Mermaids of the Caribbean
- 4 years ago
- 30
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By C
It had been a good morning for Emerald. She had tempted another seal hunterto the water's edge and pulled him in, where it was no trouble at all to drainhim of his blood.
She needed the warmth of fresh blood to keep out the chill of the NorthernSea, and this foolish hunter had served her quite nicely.
It was time now to rest. There was an ice floe nearby and she pulled herselfonto it. It was a kind of ice hill, with many jagged ridges, so she had tosquirm up to the top, then scout around for a comfortable depression in whichto take her nap. Once she found just the right place, she stretched out onher back.
If you saw her then, you'd most likely be struck speechless; for hers wasa strange, sinister beauty. She was a mermaid. Down to the groin, she seemeda pale, black-haired woman; further down, she had a powerful, slate-gray dolphin'stail. You'd note that her hair was straight and thick, reaching to her shoulders,and her eyes were a startlingly bright green. Her face was perfectly proportioned,but you could never mistake it for human: for one thing, her lips and eyelidswere black, like her hair; for another, her upper canines were long and sharp,like a cat's. These would gradually retract, as the memory of her meal faded,but for now they were at their full extent. (Just then, she touched each fangwith her tongue and sighed with pleasure. Her mouth quirked into a smile--asneer, really, of more than human insolence.) Midway between her throat andbosom, you'd spy a precious green stone, half-buried in her pale flesh. Itwas one of the ancient Jewelles of Puissance, affording her speed and strength,as well as the power to beguile. It was also the source of her name: Emerald.Looking down past the jewel, you'd marvel for a time at the mermaid's bosom:the breasts were big and tipped with sharp black nipples; and though they wereinvitingly soft, you'd know they were fated never to wrinkle or sag. Next you'dsee a smooth swell of tummy, gently curved hips, and a plump, hairless monsVeneris , bisected by a delicate genital slit. Viewing her, youwould desire her, knowing as you did that you were courting blood-hungry ruin.
What could have engendered such a creature? If you knew mostly the more civilizedparts of Mythica, you would take it for granted that two Principles infusedthe World: the Male and Female. The Male (source of all reason and order) ruledthe Female, and that was as it should be. Women were happy for the most partto be ruled, though from time to time they rebelled in some small way or other.No great matter: you'd take your girl's panties down, give her a good hardspanking, and send her crying to her bed. Then, in an hour so, you'd come upto cuddle and forgive her. She'd reaffirm her submission in tearful gratitude;and that would be the end of it, until the next petty insurrection.
You knew of course that out in the wilds of Mythica, where fays dwell, rebellionwas a far bigger, more dangerous and destructive affair. The Female Principlewas always stronger among fays, even among the males, and so they all displayed,in varying degrees, its characteristics: ungoverned passion, reckless sensuality,an impatience with, sometimes amounting to a hatred of, order and law, andan incurable taste for the glamour of wickedness. Some fay species had evendispensed with males! You'd laugh uneasily at mention of such depravity; butyou knew that order and justice prevailed, even in the wild. Brave hunterspatrolled the outlands, catching enough fays to keep the rest within bounds,and relentlessly pursuing the most evil and aggressive. The Male Principlewas embattled, but always, in the end, triumphant. The bitter tears of capturedfays were daily testimony to that triumph.
But was it always and everywhere thus? You might be unsettled to learn that,in the frozen outer reaches of Mythica, the darkest, most chaotic avatar ofthe Female Principle had staked her claim. From her were descended Emeraldand her sisters and cousins, and for many years they had not faced a seriouschallenge. The Vampire Mermaids had gone from strength to strength, and nowdesired new climes in which to gratify their lust, their cruelty, their greed.So far, only the most daring or desperate of merchants and the hardy Northerntribesmen had been their victims; but now they were eyeing the warmer watersto the South.
Emerald fell asleep in her little cubby on the ice floe and dreamt of sunnybeaches. She had hunted for days without sleeping—not difficult for amermaid—but fatigue at last had its way with her. The sun mounted thesky, then descended. At dusk, a snow storm blew out over the floe and coveredher in a soft, white sheet. Even unconscious, she felt it, and gave a contentedsigh.
It was almost noon on the next day when the ice shook beneath her and herears were assailed by a grinding, crunching racket. She awoke and tried toshake off the snow, but there was too much; it filled the depression in whichshe'd spent the night. So she pulled herself out with some difficulty and setout to discover what had so rudely disturbed her sleep.
The sound had come from the west, so she slithered in that direction, upridges and down declivities, until she reached a small cliff-edge, about tenfeet above the water. Just as she got there, she heard something she had notheard in many years, and it made her shudder: the raw, pain-racked weepingof mermaids.
She looked down, and the source of the tremor was apparent: another floe,much lower and flatter, had just collided with hers. Nothing remarkable initself; but what she saw on the sheet of ice beneath almost made her cry outin horror. On their backs, in a tidy row, were ten—no, eleven--of herpartners in crime. There was brunette Opal, and blonde Garnet, and green-hairedSapphire,--in fact, she knew them all. Sharp teeth (it would seem) had puncturedtheir breasts, so that each girl now lay in a pool of scarlet. They were tryingto raise their hands to their wounded bosoms, but, weakened as they were, theycould not. Their bodies shook, and now and then one of them, in her agony,would smack the ice with her tail. Their faces were red and swollen, theireyes awash with tears. And the sound! Oh, how they wailed, and sobbed, andgroaned! Clearly their hearts were broken beyond repair, and it made Emeraldweep to hear them.
