RECONSTRUCTION free porn video

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A young, beautiful and successful woman visits a cosmetic surgical institution in regards to expanding her business ties, to build her own empire in the business world.  Given the basic wherewithals of the possibilities, flown first class by the institution for a private meeting along with her business associate, she becomes a piece of the company.    

Chapter One

       Browsing through the female display side of the gallery, being told the men’s displays are in the other wing, curiously observing each exhibit, the molds of various portions of women’s anatomies are prominently displayed three dimensionally on their separate mounts.  Each individual section holding specific body parts, the row upon row of choices seems endless in the exorbitant hall not unlike some sort of a fetish art museum.

       Brought here out of curiosity by her business associate’s enticement after he told her about the establishment, flown overseas for her next business adventure with all expenses covered, its even more surreal then possibly expected.  Only in her mid twenties herself, the curiosity of the possibilities of something of this manner seemed intriguing, if at all even possible.  Even if it obviously wouldn’t be needed in the foreseeable future for her personally, the upside of the business could be incredible.  The quietness deafening, only the clicks of her heels on the marble floor echoing in the chamber, she struggles to refrain from touching the all too real displays as she waits for her associate and the curator to finish their business in the office.

       Toward the center of the chamber, she finds herself drawn to the gallery of breasts as various sizes; shapes and flesh tones are displayed in full pairs.  Mounted, jaunting outward from the wall behind them, absolutely natural looking, each is surrounded by just an inch or so of natural appearing flesh of its torso.  Glancing down the aisle, a quick count and it appears to hold at least a dozen on each side.  Glancing around, still left alone to mingle by herself, she glances toward the display directly in front of her, mounted toward the end of the aisle.  Struck by its appearance, she finds herself reading the gold gilded letters of the card beside it. (36. D. Caucasian. European. P04)

       In the back of her mind, thinking how unerringly  similar to her own breasts they appear to be, reaching out, touching, feeling a firm globe, she runs a thumb across the pierced nub of the nipple standing upright from the tan areola, a small gold stud piercing horizontally through it.  Cupping the globe, soft but yet also firm, she almost embarrassingly grips the matching breast in her other hand, it just as realistic in every way.  Palming both, even noticing their warmth, she glances around the sides of the exhibit almost certain she’ll see the rest of the`         woman behind the thin partition.

       The surreal feeling of comparing the similarities of the exhibit to herself, inquisitively slipping a hand across the top two buttons of her blouse, flipping them apart, her fingers sliding beneath her lace bra, she barely glides the tip of her index finger across the nub of her own nipple already standing upright, hard while in the back of her mind she’s wondering how that piercing on the display, that stud would feel in her own breast.  Circling a fingertip over her nipple, another on the display’s, she’s fascinated by the similarities, the sensation.  Cupping, squeezing each breast simultaneously, feeling the similar girths, even the matching firmness; she’s startled by the voice coming up from behind her.

       ?Well? What do you think Kathy?... I told you didn’t I??  Her associate speaks as he walks toward her.  Appearing in his mid forties, athletic, a rugged appearance, he keeps in step with the woman next to him.

       Jerking, turning back, embarrassed, her face flushing as she sees the two approaching her just a few feet down the aisle, she drops her hand, catching the sight of the display breasts bouncing, swaying as she releases them.  ?Eh? Yea? Yes!?  She nods, shaking her head back and forth as she slips her other hand out from her blouse, again glances toward the perfect breasts, their high mounted nipples seeming to still be jiggling.  ?My God Craig!... They’re? They’re almost too real!?

       ?Well? What makes you think they’re not??  The curator smirks, nodding toward the display, herself rather attractive in a stern way, her white smock perfect, pleats and all, her hair drawn tightly back into a bun, her dark horn rim glasses giving her an authoritative appearance.

       Quiet, nothing said for a moment, her acquaintance chuckles, firmly squeezes the displayed breast, flicks the gold stud.  ?Yeh? They’re real alright? Know anyone these would look good on??  He adds, giving a quick lewd glance toward her own substantial chest pressing outward against her silk blouse, the silhouettes of her hardening nipples visible even through her bra.  ?You ever think of studs in your nipples??

