Maxine s New Life Ch 13a
- 5 years ago
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Austin, Texas
June 7, 1984
They moved about the stage, their motions pulsing, frantic, as they closed out Almost Too Easy. As the last beats were hit in a carefully timed crescendo, Jake, Matt, and Darren moved backwards, entering the safety perimeter that would keep them untouched by the coming explosion. By now they were well practiced in this maneuver and there had been no mishaps. The last beat was hit, the last strings strummed, and the two canisters detonated, sending a boom and a flash of light out. The audience of 11,224 cheered wildly.
"Thank you, Austin!" Jake shouted after stepping back to the microphone. Before him, the pyrotechnic canisters were still smoking. "Thank you and goodnight!"
He put his guitar down and stepped backwards, letting the applause wash over him, relishing it, basking in it. Darren and Matt appeared on either side of him, their arms on his shoulders. Bill and Coop formed up on the outside. They bowed one time to the crowd and walked off the stage, exiting through the stage left door.
This wasn't really the end of the show and the crowd knew it. There was still the encore. They screamed for it, stomped their feet for it, sending noise and vibration through the arena.
The roadies had placed cold quart bottles of Gatorade on a table just inside the stage door. All five band members picked one up and drank deeply, throats working frantically, green liquid running down their chins onto their chests. They took deep breaths after the first long drink and then drank some more. Jake forced himself to stop after consuming half the bottle. He didn't want his stomach to cramp when he went back out there for the last two songs.
The thundering of the crowd was too loud for conversation to take place, especially since the band's ears were still ringing from seventy-eight minutes in front of the amps and from the concussion of the explosion. But Bobby Lorenzo, Darren's personal assistant, had no problem understanding sign language. Darren mimed the act of lighting a lighter and Bobby brought him one, along with a marble pipe stuffed with greenbud. Darren put the pipe in his mouth and fired up, inhaling deeply and expertly. He then passed the pipe and lighter across to Coop, who took them and did the same.
In had been a month since Greg, using the authority vested in him by the Intemperance contract with National Records, had repealed the long-standing prohibition against getting high before performing. In that month, things had led exactly where Matt and Jake had always feared they would if this rule were relaxed. At first it was just Darren taking a few hits before the start of the night's show and then he began slipping out during his breaks in the performance — Matt's extended guitar solo, Coop's drum solo, and Jake and Bill's duet — and reinforcing his high with a few more hits. Then came the further hits during the encore break. Then, starting about six shows ago, Coop, unable to take it anymore, began to join him in the indulgence.
"Look, guys," Coop said when Matt and Jake called Coop on this after the first time. "I can handle it just like Darren does. It's just weed. It ain't like we're getting drunk before we go on."
But of course, once the precedent was set, neither Darren or Coop saw the need to stop drinking alcohol four hours prior to a show, or to keep from snorting a few lines of coke when the effects of drinking alcohol all day long had them a little weary. As a result of all this, tensions among the band members were high and there had been some screw-ups onstage. In San Antonio the week before, Darren tried to do a fancy twist maneuver and knocked over his own microphone stand. In the last show, in El Paso, Coop actually started playing the wrong song at one point in the set, forcing the rest of the band to quickly change gears and play out of the sequence they'd rehearsed. When confronted after the show following these mistakes by an angry Matt and Jake, both had simply claimed that it was road fatigue and over-repetition that had caused the mishaps, not the drugs and alcohol.
"That's fucking bullshit and you know it!" Matt thundered both times. "There's a goddamned reason why we had that rule and this is fucking it!"
Unfortunately, whenever they tried to argue, or demand, or even plead for a return to the sobriety rule, Greg would step in and remind the two members of the rhythm section that they were free to do what they wanted before a show or even during it. "I'm your boss," he would tell them. "Matt and Jake are your peers. You don't have to give in to peer pressure. You can just say no to them."
"I don't think that is exactly what Nancy Reagan had in mind when she wrote that little catch phrase," Jake said sourly the fist time he heard this.
Darren and Coop were certainly saying no to no drugs on this night. Upon arriving in Austin at two that afternoon, they'd forgone the coffee in favor of three lines of coke. Throughout the day, as the band rode from place to place, signing autographs and greeting fans and talking to Austin disk jockeys at the local hard rock station, the two of them drank beers and took pipe hits and snorted line after line of cocaine. After the sound check, as the hour to hit the stage rolled closer and closer, they kept it up, draining bottles of beer and tossing them in the trash, hitting the pipe whenever their high started to dissipate, and begging another line from Greg whenever these first two indulgences started to make them feel tired. By the time they hit the stage both of them were keyed up and sweating, their eyes dilated and sluggish, their movements alternately clumsy and over-fast. They were, to put it mildly, fucked up beyond recognition, in the stratosphere, annihilated to the gills.
Coop screwed up his drumbeats three times during the set. Twice the rest of the band had been able to cover for it without the audience noticing, but the third time he played the drum roll build-up to the bridge of a song after the first verse instead of after the second, throwing the entire song out of whack and causing all of them to fumble around for the better part of ten seconds, their instruments jangling in opposition as Bill and Matt tried to blend and follow the mistake while Jake and Darren tried to transition them back on track. The audience emitted a shocked laugh and even a few boos before they were able to pull themselves back together and continue the song. The applause after that song was the most muted they had ever heard.
