Hiring The Construction Managers Assistant free porn video

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She read an ad online for a position that had recently opened up, Construction Manager’s Assistant. Though it was thousands of miles away, something about it sounded very appealing to her. Abbey’s a college grad, very intelligent, extremely organized and has excellent people skills. She grew up in a military family consisting mostly of brothers. As a result, she tended to be more aggressive, able to work with her hands, very mechanically inclined, disciplined and a very good athlete. Kind of a tomboy in a way, yet she was exceedingly feminine and very beautiful. She wasn’t sure if it was the thought of a new adventure, a fresh start or just the challenge of a field she knew little about, but the position fascinated her.

She filled out the application, forwarded her resume and waited impatiently. Two weeks crawled on by until they finally called her again. In the initial interview she spent an hour on the phone with a middle management staff member, Pat. She was impressed by him and his description of a “solid, medium sized company” that prided itself on “working together as a real team.”

The next step was a second phone interview, this time with the Construction Manager. Mike sounded like a real nice guy. She kept thinking as they talked, “Hey, I could work for this guy, in fact, I want to work for this guy!” He too described the very appealing ‘team’ concept and went so far as to call it a “family” atmosphere. By this time she was sold, provided they were sold on her. She felt like she had a pretty good shot at it.

The next step was the hardest: the waiting game. They said they would make their decision within the week and would give her a call either way with their decision. She had several opportunities available but the call she really wanted to get was from this company: Ryan and Sons Development. It sounded perfect!

Three days later she noticed that Mike had called while she was at the gym. As she listened to his voicemail she tried to read into the benign message and ascertain whether they were going to make her an offer. “He sounds pretty upbeat and positive,” she thought as she punched in his cell number, “I think I got it!”

“Hey Abbey, thanks for calling me back so soon. Well, I am sorry to say I have some bad news for you,” he said flatly.

Her heart sank and her mind immediately started to flip through the other jobs she’d applied for. She was slightly depressed but still wanted to put her best foot forward by responding nicely to him and acting professionally. She knew it wasn’t his fault.

“Yeah, I am so sad for you hon. unfortunately, you’re going to have to move to California and work side by side with me. We will be spending a lot of time together. You don’t know how sorry I am for you!”

“Damn you Mike, you really had me going. That is great! When do I start?” she shouted in his ear, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

They worked out the details over the next several minutes. He even told her they would provide up to $5,000 for moving expenses. She was so damn excited. She knew she would like the work and thought she would be a real asset to this growing firm.

“That is so generous of you guys. Thank you so much. I am really looking forward to working with you!” She couldn’t get over his voice. There was something about it that she found endearing.

“And I with you Abbey. I know you’ll be a great fit around here and we’ll make a great team together. I’ll see you on the first, in just a couple of weeks. Give me a call when you get into town, okay?”

“I will. Thanks again. Good bye Mike.” What a nice guy. He has a good sense of humor and she liked that. She wondered how old he is…and if he was attached. In any case, Mike had Abbey in a little spell. Over the next 14 days it wasn’t unusual for her to play with slick, shaved pussy while thinking of Mike at night in her darkened bedroom. And she had some tremendous comes. It seemed as though she has had enough of guys her age. She had been burnt too many times and the last one that cheated on her really did her in. She was determined to go in a different direction as she swore off the young studs. Perhaps an older guy – and she did assume that Mike was quite a bit older than her – with a little more stability and several more years of life experience under his belt would be a better fit for her. She was tired of falling for boys. It was time she had a real man.

In no time she was in southern Cal and moving into a nice two bedroom apartment in an upper middle class neighborhood. The package they offered was even better than she had expected and so she could afford to splurge a little. “Tomorrow I will begin a brand new career,” she thought as she crawled alone beneath her covers. Alone at least, except for the captivating sound of Mike’s voice that would stimulate her mind and wet her fingers once again. Damn she wanted him. She couldn’t wait for the new day to begin.

