AimeeChapter 2 free porn video

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Darynn had sworn decades earlier that he would always consider his life a lesson and himself a student. Although his opportunities to experiment with the opposite sex numbered beyond his counting he had never once actually paid any attention to them or their needs. Awrthom had made him a man of men, in a world of their own without want or need of women.

Aimee' changed that. She had occupied his thoughts for the entire week, from the previous Gayobi to the present. In that time he had done a little asking around, and had learned some things about Teltirray's tastes that bothered him. According to his friend Bethsany, the mistress of the local brothel, Teltirray had become more violent in the last decade, although she had as little idea why as Darynn did. He found himself hoping that Teltirray's violence didn't extend to Aimee' and that he wouldn't hurt her in the days between her lessons. As the hour approached he found himself rubbing his hands together before the fire and assembling his story for the evening in his mind.

The knock came at the door none too soon. "Come in," he said, attempting to make his voice behave in a manner befitting an archmage. Inside, a corner of his spirit laughed at him; surely he did no better than any poor boy at his first occasion with a woman! And he, nigh unto a century old!

The door opened and Aimee' entered. "I have come for my second lesson, sir, with your permission."

"You have it. No, not the stool again. Come, here, sit by me before the fire." Nervously the girl crossed the flagstone-and- mortar floor and then his precious white yeti-fur rug. The rug had been the lesser of two prizes he had won from a battle with such a creature destroying many a town to the Northeast. He smiled, remembering the greater prize; a boy named Darrick.

"Settle yourself against those blue pillows. Right." She sat down, her body trembling slightly. He looked her over; bruises adorned both of her arms and one smaller stood out even against the reddish skin of her chin. Darynn winced and determined further to teach her the arts of self-preservation and defense as well as those of pleasure.

"If you ever have need to speak, Aimee', do so freely. Now, tonight I shall tell you my second story and you will do something for me. You will remove your clothing."

She reached for her tunic instantly. "Wait," he said. "I did not tell you to remove your clothes. I said you will remove your clothes. I shall not tell you when."

"Then how will I know when to do so?"

"Aimee', I said you may speak freely, but you will address me as 'sir.'"

"Yes, sir. How will I know when to remove my... my clothes?"

"When you feel ready, Aimee', to take off an article of clothing, I want you to. But not before then."

Confusion crossed her face as Darynn knew it would. Nobody ever gave slaves the right to address their own feelings. Instead, slaves behaved as ordered and came to hear every whim of a superior as an order. By permitting her access to her own simple desires, Darynn hoped she would unwittingly open herself to her deeper emotions. Sometimes boys in his service cried for hours when he did this, and afterwards the passion from them exceeded even Darynn's fading memory of his for Awrthom. He lived for those moments.

But did a woman have those same feelings and same methods of bottling them up and controlling them? Darynn wanted to find out.

"Y... yes, sir."

"Now then, I shall tell you another tale. This one comes from my learning amidst the Megass, and of one special Megassi named Ryuchia."

In my twentieth year Awrthom called me a man, told me he had no more to teach me, and bid me go into the world to find my future. I had no wish to leave, Aimee', for I loved him. Not just physically, although certainly that phrasing-- "I loved him"-- had certainly come true by then.

I cried piteously. I wept for myself and I had learned to weep for him, Aimee', because Satyrs have nothing but themselves and their passions. Awrthom allowed himself no past, no future, nothing but the immediacies of his present pleasures. Although I wished to stay in that Satyric haze for all of my existence, I knew that he and I did not belong to the same worlds. I needed to seek my destiny elsewhere.

He gave me money. I gave most of it to my parents to help them over my disappearance. I even had a younger brother by then. I left them in the worst way possible, I think. I stole out of the house one night leaving only the money and a note. I think by that time father suspected something about my relationship with Awrthom, although he never said a word and I think he trusted my wisdom.

I will not bore you with the details of the travel, Aimee'. Awrthom sent me on a path into the mountains in search of a city the Megassi called Hakkana and a Megass named Desa.

I knew little of the Megassi except for legends, Aimee'. I knew that they had grown from the ranks of Dragonkind by virtue of their intelligence and their capacity for magic, and I knew that even satyrs spoke in warm, awestruck whispers at the magic they achieved through the exercise of their honest lusts.

"Master?" she interrupted him.

"Yes, Aimee?"

"May I remove my boots, sir?"

"Aimee, I told you that you may remove your boots when you feel the time has come for you to remove your boots, and such with the rest of your clothes. You do not need to ask me. If you never feel that time tonight, I understand. I do not want to make any such demand of you. Understand?"

"I... I think so. Please, sir, do not let me interrupt your story."

As I approached Hakkana I sometimes saw Megassi circling between peaks in the mountains. The road I walked led through those mountains and, according to one scrawled sign I passed, across a pass that had claimed the lives of over a dozen men. The sign, too, warned of Dragons in those mountains, but I rationed that I had survived capture and rape and even the love of a satyr. A Dragon could do no worse.

I camped in the hills the day before, and come morning began my ascent for the pass. I hoped that the Dragons would find me before then. Find me they did. Two swooped down from the high places in the mountains, flying over me in great, sweeping passes. Red-scaled and massive, their wings beat the air as they flew past and the wind they kicked up blew into my eyes and stung with fierce pain. I had learned magic to alleviate that pain and so use it, giving myself a chance to stand and examine my examiners.

[Who are you?] the first one demanded, his voice shouting in my head like a great storm.

"I call myself Darynn, as my father named me! Awrthom, Lord of the Satyrs of Daber Wood has sent me to meet with Desa Megass of Hakkana."

[You have a great many friends, ] the one spoke again. [You may pass unharmed and without tribute unto the gates of our city. But if you have lied, your suffering will amuse us for days.]

Speaking honestly, I had hoped for a ride. Dragons do not have kindness as we know it, Aimee.' Ah, I see you smile at my little joke. And your boots have walked away on their own. Good.

I walked for the day and through the night and near dawn I found the gates of the great city of Hakkana. I slept there at the base of those monstrous gates.

