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Chapter 44 Melissa arraigned another date for Brenda, she wasn't going to let her most popular escort skip a days worth of work, and Melissa hoped Brenda would finally have real sex with one of the men she had sent her to date. Luckily Brenda was forceful enough to keep the men out of her panties, it was her way or no way, take it or leave it, and her tip had grown to fifteen hundred dollars, she wasn't going to be cheap either. Brenda had become very good at her business and was able to get her date off quickly and she could be home by ten if she was lucky. She set a new record with her latest date and was finished by nine. She called Bill Cline to have him meet her at Danny's, they had to talk. Brenda was the first to arrive and went to the bar. She needed a drink to help forget her latest date. "Brenda, what brings you here?" Danny asked. "The same old thing Danny, another meeting." "What can I get for you?" he asked. "The usual," she said. "One lemon drop coming up," he said. Danny returned with the drink and placed it in front of Brenda. He looked at her and noticed she was dressed differently than the last time she was in and she looked hot. "You look especially nice tonight Brenda, what's the occasion?" he asked. "The occasion is seeing you," she flirted. "Well you should come by more often then," he said. "I think I will since I broke up with my boyfriend," she said. "Thank you God," Danny murmured under his breath. Bill walked through the door before Danny could respond to Brenda's statement. "Hi Bill, let's get a table," Brenda said. "Holy cow Brenda, you look hot, opps, I mean really nice tonight," Bill said. Brenda giggled, she knew how she looked, sexy, and why she looked this way which she wouldn't tell Bill. "Thanks Bill, I'm glad you could make it. I've learned all we need to know about the operation and would like to know when we can take it down." "What have you learned about it?" Bill asked. "Melissa blew her top at me today and blurted out the who and why of the operation. Arnold is her main partner and he's the source of the drugs. He has partners in the ring with him and they're all cops. If the girls get out of line they intimidate them and there isn't any trouble after that. I think we should bring them down now and be done with this," Brenda said. "I'd like to Brenda but we need proof, right now it's your word against theirs," Bill said. "Bill, please you have to understand, I don't want to do this any longer. You don't know what it's like having to do the things I do to gain Melissa's confidence. Can't we end this thing?" Brenda pleaded. "Give it a week and then I'll pull the plug on it, we have almost everything we need to bring them down so lets not get impatient now," Bill said. "I'll give you one more week but that's it, no more after that,' Brenda said. "That's my girl, I really need you right now Brenda. It might be a good idea if you were to start carrying your gun with you from now on. We have no idea of how the bad guys are going to react to you after what Melissa told you," Bill said. "Do you really think it's getting dangerous now?" she asked. "More than it was, and when Tiffany gets back she might want to do the same although I doubt they would want to hurt her," Bill said. "I'll let her know" Brenda said. "It's late so I'm going to go, I'll contact you later to let you know what's going on and be careful Brenda, these people are dangerous," Bill said. "I will and thanks Bill." Bill left and Brenda moved back to the bar. "Danny, I haven't eaten yet, is there anyway I could get to eat?" Brenda asked. "Anything in particular?" he asked. "Something light, I won't be able to sleep if I eat too much,' she said. Danny went to the kitchen and returned with a grilled salmon salad for her. He placed the dish in front of Brenda and couldn't help staring at her very exposed cleavage. Brenda noticed where Danny was looking and it no longer bothered her, she had received much worse than this in the previous weeks from her dates and knew Danny meant no harm. After all if she didn't want to be looked at she would have changed and not worn such a daring dress. "See something you like sailor," she giggled "You bet I do, you've changed Brenda, you're not the same innocent little girl that came in here six months ago, what's happened?" he asked. "Nothing really, I've just decided to have more fun, that's all, and besides you're the one that taught me how to have that fun," she said. Danny felt his penis twitch with that statement, remembering how sweet and innocent she had been, time had definitely changed this girl. "If you're not doing anything I'll be more than happy to drive you home," he said. "I'd like that," she said. Brenda finished eating and Danny drove her home. He parked the car and put his arm around Brenda's shoulder. He leaned down to kiss her and she put her hand up to stop him. "Please, just hold me," she said. Danny respected Brenda and knew there must be a reason for her to need this reassuring hug. He felt his shirt becoming wet and realized that she was crying. "What's wrong Brenda?' he asked. "My life, all of it, it's so messed up right now," she said, as the tears continued to flow. Brenda's life had become a train wreck, the simple undercover assignment had become a life threatening situation. She had fallen in love with a man and had lost him. She had to become a whore as part of her deception and her body didn't fit the woman she portrayed. "It can't be that bad Brenda, tell me about it, it'll make you feel better," Danny said. "I wish I could, but I can't and that just makes things worse. I'm afraid, Danny, because I'm in some real danger and might be killed because of it. Everything will be fine after next week and I'll be able to talk to you about it, but for right now I need a friend," she said. Danny held her tight to his chest. He wondered what was going on in this girls life that was so dangerous but knew better than to push the issue. Danny was becoming fond of Brenda as a friend and not another girl to seduce, she really was a special young lady. They sat this way for at least a half of an hour and Brenda finally went inside her apartment after kissing Danny goodnight. Brenda opened her dresser drawer and took the revolver from the back of it. She hadn't held it for months but now it was imperative that she did. She pulled the hammer back and spun the chamber to make sure it was fully loaded and then placed it in her purse, where it would become her new best friend. Brenda checked the rest of her apartment to make sure there was nothing lying around that might link her to the FBI. She was worried that the police might break