Shaft Construction Ch. 01-02 free porn video

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INTRODUCTION: This story is being written (This is only the first 2 chapters) as a challenge from my boyfriend. He introduced me to the world of erotica when we first got together 4 years ago. He shared with me a story, and after reading it, I thought to myself, ‘Self, you could do this.’ And so I did. I have several other stories on Literotica. If you get a chance, please take a gander at them also. Some of my stories are entirely nonfiction–i.e. they recount with great detail encounters that the BF and I have had. Others are pure fiction. And some are a mixture of both–fictional places, but some of the erotic encounters are based in fact.

This story, as I mentioned previously was written as a challenge. I asked the BF to give me the basic characters, and I would build a story around them. His idea was boss and secretary. So from there I expanded it to boss and administrative assistant (you know we women have to break those glass ceilings), and while there is a lot of erotic activity occurring in the story, it is truly a love story as well.

I hope you enjoy.


Chapter One

Toni was in a panic. She was running late for work and there was a project status meeting this morning. She was ready for it. She had all the project reports organized—and thanks to the great working relationship she had with her boss, Mel, their combined excellent organizational skills, the ability to motivate the crews and the way Mel had with the vendors, all of the projects were on time and on budget. The Board of Shaft Construction would be pleased. It had already been a very profitable first quarter. If these results were a predictor, the remaining 3 quarters were going to be fantastic. ‘Damn traffic!’ As she bore down on her car’s horn.

Finally, the car ahead of her that had just been sitting at the green light moved ahead. She was moving again. She was so glad to pull into her parking space. It was nice to have her own space after all the years she had worked for Shaft rather than have to walk from the lower 40 with the rest of the office staff. Best of all, her space was located right next to Mel.

Toni was in love with Mel. She had done a really bang up job of keeping it from him. Cold as ice. All business. But in her heart of hearts, she was madly, passionately in love with Mel Milnor. But he never seemed to notice her other than as his AA. Strictly business. The projects of Shaft seemed to be his only passion.

She knew he had been married in the past and now divorced and that he had children and even a few grandchildren she thought, but not much more than that. So, how, reader, do you think she could possibly have fallen in love with this extremely focused, seemingly uninvolved with the world outside of construction, executive? Well, read on, perhaps the answer will become clear.

Toni has been Mel’s AA for about 3 years. When she first met him in the interview process, the way he looked at her made her weak in the knees—almost as if he had seen into the innermost secret places in her soul. His handshake sent electric tingles into her spine. That all sounds a bit scary, but it intrigued Toni. She determined to land this job and proceeded to carry on the best interview of her life. She, of course, got the job—a fantastic salary, a bonus, the coveted parking spot she had been wanting ever since she came to work at Shaft, along with the promise of a company car in the next couple of years.

She and Mel worked very closely together. As his assistant, she paid attention in minute detail to learn everything she could possibly learn to make herself indispensible to him, not only as a good career move, but it allowed her to spend the bulk of her day with him—loving him even though he had no idea of her feelings. Day by day, she learned all the ins and outs of project management from the bids to get the project thru the subcontracting on to fruition of a completed building, mall, house, or whatever the project was. Shaft construction handled it all—big to small, and they were staffed with the right people to match the project. It was such a well-run company and had an amazing reputation. The staff were all well satisfied and rarely was there turnover.

Over time, Toni learned her job and much of Mel’s so well, that he very seldom had to ask her for anything—she had anticipated what was required and had it ready for him—many times even before he thought to ask for it. Oh, they were a good team, and she knew it. Even better, he knew it.

Of course, all the time that she had been silently loving him, he had been in love with her as well. But apart from his unwritten rule of never mixing business with pleasure, he never once made any intimation that he had feelings for her other than appreciation of her as the super efficient AA that she truly was. After all, she presented herself as the ultimate ice queen—interested only in business. But, Mel loved Toni.

