sex from the women at the office. Pete and Rosa have a fight and make-up. The twins get some surprising info about Don’s connections. Enjoy. Votes and comments welcome. Jb7 * Lee was at the office by eight o’clock Monday morning. When Ashley walked into the executive area at five after, he was sitting at her desk, watching her traverse the open area. Her...

1 year ago
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Enjoyment in bus with jaya aunty

Hi friends I am a regular reader of iss and i love to enjoy journey’s and my work also involved in lot of journey’s i prefer most of the journeys through bus. I am working in a mnc in sales and i am from ap , i am working in rayalaseema region, recently it happen couple of weeks back, i am 29 with good physic and a pleasing personality, one day i am moving from ananthapur to adoni which is around 4 hours journey, when i came to atp bus stand the regular bus left and I am waiting for another bus...

2 years ago
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Freeze frame

Watching her in the shower is a thrill, the slow fall of water flowing down her caramel skin legs, wr****g around those perfectly toned thighs long lean, graceful every move of the wash cloth over her flat stomach, bubbles gathering in her belly button praying to call it home, with her quick spin on the heels of her feet they are whipped away, shoulders elegantly dropped feeling the water rush over her short light brown hair, with soap on her face I make my move, open the door and slip right...

2 years ago
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Panties Peril of the Dark DamselChapter 6

The familiar and unwelcome ache in her shoulders assailed Barbara as she regained consciousness. Once more she was hanging from the hook. Another ache came from between her legs, her nipples hurt. Her lips felt chapped, the taste of dried cum revolting her. Clyde was slumped in the chair, swigging from a beer bottle and looking at her. “You ready for some more, bitch?” he asked. Barbara sighed and looked around. Victoria! She was out and in the clutches of Nathan. Leon and the Panties...

4 years ago
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Lady in Red Ch 27

As Steve struggled to make sense of his situation, his hands reached out to gently push Ashley away from his face. He felt the soft skin of her toned stomach as he increased the pressure he was applying. The hand holding his head tensed up and pulled him with greater force. ‘Ms. Summers?’ mumbled Steve around a very hard nipple. ‘We can’t be doing this. You could lose your job!’ ‘Don’t think I haven’t considered that. Now, stop talking with your mouth full! Suck my nipple!’ Steve reached up...

3 years ago
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You left your wife a note saying the station called you in. You drive over to her place. You knock on the door. She answers in a skimpy top. You could here the song ”sweat” playing. She doesn't say a word her eyes just stared at yours. Waiting wanting. You step inside and shut and lock the door. You Reach your arm out and grab hers. You pull her close to you. You put both hands around her neck and pull her to you. Her mouth looks so tempting. Your cock is hard as fuck. you turn her back ...

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At The Stables ndash The Generalrsquos Wife

At The Stables – The General’s WifeI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money...

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