in and search through her things and if they found something her life would end. Melissa had arraigned dates for Brenda through the weekend and she preformed her tasks as though nothing had happened between the women. Tiffany returned Monday and she and Brenda went to lunch together to talk. "I saw you on TV, you looked gorgeous," Brenda said. "That dress was so beautiful I hated to take it off," Tiffany said. "Who was the guy you were with?" Brenda asked. "Brad Perkins, wasn't he something to look at?" Tiffany said. "He's very handsome, was he as nice as he was to look at?" Brenda asked. "He was sweet as could be, we had so much fun together, after the award ceremony we went to three parties, we were up all night," she said. "I envy you, you're a very lucky girl. Things have happened since you were gone, I lost it with Melissa and now my life is in danger and it looks like were going to pull the plug on this thing by the end of the week. I need you to talk to your friend Hank everyday to let you know what he hears around the police station. Melissa isn't aware of your part in what's going on, but she's really angry with me and she made a threat that I'm taking very seriously, I'm even carrying my gun with me," Brenda said. "Brenda, that sounds serious," Tiffany said. "It is serious, Melissa blurted out everything about the operation and now I'm sure she'll want me killed." "My God, I'll call Hank and see what he might be able to do for us," Tiffany said. Tiffany called Hank on her cell phone. "Hank, it's Tiffany, I need your help," she said. There was a pause and then she answered, " My girl friend is in trouble and we need to meet with you," pause, "After work, okay, we'll see you there, and thanks." "We have to met Hank at Tony's pizza when you get off work. I'll meet you there so Melissa doesn't know we've been talking or she might get suspicious," Tiffany said. "Okay, I'll see you there, I'm sure the bitch will want me to do something for her but it can wait, let's get back to work," Brenda said. "Brenda, a word please," Melissa said when the girls returned. Brenda went into her office. "I have a date for you with a very important client tonight and I expect you to treat him well, do I make myself clear?" she asked. "As long as I don't have to sleep with him," Brenda said. "Look, I know we're at each other's throats, but can't you sleep with him, do it once for me?" Melissa asked. "I told you I won't and that's all there is to it," Brenda replied. "Fine, be a bitch, but Ill remember, be at the hotel by eight and wear something that will excite him." Brenda met Tiffany and Hank at Tony's before she had to go on her date. "Hank, this is my friend Brenda Watson, she's the receptionist at Universal," Tiffany said. "It's nice to meet you Brenda," he said. "It's nice to meet you too, Hank," she said. "Tiffany, I don't know why you asked Brenda here with you, I thought this was between you and me?" Hank asked. "Hank, there's more to this than what I've told you and I'm going to have to trust you, call it woman's intuition but I know I can. Brenda and I are FBI agents and we're about to bring down the whole group involved with Melissa. All we need from you is anything you might hear that might help us be one step ahead of the bad guys," Tiffany said. "You're putting me on, you're not really a model?" Hank said in disbelief. "Of course I'm really a model, I was an agent first and we didn't expect things to happen like they did. Brenda's in trouble and we think they might try to get rid of her, so if you hear anything call me right away, please?" Tiffany said. "I will, what about you, are you safe?" he asked. "I'm fine, they think I'm just a model, but Brenda has made waves. They don't know she's an agent but she knows too much now and we're worried," Tiffany said. "I'll see what I can find out, I have to run now because I'm working a late shift, don't worry Brenda everything will work out," Hank said. Mike rose and kissed Tiffany as he left. "He's cute, now I see why you like him," Brenda said. "Is that all you think about, how cute a guy is?" Tiffany asked. "It doesn't hurt, especially now, Id love to have him give me a kiss," Brenda giggled. "I never thought I would say this, but don't you dare kiss him, he's mine," Tiffany said. "My, my, are you telling me you like guys now?" Brenda asked. "Yes I am, and you'd better keep your hands off Hank," Tiffany giggled.. "I had my Mario so I guess it's only fair that you have your Hank," Brenda teased. "I don't know what's happening to me Brenda, I never felt this way before, maybe with a girl, but never with a guy, I even hated to be touched by another guy especially in gym class, but now I want Hank to kiss me, and, and, make love to me. I don't know why I feel this way, I can't explain it," Tiffany said. "I know how you feel, except you know me, go balls out, and screw the results just do it. When we became girls I decided that I would be one no matter what. I'd be one, one hundred percent, no holds barred. I found another person living inside of me and I liked her even more than I liked Matt. She had her feet on the ground and she thought before she leapt. Maybe you're finding that person too, giving up Tiffany would be a big step, you've become famous and the money you're making I can't even comprehend. I like Tiffany, she's out going and fun, where as Dirk was fun to mess with but unless you got to know him there wasn't much there," Brenda said. "I know what you mean about Dirk. I would have never dated him and I know that sounds crazy but I do like to have fun. I've started to like being Tiffany really a lot and when this is over I have a lot of things to consider before Dirk comes back," Tiffany said. "What ever you decide I'll be with you all the way, we're in this together. I hope you'll do the same for me if I get out of this alive," Brenda said. "You know I will, I love you Brenda, you're my sister now," Tiffany said, and the two hugged. Hank called Tiffany the next day. "Hey girl friend, I have some news for you," he said. "Hi, what do you have for me?" she asked. "There's been a lot of chatter around the drug unit and a lot of it's secret so tell Brenda to be careful. I know some of these guys and they aren't the nicest people in the world, but I guess being undercover in drug enforcement will do that to you," he said. Melissa called Arnold with her decision on Brenda. "Arnold, it's Melissa, I've made my decision about Brenda, she's just too much trouble, have her killed before she makes trouble for us," Melissa said. "Okay, I'll have Jules do it. Set up a date Thursday night at the motel where we did Natalia and I'll have Jules take care of her there," Arnold said. "Thanks