History Lesson free porn video

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I was sitting at my desk in History class, staring off into space, fantasizing about my teacher, Miss Smith, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Not paying attention again?" Miss Smith asked me as I snapped out of my reverie.

"Um, no, sorry," I replied, embarrassed.

"Stay after class, I need to talk to you," she said to me before turning away, "Jesse, do you know the answer?"

I slumped down in my desk, wishing I could disappear.


As the bell rings, everyone rushes out the door except me. I look up towards the teacher's desk where Miss Smith is sitting. She is a gorgeous lady. About 5'8", nice breasts, always dressed to the nines, sandy shoulder length hair and the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen in my 18 years.

"Tim, we need to talk. What is going on in that head of yours?"

"I don't know," I mumble.

"You're a bright young man, you've carried a 95 average throughout all your previous History classes, yet this year you're barely passing. I know you're capable of the work. Is there anything going on that I can help you with?"

Yeah, you could take care of my erection, I think to myself. "No, I guess I'm just overtired or something," I reply as I stand up and walk towards the door.

"Tired? Aren't you sleeping at night?"

I stop before the doorway, "Well, I am kinda stressed this year, it's my senior year, and my parents want me to go to a good college and all..." my voice trails off.

"And?..." there's something about the way she asks me, a look in her eyes I can't describe, that causes my mind to go blank.

"Um, yeah. I guess I don't know what I want to do and that's why I haven't been paying attention," I tell her, hoping she buys my excuse. I know what I want to do. Her. On her desk.

"Come back after school today; we can discuss this further. I don't want you to be late for your next class," she says as she gets up and starts erasing the chalkboard. I stare at her for a moment, watching as she reaches up to get what she wrote at the top of the board, how her dress rides up a bit, how her breasts stand out, how her hair flows over her shoulders. I hurry out the doorway before she can say anything else.


3:00 pm. I head back to Miss Smith's room as all my friends head home or to practice or whatever else they have going on.

I stop at the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, trying to cool my thoughts, before heading to her room.

She is leaning over a desk, shuffling papers, giving me a perfect view of her bottom as I walk in the room. I hold my notebook by my waist, trying to conceal my erection. I watch for a moment before clearing my throat,"*ahem*, I'm here Miss Smith."

"Oh goodness!" she jumps a bit, her butt shaking, making me a bit hornier,"I didn't hear you come in." As she turns towards me, I see that the top two buttons on her dress are undone, exposing a bit of decollatage.

"Um, yeah, sorry," I mumble, transfixed by the skin showing, I can see more cleavage than I have ever seen her expose.

"Okay, so what seems to be the problem you're having? You mentioned your parents want you to go to a good school, is that not what you want?"

"Well, Miss Smith, uh..." I stammer, trying not to envision her unbuttoning her dress further,"I do want to go to school, but I don't know what for. I was thinking of maybe taking a year off or something and getting a job."

"Really? How do your parents feel about that?" Miss Smith asks, walking towards me, crossing her arms under her breasts.

"Um, they were not at all pleased when I mentioned it," I reply, looking at her chest, then moving my gaze to the floor.

"I can imagine; you are a brilliant student and I am sure you would excel at anything you put your mind to," she says in a reassuring tone.

I'd like to put something else to you, I think to myself. "Um, thanks, yeah..."

She steps closer to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, petrified, I look up at her. Our eyes meet each other's. Her eyes are a brighter shade of green than they were this morning in class.

"Would it help if I talk to them for you?"

"Um, I don't know," I reply nervously, tearing my eyes away, I look at her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, does that bother you?" she asks, removing her hand. I can feel the warmth where she was touching me.

"No, it's good," I let out an apprehensive chuckle.

She puts her hand back on my shoulder, "I meant this," she says.

I can feel the blood rushing to my face so I look down to the floor, "it's okay, I guess."

"Only okay?" she asks.

I cannot answer.

She reaches up and lifts my chin so I am forced to meet her gaze, "Only okay?" she asks quietly.

"I mean, um, well, uh, it's really nice," I can feel my breathing become a bit ragged as I am unsure what she means to do. Part of me secretely hoping that my fantasies might come true, part of me scared to death that someone might walk in and see us, afraid that maybe I am misunderstanding what she means.