A pain in my leg awakened me hours later. "You," the voice said. I looked up into the face of the first landed Megass I had ever met. The young of the Megass perform the city duties for their elders, and this one, barely nine feet long and still unencumbered enough to have full use of his forearms, apparently served as a guard.

"I... my apologies, my lord Megass. I have come seeking an audience with Desa Megass."

The Dragon turned his head to me and I saw him smile. "You know interesting friends if you know of Desa Megass. Very well, we will show you the way to Desa Megass, young mage."

He led me past the gates and into the city of Hakkana. City? No, Hakkana covered an entire plain with its construction. The great beauty of vaulted marble only served to introduce the marvels of engineering that surrounded me.

The plain apparently sat as an elevated valley surrounded by mountains.

Most people know only rumors of the growth cycle of the Megassi, but it's relatively easy to understand. Aimee', have you ever watched a caterpillar turn into butterfly? You know of the sleeping process caterpillars undergo? The Megassi have the same sort of growth, Aimee', only their caterpillar shape resembles our shape, human. Or elven, I suppose. They built the central city of Hakkana for that shape; they spend the first fifty years of life shaped in our way. These young administer the city as it relates to the world; they perform the roles of merchant and agent to the adult Megassi.

Somewhere in their fifth or, perhaps, late sixth decade, they begin to undergo the great change. They do not sleep though the change, Aimee'; every day they awake knowing that they have begun to change their shape, begun to change into Dragonkind. Many move awkwardly at this time; They have no reason to learn to live with a shape that will not feel the same tomorrow as it does today. My guard, apparently, had some control of his faculties. He spoke well, and he moved without clumsiness.

As I said, the central city is built for the young who are shaped as Men, but beyond that the buildings grow ever larger and more impressive, housing as they do the various centuries of the Megassi Dragons. The architecture is utterly alien; the homes on the plain look as if they were grown, or like bubbles on the water, but made from a stone the color of which pleases the owner. The most common color is white, although some are red, black, green, or yellow. The mountains that surround the plain are riddled with caves in which sleep the Great Elders. Very few live that old; most succumb to disease, or madness. Some to spiritual decay that leaves them lifeless and suicidal.

I was surprised that the guard led me to the central city. I had expected Desa Megass to be an elder Dragon, and I inquired of it. "He is," the guard replied. "But you are to be taken to the center to meet him."

The great city of domes passed as we walked, and the houses began to take on more familiar shapes. I saw Megassi young going about their businesses, cleaning windows and fixing roofs. They waved pleasantly as we walked; they are not a mysterious people, not the young. They are as easily understood as you and I.

The guard led me to a circular building, a squat cylinder topped with a cone roof. The door was made of wood and not large enough to admit him. He knocked. A Megass youth answered the door. "What may I do for you, sir?"

"This human claims to know of Desa Megass and would like entry."

The youth looked at me, and I examined him in return. His skin seemed pliant, but it still looked as a snake's: covered in fine scales and tinted with a greenish hue. His yellow eyes had vertical slits, much like a cat's, and they sat in shallow, reflective pools that regarded me carefully. "Yes, I know of him as well," he said finally. "Admit him. I thank you, elder sir, for your kindness."

"May your change await you with pleasure," the guard said, leaving me standing outside the door.

"Come in, come in," the Megass said. "Sit down. I am Kirustan. Desa will join us in a moment."

I found a seat and examined the room. It seemed as any common home, although perhaps a little better aired than my own. The construction was as solid as any Castle, a privilege of its origin. The chairs were likewise made of stone, and I knew that it would take all my thew just to move one a few inches.

In the floor there was set a circular staircase leading downwards into the very rock. From here I heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and I shall never forget what walked up from that place. It was shaped as human, but it was of no human origin. The body reflected light as if made of polished silver. It had no imperfections; indeed in places it looked too perfect, gleaming and smooth. Its eyes shone with a strange yellow light. The ears looked elven, wide at the base and pointed towards the top. As it regarded me it smiled, and the silver seemed to flow as if it was quickened. "Darynn."

"You... you know me?"

"Indeed I do," the creature replied. "I am Desa Megass, or at least, what you will see of me." It chuckled deeply. "In good truth, I sleep many miles from here. My spirit houses this form while the other sleeps. In here, I cannot do magic, but that is no matter. I find the world of the children exciting, and the beauty and song I hear here I weave into the waking magics of my Dragonself." It picked up a stone chair like a feather and placed it down before me, then sat down. "Now then, Darynn, tell me what brings you here."

I told him, Aimee'. I told him everything. Of my hopeless love for the Satyr Awrthom, of the magics he had taught me, of his sending me here. The tale took over two hours. When I was done, Desa nodded. "You are what I have been looking for, and I am in Awrthom's debt for the gift he has sent me."


"Yes," Desa nodded. "Although I cannot do magic in this shape, Darynn, I can still teach it. I can still guide students who need learning. I have a... a failure, I fear. Perhaps you can help me change that."


"Quiet, Darynn. You are my apprentice now."

I thrilled to hear that, Aimee', to be told by this magical being that it had accepted me as an apprentice. I glanced to the window where Kirustan leaned, casually. He grinned at me, as if amused. I wondered what his role' was in Desa's existence, and if I was staking a claim to something he felt he already possessed. Nevertheless, he seemed earnestly pleased to hear of my acceptance.

"Yes, sir."

"I have several apprentices, Darynn. You are to... Kirustan, leave us."

"Immediately, sir," the young Megass said, taking his leave by the same staircase Desa had arisen from.

"I am sorry; I do not know of your comfort or concern being a lover of men and things male, Darynn, and I did not want to embarrass you in front of my other young apprentice. I should have dismissed him before you told your tale."

"It is the past, sir, that tale. I am not ashamed of what I am."

"Good," he said. "Because it is, in part, what you are that makes you so valuable to me. I have an apprentice that I took while he was still in Manform, thirty years ago. He learned quickly, as I promise you, you will. His name is Ryuchitoran. I fear he has not long to live.