baby, see if you can get free this week I miss you," Melissa said. "I miss you too," he said. The next morning Melissa, gave Brenda her schedule for the rest of the week. "Brenda, tonight you are to meet a client for dinner and dancing, dress nicely and tomorrow you have a date with Jules Blum. He's here from the west coast and only wants a little sex at his motel. Dress sexy, wear one of the outfits I bought for you and meet him at the Flying High motel at the Newark airport, room 129 at eight and be on time because he has a plane to catch," Melissa said. "I hope you told him I only give oral sex and nothing more," Brenda said. "He's fine with that, just take care of him," Melissa said. Brenda turned and left Melissa's office. She hated to even be around the woman. Hank called Tiffany the following day. "Hey sweetheart," he said, "Something's going on, my source says that someone is to be killed and I can only guess that it must be Brenda." "Did they say when?" Tiffany asked. "No, but I'm sure it will be soon," Mike said. "I'll let Brenda know and thanks, I owe you a kiss for this one," Tiffany said. "I hope more than one," Hank said. "You can count on it," Tiffany said as she hung up the phone. Tiffany called Brenda with the warning. "Brenda, hi, it's Tiffany. I just talked to Hank and he said they might try a hit on you soon and for you to be careful," she said. "I'm getting that feeling too, Melissa is being very distant toward my and I have a bad feeling about tomorrow night," Brenda said. "What's happening tomorrow night?" Tiffany asked. "I'm supposed to meet some guy over in Newark, and I don't like the feel of it," Brenda said. "Be careful," Tiffany said. "I will, I think I'll call Bill Cline and let him in on what's going on, maybe he can have some backup for me," Brenda said. "That might not be a bad idea, I'm sure he'll have a plan, call me tomorrow," Tiffany said. "I will, goodnight." Brenda called Bill to see what they might do to protect her. "Hi Bill, it's Brenda, I have something to discuss with you. I have a date with some guy tomorrow night in Newark and I think he might be there to kill me." "What makes you think that?" he asked. "I never work out of the city and now Melissa wants me to go there, I have a bad feeling about it," Brenda said. "What can you tell me about it?" Bill asked. "It's with a man named Jules Blum and it's at the Flying High motel by the airport in room 129. That's all I know, is there anything you can do to help protect me?" she asked. "I can have backup for you but when you are in the room you'll be on your own. I'd like to see if we can set up a microphone and camera before tomorrow night," Bill said. "I hope you can, I'll call you tomorrow just before I go, goodnight Bill." Brenda went home and changed into a nice dress and went on her date. It was the first one she had had that didn't involve sex. It turned out that her date was gay and just needed some decoration for his arm. It was the first time in a long while that Brenda felt clean when she arrived at home. Thursday came and there was activity everywhere around the office. Melissa seem especially nervous and kept reminding Brenda about her date that evening. "Remember be extra good for Jules tonight," Melissa would say. "Melissa, you've told me that ten times already, what is it with this Jules guy anyway?" Brenda asked. "He's a special friend, just work your magic with him,' Melissa said. "Melissa, you worry too much, you know I'll be good to him," Brenda said. "Just be on time, that's all I ask," she said. "I will be." Brenda called Bill during her lunch to see what his plan was. "Bill, hi, it's Brenda, anything new?" she asked. "Lots, we found out who Jules is. He's the next person under Arnold on the task force and he's a real asshole from what we've heard. We weren't able to put a camera in the room but we did install a mike so at least we will be able to hear everything that goes on. Make sure you have your gun with you and I can't stress how important it is for you to be careful. I'll be in the next room but he can kill you before we can get into the room so it might be up to you to save yourself. Just remember your training and don't panic, be careful Brenda," Bill said. "I will and thank you Bill, and for what ever its worth I've enjoyed working with you," she said. "I've enjoyed you too Brenda and this isn't the end of our working relationship, I'd like to keep you here permanently after this is over," Bill said. "I'll keep that in mind, see you tonight Bill." Brenda called Tiffany to talk one more time. "Tiffany, hi, it's me," Brenda said. "Hi, is everything alright?" she asked. "Everything's fine, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and if I don't make it through tonight I want you to remember that. You're my best friend Tiffany and I've loved every minute of the adventure we've been through and I want you to promise me that you will be true to yourself and follow your feelings and not what anyone else expects from you," Brenda said. "I love you too Brenda and don't talk that way, you'll be fine. Don't say another word about tonight or you'll make me nervous and I will be true to myself, who knows, Tiffany might be here for quite a long while," she said. "I hope so, I love my girl friend," Brenda said. "And you don't like Dirk?" "I like him too, it's just that I like you better, I have to run, I'll talk to you later." It came time for Brenda to go on her date with Jules. She brought her clothes to work with her because she didn't want Annie to see her dressed like a slut. Brenda changed and remembered that she hadn't talked to Annie for several days and wanted to hear her voice one more time. "Annie, hi, it's Brenda," she said. "Brenda honey, what's wrong?" Annie asked. "There's nothing wrong I just wanted to call to let you know I might be late coming home, that's all," Brenda said. "I can hear it in your voice, something is bothering you, can't you tell me what it is?" Annie asked. "I'll tell you when I get home, I love you Annie," Brenda said and hung up the phone before she started to cry. Damn, now I have to fix my makeup all over again. Why couldn't I just be a normal girl instead of one that risks her life like this, she wondered as she repaired her mascara. Brenda took a cab to the motel and paid the twenty dollars for the ride. She couldn't help thinking that her life was worth more than twenty dollars. She walked to the door of room 129 and knocked on the door. The door opened and Brenda had her first glimpse at the man that was supposed to kill her. "Jules?" she said as she extended her hand. "You must be Brenda, you're much prettier than I expected, come in," he said as he took her hand