"Ah, I see. Do you have a girlfriend Tim?" she whispers as she caresses my cheek.

"No," I reply sheepishly. My classmates have been merciless in their teasing of me about not seeing anyone. I can't help it my parents are strict and won't allow me out at night nor to have friends over.

"You're a handsome young man, I am surprised you don't. Several of the girls in your class think you are quite handsome and wish they could go out with you. A couple of the female teachers as well, but you didn't hear that from me." she whispers conspiratorially.

"Really? I, uh, I didn't know that."

"Well, if you weren't so busy daydreaming, you might notice them checking you out, silly," she moves a bit closer to me, close enough I can feel her breath, smell her perfume. I want to look away, but there is something in her eyes that enthralls me. "I know I find it hard to teach sometimes when you're in the room," she says into my ear, her voice a throaty whisper.

I can feel my ears burning.

"It's alright, it's a Friday afternoon, all the other teachers are gone so there's no one but us right now. Why don't you tell me what you daydream about?"

"Um, stuff, I, uh, I don't know,"

"I think you do," Her hand moves down my arm.

"Um, maybe..." Her hand closes on mine. I have never had a woman touch me before.

"You can tell me..." She turns toward her desk, pulling me along behind her. She sits down on her desk, legs crossed, dress riding up her thighs, she holds my hand with both of hers.

"I, uh, think about sex..." I look down, feeling ashamed after having said it. Ashamed that I have a raging hardon that I am quite sure she has to have noticed by now.

"I see," her fingers trace circles in my palm. "Does it bother you? Me asking these questions?"

"A little bit," I whisper.

She leans close to me again, mouth next to my ear, "I'll make you a deal. Be honest with me and I will be honest with you."

"I'm not sure what you mean, Miss Smith," I reply, feeling a bit scared.

She reaches behind her and takes a piece of paper from under a textbook and holds it in front of her for me to see.

My mouth hangs open, a look of horror on my face. It's a drawing I made.

"See, I think I am pretty sure I know what you are thinking about, Tim."

"Um, I'm sorry, Miss Smith. Oh my God, I didn't mean to." The drawing is of a young man and a lady together, joined at the hips, lips locked together. The young man is me, the lady is Miss Smith, right down to the dress she is wearing today.

"You dropped this earlier today. I thought it was a homework or something, imagine my surprise when I saw what it really was. You are really quite talented as well as smart." She puts the drawing back down on her desk, "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep this."

"Sure, I guess that's alright," I say feeling a little relieved and abashed at the same time.

She starts stroking my hand again, "Your hands are quite special if they can create that." She raises my hand to her mouth, and looks me in the eye. "I wonder what else they can do," she says before kissing my fingers. "I bet you are quite talented at other things too, you just need a bit of confidence." Her lips meet each of my fingers. I can feel my cock straining against my pants. My breathing is ragged. I stare incredulously at her as she takes my index finger and puts it in her mouth, sucking gently on it, her tongue flicking against my fingertip. I have never been so aroused in my life, yet I can only stand there dumbfounded.

"Do you mind me doing this?" She takes my finger from her mouth and kisses it,"It seems like you enjoy it." Her gaze moves down, I follow it and see that she is staring straigh at the bulge in my pants. "And it seems like he enjoys it as well." She holds my hand in one of hers, kissing my fingers again as her other hand touches my bulge. A little noise comes from my throat. "What's that," she asks, here hand slowly moving back and forth along my bulge.

"That feels nice,"

"I can think of something that feels nicer," she takes my hand that she had been kissing and holds it against her breast. I can feel her nipple through her dress. I squeeze her breast a bit.

"That's even nicer," I whisper.

"I thought you might like it." She removes her hand from my crotch and looks me in the eye again, her eyes filled with passion. "You have to promise me one thing. Well, two things..."

"Go on."

"One, no one can know about this. What we are doing right now."

"Sure, my lips are sealed, Miss Smith."

"Good, and number two. We can do this more, but you have to pay attention in class. Bring your grade up. You can stay after every Friday for some 'special' help." The way she said 'special help' made me want to promise her anything.