"Ryu, as I call him, was born with two problems. I have trouble deciding some days which makes his life more unbearable. The first is that he, like you, strongly prefers his own sex to that of the other. This happens from time to time; often there are enough of that kind to keep each other happy, and they are of no trouble to the rest of us. At mating time, even with reluctance most of them perform admirably, and the females among them I suppose hold their noses and wait for it to be over; the bodily joy of bearing eggs is something even they admit to liking, even if they dislike the process required to get there.

"But Ryu has a second, more troubling problem. After his change, it became obvious. Ryu is a runt."


"Ryu is growing very slowly. At the present he is only twelve feet long, and four of that is his tail. This is not a midform, Darynn; Ryu is all Dragon at this point. But he sleeps with the daily fitfulness of a youth and he grows but slowly, if at all." Desa fell momentarily silent, thinking. "My newer apprentices frequently learn the physical basics from their elder peers. Ryuchitoran is one of my eldest students, and you will be his first. One of the things every sorcerer must learn is how to teach, to pass on what he knows. It's time Ryu learned a skill he will need in his old age, even if he does not expect to get there.

"But in the process, young Darynn, you must do something else. If Awrthom did not lie about the size of his manhood, you will not find Ryuchia threatening. Few, if any, of the older Dragons among his kind show any interest in him; he is too small, and frequently too depressed. I ask that you volunteer for this, Darynn: Seduce him. Give him someone to feel lust for. You will have the tools, and the skills of sexual magic that Awrthom has given you tell me that you are the best person to do so. I will visit you often to give you guidance in your studies. I encourage you to seek your power in the pleasures of your body." The silver grinned again. "Encourage Ryuchia to assist you."

He was asking me to become the friend and lover of someone who, as he admitted, was a dark and depressing soul. But a Dragon soul, nonetheless. And I had come to Hakkana to learn from him, so I supposed that would be the price I would bear. Not that I was completely against his plan, Aimee', for it had been several months since I had loved, or even touched, another, and I think my youthful manhood got the better of me. I agreed on the spot, a bit overwhelmed by lustful images of myself entwined with a Dragon.

"Do you accept?"

I spoke immediately, anxious to move forward. "Sir, I do."

He nodded. "Excellent. Come with me, and I will introduce you to your new teacher." He stood and led me out into the street.

As he led me out amidst the youthful construction, I marveled at the sights surrounding me. The city was huge, Aimee', indescribable. I have seen only one city this large since then, Aimee, and that is Arisanti. Yes, I have been there.

The low domes and bubbles that were the Megassi homes cast shadows on one another, and I was to learn that arguments about who possessed the right to another's heat were vocal and common. Although the circle wherein the young abounded in trees and bushes, beyond was only plain red stone upon which their marvelous houses were built.

"This is his," Desa announced, pointing to a dome immediately to our right. As large as others nearby, it was the brown of a duck's egg, and it glistened with the sunlight. Desa led me around. "The door is at an angle to the regular direction of the wind. In that way, a Dragon may leave his home open and not have wind blow about inside, but may step out and take wing instantly." We came to a seam in the side of the dome, a seam that ran up many feet out of sight. He knocked.

I know not the construction of the Megassi doors, but I would like to know. Like the wings of a beetle, the doors spread open, making barely a sound as they did so. "Inside," Desa said.

The smell inside had a slightly stale taste to it. Desa looked at me curiously. "Describe it."


"The smell. It's foremost in your expression, young human. Describe it to me."

I did, including the stale taste and an odd, burning smell, like old rope set ablaze. He nodded. "Ryu has not been keeping his house in order." He cupped his mouth with his hands as if to amplify his voice, and shouted "Ryuchitoran!"

"Master!" As my eyes adjusted from the blazing sun outside to the darker interior, I began to see details. The center of the house rose many feet above my head. Along the interior walls platforms circled at regular intervals, providing many landing spaces for a creature used to life airborne. A bright circle of light landed on the stone floor of the dome, indicating an opening at the center of the dome where Dragons could enter while airborne. From the opposite side of the dome, two rings up, a Dragon shuffled to the edge, gripped a cylindrical brass railing and launched himself into the air. His wings spread wide and he floated down to the central floor. "I am at your service."

"That is good, Ryu, because my request of you is very difficult. I have an apprentice that I wish you to train."

"Me? Sir..." I examined Ryuchitoran closely. He was as Desa had described him; a fully formed Dragon, but only eight feet in height, a four-foot tail behind him. His scales appeared soft and supple, white tinged lightly with green, much as I had described Kirustan. His body was wide in the middle, and his wings spread out at least as long as his body in each direction. On his tail the fans that helped control his flight opened and closed reflexively. His face expressed every feeling, and even I could read them.

"Yes, Ryu."

"When do I meet him, sir?"

Desa's silvered shape turned to me. "Ryuchitoran, this is your junior apprentice, Darynn. Darynn, this is Ryuchitoran."

"A human?" I was concerned that Ryuchitoran would view me with disdain, but instead he seemed earnestly pleased to have me as his apprentice. "Wonderful! But please don't call me Ryuchitoran. All those syllables get in the way. Ryu is fine."

"Ryu, then," I said, laughing. He was certainly not what I had expected. "It's still Darynn."

"Of course it is!" Ryu returned to his teacher and said, "What are my duties, sir?"

"We have provisions for him, Ryu. He needs lodging, however, and occasionally a translator. He will be learning the basics from us, although I believe he has a broad knowledge already."

Ryu looked at me. "How long have you been studying?"

"Three years."

"Can you fly?"

"A... A little," I admitted. "I need practice."

"Then your first lesson will be about sleeping," Desa said. "Ryu, you know where to lodge him."

"Indeed I do," Ryuchia said. "There are six rings to my home, counting the floor, and you will sleep on the second." I breathed a sigh of relief; the second ring did not seem so far away. Ryu smiled, showing his teeth, a sight which I admit frightened me somewhat. "We Dragons are of the air, and we do not measure our homes the way you do." I realized his meaning and my gaze moved up to look at the two rings all the way at the top of the dome. Ryu followed my gaze and nodded. "Exactly."

"I... I can't make it all the way up there."

"Of course you can," Desa said. "Even I can see that. Ryu, I leave you with your apprentice and his devices. Darynn, take care. I will see to you in two days. In the meantime, take your learning from Ryu."