She arrived about 10 minutes before seven and, not knowing exactly what to wear, she wore a pretty conservative, low key outfit. Abbey was given a quick tour by Pat, the guy who first interviewed her. He was very welcoming and she loved the offices and staff. The facility was amazing: over 12,000 square feet of impeccably decorated offices including a very nice break room / kitchen / employee lounge, a phenomenal fitness room for the employees and a ritzy conference room with like a 25’ long table. It was impressive. They had grown so much in the last couple of years that they had actually outgrown the building even though it was but four years old. They placed several portable office trailers out back to accommodate the overflow of superintendents and foremen when the office space failed to meet all of their needs. They certainly seemed to cover every base. By 11:00 she had seen it all and met just about everyone but Mike. She was told he was out in the field all morning but that he wanted her to meet him so they could do a working lunch. She drove to the Red Robin at 11:45 as requested.

As Abbey sat in the entry, she realized that she hadn’t a clue what Mike looked like. Her heart began to race a little in anticipation of their first face to face encounter. She noticed that familiar feeling between her legs as her body moistened in response to her warm and sexy thoughts. For all she knew he could already be sitting down in the dining room waiting. She wasn’t sure what to do so, just as she was about to ask the server if Mike from Ryan and Sons was there, in he walked. He looked just like she had envisioned him but, in actuality, it was the logo on the shirt that gave him away. He had such a sweet and contagious smile, it kind of melted her heart just looking at him. He wasn’t a real big guy, maybe five ten 175 to 180 pounds, but he was a manly looking guy. He looked like a typical construction dude, strong and tan, just a little better dressed and without the typical beer belly. You would describe him as ruddy or earthy, rather than as a pretty boy. His brown, medium length hair was starting to gray a little at the temples and she guessed he was between 45 and 50. She really liked his eyes, a kind of piercing steel blue. All in all he was easy on the eyes and looked even better than Abbey had anticipated. Her nipples began to harden as they exchanged a strong, if not awkward, handshake and Abbey introduced herself.

The meeting was less about “working” and more about “lunch” and getting to know one another. She found out he is in a long term marriage – damn! – and his wife actually works at the company in the financial department on occasion. His kids are grown and on their own. It ends up he is actually 52 years old and has been with the company since its inception.

Abbey enjoyed her time with Mike and he seemed to like it as well. The work load is quite heavy and he tells her he will have to work her in slowly until she can grasp what they are about as a company and how he likes the flow of his projects to proceed.

“It will take some time for you to get it so just be patient. I’m not a control freak and will be more than willing to delegate just about anything you can handle once you are ready to tackle it. There is never a stupid question so please, ask away. That is how you will learn best. And unfortunately Abbey, there will be some long hours on occasion. I hope you’re okay with that. That is one of the reasons we offered you the package we did. Given the long hours we needed to make it a salaried position yet wanted to compensate you very well.”

“Mike, it’s all good,” she said to him. “I am here for the long haul and am more than eager to learn. I won’t mind working the long hours as long as I am working with you!”

She couldn’t believe she just said that. It almost sounded like a come on, the way it was said. Abbey was a very passionate, relational and yet transparent woman. She was quite sexual as well. And she liked it dirty. In her mind she was picking apart every line of the conversation. “It will take some time for you to get it,” caused even more of her juices to flow from her pink lips. Even when Mike used the term “control freak” her mind wandered.

“You can control me anytime you want Mike. Just tie me up on top of your desk and plow my hot pussy with your cock until you’re completely satisfied!” she thought to herself. Yes, Abbey was one hot woman! It was always hard for her draw a line in the sand when it came to expressing her feelings. With her aggressive nature she always seemed to just go for it. But, in spite of her obvious attraction to the guy, Mike was a married man. Those were waters she just wouldn’t cross. She could never bring herself to be a party to breaking up a marriage, even if it was a bad one.

“Well I’m glad Abbey. Like I told you over the phone, I think you will do really well here and will fit in nicely. I can tell already that it is true.”