and led her inside. "I don't have much time before I catch my plane so we might as well get down to business," Jules said. "Before we start have you made the arrangements with Melissa as to payment?" she asked. "Everything is taken care of," he said. "Okay, please lie on the bed. Do you want me to remove your pants or are you going to do it?" she asked. "I'd like you to do it, I want my monies worth," he said. Jules was a real prick, he was just going to kill Brenda, but when he saw how good looking she was he decided that he might as well take advantage of her before he killed her. Brenda pulled his pants and underwear down enough to expose his penis and took it in her hand. She didn't know if he liked dirty talk so she didn't say anything and jerked him to erection. She took his penis in her mouth and worked him to climax, it took less than a minute. He came and moaned when he did. His right leg was hanging off the bed and bumped Brenda's calf when he spasmed in her mouth. She felt something long and hard through the pant leg and surmised that it was a knife, the one he would use to kill her. Her heart went to her throat as the fear surfaced. She pulled back and let his penis fall from her mouth and when she did he grabbed her by the arm. "That was good whore, but now its time for the real business that you're here for," he said and pulled her back down toward the bed. Jules reached for the knife and pulled the pant leg up to grab it. Don't panic, Brenda thought, stay calm, make him let go, you've got to get to your purse and the waiting gun. Brenda looked Jules in the eye and then she spit all of the collected liquid from his enjoyment in his eyes. First there was shock from the maneuver and then stinging from the salt in the liquid. Jules let Brenda's arm go as he reached for his eyes to rub the liquid out. Brenda jumped back and lurched for her purse and lost her balance on her heels as she did, falling to the floor. Jules jumped from the bed and went toward Brenda, his pants falling to his ankles making it difficult to walk. "You fucking little bitch," he screamed in anger, while the translucent liquid ran down his face. "I'll kill you for that," he screeched. Brenda reached for the purse strap and pulled her purse to the floor. Jules was almost on her as she reached in and found the revolver. She pulled the hammer back and pointed it at Jules. "Stop or I'll kill you, you son of a bitch," she said. "You dumb ass whore, I'm a cop and if you do you'll die in prison, so give me the fucking gun," he said. "I might be a dumb ass whore but I'm something else too you prick, I'm an FBI agent and do you want to know what else, you're under arrest," she spat out in anger.. "You're arresting me, I don't think so," he said and lunged at her. Brenda pulled the trigger and the gun fired off a round. Jules fell toward Brenda, the knife cutting her arm as she shielded herself from the falling man. The door to the room shattered open as the hidden agents forced their way in. "Brenda, are you alright?" asked the first agent though the door. "I'm alright, he just cut my arm, get him off me," she wheezed. They pulled the now moaning Jules off Brenda. "Call for an ambulance, he's hurt pretty bad," Bill said. "Let me see your arm Brenda, a couple of stitches and you'll be fine, I'm sorry we didn't get in here sooner, we were hoping he would say something about his boss," Bill said. One of the agents covered Jules with a blanket. They didn't want him to go into shock. "You might die Jules, we know all about your boss, so would you like to clear your soul before you met your maker?" Bill asked. "Please, I don't want to die," Jules moaned. "Tell me who ordered this hit?" Bill asked as he held a small recorder to Jules' mouth. "Arnold and Melissa, they're the bosses, God, don't let me die," he pleaded. "Who killed Natalia Breshnakov?" Bill asked. "I did, Arnold ordered me to, my gut hurts, please do something," Jules moaned. "Why did you kill her?" Bill asked. "She came to us to turn Melissa in and didn't realize we were part of the same group. She had to go so we brought her here and I cut her throat in the bath tub so the blood would be easy to clean up, God I hurt, please help me," Jules cried. Jules' cell phone rang and Bill flipped it open and looked at the caller ID. "Its Arnold, answer it Jules," he said. "Hello," Jules said. Jules was holding the phone so Bill could hear the conversation. "Is it over?" Arnold asked. "It's over," Jules answered. "Good, return to the station house and clock out, that will be your alibi if there are any questions later. When you're done meet Melissa and me at her apartment, we have some things to discuss," Arnold said and hung up the phone. "I can't believe our luck they're both waiting at the same place to be gift wrapped, go pick them up," Bill said to several agents. "I wish I was there to see the look on Melissa's face when she's arrested," Brenda said. "Don't worry, you'll see her at trial, unfortunately that will probably be a year away, but she'll get hers," Bill said. The ambulance arrived and the attendants entered the room with a gurney and attended to Jules. They looked at his wound and said he would be okay, nothing vital was hit. "It never fails, the big bad ass killers are the biggest sissies when it comes to pain. Cuff him and go in the ambulance with him Jack, I'll take Brenda to the hospital in my car so they can take care of her arm," Bill said. Bill helped Brenda to her feet and wrapped a towel around her wound and helped her to his car. Brenda left her weapon for forensics to take and went with Bill. "You're one brave woman Brenda, the things you had to do to take this crowd down just amazes me, you're one hell of a woman," Bill said. "Thanks Bill, for the compliment but I didn't do that much," she said. "You're kidding me, without you this would have never been solved.. This whole assignment was supposed to be Tiffany's thing and you're the one that made it happen. I'm still in amazement. I wish I was twenty years younger so I could ask you to marry me," Bill said. "You're sweet Bill, and if you were twenty years younger I would marry you but you're not so I guess you're going to have to find someone else," she giggled. Brenda and Bill arrived at the hospital and Brenda soon had four stitches in her arm. Two would have done the job but the doctor didn't want to leave a scar on the sexy looking young girl. "When you're ready to have the stitches removed, you come and see me personally," he said. "Thank you doctor, I will," she said. By the end of the evening all the members of the crime group were in jail charged with various crimes, it would be a long time before they would be released.

