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Buddies By Teri Franken Chapter 1 Jackie and I were (and still are) best friends', starting back in kindergarten our friendship flourished and has continued up to present as juniors in high school. We live in a small town outside of Madison Wisconsin and we are pretty typical teenagers. Neither one of us was very successful with girls, we are not your typical jocks or even nerds. We dwell as "in betweeners", not hanging with either of the crowds, mainly keeping to ourselves. We spent most of our non school hours together, playing computer games and just hanging out. We both came from single parent families, my Dad had died in a farming accident when I was six years old and Jackie's Dad had left for work one day and never came back! We both had older sisters who were attending the University of Wisconsin in Madison, so they mainly spent all of their time on campus, which was fine with us! Jackie's mother and mine were also best friends and so our families often spent time together on weekends and even vacationed together once or twice. We always enjoyed a long weekend up at the Dells, Jackie and I especially liked looking at all of the babes in their bikinis in the water parks, even though we never go up the nerve to even speak to any of them. One afternoon we were sitting in my living room watching tv and getting bored since it was raining. As we flipped through the channels we found the Jerry Springer show and decided to watch it because it was always good for a laugh. The show was almost over, we just go to see the last segment titled "I have a secret". There was a woman sitting in a chair and she was telling Jerry that she was living a secret life and wanted to come clean to her best friend. Jerry asked her what the secret was and she said that she was a man! Jackie and I looked at each other and we both had a look of shock on our faces. "There is no way that she is a man," Jackie said with a laugh. "If she is a man, then I am woman," I said and we both laughed even harder. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, Jerry introduced "her" best friend and he came out and saw how his friend was dressed and it looked like he was going to have a heart attack! It was true, the hot looking woman was actually a man. As the show went on, it was explained how these two were best friends and she actually started doing this as a joke, found she liked it and wanted to share it with her buddy. After the initial shock wore off, they both hugged and kissed right there on the stage. If we had not known the truth about what she really was under the skirt, it would have been hot. I glanced over at Jackie and he was glued to the set and he did not have a look of disgust on his face, more of a look of envy. My buddy was envious of the two buddies on the Springer show engaged in a lip lock. I have to admit it did turn me on too and my mind was racing trying to understand what I was feeling. After the show was over, we both sat there in silence and finally Jackie said, "I guess they were really good friends, and they were so shy around women, that one of them decided to be a woman for the other, to help them both learn how to treat women." I sat and thought about it and had to agree, but there were some underlying emotions that they brought out on the show. "Yeah, but I think they were going beyond just learning, I think they are developing it into an intimate relationship. I don't think they planned on it turning into love, kind of gross isn't it?" I asked nervously. Jackie just stared at me like he wanted to say something else, but just grunted in agreement. "I gotta go home and do some homework, I'll see you in the morning," he said as he jumped up and ran for the door. I sat there for a few minutes and thought about the show and how it was like the relationship that Jackie and I were living. We both were small in stature; only felt comfortable around each other and neither one of us would have any idea about what to do with a woman. Could this be something that would help us out? I quickly dismissed the idea and went do my own homework before my mother got home from work. That night I had a wet dream, the first one I could ever remember having since I first reached puberty at 12 years old. In my dream I was dressed up like a girl and was sitting on my living room couch with Jackie. He had his arm around me and was kissing me deeply. He was working his way under the hem of my dress towards the silky panties I was wearing. As I opened my legs further to allow him easier access I felt the orgasm wrack my body and that is when I woke up to a sticky pair of pajama bottoms. I got up from bed and went into the bathroom to clean myself up and found I was shaking from what had happened. Was this something that I really wanted to happen? Chapter 2 In the morning I pulled my sheets off of the bed and planned on washing them before my mom got home from work. She and I shared the chores around the house, so she would not think it was strange that I had stripped my bed. I met Jackie at the bus stop and once we got on the bus I asked him, "Do you believe that dreams come true, or that they allow you to live out your desires or fantasies?" Jackie looked at me. "What happened, did you have a strange dream? Tell me all about it and I will tell you what I dreamed about last night too," he said with a smile. I begged off and said we could talk about it at my house after school, he agreed and we just talked about our upcoming summer vacation and what we planned on doing with all of our spare time. Once we were at school, we went our separate ways, but I could not help but be nervous. Could I possibly tell him about my dreams? We were very close and told each other everything, even about the first time we had masturbated, heck we had even done it in front of each other during sleep overs. Beating off was one thing, but dressing up as a girl and kissing your best friend was a whole new ballgame! I had a hard time concentrating in class for most of the day, my mind would wander off to thinking about my dream and what it would feel like to be dressed in women's clothing. I knew that my sisters room was full of clothes that she did not take to college with her, and she was roughly the same size as me... On the ride home Jackie was very animated and told me he was anxious to talk about our dreams. As we got off the bus and headed to my house, my nerves were on end. We grabbed a coke and sat at the kitchen table. "You go first" he said with a smile. "Promise me you won't think I am weird if I tell you all of it" I asked pleadingly. "Terry, we are always open with each other, there is nothing you could say or do that would make me think you are weird, but promise me the same thing when I tell you my dream too" he said with a nervous laugh. We shook hands and agreed to be open and honest and not to be judgmental. I told him the entire story, including the wet ending of the dream. I watched his expression go from surprise to out right excitement. "Terry this is so weird, that Springer show must have had the same effect on both of us. I had almost the exact same dream, except it was me dressed up and you were kissing me!" We sat there and laughed, but you could feel the tension in the air. "What do you suppose it all means Terry, does this mean that you and I would like to be buddies like those two on the show? I don't know about you, but my dick has been hard non stop since I saw that show. I had to run out of here yesterday so you would not notice that I had a boner" he said with a smile. I told him the same has been going on with me, but did not know where this was all leading. "Well I am open for some experimenting, as long as it is between you and I, no one else can know about it," he said. "Know about what? What do you mean about experimenting?" I asked nervously. "Tomorrow is Friday, and our mothers are going away for the weekend. How about we try out our dreams and see if they are what we really want? When we come home from school, we will come here together to say goodbye to our moms, after they leave you get dressed up and I will come over for a date around 7and then on Saturday, I will do the same for you. What do you say?" I stood up and began to pace