When he wasn’t working, he was thinking about her. He wanted to know her away from the work place, but how could he break his rule? He was truly conflicted on that point. He had never ever become involved with a coworker on a romantic level. In fact, since his divorce, he had really focused only on work and hadn’t thought about becoming romantically involved with anyone—at least not until he had met Toni 3 years ago. Now, when he wasn’t working, she was all he could think about.

When he was at home in bed at night, he thought about her. He could close his eyes and see her. Toni was a tall buxom brunette. She had curves. She wore glasses—and he had noticed that she was a bit vain about that. She had 2 pairs—one for distance when she was driving or out on a project site with him, but when she was doing close work or working on the computer, she had readers. Sometimes she would forget which pair she had on—and would get flustered a bit when she couldn’t see what she was working on. She also would put a pair on top of her head and forget that they were there. This amused him. He was turned on by this. It was the one crack in her ice queen persona. It was times like this when her feminine tendencies would emerge—if only for a minute or two. He would smile and enjoy these fleeting glimpses of the very feminine Toni. Now, that is not to say, that Toni did not present herself in a feminine way. She did—but it was very professional. Her suits were always impeccable. Her hair was done just so and her makeup was always perfect. The shoes she wore in the office were stylish 2 inch stilettos. Mel loved to watch her walk. She had great legs and a sway to her hips that made him long to touch her.

On the days that they had to do site inspections, she was just at home there as well. She wore tailored jeans, cotton shirt and tailored jacket along with steel toed work boots and a hard hat. This look turned Mel on too.

Mel was already in the office when Toni arrived out of breath.

‘Toni—why are you rushing? We still have 10 minutes before the board meeting.’

‘Oh I’m running much later than I’m comfortable with. You know on board meeting days, I like to be here at least an hour early.’ Toni said.

Mel laughed and said, ‘Toni, Toni, Toni—you know you don’t have to. You always have everything all ready at least 2 days before the meeting, and even then, you go over everything at least 5 more times.’

‘Well, it’s your example I follow.’ Toni smiled at him.

She gathered up the report packets, and he carried the laptop for the power point presentation. Together they ran the meeting like a well-oiled machine. The board members were most thoroughly impressed.

After the long meeting, they were both happily tired. It had been very positive and very fulfilling to be able to present such good results and such a good bottom line to the board.

Mel was riding high on that feeling and then did something that he never thought he would do.

‘Toni, that was such a good me
eting this morning. Would you like to go to lunch with me to celebrate?’

For once in her life, Toni was stunned into speechlessness. She just stared, wide-eyed at Mel. She opened her mouth to try to answer him, but nothing would come out.

‘Uh oh,’ Mel thought. ‘I’ve done it now. I’ve overstepped my bounds, and she is going to sue me for sexual harassment. Oh my God, she looks like a deer caught in headlights!’

Toni, finally found her voice. ‘Well of course, I’ll have lunch with you. It was a good meeting. We deserve to celebrate.’

Mel breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I’ll tell the receptionist that we will be out of the office while you finish up here. Meet you in the parking lot in 5 minutes.’

Toni’s heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. Finally, she was going to have the opportunity to sit across from him at a table without business between them. Perhaps she could get to know him a little better. It was something she had been dreaming of for a long time. But first, she had to get her tell-tale heart and her breathing under control before she made a fool of herself in front of this man that she so desired to have in her life for more than just a professional relationship.

Mel’s hands shook as he tried to get the keys into the ignition. How had he lost control like that? What had possessed him? Why couldn’t he be satisfied with just seeing her every day at work? He knew why. It had been building from the first day he met her. He wanted to be with her as her friend and lover. He wanted to know what she looked like when she first woke in the morning. He wanted to watch her sleep. He wanted to stroke her hair. He wanted to know her innermost thoughts. He wanted to know what she had been like as a little girl, what she had been like in high school, college. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to sit across from her at breakfast. Hell, he would even wash dishes with her if it meant he could be next to her, hear her voice, breathe in her scent. But, most of all, he wanted her to be the last thing he saw at night and the first thing he saw when he woke up in the morning. He wanted to fall asleep with her in his arms. He wanted to know the heights of passion with her.

