A Wad For Wifey CH. 01 free porn video

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A Wad for Wifey: Chapter One

Seeking a Diagnosis

What an odd scene: a lone young man seated in a doctor’s waiting room surrounded by women of all ethnicities, shapes and sizes. Sid Harman was that 18-year-old boy — to his left sat Trish Harman, his stressed-out mother, and to his right, an obviously pregnant woman squirmed from one hip to the other, trying to find a comfortable position.

“Sorry,” she said to those near enough to hear her.

“No problem,” Sid whispered back, not quite sure why he suddenly felt like he was in a library.

Leaning forward, Mrs. Harman peered around her son to see who he was talking to. She smiled at the 30ish Hispanic woman and nodded politely. “Been there — these chairs are the worst. My hips are hurting and I’ve not been pregnant for many years. How far along are you?”

The question was much appreciated and helped the woman think of something other than her aching backside. “I’m due in two weeks. Can’t wait to get this one here,” she said, patting her belly lightly.

“Is this your first?” Sid quietly asked, knowing that was always the next question in this line of inquiry.

“Oh…no…this is number three. I’m a veteran,” she jokingly retorted. “My twins are with their grandma today…thank goodness. Funny how even a trip to the doctor can seem like a break.”

“Indeed,” Trish noted, smiling broadly. “I’m Trish and this is my son, Sid,” she said while extending her hand, nearly brushing Sid’s crotch.

“Oh, great. Nice to meet you, and I’m Marie.” The women shook hands and further exchanged pleasantries.

“I’ll bet you’re excited to…blah, blah, blah…”

Sid found himself sitting between the two ladies as they swapped motherhood war stories. Both of them gradually leaned further and further over the young man’s lap to avoid speaking too loudly. At first, Sid feigned interest in the discussion but soon found his mind wandering…at no fault of his own. Surely, by coincidence alone, Sid faced a dilemma…no, make that four dilemmas. With his mom and new-found friend bent as they were, the boy was treated to a rather impressive display of bulging breasts. To stop staring would have been impossible…if not downright rude. To be engaged he had no choice but to look from one set to the next — any other option would have craned his neck causing possible bodily harm. Well, that settled it. Checking out his mother’s tits and the preggo’s was medically necessary. No, doubt the women would see it that way, as well. How could they not?

His mother had dressed as she normally did for a warm spring day; wearing knee length spandex shorts and a scooped necked t-shirt that framed her ample assets as if on display at the Louvre. It wasn’t the first time Sid had appreciated her flawless orbs and freckled cleavage. Since moving from North Dakota to Scottsdale, his mother’s wardrobe has changed significantly. Gone were the full length jeans, wool socks, and thick flannel shirts. Instead, she had adjusted well to Arizona attire, which was far more sexy than Sid was accustom. In the three months they’d been there, Trish had crafted a beautiful tan, tightened her ass with daily squats, and filled her closet with shorts, T’s, and all sorts of light cotton sundresses.

Mrs. Harman’s flat stomach, firm breasts, and nicely contoured clothing were amusingly contrasted by Marie’s garb. She was casually attired from head to foot in an outfit that screamed ‘I’m nine months pregnant and just don’t give a shit.’ Sandals clung loosely to her tanned toes. The shoes were wide, and open enough to encase the woman’s swollen feet. She wore sweat pants that may have been her husbands, and a tank top that was stretch to its tensile limits, both around her bust and belly. Bra straps dug into her soft shoulders, leaving red marks – the result of the bra performing an overwhelmingly difficult task. You see, Marie’s boobs were large, full and appeared ridiculously heavy. They were so much so that they rested on her baby bump, and as she bent over, her belly pushed them up and out of the shirt’s neckline.

From any of the casual observers in the waiting room, Marie’s light chocolate tits must have looked like they were spilling into Sid’s lap. There was side and top boobage overflowing everywhere, but she seemed oblivious to the spectacle and the exposure she was offering the teen boy.

The conversation seemed to go on forever...or at least it felt that way to Sid. The longer they talked – the longer his cock became and the less he could hide his state of excitement. He shifted a bit and reached for a magazine to nonchalantly place on his lap. The movement did not go unnoticed by Sid’s mom, who placed her hand on the boy’s knee and squeezed a bit more than she needed to.

“Um...are you okay?” Trish asked.

Stuttering, Sid choked out a reply, “Me? Oh...yeah...just these chairs – like you were saying – they’re pretty uncomfortable.”

“Well, okay. I’m just worried about you,” she continued, rubbing his leg more gently now.

“Mom,” Sid gushed, while making sure the mag didn’t fall off his lap.

Suddenly, Marie placed her hand on Sid’s other knee and spoke to Trish in a hushed tone, “Is your boy ill? I thought you must be here for yourself. I didn’t know Dr. Harjob saw male patients.”

“She normally doesn’t, but as a favor to me she agreed to see Sid today. We hope it’s nothing serious.”

Turning her attention to Sid, Marie spoke even quieter, “You look perfectly healthy, Sid. Are you not feeling well?”

Sid tried to reply but his mother beat him to it, “It’s probably nothing, but...but he’s having a problem with his...ah...reproductive stuff.”

“Mom! You’re embarrassing me,” Sid exclaimed, still making an attempt to keep the conversation strictly between the three of them. “I’m not having trouble with my stuff.”

