Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 4 - Sex CampChapter 6: The Cruise Crew free porn video

No one on the Aphrodite's Pleasure showed their faces again for the rest of the first day until it was nearing dinner time. At that time an announcement was made ship wide saying, "Cum is a wonderful appetizer, but it's not a real meal, so anyone that wants to eat something else for a while, dinner's on the table, come and get it and CUM with me while your at it!"
"That's not Josie," Laura said as she momentarily stopped sucking Stan's cock.
"It must be the new cook Henry mentioned; she sounds like a pretty hot meal herself," Stan said laughing as he took his tongue out of Laura's pussy.
"Actually," Laura said suspiciously, "she sounds very familiar."
"Well I heard your stomach grumbling before so my cum is definitely not filling you enough; why don't we take a break and go up and sample her?"
"I'm sure you mean sample her cooking," Laura said in mock annoyance.
"Yeah," Stan said smiling, "of course, as long as we're in the galley we can do that too."
As they got up Stan noticed a worried look on Laura and he said, "Are you alright?"
"I was just thinking about the kids all of a sudden, I was wondering if they've managed to work things out with that Mars girl."
"Umm," Stan said, "with the girl that almost sent Ana's soul mate to prison and almost destroyed Lana's club and her new mission in life; I'm sure they're the best of friends by now."
"Yeah," Laura said trying to smile, "I'm sure they're all having some hot passionate sex together right now."
As they both got up and Stan reached for some shorts Laura said, "Stan no, we're not docked anymore remember."
"Oh right," Stan said, "Let's go make sure the others are remembering the fine print too."
Stepping outside they ran into Harry and Susan coming out of the cabin opposite them.
"I see you two remembered how you're supposed to dress," Laura said smiling as she looked over her totally naked brother and sister-in-law.
"We don't want any more legal hassles," Susan said smiling back, "we will honor all contracts fully."
"Was it my imagination," Harry said, "Or did I just hear the Ever-Cumming Empress ordering us to cum with her?"
"The Ever—" Stan began questionably.
"Lisa," Laura said excitedly, "Stan, that's who the new cook sounds like; I knew she sounded familiar."
"Well she might sound like Lisa," Stan said, "but it can't possibly be her; but let's go see if she's at least as ever-cumming as Lisa."
Just then Pietro's door opened and he and Amy stepped out to join them.
"So have you two been very busy together," Harry said grinning.
"Actually we haven't been together," Pietro said, and surprisingly he in no way sounded depressed saying that.
"I just went in for an appetizer before dinner," Amy explained. "We changed our minds about sharing a cabin for the trip, but both our doors are still open both to each other and to anyone else that wants to walk in and get a little extra service."
"We are always ready to serve," Pietro said smiling, "even on vacation."
"That's true about my door also," someone said suddenly emerging from a cabin before them. Looking, they saw that they were in front of cabin #1 and Josie's totally naked body was walking out as she continued saying, "and I expect to have you all CUMMING in here constantly."
"Give us a day or two to cum together ourselves," Laura said going over and kissing Josie, sticking a finger deep in Josie's twat and swirling it around then bringing it to her mouth to taste, "I promise that after that we will be in you—I mean in your cabin so much you will want to throw us overboard."
Josie smiled at her and said, "Well don't keep me waiting too long. Why don't you go up to the galley now and meet the rest of the crew, I have to talk to Charley and Cathy and see if they'll be joining us."
"Charley and Cathy," Laura inquired, "are they the couple in cabin #7?"
"Yes, they still haven't taken down the 'Do Not Disturb' sign, but they have to eat sometime, if they won't come out, I can have something brought down to them."
"Well we'll see you in the galley then," Laura said as she led the rest of the group up the stairs and towards the galley.
Once there, they didn't find anyone, but they found the table set and the first course (salad) of what looked like a promisingly delicious meal was waiting for them.
As they all sat down and grabbed some salad bowls Amy grabbed a bottle and poured some dressing on her salad.
"Amy," Laura said curiously, "Is that 'Anderson Dressing'?"