       ?Yeh? Right Craig!?  She uncomfortably frowns, buttoning her top buttons.  ?I guess I could use one of those asses over in the next aisle too? Right??  She blurts out as a kind of sick joke, trying to change the subject, wishing she hadn’t said it even before the sentence was finished.

       ?You really like this rack? Kathy?... These nipple studs excite you?... We couldn’t help noticing you working ‘em? Along with your other hand inside that blouse.?  Craig asks, his smile leaving his face, now a more serious look.  ?It is top shelf though!... Isn’t it??  Another grin, he adds.  ?And actually? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your butt either.?

       ?Well? Thanks? I guess.?  She nods with disdain, her face still flushing as she turns away.  Trying to ignore his rudeness, she glances toward the curator.  ?Tell me though? These are used for women to wear under their clothes? You know? To make them appear they’re built like that? Right??

       ?Actually? We really can modify individuals here.?  The curator answers as she steps past the last couple exhibits, an Oriental followed by a Hispanic, their vitals also on gilded cards.  Around the corner, she stands at the entrance of the row sporting various female buttocks.  ?Look over here?. Let’s see.?  Stepping down the aisle, stopping in front of a display, she points at its gilded card.  (36. Caucasian. European. Dimple. 04)

       The trio standing in front of the rounded butt cheeks protruding out from the wall, Kathy leans forward, can’t help herself from fascinatingly glancing into the slit between the inch or so of upper thighs the curved bottoms of the buttocks is attached to.  Glancing toward the upper portion, it beginning just above the pair of dimples that would be below the small of the back, again unerringly, like her own, she glances toward the curator as she slips her fingers just above the left cheek.

       ?Go ahead? You want too? Give it a feel.?

       The offer from the curator ringing in her ear, glancing toward Craig, back toward the display, she can’t refrain from gently patting the rump, sliding her fingertip against the rim of the rectum puckered between the twin mounds.  Again soft, and strangely warm to the touch, she closes his eyes as her fingers roam across the virtually perfect bare flesh, it too, so similar to her own.  Hesitating, biting her lip, she lets the tip of her index finger probe what would be the sphincter muscles surrounding the rectum, feels it gripping her finger. ?Damn!... Did it? It just quiver?  ?Damn!!?

       Jerking her finger out as she curses, glancing toward the pair standing to either side of her, she shakes her head.  ?Hell!... I swear? It? That? That tensed around my damn finger!?

       A slight smile by the curator, a headshake by Craig with a seemingly knowing grin, they step around Kathy, walk toward the next aisle.  Passing several variations of pubic mounds, vagina’s, the curator glances from one to the other until she stops in front of the one she seems to be looking for.  ‘Here? Here’s their match.?  Again glancing at the gilded card, a little longer wording, Kathy gives it a quick read. (8. Shaven mound. Protruding labia folds. Firm. Caucasian. European. P04)

       Glancing closer, again the weird thought that she’s looking at a replica of herself, only with a glistening small gold ring mounted deeply into the clitoris, Kathy can’t believe she’s about to ask as she blurts out.  ?I? I think I can decipher most of it? But what’s the? The eight?...  And firm??

       ?Depth!?  Craig smirks, glancing toward the curator, back toward Kathy.  ?Its depth’s eight inches deep? And will stretch nice and tight around a real man’s cock!... Also has something a little extra to tug on!... Or spank? Even clamp things to? Like with those thick studded nipples you were experimenting with when we walked up on you? That’s if you’re into that kind of thing? Kathy? You know? Having a man do those kinds of things with??

       ?Yes? Your friend’s correct.?  The curator butts in as she notices Kathy’s mounting humiliation, gives Craig a disapproving scowl.  ?If you’d like? Inspect it? Go ahead.?

       Glancing trancelike from one to the other, again feeling the warmth spreading across her face, like his words were describing her, she’s somehow again inquisitively drawn toward that exhibit.  Slowly reaching out her hand, hesitantly pointing a finger toward the gentle slope of the slick pubic mound, touching, feeling the soft flesh over what seems like the curved bone just above the slit, she finds herself slipping her finger down toward the puffy folds covering the dangling ring glistening from the clitoris.  Reaching out with her other hand, she spreads the slender folds of the perfectly formed labia, lets her finger slide inward, upward, into the moist slit.