“Oh, Dear, I think you are and I’m sure Dr. Harjob will be able to sort it out.”

Marie leaned in even further, her breasts now pressing the magazine down against the boy’s package. She was intrigued more than she should have been. “I hope you don’t think me forward, but do you mind me asking what kind of problem? It would be a shame for such a young man to be infertile.”

The question made Mrs. Harman smile, a wickedly delicious smile. “On the contrary, Marie. Sid, I believe, has the opposite problem.”

“The opposite problem? You mean he...”

Marie’s next question was thankfully cut off by a short, elvish looking receptionist. “Sid Harman...Sid Harman...you can come with me now.”

Thank heavens, Sid thought, tossing the reading material aside to push his way through the women. As he did, the bulge at the front of his pants captured Marie’s gaze...and imagination.

“Oh...I see...” she quietly said to herself, her eyes glued to Sid’s groin.

“Wait up, Sid, I want to visit with the doctor,” Trish announced, making sure Sid and everyone else in the place could hear her.

Sid’s shoulders sagged, and his slender 125 pound frame slowed until Trish grabbed his arm and pushed him along, following the impish assistant through a pair of swinging doors.

In their wake, a baby began to cry, triggering another, and then another until a chorus of babies and toddlers were howling like banshees. “Oh...I don’t need this right now. I really don’t need this right now,” Marie grunted, recognizing the familiar rush of milk to her breasts as the warm, sweet liquid let down and her nipples began to leak. “Damn hormones! This shouldn’t be happening until baby is here.” As it turns out, this was exactly the reason Marie had booked her appointment with Dr. Harjob. Seemingly overnight, she’s turned in a Jersey cow with no relief in sight.


Beyond the chaos and noise of the clinic's waiting room, Dr. Satya Harjob rushed from one examination room to the next. A native of India, Satya had been educated in the United States, raised in a home with her siblings, parents, and grandparents, and lived to serve her patients. She was classically beautiful; raven haired, dark eyed, with razor-edged features and full pastel lips. At present, much of that beauty was hidden behind a surgical mask, but even so, it was obvious she was in a league of her own.

The day of Sid's visit, the doctor wore a skirt, short enough to give her full range of motion, and a white silk blouse. The contrast of her creamy, chestnut colored skin against the stark white was eye-catching to say the least. A thin, white lab coat hung loosely from her shoulders, somewhat obscuring her youthful figure, but given the lighting conditions of the clinic, it was impossible to conceal her shapely curves.

Inside Exam Room #3 Sid and his mother waited patiently. Sid had slipped into an adjacent bathroom and exchanged his clothing for a disposable paper gown. He sat on an odd looking table with a protective sheet over it. At one end a small pillow had been placed as a head rest and at the other a set of metal stirrups rose from the table’s corners.

“I feel like an idiot,” he quipped, staring at his mother. “What’s she gonna do?”

“I’m not sure but I suspect she’ll examine you and maybe do some blood work,” Trish replied.

“What if she wants to see my...my penis?”

“I suspect she will, but maybe not. Sid, she’s a doctor, so just chill.”

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes before Sid asked his mother, “Why the sudden need to ‘fix my problem’?” He used air quotes to accentuate his point.

“Come on, Sid. Surely you must know it’s getting out of hand. I’m literally washing your sheets every day.”

“But it’s not my fault. How am I...”

“Listen Hon, I know it’s not your fault. I’m not blaming you...but something has to be done.”

Suddenly there was a light rap on the exam room door. “Are you decent?” came a demur call.

“Yes, please come in,” Trish replied, winking at Sid.

The door slowly opened and Dr. Harjob stepped into the 10’x12’ room. “Trish, so nice to see you...and this must be your son.”

“And you too,” the mother replied. “And yes, this is Sid.”

Turning her attention to the boy, the doctor extended her hand and said, “Sid, nice to meet you. I hope you’re not too nervous. I’m sure you’re feeling a bit intimidated.”

“Yeah, a bit,” he replied, taking her hand in a firm handshake. “I didn’t realize I’d be the only guy here.”

“Well, don’t give it a second thought. When your mom called this morning and gave me a few particulars, I decided it best to see you and then decide if we need to send you off to a urologist.”

“Thanks...I guess,” the boy stammered. “It’s not that big of a deal anyway.”

“Now Sid, remember what we talked about in the car. We need to be upfront and honest with the doctor so you can get the best help possible.” The young man reluctantly nodded his head in agreement. “Besides, anything said in this room will be private and confidential. Isn’t that right, Dr. Harjob?”

“Absolutely! I’m not here to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. If at any point during the examination today you’re feeling unpleasant, let me know and we’ll stop. Okay?”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Sid, before I take a look I’d like my assistant to check your weight, height, and a few other things to give us a baseline.”

A moment laster, the same woman that had seated them knocked on the door and entered. With a flick of her finger, she waved the young man to join her and they left the room, Sid being careful to keep the makeshift gown closed around his behind.

Now, given some privacy in the exam room, the doctor pulled up a stool and logged into a computer on a nearby counter. “Let see,” she hummed to herself, as she entered her name and password. “Okay, that’s got it. I’ll just get a few particulars while Sid’s out of the room.” Her fingers danced across the keyboard, entering intermittent text while occasionally reaching for the mouse to check boxes in the medical template.