around the kitchen, not knowing how to respond. I heard the door open and my mother walked in. "Hi boys," she said as she came over and gave me a kiss first and then went over to Jackie. "What are you two discussing? Big plans for the weekend? Are there any girls involved in your plans?" I must have turned beet red because my mother looked at me strangely. When she looked over at Jackie she could tell he was embarrassed also. She must have decided to drop the subject and proceeded to tell us about her weekend trip with Jackie's Mom to Chicago. They were going to see an off Broadway show and would be back on Sunday afternoon. Jackie stood up and said he had to get home to get his homework done. As he walked by me he gave me a wink and said he'd see me tomorrow on the bus. Later that evening after supper, my mother said she had to run into town to pick up a few things for her trip. I told her I was going to stay and finish up my homework. After she left I made my way to my sister's room and nervously opened her closet door. I was surprised at the amount of clothing she had left behind and started to look through her stuff to see what was left. I thought I would not have a problem finding something nice to wear if I decided to take Jackie up on his offer. I closed the closet door and went to her dresser and found there were many pairs of panties, bras and other items that were left behind. Her makeup table still had plenty of makeup items scattered over it for me to use. The whole time I was in her room, I had a hard on! I decided that I would go ahead and give my fantasy (and Jackie's) a shot! Chapter 3 I met Jackie in the morning at the bus stop and we chatted about the usual stuff. After we got on the bus, I leaned over and told him that I had a date at 7 tonight and maybe he would like to come over and meet her? He quickly agreed and said he would be at my house at 7 sharp. I reminded him that he had a date on Saturday and I expected to be invited over for that also, and he said of course I was invited without any hesitation. The day went by in a blur and soon we were getting off the bus at my house. We walked up and saw our mothers finishing up on loading the car. Once again we were admonished not have any parties or girls over to the house. They told us they would call each night to check up on us and they also left some money so we could order pizza if we wanted to. After a round of kisses, they were soon off towards Chicago. I looked at Jackie and asked him if we were still on for 7 and he said he would not miss it for the world. "Well get out of here and come back in 3 hours so you can meet my date," I said as he winked and headed over to his house. "I will see you at 7 Terry and I can hardly wait," he said as he ran away. I quickly turned and headed into the house, I had a lot to do in three short hours! I knew that if this was going to work out, I needed to go all out in my preparations. I went to the bathroom and started a bath, adding some of the bubble bath that I knew my mother and sister had used all the time. While the water was running, I went to my room and stripped off all of my own clothing and then moved quickly to my sister's room. I grabbed a robe from the back of her door and slipped it on my naked body. The robe was satin and the feeling of it rubbing against my body cause my dick to harden immediately as I tied the robe shut. Once I was back in the bathroom I took off the robe and slipped into the water. I soaped up my legs and ran the pink razor to remove what little hair I did have on my legs, I also used to remove the little bit of chest hair that I had been so proud of only a few years ago. Last, I ran the razor over my face to be sure that I was smooth all over. Satisfied that I was clean shaven, I drained the tub and quickly showered and washed my hair in the process. I used conditioner for the first time and then stepped out and wrapped the towel around my head like I had seen my mom and sister do in the past. I was not sure what I was going to do with my hair, and had no idea how to make it look feminine. Then I remembered that my mother had a wig in her closet, so that would be the easiest way for me to have my hair. I quickly dried my hair and then put on my nylon sports beanie that I wore under my bike helmet; it would keep the hair out of the way of the wig and not interfere with my preparations. I tried to remember how I had seen my mom and sisters prepare, did they get dressed and then put on makeup or was it makeup first? I decided that I should at least get partially dressed and then put on the makeup and wig. I slipped on the robe and headed off to my sister's room to pick out my outfit. Once in her room, I removed the robe and went to her dresser to pick out the lingerie that I would be wearing for my date with Jackie. I thought it should be something sexy since I would be expecting the same from him tomorrow. I found a pair of black g-string panties in the top drawer and then found a matching black bra in the next drawer. While I was digging around in the drawer I noticed some breast forms that must have been from when my sister was rather flat chested in high school, before her growth spurt. I stepped into the panties and enjoyed the feel as I worked them up around my hips. I willed my dick back down and arranged it between my legs but it was still showing a bulge. I was just too excited and Jackie would just have to deal with my little problem. I put on the bra and struggled to get the clasps attached in the back, smiling to myself. I had always thought I would be trying to get one of these off of my girlfriend instead of putting one on! I inserted the breast forms into the nylon cups and turned to look at my reflection. I looked in the mirror and thought I was on the right track, my body looked good, but I still had a lot of work to do with makeup, wig and my outfit. I could feel my dick getting harder as I moved over to the closet to choose my "coming out" attire. I glanced at the alarm clock and saw that I had a little over an hour before Jackie was to arrive and a slight chill over took me and I felt the goose bumps on my arms and legs, but it was excitement that pushed me to continue. Black had always been my favorite color, so I looked around and found a black dress that my sister had worn for a semi formal her senior year in school. It was knee length on her so I figured it would be slightly above my knees since I am a couple of inches taller than her. I took the dress and hung it on the door and then continued to look until I found a black slip to wear with it. I crouched down on the floor and went through her shoes until I found the black patent leather pumps with the heels that must have been at least three inches in height. I gathered everything up and moved them over to the bed and arranged the outfit so I could see what it looked like, and I liked what I saw. Next I needed to pick out some jewelry and found a white fake pearl necklace with clip on ear rings that matched, which I also put on the bed. I stood there and looked and thought I had to be forgetting something, then it dawned on me.... I needed some pantyhose or stockings to complete the outfit! I went back to the dresser and opened the drawers looking for panty hose, but cam across a black garter belt that matched the panty and bra that I was wearing. I found a package of stockings that were unopened, but figured that my sister would never realize that they were missing, so I grabbed them too. I hooked the garter belt around my waist and then sat down to put on the stockings. I rolled the stockings up in a doughnut and then slipped my toe in first and worked it up my leg. The feeling caused my dick to get even harder, but I stood and put the garter strap inside of my panties so I would be able to remove them without having to disconnect the stockings later. After I had both stockings on, I slipped the shoes on since I knew it was going to be a challenge walking in them and needed to get used to them. I stood and practiced walking back and forth for a few minutes, realizing that I needed to concentrate on balancing on the ball of my foot as I walked. I reached for the slip and let put it on, enjoying the soft silky feeling of it sliding down my body. The slip