More embarrassing, however, was Darren. Though he hadn't made a mistake in his actual playing, he was still creating quite a spectacle of himself by trying out new dance moves to his routine. He was jumping up and down, kicking his feet out, making leering faces at the crowd, spinning back and forth, and generally doing everything he could to draw attention to himself. Jake supposed he thought he was being cool but in reality he was looking like an intoxicated dork — the performing arts version of putting a lampshade on your head at a party.
As the cries for encore reached their peak, Jake and Matt shared a look of anger and helplessness, both knowing they had put in a substandard performance because of the two fuck-ups and both hating the fact that there was little they could do about it. Neither could know that the worst was yet to come.
Darren took a final hit from the pipe, actually burning the resin in the pipe-stem since the pot had all been smoked away. He handed it and the lighter back to Bobby, blew his hit out, and then took a last drink of his Gatorade. He smiled as he felt the latest surge of THC working its way through his brain, restoring the coveted high. Yes, he was ready to go knock off the last two songs now. And he was determined to show these Texas fans what he was all about. Jake and Matt thought they had some moves? They didn't have shit. He was the really important one in the band, him and his bass. After all, without the bass, the rest of them wouldn't have a rhythm to play to, would they? Why did those two prima donna assholes — three if you included that nerdy dickwad Bill — get all the credit for Intemperance's success?
So intent was he on these thoughts that he didn't notice that the other four had already gone back through the stage left door and onto the stage. Not even the applause roaring back from the crowd clued him in. It took a slap on the back by Bobby and a shouted "Go!" into his ear to get him moving. He stepped through the door to find the rest of the band already in position, instruments in hand. There was another burst of laughter from the crowd at his late arrival and both Matt and Jake were glaring at him.
He didn't acknowledge them. He simply picked up his bass and put it in position. Just to show who was the real talent of the band he strummed out a quick, twelve note bass solo, something that was most definitely not part of the encore performance. He expected applause at this but what he got was a gasp of confusion from the crowd instead. Obviously his talent was a little too sophisticated for these Texas assholes.
Coop hit the four count and they launched into the first encore song: Rules of the Road, from the new album. It was one of Jake's songs and one of Darren's least favorite to perform. Jake was fond of changes in tempo in his songs and this one was absolutely full of them. It started out fast, slowed down during the first verse, sped up to almost heavy-metal intensity during the chorus, and then slowed back down for the second verse and the bridge. Jake himself kept having to switch from acoustical sound during the slow parts back to distortion on the faster parts, said switch being accomplished by hitting one of the effects pedals arrayed around his mic stand. The rapid and constant changing in tempo meant that Darren couldn't perform a lot of the new badass moves he was trying to incorporate into his stagecraft.
When Rules of the Road ended, Darren perked up considerably. The final song was his absolute favorite that they did: Who Needs Love? It was a true rock masterpiece with a fast, heavy, and fairly consistent beat that he could truly pound out on his bass like rock music was meant to be pounded out. They launched into it with a roar of approval from the crowd. Darren's hands did their work automatically, his left hand pushing on the frets and moving up and down the neck, his left picking at the thick strings with perfect precision. He jumped up and down as he played, moving back and forth, making harsh faces that he thought were just the coolest fucking thing ever. Twice as the song progressed he was so intent on his jumping and moving and face making that he forgot to go back to his microphone and sing the backing to the chorus. Oops, he thought when this happened. So fucking sue me then. It wasn't like his voice was actually needed anyway with Matt, Coop, and Bill chiming in their parts. In fact, maybe he would talk to Greg about taking him off singing duty completely. Having to hit the microphone all the time detracted from his stagecraft.
As Matt launched into the main solo of the song and Jake backed off to give him the spotlight, Darren stayed at the front of the stage, deciding that more moves were in order. He jumped up and down a few more times and then bounced his way to the right to get next to Matt. His intention was to bump shoulders with the guitarist, one of those camaraderie type of moves that looked so cool, but instead he slammed into Matt with considerable force. Matt flew sideways from the impact, stumbling twice and nearly falling down. At the last second he managed to keep his feet and, though he shot a murderous glare at Darren his fingers never missed a string and the solo went unbroken.
Oops, Darren thought again. That probably didn't look good. But then, if Matt wasn't so fucking clumsy on his feet he probably would've been braced a little better. Hopefully he'll learn from it. Maybe if he smoked out a little and let himself chill like Coop and I, he'd do better up here.
Darren worked his way back toward his microphone, bouncing all the way. Halfway there he crossed over Jake's guitar cord, caught it with his foot, and ripped it cleanly out of Jake's guitar, instantly silencing the backing riff just before the end of the solo and the beginning of dual riff portion of the song. He didn't even notice that he'd done it. When he heard Jake's guitar go quiet he turned and saw the singer frantically moving across the stage to pick up the end of the cord and plug it back in and concluded that Jake himself had been the one to cause the mishap.
And they give me shit for stepping on my cord that one time, Darren thought. I'm never gonna let his ass hear the end of this one.
Matt covered for Jake the best he could by extending the solo for another ten seconds, long enough for Jake to plug back in. He then repeated the ending, leading them back to the cue for the next section of the song. They hit the dual riff and then separated back into lead and backing. Jake sang out the third verse and the final chorus grouping and they worked their way into the final crescendo. This was what Darren had been waiting for.