“So…Trish, I gathered from your phone call that Sid has some type of secretion or discharge you’re concerned about. It sounds like he might have an infection…perhaps a bladder infection.”

“Well, I’m not sure about an infection but there is certainly a discharge…lots and lots of discharge,” Sid’s mom replied.

“How so, and how did this come to your attention?” Harjob asked, her fingers continuing to hammer out details.

For a second, Trish paused, thinking over the past few weeks. “I guess I’d say doing laundry.”

The doctor followed along, quietly talking to herself as she typed, “First noticed while doing laundry…” The words suddenly seemed to be in a foreign language, as she looked at what she’d just entered. “Laundry?”

“Yeah…his sheets. It used to be every couple of weeks that I’d need to wash his sheets, but lately…”

“Lately, what?” Satya inquired, spinning away from the keyboard to face Trish.

“It’s like every other day…or more.”

“He’s urinating in the bed?” the doctor said, somewhat puzzled.

“Not exactly…no. He’s ejaculating in the bed and soiling the sheets.” Trish felt just a bit embarrassed, having used the term ejaculating while speaking to such a young, pretty doctor. However, she also was mildly amused or titillated by their discussion.

“Oh…oh…I see. Trish, I don’t want to sound unconcerned or preachy…but young men…or boys…do masturbate or ejaculate, as you put it, quite often. It’s natural. It’s necessary for their testicles to mature properly. I’m glad that’s all…”

Cutting her doctor off, Mrs. Harman tried to add clarification. “Yes, I understand all of that, but I don’t think you understand. It’s the volume…and I can’t even begin to…okay, let me explain. Some mornings Sid will wake up and his bed covers…his sheets…will be glued to his frame from his neck to his…ah…ah…groin. I’ve never had to help him out of this predicament, but it’s obvious when he throws the bedding in the laundry that he’s...he’s...”

“Climaxed,” Satya interjected.

“Yes, exactly.”

“But, you’re afraid it’s too much...it’s abnormal?”

“Thank you...yes. Sometimes the fabric is stiff as a board, and at other times, there’s still wet, fresh semen where he’s tried to mop it up. I mean it’s been awhile since I...since I’ve had sex, but I know too much when I see too much.”

“More than a teaspoon, which is the norm for most men and perhaps a bit more for a healthy younger male?” Harjob inquired, her curiosity piqued.

“Oh, hell yes.”

“And you believe he’s masturbating to produce this excess ejaculate?”

“Well, he says no...but I think he’s too embarrassed to discuss it fully. He says it just happens while he’s sleeping.”

“A wet dream...uncontrolled ejaculation brought on by erotic dreams when a man...or boy has too much semen built up in their reproductive system and it must be expelled to make room for new, fresh sperm. Generally this would be a few weeks worth of production, but you say Sid is having these much more frequently that than?”

“Correct. As of late, he seems to be releasing his semen every day or two...at night.”

“Most interesting,” Satya mused quietly, while tapping her index finger on the table. “I’ve heard of cases like this but never seen one personally.”

“What is it? Is it serious? It’s not a form of cancer, is it?” The concerned mother quizzed the doctor as quickly as she could think.

“No...typically not...and I’m only guessing without running some tests, but it sounds like Sid has an extreme case of hyperspermia.”

“Hyperspermia? Too much sperm?”

“Right...more common than one might think but Sid’s case may be more peculiar than most. We’ll have to do some testing and I’ll likely need to send him to a specialist.”

“But it’s not dangerous?” Trish asked.

“No, no, no...it’s just a bit a...a...messy for the individual and their sex partners. Is Sid sexually active? He’s a good looking kid. He must have a girlfriend.”

“No, not at the moment. Since we moved to Scottsdale a few months ago, he’s made some new friends but with his father’s death and adjusting to a new place he’s not been dating.”

“Perhaps that is part of the problem. How about his urination? How frequent and volume?”

“That’s something you’d have to ask Sid, but I will tell you, as a young boy, he had quite the ability to pee. We used to get a kick out of him challenging his uncles to pee contests. Makes me laugh just thinking about it,” Trish said, a smile suddenly bringing her expression to life. “He’d tell them to see if they could hit the barn from a few feet away and then he’d pee over the barn.”

“No...you must be exaggerating,” Satya interjected.

“Nope...as God is my witness, he could pee a mile and even now, sometimes he sounds like a race horse going in the toilet.”

“Well, I’m not sure how the two functions relate but I suspect they do. Let’s see what stats we’ve gathered and do a physical examination.”

Harjob picked up the phone and notified the pleasant voice at the other end that Sid could rejoin them. Seconds later, he walked through the door, an awkward grin on his face.

Trish noted the smirk and said, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No, I guess not...just feel like a bit of a freak, being the only guy in a women’s clinic.”

“Just relax,” Dr. Harjob instructed, inviting Sid to lie on the odd looking table pressed against the wall. “I’ll need to do a few things before we get a sample.”

“Sample?” Sid questioned, his mind racing.

“Yes, a semen sample, of course.”

“Mom...Doctor...you can’t be serious.”

“I’m afraid so…both urine and semen,” Satya confirmed.

“How...you don’t expect me to...I mean, I can’t just...”

“It won’t be a problem, Sid. If you can’t manage here, you can always provide one from home and drop it by.”