“Yeah, I got a place to fit you in too, my gorgeous studly man,” Abbey thought to herself.

The next couple of weeks flew by. Between learning a brand new field and living a brand new area, she was a bit overwhelmed. At the same time she really enjoyed it. She spent about half of her day alone doing projects for Mike and the other half working alongside him. Her gut was right. She knew she would love working with him. He was extremely nice to her and he smelled incredibly good to her. And, just as she had imagined, the company was an exceptional one. The camaraderie was like something out of a movie. That is until the 28th of that month.

As the stranger walked in, Abbey immediately drew three conclusions about her.
1) The pretty, nicely dressed woman acted very arrogantly, as if she owned the place.
2) It was clear that she didn’t care for people very much.
3) She was, at her very core, a person who was the antithesis to the word ‘team.’
The bottom line was that you knew in about two seconds flat that this woman was a bitch! Who in the hell is she?

“Abbey, I’d like you to meet Rhonda, our Financial VP,” said Pat as Abbey extended her hand to greet her as warmly as she could muster up warmth. She looked down at her hand, said “Hi” with a snarl, and walked into the office across from the receptionist’s without extending her own. After watching her close the door, Abbey turned a shocked face to Pat. She didn’t know what to say.

“The place is heaven around here for three out of four weeks a month Abbey, just camp on that fact. Can you endure one week of hell each month hon?” he said with a wink and walked away.

This didn’t make any sense. Why would a business such as this stand for a staff member who acted like that? She found out from Pat later that day that Mike and his wife actually owned the company. He just likes to be known as the “Construction Manager.” When asked him about it that afternoon, Mike just relied that, “people want to know what you do for a living when they ask about your work, not what you own. I don’t like it when people start kissing by butt when they find out I own the place. I want my relationships to be authentic.”

Abbey hardly knew the guy but found she liked him more and more with each passing day. He looked at things differently than anyone she had ever met. That was very appealing to her. Late at night, while lying in bed, Abbey’s body continued to respond to her co-worker and the events of the day. Recalling the short conversations or small, seemingly insignificant glances was all it would take. Soon her fingers would find her hardened nub or a toy or two and bring herself to a nice, long soothing come. Abbey was falling for Mike.

After reviewing the day’s agenda with Mike the next morning, Abbey finally got down to what was bugging her. She decided to broach the subject of this Rhonda chick with Mike. She had to get some answers.

She was shocked to learn that Rhonda, or as she fondly refer to her as Mega Bitch, is Mike’s wife. You could have knocked her over with a feather.

“Your wife,” she asked incredulously, “you married that!” She couldn’t believe she said it. As soon as the words escaped her mouth she was filled with regret. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that Mike. But…but…your wife? I just find that so damn hard to believe.” By then she wanted to crawl in a hole.

He went on to explain some things, but she took them as mere excuses. She really liked Mike but with this news it seemed like almost immediately it stole some of her enthusiasm for him. It caused her to lose respect for him, to put up with all the crap that goes with a woman like that and just settle for it. She also had other thoughts too.

Damn, no wonder the guy is here till all hours of the night. She would be too if she had that to go home to that. The news really hit her, much harder than it probably should have. She was angry. Angry for being disrespected, angry that one person could so negatively affect a great team environment and angry that anyone was powerless to reprove her. But most of all she was angry because of Mike. The man she knows deserves so much better than that wicked bitch!

Later on that day everyone had left the building except for Mike and Abbey. It had been a rough one. For the first time since she moved westward she was disappointed in her job. She felt a little bit of tension between herself and Mike. He was just fine with her, Abbey was the one with the problem. She did have empathy for him though. It occurred to her that since Rhonda was his wife, Mike must be begging for a good, hard fuck. His balls probably turned blue years ago, she thought.