Darren longed to perfect a move for the final moments of the last song. He wanted to do a double jump and then twist three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle on the third jump. The first time he'd tried it he had been too close to his microphone stand and had knocked it over. The second time his three-sixty had ended up being a one-eighty and he had been facing the wrong direction. This time, he was determined, he would get it right. He had the rhythm, he was back far enough from his mic, and it just felt like something that was meant to be. He would pull this off just before the final climax of explosions and the crowd would go wild, would scream his name, and the next day, in the Austin papers, it would his name the concert reviewers would mention instead of Jake's or Matt's or Bill's.
The moment came. To his right, Matt and Jake pounded off the final notes. He jumped twice with the ending beat and then leapt high in the air for the third leap. As soon as his feet left the ground he spun violently to the left, imparting himself with enough force to make it all the way around before his feet came back down. The maneuver might have gone off as planned but he forgot one little thing. He forgot to make sure he cleared his own guitar cord. It wrapped neatly around his legs, effectively binding them together, and when he came back down he was unable to spread them to keep his balance. He pitched forward, feeling himself falling towards the stage. Instinctively he tried to counter this by giving one more hop forward and, in doing so, he jumped right into the midst of the danger zone surrounding the pyrotechnic charge situated in front of his microphone. The cord pulled tight as he reached the end of his slack and he pitched forward again, the neck of his bass knocking over his microphone stand, his body achieving a horizontal orientation. He found himself looking directly down into the pyrotechnic charge and, in sudden terror, he managed to turn his head to the left.
He heard the boom, louder than it had ever been before. A bright flash of light blinded him even through his closed eyelids and burning pain seared up the right side of his body. The air was blasted out of his lungs and he felt himself flying through the air, twisting around and around like a football thrown in an awkward spiral. And then he was crashing down on a sea of human bodies, hearing the faint sounds of screaming through his violently ringing ears.
Holy fucking shit! Jake's mind screamed as he watched Darren go flying eight feet into the air, spiraling around and around, and landing somewhere in the darkness of the mosh pit in front of the stage. The cheers of the audience cut off in an instant, as if a mute button had been pushed. From the mosh pit itself, he could hear screaming over the ringing in his ears.
He spun the volume knob on his guitar to the zero position and dropped it to the ground, rushing forward, grabbing the main microphone as he went by. He looked down but could see nothing but a squirming mass of bodies in the darkness.
"Everyone," he said into the mic, "please back away from him. Give us some room. Stay back!"
Matt came rushing by on his right. He leapt off the stage and into the mosh pit and began pushing his way through.
"House lights!" Jake said into the mic. "Turn on the house lights please. We need to see down there."
The lights clicked on, illuminating the chaos below. Jake dropped the microphone and jumped off the stage as well, finding himself surrounded by sweating bodies. He began pushing through. "Back away," he said. "Back away. Let me through."
He worked his way to Darren's position, elbowing and forcing his way through the gathered crowd, none of whom were heading his pleas to back away. Finally he stood looking down at the bass player. He was on his back, eyes closed, smoke rising from his body, particularly his head where a good portion of his hair had been burned off. The right side of his face, his right arm, portions of his exposed right flank and stomach, and a good portion of his right leg were bright red in color, like sunburn only much worse. His bass guitar was lying next to him, the neck broken in half, the strings snapped and hanging free, the body charred and smoking. Matt was kneeling next to him, shaking him.
"Is he dead?" Jake yelled.
"If he's not I'm gonna fuckin' kill him!" Matt yelled back. He gave an extra-hard shake. "Darren!"
Darren's eyes flew open, gazing around, unseeing. "My cock!" he yelled, panicked. "Did it blow off my fuckin' cock?"
It did not blow off his fuckin' cock. The leather shorts he wore had protected that portion of his body. Nor did he suffer any broken bones from either the concussion or the spectacular flight through the air (although three members of the audience were injured when his two hundred and thirty pound, smoking bulk landed atop them). What he did suffer were second-degree burns all over his right leg, right arm, right chest and abdominal wall, and the right side of his face and neck. He also suffered a massively ruptured right eardrum, which left it doubtful that he would ever regain full hearing on that side. His hair was flat out gone, most of it burned off in the explosion, the rest shaved off in the Austin burn center later that night. For the next forty-eight hours he lay in a hospital bed, a morphine drip keeping the worst of the pain under control while blisters rose and fell on his burned skin.
They discharged him with a prescription for heavy-duty pain pills and strict instructions to change his dressings once a day and to maintain bedrest until the skin healed. They wanted him in for check-ups every three days for the next two weeks. But this was simply not to be.
"We had to cancel the first two shows in Dallas," Greg said as they climbed on the bus in the hospital parking lot, "but they're setting up for the third right now. We should make it there by three o'clock this afternoon. We won't have time for the usual interviews and autograph sessions, but we should be able to make the sound check on time."
"Wait a minute," Jake said as he heard this. "Are you saying we're not going home?"
"The show must go on," Greg replied. "It's bad enough we had to cancel two dates in one of our biggest cities. Do you have any idea how much revenue we lost?"
"Darren can't play like that," Matt said. "He looks like a fuckin' cartoon character that got shot with a cannon."
"And his eardrum is ruptured," Jake added. "Didn't they tell him to avoid loud noises until it healed up?"
"He could lose his hearing in that ear for good if he doesn't," said Coop.