The suggestion didn’t seem to offer the young man much relief, but it did help to slow his heart rate from stroke range to a safer heart attack metric.

“Alright…let’s see what we’ve got.” The doctor turned her attention back to the screen and quietly read aloud. “Blood pressure’s good…five foot ten inches…okay and weight matches that close enough…and temperature is fine. Well, so far so good. Sid, let’s get a look at you.”

Sliding away from the computer, Dr. Harjob removed a stethoscope from a pocket and inserted the auditory ends into her ears. “Just lie still, Sid. I’m going to listen to your heart, stomach and bowels. Relax as much as you can.”

“Okay,” the young man replied, sucking in a quick breath of air when the cold device touched his chest.

“Sorry about that. It’ll just take a second to warm up.” Leaning slightly over the boy, enough to give him a wafting sense of her perfumed essence, Satya listened intently as she moved about his torso. “Mmm…mmm…yes, that all sounds fine. Okay Sid, I’ll need you to just lift your behind a bit so I can bring up the gown’s hem.”

When Sid did not readily move, his mother cleared her throat to get his attention. “Yeah…okay…if I have to,” he sourly noted.

“Thank you,” both Satya and Trish replied in unison.

Slowly, almost painfully, the young man lifted his butt from the table, allowing the doctor to pull the thin gown above his groin to bunch it near his waist. His flaccid penis and heavy balls lay exposed to both women. “Mom, do you have to be here?” Sid said, a pleading quality to his voice.

“Sid, for heaven’s sake. I’ve wiped your butt a thousand times…your…your um…penis is not something new to me,” Mrs. Harman replied, her voice softening a bit, as she recognized how difficult this must be for her son. “It’ll be over soon.”

“Yes, that’s right. I’ll just have a little look…” Satya began, as she nudged Sid’s thighs, inviting him to spread them slightly. “Thanks,” she said, when he did. Dr. Harjob reached into a nearby cupboard and retrieved a pair of surgical gloves. Donning them, she returned her attention to the boy’s groin and fully exposed cock and balls. Before beginning the visual and tactile inspection of Sid’s reproductive organ, she looked at her patient, whose eyes were fixed on the ceiling, his mouth slightly open and face flushed. “Okay, this won’t take long.”

Dr. Satya Harjob was certainly no prude, yet she’d been raised in a very strict authoritarian home, where her father’s word was law. As she considered examining Sid’s equipment, she was troubled and could hear her father’s voice booming in her head. Touching a man’s sexual organ was forbidden before marriage. Oh, she’d been tempted over the years. Afterall, she was attractive and a sought after prize while in school, but it didn’t take long for suitors to discover that infidelities with Satya might be very bad for one’s health. Her brothers and father were men not to be trifled with...hence Dr. Harjob’s virginity was still very much intact, however, her libido had never been squelched.

Even now, the sight of the boy’s penis...and why was she trying so desperately to think of it as a penis? Was it to slow the sudden rise in her respiration and pulse? Was she ashamed to think that the presence of such a perfectly formed, circumcised male organ might trigger something within her? Something she’d not be able to satisfy until she could get home and rub out a quick, satisfying orgasm? The more she looked, the more she acknowledged...this is not penis...this is a COCK!

Just running the crude word through her mind formed a bead of light perspiration across her brow and upper chest. Get a grip, she thought, almost laughing as she did just that. Her gloved hands first went to Sid’s shaft, stacked one above the other, with just the thick-rimmed head exposed. A good 7...maybe 8 inches when erect, she guessed, using her hands as a guide. Kneading it from top to bottom, her skilled hands explored the organ, squeezing and palpating Sid’s cock in the pretense of checking for lumps and bumps. “Feels good. I can’t make out anything unusual.”

It wasn’t until she noticed a subtle warmth spreading across her palms that she realized the boy was getting an erection.

Um...baseball...ah...got to stock shelves at work tonight...don’t get hard, please...don’t get hard.

Sid was doing everything he could to prevent what was happening below his waist. Thoughts of high school baseball, working at Home Depot, and even clipping his toenails weren’t helping. Not while my mom is watching!

The obvious changes to her son’s member did not go unnoticed by Trish. He’s grown, she thougth, as she stared on. Mrs. Harman had watched intently while Dr. Harjob performed her very thorough evaluation, and was somewhat surprised to see the unpleasant nature of the situation having a rather pleasurable outcome for her son. Surely, she knows what she’s doing? Can’t she tell he’s getting hard?

“Um...Doctor, what...what do you think?” Trish haltingly muttered.

The questions startled Satya, resetting her wandering hands and mind. “Oh...yes...ah...it’s good...it’s thick...I mean, I think we just need the samples and we’ll be done for the day.”

“Thank goodness,” Sid mouthed, as Dr. Harjob quickly released his semi-erect cock and pulled the gown back down to cover him up.

Trish was able to read her son’s lips and for a moment caught his eye. She winked, and gave him a thumbs up.

A few minutes later, Sid stood in a small bathroom staring at himself in a large mirror that completely covered the wall behind an ivory colored sink. A sample bottle, filled with urine, rested near the sink. A second receptacle, labelled with his name, birth date, and the text ‘Semen’, stared at the boy, almost mocking him to get busy. He’s entered the room using a pocket door, but hadn’t noticed another door of the same construction on the opposite side of the restroom. Yet, he’d been very careful to engage the lock on the door he’d used.