Having seen their wounds, and how they'd been laid out on the ice, Emeraldknew beyond a doubt the identity of their captor. A Seawolf had taken eachgirl in his fatal embrace. But how? Seawolves were redoubtable hunters, butmere animals. Vampire Mermaids, as clever and cunning as any human being, hadlong ago discovered talismans beyond whose boundaries no seawolf could pass.It had been a hundred seasons at least since Emerald had last viewed one oftheir ghastly trophy lines. But somehow, despite powerful protections, thathunter most feared by mermaids had gotten through.
Just then, something big emerged from the water at the far edge of the trophyfloe. Emerald gasped and pulled back behind a parapet of ice. From here (shehoped), she could see what happened without being detected. She looked anddid not make a sound. It was a seawolf, of course. He had the toothsome headand wickedly clawed forelimbs of a terrestrial wolf; but he was twice as big.From snout to groin, he wore a shaggy, silver pelt, much thicker than a wolf's.Past that, he had the tail and flukes of a killer whale, with the same blackand white coloring. At the juncture of wolf and whale, he sported a large,perpetually erect cock. She got a good look at it at as he heaved himself outof the water; and, almost unconsciously, she reached down with one hand toshield her pussy.
The seawolf had something in his mouth. As he exited the water, Emerald couldsee that he had caught yet another mermaid and was bringing her in by the tail.She had some spunk left and was jerking and thrashing furiously. Her captorseemed unperturbed. When he had gotten her completely out of the water, hepulled her over to the trophy line and placed her, squirming, bucking, andcrying, next to the others. (Her breasts were bitten and bleeding, just likeher sisters'.)
This girl had white hair, reaching all the way to her waist. It was Pearl , oneof Emerald's most vicious rivals! (Well, here was good news for once!) In additionto her frantic struggles, Pearl could still use her arms: she clutched herwounded torso with her left hand and cupped her cunt with her right. Suddenlythe seawolf batted the left hand away (it seemed to take no effort at all)and bit her once again on her bosom. Hearing her scream, Emerald, despite herself,felt a surge of pity.
While all this was happening, Emerald had leaned out further and furtherfrom her icy cover. Just then, with what must have been her last strength,Pearl raised her right arm, extended her index finger, and thrust it in Emerald'sdirection. The seawolf looked up and saw her.
"Oh, you resentful bitch!" she said under her breath. The wolf left Pearlwith the others and pulled himself with surprising speed towards Emerald'sfloe. She gave out a little scream, then took off as fast as she could, backthe way she'd come. She was going downhill now, and in her mad haste she losther grip on the ice and began tumbling head over tail down the rough slope.She hit bottom with a bone-shaking thud. No time to catch her breath: gasping,she clawed her way to the water's edge and hurled herself in. She looked abouther and almost cried out. The wolf was there, just ten feet or so away, withhis head turned in another direction.
As he swung back toward her, she took off, beating the water with her tailin desperate fear. Her gemstone glowed brightly as she called on its power. Howdid he get here so fast? she asked herself. Thenshe decided there was no more time for thought; she was swimming for her verylife. A mermaid moves through the water faster than a seawolf; but the wolfhas greater staying power. If he's hell-bent on catching her, she must givehim the slip, or she's finished. Knowing this, she set her course for a sunkenmerchant ship not far away. She'd duck inside it and lose him somewhere inits belly. After a few minutes, without slowing down one bit, she looked back. . . and to her indescribable relief, the wolf had broken off the chase andwas returning to what he had already caught. She slowed down, but she continuedto the wreck nonetheless and buried herself in its hold.
The next morning, after a less than satisfactory sleep, she slipped througha rent in the hull of the ship and headed out toward the nearest talisman.This was an idol from the Southern Seas, tied firmly to a rock outcroppingwith scavenged metal cable. The mermaids had gotten it, and five others likeit, from a sea witch, in return for revealing the whereabouts of much sunkentreasure. It was worth every ducat and doubloon; for no hunter feared by mermaidscould pass the barrier that it created. All six together made a magic circle,many miles in circumference, within which the mers were safe. Or so they hadbelieved.
She thought the idol might have come loose from its mooring somehow. If so,the field of magic force could have been breached. All she'd need to do thenwas to find the little statuette and return it to its place. She got to theoutcropping, and sure enough, the cable was swaying loosely in the current.But the idol hadn't drifted off; it was lying there on the rock, smashed intohundreds of fragments. It had been a crude and ghastly sculpture of a mermaid,with long canine teeth; now it was shattered beyond recognition. This sideof the mermaid refuge had been thrown open to seawolves and every other predator—andnothing could be done about it.
Had the beast done this? It was a mere animal; it couldn't have known thesignificance of the ugly little figurine! Then who? Emerald shuddered and drewher hands protectively over her trembling breasts. It seemed clear to her nowthat a far more deadly enemy was at work. Some wizard perhaps—an intermeddlingservant of the Male Principle. Wizards could be countered and even destroyed,but it would take a lot more treasure, paid to the right sort of witch . .. .
As she mulled over the possibilities, she almost missed the telltale surgeof water against her skin, displaced by something approaching at great speed.She looked up and saw the seawolf, just yards away, its jaws gaping wide, itsforelimbs reaching to seize her.
She gave a little shriek, then took off, swimming for all she was worth.Her plan was to return to the sunken ship and lose the monster there. Today,the beast showed no sign of flagging. He followed her, sometimes within feetof her madly thrashing tail, all the way to the old wreck. Her gem flared atfirst; then, after a few minutes, it began to dim. She hadn't eaten in twodays, and she was calling on the last of her reserves. She almost wept withrelief when the ship came into view.