"I really don't think I can play," Darren agreed. "These burns hurt real bad. All the fuckin' time, man."
"Nonsense," said Greg dismissively. "I'll make sure everything goes well. I'll get him an earplug for that ear and keep his injuries covered with moist bandages when he goes on stage."
"But my hair!" Darren cried. "I ain't got no fuckin' hair!"
"We'll get a hat for you," Greg said. "Trust me on this. I know what I'm doing."
"No," Matt said. "This is too much, Greg. The man is burned and has blisters all over his body. We ain't doing any more shows until he's healed."
"Then you will be responsible for all the lost revenue for any dates that are missed," Greg said. "All of it. That includes merchandising sales and all fees of inconvenience associated with refunded ticket sales. You think you're in the red now? Taking two or three weeks off from the tour will push you another half a million or so into the hole. Is that what you want?"
"What fuckin' difference does it make?" Matt yelled. "We're already a quarter mil in the hole. What's another half mil on top of it? Take us home until Darren recuperates. If you don't want to do that, put us up in a hotel here in Austin. You can tack that onto our account as well."
"Why don't we let Darren decide this?" Greg asked. "After all, it is his name you're speaking in." He turned to Darren and put his best smile on his face. "Darren? What do you think? If I can make you comfortable enough, do you think you can carry on?"
"Tell him no, Darren," Jake said. "This is bullshit!"
Darren looked miserable. "I want to," he said, "but I don't think I can. I'm really hurtin', you know?"
"I'll give you pain medicine before you go on," Greg promised.
"Oh that's a fuckin' brilliant idea," Matt said. "Aren't the fucking drugs what got us into this situation in the first place?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Darren demanded.
"It means you were trashed up there on the stage and that's why you tripped over your own cord and landed on top of an explosive charge!" yelled Matt. "If Mr. I Want To Suck Joseph Smith's Dick here hadn't of told you to that you don't have to listen to me anymore none of this shit would've happened!"
"That's a fucking lie!" Darren yelled. "He just told me I could do what I want. Smoking weed had nothing to do with what happened!"
"I agree," said Greg. "I'm more inclined to think the accident was caused by a lack of choreography to your sets. If you would have let us train those dance moves into you before we went out on the road, Darren wouldn't have been trying to improvise moves on his own."
"Christ," Matt said. "Round and fucking round we go with this shit."
"If I do go on," Darren said, "I won't be able to do any of my moves at all. Will that be okay?"
"Do us a favor, Darren," Matt said. "Keep your moves to yourself in the future."
Darren looked hurt and then angry. "What's wrong with my moves? Are you just jealous because you can't do 'em? The audience loves them, man. They fuckin' love 'em!"
"Yeah," Matt said. "Especially those three people you landed on after one of your moves got you blown through the air like a fuckin' circus performer."
"It was a good demonstration of a ballistic arc," said Bill, in all seriousness.
"Look," said Greg, "I understand that you won't be able to do your moves for awhile. The audience will understand that too. It was in all the papers about how you were burned by a mishap with the pyrotechnic charges. All you have to do is stand by your microphone and play your bass. Try to back up when Matt is doing a solo. The important thing is that you go on. You'll be applauded just for doing that. They'll understand why you can't move about with your normal enthusiasm."
"Okay," Darren said. "I'll try it."
It looked doubtful at first. During the sound check Darren had to sit in a chair and hold his new Brogan bass away from his body. The back of his right hand was burned and each stroke of the strings sent pain slamming up and down his arm. And even with the earplugs in place the concert level sound blasting out of the amps was making it feel like someone was sticking an ice pick in his right ear.
"I don't know about this, Greg," he said when the sound check was complete. Even after the pills I took, this is fuckin' agony, man."
"Don't worry," Greg told him. "You'll be more comfortable for showtime."
And he was. His burned lag and arm were wrapped in moistened bandages imbedded with lidocaine jelly. He was dressed in a pair of loose fitting black sweatpants and a looser fitting white sweater. They put a lidocaine soaked bandana over his head, ear, and neck and then covered it with an Intemperance baseball cap from the merchandising stocks.
"How's it feel?" Greg asked him.
"Better," Darren said. "It still hurts when I move, but not as bad."
"Well, let's take care of that right now," Greg replied, opening up his little black bag. He pulled out a syringe and a vial of medicine.
"Dude," Darren said as he watched Greg draw the clear liquid into the syringe. "I don't really dig needles, you know."
"It's just a little needle," Greg said. "It'll be over in a second."
"What exactly are you giving him?" Matt asked.
"It's a standard pharmaceutical painkiller," Greg replied, taking out an alcohol swab. He pulled down the shoulder of Darren's sweater, baring his unburned left arm.
"The name, Greg," Matt insisted. "What's the shit called?"
"Demerol," Greg replied. "As I said, a standard painkiller used in hospitals all over the country."
"Ahh, Demerol," said Matt with a knowing nod. "One of the more potent narcotics commercially available." He looked directly at Darren. "It's like heroin, but lasts longer."
Darren looked from the needle to Matt's face to Greg's. "Like heroin?" he said. "I don't know about this shit, man. I don't wanna do no heroin."
"It's not like heroin," Greg insisted. "Demerol is a painkiller produced in the finest American pharmaceutical plants and used by doctors nationwide for the relief of pain. Heroin is an illegal street drug that you melt in a spoon and inject into your veins. They are quite different. Now hold still."