Ryu spread his winds and kicked into the air, circling around his home until he reached the second ring. "Come on, Darynn. Join me."

I swallowed hard, closed my eyes, and remembered what Awrthom had taught me about flying. I leaned my head back and opened my eyes. My destination grew closer, and I began to feel the great drag of the ground as I moved further and further away from it. The ground is jealous of the bodies that rise from its dust, Aimee', and is not so giving when we want to leave it.

As the railing grew closer the lift grew easier. I reached out for the brass rail that was apparently a fixture of each level. On beautiful metal supports it hung away from the wall, just above the level of the floor, giving Dragons something to hold.

I climbed over the railing and sat down on the stone of the ring before realizing that I had not removed my pack. I had managed to fly maybe five dozens of feet with at least fifty pounds extra on my back. I felt good. "Is it the air?"

"It is you!" Ryu said, laughing. "You looks so stunned, Darynn. In any event, this was once my home, when I was a youth and so had a youth's bed. My father, who used to live in this dome, moved far away, and I inherited it from him."

It had a bed, although when I pulled the top sheet up dust flew, making me cough. "Sorry," Ryu said. "I haven't had time to really clean this place the way it should."

"I'll manage. Where might I find a broom?"

"Fourth ring," Ryu replied, grinning. "Over there." He gestured with a wing, and a beam of light shot from a wingtip to indicate the broom.

I surprised myself again by retrieving the broom and returning to the second ring, although by that time I was worn out and quite sure that I was done with flying for the day. "What brings you to Hakkana, Darynn?"

"I was sent to find Desa at the request of my former master, who had taught me all he could."

Ryu's head tilted slightly, as if confused. "You sound sad when you say that."

"Do I?" I asked. "I was not measuring my love for him on the basis of his teaching. His sending me away hurt a great deal. Moreso than that I left my parents, for they would not understand the son he returned to them."

"What is your teaching, then?"

I tried to think of a big word for what I was, something ostentatious. But I could not, and eventually I told the truth. "Sex magic."

Ryu didn't laugh at me as I expected. No, he took me quite seriously. "I thought that was difficult for male humans to learn. Not enough partners to practice with or something."

"It can be," I said. "There are exceptions."

Ryu nodded and didn't press the matter. "I'll leave you to clean up your room. If you desire privacy, there are sheets that can be hung from the hangers that ring this room and the next. I used the room to the right for ritual research."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Thank you for being welcome in my home," Ryu said earnestly. "I'll check on you in a while." He stepped off the edge of the ring and vanished, apparently dropping like a stone. I heard a soft 'thwap' of his wing as he landed on the ring where he slept now.

Days and weeks passed by like flashes, Aimee'. I cannot describe the next six months because they are entirely a blur. My skill as a metalsmith garnered me much respect, and Desa suggested I direct at least some of my magical skill in that direction as well. It was probably the most propitious decision I ever made, because the resulting tools I constructed out of alloys of silver and steel accelerated the outpouring of power I could achieve in short times. My nature became more obvious as I crafted my staff, tipped as it was with obvious phallicism. More importantly, the actual working spindles and dildos, made of various alchemical woods, enabled me to reach heights I had never thought possible.

The only aspect of this I have any pride in, however, is my sense. I did not, I don't believe, ever aspire to more power for evil reasons. My desires were pure. I wanted to be a mage; I wanted to be the best. More than once I had an opportunity to grow faster, but at the expense of either Ryuchitoran or Kirustan or another apprentice, and those I would not do.

As the months rolled by, I began to feel the immense sadness that was a part of Ryuchitoran. My senses were being honed by the exercises Desa gave me, and more importantly, they were being honed outwards. A sex mage learns to feel his insides, learns to know every inch of himself and what one should apply where to make those feelings grow and manifest themselves. But Desa had no interest in an apprentice who couldn't see, Aimee', and so forced me into physical exercises to maintain my strength but also to make me aware of the world about me. That is why he began teaching me combat.

Those were interesting times, Aimee', to have youthful Dragonkin, man shaped, fighting me. Hand to hand, with sticks, and then with swords, I learned how to see my opponent, how to hear him and how to smell him. Six months is not a long time, but it was enough to make me aware of Ryu.

The cheerfulness was facade', Aimee', for inside he was truly hurting. His rejection at the hands of his peers was often more than he could bear, and I would hear him sob in the night, whether as a way to sleep or something from his dreams, I did not know. In the six months I spent with him, rarely did he have Dragon visitors. Once, Desa came to visit us in his full dracoform, and the difference between the two of them was bewildering. Desa was fully three times as broad and four long compared to Ryu. I started to understand Ryu's pain. None of his visitors was evidently a lover.

It was in the eighth month, as the snows began to lighten up and the sun returned more often, that I asked Desa permission to study beyond my ken.

"What are you seeking?" he asked.

"I want to research the library to learn how to look at the origin of a creature."

Desa looked understandably concerned. "The alchemy of life is one of the most difficult sciences known, young Darynn. What are you seeking?"

"I want to know what makes a creature large or small."

He nodded. "His tears get to you, too."

"I can bear it, sir, but not forever. He will die without help."

"And you think you can help him."

"I can look for an answer."

Desa paused, thinking. "Very well. I want to know every detail of your research. In this science, if you cast even a cantrip I want to know about it. Understand?"

I nodded.

Four months more before I could take it no more. From my sleep the sounds of crying roused me. You have never heard a Dragon cry, Aimee', but describing it is beyond me. It's a great roaring sound, unmistakable in its sadness and unbelievable in its depth. I threw aside my bedclothes and leapt off the edge of the ring, flying down one ring level to Ryu's sleeping dish. A bowl, set into the material of the ring and layered in cushions, provided him a comfortable bed.

I dropped to my knees. "Ryu," I said softly. It was drowned out in the crying. "Ryu," I repeated louder. Finally I reached out and touched him. "Ryu!"