"Anything you want, Miss Smith."



"Hmmmmm...let's see," She grabs me by the butt and pulls me against her. I can feel her body pressed against mine. I can feel her warmth through my clothes, sure she can feel my erect member through our clothing. "I want this first." She plants her lips on mine; not sure how to respond I stand there for a moment. She pulls back,"How did that feel?"

"Really great," I whisper.

"Ok, well, let's see what else I want," she says huskily as she kisses me again. My hands are on her shoulders, I have no idea how they got there, holding her as she kisses me. I can feel her tongue against my lips, so I open my mouth a bit. She slips her tongue into my mouth where it eagerly meets mine. Our arms envelop each other as our tongues twirl against each other's. I never want this moment to end. After what seems like forever, yet also only a brief instant, she pulls back.

"You're pretty good at this for someone who has never kissed anyone before. I'll tell you what." She turns away from me and scribbles something on a piece of paper. "Maybe we can have weekend study sessions as well. That might be better," she tells me as she folds the piece of paper and reaches into my front pocket with it in her hand. I can feel her hand against my thigh as she releases the paper. She stands up slowly, her hand still in my pocket, pressing against me. I feel her hand slide over a bit and grasp my cock. I let out a small gasp. She lets go and removes her hand from my pocket. "I feel bad teasing you like this, but, unfortunately I have somewhere I need to be. My number and address are on that piece of paper; whatever you do, do not lose that! I want you to come to my house tomorrow afternoon, around 3ish. Call me first. We can pick up where we left off today." She kisses me on the lips again. "We really should get going, I'll be waiting for your call."

"Absolutely, Miss Smith. Tomorrow." I turn and walk out of her classroom; my heart feels like it's skipping a beat, my head in the clouds. I look over my shoulder as I walk away and see her smiling at me. I wave as I head home, smiling like I just learned how to.



I had no trouble convincing my parents to let me leave, I told them I needed to stop by my job to pick up something. I walked down the block towards the grocery store where I worked, but continued on past, hoping they weren't watching me. I felt a strange kind of elation washing over me as I walked down the street towards where Miss Smith lives. I called her when I passed the store. She picked up midway through the first ring,"Hello?"

"Hi, Miss Smith?"

"Tim, how are you doing?"

"Awesome, how are you?"

"Excited. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah, I'm walking over now. I should be there in about 10 minutes or so."

"I can't wait to see you."

"Neither can I. Wait to see you, that is," I say nervously.

"When you get here, ring the doorbell and come in. The door will be unlocked. I'm upstairs doing some cleaning."

"Ok, will do."

"See you soon." She hangs up.

I put my phone away, filled with nervous anticipation. Unsure of what is going to happen, yet wanting it to happen, whatever it is going to be. The stuff I dream about for sure, I can feel my cock swelling as I walk down the street. I put my hands in my pockets, hoping no one notices, as I walk a bit faster.


I come up to a Cape Cod style house that matches the address Miss Smith gave me. It's a Colonial Blue color with white shutters and a red door, stereotypical New England style. I walk up to the door and stand there a moment. I can hear some music playing, the latest Adele album from the sound of it. Gathering up my courage, I ring the door bell. I hear the chime, over the music, as I open the door and let myself in.

"Hello! Miss Smith?" I call out as I close the door behind me. I take my shoes off and leave them next to the door where I see Miss Smith leaves her shoes. I cannot believe I am here. At her house. To do I don't know what.

Remembering that she said she would be upstairs, I slowly ascend the carpeted staircase to the second floor. I can hear the music coming from a room at the back of the house. She must not have heard me, I say to myself. "Hello, Miss Smith," I call out again as I walk towards the music.

"Come in, Tim."