       ?Wow!?  Feeling her finger encircled by the moist tunnel, letting her thumb circle the nub of the clit, press the ring inward, she could swear it’s the real thing.  Tight, almost elastic, a damp sensation, she lets her finger gently slide in and out, again somehow, unbelievingly, the weird sensation of the very faintest of a response of the nub of the clitoris, the ring jiggling.

       ?Well!?  Craig grins.  ?Nice and tight pussy? Something like yours Kathy??

       Flushing a beat red, stepping back, embarrassed, yet in her mind swearing she was touching her own, fingering her own vagina, she mutters.  ?Quit being such an ass? Okay??

       ?Sorry? Sorry Kathy? Okay??  He mumbles back.  ?Just a joke? Lighten up? After all? You’re the one playing with those things.?

        Turning her head, a reflexive whiff of her finger under his nose, she shakes her head as she’s sure it’s the scent of a woman.  ?How in the Hell can that be? I mean? They’re? They all seem so damn real!?

       ?Seem??  The curator nods.  ?You’ve just seen the most sought after individual accessories of a particular package of one of our more popular females? That is? The parts most desired? Besides the face of course.?

       ?What ? What else would you possibly be able to? To offer??  Dumbfounded, Kathy stutters as she asks.

       ?They can offer anything Kathy? Absolutely any part can be made available.?  Craig answers more seriously, nodding toward the curator.  ?Right??

       ?Oh yes? Yes? From hair to toes? Anything and everything!?  Nodding, turning, a flick of her hand, she leads them toward another area.  ?Come with me.?

       Leading the pair to a closed door, its sign reading ‘Staff Only’ she slides a card connected to a long thin chain around her neck through the slot, opening the door as it buzzes.  Letting Craig and Kathy enter first, shutting the door behind her with a clank, she continues down a hallway, past several closed doors with green lights flickering above each.  Reaching a door with a red light glowing above it, she stops, slips the card into its slot.  Another buzzing, entering behind the two, they step into what appears to be in a pre-op area.  Wash facilities, to surgery garbs, the curator strolls past, gives another nod toward a curtained window on the far wall.

       Flipping a switch next to the curtains, they slowly spread apart giving a view of the other side.  Stepping toward the one way glass partition window, glancing through, a medical procedure appears to be in full swing.  A complete team of medical staff are performing an operation in a full blown surgery area.  All clothed in blue hospital garb, all wearing surgical masks, the bright light glares down across the operating table as a procedure’s being performed on a covered patient.  Sterile white sheets covering the entire body except for the chest area up-thrust on the table, the exposed pair of perfect breasts are streaked with a red solution as the surgeons methodically perform their procedure, appearing to be wrapping up.

       Glancing toward the curator, Kathy mumbles.  ?What’s happening in??

       ?In there??  The curator breaks in.  ?What’s happening in there is just what you see?  The client’s receiving her new breasts Kathy.?  She explains as their heads again turn toward the procedure.  ?No silicone? No fake augmentations? Just real? Real natural breasts sculpted to her by the most artistic surgeons in the field.

       ?When they’re done.?  Craig adds.  ?There won’t even be a noticeable scalpel line? Anywhere? Just perfect breasts? Right??

       ?You ought to know.?  The curator answers with a nod.  ?You’ve seen the results first hand? Haven’t you??

       Again taking in the procedure, the surgeons, their assistants wrapping up, the curator nods toward the glass.  ?They’ll be taking her back to recovery in a couple moments? Take a look when she’s rolled by.?  Glancing toward Kathy, she adds. ?She’s one of our more wealthy clients.  She’s been re-sculptured before? This time she’s also receiving a face to go with the rest of her replacements? By the way? She’s been with us about three weeks now? The face is the final surgery this time around.?

       Standing by the glass, silent as the client’s prepared to be transported from the operating room, the orderlies shove the gurney toward the door, past the window.  Laying flat on the gurney, the sheets removed, the woman’s naked body glistens as she’s wheeled past feet first.  Virtually hairless, just a few procedure stains, areas covered with salve, her body’s still incredible, the form that of a twenty-something showgirl, almost beyond perfection.  As the gurney rolls past, a tube still in her nostril, another taped to the corner of her mouth, her face appears that of an attractive woman, but a forty year old woman.

