History With Miss Martin
- 2 years ago
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Leaving the meeting with Mr. Reed, Beverly was mortified. First was the way she had acted: she had talked to James like she was some kind of slut. Reflecting on what she had said, she blushed furiously. Then when he abruptly stopped the discussion at the end and sent her off to do the research, Beverly felt rejected, that she wasn't appealing to James.
This hurt her vanity even though she knew she was being foolish. She had become more attracted to him, really a schoolgirl crush, with each class she took. He treated her with respect and encouragement; he gave her faith in herself, that she could overcome her background and become someone. Now she had blown it.
"I just wish I knew how to act around men!"
Telling herself "I feel like I'm wasting my time, I had my chance, and darn it..." she went to the school to pull the data together for her meeting with Mark Braxton. The cost information was easy to get from the school's web sites. She also did a comparison of their history programs hoping this might impress James.
In looking over the results of her research, it became clear to her that her goals were too fuzzy - getting out of Baldwin and having pride in her accomplishments should be byproducts of what she wanted to do. She realized that she really loved history; the stories of people and places fascinated her. She felt compelled by the thought of giving to others what she had received from James.
As she started to put down these thoughts into the goals James had asked her for, she drifted off thinking about how hard her life had been.
Her dad had worked for a small logging company that went to pockets of hardwood left over from the huge forests decimated in the 1800's. Occasionally he would have to travel further north to harvest white pines.He was out of work a lot, and when he did work he was away for several weeks at a time. She remembered her mom as being slight and very pretty. As she grew older she realized her mom was drinking all the time and when she was about ten her mom started bringing men home. This terrified Beverly and she locked herself in her room whenever her dad wasn't home.
One morning her dad came home unexpectedly. He found his wife passed out on the floor with a man asleep in his bed. He exploded in anger and started savagely beating on the stranger. Beverly heard her dad shouting and left her room... when she saw her dad beating on the man she started screaming. Her dad turned in horror and grabbed his daughter and led her back to her room. When he returned the man was gone.
He called the police and his wife was arrested for child endangerment. She was given 90 days in jail and given a court order not to see her husband or child. Beverly never saw her again. The man was a transient her mom had picked up - she never even knew his name. Being a relatively small town there was a lot of talk about it for several years. From that time on Beverly was somewhat afraid of men and their passions.
Her dad got a low paying job at a local lumberyard to be home more for his Bev. She turned very shy, and when she started high school she tried to stay away from boys. The two times she dated, the boys became fresh as soon as they had her alone. Both times she jumped out of their car and ran home.
She never dated after that. Part of the reason was her clothes. They didn't have much money and she had to make most of her dresses. They were nice, but plain compared to what the others girls wore. She did keep herself neat and clean at all times. The one man who was kind to her was her history teacher, Mr. Reed. He was the only man that seemed to respect her.
As she sent in her scholarship papers, she realized that she would have to have a job. The only place that seemed to have jobs available was Sam Bly's bar, The Swan. When she met with Sam he showed her around, had her watch some the girls dancing, and how they dressed (more accurately, undressed!).
Back in his office he asked her "are you interested in dancing for me?
Since this was the only job available, she hesitantly said "yes".
Sam told her "Take off your blouse so I can evaluate your 'charms'".
Knowing that he went into the women's dressing room all the time and would see her anyway, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse with hands shaking.
Filled with sudden lust Sam asked "how badly do you need this job?"
She replied "I don't have any other choices!"
He replied "good! Then there is just one more step in the interview and the job is yours!"
She started putting her blouse back on with relief, when Sam said "wait! Go ahead and take off the rest of your clothes and the job is yours".
Beverly turned white and ran from the room with Sam laughingly shouting after her "come back when you are ready, bitch!"
This took her to her interview with Mr. Reed. She resolved that she would do whatever she had to do to get him to help her find a job. She was scared, but rationalized that at least he was attractive, he had always been nice to her, and that she "kinda" liked him. As much as it terrified her, by this time she felt she had no choice. Though he was nicer than other men she had known, he was a man and she knew what all men expected: what she had to give to Mr. Reed.