Same as Aimee
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A Horror Story Short Story #3 © Oct 1996 Rewritten Oct 2003 John sat naked on the earthen floor, nervously playing with his manacles. There were twelve links of steel chain joining his iron wrist cuffs together, and forty-four links securing that chain to a u-shaped bolt driven deep into the brick wall. He had counted them over and over again, and tested the strength of every link more times than he could possibly remember. Other than stare at the masks lining this room, his prison,...

1 year ago
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Catching my Wife Part 15

“What the Fuck?” the woman yelled out. “You come into my shop, wasting my time and you have no money?”“Well” I quickly tried to calm her down. “We have no money with us, yet we do have money. After all, look at how she’s dressed, her hair, her makeup. We have money… just not with us now.” “Look at how she’s dress” laughed the woman… “you mean how she’s NOT dressed. Maybe you’re both just some kind of kinky couple into game playing!”“Well” I again tried to think quickly on my feet, “That may be...

1 year ago
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It’s that time of the day again, time for some hot and heavy hentai action! I’m never going to get tired of reviewing these sites. I might be a flesh and blood pussy kind of guy, but I always make an exception when it comes to Japanese animation. Whoever makes these hentai movies is obviously an even bigger pervert than me. They really push the limits of sexual depravity in these videos. Sure, you’ll find the odd missionary scene here and there, but most of the stuff you see in hentai comes in...

Hentai Streaming Sites
1 year ago
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Start of Free Use

I was married once. My wife, Jane, was tall, a few inches taller than I was. She was athletic and had a nice body -- her breasts were smaller than I like, but that's not a major problem when you're in love. She had short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was pretty, certainly prettier and skinnier than me. Our sex life was a bit unusual. Jane had been a bit of a slut before we met, but once we got together she decided not to do anything she didn't truly enjoy. So, while sometimes I got to...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Funeral for Everyone

A Funeral for Everyone All of Geralt Bellegrade's friends and family knew that sooner rather than later he would die a sudden death from a severe epileptic seizure. Even with people being shocked in the fact that the walking dead man was still alive, the news of his death was devastating. His death was an inevitable as the Sun rising from the east, but people took the news like they saw the Sun rise from the west. In some manner it is harder to accept a death of someone in the prime...

1 year ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 7

“I can’t believe we agreed to ride with him,” I thought, “it was only yesterday we had lunch.” “Why do you say that?” Julie asked, keeping the conversation going, bouncing with the latest rut in the road. The mid-morning sun glared through a lace curtain, which covered her window, touching her black shirt and pants. The morning sky was a brilliant blue with little wind, and it was obvious the sun would beat down on us later. “We have found evidence that there have been some material...

2 years ago
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You Know I Can See You Right 4

I was awakened early by a knock at my front door. I located the shorts that I had tossed off last night, dragged them on the went to the door."Who is it?" I asked, truly having no idea who could be banging on my door at 7:30 of a Thursday morning."Marianne." Came the sweet voice from the other side. "I am sorry to have wake you?" she asked.I opened the door to the luscious sight of Mari standing there in a short frilly skirt, espadrilles and a loose man's dress shirt casually knotted below her...

2 years ago
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Goa ke Maje

Dear Friends, Mene bhi aap sab logo ki Sacchi Kahaniya padate-2 Himmat karke Aap sab ke Sath apane Anubhav Share Karne ka socha, aur aaj to me tyyari ke saath samay nikal kar likh hi dalta hun. Yadi aap logo ko pasand aaye to muzhe jaroor batana. Ye Baat tab ki hai jab me laghbhag 18-19, saal ka tha, ghar me mere allava Mummy-papa, aur ek bahane bhi thi. Vaise to Papa ko apane Kam se Fursat hi nahi milti thi, is karan hum dono bhai bahan mummy ke saath hi Gumte Phirate the, Meri Badi Bahen...

3 years ago
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The Sixth Prince

The Sixth Prince Light grey, knee high boots treaded along a roughly beaten path in the bush. Steadily breathing in the crisp morning air, Jasmine picked up her pace, wanting to arrive as soon as possible. Ferns that bowed into the side of the trail brushed against her exposed thighs while her long black hair swished back and forth along the middle of her back. Her C cup breasts were tucked away under her bra, T-shirt, and femininely cut green sweater, though they still bounced slightly...

4 years ago
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Lovely spanking memories

My mother introduced me to spanking when I was about five, at the recommendation of an aunt who was staying with us. She told my mother, ‘It’s high time that boy’s bare fanny was properly tanned, and if you don’t do it I will.’ My mother took me into the bathroom and stripped off my pants and underwear. She then instructed me to go into the living room and visit with my aunt while she fetched some ‘stingy little items.’ I was humiliated as I stood there, my aunt affectionately patting my bottom...

2 years ago
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My Lil Slut Wife

Introduction: Shes better when shes bad As I sat talking with her cousin Dave my wife continued cleaning. Squatting, her pink terry cloth shorts hiked up leaving most of her sexy ass exposed and bouncing near the floor in full view. I wanted to pound my lil slut right there and couldnt wait for her cousin to leave. She was bold like this, not shy, and although this was probably unintentional it turned me on. Being Native American Indian her skin is naturally tanned. Her pouting pussy is always...

2 years ago
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Ole Time CuriosChapter 9 The End

“Hey Lacey, you’re still here?” “Yeah,” she replied absently, gazing out the window from the common room in their dorm. “Don’t you have class right now?” “Meh.” “Huh, playing hooky huh?” “Yeah...” she took a deep breath and let it go. “Had a tough night last night.” “Ah, so what time did you get in?” “Not that, just,” she paused then looked to her roommate, “I broke it off with Craig.” “Oh my god, I’m sorry to hear it. You alright?” “Yeah, you know I really am.” “Alright then. Well,...

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another fucking random

by Xafar on Fri 14 Aug 09, 11:15 AM another random... another random in another hotel room in another town... one from many... the serial abuser and his multiple victims and this one... naked... sat on the edge of a previously unknown bed just a half hours drive from her own home is crying and shaking and every now and then... her whole body heaving and giving the impressions that she is struggling to breath... that she is drowning on her own tears and snot and all the while... still suited and...

