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Winters in Minnesota can be cold, very cold. Don't ask me to explain the science behind it, but it can be nearly 30% F in Anchorage, while at the same time in the city of Minneapolis, it's subzero at -30% F. It was on such a night, outside in the cold, I met the love of my life.
So many years ago, though it seems like yesterday, I frequented a night club by the name of Sam's, which would later have its name change to 'First Avenue, ' a place made famous by Prince. Let me tell you, things could really get jumping at Sam's on a Saturday night. This one particularly cold night, I began dancing with a real party chick. There was so much chemistry between us it was a wonder we didn't combust on the dance floor. So at the end of the night we decided to hitch. I offered to drive her to her house to spend the night as she had come with friends. It was -10% F. So she was little daunted learning that we had to walk three blocks to get to my car. But it's surprising what you'll do when you're a little drunk and really horny.
Thank God, it was a still night out. Wind chill can make it seem twice as cold than it is. But by leaning against each other, and keeping our hands tucked in each other's clothes, we made do. Only bad thing is, it just made is all the more randy. After walking about a block, we came to Minneapolis' Nicolette Mall. With its dormant leafless trees lite with strings of small white lights it was the prettiest place in the city at night. Because of the cold temp. and the fact that it was nearly 2:00 A.M. in the morning, not a soul but we two were there.
Party chick, suggested we warm up in one of the Mall's heated bus stops. These three sided glass walled shelters had heat lamps that kept warmed the frigid air just to the point of tolerable. She had no more than lite up a cigarette than we started making out. My cold hands began exploring beneath her sweater, till they found her warm soft breasts. She shuttered when I traced her nipples with an icy fingertip with shivering moans. She returned the favor by sliding a delicate hand down the front of my pants grabbing my cock than gently cupping them around my balls. No matter how I might try to explain it, unless you've experienced it, you cannot appreciate how changes in temperature against your skin, especially your gentitalia can be so unbelievably arousing. I should have been content with what I was experiencing, but no, I was so enamored with this young woman I couldn't hold back, but neither could she. Opening my trousers completely she started sucking cock. Steam from her breath and saliva misted from my lap like Yellow Stone on a cold morning. Cold warm, cold warm, cold warm, 'Oh My God!' I had all I could do to keep from popping on the spot. So I guided her face back up to mine we started kissing each other so deeply I thought our souls wore going to melt together. Her kisses were laced with the taste of Southern Comfort whiskey and Salem menthol cigarettes. I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to say, "I want to fu...", but before I could finish asking my question she answered it in a deep husky voice. "FUCK ME, FUCK ME." I let her up from the bus bench, so she could try and pull her thin black tights off from under her skirt, but I knew for her to be bare-assed on the bus bench would be way too cold for her comfort level. So pushing her hands aside I grabbed the front of her tights between my two fists and literally ripped them apart. She immediately thanked my laying down on the bus bench and spreading her legs wide.

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