It had been a rusted, dirty merchant hulk, barely seaworthy when the mermaidshad descried it a century before. They had come to the surface and ensorcelledits captain, so that he ordered it right into the path of an iceberg. In justminutes, the gash torn in the starboard side of its bow took it to the bottomwith all hands. What a joyous day that had been! The fear and agony of thecrew were nourishing food, as was their blood. But this was no time to reminisce.Emerald saw an open hatch, too narrow for a seawolf, and darted in.
The trick now was to lie low in some compartment of the ship, until the huntergave up the chase. She coaxed her gem till its light had all but gone out,so that its gleam would not betray her. She didn't need it to see: her visionwas so keen that she could find her way in all but pitch darkness. Soon shelocated the galley and snuggled in behind a stove that had shifted from itsoriginal place when the ship sank. She knew exactly how to get from here tothe huge tear in the bow, should she need to make a dash for it. She was makingherself comfortable when she heard a horrible noise, at the galley bulkheadopposite the one by which she'd entered. There was a heap of metal debris there,including another stove, and there was the seawolf, muscling it all aside.
How had he entered the ship so fast? How had he figured out her hiding place?No matter. She would leave him struggling here and make her escape throughthe breached bow. She dashed in that direction, past bulkhead after bulkhead.She was almost there
. . . and there he was, waiting for her!
It just couldn't be! She turned and swam frantically back the way she'd come.She heard more noise in the galley, so she bypassed that and made for the engineroom, which was amidships. She got there, just in time to hear another frightfulcrash, right behind her, so she started up again. She was beginning to tire:the muscles in her tail were aching, her tummy was cramping up, and it wasgetting harder to breathe. But worse than this: she was being forced towardthe stern, from which she knew there was no easy escape.
She found a stairwell. Surely this led to the deck. It might be her lastchance, so she followed it up, up, up. Oh please, Dark Feminine Force, shesilently prayed, Oh please don't let it be battened down!
She saw sunlight and blue water. Her spirits rose within her, her fatiguedropped away, and she shot out of the old hulk into the open sea. And justthen the wolf caught her in his hateful embrace.
She struggled madly to break free, but it was no use: his forelimbs heldher like hoops of iron. She tried to push him away and clawed at his face withher sharp nails, but his fur made these harmless. His jaws opened and quicklyclosed—his teeth penetrating her right breast. She shrieked then, inpain and mortal fear. As always when she was in any way excited, her fangsextended. She plunged these into his snout, in a desperate effort to make himlet go. He did, but only to bat her head savagely with his own. Stunned, shereleased her grip, and he again sank his teeth in her breast. She shriekedagain.
Unlike a true wolf's teeth, his were hollow needles, pumping an incapacitatingvenom into her body. It made her tremble uncontrollably, and caused strangeperturbations in her groin and tummy. Desperation kept her fighting for a while,but at last the venom told, and her arms dropped nervelessly to her sides.She cried out then: a high, thin, heartbroken wail. As if to make completelysure of her, he bit her once more--this time on her left breast. She wailedagain, as hopelessly as before. He let go of her now, but only to take hertail in his jaws and pull her back with him toward his ice floe. Still tremblingmadly, her arms trailing uselessly behind her, Emerald began to weep: greatgulping sobs that wracked her body from her head to the tips of her flukes.
As she carried on, she looked back and saw something that chilled her, morethan the frigid water around her ever could. Three other seawolves were followingthis one.
So that was how she'd been caught! Not one, but several hunters, and they'dherded her right into a trap. But it just could not be! Seawolves were solitarycreatures, and surely they weren't smart enough to do what these appeared tohave done. Some terrible magic must be afoot. Having nothing else to do, shewent back to her weeping.
When he reached the ice floe, the wolf pulled her from the water with noceremony at all and laid her out, belly up, next to her confederates. The victimsof the day before were gone, and a new clutch of mermaids trembled and wept,hurt as they all were by cruel teeth. Emerald counted: including her, twelvemers were crying their pretty eyes out. Beside her was a blue-haired girl namedTourmaline, who was sobbing and calling to her mother—harpooned by fishermenyears ago when she had lingered too long on the ice.
The wolf rolled onto his side, giving Emerald a closer view of his membrumvirile. It was ten or so inches long and about an inch thick.She took note of its dimensions, and for the first time relief came overher, stilling the trembling of her injured bosom. The seawolves had changedin many horrible ways, but not in size or shape. She had a chance (morethan a chance) of surviving this encounter. The hunter flopped over ontohis back; and before long he began snoring. Within the next few minutes,five of his brothers came up onto the ice and stretched out for a nap (allwithin easy reach of the captured girls).
It was hard at first for Emerald to get any rest. Her breasts ached, andthe chill of air and ice were beginning to tell. It was the hot blood of hervictims that kept the cold out, and her last meal was a fading memory. Shebegan to shiver. At least Tourmaline had finally quieted down. Ijust have to steel myself, she thought. I have to sayto myself again and again: I'm proof against any effort by these creaturesto destroy me. At last, reassured, she slipped into unconsciousness. . . .
She awoke with an achingly full groin, and she shuddered to see the wolfstaring down at her. He moved more quickly than she could have believed possible,jabbing a single claw into her tummy just below the navel. Screaming, she triedto raise her hands, but could not. The urine gushed from her in a foaming stream,then drizzled down her sides to the ice. The wolf then went to Tourmaline andmade her scream and spurt as well. The other girls got the same treatment fromtheir captors. The coppery aroma of blood now contended with a perfume of vinegarand honey. Despite herself, Emerald felt her pussy moisten.
Having caused this eruption, the wolves now bent down and, with evident gusto,licked up the efflux. When they'd cleaned up the ice and the girls' flanks,they turned their attention to pussies. Rough tongues wiped the pee from eachtwat, then darted inside for more of the tangy treat. It was all surprisinglygentle: the girls squealed, and cried, and pounded the ice with their tails,but the real agony was yet to come.