"But..." Darren started.
"Just relax," Greg soothed. "I know what I'm doing." He stabbed the needle into Darren's upper arm and depressed the plunger. Darren kept his eyes closed the entire time. Finally, he let them creak open.
"I don't feel any different," he said.
"I gave it to you intramuscularly instead of intravenously," Greg said. "It will take fifteen or twenty minutes to start working but it will last longer — probably for the entire show."
Darren looked doubtful but, as the minutes ticked closer and closer to showtime and the drug seeped into his veinules and capillaries, gradually working its way through his bloodstream to receptors in his brain, the look of doubt was replaced with something like exaltion. "Wow," he said, smiling and nodding his head. "This is some cool-ass shit."
"Yeah?" asked Coop. "Better than weed?"
"Not better," Darren replied, "but different."
"Never mind how it feels," Matt said. "Will you be able to play like that?"
Darren stood up. He was a bit unsteady at first but as he got used to it he was able to walk back and forth with ease. He flexed his burned hand a few times. "It still hurts a little," he said, "but it doesn't bother me that bad, you dig?"
"That's exactly what its supposed to do," Greg said with a smile. "I think you're going to do just fine out there."
Just fine was probably not the best description for what Darren did, but he did manage to make it through the show. He walked steadily out to his microphone, picked up his bass, and when the lights came up, when the first explosion of the night ripped across the stage, he didn't even flinch. The audience cheered loudly, louder than normal even. And he played. His hands moved like they were supposed to, hitting the right strings in the right order at the right time. He sang the back-up lyrics he was supposed to sing. He made no mistakes. But through the entire show, he hardly moved at all. He didn't sway his body to the beat he was helping to set. He didn't shuffle his feet, shrug his shoulders, or twist back and forth. He most certainly didn't jump or spin or make faces. When the time came for Matt's solos, he would back up a few steps, clearing the spotlight area. When the time came for the explosions, he backed up a little faster. In effect, he appeared to be nothing more than an animatronic bass player, or perhaps a holographic one, while the rest of the band moved and turned and swayed and played their usual enthusiastic performance. It wasn't pretty, but the show went on and when it was finally over the audience cheered as they usually did.
"Good job, Darren," Greg congratulated him when they left the stage after the final encore. "You did just great up there."
Darren simply nodded, his face drenched in acrid sweat. "That shot you gave me wore off," he said. "Can I get another one?"
He got another one. Greg shot him up and sent him back to the hotel in a limousine hired especially for the occasion. While the rest of the band engaged in their normal post-show groupie action, Darren crashed out in his bed and slept until eight the next morning.
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A message from the AuthorPlease note these events are all true to the best of my knowledge. Only the Names, places and years have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.It is the year 1923 in Scotland that this story begins. Stella Brown was sat in the Mother Superiors office at St Augustine Catholic school for Girls.And she was in Big trouble!Stella new that she was going to be punished severely, which of course meant that she was going to be caned. She sat thinking back on all the...
PROLOGUE: Abilene, Kansas - 9:18 p.m. Shelley Hanel had just gotten into her car, which was sitting idle in the Parking Lot of the theatre as she watched the stage play, and she had only begun to fish around in her pocket for her car keys when she suddenly remembered the time. She was eighteen minutes past the time when she usually called her husband. She kept in touch with him at least once, if not more than once, a week. Lawrence Hanel had made a surprise visit a couple of...
Corky dreamed he was flying. Green, hilly countryside slipped away beneath him, heady excitement filled him. His mind reached upward and his frame followed without effort, proceeding with the effortless grace of a great fish of the open ocean. Gaining in confidence, he slid downward until he was brushing the treetops, banking from side to side for the sheer joy of his motion, reveling in the wind on his face, the gentle heat of the sun on his back. Then, with a jolt, he was brought up short....
I make it look easier than it really is. Shaping the world around me didn't come naturally. I was in college when I learned about quantum mechanics and the importance of observation. It was completely counterintuitive - on a quantum level things exist in probability flux until they're observed, at which point they collapse into a solid answer, then flip back into a big fuzzy blob when you look away. The simple fact of looking at something could change it from one state to another (admittedly on...
Mind ControlI was driving us home from the party. Barbara was unusually quiet and pensive. She looked out the window at the streetlights, arms crossed over her chest, not talking at all. I left her alone, knowing that she would eventually say what was on her mind. As we crossed over the river, she turned toward me and said, ‘Are you attracted to younger women?’ I glanced at her lovely, intense face and said, ‘Yes, of course. Sometimes.’ She looked back out the window. ‘Why?’ she asked, simply. ‘Well,’...
The first time I went to the little church in Georgetown, Guyana, I felt more than a little out of place. There were only about twenty people there and they all clearly knew one another. All but two of them were women.And all were black, because Guyana is one of those countries where slavery was everywhere and when it was abolished in the late 19th century, many of the plantation owners eventually left, but the workers stayed.They had been brought in chains from Africa, and Guyana was where...
InterracialThis happened in December, 2002. My first semester at Clinton State University was nearly over. Most of the kids had already gone home for the winter break, but I was stuck with a final exam scheduled on the absolute last day of the term. I guess I didn’t really mind the peace and quiet which was a nice alternative to the 24/7 party atmosphere that had permeated the dorm hallways from pretty much the time I’d moved in.I was never really great at parties. I didn’t really like to drink or do a...