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My first sexual experience was with Vangee and her dog Bud, a three-year-old, hundred and ten pound, Boxer. Bud was very protective of her for some unknown reason for the last six or seven months. I didn't understand until years later that Vangee, at that time, was his mate. Vangee was my 15 year old kissing cousin and I was a 14-year-old boy living in a Southern state. We lived in a rural area, about a half a mile from each other. Looking at her house from the street the right side...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Haley Reed Second Appearance

Haley and her BF have a feud going about who is the bigger slut. She insists that she is hands down so, Her BF has challenged her to go fuck some random dude at a GloryHole not beliving that she will do it. Haley is not one to not accept a dare and so we find her at the Glory Hole legs spread and playing with her already wet pussy when she almost jumps when a Huge cock pokes through one of the holes. She remembers she has to show her BF so she Video chats with him while that cock is deep in her...

3 years ago
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Post Gym Fuck

As I ran for the lift in my apartment building, I had no idea what fantastic surprise I had waiting for me...There was a new neighbour of mine, heading to his apartment on the 13th floor. I'd seen him once or twice, but had never really taken notice - this time however, I was under his spell.He'd just been to the gym across the road for a work out, and was still all sweaty and stinky. The sweat glistened on his skin, the smell of his hard work seduced me, his muscles were still all tensed and...

3 years ago
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CapturedChapter 15 Epilogue

Fifteen years have passed since rolling up that HoChaRa spy ring on Paxlyn Domain. The rest of the former Futile Gesture crew are still little girls, but they are punished less often. Matilda had more than 30 confederates and all were found guilty of various espionage and sabotage offenses and drew sentences from twelve to fifty years. Matilda drew 150 years. At her trial I learned Matilda's story. The trading ship Stone Matilda was a disguised HoChaRa spy ship. Matilda had been Gorbert...

3 years ago
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Naa Jeevitholoni Madhuraanubhuthulu

Naa Peru srikanth Maadi kadapa lo oka ooru ,Andhra Pradesh.Madi oka joint family maa tataiah ku mugguru kodukulu ,Narayana(38),bhaskar(36) Maa tataiah peru Narsimhulu(65).Maa nanamma peru Guramma(55).Maa amma peru Munemma(38).Maa Chellalu peru aswini(18),radhika(16) Nenu 22yrs.Maa tata kooli pani cesthadu, maa nanna cotton Mill lo pani cesthadu. Maa ammaku sex yaava chala ekkuva anduku pelliki munde evadi thone lechipoyinte teesukoni vachi maa nanna icchi pelli chesaru.Maa nanna tagubothu vaddu...

1 year ago
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Five Vials First Date

"Excuse me. Can I buy you a drink?" Victoria looked up from her seat at the bar to see a handsome young face wearing a genuine - if not slightly nervous - smile. She glanced down at her notes, reaching for her train of thought and realizing it had hopelessly derailed. She looked back up, the man standing in front of her shifting slightly. He appeared to be trying to figure out what to do with his hands. It was kind of cute. Victoria closed her notebook and slid it off the table, into...

1 year ago
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The Course

The Course The CourseIAs the day wore on Flora wondered whether her punishment was over. She had strayed from the property the day before and had been punished overnight in the cellar. She had been suspended by her wrists from the ceiling and kept that way the whole night, after her Master and his assistant took turns tormenting her with a water jet. She was cleaner than she had been in days but she barely slept after they left and her arms and shoulders ached. Now it was mid-afternoon...

4 years ago
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Read Dirty To MeChapter 6

Layla only got to feel that warm internal bath of Bob's semen once more that night. That is not to say she didn't shake and moan through more orgasms. Quite the contrary. While Bob could only manage a really decent erection one more time that night, there was nothing wrong with his mouth and fingers, and they played over her body like Liberace showing off on TV. Eventually they slept. And, of course, eventually ... they woke. Bob's waking was a little different than Layla's. A lifetime...

1 year ago
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The New Speaker In Town

When I was in my late twenties, I moved to another city to follow a job opportunity. It was a job in the Media and Public Relations department for a communication company. I began as assistant manager and after about six months, Simon, the manager, called me in his office to announce his resignation. “What? You’re kidding, right?” I asked, in dismay.“No, Linda. We are having a family issue and we have to move to New York within the end of the month,” he said, clearly sad. Then added, “Believe...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Neighbours MR and MRS Cho

I live next to my neighbours mr and mrs Cho. They are both great people their k**s are grown up and left home. But they both look great for their age. They had k**s when they were young.I lived next to them for 12years and my bedroom was pretty much located next to mr and mrs cho's bedroom. At least twice a week I would hear the thumping of the bed against the wall and slow moans of mrs cho and the grunts of mr cho next door. I tried to control my self but I would get a hard on just by...