came to about five inches above my knee and I was not sure if I would need to adjust it after I put on the dress. I took the dress off the hangar and slipped it over my head and I was excited to find it fit nicely. I looked in the mirror again and was amazed at how nice I looked, with the exception of from the neck up. I still had some work to do and time was an issue. I put the necklace and ear rings on, did one last quick check and walked to my mother's room to get the wig from her closet. When I opened my mom's closet, the first thing I noticed was a nightgown hanging on the door. It was a dark blue gown and it had a matching flimsy rob to go with it. If tonight went as I suspected, maybe this nightgown would come in handy? I found the wig on the shelf of her closet and took it with me back to my sister's room. The wig was a black page buy style that she had worn a few years back for a Halloween party when she dressed up as Cleopatra. I sat down at the vanity and put the wig on my head. I used a brush to touch it up some and was pleased with the results. Next I decided on just doing some light makeup since I had no experience at all with this stuff. I applied some mascara to my eyelashes, put a little blue shadow on my lids, a light touch of rouge on my cheeks and finished off with some ruby red lip liner and lipstick. I sprayed a bit of perfume on my neck and checked the clock. I still had 15 minutes before Jackie was due to arrive. I looked at myself in the mirror, and straightened out my dress when I realized that I needed to do my nails! I sat back down at the vanity and chose some red nail polish and applied the polish in even strokes. I knew that there was nail polish remover in the bathroom so I was not worried about removing it later. I sat and admired my reflection in the mirror while waiting for the nails to dry and occasionally blowing on them for added effect. Finally I stood up and moved to the living room to wait for Jackie to arrive. As I turned the corner to the living room, I dimmed the lights and moved over to the couch. I was enjoying the feel of the silky garments I was wearing when there was a knock at the door. I stood up, straightened out my dress, took a deep breath, gathered up all of my nervous courage and opened the door to greet my date and my new feminine future...... Chapter 4 I opened the door to find Jackie standing there with some flowers in his hands, he looked up at me and his jaw appeared to drop. "You must be Jackie, please come in, Terry has told me so much about you. Are those flowers for me?" I said in the softest voice I could muster. "Yes, these are for you and I must tell you that you look very pretty," he said shyly. I took the flowers and put them in a vase in the kitchen while Jackie followed me around like a lost puppy. "You look great Terry," he said, but I corrected him that I was Teri when dressed this way. I told him I was looking forward to meeting "Jacqui" tomorrow night also, to which he smiled in anticipation and told me she was anxious to meet Terry too. "Let's sit down on the couch and get more comfortable," I said and took his hand and led him back into the living room. As we settled into the couch, I took his arm and put it around my shoulder and leaned into him. I could feel him shaking with nerves. I looked up at him and told him to relax and to just do what comes naturally. "Teri, I am so amazed at how hot you look, are you wearing women's underwear too?" he asked. I told him I was dressed just like any other woman would be dressed for a date with her boy friend. I stood up in front of him, and seductively lifted the hem of my dress to reveal the satin and lace slip and I heard him gasp slightly. I explained that this was a slip and took hi hand to feel its texture. "Wow that sure feels nice to the touch, how does it feel to be wearing that?" he asked as he rubbed the slip in his fingers. "The slip feels nice, but let me show you what completes the outfit," I said as I lifted the slip to reveal the garter belt, stockings and bulging panties. "I picked this lingerie special for my date, what do you think?" I asked. Jackie reached out and touched the stockings and garter tabs and then brushed his hand against the bulge in my satin panties. I let out a slight moan and he looked up at me and said, "I see you like the outfit as much as I do". He stood up and put his hands around my waist, I leaned my head back to the side and he leaned in and gave me a tentative kiss on the lips. "Is that the best my new boyfriend can do?" I said with a giggle. He took that as a challenge and again kissed me and I opened my mouth to accept his probing tongue. He began rubbing me all over, enjoying the feeling of the satin undergarments sliding against my dress. He reached down and began to massage my ass and the feeling was almost too much to describe. I could feel my cock getting harder, straining against the silky fabric of my panties. I broke from the kiss, looked at Jackie and noticed that he had some of my lipstick smeared around his lips. I reached for a Kleenex and helped him to remove it, but I knew there was going to be more smearing going on tonight! I pushed Jackie back down to the couch and then did a slow strip tease for him, I removed the dress and dropped it seductively at my feet. Next, I took the slip off and dropped it on top of the dress. Jackie was rubbing his crotch and watching me closely, never taking his eyes off of me. I was down to my panties, stockings and bra. I noticed him staring at my boobs with a questioning look in his eyes. I told him that I had found some fake boobs in my sister's things and it appears that he liked them. He just grinned and continued to rub his crotch. "It appears that my boyfriend has an itch, would you like some help with that?" I asked seductively. Jackie was tongue tied, so I got down on my knees and reached for his belt and began to loosen his belt and pull down his pants. "Teri, are you sure this is what you want?" he asked. I assured him that this was definitely what I wanted and I was sure that when I met Jacqui tomorrow she would want the same thing. He told me that he was positive that Jacqui would want the same thing and he lifted hiss hips to allow me to remove his pants. I then reached into the waist band of his underwear, looked up at him while licking my lips and said, "I can tell that you are enjoying this as much as I am tonight. I want to show you what girls do for their men," as I pulled down his boxer shorts. Now I was between his knees and his dick was right at eye level. I reached out and touched it softly and noticed that the head was slick with his pre cum. I rubbed it softly and spread the moisture across the shaft and head. Jackie was moaning softly and had one hand on my shoulder, rubbing my bra strap and the other was at the back of my neck applying slight forward pressure. I continued to work my hand up and down on his shaft and then leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock, leaving a lipstick smear on it. I leaned back, looked him in the eye and then licked my lips seductively. I could taste the pre cum on my lips and found to my surprise that the taste was not bad at all. Jackie leaned forward and gave me a deep kiss and said "I understand if you don't want to go any further", but I reached up, pushed him gently back and then leaned in and took his cock into my mouth, there was no turning back now....... I could feel Jackie tense up as soon as I had his cock in my mouth, but in a couple of seconds he relaxed and all the tension went out of his body. He was moaning in enjoyment as I slowly worked it in and out of my mouth like I had seen done in porno movies. It felt warm in my mouth and was not at all unpleasant. I reached up and cupped his balls as I continued to lick and suck his cock. I thought to myself that I was now officially a cocksucker, but it did not bother me. I was doing this to my best friend as his girlfriend, and he was willing to do the same for me. I felt him tense and he warned me that he was going to cum. I quickened my pace and kept my lips around his cock. He shot his load and I eagerly swallowed as quickly as possible savoring every drop. As I felt his cock start to go limp, I licked it one last time and then got up