I stand outside the door to the room the music is coming from for a second, wondering if this is her bedroom, and what lays beyond the door. I reach for the doorknob tentatively and open it. The room is much as I imagined it would be. A queen size bed against one wall, dressers and a mirror against the wall opposite the bed, light beige carpeting, white d****s pulled shut, overhead light on and Adele playing. I don't see Miss Smith though. I walk into the room and as I do, she steps out of the closet. She is wearing a short skirt and a tube top that hugs her figure. I stop, my breath catches in my throat. I've always imagined what she would look like at home, but she is even more gorgeous than I ever would have thought. I look at her, her hair is tied up in a pony tail, she is not wearing any makeup , but I think that makes her more attractive. She's also not wearing any shoes, I look at her bare feet, toe nails painted red to match her skirt. "You're the most beautiful person I have ever met." I say to her.

"Why thank you." She blushes as she walks towards me. Somehow that makes her even more beautiful to me. "Have a seat on the bed. How are you doing today, Tim?" she asks me as I sit down.

"I'm doing well, a bit nervous, but well. How are you, Miss Smith?"

She leans over and kisses me full on the mouth. "Quite well, thank you." she says after the kiss. She stands in front of me. "Do you like this skirt?"

"It looks amazing on you."

"I'm glad you like it, I would wear it to school, but it seems like it would be a tad inappropriate for a teacher to wear," she laughs,"but, I wanted to show you."

"You are truly a gorgeous lady, Miss Smith."

"Flatterer," she kisses me again,"the say flattery gets you nowhere, but that's a load of bunk. Don't you think so, handsome?"

"I suppose so, Miss Smith."

She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye. "You can call me Rachel here, Tim."

"Sure thing, Miss Smith...I mean Rachel," I feel like I've been invited in on a grand secret that no one else knows.

"So, where did we leave off yesterday?"

"Um, I think we kissed..." I say a bit nervous.

"Silly boy," she lightly slaps my shoulder "Only kissed?" She puts her hand on my crotch, my cock is already hard. "Oooh, you're excited to see me, aren't you, Tim?"

"Yes" I want her to kiss me again, her hand to keep touching me there between my legs.

"Well, I'm excited to see you as well." She pulls her skirt off, I can see she is wearing a red lacey thong underneath. I have never been this close to a, mostly, naked women. All I can do is look at her body, taking it in, burning it into my mind.

"Do you like what you see, Tim?"

"Oh God, yes, you're perfect, Rachel," I tell her. I can see the shape of her vagina through the fabric of her underwear. Can see that she keeps it shaved.

"Mmmmm, there you go with that flattery again," she kisses me again, her hands pulling my shirt up. I lift my arms so she can pull it off. "Oooh, look at you. Do you work out?" she asks as she runs her fingers across my chest. I've never felt anything so amazing in my life.

"Well, maybe a bit. I have to carry some heavy stuff at the grocery store, so I try to keep in shape." I tell her.

"You're very well built," she kisses my neck as her hands rub my chest. She traces a finger down to my navel and back up. "You feel amazing, Tim."

"Thank you...You feel great too, Miss Smith," I say as I tentatively touch her waist.

"Don't be afraid," she pulls her top off, revealing a lacy bra that matches her thong. I can see her pink nipples through the fabric. I reach up and cup her breasts, feeling them, how firm yet soft they are. I can feel her nipples harden under my hands, so I touch one with my fingertip. I trace along the edge of it, feeling how she reacts to my touch; her breath catches a bit.

"Those talented hands of yours, how I've wanted to feel them all over my body." I kiss her neck while feeling her breasts, her hands move down my body, I can feel them slide under my jeans. "I've wanted to touch you all year, dreamt about it since September." she tells me as she unbuttons my pants while kissing my ear. "And now I'm going to devour your body, what do you think of that?"

"Please, I've wanted you ever since I met you," I continue kissing her neck, while sliding a hand under her bra to feel her skin.

"Let me help you a bit," she reaches behind her and unclasps her bra. It slips over her shoulder, exposing more skin, making me more aroused, my cock strains against my fly that she is unzipping. I pull the bra off her, exposing her breasts and nipples for me to see.

"You have the most amazing breasts," I kiss her shoulder, cupping one of her breasts while I kiss the other, taking the nipple into my mouth and suckling on it.

She finishes unzipping me and pulls on my pants, I raise my hips and she pulls my pants and underwear right down to my knees. My turgid member pops free. She looks down at it,"You're cock is a thing of beauty," she breathes in my ear as her hand touches it.