He had to get hold of himself. He had to calm down. He felt he was already on shaky ground with her. He would have to proceed very carefully from here. He didn’t want to lose the tenuous place he had in her life (at least he thought it was tenuous—but you know better, reader, don’t you?).

Toni had taken a deep breath, calmed her racing heart, and prepared herself for a business luncheon with her boss. She had to maintain her professional persona—put on the ice queen mask. As much as she was in love with Mel—she knew in her heart it could never be. (Reader, it sounds like these two need to have their heads knocked together doesn’t it?)

She headed to the parking lot towards her car fully expecting to drive herself to lunch. Mel had other ideas, however. He was standing by the car, waiting for her at the entrance of the building, motor running, air conditioning on, and his own heart racing as quickly as the motor of his Jag. Ever the gallant gentleman with manners of a bygone era (or that of having been raised by parents who raised their boys to always be gentlemen—especially where ladies were concerned), he opened the passenger door for her, waited til she was settled and closed the door.

Toni didn’t quite know what to make of it, but decided to ‘go with the flow.’

After Mel settled behind the wheel, he said, ‘We are going to take the rest of the afternoon off as a reward.’

‘We are?’ Her eyebrows raised in expression of surprise.

‘We are,’ he stated matter of factly. ‘I told Alyce that we would be out all afternoon, and to reschedule our appointments for tomorrow and next week. There’s nothing really pressing that was on the schedule this afternoon anyway.’

‘Okay. You’re the boss. Where shall we go for lunch?’ Toni asked.

‘Well, there is a country inn about 50 miles from here. It’s called The Ridge. I’ve been there once, a long time ago. It’s a really pretty place. It is set high up on the top of a hill and has spectacular views, not to mention spectacular food.’

Toni was a little nervous at the prospect of going so far out of town alone with him. She wasn’t sure she could maintain her composure. But she smiled, and told him it sounded great.

Mel turned his satellite radio on. It was already set to his favorite jazz station—smooth, mellow, romantic.

He could tell that she was nervous, but wasn’t quite sure why. He was the one who had butterflies in his stomach—the one who was worried about crossing that line.

They chatted—mostly about work, upcoming projects, ways to improve processes, and so on. They were so attuned to each other that they finished each other’s sentences— and didn’t even think about the significance of that. Soon, they were at The Ridge.

The Ridge—now that is an amazing place. It had been a mid 1800s mansion at one time. The handmade brick façade, large floor to ceiling windows, wrap around verandah with cozy seating arrangements of swings and rocking chairs was almost too much to take in at once. Lovingly restored, it was like stepping back in time. The large hand-carved oak doors with lead crystal glass from top to bottom and highly polished brass doorknobs were the teleportals to an earlier, elegant time. The foyer was furnished with beautifully restored period furniture. In the center of the foyer was an amazing crystal chandelier. The light reflecting in the prisms danced all around the room. The smells of country cooking pervaded.

Their stomachs growled, reminding them both that it had been a long time since their last meal.

‘A reservation for 2 in the name of Milnor,’ Mel told the hostess.

Toni looked at him quizzically.

‘I called ahead while you were still in the office,’ he offered in explanation.

‘Ahh yes,’ said the hostess. ‘Your table is ready per your instructions. Follow me.’

The hostess led them through the dining room, through a side door, out onto the verandah.

‘What is going on?’ asked Toni.

‘You’ll see,’ said Mel.

They continued on across the verandah, down the wide steps to the side yard, into the rose garden, past a magnificent fountain and to an amazingly beautiful gazebo that was draped with sheer curtains that were designed to let the light and breeze in, but discourage insects.

In the gazebo, there was only one table and it was set for two with fine white bone china, silver flatware, and linen tablecloth and napkins. There were crystal goblets as well. Chilling in a champagne cooler, was a bottle wrapped in a linen napkin.

The hostess said, ‘Your waiter will be Jacques. He’ll be with you in a moment.’

Toni was still trying to find her voice. For once, she had been rendered speechless.

Mel smiled to himself. Perhaps this was going to be okay after all.