She shook her head and realized she had been sitting there for an hour. She focused and shortly finished her task.
Later that night she called Braxton to meet with him for lunch the next day. A little after that, James called and told her about Western Michigan and the trip to meet with the professor and his family. He told her about their history program, and some about the professor and his family.
Beverly was overwhelmed... and worried. What was this going to cost her? Remembering James' reaction earlier, she hesitantly asked "James, what do you expect from me, sex?"
He replied "Beverly" and was quiet for a moment. "Beverly, sex is something that should come from love. You don't love me and I don't love you. If this changes, we can talk about it, but for now I respect you and want that respect back. I only ask two things: you really commit to your studies and that at the end of each semester you and I will meet for lunch to review your progress and discuss your on-going goals."
"Mark called and said that you have lunch set up - he will give you all the information and funds you need. Work with him through the year letting him know if there is anything you need. Okay?"
"Okay... thank you, James" she almost whispered as she placed the phone down.
The next day she met Mark Braxton and he immediately made her nervous. He was very handsome and impeccably dressed. He didn't do anything outright, just a lot of touches, sitting/standing close, accidental touches. Beverly blushed each time and moved away a little. It seemed like Mark was always right up against her, slightly brushing up against her legs or her breasts. She thought about what James had said: "call me if he gives you any problems..." but was scared to make an issue out of it.
Mark for his part was enchanted with her and started thinking how he could get her in his bed. To hell with James and his dammed orders. Who he slept with was none of James' business.
The lunch was at a very nice French restaurant and Mark covered all that she needed to know. He gave her $500 for clothes and another $500 for expenses: bus, dinners out on her visit to Kalamazoo, etc. Beverly thought it was too much but Mark insisted he was just following his orders. Mark gave her general info on the plan: for her to talk to Al about the intern program letting her know she had to minor in a foreign language, and giving her a credit card with a $5,000 limit in a credit line to use as a reserve fund. She was to mail the credit card receipts to Mark for filing.
Beverly did make the trip and it went wonderfully. The professor and his wife treated her very nice and his daughters (two living at home and two married, but living close by) took her out shopping for clothes and to several informal get-togethers, including a pool party.
She had to buy a swimsuit and of course chose a conservative one piece. It didn't make any difference, the boys still flocked around and she was constantly blushing. Sara walked her through filling out paper work and was able to get her enrolled for an intensive summer French program.
She moved to Kalamazoo a week later. Bev (everyone in Al's family immediately started calling her that) had difficulty with the French but Sara with her fluent French helped her considerably. She went home for a couple weeks to visit with her dad and then returned to WMU and started her new life.
Beverly became good friends with Al's girls, they sort of adopted her. She did some dating, always with a group. Once, the boy she was with caught her in the hallway at a restaurant and gave her a kiss. She was startled at first, then pushed the boy away and ran back into the ladies room.
That night as she drifted off to sleep she wondered what it would be like to kiss James. She felt her face grow hot and felt all tingly so she pulled the pillow over her face and went to sleep.
The summer French class was very intensive for her, but it helped her realize how different college was than high school and really applied herself. Her first year she started somewhat slowly but gradually worked up to an A- GPA.
She had several electives and took a class on History of Renaissance Art and several music appreciation classes. These electives really opened her eyes, helped her grow more confident in herself, and she became more aware of the complex, yet rewarding possibilities life has to offer.
Mark And ErikaMark walked away from the phone thinking, "what an asshole James is! Just because he has so damned much money... that shouldn't keep me from having a little fun, as long as the girl was willing."
Mark started thinking about his last talk with Erika Johannson. She worked for a local law firm and he had been seriously banging her for a year now. He had told her several times about his client James Reed, about his money and how he wasn't using it to have fun, just wasting it! God forbid! At their last meeting he had told her about James' plan for Beverly.
Erika had said "god, I'd like to get some of that money! I didn't realize how much hard work it is to be a lawyer - the hours are killing me."
They talked it over and started coming up with a plan.