1 year ago
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Just An Experiment Part Three

Mike was seriously considering that he liked to be used anally.  He liked when Jack fucked his ass and even enjoyed it more when Brenda dominated him.  After an interesting few days, Mike now believed he was bi-sexual.  He was going to continue to fuck women and enjoy forbidden sexual acts with men.There was nothing wrong with enjoying sex with either men or women.  Mike realized he had a real taste for cum.  He loved the sweaty taste of it.  He liked to feel a big cock in his mouth.  He loved...

Gay Male
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A Fate Worse Than Death

                            A Fate Worse Than Death - Chapter 01 (revised)        That last punch literally popped one of my eyes out of my head. It was now dangling from its socket, giving me a very interesting view of my cigarette burned tits, both of which were missing their nipples compliments of the butane torch that had been used to turn them into a pair of charred lumps of cooked meat before the Red soldier with the pliers ripped what was left of them from my squeezies. The torch was...

1 year ago
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It started with a panty raid Chapter 3

Its Friday and the day after my roomie dressed in a long gown and we made each other come again. I'm going home this weekend and I think I'm going to miss my new sex life in girls undies. As I was packing Jim from down the hall who I helped cum earlier this week called and asked if I was alone and when my roomie would be back. I told him it wouldn't be for a couple of hours so he asked if he could come hang out. Sure, cum on down. He knocked onthe door and when I opend it he was wearing a...

2 years ago
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Hot For Teacher Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2. Right after the Phil game was over, I made my way to my bedroom. I had a little trouble enjoying the game cause every time they broke for a commercial, thoughts of what I told my brother I would do creeped into my brain. As I laid there on my bed I started to think about what I promised. I looked around my room and saw all my posters on my walls. There were a couple cool car posters. I have a few Phils team banners up. There we some posters from my favorite movies and there...

3 years ago
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Colleague8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 3

As soon as the car exited my apartment, I told Divya to remove the zip of the jacket. She looked at Mayank with puppy eyes and asked – Mayank, your colleague wants me to remove my jacket’s zip. Should I? I’m practically naked. Shall I expose my body to him? He said yeah ok and adjusted the rearview mirror. The car has a Magnetic window sun shield which is a zipper-type one that can be closed and opened. No one can see through it especially during nights. She now pulled down the zipper...

3 years ago
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UniversityChapter 77

"Well," I said, "Here we are! Is there anything on this afternoon's agenda?" We were in the Grand Hyatt and had eaten a snack. "How about a glance at the Potter Center? It's only a few minutes away and they're open till 17:00." I laughed. "And what are we going to see? I know you've planned something." "This is the final week of the Sue Ford show." "I guess that's the something." Sue Ford [1943-2009] was a pioneer of Australian photography, and one of the most...

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The slut my daughter rooms with

One weekend, Deb decided to come home for the weekend and do laundry, have me buy her a bunch of groceries and go to a couple of her favorite restaurants....stuff we always did when she came home. Deb asked if Cindy could come along, which wasn't a problem for me. We have plenty of room in the house and I welcomed the thought of Cindy being in the house. The very thought gave me a fully engorged cock that I had to take care of myself. They arrived Friday afternoon and Deb ran to me and...

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brother in law staring at sister my wife

My wife is a bbw Latina and in the process of losing weight. She's already a sexy woman with large hips and butt. She's also got some of the largest fat nipples I've seen on a woman. On a cold day her padded bra struggles to hide her headlights! My wife is very conservative when it comes to cloths. She covers up everything and will sometimes wear it loose fit. But she has an awesome body underneath.About 9 months ago my brother in law came to live with us due to no place to say. And he's very...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 263

Idaho Springs Bridget awoke with Courtney shaking her shoulder. For a few seconds, she couldn't remember where she was, but as consciousness fully returned, she felt Matt's hard body pressing against her back. The hallway light was on, and with the door open, there was sufficient light to see the grin on Courtney's face as she stood by the bed looking down at Bridget. "Come on," Courtney whispered, "let's get our bath out of the way before we wake our husband." The "our husband"...

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Her Name Was Lilly1

Her name was Lilly. We were the same age, and ever since we hit puberty, I’ve been fascinated with her body. I never told her, of course, at least not before that day. Lilly was gorgeous; she was arguably the best-looking girl in the high school, and she drove me crazy. She boasted perfectly shaped breasts; an incredible, light-brown tan; attractive brown eyes; silky, brown, shoulder-length hair; sparkly white teeth; a shapely butt; and a perfect model-like figure. I considered myself lucky...

2 years ago
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All the way down

This is a sequel to my story “Sex, Service, Submission, Spunk”, and you may find it useful to read that first.You could still taste the salty flavour of his cum in your mouth; your tongue slurped around your teeth and gums, searching for a few more drops of his semen to swallow. He looked down at you, smirking.“Strip” he said. You realised you were still wearing your polo shirt and jeans. He had pulled off his tee shirt while you were serving his cock, and now he stepped out of his jeans and...

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Sensual Master

The room is so still. Peaceful. It gives nothing away of what will happen here tonight. With my eyes covered I focus my other senses. I can feel the warm air moving around me, smell the lavender on top of the dresser. The only sounds I can hear are my slow breaths. He has not joined me yet. This evening, after time spent snuggling on the couch I was given one instruction. “Go to the room, put on what I have laid out for you, and wait in position for me. You have 5 minutes. “I promptly raced...

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Pretending Ch 09

Pretending Ch. 09 © 2009 All Right Reserved Connie let the water run down on her from the shower head after she’d finished. The hot water felt wonderful after such a long day. She turned off the water, wrapped her hair in one towel and grabbed another for her body. While she’d been in there, she’d gone back over what Emily had said. Her sister was right. She needed to tell him, and tell him now. She tucked in the corner of the towel and stepped into the hallway, then tiptoed down the hall to...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The next day at school was the first of many of the worst days ever of Luke's life. Even with Lori being told not to tell anyone at school, she could not wait to share. Lori betrayed her brother and told everyone right after their mom dropped them off at the bus stop. As soon as the Brat Princess closed the car door, she opened her mouth and with joy in her voice Lori said, "Luke likes wearing dresses." Lori was as carefree about the ramifications of saying those words as...