Jacques appeared bearing a tray laden with a pair of delectable-looking shrimp cocktails. First, he served Toni and then Mel.

‘Thank you Jacques’ said Mel. ‘We will be ready for the salad shortly.’

Jacques nodded and retreated from the gazebo.

‘We don’t get to order from a menu?’ queried Toni.

‘Well, normally yes, but I ordered a

special meal when I made the reservations,’ smiled Mel.

‘Oh, I see.’ Toni was more perplexed than annoyed.

‘Shall we have some champagne with our shrimp?’

‘I normally don’t drink, but I suppose a little won’t hurt anything.’

He filled two flutes from the bottle and handed one to Toni.

‘A toast!’ He said.

‘To what?’

‘To us!!’

That really flustered Toni, but she maintained her composure (He could only mean in their professional capacity, right?), she clinked glasses with him and smiling broadl
y said, ‘To us.’

She took a sip, and her eyes widened. ‘This isn’t champagne!’

‘No. I played a little trick on you. I knew you didn’t drink, and I don’t either. It’s sparkling white grape juice.’

She smiled at him. ‘A wonderful choice. Thank you!’

By this time, Jacques was clearing the shrimp cocktail remains away and swiftly, efficiently serving the salads. They were absolutely wonderful. Somehow, he even knew that she didn’t like tomatoes as they were conspicuously absent from her salad. She had no idea how he could know this.

They passed the time in pleasant conversation—again mostly about work. He gave her the history lesson on The Ridge. It was quite interesting. During the Civil War, it had been a stop on the Underground Railroad. The quilt that had been used as a sign that it was a safe place was on display in the parlor of the mansion. Rumors abounded that it was haunted as well, but the ghosts were purported to be nice, wanting to make guests feel safe and at home. The Ridge was steeped in history.

Toni was transfixed by the conversation. This was the most animated she had seen Mel about anything other than work.

She glanced at her watch, ‘Oh, it is already 4 o’clock. We had better go don’t you think.’

Mel really didn’t want to go. He was enjoying her company so much. He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. ‘Thank you Toni for coming out with me this afternoon!’

The electric tingle at his touch startled her.

‘Oh, Mel, I really enjoyed it, very much!’

‘There is a play at The Ridge Playhouse in a couple of hours. Would you like to stay and see it? They are performing, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’

‘Are you sure? It’s an awfully long drive back.’

‘Tomorrow is Saturday, you can sleep in.’

‘I’d love to.’

‘In the meantime, we have a couple of hours to kill. There is a horse and buggy ride that goes around the lake. Let’s do that.’

They walked from the gazebo down to the lake. Needless to say, Toni’s shoes were not meant to be walking in the soft earth, and definitely not down a slight downhill grade. Her heel got caught on a small tree root not visible in the grass. She stumbled and stepped out of her shoe. Mel caught her before she fell. He had his arms around her. Her hands were on his chest as she tried to regain her balance. (Difficult to do on one foot while trying not to get her stockinged foot dirty). They gazed into each other’s eyes—and almost into each other’s souls. She licked her lips nervously. He leaned down to take possession of those luscious lips as she tilted her head back and parted her lips to receive his kiss. The world melted away.

If someone were watching, it was the perfect movie kiss—deep, long, passionate with the ‘kick.’

He held her tightly. Her arms wound around his neck. The kiss seemed to go on forever. Three years of pent up passion that neither knew the other one had harbored spilled into that kiss. His tongue teased hers—probing, pulling back and probing again. She responded with as much passion as he.

Finally, she broke the kiss and pushed back mindless now of her absent shoe. ‘What happened? Why?’

‘Toni, I’m sorry if I’ve scared you or hurt you. I have strong feelings for you. I never ever meant to let them show because of work. That’s a rule that I have never broken until now.’

‘What do you mean feelings? Have I led you on in any way?’

‘Strong feelings Toni. I want to know you outside of work. And no, you’ve never led me on in any way. In fact, I think that was one of the things that made you even more attractive to me. You’ve always been so focused on business.