"Oh, Rachel," I moan, while sucking on her nipple.

She wraps her hand around me, holding it for a moment before moving her hand a bit. Up and down the shaft. The greatest feeling I've ever had. She kisses my neck, shoulders, chest, stroking me slowly. Kisses my stomach, trailing down my navel, I stop what I am doing to watch; her kisses move down further. She grips me in her hand, her mouth inches away from the tip of my penis, and looks at it for a moment before kissing the head of it. She looks up at me and kisses it again. I gaze into her green eyes, enjoying the sensation, wanting it to last forever. Rachel licks the tip of it, kisses the underside of it several times, cupping my balls in her hand, she licks me from the base of my shaft to the tip, then kisses the tip again. A drop of precum leaks from it. "Feels good?"
Yes, oh my God, yes."

She licks the precum from my cock, then puts the whole head of it into her mouth. She looks up again and I watch as she slowly takes the whole length of me into her mouth. I can feel the warmth and wetness of her tongue moving against my member, the head at the back of her throat. She then slowly lets it out of her mouth, licks her lips, then proceeeds to take me into her mouth again. I watch in awe as she starts bobbing her head on me, slowly at first, then a bit faster, her eyes locked with mine, her hand fondling my balls. After a couple minutes of this, she stops but continues stroking me. Standing up, she kisses me again. I return the kiss, my tongue flicking across her lips. She opens her mouth, our tongues meet, I pull her against me. The warmth of her body against mine feels so good, so right. I grasp her butt, a cheek in each hand, and give them a squeeze. A soft moan escapes her. I pull her thong down; it falls to the floor with the rest of our clothes, discarded and unnecessary. She climbs on the bed, straddling me, her hand still stroking me.

"Tim, you feel so good, I just want to have you inside me."

"Mmmmm, Rachel," I groan as I feel her slowly lower herself onto me. She stops for a moment and rubs the head of my cock against her pussy lips, the feeling is divine, then she guides me to her moist entrance and slowly sits on me. So wet, so warm, so delightful. Her pussy is tight on my dick. I feel like I've never been harder.

Her arms are wrapped around me as she slowly raises herself, I feel my cock slowly exit her, except for the head, before she slides back down on me again. She does this again, and again, slightly faster each time. My hips begin to move in concert with hers, before I know it, our bodies are slapping together, our breathing ragged, moaning, kissing each other sloppily, arms wrapped around the other's body, I can feel my balls slap against her with each of her downward thrusts, it's the most erotic noise I've ever heard. I can feel my balls start to tighten.

"Oh God, Rachel, ohhhhhh," our bodies slap together again and again.

"Tim, you feel so good, I want you to cum inside me, Tim. I want to feel your cum inside my pussy. Cum inside my fucking pussy."

My cock erupts with wave after wave of pleasure, my cum rocketing out inside her, I feel her pussy tighten on my cock with each thrust, as she lets out a howl of pleasure, her orgasm intense

We fall back together on the bed, her on top of me, my cock, spent, slides out of her. We both are gasping for air, holding tight to each other.

"Oh, that felt so good Tim. We should do this more often. Maybe we can have a weekly 'study' session?"

"I think I'd really like that, Rachel."

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Private Lesson

I'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...

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Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings

"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

4 years ago
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To Learn a Lesson

To Learn a Lesson By Morpheus Amelia looked down at her watch and then smiled to herself, knowing that it wouldn't be much longer. Not much longer at all. Still smiling, she clutched her purse tighter and hurried up the stairs and through the final short distance to Mark's campus dorm room. Pausing outside of Mark's dorm room, Amelia let out a dreamy sigh as she thought about how much fun their date was going to be. For her at least. "Oh poor Mark." she chuckled, gently...

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Nurses Lesson

Nurse's Lesson Part 1 The emergency room was chaotic; people were backed up in the waiting room,seeking treatment for the usual variety of injuries, ailments, accidents andassaults. The urban area that the hospital served, demographically speaking,consisted of many low-income people who were not well served by the city. Thearea population consisted of primarily Black, Hispanic, Middle Easterner, Caribbean, and Asian people. Life in this urban area had all the problems that povertyand neglect...