on the couch with him. He looked at me, reached out and pulled me close and gave me another deep kiss. "That was the nicest thing that you have ever done for me, it all feels so natural, I hope you are feeling the same way?" I looked at him, nodded with a smile and reached out and took his hand pulling him towards my sister's bedroom. As I pulled him into the bedroom, my mind was already made up as to what would happen next. I knew what a girlfriend would do for her man and I wanted Jackie to experience it all tonight. I told him to get on the bed and relax while I freshened up in the bathroom. As I was leaving the room, I saw him taking off his shirt and climbing onto the bed and noticed his cock was once again standing at attention and ready for more action, and I did not plan on letting him down. Once I was in the bathroom, I fixed my lipstick once more by applying a fresh coat. I pulled my panties down and applied some Vaseline to my ass and pushed some up inside with my fingers. I washed my hands, brushed my teeth and did a quick spritz of perfume, took a deep breath and went back to the bedroom. As I approached the bed I noticed Jackie watching me closely. "Is there something the matter?" I asked. "No, I am just admiring my girlfriend, you look amazing and I just love your boobs and I noticed that you have not had any relief yet either. How about I take care of your needs too?" I climbed on the bed and told him tonight was all about his pleasure and that I would get mine tomorrow with Jacqui. I told him I appreciated his thoughtfulness, but I was enjoying everything just fine tonight! "Now I want you to take my cherry, I have saved it for you and have been thinking about this for days on end. Will you please make love to me?" I said as I kissed him deeply. The look on his face was one of confusion and then all of a sudden it hit him exactly what I was asking for. "Are you sure Teri? I mean, I would love to do it but don't want to ruin our evening." I rolled over on to my stomach and then got up on all fours, looked back over my shoulder and said, "I am more than sure, so please make me your woman." Jackie sat up and then got behind me, pulled down my panties and began to spread my legs to allow himself easier access. I felt him put his dick at the entrance to my ass and he began to apply pressure. At first it hurt slightly and I asked him to be gentle, which was a challenge because he was very horny. As he continued to apply pressure, I felt the head of his cock pass by my sphincter and he stopped to give me time to get used to the feeling. After a couple of minutes I pushed back slowly on him and felt his cock slide deeper into my ass. "My god, you are so tight and warm," he said as I continued to push back until I felt his balls against my ass cheeks. "You are all the way in me now Jackie and the feeling is amazing! Go ahead and fuck me, I am yours," I said as he began to move in and out of my ass. Jackie reached around to feel my boobs as he continued to plow my ass. He sped up and I could tell he was just about to cum and then I felt my own orgasm overcome me! Jackie shot his load into my ass while I shot my load all over my sister's bedspread. I had an orgasm without even touching my cock! Jackie noticed what had happened to me and he was excited that we both had cum at the same time and had both enjoyed our first real sexual intercourse. We moved to a spoon position with his cock never losing contact with my ass, and we kissed and fondled each other until we both fell asleep in each others arms. Chapter 5 When I opened my eyes I was treated to the sight of Jackie laying beside me and snoring softly. His arm was still around me and I tried to move quietly without disturbing him. I moved to the bathroom and tried to clean myself up by taking a quick bath. I removed my lingerie, but kept the wig on while I cleaned my self both in and out. I climbed out of the tub, fixed my makeup and quietly went to my mom's room, put on her night gown and then went back to see Jackie. I brought a warm washcloth with me and began to wash down his cock and balls as he slept. I leaned in and took his cock into my mouth and began to lightly suck on it and then felt it begin to stiffen. I looked up and saw that he was watching me intently with a huge smile on his face. "Now that is the way I would like to be woken up every day," he said with a laugh. "What are you wearing now?" I released his cock, stood and did a little spin to show him the night gown I was wearing. My little dance was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. It was our mothers checking up on us. It felt a little strange to be wearing my mother's night gown while talking to her on the phone, even stranger to be talking to Jackie's mother right after we had sex! We assured them that we were doing fine and that Jackie would be going home shortly to take care of the dog. They were having fun in the city and they gave us the number for the hotel where they were staying in case we needed to contact them. We said good night and promised we would behave and talk to them tomorrow. "That was strange; I never thought I would be dressed like this and talking to our parents!" I said with a laugh. Jackie agreed and came over and gave me a big hug. "This was the most amazing night of my life and I really want to thank you for being my buddy and girlfriend. I will make it all up to you tomorrow when you meet Jacqui. Before I go home could we try just one more thing?" he asked. I nodded my agreement and he took my hand pulling me towards the basement. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, he turned, grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up to the pool table. He spread my legs and kissed me deeply. "I have always wanted to have sex with a beautiful woman on the pool table," he said with a grin. I laid back and lifted my legs up high and allowed him to have direct access to my ass. He reached up and held my ankles as I guided his hard cock into my ass. As he was working in and out, I played with my own hard cock and rubbed my nipple through the sheer night gown, the feelings running through my body were amazing. Jackie was watching me closely and giving me words of encouragement as I neared shooting my load. "Wow you are one hot babe," he said as I shot my load up onto my chest and on my night gown and even splattered onto my chin. He followed right afterwards shooting his seed deep into me. "That was as amazing as I thought it would be. Thanks for helping me with my fantasy Teri," he said as he kissed me then helped me down from the table. I excused myself to get to the bathroom before I dripped his cum onto the floor. In the bathroom I wiped myself and then looked in the cabinet and found a tampon. What better way to keep from leaking I thought as I unwrapped the tampon and inserted it into my ass. The feeling of the string dangling between my legs was strange but seemed to go along with my feminine theme for the evening. When I came back out, Jackie had already grabbed his clothes and put them back on. I went to him and we hugged and kissed. As I walked him to the door he thanked me again but promised me a nice night with Jacqui tomorrow. We agreed to meet in the morning and play some video games, order some pizza and to plan our evening. With a final kiss, he was out the door headed to his house. I closed the door and decided that I had better pick up the clothing that was strewn around the house and then to do a load of laundry too! I put away the dress and slip, after checking to be sure there was no evidence or stains on them. I stripped my sister's bed and grabbed the lingerie from the bathroom and then removed my mother's night gown to throw into the wash. I decided to keep the wig on and then searched my sister's things and found a baby doll night gown to wear for the remainder of the evening. By 11 o'clock I was done with the laundry and everything was put back as it was before my date with Jackie. I grabbed a glamour magazine that was in the living room and took it to my room to read until I fell asleep, dreaming about what had happened tonight and what tomorrow night with Jacqui would be like....... Should I continue? Contact Teri Franken at [email protected] with recommendations.