‘I know that this really goes against the grain for you Toni, and for me too, but I really would like to get to know you—not the super AA that you are—but as a woman outside of work—if you want to that is. If you want to go back to the office now and forget this ever happened we can do that. Right now, it’s your choice. I’m skittish about this myself because it is so out of character for me, but I really have a good feeling about where this could take us.’

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We had arrived home on a Friday afternoon. Sunday we were scheduled to get together with the Legion of the Doomed to do something. Hang out probably, get caught up on what was going on in our lives. Certainly we needed to let them know that Ginny and I would not be attending Bret Harte High School in the fall! Ginny and I discussed this at Dinner Friday evening. Dad had cautioned Grandpa A.J. and Cyrus about not saying anything in front of Ginny's parents, and we went and had a California...

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JulesJordan Abigail Mac Tries Out Dredds BBC It Just Wont Fit

Abigail Mac takes on the new monster cock Dredd! Abigail has always been up for a challenge, she’s taken on Lex, Mandingo and now gets a shot at Dredd’s BBC. She’s looking sexy in her blue lingerie, hanging by the pool and getting a nice tan until Jules introduces her to Dredd. Abigail wastes no time and pulls his monster cock right out, once her initial shock of the size is over she enthusiastically decides that she’s going to deep throat this BBC. Watching this...

4 years ago
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Emma and the Kidnapper

But Rusty was a people's dog, not a watchdog. When the man got within touching distance, Rusty just stood there. The man put his arm around me, covered my mouth, and walked me off to his van, parked in a nearby alley. He didn't throw me into the van like they do on TV. He just opened the back door and escorted me in. There was a bed there, pillow, covers, and all. I wondered if he lived in his van. I was scared to death. There was a barrier between the front of the van and where...

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Rileys Bar Chapter 3

For the next couple of days I was bummed at myself for not saying "Just minutes from here" that night at Denny's. When I finally became convinced that Karen wasn't going to return my calls I shook it off and looked around. Leslie had pointed me at Betsy and I thought 'why not give it a shot' to myself. I really wasn't in any mood to work hard at getting something going and Leslie had indicated that Betsy would jump at a chance to go out with me. Tuesday Betsy and two of the other...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Hi Friends, I am back again with my new true story about my college friend Meghna who used to study with me in BBA.She is 5,6″ tall beautiful girl from Shimla.She has big dark eyes and a beautiful long face always with a smile.Her hairs are long, curly and black and in college, she was 34-30-36, not an ideal figure but her assets used to make me skip a beat, I was so much fan of her fleshy thighs those look so appealing in her tight trousers or jeans.I never liked skinny girls, Meghna was curvy...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 6

"And why would a young Apprentice like you be wanting to go to Castle Glenquin? The owner is also the Master Wizard there and not noted for his generosity, nor hospitality," the man at the market in An Caislean Nua inquired when I asked him about Glenquin Castle. "He's the very devil himself," a woman nearby injected in a shrill voice. "Still, I have been directed to see him, if only for a short time," I told them. "If you're determined then, take the road south to the Mahoonagh...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 95 Charity

"Dragoons," George yelled just before we opened fire. "Don' miss!" We didn't, and in a few minutes we had downed six riders, blown a witless driver from his seat and left an armed guard kicking in the ditch. They were good soldiers but no match for our weapons or marksmanship. We had started with four primed rifles, and after the first volley, George had loaded and I had hit them, one after another as they milled about, stopped by a felled tree on the narrow road. One ran for it, and I...

4 years ago
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Auntyin Kaama Thaagam

Hello friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum auntyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai indru ungaludan pagirugiren. Enathu tamil kama kathaiyai pathivu seithatharku migavum nandriyai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Praveen, engal veetin arugil oru pruthithaaga kata patu irukum veetil kudi vanthu irunthargal. Muthalil angu oru sexiyaana aunty irupathai naan parka villai, andru enaku kalluri irunthathu. Veetu kudi irupirku naan sela villai, en veetin arugil thaan avargal...