The last people at the office always needed to do a walk-about in order to ensure that the gates and office trailers out back were secure so Abbey headed off for security patrol. There was a light on in one of the offices and it made sense. Mike often worked on projects out back, escaping the plush yet busy main office for the peace and quiet. As she walked passed his office and headed towards the next, something peculiar caught her attention. She distinctly heard the sound of a woman moaning. Who in the hell is that, she thought, certainly not Rhonda. She quietly moved to the window and peeked through the blinds. Mike was sitting at a desk with his back to her, facing his computer. And damn, if he wasn’t jacking off to a porno video! She loved to watch guys play with themselves but she really couldn’t see his member, only the movement of his arm as his hand pounded his own flesh. She tried looking into windows to her left and right but to no avail. She was hot and she was horny now, but she couldn’t get a good look at the cock she’s been dreaming about for weeks. Poor baby, she thought, he really isn’t getting any. She figured she’d at least have some fun.

She looked around and grabbed a rock and threw it at a metal drum nearby. The sound echoed very loudly and his body jerked quickly upon hearing it. He was so startled that he almost fell out of his chair. He shut the site down and nearly got his tool caught in the zipper, he was pulling it up so frantically. She could hardly contain herself, covering her mouth so that the laughter couldn’t escape. She quietly walked away from the window and then turned back and yelled out in his direction, “Hey Mike, are you back here?” and walked into the office and greeted him.

“Hey, I’m heading out, unless you have something else for me to do.” She added that last line just to make his blood boil a little bit more.

“Nah, that’s it Abbey. I’m almost done here anyway. You have a good night!” he quickly said and turned back to the screen.

As she left and closed the door she kept thinking, are you sure you don’t want me to do anything else?

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Adventures With Traci Marcie And The Construction Workers

On the Monday morning following our exciting Saturday afternoon with Steve, Traci and I had to return to the mundane world of work. Traci was employed as a receptionist for a large investment firm. She spent her day answering the telephone, greeting clients and getting coffee or water for everyone but herself. She wasn't thrilled about her job, but she realized that her situation was the result of her own choices. While majoring in modern dance had been fun and  fulfilling, it hadn't been a...

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The ProfessorChapter 22 Lisa Dates Construction Myron

I was the first and only one up early, as usual. I did my exercises and then started some fixings for breakfast. As I worked I tested how I felt about the previous night. It had been a good orgy in my opinion. We’d had fun. The dom-sub game had caught me by surprise, but I suppose I could get used to that providing it stayed as a game or role-play. I needed more details about those behaviors; I knew very little about kinky sex I concluded, and that wasn’t even all that kinky. The girls having...

3 years ago
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visit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to http://piclink.aimoo.com/ Construction began today, so the pool is officially off limits. Katie locked the side door leading to the pool deck, just to make sure we remembered. Zoe and I walked down the street to the small beach we had resident rights to. It was considered private property, and was only supposed to be used by the residents of our small road. When we got there, there were only 2 or 3 other people there, and they left soon...

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Under Construction

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingHow did I get myself in this position? Literally. I stared up into his beautiful brown eyes and felt the all too familiar reaction of lust rush through my body. My eyes traveled down his face and rested on his lips. I knew he was asking me a question, but all I could think about was how his mouth would feel coming down on mine. I continued my perusal of his body. Perfectly sculpted shoulders, flat washboard abs covered with a white wife beater, and down to...

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Fucked a drunk construction worker lady

Hi friends. I’m Sarfaraz Khan, back again writing my new sex experience that happened recently. Those who don’t know about me, I’m a 24 year male from a south Indian city. I’ve fucked women from various walks of life of various age groups and at various places throughout my life. Those who haven’t read are advised to read them and enjoy them. There was construction going on in my neighborhood house for the past few days. There were, as usual, about 5-6 workers working for a contractor who...