Mind ControlI’d been working as a doorman of this club called The Loft for two years now. It was a good job. Good pay, $30 an hour. Flexible hours so I could study during the week, I typically only worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. People always asked, doesn’t it suck having to work every weekend while they got to drink? Not really. I was used to working weekends so it didn’t bother me. And who says we didn’t drink? Security was notorious for having a scotch or two while on the job. And staffies...
InterracialSaying I was pissed was an understatement. Being in the presence of such ignorance and stupidity made me literally boil with rage. I kept telling them that the sedative was going to hinder my data and corrupt any theories that I could draw from this little experiment . But no they just ignored me and finished placed all the sensors and monitors on the male wolf test subject. His fur was black where he wasn't shaved to make room for the pads that needed a flat and smooth surface to stick...
Mind ControlI find us a place for you to sit/lay down, and after locating some lotion, I'd start rubbing your feet for a while, working my way up to your ankles, onto your calves, the lotion making sure I don't give you an Indian burn. Gently and slowly working my way up till I can feel your thighs in my palms, tracing circles at this point, making my way to the insides of your thighs, I stop just shy of your sweet spot as I motion for you to turn over onto your stomach... You oblige, and my hands go back...
Cindy fresh out of the shower stood glazing at herself in the full length mirror admiring her gorgeous married figure like she has done so many days before. A natural blonde gifted with large natural full breasts. A thin waist most women would die to have and full round hips with an adorable round ass. She loved to flaunt her petite body and enjoyed the attention she received from other men. Married for nine years to a wonderful man that adored her, provided for her and gave her anything her...
Warren knew his marriage was in a mess, now more than it had been, it was now so toxic that mere words could develop into a major row. He put a lot of blame on the latest downturn on the 'religious' that his wife was becoming more involved with and although sexual relations had been going downhill for many years, the recent months it had become so bad that a mere touch could result in an almost mini war; not that it would have mattered much for the constant refusals of his wife in that area...
Copyright© 2002-2003 I dined with Lord Hughing Fitz-Bluing Who said, "Do you squirm when you're screwing?" I replied, "Simple shagging Without any wagging Is only for screwing canoeing." Mom turned into a ball away from me and sobbed loudly, "What have I done", she repeated over and over. She was hiding her face in her hands, as if hiding from the reality of my bed. Me, I was breathing deeply, trying to relax my sweaty quivering body after such a surprising and enjoyable fuck. I...
I think that this story is borderline to the kind I ought to be writing, but I am going to do it anyway. The background for writing this tale is that last weekend in Copenhagen, a 30-year-old girl was raped by a group of teenagers (two of them under 15). Indeed I should point out that I feel a lot of sympathy with the poor girl, and that this story in no way suggests that she provoked the situation. The reason for writing this is that I have been intrigued by what might cause a group of young...
"You do realise that I'm putting a deal of trust in you Mr. Hacker?" The change in tone from the friendly banter and the using of his Christian name to the more serious tone and the use of his surname said as much. "Absolutely Estelle and I promise not to abuse it. After all I, we--" he turned to Carol and smiled "--count Justin, and his girlfriend Vikki, as very good friends. And," he smiled again, "it's not just for the sex." "No, indeed it isn't just for the sex," said Carol...
The one sided exchange was two days long. When it ended, Yurnal left got up, briefly look at his son and Mernug before concentrating his gaze at Supreme Ruler Ar Yen and then leaving. Another two days later, Elijah got up from his crossed legged sitting position and met with Supreme Ruler Ar Yen. Yimin and Mernug were in an unconscious state, compelled by Supreme Ruler Ar Yen’s soul technique, which only affected the latter because it was enforced on him by direct contact. “Well, was it...
"I'll tell you what it is with me," said Sharon Pettibone. "O.k., Sharon," said Angela, "you tell me all about it." "Don't be so sarcastic," said Sharon. "It's not nice. I have something sexy to tell you. You listen and you just might learn something." "That ought to be good," said Angela. "Me, a black girl, learning something from you, a white bitch. I mean really. And about sex, to boot. Really, Sharon. You Pettibones are just too fucking much." The black girl rolled up...
I squeezed Daddy’s dick between my breasts. Daddy’s dick was hard and warm and my breasts embraced him lovingly. It felt so wonderful to have the World’s Best Cock nestled between the caress of my tits. My cunt began to drool at the sensation. I moaned and... “Goofy.” Daddy’s bass voice shook me out of my dream. I blinked up at him and saw that he was hugging a steaming cup of coffee to his chest. Still a little disoriented, I looked at his semi-erect dick, which was at eye level and not...
BDSMBLOODLINES 2: POST-VAMPIRE DEPRESSION BY Cassandra Anaconda Morrison Being a vampire is not as easy as you might think. In the first place, one has to pretty much swear-off direct sunlight - which means you can forget about that golden tan which is considered the epitome of sexual desirability. Instead you have to cultivate that alabaster pallor most people associate with dead things. One can compensate for this with body make-up of course but I would advise any fledglings out...
BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...