Not much longer, though. As the wolves probed and licked, their cocks, alwayserect, grew ever more stiff and swollen. Now, when it seemed they could getno harder, each beast straddled one of his victims. The captor of Emerald andTourmaline evidently wanted the blue-haired girl first.
"No! No!" Tourmaline cried. "Oh great Darkness, please . . . not my pussy,no!" Then she just shrieked and shrieked as she was penetrated. Five othervictims soon carried on in much the same fashion.
This was the way of the seawolf: killing with his cock. Several hard thrusts,and soon the girls' bodies were wracked by death orgasms. Oh how they groanedand wailed! They came, and came, and came, and blood-suffused honey pouredfrom their cunts. The beasts would withdraw, just long enough to lick up bigdollops of it; then the lethal fucking would resume.
I know I can survive this! said Emerald to herself. Iknow I can! But could she really? Only the event would tell.
Six girls gave their last despairing whimpers, flicked their tails a fewtimes, and were still. The wolves pulled out their hateful weapons, slick withblood and pussy liquor, and rested for a bit.
And then it was time for the six who remained. As she was violated, Emeraldshrieked like the others, for it felt at first as if her vagina were beingtorn open. Before long, of course, pain was joined by that unspeakably sweetpleasure which is a captured fay's solace. But Emerald soon noticed somethingstrange. The other girls began to shake and convulse, groaning and wailingas fatal orgasms overcame them. But despite one savage thrust after another,it was much gentler for her. I may indeed pull through, shethought, I may indeed.
And so it happened. Five more girls gave up their wicked ghosts, but Emeraldwas not among them. Still laboring on top of her, her captor brought his faceclose to hers and bared his teeth. "You seem to be made of sterner stuff thanyour sisters," he growled.
"Y-you talk? You can talk?" she said with a shudder.
"Yes," he replied, pulling out of her at last. "The Female Principle hashad its way for far too long up here in the North. So, at last, the Male Principlelooked to us, the chief hunters of mermaids, and refined us. We're smarternow, far more effective."
"Able to plan together . . . knowing the meaning of magic symbols," saidEmerald. "That explains everything."
"Indeed," said the seawolf. "We couldn't have wiped out your branch of thiswicked Northern family otherwise."
"Wiped out? I still seem to be breathing."
"Yes you do. The usual method of pest control doesn't seem to work in thiscase. I've fucked you and fucked you . . . you've even come a few times—andstill you live. Would you care to tell me your secret?"
Emerald laughed. "You surely don't think I'm that stupid, do you?"
"Not at all," said the seawolf. "But we've run into something similar before.Let me ask if it didn't happen like this. You had commerce with a powerfulsea witch, perhaps the one who set up that protective barrier. And you knewsomething your mermaid accomplices didn't: the resting place of additionaltreasure, aside from what you all used to buy the talismans. With that knowledge,you struck a bargain for extra protection—a spell that would benefitonly you. Suitably paid, the witch made you immune. A seawolf's cock won'tkill you now."
"You want some sort of admission out of me?" said Emerald with a sneer.
"Not at all. I know that's exactly what happened."
"Well, what of it then? If that's what happened, you can't kill me. And thereare certain rules you flunkies of the Male Principle have to follow, as I recall.One of them . . . let me try to remember it now . . . ah, that's it: if youcan't kill a fay, you have to let her go."
"I can't kill you, eh? I think that has yet to be proved."
"Well, if you still have doubts, I suggest you resolve them very soon, oryou'll be the one in trouble with your precious Male Principle."
"Let's see," said the seawolf. "No spell can shield a fay from everythingthat might destroy her. That's another rule. The magic the witch performedmakes you proof against seawolves . . . as we once were. But, as you alreadyknow, we've changed. Like my predecessors, I'm part whale, part wolf, but unlikethem I can, if I choose, favor one side of my nature over the other."
"W-what do you mean?" asked Emerald. Only now was she beginning to worry.
"Well, I can make my teeth and claws longer, sharper, if it suits me, or. . . I can . . . I can . . . bring the whale . . . to the forefront." Andhere he howled, as if in great pain. He turned over, onto his back, and Emeraldcried out when she saw the change now taking place. His cock was growing longer,and thicker, more like the manly member of a true killerwhale. Soon it was two feet in length, and at least three inches thick at thebase.
When it had reached these impressive dimensions, he let out a long, gaspingsigh and said: "It can grow a lot more, but this'll do." Then he straddledher once again.
"Now wait, wait, wait!" cried Emerald. "I mean, I know where there's othertreasure
. . . I'll tell you, I swear, I'll . . . Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!" And she kept onscreaming as he rammed his weapon home. It filled her cunt, then burst throughinto the seething core of fluids and magical forces that gave life to her wickedness.
"Do I still have to let you go?" said the wolf in a harsh, rasping whisper.
It wasn't long before orgasmic tremors, much harder than her sisters hadsuffered, began to shake Emerald's body. She groaned with each spasm, and shetwisted and thrashed in the wolf's embrace. But he held her tight, crushingher to the ice. There could be no escape.
Near the end, she cried out: "Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm . . . fucked! I'm so completelyfucked! You've . . . mastered me . . . and I have to obey! You have the cock(sob!), I have the pussy (choke!), and I have to be a good little girl! I'mbeing good! I'm being good! Can't that . . . count for something? Ohhhhhh,fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"This is how it counts," said the wolf. "You can endure your punishment nowwith proper, ladylike submission. It's easier that way. And stop saying 'fuck'."