Mark was tired of working with other people's money. He was 35 and a confirmed bachelor. He was skimming pretty well from some of the investments (and certainly padding expenses like crazy!), but nothing to give him the lifestyle he knew he deserved. He liked fast cars and women, lots of women. Thinking about it he realized he was probably lucky to have escaped jail; some of the episodes in college were pretty close to rape.
"Yeah," he thought, "I will get James Reed and then get as much of his money as I can." He would have to carefully orchestrate a fool proof plan with Erika.
Over several months they talked it over, gradually refining a plan. Mark would set it up for James to meet Erika and she would use her "feminine wiles" to snare James. Meanwhile Mark would find a way to "take care" of James.
One of Mark's concerns was making sure she stuck to the plan. He wrote out a script and after one of their intense bedroom romps, handed it to her.
"Erika, let's make sure we have the plan worked out. Here's a script for you, and one for me. I'll read mine first and then you read yours, okay?"
With her nod, Mark went through his part of it. After discussing it and answering a few questions, he waved for her to read her part.
She picked up the script and started reading "After I meet James, I will make sure we dance quite a bit. I'll make sure to move in close to him so he can feel my breasts pushing against him. I will try to get him out on the balcony at the clubhouse, holding his arm tight and make sure he kisses me."
"I'll ask him to take me home and I will find a way to seduce him. I'll give him such great sex he won't know whether he is coming or going. I'll have him in such a fog he will want to marry me as quickly as possible."
"After we get married I will act the loving, faithful wife until the car accident happens. Then it's money, money, money!"
Mark said "Great!" and they kicked it around for a while, refining the plan, figuring how to get the most money out of it.
Unbeknownst to Erika, Mark had taped the session and was going to edit it to have insurance that she didn't do something stupid, like actually falling in love with James.
Mark continued to meet with Beverly periodically, even though a phone call would work. He didn't know why, but it seemed the most important thing in the world for him to seduce this girl. It wasn't that she was that pretty or had the body that Erika had, it was just that she was unattainable and definitely not interested. Mark did love a challenge!
Each time he met with her he made sure to touch her as much as he could; mostly seemingly innocent, but sometimes brushing her breast or what he thought was her one great asset, a lovingly rounded, firm ass.
Mark spent a great deal of time thinking of having all the money he could spend. He remembered his first job, after his second year of college. The only job he could find was as a meter reader for a gas company in Battle Creek. After being chased by more dogs that he could count all summer, he swore he would get rich and never work that hard again.
Even though Mark was making large sums, mostly from managing James' investments, he wanted more. He never submitted expenses without padding them. He worked out kickbacks on investments. Hell, the reason he wanted James to build a new house was because of "good friends" that would give him a "finder's fee" for the design and construction work.
JamesAt the next monthly meeting with Braxton, James asked how it went with Beverly. Mark told him everything was set up and she had already moved. James was impressed that Beverly was taking the summer intensive French course - it wasn't a requirement, but would give her a good head start learning French. He knew that she had taken four years of Spanish in high school.
Beverly had first caught his eye in the junior year American History class. James liked to try to get the kids to actually think; sometimes a real challenge. One of the approaches he used was to posit alternative histories and ask the students to write a paper on how a changed event might cause a change in future history.
The event for the paper Beverly wrote was the sailing of the Mayflower. James would set the context: how the settlers from the Mayflower put in place ways of government that set the stage for the later forming of American government.
He then talked about, and got the kids to brainstorm some circumstances that might have caused the Mayflower not to sail, or worse, not to arrive safely. The assignment was to speculate on how having no Mayflower and no pilgrims would have played out in the forming of the new country.
Beverly's paper was easily the most imaginative, not the best written, but a paper that showed the ability to think and reason. The paper really showed her innate, strong curiosity, and her hunger for learning. From that time forward, James paid more attention to her, meeting one on one to keep probing her mind.
The whole episode with Beverly coming to him for help, and the talks he had with his old prof, Al, got James to rethinking his life. He enjoyed teaching, but was there more he could do? He thought about it for a few weeks and then called Al and asked if he could come down for dinner. That weekend he made the trip. He met with Al early in the day for a couple of hours and then took him to lunch.