Here's another one just on the heels of Club Cane... Enjoy and let me know what you think. 'll add anyone and I post special update there now that I know how... Add me and come check me out. I also post pics of outfits the girls may were and other pics that you might enjoy... Notice to you spammers, if you add me and spam my page I will delete and block your loser asses. Join or something if you wanna hook up, not my Stories... Anyway here's an updated Table of Contents. Hope...
Introduction: Michael wants clarity in their relationship Dear Readers, Heres another one just on the heels of Club Cane… Enjoy and let me know what you think. ll add anyone and I post special update there now that I know how… Add me and come check me out. I also post pics of outfits the girls may were and other pics that you might enjoy… Notice to you spammers, if you add me and spam my page I will delete and block your loser asses. Join or something if you wanna hook up, not my...
Back at the Hollywood Sex Shop, Tory and I were now the new Dare Masters for my three exotic Island girls and the Ass Manager, Giselle. "So how does a couple like you end up with a sex shop? You closed up pretty quick I assumed you must be more than just 'in charge?" I asked my new friend. Outside a purple sunset faded, the summer night deepened; inside, Annette, the fine Phillipina nymph was pulling on bright blue thigh highs, then stepping into a pair of silver stripper heels with help from...
ExhibitionismA big thank you to the wonderful RamonaE for allowing me to borrow her idea. And grateful thanks to the fabulous Ella for adding so much value way beyond her editing skills. CHAPTER ONE: Alice is given a mission behind enemy lines The office was well appointed, almost regal with its styling, and certainly better than many of the other merely functional rooms used by the usual senior senior ranks at the War Office. The smartly attired Head of MI6 sat on the leather Chesterfield sofa, opposite...
Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she peeled her clingy blue skirt from her glistering, nylon-covered legs and carefully placed it in the locker to be washed ahead of the following day's flight. After stripping off the rest of her uniform and changing back into her tight, chic pencil dress, Jessica elegantly lowered herself onto the bench in front of her locker and took her smartphone from her handbag, switching it on to check her messages. Ordinarily, Jessica would have headed...
Some of you may recognize this story from another site, but for those who haven't read it, I hope you like it. BJ Behind Enemy Lines Chapter 1 The night sky was filled with acrid smoke and the smell of burning fuel as Lieutenant John Massey’s silk parachute brought him closer to the dark and unknown ground below. It had all happened so fast. One minute they were on course with the other bombers, making preparations for the final approach to their designated target coordinates, the next...
Novels"Mr. Tyler, your resume is very impressive," Robert Marotte, chief recruitment officer for Soixante-Trois airlines, said to the young American man sitting opposite him. "Two years working for Belman airways in America, fluent in English, French & German, conversational in Russian and Arabic, you could choose any airline you want. Why do you want to work for Soixante-Trois?" "I love the whole concept of the service Soixante-Trois offers," Jesse Tyler responded in his clipped...
Jessica took a deep breath as she tried to relax in the aeroplane's plush, comfortable seats- though the discomfort her clothes were causing and the stares she was receiving from the other passengers weren't making the task of relaxing any easier. Next to her, her Scottish lover was suffering from the same levels of discomfort as she fidgeted in her seat. "Feel like everyone's staring," Paige whispered to Jessica as the aeroplane's safety briefing continued in both English and...
"Okay," the brown-haired flight attendant whispered as they slipped on their fitted royal blue jacket, fastening the one single button at the front. "You can do this." "You ready?" the flight attendant's mentor, a 22 year old blonde woman named Abbey, asked. "Ready as I'll ever be!" the brown haired flight attendant replied with a nervous giggle. "You'll be FINE," Abbey replied. "Trust me, the job isn't THAT hard. It'll seem like you have a lot to learn, but if you've already got...
Everything was perfect and exactly as the book had detailed, the chalked lines the definition of precision on the designated aspen wood floor, stones and gems of varying origin expertly carved with runes long extinct from the world placed around the central circle, candles dotting each of many points, the wax of the candles infused with his own blood, the fire burning with a slightly greenish tinge, a sign things were as they should be. Now all he had to do to take his rightful place in...
Crossing Lines How a Young Man Learned to Prioritize Chapter 1: Lo, the Man Who Built His House on Sand "Baby, come and look at what I got today!" Erin shouted, her harmonic voice seeming to instantly fill the hallways of the large, open home. It was summer and a balmy humidity filled the air outside, however the house interior stayed at a constant and cool 72o. "One second babe," the lackluster replied, thick with gruff and disinterested overtones answered after a momentary...
My mind was somehow always filled with lines. Angles and intersections. Properties. Distances. Distribution. Patterns. I was perfectly willing to pass the blame to my first teacher of mathematics. Mr Williams sowed a seed and I was unable to let it die. Numbers and arithmetic were of minimal interest to me, but show me a diagram, a plan or the skeleton of a building and I was entranced. Father was not an imaginative man. His head was filled too, it seemed. But not with lines. His obsession...
"Exhausted yet?" Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport. "Almost," Abbey replied, returning Jessica's smile. "It's harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route..." "Ehh, red's not TOO bad," Jessica replied. "You do get to build up a nice tan!" The two young women giggled as they removed their iconic pillbox hats, followed by their tight blue uniforms, placing them on the...
Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn't the first time that she'd been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that 'Sophie Connelly' had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks. The last time...