"Y-yes, my Master. Oh, . . . oh, . . . ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"
As she moaned, a superheated mix of blood and mer-nectar bubbled up frominside her. Scalded, the seawolf yipped and quickly withdrew. But it was toolate for Emerald. She came again, and again, and again. She came until everydrop of moisture within her was expelled; and only then did her body grow still.Only then did the light in her gem fade and finally disappear. When the wolfsaw she was dead, he pulled the jewel from her fast cooling flesh and tossedit onto a heap of similar stones.
Another wolf slithered up to have a look at Emerald. "She was a tough customer,eh?"
"Yes," said her captor, still nursing his groin.
"Well, what do you say we dig in and eat?
"Go right ahead. I'll be another minute or so."
Ok guys I finished part two. I can't wait to hear what you think I want as much feedback as possible. All criticism welcome as long as it is constructive criticism. For those who don't already know this series is not a sex story with vampires in it. This is a vampire story with sex in it. Parts one and two follow the same format in that there is a lot of story that ends with a sex scene so if you are just reading for the sex you might want to skip to the end or better yet just read a...
-----Earlier that year---- I had picked up Kayla at a bar earlier in the year. She was cute and very drunk. It was pretty clear that she was using a fake ID, but she was just so adorable and wasn’t causing any issues, so the bartenders just shrugged and looked the other way. I figured that I’d get a snack and probably get laid at the same time. It had been a while since I’d had any action in that regard. Kayla was extremely hyper and was just about at the point of dancing on the bar when I’d...
Ok so this is my first story ever so keep that in mind. I got a big thing for vampires so that is why this is based on vampires. I hope you will all comment with advice and constructive criticism. I intend to continue this story either way so if you like it let me know and ill put more up, otherwise i wont bother. Also there is alot more set up than sex. This story is not intended to be mostly sex in fact it is meant to be a story that has sex in it but who knows how it will develop...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon’s head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive. ‘Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order,’ she heard behind her. Natasha jumped from her ledge. ‘And you need to know when to learn that I don’t want to deal with you tonight,’ Rhiannon retorted, as she...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon's head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive."Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order," she heard behind her.Natasha jumped from her ledge. "And you need to know when to learn that I don't want to deal with you tonight," Rhiannon retorted, as she looked...
An hour later I walked up to the bar. The brunette was still working, though she looked rather tired. “Double shot of O negative and double of B positive if you have it.” I called out. The bartender nodded, slid two glasses over towards me and then handed me two water bottles. “What are these for?” I asked. “You’ve been busy tonight. Quite a show back there. You might be a vampire but you still need to hydrate on something other than blood.” She replied, giving me a slight smirk. I’d...
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“Vampire sex is the best!” Kayla exclaimed. We were both on our backs, cuddling after a few hours of screwing. She seemed to have a limitless capacity for sex. I didn’t know if that was because she was a vampire, or still essentially a sex crazed 20 year old. Either way, I couldn’t say that I minded. After our post coital cuddle, Kayla rolled over and grabbed her phone. “How are the girls doing?” I asked. “Pretty good. Amy is in San Francisco. Vanessa is in Washington. We are teasing her...
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Is it ever possible for a vampire to be utterly and depressingly bored? Lafitte was sprawled on his throne in the middle of his church basement lair surrounded by his naked children. There were twenty of them in all. 15 females and 5 males made up his band of bloodthirsty followers. He had returned the last batch of food to the streets of the French Quarter. Only the middle-aged female called Marcy Underwood remained chained to his bed. The 450 year old vampire was smitten with the...
VampiresHow it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of blowjobs."Danny's heart beat faster and he...
Let me tell you a little about myself if you don't know. I'm a Vampire of about 600 years of age. Vampires are actually a type of sorcerer initiated into the mystical art of bloodsucking to fuel powerful spells that keep us young, healthy, strong, powerful, and full of a variety of magickal abilities. We can sustain our powers with just a few gulps of blood per week, so we need never kill anyone. We have the power to control people's minds to various degrees. I was gifted in that skill and...
Hex had a bad moment when the one SS officer changed seats outside the church, fearing he’d been discovered. After that everything went smoothly considering he clung to the back of a car driving down busy streets. But soon they left Munich behind and traveled west on a road without streetlights and sparse traffic. The situation improved since he had less chance of being seen but the Mercedes picked up frightening speed. They probably traveled at over a hundred kilometers an hour. If he fell...
Oddly enough the sun did not seem to be draining him very badly. He figured he was still very high on energy because of the feeding he had done the night before. He got up to go take a shower, and he he almost tripped over Tiffany's dead body. He felt nauseous. He was curious why he did not smell anything though, as he had always understood that dead bodies were suppose to give off quite an unpleasant aroma. He then realized he couldn't think of one time in the month he...
I jumped in my chair as I heard the front door slam. “It’s me!” Kayla yelled. “Good. No vampire hunters today.” I muttered as I heard her run up the stairs. “Did you miss me?” Kayla loudly asked as I spun around to face the door. “Always.” I grinned as Kayla entered the room. Both of her arms were completely filled with shopping bags. She apparently was enjoying her new day walking abilities to the fullest. It was hard to be annoyed at Kayla for long. “Like my hat?” She asked with a...
Hey everyone. Chapter three is here. I spent some extra time revising this one so I hope everyone likes it. All the chapters have had an element of darkness to them, but this one takes it to a new level, so I am putting it in the dark fantasy genre. As always I am looking for feedback from everyone. I have over 1000 reads on each chapter and they both only have 11 comments a few of which are mine so come on people help me out here more comments. I would like to thank my "team" of...