       ?She’s in her late fifties? That we’re sure of!?  The curator softly speaks as the gurney passes by on the opposite side of the glass.  ?In a week or so? Her new face will match the rest of her re-sculptured body.?  Glancing toward Kathy, she adds.  ?She’s going to look like she’s her daughter’s daughter?  Like you!?  Without as much as a smile she adds.  ?Really!... A lot like you!?

       Shaking her head, watching the gurney rolled out the swinging door, Kathy glances toward Craig.  ?She’s going to look like that going on sixty?... My God!?

       ?You should see her husband!?  Craig grins.  ?He’s older then her? Already had his latest reconstruction completed before she began hers.?

       ?Yes? He chose quite a body this time? Spared no expense!?  The curator smiles.  ?I got to help him with his pre-op? Even helped choose the most vital part? If you know what I mean.?  Glancing toward the empty operating room, flipping the switch as the curtains closes, she adds.  ?Yes? I know what you’re wondering? And yes? Like I said it works quite well? I know? I assisted with its initial functions.?  Staring toward Kathy, she adds.  ?After all we need to satisfy our clients with what it costs them? Make sure everything’s in proper operating condition before they’re discharged.?

       ?What does it all cost anyway??  Kathy asks, glancing toward the curator.

       ?Oh? We make different type deals with our clients.?  The curator smiles as she glances toward Craig.  ?Like we just did with Craig today for his next re-sculpture? Just a couple miner reconstructions for him this time.?

       Craig stepping toward the door turns and stares toward Kathy as he hits the button, opening the door.  An empty gurney being rolled in, two muscular orderlies, one front with the other in the rear are followed by another with a syringe in hand.  Kathy glancing toward the door, eyeing the empty gurney with cuffs strapped to the four corners, she hesitantly steps back as she feels her body spin around, being shoved by the curator toward the orderly lifting the syringe.  The needle jabbing into her arm, the stinging pain instantly spreading like a warm ripple, she slumps, held up on both sides by the orderly and curator.

       Dazed, groggy, she feels herself being laid back across the flat surface, her wrists, ankles fastened to the leather collars as her clothes are being cut away by the orderlies with scissors.  Staring toward the ceiling, seeing the curator’s face leaning above her, she hears her voice, almost a whisper above the snips.  ?Craig has paid us with you!... Yes? you see? He’s received our services before? And paid us the same way? After all? Where do you think we get our body parts for our clients?... Where do you think the client you just saw in the operating room? Is getting her new face??      

End Part 1         












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I missed his cock inside me. I couldn’t pretend, I didn’t want to pretend about my urges anymore. I craved to have him bend me over, to be on my knees for him, to have him use me for his sexual needed and appetite. I was young and he was older, but there was a connection. We fit together.He was a Physical Education Instructor at my school, everyone called him Coach. Coach and I were having sex, but more than that, I was learning and exploring. I knew he had his urges, manly, basic urges and I...

3 years ago
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Bent over for the Madam

"Crawl over here!" he was told. Madam had a wickedswing, so he knew better than to argue. He did his best toposition himself the way she had pointed for him to do. Shestood before him in all her glory with the cruelest instrumentof torture. He hated and loved it when Madam chose to givehim her attentions. "Now, worship my feet as you havebeen taught!" he crouched farther down and begankissing each one of her toes. She allowed him to gently suckle eachand every toe. He gave her his softest...

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A Night at the 40Watt

A story from Robert: My girlfriend Jesse and I were sitting at the bar in the 40Watt Club. The band we had come to hear had just ended and the night was getting late. My name is Robert and I’ll assume that if you’re reading this story, you may have already read Jesse’s two other submissions. So I won’t go into detail on what she looks like or me, for that matter, since our photos are posted on our profile. Anyway, the 40Watt is a venue in our college town that hosts live music. And here we...