“Just go jerk off...easy as that,” he whispered, pretending to imitate Dr. Harjob, even though she’d said nothing of the sort, but that’s what he’d heard. His mother hadn’t made it any easier, encouraging him to take his phone, should he need any...what did she say? Oh yeah, ‘inspiration’. “There’s no way this is happening,” he grunted, while lifting the medical gown to look at his flaccid junk. However, thinking back to a few moments before, when the doctor’s hands had inspected him so carefully, Sid felt the fainest tingling in his groin.

It was not the first time a girl had touched him, on the contrary, his first girlfriend had jerked him to an explosive orgasm, which he thought would have remained confidential. Yet, it would not be so, as his first day back in classes saw his closest friends calling him ‘Ol’ Faithful’. Needless to say, the relationship did not last and Sid had turned to an older women to help him empty his balls and provide his urgent needs.

She was, as he would later discover; in her fifties, very much married, and an insatiable cum-slut. As with most young men, Sid had searched the Internet to find his particular interests, finally settling on a URL that had captured his imagination and launched more copious loads of semen than any girlfriend might. Yep, www.watchingwifey.com was his go-to source for erotic entertainment. He was initially drawn to the site by the woman’s huge tits and equally large nipples, as well as her craving for cum. She could swallow a load without spilling a drop, however, it was the way she reacted when cum was sprayed on her face that sealed the deal and made him a member. However, as time passed, it was Wifey’s free-wheeling attitude and portrayal of a real housewife that turned Sid’s interest into an obsession. Now, at least twice a day, Sid perused the blonde’s site, looking for new material and working his cock until he drained his strained, bloated balls. He’d been reluctant to tell his mom and doctor how often he climaxed, quite sure they would think him an oddity, but lying to them about jacking off made him instantly guilty. Why couldn’t he just be straight with them and tell them he was masturbating daily...at least once?

Suddenly, renewed blood flow to his nether region, and the thoughts of Wifey assisting his efforts, sent a shiver down his spine. If they want a load, I’ll give them a load, he mused, taking his cock in a hand. With the other, he typed the URL into his phone’s browser and waited for a patchwork of photos and links to appear. The page header welcomed the viewer and warned casual visitors to remove themselves if they were not actively looking for sexually charged content. Clicking through the first page, Sid was greeted, as he knew he would be, by Wifey’s smiling, cum-drenched face. Her blue eyes sparkled from an evenly tanned face that had just been blasted by her husband. She appeared gleeful, radiant, somehow energized by the act that might disgust the average housewife.

Sid had seen the picture a thousand times and each time it had the same effect on his youthful, springlike cock; it jumped, demanding his attention. Roaming over the homepage, his eyes discovered a new video he’d not watched. Flicking his thumb over the page, he was soon logged in and watching a large, well- built black man dangle his impressive cock in Wifey’s face. She grinned, her trademark naughty, million-dollar smile, and cooed something about how much she loved black cock. Sid strained to hear the dialogue but didn’t want to announce to the waiting room that he was jerking off to some porn maven just beyond their awareness.

Slowly, the boy squeezed his growing cock, paying special attention to periodically cup his lemon-sized balls to keep their weight from causing discomfort. For an instant, his attention was drawn away from Wifey sucking the forearm-sized pole that was pistoning in and out of her mouth, to recall how Dr. Harjob’s hands had felt roaming over and measuring his ball sack. She was impressed – he just knew it – and the thought drove him on, working his meat like a true professional.

He’s almost there, Sid envisioned. The telltale signs of a Wifey victim nearing orgasm were clearly etched across his face. Suddenly, she pulled away from the monster cock that had been fucking her mouth with enough vigour that most women would have gagged or fainted...but not Wifey...she was merely disengaging herself to see where her black assailant wanted to dump his load. “Face or mouth?” she questioned, her classic smile now replaced with a mischievous, lustful grin. Her voice was so real...so sincere that it drew Sid in and tipped the scales in Dr. Harjob’s favour.

Sid instantly began to shudder, his own signs of an impending eruption nearing. Oh...oh...I think...I’m close...and then, as if summoned on cue, the opposing pocket door whisked open, exposing Sid’s bulging cock, the tip aimed precariously at the open end of the remaining sample bottle. Marie, her breasts and belly, leading the way, stood in the doorway, her face aghast and limbs frozen. For a moment, the two stared at each other, but it was Marie that finally broke the tension, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. She carefully surveyed the surroundings and brought a cautioning finger to her lips.

“Nobody saw,” she squeaked. “Relax.”

“Um...ah...I don’t think we’re supposed to...” Sid replied, not realizing his cock was still very much exposed and his porn video still rolling.

“Ain’t no big deal. They need a sample, huh?” Marie asked, pointing to the boy’s cock.

Suddenly aware of how idiotic his appearance must be, Sid released his cock and pushed the gown back over his front. “Well...that’s what they said. I’m just trying...trying to get this over with.”

“I see...” the woman replied, giving Sid a wink. “They need the same from me. These big old tits won’t stop leaking...so here I am.” She held up a container, very much like Sid’s, with her name on the side and other identifying marks. “Perhaps we can help one another and get on with our day.”

“How so?”

“What you watching?” Marie asked, ignoring Sid’s question.