"No, not really," Amy said passing the bottle to Laura, "but it is very similar, though without the Lana Golden Juice it will never be as good."
Laura poured some on her salad and tasting it said, "Oh but it is still very, very good," with a tingle in her tongue and a burning in her pussy she said, "damn I'm going to have to taste these ingredients individually, do you know who supplies them?"
"The cook prepared it," Josie said coming in from behind them. "She actually surprised me, I doubted how good she might be since she, and the entire crew for that matter, were last minute replacements; but believe me when I tell you, that girl can cook, in every sense of the word!"
"So when do we get to meet her, and the rest of the crew," Stan asked.
"You can meet them right now," Josie said, heading for a door next to the refrigerator and knocking, "this door," she explained, "leads to the crew's quarters, if you need anything, at anytime, just knock."
They heard someone call for Josie to come in and opening the door Josie said, "Girls come out here; it's time for the passengers to meet you."
As the three lovely fully naked young ladies stepped out and stood next to Josie, Stan Laura Harry and Susan all looked at them shocked; they didn't miss noticing however that Pietro and Amy were in no way surprised.
"This is the first mate, her name is Betty Right and she comes from a long line of navy folks so she's very familiar with the workings of a ship. This brown haired beauty is the cook, her name is Lisa Wise and her family owns the local bakery and diner in the town you live in so she's actually been cooking for years. Finally this hot Latin bombshell is Sallie Ramos and she's the Entertainment Coordinator on the trip, she also gives some magnificent massages and rub downs, so if you need relief don't be afraid to ask her for help."
Noticing all the questioning and confused stares Lisa suddenly said, "So is everybody ready for the second course?"
Smiling Laura said to her, "Give us a few minutes to digest all this Lisa."
"DEEPER, DEEPER COME ON GET IN THERE!" As Pamela Carter finished screaming this she returned to the task of sucking the latest cock presented to her mouth.
"Damn Pam," Mark Carter said, "you have to give the poor guys a break there is only so far their tongues can go. Damn you are such a horny whore slut it's hard to believe you're still a virgin."
"Well that changes next week," Pam said releasing his cock again, "Next week cousin, Jeff Larry and you will have your cocks deep in every one of my holes and not just my mouth; and that goes for everyone else on this ship!"
Removing his tongue from Pam's ass Jeff said, "Damn Sis, that sounds hot, I can't wait, as a matter fact why do we have to wait, let's just do it now."
"No," Pam said starting to cum strongly in Larry's mouth, "I promised Mom and Dad to stay 'technically' a virgin until my 18th birthday and I'm keeping my word. But come next week we celebrate our birthday big time, and believe me brother I haven't forgotten my promise that you will be my number 1 visitor to my barely legal abode."
Taking his tongue from her pussy Larry said, "But I get number 1 privileges with your butt hole right, you promised!"
"Don't worry cousin, I remember," Pam said smiling at him.
"Hey," Mark said annoyed, "how about finishing what you're doing now?"
"Sorry Mark," Pam said quickly absorbing his cock back in her mouth and quickly deep throating it and using her throat muscles to quickly squeeze it to orgasm. As Mark exploded blissfully in Pam's mouth, Pam quickly drank every last bit of his cum."
When they finished Larry said, "Well that was great, but like the cook announced a little while ago, cum can only fill us so much. We need to get some real food."
"We'll wait until everyone finishes dinner, then we'll try and sneak into the galley and get some of the leftovers," Pam said.
"Just make sure no one sees us until we're deep in international waters," Jeff said, "once out there it doesn't matter if they find us, they aren't going to turn back just to bring us home," Jeff said.
After dinner everyone went up to the sun deck; since the sun was about to set they were mostly there to watch the sun set over the sea and to get some air. The cruise's crew went up with the guests to tend to any needs they might have.
Sitting on a chaise lounge chair Harry said, "Oww," he rubbed his shoulder and smiling added, "Sue I think I pulled my muscle giving you that last orgasm."
He suddenly felt some hands (very soft hands) on his shoulders massaging him. Since he had closed his eyes he wasn't sure who was working on his muscles but they were doing such a great job he didn't care.

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