1 year ago
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Swimming Pool To Bedroom

Hello ladies. I am Rahul. I am a regular reader of ISS and I love this site. But today I am going to share my real experience with all of you. I am a 24 year guy, 5’10” tall, wheetish in color and I am from Nagpur. This happened to me in April 2013. I am a regular swimmer and I love to swim. Now coming to the story. Last year I went to swim as I do every year, in a club in Nagpur. I usually went at around 6 in the evening. Main jab swim karta tha mere alawa pool me 3-4 log hi hote the. Usme se...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 49

Ken and Sensei were sitting across from each other in seiza position. The advanced students would be here in a half hour or so, but at the moment, the two were alone in the dojo "What alerted you to their presence?" asked Sensei. "Not sure," said Ken. "I was kind of on alert anyway -- it isn't the best of neighborhoods. Even so, the guy was pretty close to me by the time I realized he was there. It would have been nice to have noticed sooner." Sensei shrugged. "You had all the...

4 years ago
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Smitten In India Savored Overseas

Hey, sex story readers, Hope all of you are doing good and will enjoy this little adventure of mine. Though a fan of this site since many years this is my first attempt at writing so please excuse for any mistakes and apologize for making it a lengthy one it seemed required as I feel buildup is as essential as the main action in a story (again, my preference). To start with a bit about me, I’m Raj 6ft+ good looking with a gymmish body from Delhi, I’m 30 years of age and married. The sex story...

4 years ago
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Desires Uncovered

He was in the middle of a session when he heard a knock on the door. He put his patient in a rest state and went downstairs to see who it was. A young woman stood there awkwardly, staring straight at her feet. ‘Hello,’ he said. She didn’t look up, but just shook her head quickly side to side. ‘Can I help you? I’m in the middle of something.’ She gulped and handed him a folded note. He looked her over with curiosity. She was young, probably somewhere between 18 and 22. She didn’t have...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 46 First Race

Bob all but ignored me through the beginning class. What conversation we had was limited to meeting for the trip to Colton after school. Then, just as I was leaving he stopped me and said, "Jimmy, I know you're concerned about Susan, but I can't talk about her except to say that she had to leave for personal reasons. Try not to worry about it, she'll be fine. She just needs some time to work through some things." "Thanks, Bob. I'll see you in a couple hours. We're going to run...

3 years ago
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In The Middle Of Nowhere

Last night I was thinking how nice it would be at the lake at this time of year. The cabin I rent when I go up there is so nice and quiet, set back from the lake about 200 yards into the trees. It is complete with a bedroom, living room and bathroom and kitchen, but best of all, it has a fireplace, for nights that are chilly, like tonight. Strolling up to the cabin from our walk along the beach, its so quiet and tranquil, my bare feet full of sand. Trying to brush most of it away, but knowing...

3 years ago
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Deep Winter Part 1

I couldn’t have been happier to not be one of them. Sitting inside my small car stopped at a light, I was, if not toasty warm, at least no longer being harassed by that biting cold. The winter here is a dry one – the moisture freezes out of the air. With a mix of pity and schadenfreude, I watched the people huddled up inside a bus stop. At least this one has a shelter. Some are little more than posts with transit signs attached. I lived near one of those my whole life. The light turns...

2 years ago
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The new Girl

You are very beautiful. No two ways about it. Many men would die to sleep with you. Well, until they find out your "little" secret. On the surface, you look like a cliche girl next door. First glance at you, people would notice things like long flowing hair, delicate features, and a warm smile. Go under the first layers of clothes, you would notice your curves and perk breasts that lovingly fill up the bra around them. Though, you may also notice the bulge in your panties. For underneath the...

2 years ago
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An Early Return

You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...

1 year ago
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Gail straightened things out

Since I planted the thought of cuckolding in my wife's head it has grown like I'd never thought possible. Gail is a gift from God to me. At five four and one hundred pounds her blonde hair and blue eyes do draw attention from other men very often. I noticed this back when we dated and even though I felt a bit of jealousy I couldn't help but urge her to dress in sexy short outfits that would show off her perfect legs. The entire time we are together I'm in a constant state of arousal just from...

2 years ago
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The Thief of the RoseChapter 15A

Aaron left the inn right at dawn, having exercised, practiced and broken his fast before most of the patrons had even stirred from their beds. He wanted to put some distance between him and the inn in case anyone knew that he was In the city. First order of business was to let Darius know about his assistant. He made his way to the Guild Quarter and that rundown building with the nondescript door adorned with a dagger. Opening the door he approached the same old lady sitting at a desk...