They kicked possibilities around and Al asked a number of probing questions. Over coffee, James said "let me see if I can tie all this together. I think it's clear I'm going to give up the teaching. I really enjoy it but I think it's time to move on."
"I'll focus on two things. The first is enabling more history teachers and making them more effective. The second is to try to make an impact on the quality of teaching materials available. "
"The first I can do by continuing what I have started, but adding several other Michigan Universities. I can set up some sabbatical programs, so more research and publishing can be done. And I can set up programs to encourage more History classes in the high schools and make it more interesting. One thought I had would be to have grad students go to the high schools and share some of what they are working on - it would be fun both for them and the high school students."
"All this I see focusing primarily on the Western Michigan area. I don't want to take on the world; I just want to make a difference where I can. The second idea would focus on the publishing part."
James continued, "Through a friend I know of a small publishing company in Detroit that mostly does history textbooks and specialty history publishing and it is for sale. I want to buy this company and have my friend run it.
Lately, I haven't been satisfied with either my investment company or the efforts of my account manager. A few months ago I started looking around for investment opportunities that I can do on my own. I've gradually been finding situations where I personally know the key players in the company. I also look for these situations in an industry that I think would be fun for me. I've found several, including one in a security company that looks like a winner.
"How does this sound, Al?"
"It sounds great! I would suggest you go ahead with the publishing company. Also start a foundation to coordinate donations, scholarships, etc. You should run this yourself. I would be happy to recommend some names for an oversight panel to provide general direction and make recommendations. This board would include teachers from all levels, students, and a couple of key legislators."
"Great, Al, let's do it!"
With that James set out to change his life! It seemed like he was rushing into philanthropy in a big way, but he had been having some thoughts about trying to do something for the last year. In a way, it would be somewhat selfish of him to keep teaching when he could do so much more! He just wasn't the type to put all his money into lazing around on a big yacht off Cannes chasing bleached blondes.
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"Sponsor Elizabeth, you have a visitor at the door," intoned the AI. "And, who, pray tell, would that be?" answered Elizabeth. "Prince Andrew." "Then by all means, open the door and bid him enter. AI, in future, would you please simply say, 'Prince Andrew is at the door and wishes to enter, '" "Acknowledged." Elizabeth went to the foyer and found her brother standing there. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Come in, come in. I'm glad to see you." "Well, yes,...
The next morning I was up early hoping to catch a glimpse of Jane and Jacqui groping each other. But when I scanned the room I could see that I was too late. The bed was empty and Jacqui's clothes were gone. I opened my door and managed to hear them talking down stairs in the kitchen. Damn! I had missed seeing Jacqui in the bathroom, too. Tiff was eating breakfast when I got downstairs. She and Mom were sitting at the kitchen table. Tiff was smiling. That always meant I had to do something...
It was out last full day of our weekend away in the log cabin. Dad had decided to go out for the day into the village and see the sites. Both me and mum couldn't think of anything worse and decided that being our last day we would chill out and maybe go to the spa. It had just gone lunch time and we had just finished are lunch when I said to mum about going for a swim and Jacuzzi before we go. Mum liked the sound of this and we headed off over there. Like before I had my shorts on underneath...
Kate rushed in through the front entryway and dropped her keys in the small antique bowl on the side table. Her long black raincoat fell to a pile on the Asian rug covering the inlaid hardwood floor. The worn leather briefcase dropped next to the curving stairwell as Kate slightly hiked up the skirt of her business suit and charged up the stairs. “Roger!” she yelled. Ten more steps and again, “Roger!” It wasn’t until she reached the top of the stairwell that the answer came. “In the study,”...
Wife LoversI worked in a wholesale dry-goods warehouse in a rather large import city, shuffling paperwork and filling orders for coats, jackets and a sundry of clothing items. Every now and then, my boss would bring a customer into the warehouse to look at our stock levels and to show them how we managed orders.The customer visits didn’t happen very often and for that, I was happy, as they were a general pain in the ass, because it interrupted the flow of operations. There were three of us that worked on...
OccupationsA tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...