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Vampire Next Door By Paul G. Jutras Ssssssssss. Missy wasn't sure what frightened her most, being in the dark basement or being alone. Then she saw what was making the hissing sound and realized she wasn't so alone. She moved the flashlight beam from the fuse box and screamed in wide-eyed horror at the pale face of a vampire. Covering its face,...
“WHY?” Justin screamed. “ Why did you do this to me? For what reason?” “You did it to yourself.” She told him. “You were so caught up in yourself, that you saw no greater purpose in life than getting what you desired. Now you have an eternity to deal with a life poorly lived. You are exactly what makes a great vampire, there was a hole in you that could’ve never been filled, it left you always hungry for more. Now that hole will never be filled, you will never be satisfied, you will never...
The middle-aged woman looked very desirable kneeling on his resting place. Her ankles and wrists were enclosed in leather restraining straps and she was panting with a mixture of fear and sexual arousal. Lafitte ran his fingers down her back all the way to the beginning of her ass crack. He slowly slid his middle finger into her tight little opening and hooked it up inside her ass crack, impaling her on his middle digit. She sighed in resignation and relaxed her anus for his exploratory...
I spent months moving from place to place. I generally stayed in empty warehouses and office buildings when I could find them, but I’d occasionally spring for a ‘no tell’ motel. I pondered going home, but every time I thought of knocking on the front door, Robbie’s words came back to me. What was I really going to say to my parents anyway? I followed Robbie’s example, except I preferred women to feed on. I’d generally jump on drunken people when they left bars. I hoped that their...
Except when absolutely necessary Colonel Ingrid von Schitt seldom made the conversion from a human vampire into her bat form. After transforming into a bat a few minutes ago she flew over a forest stretching kilometers in all directions. Midnight had fallen, along with all her schemes. Himmler would be livid when he found out, but von Schitt had much to do before breaking the news. Two problems of a more immediate nature faced her: she would be naked once she changed from a bat back into human...
Leona and Slade left The Main Artery club and drove to Cafe Rendezvous. Leona sat next to Slade, but touched him less and never looked directly at him. She tried to hide that she cried, about the night’s earlier events with Connie. The argument between Gustaf and Andrei at the club was about what happened earlier. Something went radically wrong with the healing process and the least desirable side effect happened. The three vampires felt it immediately, but the others would not notice for a...
Leona and Slade left The Main Artery club and drove to Cafe Rendezvous. Leona sat next to Slade, but touched him less and never looked directly at him. She tried to hide that she cried, about the night's earlier events with Connie. The argument between Gustaf and Andrei at the club was about what happened earlier. Something went radically wrong with the healing process and the least desirable side effect happened. The three vampires felt it immediately, but the others would not notice for a...
SupernaturalAaron and Jill came over as quickly as they could. Jill wrapped Kayla up in a blanket and took her out on the patio while Aaron and I covered up the bodies. “Who would do this?” I asked. “Had to be another vampire.” Aaron said. “How do you know?” I asked. Aaron pointed to the spot on the floor that was underneath Rose’s body. “What?” I asked. “Look at this.” Aaron said, kneeling down. There was a hole in the floor, directly under Rose’s heart. “From the knife?” I asked,...
MARDI GRAS EROTICA PART XI VAMPIRE EROTICA 2014 The 450 year old vampire Lafitte stirred under the weight of the blonde schoolteacher from Cincinnati. He opened his blank black eyes and saw his children strewn across the church basement floor like fallen trees after a volcanic explosion. The orgy had been intense indeed. He pushed the snoozing form of the corpulent middle-aged woman over to the side and paused for a moment to insert his finger into her quivering star to make certain she was...
Mardi Gras Erotica X The 450 year old vampire Lafitte stirred under the weight of the blonde schoolteacher from Cincinnati. He opened his blank black eyes and saw his children strewn across the church basement floor like fallen trees after a volcanic explosion. The orgy had been intense indeed. He pushed the snoozing form of the corpulent middle-aged woman over to the side and paused for a moment to insert his finger into her quivering star to make certain she was still alive. Her pretty...
This is my first attempt in writing an erotic novel, please be patient with me. JI was sitting on the sofa my living room. I had, for the first time in many weeks, decided to take a break from both my girlfriend and partying, to just relax with a good movie and some hot tea. I started the film, Betty Blue, if anyone should be interested, I am into artsy French movies, and just as I sat down, my doorbell rang. I stopped the film, got up, and walked to the door. I assumed it was either one of my...
The address was in the next state over and a several hour drive. I was glad that I’d had sleep, but I certainly hadn’t anticipated this. The miles ticked by and I fought to stay focused while at the same time, I dug through my brain to try to figure out who would be angry at me. I had twenty years to sift through but nothing really stuck out at me. After many, many hours of driving, I slowed down as I approached the address. As was to be expected, it was in an old warehouse district of a...
It was a mesmerising flicker reflected from Steve’s hard cock pounding Sapphire’s willing pussy. This flicker didn’t distract him from the building orgasm within, nor the taste of Sapphire’s juices drying on his lips, nor the smell of her floral perfume lingering in the air. Sapphire laid angled across the brothel bed, her Greek Goddess body calling with the power of any siren. Steve couldn’t resist any further. His hand glided over her trained flat stomach, over her accented ribs, cupping her...
Vampire fetish is huge for me too. That scene in the cave for the lost boys has to be one of the most passionate and sensual scenes in vampire movie history. Went to the peir in Santa Cruz where the lost boys was filmed. I was with a Dom type. I didn't eat before we went and It scared him. I didn't want to throw up on the rides. We had matching lost boys shirts like a couple of nerds. Rode the loof carousel with him. We sat on the bench seat. He bit me hard. Left a big hickey. I made a...