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a girl learns her lesson

By the time she reached the barn at the end of the farm lane the rain was coming down in sheets. Katy decided to shelter in the barn for a while, at least until it eased up. It would be warm inside and she would have a chance to dry off a little. The girl entered the old building, dragging the large dog behind her. It was quite deserted and she sat down amongst the warm, dry hay after hooking the dog’s leash over a post. Looking around for something to dry herself on, she found an old blanket...

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a girl learns her lesson

Introduction: i read a fw stories i liked amd meshed them Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dogs leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasnt terribly well...

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Brandys First Strict Obedience Training Lesson

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly;...

1 year ago
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Zainabs Foot Lesson

It all started when I got my results at the end of the first term. I had failed all my business studies exams, my teacher, Zainab, was not happy. I was doing so badly that I had to have a meeting with the principle and Zainab. At the end of the meeting, I had to two choices, either drop business studies or attend after school classes with Zainab every day. I was only taking one other subject, so I decided to take the after school classes. Zainab was the best-looking teacher in the school and...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Introduction: She always teased me…she needed a lesson! My poor Girlfriend&hellip,. Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt...

3 years ago
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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 1 Nubile Girls Incestuous Lesson

Chapter One: Nubile Girl's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat The moans of my mother bled through my bedroom wall. I groaned as I lay in bed, hearing their passion. The bed creaked at the sounds my mother made. The passion. Twenty years of marriage and my parents were still going at it. A shiver ran through my virgin body. I shuddered at hearing the sounds. They were so loud. “Yes!” I heard my mother gasp audibly. I shifted on my bed. I suddenly felt my pajamas over...

1 year ago
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Late for the Lesson

She was late. Again. Alex looked down at his standardized testing books sprawled across his desk and sighed. Zoe was smart, and he enjoyed teaching her, but punctuality was not a strong point. He could never really stay upset when she arrived, though, flashing that smile that made him melt. He also couldn’t get enough of her cute, innocent face framed by long strawberry blond hair, and a toned, tight body that he tried to keep himself from staring at during their lessons. She probably noticed...

Straight Sex
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Teaching my daughter a valuable lesson

While driving home, I saw that the weather outside was nice, so I planned to take a jog through my neighborhood when I got home. Plus, I had a new sexy jogging outfit that I was sure was going to turn a lot of heads. I made it home at exactly 1:00 PM. Exactly two and a half hours before my daughter Erica would be arriving home from school. As I stood in front of my full-length mirror, checking out the way my new pink and white outfit hugged my slim/thick 6', 190 lbs, 38-D's, and 48-inch...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...

2 years ago
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A woman gets a special reading lesson

It’d been a good week. Tips were good, the bar had a new DJ and a football camp was in town. The boys liked to watch her dance after a ‘hard’ practice. On the couch, they held her against their washboard bellies stuffed money down her g-string and told her she was nothing like the girls back home. The only down side was her damn Thursday class. She just wasn’t getting the writing. It bored her. But then HE called. The first time they met, here at the club, he...

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Teacher gives pupil an extracurricular lesson

Bill, aka Mr Brown the Maths teacher, meets Suzy at her mum’s house for some naughty role play but gets the surprise of his life. Suzy then makes Bill an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve not posted for a while. You might want to first read Chapter 1 - ‘Let the Sunshine In’ posted 3 months ago.The next day Suzy came into my office to tell me that her mum was jetting off on holiday for 2 weeks on the coming Monday. ‘Are you still up for meeting at my mum’s place Bill’?‘Definitely I’ve thought about...

2 years ago
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A Good Hard Lesson

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.Mr Collins hated Mondays. It's well known that most people hate Mondays but Antony Collins loathed them; it meant the start of another week teaching rebellious, ignorant, hormonal teenage girls. Everyone had told him that teaching at a Catholic school would be a dream, but clearly they'd never taught at St Anita's. He was sure they were worst than any public school girls. On this particular Monday it was raining, not uncommon for December but it meant all the girls...