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Summer School

It was 9.30 am on a Monday morning and the canteen was buzzing with excited chatter as the 24th annual Edinburgh Art College Summer School was about to get under way.I glanced around the room at my colleagues as we lined up against the wall, waiting for the Director to give her usual welcome address before we led our groups off to the individual studios to begin our week of classes.I glanced down at the names on my list. Twelve students, a nice number. Enough to get a good group dynamic going...

First Time
3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 6 Wednesday August 4 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 The receptionist for Gaylord Bishop, attorney-at-law, asked Jake’s party to take a seat in the waiting room. Jake sat next to Jan, gave her hand a squeeze, and sent her a surge of affection. She squeezed his hand back. After finishing with Shannon’s treatment, Jan and Jake had focused on each other, enjoying their first chance at physical intimacy since he and Ellen had gone to France. Jan had taken control of Jake’s arousal, letting him approach climax but not...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 3

[Janice] Bennie called out, "Okay, Janice. See to Terry by the plane." I rose from my spot and walked out to the wounded stranger. When I got there, I realized that Terry was a Terri. He was a she! I patted her down and removed a pistol and a knife and laid them out of her reach. Using my knife, I cut away her pants leg and applied a quick pressure bandage to her wound that went through and through. "You'll be okay. Stay put." I heard Bennie come up behind me. "Janice, this one's a...

3 years ago
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The First Incest Experience 8211 Part I

Hello to all the iss readers. I’m Ashish, back here again to share a totally new and best experience of my life with you all. I received great responses from the readers. Thanks for appreciation and keep reading. Also, u can contact me on A short intro… Myself Ashish, living in Delhi. Pursuing my engineering (final year) from Delhi. I’m 5’8’ tall, owner of a good physique as I love gym. The story, as the title suggests, is about my first incest experience. And yes, I was eagerly waiting for...

1 year ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Ki Padosan Part 8211 1

Hello hawas k pujari aur pujarano… Pichle chudai k kisse k liye bahut acha response milla… Uske liye thanks. Mujhe nahi pata tha yha itni sex ki pyaasi bhabhiya hongi :* unke sath hone wali mulakat bhi bataunga agar unhone manjuri di to ;)   Anyway, priya ki chudai k chakkar mai uske ghar aana jana laga rehta tha mera. 22 dec ko bhi mai gaya tha uske ghar but jaldi phonch gaya aur dekha to tala laga hua tha. Phone karne pe pata chala wo apni saheliyo k sath ghumne gayi hui hai aur raat ko...

2 years ago
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My Mom Spying

When i was younger, I think around 14, I was laying on my bed face down watching tv. I can't remember what I was watching but it got me horny. I pullled my shorts and boxers down to my knees and started rubing my dick. I got hard and was very excited when all the sudden my mom walked in. It shocked me and I balled up and turned towards her. She had my laundry and when it was too late I noticed she had a complete view of my dick. I told her to get out. She continued to come in my room and I saw...

2 years ago
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Is She Seducing Me

***fictional***My neighbor knocked on my door asking if her daughter could stay with me for a few hours because her other daughter cut her hand and she needed to take her to the hospital and it may be a few hours. Since it was late she wanted to make sure she gets to bed in time and is safe. I let her know no one else was home and if that was okay she is more then welcome to stay. She walks in dressed for bed as far as I can tell. She had on a somewhat sheer yellow night shirt that came just...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl

To say I was a Daddy’s girl would be a big understatement. I adored my daddy from my earliest memories of him. I followed him around like a little puppy dog. I was my happiest when I was with Daddy. When I was sixteen, I began having sexual fantasies about Daddy. I always felt my mom was a bit jealous of the way I loved daddy.I was crushed when Daddy suddenly passed away when I was eighteen years old. I went into a deep depression that took years of therapy before I was back to my normal...

Mind Control
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Lamb of GodChapter 12

The Babcocks were a more traditional family--a mommy, a daddy, and five children all living in a single family dwelling of modest standards. Jerry Babcock worked for Brother James at his auto accessory plant. Martha, his wife, was a secretary at a trucking company not affiliated with the church. Together, they made a decent living, enough to support a family with five teenagers, all boys except for thirteen-year-old Darlene who had a twin brother, Ray. Jerry Jr. (Jer) was the oldest at...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Girl She used to be mine

Rich and I were thoroughly enjoying our newfound prosperity. We drove the same cars, bought the same electronic goodies and basically shared a lot in common. Our socializing usually included whomever we were dating at the time. By this time, in the late 80's, I had already met Kim. I had met her on a telephone job in the city. Her and I had become quite serious and she would later become my wife. Rich was a bit more of a freewheeling ladies man. He always seemed to have a different girl...

1 year ago
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The Crazy Bitch next door

She had a daughter, about 17 i belive, almost identical to her. Black hair, and small b cup titties, but very fuckable. She had very tone legs, and an ass that was just beautiful. She was a snotty lil bitch, but she flaunted her ass off quite a bit. many times, I had seen her nipples slip out "accidentally" then she would scold me for looking. Stupid bitch. Well, they got angry at me for my dog shitting in thier yard and shot him with a bb gun. I watched the old broad do it....

4 years ago
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My girl friend Simone

The club was dark, the music hot and the girls were everywhere. This was my first time at this place, I had heard that it was the best place to be on Friday night, so my buddy and I decided to check out the scene. I had been transferred to the mid-west area after a hurricane had devastated the office back home. Living out of a hotel room for a year was hard but the city was very progressive and eclectic with lots of hot looking MILF’s and girls around. As John and I sat having a drink and...