“Nothing,” the teen replied, reaching to disable his phone. “My mom, thought I might need some help...you know...inspiration.”

“Looked like it was working. Let me see.”

Before he could resist, Marie pulled the phone from his fist and gazed at the screen. “Oh...I know this one...it’s Wifey. I love this stuff.”

“You watch porn?” Sid asked, incredulously.

“You bet your ass,” Marie replied. “Got to have some way of satisfying this hormone fueled beast. Daddy doesn’t come calling as often as he should...if you know what I mean.” She patted her belly to emphasize her point. “Anyway, give me a hand for a second and I’ll get out of your way and let you finish your business.”

“Um...okay...I guess,” came a timid reply.

“Here...hold this,” she said, while tossing Sid’s phone on the counter. “Oh, wait a sec...man, that was some major nut.” She drew the boy’s attention to the screen, where cum was dripping from Wifey’s chin and nose. Large, thick globs of semen hung suspended above her huge breasts before finally succumbing to gravity and splashing on her oversized orbs. “Damn...I’d love to see something like that in person. That lady knows how to coax a cumshot.”

Sid had never had such a frank discussion about porn...at least not with a woman. Of course, he’d talked porn with his buddies but they rarely showed the type of enthusiasm shown by his new, pregnant friend. “Yeah...I like her,” was all he was able to mumble.

“You know she lives around here someplace.”

Well...now Marie really had Sid’s attention. “No, you’re kidding. I’d heard rumors but thought them just that...you know...just BS.”

“Nope, no bullshit. I’ve got a neighbor that saw her and her husband at a restaurant. I believe her – said her tits are just as impressive in public as on the web.” Taking a step back, Marie pointed at Sid’s midsection, noting the tent that was forming there.


“No biggie. Come on...hold this container while I unleash these babies.” A few seconds later, Sid found himself holding Marie’s empty sample jar. “I’ll just pull...” the pregnant woman said, as she pulled the tank top over her head and unclasped her bra. The distinct sound of flesh smacking flesh resounded through the tiny bathroom when Marie’s unrestricted tits bounced off her belly. “That feels good,” she reported, taking both breasts in hand and rubbing beneath them. “That bra was driving me crazy.” For a moment, Marie had lost track of her companion and was surprised to see the look on his face when she returned her attention to him.

The thick, dark, thumb-sized nipples that were slowly oozing mother’s milk had instantly hypnotized young Sid. He’s never been so close to such large...naked...lactating...tits. They were quite a sight to behold...and immediately brought his staff to full attention.

“You like...I see,” Marie confirmed.

“I just never...sorry for staring,” Sid gushed. “What do you want me to do?”

“Yeah, right. Just hold the container and I’ll fill ‘er up.”

“Like this,” Sid asked, aiming the container at a 45 degree angle to Marie’s chest.

“That should work...so...I’ll just...” And with that, Marie began kneading her heavy breasts, forcing milk to her nipples. In no time, torrents of thin, white milk shot forth from her nipples, seemingly hitting everywhere but inside the container. “Sid...Sid...catch it...catch it,” Marie squealed.

“I’m trying...believe me...I’m trying,” the boy replied, as he acted as a catcher with the smallest mitt in history and a thousand liquid baseballs coming his way. Before long, an adequate specimen was collected and Sid’s face and gown were covered with narrow rivulets of sweet nectar. “There’s so much. I never imagined...I mean...I’ve seen it, but it’s different... you know....it’s just...”

“Sid, you’re rambling...get a hold of yourself,” Marie encouraged. “Okay, your turn.”

“My turn?” he asked.

“Yeah. You helped me so I’ll give you a hand. Looks like you’re ready,” she said, once again pointing to the fabric tent that was extending well beyond Sid’s lap.

“Okay, I guess. What should I do. Will you hold the bottle for me and I’ll fill it up?”

“Fill it up?” Marie laughed. “I’d like to see that.”

“What...what?” the boy snapped back, somewhat surprised she would doubt him.

“That’s a pretty tall order, My Boy,” she said, holding up the empty bottle for him to inspect.

“Oh, just watch,” he replied, accepting her unstated challenge.

Pulling the damp gown above his groin, he took his fully erect cock in his right hand and began massaging his testicles with the other. It wasn’t the biggest unit Marie had ever seen but the boy certainly had a pair of balls that rivalled anything she’d seen online. They filled his hand, making his palm disappear and the veins expand. At first, she’d offer to help out of curiosity more than anything, but now, seeing the magnitude of his ‘problem’ she was dying to see what he could deliver.

“Your mom is worried you...ah...what? That you’re abnormal or something?”

“Kind of...” Sid replied, still working his cock while focusing on her huge brown nipples. “I shoot...” he moaned. “I produce a lot of cum.”

“I’ll bet you do,” Marie said, brushing his hand away so she could hold his balls. They were heavy, almost too heavy to be hanging in space without pulling the poor lad down. The heat generated from his stroking and the rush of blood to his cock was intense and searing. “Does staring at my tits get you hot?” she plainly asked.

“They’re helping...that’s for sure,” he confirmed.