Group Sex
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Young Bess Part Six

How very grateful I am to have such good friends supporting this little project! Elaine! I always suspected you were somewhere in the background. Thank you for your editorial collaboration. Special thanks to Brian for so many lovely reviews? To Felicity for your supportive e- mails? To Bluto, Bruce, Sophie, Sirearle, C-Monster, and dd for all your courtesies?many, many thanks! Please note that YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and cannot be reprinted or reproduced without the express...

2 years ago
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Summer Help

My company had me working every summer for the last eight years in northern Italy. I fell in love with the area the first year I was there. The small towns, the historic buildings, the people, the food all of which are fantastico!My team and I produce a lot of work while we are there. Long days of interesting work, but there isn't much in the way to let off steam. The third year I was there, one of our Italian joint venture partners asked why I didn’t have an assistant to handle the more...

Love Stories
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Long Day at Work Part 2

I had my legs opened and my freshly shaven pussy open to him. Without much pause he laid down on the bed and stuck his head between my legs. He started slowly and passionately kissing my pussy, with gently licks thrown in. ‘MMMMM baby’ I moaned. ‘MMMhhhmmmm’ he hummed and giggled a bit. He then started to stick his tongue into my now wet pussy and tickle my clit. Once he started doing that I started to get convulsions throughout my body. I started to shift around a lot and my leg began to...

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Ivan was now 15. Ever since he was about 5 years old, he's had problemswith sleepwalking. They keep telling me he'll grow out of it. It haslessened as he's gotten older, but I've noticed stress seems to bring itback. It was so bad when he was younger we had to have special locks onthe doors so he couldn't leave the house during one of his episodes.Tonight I was awoken by a sound in the living room. As I crept carefullyinto the living room, baseball bat at the ready, I heard Ivan's...

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WebYoung Adria Rae Sofi Ryan We Need Our Own Place

Sofi Ryan and Adria Rae are making out in Adria’s bedroom. When Sofi asks Adria if she’s sure her parents aren’t home, she assures her they won’t be interrupted. When her dad suddenly pops into her room to ask if she needs anything from the store, the girls are jolted right out of their make-out session. As he leaves, the girls realize that they’ve had enough with the interruptions: they need their own place! Sofi gets excited at the prospect of living with her...

2 years ago
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Kasmir Me Maa Ka Gangbang

Mera naam vivek hai ,ye mere pahli story hai.Ye kahani mere dost kalp ki hai. Uske ghar me teen log hai ,wo, uski maa or uski bahan.Uski bahan ki shaadi ho chuki hai to wo apne ghar rahti hai or uske papa ek hadse mai gujar gaye jb wo 10 saal ka tha. Ab wo or uski maa hi ghar per rahte hai. Uski maa ka naam rachna hai wo 39 saal ki ek khubsurat mahila hai uska figar lagbhag 35-28-34 hoga usko dekh kar har kisi ka land khada ho jata hai ……… Ab jada time na waste karte hue mai story per aata hu...

2 years ago
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Son8217s Desire Towards His Mother

Hello, friends.This is my first sex story so pardon me if there are any mistakes. Coming to the sex story. My name is Charan. My mom’s name is Kajal and my fathers are Shiv.Our family consists of 3 members as mentioned above. So this sex story is basically about how reading incest stories changed my life n my desire towards my mom. My father is a teacher, so he goes to work from morning 8 to the evening 5.My mom is a housewife and I am studying engineering. Let me describe myself, I’m the...

3 years ago
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23 Lashes For The Defiant Slut

‘Strip to the waist… it is time for your flogging.’ I command her. I do not want to punish her rather would I be tender with her, protect her, but with a slut to be cruel is to be kind… it is, sadly, the only language they understand. She lowers her blue eyes submissively then, without uttering a word, lifts her self up from the sofa. She is silent because she fears the pain and loathes the humiliation but she has no one to blame but herself – she chose to disobey me. She unbuttons slowly...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Jessa Rhodes Dirty Little Secret

Jessa Rhodes is enjoying a visit from her ex-stepson Tony, who always got along with his stepmom better than she got along with Tony’s dad. Now that there’s no husband standing in her way, Jessa feels free to move in on the hotness that is her former stepson. Tony tries to resist Jessa when she comes on to him and puts his hands on her titties, but he can’t walk away from the temptation of watching her shower. Jessa catches him spying on her and takes that as an agreement that...