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GenerationsChapter 32 Construction

“Wow, this place is a disaster!” commented Frank Boscow. “Yeah, isn’t it cool!” replied his grandson. “You two are not being helpful,” said Lauren. The three were standing in the Graham kitchen, looking at the construction going on around them. The week following Lauren and Peter signing their prenups had been busy. First, that Wednesday night, Peter had brought around an architect and an engineer from his firm to discuss what was to be done. Lauren had been amazed to find that the...

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Construction SeductionChapter 10

Cliff Ainsley had been unnerved when his friend Federico Salazar pointed out the young woman exiting the elevator and referred to her as his “dinner date.” Jesus, he thought, Fed’s got something hot and heavy going with his Head of Housekeeping and now he’s romancing this lovely young thing. How old can she be anyway? Salazar had a reputation for being a Casanova. But after the McClain girl analyzed her family’s business and what she intended to do with it, Cliff understood why Salazar was...

4 years ago
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Construction People Try Their Luck 8211 Part I

“Susmita…can you manage a leave tomorrow?” Ajay casually asked just after finishing dinner. Susmita too had just finished dinner.She looked at Ajay enquiringly…….. “Leave? Why any problem ? “She replied back… Ajay who looked unusually sleepy today.. answered…”Yeah… a house broker called me up..said he knows an upcoming housing project……” Susmita seemed eager…She said..”Ohh that’s good….where is this housing complex…?” Ajay was already in bed.With an half awake half sleepy voice..he said..”He...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Indian MILF fucks Exotic Snake Charmer and Assistant

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Ramesh was walking around the bazaar looking into different shops when he noticed a tent out of the corner of his eye. There was a man out front, a snake charmer, and Ramesh was intrigued. He walked over and asked the charmer to show him some of his skills. The snake charmer played the flute, and a cobra rose hypnotically out of a basket in front of him, and Ramesh was thoroughly impressed.  Right as Ramesh was about to...

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The Construction Project

I was having trouble remembering what work was like before the renovations started, it felt like forever since I had a fully functioning garage to detail in. I had tarps for walls these days, and on the other side of them, walls were being torn down, floors were being cut, and there was a fine spray of dust constantly floating over to land on my freshly cleaned vehicles. It had started out as an inconvenience, grown to a disturbance, and had now developed into an outright pain in the ass. ...

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Shaft Construction Ch 0102

INTRODUCTION: This story is being written (This is only the first 2 chapters) as a challenge from my boyfriend. He introduced me to the world of erotica when we first got together 4 years ago. He shared with me a story, and after reading it, I thought to myself, ‘Self, you could do this.’ And so I did. I have several other stories on Literotica. If you get a chance, please take a gander at them also. Some of my stories are entirely nonfiction–i.e. they recount with great detail encounters that...

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CONSTRUCTION Walking around this old two story house looking at all the repairs it needs is very depressing I know that half the work I can do myself but I can not do it all. I need to find a Handy man a respectable one . Looking in the phone book was no help too many of them I decided to drive around and look for places under construction I might be able to get one of the workers to come and give me a bid on the heavy work. I saw a sign that said Paul Longhorn Construction and slowed down they...

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Divorced and Sex with a Construction Worker

It's 1975 i was Divorced at 24 and no c***dren. But then a drunk ran a traffic light and hit my husband’s car broad side. Bill was killed instantly in the crash. He never knew what happened, which is good I guess. The driver ran and got away. Witnesses told the police where he went and he was caught. Bill didn’t ask to be killed. They didn’t do anything to the damn driver; they just sent his ass back to Jail in Mexico. I was so pissed.Bill bought our house with out me knowing about it for a...

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Construction Site Gangbang

“Hey, sweety, how ya doin’?”Kayla’s heart beat a little faster. Ooo, God, go away, you sweaty a****ls, she thought, clutching the blueprints to her full, pert tits and trying to ignore them. The construction workers didn’t stop.“Hey, baby, ain’t you fucking gorgeous! What’s a little girl like you doing out here?”Kayla walked faster, as fast as she could on the wooden catwalk on her high heels. It made matters worse that she didn’t quite know where she was going; it was a huge construction site,...