“Maybe this will help further,” Marie suggested, taking her hand away from his balls to bring one of her tits into direct contact with the head of his penis. He swooned, the sensation beyond anything he could have imagined. Then before he had a chance to object, react, or encourage, a spray of milk erupted from the nipple and bathed his cock-head and shaft in warm liquid. “Here’s some more,” she hummed, squeezing the large mammary aggressively against his swelling, thick rimmed cum blaster. The natural lubricant was all Sid needed to put him beyond the point of no return.

“The jar...the jar,” he hissed, “get it ready.”

Marie dropped her breast to do just that. Dropping to a knee, she held the empty container at the ready, positioned just a few inches before the boy’s bouncing prick. At eye level, the balls were even bigger than she’s first supposed. Hefting them had been one thing but coming face-to-face with his rather large glans and oversized balls was rather intimidating...especially considering why the boy was visiting the doctor. “Be careful,” she warned, not knowing quite what to expect.

“Yeah...yeah. Wifey, here you go. Take it...take it,” he grunted, trying his best to be quiet.

“Wifey?” Marie purred. “Alright, I’ll be your Wifey. Shoot that load, Sid. Give Wifey that load.”

“Oh...mamaaaaaa, watch out,” the boy shrieked, trying desperately to aim his cock at the jar’s mouth.

Assuming the jacking position he’d begun with, Sid rolled his balls with one hand while aiming and pumping with the other. It was a technique he’d perfected over the past year as his ‘trouble’ had worsened and his need to masturbate had intensified. There was nothing worse than having to peel oneself from the sheets or clean a bathroom covered in semen, hence, his ability to hit exactly what he aimed at...and today it was a small collection bottle held by a pregnant beauty with tits that were leaking all over the bathroom floor. It was a scene he never could have possible conjured...not even in his wildest dreams.

“Mmmm,” he grunted a final time, before the first wad leapt from his distended, blood-engorged cock. It shot forth like a howitzer shell being fired from a stable platform, streaking straight forward at the target. The sperm-ladened missile struck the bottom of the container exactly where Sid had aimed. The force and surprise of the initial volley caught Marie off guard and the collection bottle bounced out of her hands and landed between her tits.

“Shit!” Marie groaned. “I’ll get it...I’ll get it.”

The words meant nothing to Sid, who continued to focus on the container. The second explosion of semen hit the bottle again, this time spinning it away from Marie’s fumbling fingers and onto the floor. The next two forceful jets bounced off Marie’s belly, as she scrambled to retrieve the skittish jar. Cum ricochet’d off the overcome Marie, and she giggled uncontrollably in her plight to acquire the bottle and collect Sid’s sample.

Finally, she secured the slippery vessel and tipped the opening back at the still-discharging weapon. Surely, he’s about empty, she thought. There can’t possibly be any more... But just as she considered the possibility, another ropy, thick blast arced from the boy’s slit, missing the jar entirely to land smack in the middle of Marie’s pretty face. She gasped for air, the coating more than she could take. She opened her mouth to breathe but was hit with another equally thick, soaring discharge that choked her when it hit the back of her throat.

Sid was no longer aiming at the jar but was in complete control, taking advantage of painting his first female. He smiled, lost in the act of firing one semen shell after another at the helpless woman. Her tits were next; carefully he jacked a massive dollop on each swollen nipple, turning them instantly white. The contrast was mesmerizing...intoxicating, and the faint echo of shock and amusement coming from Marie kept the ejaculate going. Finally giving up, Marie knelt back on her haunches and gave herself to the boy. She was merely a human target for his erotic attack...and she loved it.

By the time his last payload streaked across the short distance between them, Marie was in the throes of her own orgasm, the hot semen triggering something carnal and deeply abase within her that could not be thwarted. She moaned and shuttered, squeezing her thighs together to apply greater pressure to her swollen clit. Waves of rising and falling emotions took her to heaven and back again before she was able to comprehend what had just happened.

Still clutching what should have been a sample jar filled with semen, Marie used a free hand to wipe cum from her eyes. Dropping her eyes, she looked into the bottom of a nearly empty receptacle. How is that possible? Not hardly one damn drop of cum in this thing...but...but look at me, she thought as she pivoted to look in the mirror. What...or who...stared back at her was a mystery. A white mask shielded her identity and it made her laugh.

A second later she was joined by Sid, who could not believe what he’d done. At first, he’d been horrified, not sure how Marie would take it, but he was very much relieved to see her climax one moment and then laugh the next.

“What the hell do we do now?” she asked.

“I don’t know...and...and how do I explain there’s nothing in there?” he said, pointing to the collection jar.

“Oh...that’s the least of our worries,” Marie answered, nonchalantly...and before anything further could be said, she began scooping the spunk from her face into the jar. She stopped only momentarily to taste a small sample before pressing cum down her tits to her nipples where she held the jar to be filled. It’s a messy job, but somebody’s got to do it.

“I think that’s got it,” she concluded, holding the jar to show Sid that it was nearly full. “Either we clean up the rest and toss it or you’ll have to go ask for a second cup.”

“I say we give them what we’ve got and get out of here,” he blurted out, knowing it was well past time to be back with the doctor and his mom.


Several minutes later, the two somewhat sticky partners exchanged phone numbers and pleasantries, each leaving the bathroom a few minutes apart.


Two days passed before Trish received the call she’d been waiting for, but it was not what she had expected: ‘no conclusive results’ the receptionist reported. It seemed her son’s sample had somehow been contaminated with milk...mother’s milk, and could not be properly assessed. They were calling to see if Sid could provide another and drop it off at the office.