2 years ago
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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed; even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

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Johns Visit By Jackie

John, married to Julie for eight years, was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. John left home at four on a Monday morning and did not arrive back until late on a Friday evening, or even early on a Saturday morning. John's only means of contact with his wife during the week was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly.John travelled all over the country delivering and collecting goods and spent his nights either at truck...

1 year ago
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Mom Wants Golden ShowersChapter 5

“I love to taste cum-juice,” Shari said. Janet was horny, wanting them to do something to her, anything that would make her cum. But they didn’t seem interested in her now. They had gotten her very excited and now they didn’t want to touch her, Janet thought. “I love it when Barry squirts cum-juice in my mouth,” Shari said, “but when I’m bigger, I bet I can suck cock and breathe well enough. I learn fast, you know.” Barry sat on his heels his cock and balls drooping, but Janet remained...

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Emma Ch 41

XLI It was the start of Rosemary’s first academic year at the university where she was to study Economics and General Business Studies. Although she’d long been looking forwards to this day, it was also with some trepidation that she’d also started the hunt to find digs for herself in the area. She scoured through the local newspapers and studied the student notice-boards, but it was the note in the window of an Asian newsagent’s where she spotted the advertisement to flatshare Susan’s...

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Another Dark and Stormy NightChapter 4

My name is Mick O’Dell the Fourth. I was born here on our family farm, located on the land granted to us by the US government. I was raised and educated by my father, Mick the Third, and my mother, Angel. I have four younger brothers who moved back East to attend college and to establish their careers, and who now are living there with their wives and families. I am the only sibling that remained on the farm. In fact, one day my mother asked me to remain, and so I did. My mother and father...

1 year ago
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Room Mate

At registration I had no idea who my room mate would be. Although my final year I had no friends to share with. Anyone I met would be new. While waiting in the line I scanned the room. My eye was taken by a young man’s tosseled light brown hair. His jaw and nose cut squarely against the background of the crowd. A lock fell limply down across his eyebrow. Taller than the rest in his line, he stood somewhat numb. Everything around him seemed distant. He clearly did not connect. I moved my head...

2 years ago
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Married man

Hi all just letting you know that my married man picture fantasy happened. I went to a bar had some drinks was pretty boring so changed bars and caught up with a guy I used to know a long time ago we had some drinks got chatting and I noticed a wedding ring on his finger we started talking about his wife and that they have recently had a fight and are on Rocky grounds. After a few more drinks he said that I have not aged 1 bit in all those years and still look amazing I giggled and thanked him...

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Meeting Tessa

I have always admired Tessa, who lives across the street, has a body that I've always admired. She is physically active and maintains herself. She is 5ft 6 inches tall with big bottom, 36DD breasts and slim waist. I always see her biking around the neighbourhood with her 15 year old daughter Joy. She got married to Bob, who is 6 years older than her while she was working as a secretary for him. Bob owns his company which provides transportation services for large chain stores across North...

4 years ago
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My Moms Friend0

Which leads me to my mom's best friend. They had met while they were in college, and while my mom had settled down and had children Janet had never really lost the rebel fire they had both had in their youth. A bad marriage and a messy breakup led to Janet staying with us for awhile while she was looking for a place of her own. I pretended to be annoyed at having another person in the house, but secretly I was thrilled, because Janet was fucking hot, well if you are into MILF's. I never...

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Summer VacationChapter 2

The next morning, I grabbed my bike, and was at Tammy's apartment when she came out, still wearing a skimpy bikini. We took off, riding through the apartment complex, until we came to a side street. "The park is about three blocks up this street," she said. "This way, we stay out of the traffic." We rode up and through the park on the paved bike paths, until Tammy led me off onto a dirt path. "There's something I want to show you," she told me. We rode along this smooth dirt path,...

2 years ago
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Just cant get enuff

It was my sisters 19th birthday she has a boyfriend in jail his father is a political figure. So Omar get a lot privileges that other immates don't get. Like food {Steak, Salmon,Shrimps, Lobsters..etc} Not everyday but he is a cut above. He told her to come visit him and they can have sex once a week. They continuously have phone sex. My sister is a BBW she's a very sexual human being. Until that faitful day she went to visit Omar she was a virgin. She would tell me things that I didn't...