4 years ago
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StonefingersChapter 6

Reluctantly, I followed Peggy’s instructions and didn’t contact her all day Tuesday. She had left for home in the early hours of the morning, helped get Tad off to school, slept a few hours, went to her classes and then back home for a quiet off-day evening with her mom and son. I slept most of the day, showed up for pre-game workouts, went hitless in four trips that night, and went out with some of the guys for a steak Tuesday night. Despite the bad day at the plate, I had gotten enough...

2 years ago
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A Descent into Dreams

You fall asleep one night after watching a very interesting movie about dwarves, elves, leprechauns, and various other mythological beings. It had been one of the most amazing movies you had ever seen. You had still felt thoughts of it buzzing around your head as you drifted off into a very contented sleep. The next thing you realize is that you are standing in the middle of an open field. You see a beautiful blue lake in front of you, which is almost completely surrounded by a wooded area. The...

1 year ago
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My First Time In Pind 8211 Part 2

So this is the second part of my story with Siddharth, a sexy Punjabi hunk who was about to fuck me. As I mentioned, I was crying as he started kissing me really wildly and licking my face, his mouth and tongue were so big I was surprised, but was still in shock as to what he was doing tome and how could a Shareef girl like me could let this happen. But his cock was getting hard and touching me, and I was confused by how my body was responding to his unwanted touch. I kept on pushing him away...

3 years ago
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Alien Sexperiments

Today was Saturday, and like every Saturday night, Dave was jogging in the woods when he suddenly saw a bright light in front of him. He was a hard-working, 48 year old father of two and really needed his jogs to unwind on weekends! "Huh, what is that?" he went closer ... Behind thick bushes he saw a young blonde standing alone in a clearing. "Hello, Miss! Can I help you?" he shouted. Just then, he noticed something hovering above him! "A... spaceship!?" Dave mumbled hesistantly. "Miss, we...

1 year ago
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Incest Story With Me And My Bhabhi

Hi, I am sunny from Pune. I am 22 yrs old and have an average body. I am a regular reader of ISS. And I am very fond of incest n group type of stories. This is an incest story of me and my sexy bhabhi neha which happened 4 months ago. This is my 1st story so please ignore if any mistake. She was fair, tall and her figure was 36 28 36. I am writing the story from beginning and am very big but u will surely enjoy it. Now coming to story I have a big brother who got married a yr ago with a very...

2 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 25 A Fruitless Effort

“All hands to witness punishment!” The pipes shrilled through the ship whilst Thomas was standing on the quarter deck, overseeing the preparations for the flogging. A day before, the court martial under Captain Benning had found Able Seaman Ballard in violation of Article 22. He was disrated and sentenced to four dozen lashes with the cat, the worst flogging in Thomas’s personal experience. Captains could only mete out up to two dozen lashes, but a court martial had a wider...

2 years ago
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The Training of EmilyChapter 3

The following evening he returned to their apartment where they met him at the door, adorned in flimsy lingerie as they had directed and immediately offered themselves to him. But this evening he was all business and instead directed them to sit and listen. "As you know each member of the Club is required to recruit three new slaves each year." They nodded their understanding. "Vivian, you were presented to the Club a few months ago and, of course, Sabrina last night. Therefore two of my...

4 years ago
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She comes like an earthquake ravages through her entire being. As if it's her first orgasm; like it's the first time she's ever felt something so intense. She tells me that's what it feels like, too. That she's never come close to having an orgasm the way she does with me.Her body trembles violently against me as her breath comes out in hard, ragged whimpers. She grips at whatever she can reach- usually me- and her nails draw a small amount of blood nearly every time.It's the sexiest, most...

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Sex Life Renewal

It’s hard when medical issues put a stop to a "normal" sex life. It happened to me some ten years ago when my wife, Liz 52, had two bouts of cancer that luckily she survived, but the drugs she had to take gave her a zero libido. She also got fatter and lost self-esteem, and maybe as a result also developed type 2 diabetes. We didn't have sex for about three years, and I was reduced to masturbating to relieve my natural urges. This helped, but of course I missed the intimacy that intercourse...

4 years ago
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Here’s another tale based on Philippine lore (and some werewolf lore, too) for you all while I continue working on How to Tame Your Tikbalang. While there is quite a bit of flirtation and sexual tension in this standalone short, I don’t think it really falls into any erotic categories. For those who are curious, caldereta is a very spicy stew of goat meat simmered in thick tomato sauce with carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, liver spread, grated cheddar cheese and plenty of labuyo (bird’s eye)...

4 years ago
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Jungmnnerfreuden bei Hofe

ch König Gregor IV. Vier Jahre ist es her, dass mein geliebter Vater bei einem Jagdunfall zu Tode gestürzt war und ich seither seinen Thron besteigen muss. Heute war Thing. Der einmal im Monat stattfindende Gerichtstag. Mein Großvater hatte ihn eingeführt. Menschen aus unserem Königreich konnten kommen und ihre Händel vortragen. An uns Königen lag es, dann zu entscheiden, wem welches Stück Land zustand, wer welche Rechte worüber haben sollte, was mit dem Ehebrecher zu geschehen habe und so...

1 year ago
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Devaron Se Maze

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mein neha 30 saal ki hun. Meri sadi rohan ke saath hui,jo ki mujhse 2saal chotta hai, wo dubla aur kamzor hai sexuly bhi. Lekin ye meri dusri sadi thi kyunki pahle wala pati ki death ho gayee thi aur widhwa jiwan jab mein 23saal ki thi. Rohan ka bhi talak hua tha aur rohan ke pita dhani the unhone ye rista kiya kyunki mein gareeb ghar se aur gaaon se thi. Sadi ke baad pahli hi raat ko nirasha hui kyunki rohan ka lund chotta tha aur jaldi hi jhad bhi gaya....

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The Right Tools

In this particular unit, the long cinnamon-haired streamer was taking an unscheduled break. The only movement on-screen was the hypnotic swaying of her breasts synchronized with the piston ramming in and out of her mouth, making wet gluks for the 600 viewers. The rubber cock was as thick as a baseball bat and just as long. Combined with the metal rod it was attached to, it penetrated the girl from mouth to stomach every second. The machine slowed down and the girl came alive around it with...