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The Piece Treaty

Some sounds command attention and cause everyone within earshot to stop what they are doing to respond to the sound.  Truck and rail air horns are classic examples which do not cause undue stress if one is not parked on the tracks. Unexpected sounds are often extremely stressful. Such was the loud “schick-schick” sound of the pump shotgun which abruptly destroyed the mood in the guest bedroom where Dave’s wife, Cyndee (Cyn), was entertaining a newfound stud. “Do you have a last request?”...

3 years ago
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A Slut comes home Camp Slut Series Chapter 6

Introduction: Elizabeth comes to get Mike Authors Note: This is part 6 of the ongoing story started in The Camp Slut. I want to take a moment to thank those who have read the series, and Im glad it has been as well received as it has been so far. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. A Slut comes home The doorbell woke me up....

4 years ago
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How I Got My Shy Girlfriend Ready For Hot Threesome Part 2

Hello, guys, this is the continuation of the adventures that happened between my girlfriend Neha and me (Rajiv). In the last story, I told you guys about how Neha performed our very first dare in front of room service and how much she was turned on after that. In this story, I will be telling you about Neha’s wild avatar after she got drunk. This happened in November 2017. As usual, we both took leave from our office and went to the hotel room to spend some time with each other. We started a...

3 years ago
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The Newsstand owner

I was young and an avid reader; I read anything that I would get on my hands. There was a particularly hamburger stand store that sold magazines as well. It was very small and family owned. I used to stop by almost on a daily basis since it was forbidden to read the magazines but the owner, Don Pedro, Mr. Pedro would never really enforce the rule with me as I normally would buy one magazine albeit I would read anything that was on the shelf. Don Pedro was a man in his mid forties, about 5’10”...

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Mr Darcy meets Miss Eliza Bennet

History Humour. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mr D’arcy how delightful!” Mrs Bennet simpered as her new neighbour arrived on horseback quite unannounced one spring morning. “Indeed Madam the pleasure is all mine!” Mr D’arcy replied airily, “Tis a pleasant enough little place you have here, quite like my lodging at Manderly but somewhat smaller I fear.” “Oh Mr D’arcy you are too kind,” Mrs...

2 years ago
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A hot new story by my great friend BEACHCRAWLER

SATURDAY NIGHT SWINGERSWe meet in Manchester and go for a nice meal at a top restaurant and then intend to go on to an adult sex clubThere are a few but we will go to Cupids after we have wined and dinedYou are wearing seamed nylons and suspenders with slutty fuck me now high heels and tight short skirt barely covering your stocking topsThe fun begins in the restaurant when you inadvertently but knowingly give senior gentlemen a glimpse of what they might be missingYou pull your skirt up higher...

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Hot Springs Getaway

My wife, Lucy sells high end office equipment for a large national corporation. This is her fourth successful year in field sales. Lucy has been name the “SALESPERSON OF THE YEAR” the last three years. My name is Jim age 42 and my wife’s name is Lucy age 40. We have been married for 15 years. We are as much in love now as we were the day we married. Lucy is a stunningly beautiful woman and she knows it. She loves sex and she loves teasing and pleasing me. She is so uninhibited that she has...

4 years ago
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A New Discovery Part 2

After having a wonderful orgasm, I fell back onto my bed, covered myself with my blanket and tried catch my breath…. “Haa…mhmmm…ha ha…” “That was pretty amazing…..” A voice came from the dark hallway outside my room. There could only be one possibility. It has to be Helena. She's the only person staying with me in this apartment. “Helena? I thought you were asleep… I’m sorry if I woke you up” I replied. Helena has been my best friend ever since high school. She’s about 5”6, curvy build. She...

Group Sex
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My Friend Harshita Part 4 Next Level BDSM

Read the previous part to join the adventure. This part is really brutal and dark so people who are not into this kind of action are warned! We were extreme on our last session and it exhausted us to the core, after which we slept holding each other in arms. We slept around 3 pm and she woke me up, it was 11 pm. She told me that had already ordered dinner for us and It’ll be coming anytime soon. My eyes weren’t opened properly. I just heard her voice all this time when I finally stood up from...