I was surprisingly alert when Tommy and I slipped into Frej’s car at a quarter of six, just as the light was starting to make itself known in the east. I let Tommy have the front so I could squeeze against Heather in the back. “Good morning, my love,” she whispered, and immediately I wondered if I was overdressed for the warmth she caused in me. Maybe forgetting all my clothes at home would be okay after all. Damn kissing ban, though... “Is your man coming with us today?” Tommy asked...
"Please all give a round of applause to our newest in-flight supervisors," Alana announced to the assembled crowd of stewardesses. "Miss Jessica Tyler!" Jessica blushed as she stepped out in front of the cheering crowd, nervously fiddling with the brand-new gold buttons on her blazer. "And," Alana continued as Jessica anxiously bit her lip, "Miss Carly Powell!" Jessica smiled as the blonde Englishwoman stood alongside her and eagerly waved to the crowd. Jessica's smile faltered,...
"We're not objects!" Sophie chanted, backed by dozens of her friends and colleagues. "We're not objects!" "You go, girls!" A passer-by, a young woman in her early twenties, said, giving the picket line a thumbs up as she walked past them and into the vast concourse of Heathrow airport. Nevertheless, Sophie still felt uneasy. It wasn't due to the fact that she was stood alongside her friends wearing a smart blouse, a straight pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes. If anything, her...
It was patently evident to Colonel Nesmith Norman what the nawab was so clumsily suggesting. The pretty girl who was being presented to him and who was one of the nawab’s many daughters borne to him no doubt by one of his many wives was fully at Colonel Norman’s disposal should he so desire. This had become one of the many acknowledged perquisites in a career in Her Majesty’s Services Overseas, particularly to be expected when one had the power to bring advantage to one of Her Majesty’s...
Gay MaleA sketchbook, plain-looking besides it's sparkling binding comb, which looks sleeker than usual, lies in a new someone's requisition. 'Drawbook' is etched in medium-sized lettering on the front. Upon a simple impression, it doesn't seem to be anything valuable or different. Inside, however, behind the black cover, spreads an ornately fonted preface of some sort. Reading it, it says... Somewhere, at some point, everyone draws a line. Where do you draw yours? ...or, perhaps, there's no need to...
Mind Control“Are you talking to me?” I asked, looking up from my book and seeing a beautiful girl standing near me. I was laying out at my complexes swimming pool when I heard the soft feminine voice of a goddess speaking. “I think you would look good either way” I said, not very smooth, but it was the best I could think of being caught so off guard. With a laugh, she said, “You’re sweet” and layed down on the lounge chair next to me. “I think I’m going to go with no tan lines.” I tried not to stare as she...
Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...
Mind ControlThe Lines Between By RopeBinder She wasn't a masochist, at least not in the true sense of the word. Yet,she begged him to pinch her nipples harder. Why? To turn him on? She used tothink that, but this was different. This feeling came from a deeper place. "Jeffrey, please, pinch them harder." The urgency. The desperation. Even he was amazed. He watched her. He watchedher chest heave up and down. He watched her panicked breathing. With everycalculation he made to get her to this point, he never...
Future Plot Lines JB - Additional plot lines can be taken from themes developed in the series: Jeannie needs to get a passport, identification, Tony tries to teach her to drive Tony goes to Hollywood as a consultant on a science fiction movie, Jeannie follows, gets jealous of starlet Tony kidnapped by Chinese agents, Roger & Jeannie rescue Amanda Bellows gets caught with Roger, tries to implicate Tony - CH
A little light CD fiction from Miss Anthropy about an exclusive class of air travel. Mild bondage references. TG Airlines At TG Airlines we appreciate the needs of our customers. We also appreciate that some travellers have special requirements, including valuable customers in the cross- dressing community. TG Airlines is therefore proud to unveil Executive Traveller Club Crossdresser Business First, a new concept in first class air travel designed especially to meet these...
"...And the emergency exits can be found here, here and here," Marie announced in English and in French as all four stewardesses on board the luxurious aeroplane performed the hand and arm gestures. "If you need anything at all, our expert team of stewardesses will be only too happy to oblige," Marie continued. "Your stewardesses for this flight are Chloe," Marie gestured to a petite dark-haired girl, who bobbed a quick curtsey, "Sara," Marie gestured to a tall girl- over 6 feet tall...
Jessica stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac at Charles De Gaulle airport with an ache in her feet from standing in high heels all day, and an ache in her head from dealing with needy, insulting passengers all day. She longed for nothing more than to strip out of her painful shoes, her tight skirt and her restrictive corset and lay in a warm bath for the next 24 hours, but as she changed back into her sleek black dress to head home, she knew that wasn't an option. As sore and...
"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...
Jessica smiled for the passengers as they disembarked the plane, stretching their tired muscles after the long flight from Madrid. "Thank you for flying with Soixante-Trois Airlines," Jessica gushed in her practised overly-saccharine 'stewardess's voice'. "Enjoy your stay in London!" "I live here, you dumb valley girl," one of the passengers snorted as he passed Jessica with a backward glance. "That's the west coast, you moron," Jessica whispered under her breath, out of earshot...
The dark-haired woman took a deep breath to calm her nerves as her friends celebrated around her. The pub was packed, but they'd had an entire section reserved for their own private use- one of the perks of being friends with the manager. She stared over at her lover, who was smiling tiredly- having had a long day at work- and clenched her immaculately manicured hands into fists to stop them from shaking. After three more deep breaths, she rose from her seat, instantly attracting the...