2 years ago
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Frat Boy Games Ch 1

The game was an annual Pledge Week Ritual. Every year, the new pledges would prove themselves, their right to be in the Frat. The test was the same every year, with just a different woman. The woman was chosen based on her measurements and whether or not she was a ‘Queen.’ This year it was Anna. Anna was chosen because of her coldness. She was beautiful, but she never even talked to the guys. She worked hard for her Senior Year Honor’s Status, studying every night. A night’s pleasure wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Interracial Biology

By: AWC First thought for Eveleigh’s mom was that she did not allow her baby daughter to attend the Sex Education classes and that’s why she failed Biology classes but then she thought about her dropping the grades severely in English, Math and Sociology as well. Although from a black family, Eve had very sharp features. Her lips were not at all thick and her face was very angelical sent directly from the heavens. She wanted to be a cheerleader in the school team and was blessed with 36 B cup...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 13

The next morning I woke up and after dad and I had breakfast I got in Scout and headed over to the game store in Reseda. I had seen something there that was perfect for what I had in mind, and had some other Birthday presents to pick up as well.Even though Linda and I had been going out every weekend, I had actually been saving my money. So I got her a Player’s Handbook of her very own, a complete set of dice (an almost fluorescent transparent pink), and a pack of player character sheets. In...

3 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 17

The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...

3 years ago
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Wife on display 2

So my wife's friend turned his attention back to my wife telling her how sexy she looked and how it would be great if they can hook up and go out for a few drinks. This guy was totally asking my wife out on a date in front of me. He told her Dave was going to bug out when he tells him that he saw her. Then it hit me. Dave was my wife's ex and this was his roommate Tom. They have been the root of my wife's BIG COCK GANG BANG fantasies. See, long ago my wife and I had separated for a while and we...

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Hermiones ENF Adventure

Here we are with a newer version of the embarrassing adventures of our favorite bookworm witch. She will have an humiliating time full of exposure either by accident or deliberate.

1 year ago
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A Night Out

I hung up the phone quickly and turned my legs out of the covers for my feet to meet the floor. It was cold outside, being December, and chilly in the house compared to the warmth of my waterbed. I felt the cold air rush up my warm legs and give me Goosebumps. I stood up and the cool air quickly encircled my entire naked body, I felt my nipples harden, and I shivered slightly as I walked across the room to get my robe. I stopped briefly and went to the two huge French doors, which lead from my...

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So I'm lying here in my darkly lit little room, flat on my back, legs spread and taking dick. It's really late and I'm pretty tired but the five guys doing me aren't and now I hear one of them calling his friends so I guess I can expect a few more guys and this will probably turn out to be an all nighter. My bed is wet under my ass because the cum loads keep, well, coming. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I really like life a lot more when I have a dick pumping into me, and I'll take...

2 years ago
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My Independence Day

July 1, 2020Why do you spend the most time thinking about those who don't think about you? They have moved on without a thought for you. And what are you doing? Still stuck in the past, not moving forward, missing the joys right in front of your face today.Jake's words keep replaying in my mind like a broken record. I hadn't thought about it like that, but he was right. Sometimes I need to hear something over and over and over before it finally seeps through my stubborn skull. He said a lot...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sea FenciblesChapter 4

Early on the next morning, a stocky sailor entered the common room where Anson broke his fast and rubbed his knuckles against his temples in salute. "Able seaman Horner, sir. Mr. Witmarsh sent me with a boat crew." Anson appraised the man. He was a hand over five feet in height, but made up for that by being almost as wide. Not much of that girth was fat. In Anson's estimate that man would have made for a champion weight lifter at county fairs. "Splendid, Horner. I am not quite...

2 years ago
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Pleasing Paul

Copyright© The day has dragged interminably, waiting for you to come to me, my darling — my lover, my Master, my son... I'd just finished breakfast when the post landed on the doormat, and there, among the usual letters, bills and junk mail, was a tiny package, and my heart skipped a beat, knowing it was from you. I bent down to pick it up, ignoring everything else. My robe fell open — I was naked beneath it, and I rubbed the package over my body, because you'd touched it, and soon it...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 49

Nothing much happened for the rest of the school year. I saw Bill in school, but we didn't speak. Kate stayed on her good behavior, pleasing both of my parents. Kate had never wanted to study ballet, preferring modern dance, jitterbug, or ballroom dancing, but when Agnes asked her to come to her advanced ballet classes just to work on her grace and smooth out her dance movements, Kate agreed to do it. She started taking two back to back advanced ballet classes each week from Agnes. Instead...

2 years ago
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First Encounter Ch 5

I feel a strange mixture of exhilaration and terror with my first step out into the wild dressed as a woman. What if I see someone I know? Highly unlikely since I'm in a large city fifty miles from my home town. What if someone clocks me and makes a vulgar remark? I express my fears to you."We're not breaking the law, Monique," you respond rationally."I know, but it just feels so different," I reply. "Well, that's the point, isn't it?" I can't argue with that logic and shove my fears to the...

1 year ago
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A Growing Desire Ch 2

Christmas had come and gone. The warmth and merriness of the holidays had disappeared into the cold chill of winter. It was nearing ten at night. A Tuesday. I couldn't study anymore. I stood up from my desk, stretched out the soreness, and made my way over to my bed. I turned on the TV, and realized I was bored. Brett was off doing something -- I couldn't remember what. I hadn't heard from her in awhile. My roommate was, as usual, at his girl's place. I contemplated video games, but even that...

1 year ago
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The NRI Family Part 3

Hey, I thank you for following me on Instagram and donating towards my work. I feel like I am onto something here. Maybe we can create a community for the series I am writing but all I will need is your help, love and support. Anyway, you rightly said that don’t make it too long a break as you wanna know what happened after the party ended and I went back with my uncle and Meenakshi to the house and certainly the word “Three” which was stuck in my mind all along. Hey before I continue further...