She awakens to a new day with the same bull shit on tv , a stupid cartoon designed to dumb down american k**s . damn it she thinks . I was just having the most vivid dream . it was nice too . a fantasy come true . on the site of a porn shoot . A **** fantasy she has always wanted to put down on film . she recalls . walking up the stairs to he hotel room past a group of constuction workers , As she passes them they awkwardly tuch them selves an make crude jestures an comments to her . A dirty...
At this point Ken Carlson asked Jerry if he could have the microphone for a few moments. The bandleader was startled but immediately complied. Having watched Jerry, Ken knew where to hold it so he started right in. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, on behalf of my wife, Kathy, and myself, I want to thank you all for this warm tribute. I would also like to make a few remarks on the evening of one of the most remarkable days of our lives. "First, I would like to comment on the...
I believe life is all about having fun, chasing thrills, and doing things that get your heart pumping. You’re not supposed to sit back and wait for something to happen. You’re supposed to make things happen otherwise it won’t happen at all.Sometimes the things you chase lead to good things, sometimes they don’t. The important thing is that you do them, because if you don’t you’re just going to be asking yourself “What if?” for the rest of your life.Do you agree?This adventure started because of...
TabooShe couldn’t resist standing in front of the full length mirror to get a complete look at her new dress and make some final adjustments to the belt and neckline. Austin had bought it for her birthday, today. He said he had seen it in a window downtown and had gotten excited thinking about how the rich purple silk would lie on her beautiful body. He loved her body and she was pretty happy with it herself. She studied her figure in the mirror. She was 40 today. Her breasts weren’t large, but...
Mystic Falls, 2011 Chapter I: Awakening “Get up! Get up! Get up!” I wake up, with the image of Damon screaming. “We have lots to do today, come on, sleepy heads!” “Damon!” I almost forgot about my girlfriend, Elena, rapped in my arms. She began to wake up, too. “Oh my God, Damon!” she screamed at him. He rolled his eyes and continued his speech as if nothing happened. “We have lots of research to do, come on get dressed!” “Get out of here, Damon, and we’ll get dressed,” Elena...
(c) 2012 by Cactus Juggler It was a week before my husband George’s fortieth birthday when Dr. Ward first hypnotized me. I have to wonder if the therapist had ever heard a request like mine, or if any therapist anywhere had, for that matter. The house was covered in white wood siding, and there was a sign on the front lawn, complete with two small spotlights, proclaiming the house to be the office of Dr. Charles Ward. Under his name, happy looking script advertised his services as therapy,...
Introduction: A wife does something she never imagined she would, and it only gets worse from there. I was just taking the brownies out of the oven that I had made for my son, Kyle, when I heard a knock at the door. This caught me by surprise, since we get so few visitors to the house. This is due to the fact that the entire neighborhood is terrified by my husband. He is a city cop, and an intimidating one at that. We fell in love in college, when he was the star linebacker of our small, local...
The drive home was uneventful. Cathy had done the driving, something she always enjoyed, and it had only taken about 3 hours. She had seen that Billy was nearly worn out, in spite of his strength and stamina. Robbi had woke him during the night for more sex, and then he had had a hard workout with her Mom. She had noticed that he was less than up to speed when he had walked to the truck. She had insisted that he either lay his seat back, or, preferably, get into the back seat, and lay down and...
The briefings and the charts, all the various documents and maps they had shown me could not have relayed the fact that going through the damnable gateway was like filling your stomach with bricks and sand, before violently vomiting everything through your nose. My head felt like it had already been donated to science and then returned as if it hadn't been found useful at all. I looked around and saw I was in the same chamber, only the pond, the gateway, was curiously enough placed on the...
Leonard had delivered everything Claire requested except for the EMP generator, which he hoped to obtain by the end of the weekend. He made up for it by providing a GR7 machine pistol and a pair of electronic field glasses. She hugged him passionately before loading everything into the luggage compartment of the SUV. It was the evening before the camping trip and she was aware that if things went badly, they may never see her again. They sensed her concerns and made a fuss of her. Laid naked...
The next morning we ate a good breakfast and headed home. When we got home, I found where someone had left a letter from Mr. Adkins on the table. In that letter he confirmed my thoughts that the Bureau of Indian Affairs was simply holding us at bay with empty promises. He also thought that the United States would not grant us Foreign Nation status. I was depressed and told my wives so. We discussed the situation and I told them that I was very angry at the thought of our people being...