2 years ago
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The Unwilling Girlfriend

Thomas stared at the picture of his father, intimately kissing somebody who was most certainly not his mother. And thought -I could try and take it back by force, but then someone would probebly get hurt, must likely me as there are two of them. If I do fight and win I might end up with the law on my back, and besides, with pictures like these there are most likely negatives hidden somewhere. Or I could go to the police, they are said to be good at dealing with blackmail cases. But...

1 year ago
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Erin Her New Neighbor Part III

Erin woke up on a sunny Monday morning. It had been a week since she and her new neighbor Nadia had threw caution to the wind and had a sexual encounter. Erin had been fantasizing about sex with another woman and her lover Jake had told her he would try to find a woman who would agree to join them in bed. Now Erin had her summer off, (she is a ) and was ready for a couple of months of good sex, especially now that Nadia had moved in next door. She felt that twinge between her legs as she...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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South Indian Sex 8211 Part II

As we know that she told to come to Chennai. I packed everything for tour. I started on Friday night from Bangalore and reached at Chennai station next day morning. While travelling in the bus, I was thinking that how can I recognized her? While thinking she called me to know whether I have caught the bus or not. Then I asked her how I can recognize her, she told me that I don’t have to search for you, and she will come to me. I reached Chennai at 6 o’clock morning; I had pressure so without...

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Adventure Camping

It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had surfaced. John got on the phone and spoke to...

2 years ago
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Seven Year Itch 8211 Part 3

Recap from Part 2: The real gigolo came to our hotel room after the first guy enjoyed my wife and left. It was a case of mistaken identity. Then I went to our previously allotted room, 710, to see if a girl called Palki is there. Since we had already paid for his services, my wife decided to get a sensual body rub from the gigolo. Meanwhile, Palki assumed I’m her blind date and fucked me twice. Luckily my suite, 718, was on the same floor. So I disappeared after humping Palki before she could...

3 years ago
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Caught in the MiddleChapter 10

We cooked burgers on the grill and split up to go to beds. I had four with me until Tom offered to take Becky with him to enjoy with Janet. Becky nodded and went off with the couple, her tail wagging behind her. Julie wanted Sarah. I told Sarah to follow Julie and obey her completely. Julie left with Jeff, Joyce and Frank. As they walked, she had Sarah's tail and would jerk on it and wiggle the plug in her butt. I was left with Gretchen and Lei. They were probably enough. I took them into...

2 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 8

My wife returned to find a fresh cocktail waiting for her. It was just a little past midnight, so the night was young. None of us had put any of our clothes back on. I thought it was kind of cool that we all felt comfortable enough hanging out naked. We decided that is was time to take the party to the pool and headed in that direction. We all jumped in, swam around and enjoyed the refreshing water. After about 30 minutes of playing around, I decided to go and mix more drinks for us. When I...

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Charlotte and her friends

Let me start with some background information. Charlotte grew up in the Northwest. By the time she was 16, she was 5'7, blonde, 120lbs. She always wore yoga pants and tight shirts to show off her DD's and amazing ass. Her sex experiences were limited, always being relatively mild unless she had been drinking. Charlotte would always get a bit crazy after a few drinks, guess that plays into the guys advantages. She would give head, but hated cum so she never enjoyed it. When the occasioned called...

1 year ago
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Lynn Shell Tells All

I want you to know how much I enjoy how kinky you are. You know my sister and I are not your average girls. The men who screw us call us whores and we are and I’m not afraid to admit it. I Love the feeling when a man takes his hard cock and rams it up my cant. I love when a man throws me against the wall and impales me with his rod. Last night I had sex with one man who fucked me like that and every time he rammed it inside me my feet dangle and I could feels his cock throbbing inside me. When...

4 years ago
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Sexy Mother of Two

Hi this is Rahul from Ranchi, Jharkhand.My email id is I am 25 years old, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I am its regular visitor since the past 3 yrs and it only gave me the courage to write my own sexual experience. It actually happened one year back when I was in my final year of engg. I used to live in a rented room where other students and some family also used to stay. I am basically a shy type of boy, I always keep a distance with girls and women and I respect them a lot....

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Retraining Husband Pegging

Tim and Nancy had been married for over ten years. Tim was a construction worker and Nancy was a nurse. For the first few years of marriage everything was great, but as time went on Tim became more and more unhappy in their relationship, and started becoming aggressive towards Nancy. On a few occasions Tim, in a fit of rage hit Nancy! Tim was a "mans man" kind of guy who believed that males were superior to women and that a woman's place was to serve a man! Tim's behavior seemed to come out of...

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Fionas hot sweaty fuckfest

This story is about the young woman sprayed by my cum in 'fresh sperm cells for beauty'. I have identified her name! She is called Fiona, still dont know her location.Fiona having come home for a third day in a row unhappy with her boss slammed the door shut and threw her jacket on the floor. "Not in the mood!" She said, her tongue unusually glistening with saliva and her eyes seeming shifty. I told her no problem, and explained I completely understood. She briskly grasped a coffee mug beside...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 6

Nun war Schwester Irene dran. Gegen?ber Sabine und Monika wirkte sie direkt schlicht. Obwohl sie keinesfalls schlecht aussah. "Oh, ihr seht aber Chic aus. Was ist der Grund?" "Nicole meinte, sie k?nne sich besser konzentrieren wenn wir nicht wie Sch?lerinnen aussehen. Das w?rde sie ablenken." "Ja richtig, hatten wir ja beim Essen dar?ber gesprochen. Aber ihr solltet euch nun wieder umziehen, sonst werde ich zu stark abgelenkt." "Jetzt gleich?" "Ja, ich muss auch noch einmal...

2 years ago
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Stolen Looks Stolen Secrets

Stolen Looks, Stolen Secrets - By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 All persons and organisations portrayed in this story are fictitious, sadly. I used a script to generate all the character names for the story. No reference to any real persons is intended or should be inferred. Cast Andy Rathbun SomaChange (UK) Director Adam Eaves SomaChange (UK) Security Chief Stacy Butler SomaChange PA to UK Director Gerald/Geri MacNeill SomaChange Computer Expert Linda Gebrael...