4 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 15

Connie and Michelle drove back toward the metro center where Connie worked, searching for an address on the card. To keep Michelle's vaginal motor running so that Connie could use both hands on the wheel, Connie told Michelle to masturbate. At first, the child denied knowing what that meant, but Connie wasn't buying. A few blocks of pressure and Michelle began using her fingers for the purpose God intended--one hand working the clit, the other fingering the hole. Connie kept looking over...

1 year ago
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TabooHeat Melanie Hicks Cory Chase Fucking My Step Sons Bully

I (Luke Longly) send Melanie Hicks out, into her car, completely naked, so she can go get another naked MILF and bring her back for a threesome. Melanie leaves, and she returns a little while later, with a blonde MILF named Cory Chase. She tells Cory about the ‘you have to be naked before entering the house’ rules, as she pulls up to the front of my house. Cory does as she’s told, and both she and Melanie walk into my house completely naked. They walk up the stairs and they...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 11

One day, I'd had been on duty for several hours, just normal chamber maid work when I was told I had been requested by the Colonel on the top floor. I had previously seen the Colonel twice now. He was a dear old man, quite soft hearted, and I had found our two meetings a lot of fun. So I changed into a fresh uniform, the usual, French Maid dress, white stockings, suspender belt, bra and panties, and went up to his room. I was told to come in when I knocked and there he was sitting there....

2 years ago
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Swimming Without Floaties Part II

Be sure to read the first part of this story, Swimming Without Floaties. Link is down below. Three days had passed since she took out all her anger at Tyler. And he didn’t even do anything to deserve it. In fact, he sent her one of the sweetest things she had read in a long time. She didn’t have the heart to text him back. She wanted to, but her heart ached every time she tried. She wanted to apologize to him and get to know more about him. But her attitude ruined it. She tried to swim her...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning

My marriage was on the rocks. My wife and I were still living together with our three children, but we might as well have been separated. Once I realized the seriousness of our situation, I tried everything I could think of, including suggesting couples counseling. She didn't want to go to counseling, and didn't really seem interested in trying to fix what was broken. Our marriage was effectively over. I'm sure she had her side of this story, but this was mine.The evenings were quite lonely. I...

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We were lying in each other’s arms, undressed, kissing – sweet, soft kisses. My heart was full of love for you – and you looked at me with such adoration that it made me want to give all the world to you. I was hard – and knew that you were wet with desire for me. But we had lots of time and were taking it very slowly. I caressed your arm and shoulder, then moved my hand slowly toward your breast. I felt the soft fullness of you, caressed you lightly, then took my mouth from yours and sucked...

2 years ago
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Sara Evans Hot Night

Country music star Sara Evans was getting ready for bed. The 33-year-old black haired beauty was seven months pregnant with her third child. She was due this September. She and husband Craig Schelske had a son Jack born in 99 and a daughter Olivia born in 2003. Sara had a good pregnancy so far, it seems like her cravings were different for each one. This time she seemed to need sex a lot. Her body seemed to be on the verge of arousal constantly. As she brushed her long black hair she could...

4 years ago
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My Friend Davids Mum Pt 3 the appetiser

After our first explosive encounter Helen said: “Now we can take our time and enjoy the rest of the day. Consider that a taster of the gourmet meal to come…OK?” ‘OK, yes OK’ I said. We lay still for just a few minutes. ‘You are not going to fall asleep now, are you?’ Said Helen As my breathing subsided and a slight throbbing returned to my cock I said ‘Oh no I am ready for anything now!’ ‘I thought it wouldn’t take you long to recover’ She said With that she ran a nail the length of my cock...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 11

Frank, Tim’s brother, after running all his various tests, had first decided to try the drug out on his wife, Elisabeth. She had been a virgin bride and was taught that if a girl enjoyed sex, she was a slut. Her mother had drilled into her ever since she’d had her first period that the only reason to have sex was to have a baby and fulfill her marital obligations, and only after marriage. That only sluts enjoyed sex. Even after seventeen years of marriage, Elisabeth still did not like Frank...

2 years ago
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Juvenile Ch1 A Rare Occurence

"Good morning Jordan" She replied, in an obviously annoyed way. After all this was the most disruptive student in her maths class. He had an athletic body with a tanned dark white skin, which complemented his blonde gelled hair. "Sup Joules" he said, throwing his bag underneath the desk and getting his things out. "Quiet class, I need to do the register" the teacher sighed. As she began calling out names everyone started chatting as usual and it took twice as long. "Now today...

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Friend Trains Me Part 6 Gay

It's hard to believe that my girlfriend Sandy and I find ourselves being submissive slaves to a guy I have known since high school. I will not detail it all again since I have written about it previously. But suffice it to say my surfing the Internet for porn sites and downloading gay videos led to the discovery by my buddy who later coerced me into sucking his dick. I have never considered myself anything other than a normal straight guy but I found myself drawn deeper and deeper into my...

1 year ago
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Purusan Munnaadiyee Pontatti Pundai Kiliyuthu –“en peyar nakmaa . vayathu 29 . oru thaniyaar kampeniyil meelaalaraaka ulleen. naan thangal Tamil darddi Stories vepsaiddil ulla Kadhaikalai virumpi padippeen. . en Purusan oru vangiyil veelai paarkkinraar. naangal oru apaardmend daip kudiyiruppil vasitthu varukinrom. kilee naanku veedukal meelee naanku veedukal. naangal meel pakuthiyil ullom. pakalil naan veelaikku poyviduvathaal iravilthaan thunikalai thuvaitthu engal veeddin munpuram...

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