2 years ago
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Sexy Jyoti Ko Dost K Ghar Mein Choda

Hi friends, main manish hu,mera height 5ft 9in hai, fair complex,dick size 6 inch ka hai.ab mein jo story batane ja raha hu ye Jyoti naam k ek ladki ki upar hai. Main ek baat zarur batana chata hu ki main ajj tak koi v story bana k nai likha, sab mere personal experience hi share ki. Toh ye v mera ek experience hai 2 saal pehle jab main delhi mein rahata tha. Dosto ye mera true experience hai. Delhi mein pura hafta kam karne k baad week end bitane main mera dost k flat mein chala jata tha....

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Chubby Chaser

"I want to be broad," I said to the Djinn. "You want to be a broad?" he asked me like he didn't quite get the concept. "Yeah," I said. "Look at me. I've been like this my whole life and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being a shrimp. I'm tired of being a nobody that no one even notices. I want people to look at me and just stop still in admiration." I hated my body. I was always the skinny guy. The one that was eighty pounds soaking wet and had muscles like rotten string. I...

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Wonde rWoman Slavery In Alabama

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  WONDER WOMAN ? SLAVERY IN ALABAMA By Sonya Esperanto?? [email protected] Wonder Woman is a property of DC Comics and this is a non profit story and for no one below 18. Synopsis: About Wonder Woman in the future, ending up as a slave to a couple of rednecks in Alabama. Story  It is 2060AD and Wonder Woman is one of the last few superheroines around as she is a goddess who doesn?t age, in this post apocalyptic world. World is just like Mad Max?s. But...

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Bandha Barja1

Station jokhon garita thamlo tokhon raat ekta ekta hobe. Ekta buro lokke dekhlam station ek dhare dariye chilo. Amader namte dekhe amader kachhe aste laglo. Baba loktake dekhe chechiye uthlo-“rabi kaku!”. Burota dhukte dhukte elo ar bollo-“sunil baba taratari cholo” ebong sutkesh ta hate niye egiye chollo.amra or pichon pichon jete laglam.baba bollo-“train onek deri koreche aaj!”.rabi bollo-“sabsamay kore” ebong mar buke bonke suye thakte dekhe bollo-“khuki ghumachhe!”.ma muchki heshe...

3 years ago
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Bets a Bet

I take my daughter to a dance class each week. Her teacher is Nicky and I have to admit I have always had a thing for her although as a married man I never intended on acting on my desires. What is more I always thought the fit and bubbly dance instructor was way out of my league.Standing about 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing around 110 pounds, Nicky is 30-years-old. She has long, brown hair that is rarely not tied back in a ponytail while one of her most outstanding features is her dazzling...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 7 Catterick Camp

The train travelling north was jammed full of Jocks going back home for Hogmanay. There were no seats in the second class coaches, but plenty were available in first class if you'd had the foresight to take out a second mortgage to afford the exorbitant price, plus the late booking fee. Bizarrely, if you upgraded to first class at the station before boarding the train you didn't have to pay a booking fee. I stood in the vestibule by the bogs, with a crowd of drunken Scotsmen, all the way to...

2 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons22 A Shot in the Dark

“I’ve been so caught up with the study, I never got a chance to ask,” Tracy said, as she accompanied Abe and the others home from the university, boarding the Link Rail. “The administration is fielding thousands of new applications for admissions, most from already established professionals with successful practices. Rather than leaving them dangling, they’re pressuring me to finish up quickly so they can let everyone know where we officially stand. So what happened since the dramatic...

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TeenJoi Lena Paul Dirty Hours In The Shower

Lena Paul is looking phenomenal in her black, skin tight leotard and sexy cut off jean shorts. She steps into the shower and peels her outfit off to get herself cleaned up after a long day. In the process, she shows off her round, sexy ass and the rest of her incredible curves. It seems that even Lena is turned on by her own body, because it is not long before she leans onto the wall of the shower and reaches her hand down to play with her dripping pussy. That is when she turns around and...