1 year ago
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4 some in college vacation

This is my first one. Steven woke up at 11:30 on a Saturday morning. As he went outside he checked his answering machine. There was a message from one of his friends, Hannah, saying that she was having a party next Saturday. She had left her number, so he decided to call her back. A woman, possibly Hannah’s mom, picked up the phone, “Hey, can I talk to Hannah?” “Yeah, who’s this?” His mom questioned, “Steven.” I replied to her plainly. Hannah came onto the phone and talked, “Hey Steven…so…can...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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This Way Up

I have to admit it really is amazing the way I can go from platinum blonde to jet black hair and still it looks so natural. I love the way that I look and I'm used to constant attention. Most times I like to act nice but standing there waiting for the elevator I felt so annoyed. A few people joined me in my wait and I performed for them. Pacing back and forth, pressing the button over and over. The elevator finally shows signs of life. The doors open and I'm just waiting to jump inside...Just...

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Tatiannas Treasures

TATIANNA’S TREASURES!ByANNE GRAYPROLOGUE –?Oh come on Amy, work with me here.  I cannot put you on display for the private grand opening until you’re down to at least nineteen inches!?Amy, of course, had no choice in the matter but Tatianna liked to talk to herself as she worked the laces of the heavily boned, white kid leather, bondage corset.  Since it was taking her quite some time to get the beautiful twenty four year old girl properly fitted she was carrying on a regular one-sided...

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The Bad Boy

Kenny looked like a bad boy with many tribal tattoos all over his arms to the wrist and on his chest a bit. They were so sexy scrolling all over his rippling muscles. He had just the kind of cock I love. It was long enough but not to long and really thick just like the rest of him. I loved his thick stocky muscular body. I should have known Kenny was an unreliable bad boy. He had one special gift that kept me coming back for more. Kenny loved to eat pussy. I mean he really loved to eat pussy...

2 years ago
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Real Incident With My Own Sister

Hi, mera nam Ram hai (changed name ) or mai aurangabad ka rehnewala hu…Meri hight 5’8 hai mai 24 sal ka hu body shape athletic hai.. Or meri sister ka nam roshni (changed name ) hai uski age 22 ki hai or uski size 34-28-36 hai….. Mai incident pe ata hu…Ye hakikat 3 sal pahile ki hai jab mai 21 sal ka tha or meri behan 19 sal ki, mai engineering 2nd year me or wo just 12th art passout thi..Sorry mere family k bare me batana bhul gaya….Mere ghar me 4 members hai mai, meri behan or mummy papa....

2 years ago
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Sues initiation

-”How would you like to go to Grandpa's?” She already knew the answer. Sue had always been fond of him, eager to go visit him whenever she could. -”Of course!” Sherry smiled. This would be fun. She remembered being scared, even slightly terrified, when her dad had started touching her. She had wished someone had been there for her. Now she intended to be there for Sue. -”Go pack some clothes, we'll be there overnight.” Sherry watched, as Sue ran to her room, now impatient about the trip....

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Facebook Stalking

I only started off browsing Facebook. I had no idea this could even happen. I just happened to see a hot picture on there and I was a little aroused, and I hadn't masturbated in a while. In truth, it was something I do a lot of. The whole Facebook masturbating thing. It was never malicious, but I guess that didn't matter. It was a picture of a sort of acquaintance of mine named Maddy. We were friendly, but she and I would never get involved. And she looked damn good in that picture....

3 years ago
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Judith and MeChapter 6 Friends

One afternoon around Judith's eighth month she had some of her new friends over. She had me busy serving the drinks and canapés I had made. Soon they were giggly and talking about women's favorite subject: men. "It sounds like the ideal arrangement, dear," one said enviously. "It is," Judith said. "I keep David home to look after the house while I look after my clients during the day." "But at night when Ms. Working Woman gets home, I bet her boy toy looks after the mommy-to-be...

1 year ago
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I cant believe this happened to me 2 Christmas

I can't believe this happen to me 2 (Christmas) I can't believe this happened to me again I had gotten off of work at lunch Being Christmas Eve my working day ended at noon. So I headed to a local watering hole to drown my Christmas misery away, And while sitting at the bar I was joined by a woman who sat next to me and after a couple drinks we started talking about our loneliness and then next thing I know I was following her out of the bar and to her car, when I asked about my...

3 years ago
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The Stalker II

My police interrogators used the hackneyed ‘good cop, bad cop’ technique at my three interviews. “Didn’t you realise how dangerous it was to go bathing in the lake after dark?” “Why was Mrs Reinhart-Hernandez not wearing any clothes?” “Had you both been drinking?” “Why didn’t you report the accident; there are numerous Help Point telephones located in Green Park?”I certainly got off extremely lightly at the Inquest. Although the Coroner made no specific reference to my involvement, I couldn’t...

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Mellas Obsession

Mella's ObsessionChapter One        Mella knew she was going to be in for it when she got home.  First off, she was over 30 minutes late because of traffic on the freeway and the food she'd bought her Master was getting cold and secondly, she'd given in to the one thing she'd been told specifically not to do by her Master... 1 hour later:  Master Ben was securing the last of the restraints on Mella's shapely ankles to the bedpost.  She was lovely and luscious spread out for display like this. ...

2 years ago
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You Only Live Once

"Mary, I think you ought to sleep with my husband." The sluggish overhead fan had completed quite a few revolutions in the humid tropical air before Mary's synapses could fully cope with that one. She became aware that her jaw was sagging, and that her copy of Time magazine had slipped from her grasp. She had been in the middle of the cover story, "Nixon re-elected!", when Virginia Allen had dropped her bombshell. They were the only two teachers left in the staffroom, as they had a free...

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my first time

My wife was in the hospital temporarily and because of that, my son was at Grandma's house. After years of reading cocksucking first-time stories on 'Lit I was primed for it. I actually went on the forums for advice and hit on the craigslist idea. I made an anonymous email and started replying to ads. After a few flakes, I hit on an active one. after a few back and forth emails, he said he was coming over.I showered and put on a robe and put on candles in the bedroom. I paced nervously as I...