“Mother’s milk...another sample?” she quietly whispered, as she hung up the phone. “How interesting...”


To Be Continued...given there’s enough interest in Sid’s adventures.


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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

4 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E02 Chelsea Ferguson 34 from Chelmsford

This week, we start the show with establishing shots of the most boring suburban estate you could ever hope to see. Lots of ‘nice’ double story semi-detached homes, each with their own little square of grass and concrete driveway out front, separated from the public footpath by low brick walls. We can see a chunky, out of breath looking man walking along the street toward us, perky, elegant and mean-looking Doberman by his side ... This week’s host – the love-him-or-hate-him Cockney geezer –...

2 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 07

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

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Businessman is Forcibily Transformed Into a Sissy

Businessman Is Forcibly Transformed Into A Sissy By Sissycuckold It was a warm summer's day when it all began; I was a successful 34 year old, businessman man, with a large house, flash car, and a beautiful wife. As it was a Sunday I was out for any early morning walk, having just finished making love to my 27 year old wife Lorna, when suddenly a large black car screeched to a halt just before me. In a flash 4 burly men jumped out and I was unceremoniously...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 2

and shorts; his cock and balls swaying in front of him. Mary smiled, leaned forward again and nuzzled Carol's silky cunt-hair, flattening it out to the sides and exposing her sensuous pink slit to their view. Then she stuck her tongue up inside it. Carol groaned happily and bucked her hips. John was standing over them now, stroking his thick cock while he gazed dreamily down at his sister's inviting pussy. Pushing a finger back up inside Carol's dewy cunt, Mary explored its...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 3

"My parents are celebrating their anniversary this weekend, and they're planning a family party. I'd like to take tomorrow off and fly down - if it's alright with you, of course." Lucy Parsons came around the desk and stood close to him. He caught a flash of tanned thigh as her skirt flap parted. "This must be a first. A new lawyer showing consideration for the firm." "Isn't that the way it's done?" "Not usually. Young lawyers are a fairly arrogant lot, and favors...

2 years ago
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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Sheriffs Forester

I was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 10 A Trip to Milford Part II

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Kara came into the living room when the dishes were done and took my hand and led me to the den. We sat in our chairs, as her father insisted. “Did you put your mom up to that ice cream date?” I asked. “No! I was just as surprised as you were. I could tell that dad was really upset at her. And when you stepped in, I thought he was going to blow a gasket. You agreed with him and made him look bad at the same time. And then, when mom did that thing with the...

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Beat the Forfeit

The studio lights go up, the audience cheers and applauds. Max Weinman, the slick studio host, launches into his well-rehearsed patter. "Welcome, welcome, welcome to another game of Beat the Forfeit. As always, we have two couples competing for tonight's jackpot of one hundred thousand pounds. First, in the studio, we have Jim and Russell. Let's meet them." Two men stand behind smart game-show lecterns each displaying a score of zero. Max touches the collar of his open necked shirt, tugs...

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Positive Reinforcement

Lisa's head swam. She was so damn horny it was difficult for her to think straight. Every inch of her skin felt alive and sensitive. Her puffy and extended nipples even more so. Her cock ached with pleasure even as permanently limp as it now was. Even her balls, shriveled and atrophied as they now were, also ached with pleasure. Her ass was even worse. It felt empty now that Master Carl had removed the plug. Not that the plug helped much with that horniness. Oh, it filled her up...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e2 Denise Zhang 33 from Bedford

We’re in the boring, flat, concrete car park, surrounded by boring family cars, looking at the boring red-brick buildings that combine to form the Beddingham International School. But here comes the excitement... She’s sexy, with a fuck-me-but-don’t-fuck-with-me face and long blonde hair is swept around to the side of her head and hangs infront of one shoulder. Her accent, friendly southern English but with a distinct Eastern European edge. “Hello, and welcome to a new series of ‘The...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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Transformations DiversityChapter 16

To perhaps alleviate some of the confusion of many, many names, here is a list of some that are mentioned, but were introduced in previous episodes of the Transformations series. Dr. Julia Waxman, Psychiatrist, Director of Transformation Frank Waxman, Julia's husband, General Manager of Transformations, former fashion exec, General Manager of Magnuson Foundation. Gerald Magnuson, wealthy philanthropist, primary backer of Transformations. Paul Ventri, CFO of Transformations and president...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 18

It must have been two or three in the morning. Even after waking, and after Carol returned from a trip to the bathroom, they did not speak. She got right on top of Ryan as he lay on his back, remembering the revelation that tender position had been with Dex. It was no less thrilling with Ryan, and she soon returned to a contented sleep. Her next conscious moment found her still atop him, but with his reenergized cock pressing against her thigh. Not sure if he was awake, she raised her bottom...

3 years ago
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A Chloroform Audition

With nervous butterflies in her stomach Nadine walked into the studio. She would finally become a real actress. For years her agent had only send her out on modeling jobs and told her she couldn’t act, but now for the first time she would do an actual real screen test. ‘Welcome,’ A guy with baby blue eyes reached out his hand. ‘I’m Martin the director, are you ready for your audition?’ ‘Yes Sir.’ Nadine tried to hide her nerves under a bunch of enthusiasm, but she realized it sounded...

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