Twenty Years Later: “Hey it’s me!” I called out as I opened the door. “Well no shit. Who else would it be?” Kayla replied in her typical condescending tone. “Well, it could be some random vampire hunter here to kill you. You never know.” I replied as I walked into the living room. Kayla put her phone down and stared at me. “Really?” She gasped. Sometimes I forgot how gullible she was. “Don’t worry, vampire hunters don’t typically knock or announce themselves.” I replied. “Oh, OK....
Introduction: Vampire Ethan tells the tale of his Making. Hello, my new friends. Im Ethan Taylor, and Im glad youre joining me tonight. Im sorry to say my stories are frequently long at the beginning, but if you sit through what I feel you have to know, I promise you will be rewarded! Now, before I begin one of the many tales of my exploits as a vicious, disgusting, yet merciful monster of the night, permit me to explain something to you about the world into which I was thrown some centuries...
“It’s YOU! FUCK! What the FUCK!” I yelled, recoiling a bit. Thankfully the bar was fairly loud and not many people could even hear me. “It’s me. More impressively, it’s you. I really can’t believe you’re still alive. You’re looking good too.” Liz grinned, taking a step towards me and dragging her finger on my chest. “Get the fuck away from me!” I screamed, swatting her hand away and taking several steps backwards. Unfortunately I found myself trapped between her and the pool table. “Come...
My father left me and mother when I was young, he worked abroad, on an oil rig. One day he got careless and never returned. I don’t remember much about him, just his funeral. The rainy day, the red rose my mother placed on his coffin, sobbing through a web of tears. Explaining to her 4 year old son why daddy would never be warm again. Not much to remember, and not much to talk about. My life was the same, I lived until I was 20. I had a flutter of girlfriends throughout my years of education,...
Monday I so hate school! (sigh) Actually school isn't that bad. Sure there is the usual pains, consisting of the popular crowd and the cheerleaders, and the jocks, and so on. But every school has those. My problem is the Program. The Naked in School program where you have to go around naked and let everyone feel you up. The one that seems to be designed to get you to have sex, even thought they say it isn't. Of course every school has that too. It's a graduation requirement after all. The...
My name is Jonathan Dark. I was born 40 years ago, yet look to be 17 or 18. I came to Jewel Valley to flee the vampire war that has raged since the 1500s. My mother, Anastasia, is an avid believer in the justness of the war. She, and consequently me, belong to the Immoral, the faction of vampires that aren’t resistant to drinking blood. The Immoral believe that humans are perfectly fine sources of blood. The Moral believe that humans are to be protected, and they drink animal blood. I’ve tried...
FantasyI awoke to perpetual twilight. I felt through my mind, I could tell it was twilight. There were no windows in the room that my maker, Eva and her sister Annie had fucked mere hours ago as only us immortals could. Despite the lack of windows I knew it was twilight, darkness was approaching fast and I was hungry. I felt for the presence of Eva, she was awake but I couldn’t tell where. I looked around the room, seeing everything clearly despite the almost total darkness. I made out Annie’s...
Now, before I begin one of the many tales of my exploits as a vicious, disgusting, yet merciful monster of the night, permit me to explain something to you about the world into which I was thrown some centuries ago. Vampires have existed since well before Jesus roamed the earth. Originally, they were magicians and sorcerers whose favorite way of gathering energy to fuel their spells was from the life force of others. Truly, it was a cruel thing to witness these sorcerers mix potions into...
A few days later, Aaron called me. “Can you come to the club tonight?” He asked. “Sure.” I left the girls in a pile on the living room floor. They were all watching some reality dating show as Kayla was mixing up drinks. She was convinced that putting Vodka in blood made it easier to drink, so she was playing bartender. I had a feeling that things were about to get out of control, so I was relieved to get out of the house. “No one leaves the house. Clear?” I said in a stern voice. “Sure...
VAMPIRE QUEEN Personas dispensed like gin and tonic, Lemonade or iced tea, With and without mint juleps And strawberries in cream. We are denizens Of a new and dying world, Wet with the mucus Of the cosmic uterus From whence, endlessly, We are born and born again. It is not only celebrities Who wear a thousand faces And a thousand forms; We are chameleons, one and all, In our bright feathery scales, Iridescent with the next sale. We are food and beverage For one...
It was Saturday night and she always went out. This night was like every other Saturday night. She was out dancing, Again. She was so tired of it all. All she wanted to do was settle down. Settle down with someone who can please her every need and desire. Someone that knew her better then she knew her self. She had heard about this new club from all her friends. They where raving about it. She had to give this new club a go. No one told her this was a club for the people who walked the night,...
SupernaturalI’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. They let you know if my story is for you or not. Please read this. There’s some WEIRD shit in here. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". If any of the following aren’t your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! -Snuff / Blood (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it, but I keep it minimal) -Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring) -Sniffing / tasting (panties, armpits, sweat,...
I woke to voices. “He is kinda cute huh?” Came a female voice. “Yeah he is. He’s a pain in the butt sometimes, but he’s a good guy. He came for all of us, and he takes me shopping.” Kayla giggled. “Yeah, what do we do about stuff?” “Don’t worry, he will take care of everyone. He’s good like that. He’s a meanie pants sometimes, but he’s a good guy.” Kayla replied. “I’m a better guy when I’ve slept more.” I said, opening my eyes. Kayla and Jill were standing over me, looking down. “Heya...