4 years ago
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Just for a read

We are sitting in a restaurant waiting for our waitress to arrive since we just got there. You are wearing a thin, flowered cotton dress and nothing else. anyone who looks at you can see that your nipples are very hard and are begging for attention. As if that isn't bad enough however, I reach over and pinch one then the other to make sure they stay good and hard like I like them. I am wearing a pair of pants that don't hide a bulge well and a nice shirt. I sit there next to you waiting for the...

3 years ago
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His Girlfriends Mother

Copyright© 1996 Mrs. Riley listened to the rain as she sat in her living room reading another of the trashy romance novels she had been addicted to since she was a girl. The house was empty, unusual for a Saturday night, and she was looking forward to a night of peace and quiet. The sudden ring of the doorbell caused her to glance up at the clock. Ten to eight, she wasn't expecting anyone. With a small sigh she put the book aside and left poor Rachel alone for the first time with her secret...

1 year ago
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A World of Color ch 3

As Joan kissed Paul, she played with his cock, waiting for it to harden again. She had just swallowed his cum but looked forward to being fucked by him, something she had thought about every waking moment since yesterday when these former lovers had met again after twenty years. She was soaking wet from sucking his cock and could hardly wait for that moment when he penetrated her soft, wet folds. Paul pulled Joan’s dress the rest of the way off, leaving her only in a garter belt, stockings and...

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Saskia My First anal rape REPOST

As we walked up a particularly long and steep hill, my dad changed the conversation to something I was not expecting. ?Adam, today we?re not just going to be walking.? He started to explain. ?What do you mean by that?? I asked quite curiously. ?You?re seventeen in less than a month and you?re still whipped on that Saskia girl. We need to get you over this, so I?ve arranged a little surprise for you..? I thought this over for the next couple of minutes. I?d liked this girl since the end of my...

1 year ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

2 years ago
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Running Alone

I moved into this neighbourhood with my girlfriend a few months ago. Our neighbours are young couples, newly weds and pensioners. It seems to be a pretty quiet and safe neighbourhood, people are friendly yet they keep their distance to leave you alone. A place to settle down in. I like running in the early morning, I have been running for years. It is a great way to start a day. I have been encouraging my girlfriend to run with me in the morning, but she is not a morning person. Getting up...

2 years ago
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My First Foursome Experience

Hi I am Aneesh from Chennai. I am software professional. I am staying with my friends near my workplace. We rented an appartment. One Sunday, we had a sales girl knocking the door of the appartment. I opened the door. She was a nice figure. Her age may be around 23-25. She was holding books to sell. I asked the other guys and no one is interested to buy a book. We said we are not interested and she knocked the second door. That appartment was owned by an uncle who is also a software...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 281 My HouseWarming Party

Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...

1 year ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 2

I am sharing the second part after almost a year. So, Sorry for that. I will come with the next part sooner. Now let’s continue with the story. After climaxing herself, Malini wore the bathrobe provided by the hotel. Now that we have paid to stay in such a luxurious hotel, we should make good use of it, was her thought behind it. Before, she was reluctant to wear as she mostly wears a saree or other traditional dresses. But now she has changed her mind. Another benefit of wearing the bathrobe,...

4 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 7

I woke a bit more refreshed than I had the past few days. I had a load of lectures this morning, so I quickly got myself up and dressed, then headed off to breakfast. I scoffed down my food quickly and was off back to the house to get my stuff. I grabbed my books then headed out the door. I made it a few tens of meters up the road when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey Em, wait up," said Nat, dashing to catch me up, "Jeez, Em, what's the hurry?" "Sorry, Nat I was just keen to get the...

3 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 4

A New Christmas Mommy Part 4 (July 29-31 2018) "Oh I see now, Mrs. Princeton...... Thank you for that suggestion." Diana sat down with Jane across the way on the table. For you see, she had figured out that 'common ground' for the two to have: a love for books and learning, the reading and chatting about them. Diana would meet up with Jane the past few weeks on Saturday afternoons, at the local library, to pour over some books as well as help Jane out with her school work. Jane was...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Ariana Marie VR 22601

Ariana Marie is expecting a package from your delivery service today, but what she’s not expecting is for you to show up in her backyard as she’s swimming naked! But hey, it happens. And when it does, it happens for a reason — meaning she wants to see your package, too! You’re due for a break anyway, so why not have a seat at the edge of the pool and get a blowjob from sexy Ariana? And it doesn’t end with her sucking your cock. She’s going to get every drop of cum out of you after she fucks you...

1 year ago
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Roommate And Me Part 8211 1

Hi this is pragal am 20, from a metropolitan city in South India, I am basically from a village but now in this city for my studies, I am pursuing my B.sc in computer technology, I stay in a rented room, I was fat initially but did lot of jogging and gym sessions to loose extra fat but there is still hint of fat in my hips and ass giving me a feminine shape when I wear tight t-shirts and I also have chest which jiggles as I walk. I discovered I really loved cocks when I saw porn and really...

Gay Male
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Spanking 101

"All right, all right. Settle down and take your seats. Yes, that includes you with the green mini in the back row... "Thank you. "Now, welcome to Spanking 101. My name is Mr. Nathan and before we get started, I'd like to get a few things straight... "I will be speaking from my own perspective. In other words, I'll say 'he spanks her' rather than vice versa. Forgive me this minor sin and make whatever necessary adjustments you need in order to fit your situation. I am not going to...

4 years ago
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young love

Jessica was her name. This beautiful young woman that I had seen in school everyday. She was perfect, and from the second i first saw her i knew i wanted to be with her. For weeks i watched her, i thought about being with her. Finally, i decided, i have to become friends with this amazing woman. Then just maybe.. my dream would come true.After talking to her for awhile we became good friends, it was time to start flirting with her. I would innocently tickle her and fool around with her. While...

2 years ago
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The Portal Doorway To AdventureChapter 6

“One shell, one quad, and three pinches?” asked Sid when he heard the offer for his sword. The bearded man sat, tailor style, on the rug on which he displayed his wares. His wares consisted of a handful of knives, an old sword, and an axe head. He replied, “It’s in bad shape. I’ll probably have to melt it down and have it turned into knives.” Sid considered his circumstances and decided to keep the sword. He dropped the parts of the knife that he had taken from Clem and asked, “How...

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