Straight Sex
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Millis Second Lesson

Milli's Second Lesson Janice entered the kitchen next morning and sat across from Elaine, drinking coffee. "Where is our sweet Milli? Shouldn't she be here making breakfast?" "I don't think she quite knows her place here yet." "Well go get her, there's no time like now to start showing her." Elaine went up to Milli's room. Milli was naked about to take a shower. "No need for a shower right now sweetie. We need you down stairs at breakfast, get...

3 years ago
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Mom teaches me a lesson

It all started when my friend came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of Indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4 months ago. He comes over my house not so often cause...

2 years ago
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I love to learn sex lesson

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Ahmed Kabeer (not real name) from Hyderabad. Before going for story I would like to my self my name is Ahmed age 24 years 65 kgs weight color fair height 5’5” tool size 6”+, I completed my Mech engg in 2004 from 2004 I am working as a design engineer (mech), so friend this is my short and sweet introduction.When I was a student of 9th standard I was unknown of sex, a girl name Saba (name change) started my new version of life the information of sex, before...

4 years ago
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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

1 year ago
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Mom Teaches Me A Lesson

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when my friend Nate came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4...

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The Guitar Lesson

I hated working in these “gated” communities, but lately times had been harder with lesson requests coming less frequently. My band was working a regular gig at a club in Fort Lauderdale, but the revenue from this wasn’t much of a living by the time we divided the money three ways. I knew that if things didn’t start improving soon financially, I would have to get a regular day job. This thought made me cringe, so I left no request for lessons unanswered, as frustrating as they could be. I had...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 2 Ms Marcies Kimmies Naughty Lesson

Chapter Two: Ms. Marcie's & Kimmie's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me,...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Subject Part 2 A Lesson

I walked upstairs to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. As I ran hot water into the tub, I started thinking what I had let Mr. Burkle do to me. I remember him pushing his thick fingers in and out of my pussy and I unconsciously let my hand wander down between my legs. I found my clit and rubbed it back and forth. It started to swell and the feeling inside my pussy became more intense. I rubbed harder and I felt my knees almost buckle from the explosive orgasm I had. I braced one hand...

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Millis First Lesson

Milli's First Lesson Janice pulled the Lexus into the driveway, and noticed her bedroom light on. She was positive she turned it off before she left this morning. If her wayward Nephew was nosing around in her room there would be hell to pay. She was already extremely ticked off at having to attend a meeting with his Principal this morning. A meeting which ran on too long, causing her to miss her flight to Chicago. Thank goodness she was able to assure the Principal that Bill...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 15 Princesss Naughty Lesson

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Fifteen: Princess's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Three: Princess's Naughty Lesson Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I stared with loathing at the shelves of leather-bound tomes and tightly wrapped scrolls stacked before me. The receptacle of lore contained within the University of Az's library. The air smelled of musty sheepskin and dry...

3 years ago
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Mr Dentons Next Lesson

I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...

2 years ago
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Savage Lesson

SAVAGE LESSON It is one of the unalterable facts of life that women are mysterious. There is no point in trying to rationalise, trying to account for or predict every facet of their behaviour because whatever you think you know is liable to flip over on you revealing a truth you never guessed at. Let me put it another way: You know in those naff horror films where someone looks at their reflection in a mirror? Then they put their hand out to touch the mirror and it turns out to be a pool of...

3 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

4 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil; a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other; as all boys do at that...

1 year ago
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Another Good Hard Lesson

For the prequel to this story go to:  You can do this… You can do this…You can do this… Teacher, Antony Collins had been thinking this all day, over and over again as he prepared for his English class later that afternoon with the sixth formers. With Alex. Unbidden, the memories of what they’d done a couple of days before came flooding back to him yet again, her soft, pert breasts under his hands, her wicked mouth around his cock, her tight pussy gushing cum all over him…. The sharp ring of...

Straight Sex
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The Lesson

The Lesson By GSElvis Jeff was happy with his life--almost. He was a mechanic at a new car dealership, and was good at what he did. His job gave him a comfortable life. He lived in a good apartment in a large apartment complex. His assigned parking spaces contained a shiny, new pickup truck and a big, powerful motorcycle that he enjoyed driving on weekends. The people he worked with liked him. But he was unmarried, childless and alone, and that ate away at him. He had no...