The four of us slowly walked through the woods. Aaron led the way, his mace in one hand and Jill’s hand in the older. Kayla had hooked her arm through mine, part for comfort and part to help me walk. I knew that I’d heal from Jennifer’s attack but it was still going to suck for a while. “So, what were those big dog things?” Kayla finally asked. “Liz said that Alicia is into genetic engineering stuff, so they are some sort of lab monster I guess.” “Liz? She’s here?” Kayla asked. “Yeah,...
You're name is Constantine but everyone calls you Dean for short. You are a freshman in college and finished up your first semester with a 4.0. Obviously you made the Dean's list-- it's even in you name. You decided to treat yourself last Friday for a semester well-done and went with a few friends to one of the frat parties at your University. The frat was Delta Iota Kappa, also known around campus as "DIK House" You remember walking into DIK house with your friends, the smell of beer and sweat...
GayNote: This story is 100% fictional. It is merely a fantasy written for the viewer’s own personal sexual satisfaction. If ever doing anything like this, do so at your own risk. vampire Fantasy Xeric cut the water off in the shower and let the cold water drip off of his body. He grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower, drying his hair and body. He went to the table that had his clean clothes on it and he put them on. After brushing his teeth and getting his hair settled. His brother, Tim,...
FetishI would like to recognize to Dr. Mabeuse whose excellent novel ‘Vampires of Prague’ is published on the Literotica site in the novels & novellas section. The main reason I read V.O.P. was because I’d been writing vampire fiction for some time but never read any involving Nazis. This tale would not have been written without his permission to borrow that element, and try to make it my own. Thank you, doktor! ******************* Heinrich Himmler asked, ‘What brings you to my temporary...
Dawn was cresting by the time I got back to the club and I found it to be virtually empty inside. Aaron was waiting near the bar for me, his mace beside him. “We got a problem.” Aaron said as I walked towards him. “What’s that?” “Liz is gone.” “WHAT? How? Did she get free?” I asked, astounded. “Someone let her out. Raven is still down there.” “Well, let’s go talk to her then.” I said. Aaron nodded. We made our way downstairs, past Steve and the guard’s bodies. I shivered a little at...
Dear reader, welcome to the Silvre addition to the vampire hunters books. A warning before you begin to read. There will be many ways to play this character and many ways for the stories to go. There will be bad endings, so be careful what you choose. This character while human as been "modified" by the hunters to make her much stronger and faster than a normal human. What this means is she has vampiric blood inside of her. The vampire they have chained up in the headquarters basement, making...
FantasyNobody likes being frog-marched in public under the best of circumstances, especially a famous screen actress. ‘Who are you?’ demanded Monika, ‘Why have I been placed under arrest?’ ‘Stop struggling, you little bitch,’ von Schitt warned her, ‘and things will go a lot easier for you. It is futile to resist.’ ‘Oh, I forgot, this is Nazi Germany where no one has any rights anymore.’ She stomped on the colonel’s left foot. Agony lanced through Monika when she felt her forearm jerked higher...
Stop me if you've heard this line before. Let me tell you the story of how I died. It’s going to sound like a work of fiction when you hear it. Funny thing about fiction though, there's always a bit of truth hidden between the lines. I didn't understand that, until I ran afoul of something that changed my own concept of reality and turned it on its head. Guess I should have listened to my mother and all those Sunday school stories she tried to cram down my throat, otherwise I probably wouldn't...
It was cold out and I was just sitting there waiting for the bus for school. I was a freshman, only 15. I had stayed back a year. I wish I lived closer to the school so I didnt have to go on that bus and see those assholes. I say those assholes because I dont know their names. Its just a gang of guys that bother me on the bus. Pulling my hair, asking me things like, do I suck dick? and such. I hated the bus. As I shivered there at the bus stop I thought about skipping today and going to the...
Zinna woke to a male body pressed behind her and smiled to herself. She shifted slightly and an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her solid against him. "I have to go," she said. He released her and watched as she slowly walked into the bathroom. Malachi watched her hips sway, hair moving softly on her silky skin. He grew hard. Again. Damn, his urges were getting the better of him. He didn't have much time but he wanted to hold her, kiss her, fuck her senseless. But he didn't have time. The...
SupernaturalThe first thing that struck me about Anya was the tail. She worked with Jane at the local co-op, and I met her on a summer afternoon, stopping by to whisper something naughty in Jane’s ear. I asked Anya where Jane was, and as she went to get her, I saw the tattoo of a fish tail between her shoulder blades, just above her tank top. That first impression was otherwise vague; I remember wavy bright blonde hair, wide vivid eyes, and the sway of her full hips as she walked away from me. That...
Not sure why the call Edinburgh the Athens of the North. It is one of the finest cities with its sassenach castle over-lording the fine buildings and green spaces, though the weather is somewhat cooler, and the olives only grow in the Botanic garden hothouses.However it was one of these rare Scottish summers when it was actually hot (in the mid to high 20s), and we were reclining on a grassy slope in Princess street gardens watching the amazing talent go by, some sunbathing below in low cut...
BisexualNot sure why the call Edinburgh the Athens of the North. It is one of the finest cities with its sassenach castle over-lording the fine buildings and green spaces, though the weather is somewhat cooler, and the olives only grow in the Botanic garden hothouses. However it was one of these rare Scottish summers when it was actually hot (in the mid to high 20s), and we were reclining on a grassy slope in Princess street gardens watching the amazing talent go by, some sunbathing below in low cut...
Against my better judgement and my bank account, Kayla had convinced me to get a limo. There was some practically to this, since my car would only fit 5 people and we had 9 to deal with. I did feel a bit like a rock star though, being the only guy in a limo with 8 good looking, sexily dressed girls. I got plenty of shitty looks from the crowd in the line as we pulled up. While the club was tucked away, there was an unspoken rule that we tried to not draw any extra attention to ourselves. No...