3 years ago
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Fantasy in Vegas

Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....

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Sex With Neighbor Women

This incident happened to me in my life last year. I am 28 years of age based Avadi, Chennai. Mrs. Sumitha is my neighbor she is aged about 34 years. She is having a school going kid and her husband working as a Human Resources Manager for a private company and he is aged about 45 years. She came to the rented premises last year since her husband got transferred. Both our houses are located in the same compound. She is one of the beautiful creations of the god. No words to explain her beauty. I...

4 years ago
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Carmens Die Abschlussklasse der Volksschule Riedsee war der absolute Horror für jeden Lehrer. Sie bestand aus sieben Burschen und drei Mädchen, alle schlecht erzogen und ohne jede Moral. Schon drei Erzieher hatten versucht, die ungehobelte Rasselbande zu zähmen - alle waren nach spätestens zwei Wochen gescheitert. Die rüpelhafte Horde, alles Bastarde aus zerrütteten Verhältnissen hatten nur eines im Kopf - ihre Lehrer zu schikanieren und fertig zu machen. Man wollte die Klasse schon auflösen,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 308

Fellow 1 : "Now my grandfather, he knew the exact day of the year that he was going to die. It was the right year too. Not only that, but he knew what time he would die that day, and he was right about that too." Fellow 2 : "Wow, that's Incredible. How did he know all of that?" Fellow 1 : "A judge told him."

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Family Fantasies

I really enjoy subscribing to AdultLinks on my local BBS. I get a big charge out of reading those hot stories regarding... dare I even say it... incest! However, as much as these stories turned me on, (and they usually did!), I really found it difficult to believe that there were actually guys out there making it with women in their own family. I mean, this kind of stuff is only fantasy, right!? It's not real. Most of the scenarios sound pretty far out.... Like for instance, the story about...

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First time fucking Katiersquos Nanna

After the blowjob encounter with my ex’s Nanna I ended up texting her several weeks later. I was at my apartment alone on one of my off days and I’d been drinking and playing video games online from early morning to afternoon. I hadn’t had a hookup for two or three weeks and by the early evening I was tipsy and horny. I texted a few girls I knew but they were all busy at the time so I started to lose hope on getting some pussy and opened up my browser to start masturbating. I clicked through a...

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Joans Story Ch 09

August 10th (Sunday) – Mandi Joseph, the Flight Attendant, Comes For A Weeks Vacation John tells everyone he received an email from Mandi on August 1st telling us she’s planning her annual visit for the week starting the 10th. She says she wants lots of nudity, sex and BDSM sessions, basically everything we’ve been doing with her for the last nearly 3 years. She’s visited once a year for the last 2 years so this is her third visit. John wrote back to her and told her we look forward to her...

4 years ago
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Abducted to Ambitious

This story is a tribute to an original story piece called ‘Alien to Ambition’ written by The Greyman and published on both TheOverflowingBra website and his DeviantArt account ( Many of the characters in it and universe they inhabit are completely his creation and all credit goes to him for it. I just hope I and my fellow contributors can do it credit. You feel as though you are drifting, your mind clouded as though trying to rise from a heavy sleep. Your limbs...

1 year ago
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Der Duft der Frauen

Hallo, kennt ihr das auch, wenn an der Supermarktkasse hinter euch eine Frau steht, die so gut riecht, dass ihr völlig wuschig werdet? Wenn der Hormonmix im Körpergeruch dieser Frau genau in euer Schema passt? letztens hab ich mich getraut so eine Frau einfach mal anzusprechen.

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Royal Palace Town My Sore 8211 Part II

HI Everyone This is a story of a “ROYAL PALACE TOWN MYSORE” two weeks ago.let me tel u about myself Myself Punithgowda living in mysore doing my BE in one of the top reputed college. i am a big fan of ISS wenever i get a time ill sit infront of ISS and spend time in reading the stories in has been coming awesome in tese days,nd i lov it. i’m 5.8inches in hight,slim and some wat a perfect guy.let me come to the story this happened two weeks ago between me and my moms friend. Her name is...

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