4 years ago
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CONSTRUCTIONWalking around this old two story house looking at all the repairs it needs is very depressing I know that half the work I can do myself but I can not do it all. I need to find a Handy man a respectable one .Looking in the phone book was no help too many of them I decided to drive around and look for places under construction I might be able to get one of the workers to come and give me a bid on the heavy work.I saw a sign that said Paul Longhorn Construction and slowed down they...

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tag teamed at a construction site at night

Over the course of a few months I would regularly meet a couple different guys at lunch time and depending on their schedule they would either fuck me in the booth or I would suck them dry. Both were average guys in evryway. One a business man and the other a blue collar guy. Both I would say with a 7.7.5 in cock, neither shaved. I will call one of them Joe for the stories purpose. Joe was the blue collar type and his cock was like I said about 7-7.5 inches long but very thick and very big...

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Tag teamed at a construction site

Over the course of a few months I would regularly meet a couple different guys at lunch time and depending on their schedule they would either fuck me in the booth or I would suck them dry. Both were average guys in evryway. One a business man and the other a blue collar guy. Both I would say with a 7.7.5 in cock, neither shaved. I will call one of them Joe for the stories purpose. Joe was the blue collar type and his cock was like I said about 7-7.5 inches long but very thick and very big...

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Construction SeductionChapter 11

When Ashley exited the elevator, she was lightheaded from her self-directed orgasm. By the time she got to her car in the parking lot, she felt an obsessive need to get to Ricky’s bar as quickly as possible. Darren was meeting her there and she was eager to get to explore carnal knowledge of him in greater depth. Darren had come to work at McClain Construction just after his twenty-first birthday, which allowed him to drink legally with the rest of his work buddies. Greg, Skip, Nick, and Sam...

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Sex with 2 construction workers

Hai reader I santosh posting my second story having sex with two construction worker . U will find very it intersting. This story about 4 yrs ago when my building was having some repairing work. In our compound there were four construction worker house. In that tin stucture house many family use to stay. Actually I was very attracted to these mostly mature women who must be in their 40s. My mother was very good to them offering food and money. Behind my house was their house. Those days I was...

Group Sex
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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How I Became My Wifes Executive Assistant

How I Became My Wife's Executive Assistant "No way am I wearing that!" Bill shouted. His wife raised a single eyebrow and calmly replied, "Want to bet?" She was in no mood to negotiate. "Come on Bill. We've been over this issue a dozen times. You agreed to go to our company's costume party dressed as my sexy secretary, while I go as your male boss. You look adorable, that outfit suits you," she reassured him. "It'll be a real giggle. Now stop dragging your feet and put on...

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Billie the Magicians Assistant

Billie the Magician's Assistant By Katie Dale "Guess what, Billy?" asked my sister Julie one Friday evening. "What?" Ever since my eleventh birthday, I insisted that my friends call me 'Bill', not 'Billy'. But members of my family continued to call me 'Billy', and I didn't really mind. At the time this story took place, Julie was thirteen years old, a year older than me. "Grandma's started teaching me magic." "Cool," I said. Ever since I was a little child, I knew that...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Magicians Assistant

Bert had one dream in life, to become a great magician. He started off by performing magic tricks for is family and close friends. As a jobless adult, he attempted to earn a living with his hobby as “The Amazing Cazzo,” performing mediocre magic shows here and there earning barely enough cash to survive. Now, it wasn’t that Bert couldn’t perform the tricks, but his weak skills and lack of confidence caused many problems. He would often drop cards during his card tricks, get caught palming...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Sex With A Lady Construction Worker

I am 39, i started to construct my house and we were looking for a watch man who could take care while we were not around in the evenings. Then our contractor said we will ask the neighboring watchman whether he is willing to take care of our site also. He said he will ask his wife and tell. The next day he said he can take care with a condition that he will not work at our site because he already was working in another site, but his wife will work for us. Our contractor agreed. After a couple...

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