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Millis Third Lesson

Milli's Third Lesson When Bill walked across the stage in his boy clothes, and received his High School Diploma, he felt a pang of regret that he wouldn't be going on to Collage. Most of his Classmates were going onto the local Collage in the Fall. While Bill would be attending to his Aunts personal needs. It didn't seem right and Bill was beginning to have second thoughts about tossing out all his boy clothes. Janice took Bill out to dinner to celebrate his...

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The Lesson

When you got to your desk in Health and Wellness that morning, you found your term paper, face-down. You turned it over. It was a D-. There was a hand-written note on the top. "Shawn- Let's talk about this. See me after class." It was signed by Miss Danielson. You were really worried, and could hardly concentrate for the 45 minutes of class.The bell rang, and you waited at your desk while everyone else went off to lunch. Miss Danielson walked down the row of desks until she got to yours....

1 year ago
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A Lifes Lesson

A Life's Lesson Daniel became aware of the darkness first, a void with no light, no sound, no feeling. Slowly his senses began to return to him. He became aware of pain, terrible pain all over his body and a cold hard table beneath him. Sound began to assault his ears; a cacophony of voices yelling over each other to a point he could understand nothing being said. Finally his sight began to return and he saw the ceiling and realized there were doctors and nurses crowded all around...

4 years ago
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Savage Lesson

SAVAGE LESSON It is one of the unalterable facts of life that women are mysterious. There is no point in trying to rationalise, trying to account for or predict every facet of their behaviour because whatever you think you know is liable to flip over on you revealing a truth you never guessed at. Let me put it another way: You know in those naff horror films where someone looks at their reflection in a mirror? Then they put their hand out to touch the mirror and it turns out to be a pool of...

Group Sex
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The Makeup Lesson

THE MAKEUP LESSON The pings sounded almost simultaneously. Both Kris and I looked down reflexively at our phones, then back up at one another. On the screen of my laptop, I saw him lift an eyebrow. "You got that too, huh?" I nodded. "Yeah - looks like a text from the Prof. Maybe seeing if we've changed our minds?" "I guess," said Kris. He frowned. "You haven't, have you? Changed your mind, I mean." I shook my head. "Nope. I still think it's a bit weird, inviting us to go and...

2 years ago
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Mr Dentons Next Lesson

I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...

3 years ago
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Suzannes lesson

Suzanne’s lesson.     “What is it this time Suzanne?” “Smoking in the toilets, Sir.” She stood in front of his desk, one hip thrust forward, deliberately provocatively. Mr. French sighed in resignation of an on-going and unfathomable problem. It seemed that he and this particular young lady were having these chastisement meetings rather more frequently than he would like. “Adopt the position.” Suzanne was a problem, a constant problem. At Saint Agnes School for girls, she was the misfit....

First Time
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Mr Collins Learns His Lesson

The stable was gloomy, and the dense aroma of horses pervaded the air. The groom’s erect member was both long and broad, and Mr Collins found himself gagging as the man thrust it vigorously down his throat. He grasped the other man’s firm thigh to steady himself with one hand, while with the other he rubbed at his own diminutive organ, which hung limply from the front of his breeches. For some reason he always found it hard to maintain an erection, even when enjoying another man’s member in his...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 5 The Third Lesson

The day's activities and the strength of my various orgasms combined to push me into a deep slumber earlier than usual that night. Whoever had decided that teenagers had nearly limitless sexual recuperative powers had never met someone with her mouth, and her skills with that mouth. As my consciousness left me, a smile crept across my face thinking about her, and how beautiful she was. My sleep was deep, and mainly empty, until a strange dream began to tickle a few brain cells. In the...

2 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 12 The Ninth Lesson

At some point during the night, a noise woke me quite suddenly. I opened my eyes, but my sleep-clouded vision did not reveal anything, other than the full darkness. I thought I may have called out from a dream, or started snoring, and woken myself. Deciding that there was no reason to be awake, I rolled over forcefully, and went back to sleep. Daylight flooded my room the next time my eyes opened, and I realized that I was alone in bed. I had a huge morning erection, but didn't indulge in...

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