As i walk in through the door from work i hear the phone ringing and i run to pick it up. It's my friend /lover Jack. "Hey honey, any chance i can come over right now." "Ok" I said "just give me half an hour." After we put the phone down i ran into the bath room and started undressing. I looked at myself in the mirror. I am 5'6 and have a curvaceous body, the best feature of my body are my breasts they are full and beautiful and natural,no implants for me. I grinned at my reflection and ran my...
EroticShe read an ad online for a position that had recently opened up, Construction Manager’s Assistant. Though it was thousands of miles away, something about it sounded very appealing to her. Abbey’s a college grad, very intelligent, extremely organized and has excellent people skills. She grew up in a military family consisting mostly of brothers. As a result, she tended to be more aggressive, able to work with her hands, very mechanically inclined, disciplined and a very good athlete. Kind of a...
I don't like traveling by air as a general rule. Long lines, intrusive security, and crowds of strange people crushing in from all around. The best way to deal with airline travel is dress comfortably, attempt to relax, and find something to take your mind off things. It was easy to dress comfortably. A cute little pink top, with a zipper to play with which would also keep me distracted, a pleated, denim mini-skirt, white sox and sneakers would let me be comfortable. I downloaded some porn...
Hi! I am M from Bengaluru. I am 34, married and have two kids. In short, I have a happily married life. I and my husband adore each other. But, like any other couple our sex life had started becoming slightly monotonous after our second child. We were afraid to confide in each other but, the magic was missing from our bedroom. Note: This is a long story so I have divided it in two parts. This is the first part which has all the setting and description the second part will follow soon. As it is...
Hi all, I am Nidhi, this is my 1st time as an author. I have been reading many stories on ISS and have been impressed by the stories. I intend to put use to some of the things in real like too. I wanted to share an amazing experience I had with a very good looking handsome guy. Before we begin let me tell you a little about myself and my background. I am simple girl aged 23 now. I am a single daughter of my aged parents and we belong to a small city in central India. I have long hair and I am...
I like being the center of attention. I know I’m selfish that way. Oh, I admit I like having sex with other couples. It’s great to have the sustained all night sex brought on by the excitement of swapping and sharing, and it’s great to have the touch and taste of another woman at times, but somehow the sex is always more reserved then if I’m alone with one man or better yet, two men. Women tend to be more guarded around other women. At least I think it’s true of me. Alone with men it seems I...
Since my divorce with Jenny's mom, I never remarried. Of course, I had a couple of relationships, which were disastrous. Dating teen females was wonderful, but in time, I came to realize that the male/teen female relationship was somewhat overrated. Yea, the sex was good, better even, erm. But taking away their innocence was the most thrilling thing a man of my age could wish for. But, then why was it disastrous? Urg, teen females are materialistic freaks. So, to avoid unnecessary breakups...
Originally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. I’ve subsequently made some modifications, so any errors are mine alone. ***** Chapter 13 Meet the Family We were seated three abreast on the Alaska Air flight to Vancouver. Tina was in the window seat while Fiona occupied the middle and I was on the aisle. Fiona was nervous and had been hanging onto my arm the whole flight. ‘Are you uncomfortable flying?’ I asked. ‘No … not at all. I’m worried about meeting your family. I wonder...
100% fiction! Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car door in the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was 10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walked to the front door. Just as he was reaching for the handle to open the door, it turned; the door opened; and his Mom came in. The look on her face was not happy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked past Mikey. He wasn't sure what to think. "What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking after all?" Mikey asked, not...
IncestPart 1- The seduction.I enter the room slowly, I see you led on the bed in your underwear. I slowly kiss your tired feet. My fingers gently slide up your leg as my mouth follows kissing your inner thigh. My fingers stroke the top of your knickers, the tips of my fingers guiding just under the elastic. My mouth moves up to the top of your inner thigh, my breath warms and cools your moistening pussy, as I see the white knickers becoming see through due to the moisture of your pussy. My fingers...