3 years ago
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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 4

I pulled up the next chapter of the book I was reading. I had the habit of always finishing a chapter before I closed a book. I guess that way I knew where to start up next. As I sat and read, it occurred to me that I was going to have to figure out what chapter my life was on. Especially since Renee had been fucked by several other men and I didn’t know where that fit in our story. She had been beaten and tortured, a cop had been killed, her assailant had been shot in the balls (It was an...

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African DrumsChapter 5

Joe bid farewell to the Claintu village and headed east towards the Minra clan village thirty kilometres away. Again, he was accompanied by a guide, a thin, grinning teenager who moved along far to cockily for Joe's comfort. Close to the village, okay, but after half a dozen kilometres he began to worry if the boy might be showing off in a rather dangerous way. He had to continuously shush the boy as he insisted on talking in overly loud whispers. It was more in resignation, then in...

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SophomoreChapter 16 Anticipation Frustration

Despite the weather, a mixture of cold rain and sleet, the trip home only took six hours, including a short stop at the mid-way restaurant and we arrived at one p.m., three hours ahead of schedule. Molly met us at the back door, saying that Mr. Oldham and Suzanne were out, shopping, she thought. She also told us she had a hot lunch prepared. "Come downstairs as soon as you get settled," she said. "I'll lay odds they're not shopping," I whispered to Shirley on the way upstairs....

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Surprise Pleasure

Suddenly, Tracy feels herself being spun around and the hand is again placed over her mouth. With her back against the wall, she can now see me. Dressed in black, I run my eyes up and down her body. Tracy's breath quickens as she wonders what I want. " If I remove my hand, do you promise not to scream?" I ask. She nods meekly and my hand is removed. " What do you want?" " Tracy, I know a lot about you. I've been watching you for a very long time, waiting until the time was right to...

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Partners and Wives Swarm VersionChapter 2

Dirk Hanson and his women decided on the next morning, since it was a Saturday, to grab some breakfast at the nearby diner. It was not a big chain, just a Mom and Pop operation run by an old friend, Hal Davis. He had recently lost his wife to breast cancer, so the whole Swarm business didn't really worry him, one way or the other. All that mattered to Hal was his diner and his patrons. Being on such good terms with Hal, Dirk and the ladies easily won a booth for themselves. They just had...

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It happens when you least expect it

My name is Gina, Im a 27 year old Dental assistant. I'm 5'8'' 140lbs 36C with blond hair and blue eyes. I have recently been attending a gym to try and get into shape. I am a single woman who's only means of pleasure lately has been my vibrator. That was until I met Darion last Friday. I was on the treadmill when I first saw him come into the gym. He was a sight, very strikingly handsome and about my age. He was tall about 6'3'' and was in definetely good shape black hair and blue eyes he was...

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Chapter 7 Hide and Peek

Nancy got up the next morning just before dawn to change and go out for her regular run. It was a "short" run by her training plan - only five miles - and she used the time alone to review the events of the previous evening and try to sort through her thoughts and feelings. Her sister's open admission about her swinging lifestyle came as a surprise, but watching her and her husband almost having sex in front of her and Paul in the family room left Nancy's mind reeling. More surprising than...

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Aunt Fran

When Dauntless Doug, single-handed, brought the Japs to their knees and waded ashore in Tokyo Bay, the war was over. Now it was spring 1946. I was discharged from the Army Air Corps and a member in good standing of the 52-20 club, a program that paid vets twenty dollars a week for a year if they couldn't find employment. There were jobs around in our small town of four thousand people but I had the brilliant ideas about writing a novel before I settled down to the old grind.I got into the habit...

4 years ago
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Cheerleaders And The Shower

Cheryl had been my best friend since I joined the cheerleading squad at State College. We would go to the mall together, watch movies together, and study together, you know, just about everything. Cheryl was about 5’9″ (I was a wee bit shorter), and had a figure that bespoke ‘Modeling Career Here’. I’ll admit that I wasn’t nearly as attractive, but the guys I dated never seemed to think so. Anyway, Cheryl really surprised me one night after an exciting...

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