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Exposed Part 6

You really must read all of the earlier posts in this story to appreciate it....just click on my name to find them!!!! Several days had gone by since our walk where I had been on display for anyone to see in just my top and pretty little panties. I had kept myself out of sight in the house, keeping the curtains drawn and the blinds closed all day. I even wore a robe when I went out to get the mail. She said nothing about any of this and I was hoping that she had felt that perhaps she...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 6

On the way back to the house, we looked in the window of Billy Ray’s bedroom, and saw him lying there on his back with a big hard on. I put my finger to my lips and motioned for Debra to follow me. We walked to the door and slipped inside. Walked over to Billy Ray, and looked down at his big dick all swelled up as he slept. I told Debra to hold it straight up, I was going to straddle his dick and fuck him. She looked at me like I was crazy, but reached out to hold his dick up with two...

4 years ago
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The Wives Softball CoachChapter 7

The heat woke us. Five naked bodies in a tent growing warmer by the tropical Hawaiian sun couldn't sleep for long. Jenny was lying by the flap and pulled the zipper up and let in the bright sunlight. She fanned her face to clear the smell of sex that saturated the damp air. She looked around and said; "It smells like somebody was fucking in this tent last night. Alright, admit it." Hannah threw a towel at her. She pointed to the back of the tent and laughed, "How cute." Roxie was lying...

2 years ago
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Mother Knows Best Chapter Four

Jean looked at the text on her phone. ‘Becky and I both have a lecture-free afternoon. How about I bring her home for a lesson?’Jean felt the itch in her groin start. This is just what she hoped would happen, her son, whom she had taught the art of fucking and a seventeen-year-old cock virgin. Rory had told her that Becky had popped her own cherry with one of her mother's dildos, but never had a cock slid up her.'Bring her over, I will be ready and waiting,' Jean texted back. She sat for...

1 year ago
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Chanchal Bhabhi Ki Chudai

My email id,, Jo koi girl ya bhabhi mujhse baat krna chahti h to uper di gyi email par contact kare.I like girls,bhabhi and also i respect them…thanks Aaj main aap sabhi ko apni life k first sex k baare me bataunga,jo ki maine apni chanchal bhabhi k sath kiya. Hi frnds mera naam varun h,colour fair aur main gwalior ka rhne wala hu.Mujhe sports me bahut interest h.meri age 23 yrs h.mujhe is indian sex stories sight ka pata nhi tha.mujhe mere dost ne bataya ki is par sab log apni sex stories...

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The Chair

I walk into a room where eight men are seated on three couches arranged in a “U” shape. In the centre of these couches is a very comfortable looking contour chair in black leather. This chair is a couple of steps up from the floor where the couches are. Not quite a stage, but most definitely the centre of attention. Three track lights illuminate the chair, while the rest of the room is dimly lit. I am what these men are waiting for. They are all dressed casually, a couple smoking cigarettes,...

1 year ago
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two is to one

Hi doston main Raj Kolkata se . Main sex ke bare me shuru se hi bahut active raha hoon. Meri shadi ke das saal ho gaye hain. Is website par kahniyan bhejne wale aur padhne wale jydatar shadishuda log hi honge aisa main sochta hai. Un logon se ye meri gujarish hai ki apni biwi ko kisi aur se apni aankhon ke samne cudwa ke dekho kitna maja aata hai. Ya apne kisi dost ki biwi ko us dost ke saath milkar chodo aur dekho kitna maja aata hai. Isme naitikata ki baat aati hai to mera manna hai ki...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Dress Club

The Wedding Dress Club When I met Sean, I was convinced I'd found the perfect man. And as he recited his vows to me on our wedding day, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I was marrying a man who was promising to care for me and love me unconditionally for the rest of our lives. He told me he adored more than any other woman in the whole world. Things were great for the first few years, I loved being married and we had a lot of fun together. Our friends would comment on how...

4 years ago
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John Lucas couldn't bear it another day. He had to do something. She was driving him crazy. He shouldn't be pacing back and forth in his bedroom, wondering what his student looked like naked. He had to distract himself. This was so wrong.He thought about his sex life, and his love life. He thought about his classes for tomorrow. He thought about the girl students. Yes, he was very guilty of masturbating to thoughts of a few of them. There was Alyssa, the honey-blond who wore tiny skirts and...

3 years ago
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First Time In 19 years

I met my wife in 1989 and we were married 2 years later. Since the day I met her,I gave up my sexual encounters with men and focused on her. We have a great relationship and a beautiful daughter who is on her way to college. Two weeks ago my wife went away on a business trip to San Diego and my daughter went to Arizona to spend time with the grandparents before she left for school. I never gave up my passion for lingerie and kept most of my things from early on and still bought new ones to...

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TwobyTwo Chapter 2

Two by Two - By: Beverly Taff Chapter 2 Victoria, or as everybody called her, Vicky, was overjoyed at her appointment to the veterinary chair. It meant complete independence financially but much more importantly; she would never again have to suffer the constant unwanted advances and attentions that had plagued her life. Vicky was confused and angered by men. She had been raped in high school and the scars still burned. Sex with men was forever after, associated with pain...

1 year ago
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Jon the Bull Part One

“Eight!” The trainer called out from the computer screen. As the trainer called out the number, Jon dug deep and bent his knees to enter into another squat.“Nine!” The trainer called out to Jon.Jon could feel his legs shaking, beads of sweat on his forehead accumulating, as he entered another deep squat.“Ten!” The trainer shouted as she signaled for the final rep.Jon mustered his strength and, legs shaking, entered his final squat. He returned to a straight standing position, legs slightly...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Sex With An Aunty

Hi, i am guru here… Am from udupi, its a district in karnataka, nearby mangalore. Am doing my final year engineering in nearby college. Anyways let me come to the story. Am a good physic guy, who go gym daily, and prefer being fit.I am 5.9ft height with nice physic.. Girls do stare at me when i go to college,especially seniors in my college and some of my cs lecturer. By the way am doing engineering in mechanical stream. And do trust me.. Its a real story.. Nothing cooked up……. Coming to the...

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