Building A Community free porn video

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[This is what a teacher of mine would call a lesson story. Not a sex story, a cheating wife story, BDSM or anything like it. I found out six years after my previous wife cheated. When I found out I also found out that there were at least a dozen ‘friends’ of mine who had known all along. They weren’t family or in community with me. They aren’t with me at all, now.]


‘I think of all of you as my family. I look at each of you and my heart fills with hope and prayers for your best good.’ The pastor stood at the pulpit, speaking to the seven hundred people who sat facing him on Sunday morning. ‘I used the word family. There are other words that are almost family that we should also look at and use. We could say we are a community.’

My thoughts went to what I thought a community could be like. They would help each other. Other things come along with being a community. Things like companionship, involvement, support. The pastor had just called us a community, but it didn’t fit. I raised my hand.

I’d known our pastor from the day he came to get the job here. I considered us friends. I knew he wasn’t so traditional that he would get upset if I asked a question.

He saw my hand and smiled. ‘Pete, did you have a question or a comment?’

‘A comment. I think we could be a community, but I don’t see it. We act like a community when we do a potluck dinner, or a car wash for the scout troop, or when we sit here. But, it seems to me there is so much we aren’t doing as a community that I don’t honestly think we can say we are one.’

‘Pete, are you willing to assist me for a while?’

‘Yes. What do you need?’

‘Come up here. Let’s sit and have a conversation.’ He looked at the rest of the congregation and said, ‘You’ve wondered what happens when someone is in my office with me. Now you can watch. Pete and I are going to discuss the concept of community. Our goal in the conversation is to look at what we can do to create community, define it, make it strong and loving.’

He and I sat in those metal folding chairs with our knees a few inches apart. The congregation was to his right and my left. A microphone was put between us on a stand.

He began. ‘So, can you tell me some of the things you think would be seen in our community, if we were one?’

‘Sure. The word that came to mind first was companionship. There is a little, but it isn’t what it could be.’

‘What could it be?’

‘Two months ago I went to Jack Gilbert’s funeral. He and Mildred were married forty-seven years. After the funeral I heard at least twenty-five people say to Mildred, ‘If you need anything, give me a call.’ I turned and faced the audience, ‘How many of you did she call? Raise a hand if she called.’ No hands went up.

‘Jack loved taking care of their flowers and yard. Mildred has arthritis. Jack did it as an act of loving Mildred. Every time she looked at the flowers she didn’t see roses or sunflowers. She saw an expression of Jack’s love. He’s been gone two months. In a community, we would go there and tend that garden, not because she asked, but because it is what friends, family, community would do.’

The pastor smiled and asked, ‘Shouldn’t we wait for her to ask?’

‘No. Our normal society has us thinking we shouldn’t bother folks. She won’t ask because she doesn’t want to be a bother. She knew for over forty years that Jack loved her and said so with what he did for and with her. She doesn’t know we love her. He drove them to church. She isn’t here today. Anyone offer her a ride this morning? Anyone call her yesterday and say you’d pick her up at nine so you could be here before service started? I think a community would pick up the expression of love and continue it, reinforce it for all of us.’ I turned to look at my two teenaged children sitting beside their friends. ‘Kids, after church we’re going home, change clothes and we’re going to the Gilbert home and we’re doing gardening. Don’t make any other plans, unless you’d like your friends to come with us. I’ll buy pizza when we’re done.’

Mrs. Whiteman held up her hand. When I looked at her she said, ‘I’ll bring her to church next Sunday.’

The pastor said, ‘Ok. What else?’

‘I grew up in a sort of community. A little town in Idaho where everyone looked out for everyone. I fell off my bike riding home one day. I got back up and rode the rest of the way home. Mom already knew I’d fallen. Someone who had seen me fall called her. On another day two cousins and I were sledding down a hill and after about an hour a lady came out of her house and gave us hot chocolate. When I got home, Mom knew about the sledding and the hot chocolate.’

‘Isn’t that because people were sticking their noses into business that wasn’t theirs?’

‘If you want to live in a community where you don’t even know the name of the people who live next door, yes, that’s nosy. If you want to be family, community, then we all look out for each other.’ I looked again at the congregation. The second baseman on our church softball team wasn’t in church. His wife and three kids were. I said, ‘Walter Nelson isn’t here today. Sandy, how many people have asked you about Walter since you arrived here this morning?’

‘He’s home with the flu.’ She answered.

I smiled. ‘Was I the first person who asked about him?’

She nodded.

‘In a community we’d ask, we’d take him a gallon of our best chicken soup this afternoon. We’d find out what Sandy needs form the market and get it so she could stay home and play nurse Nancy.’

The family sitting next to Sandy leaned to her and whispered.

‘What else?’ The pastor asked.

‘I’d bet someone in this room is thinking about painting their house and hasn’t done it because it’s expensive and too much work to do alone. In a community they would buy the paint, call twenty members of the community and have a painting party. I have brushes and a roller. I have two teenaged kids who need to learn these skills for when they are adults. Someone in this room is good at balancing a checking account and many of us need to be taught how to do it. There are lots of good cooks, are you teaching all the kids how to cook the things you love? I’ve taught my kids to change a tire on our car, but I didn’t teach any other kids, or wives.’

‘And, in a community, we would just do it?’

‘We’d talk to each other. Invite other people to participate with us. Then we could say we were a community.’

Our pastor looked at his watch and ended our conversation by calling all of us into action. We sang and finished the service and an hour later we were home, changing clothes. All four of us went to Mildred Gilbert’s home and went to work in her flower beds. My daughter got the mower out of their shed and mowed both front and back lawns. Mildred came out on her back porch and cried when she saw what we were doing. Two of Scott’s friends (Scott is my son) stopped by and helped. In just over an hour we had her yard looking like Jack had just finished saying, ‘I love you.’

We took Mildred with us to get pizza. She ate a little tiny piece. My kids talked about the experience all week long. When they came home from school on Tuesday they called a family meeting. We had the meeting over dinner. Scott started the discussion.

‘On Comstock Avenue there is a house we walk by going to school. It’s owned by an older lady and she almost never comes outside. Her yard is worse than Mrs. Gilbert’s was. One of my friends lives two houses away from her and he says she gets picked up by a cab on Thursday afternoon and comes home at about six.’

Andrea added, ‘We could go over there Thursday afternoon while she was gone and do her yard! She never has to know we did it!’

‘You’re in school Thursday afternoon.’

‘I could miss fifth and sixth periods, for a good reason.’ Scott said. Andrea nodded.

Mom volunteered too. ‘I can sit in my car and wait until she le
aves, then I’ll call and you guys and equipment can come over and we’ll do this.’

I took time off and we did her yard. It was mowed, edged, flowerbeds weeded and watered. We were home long before she came home. Scott’s friend called us when the lady came home. He was outside playing catch with his little brother when she came home. She got out of the cab, turned, saw what had happened and sat down on her porch steps and cried. Then she walked around looking at everything we had done.

Scott called me from school the next day. ‘Dad, Johnny told me she was back on her porch this morning watering her yard with a smile on her face.’

On Saturday I had to drive fifty miles to Riverside to bid on a consulting job. I took Andrea with me. She wanted to go and said while I was in my meeting she could study. I was in my meeting for three hours. When I came out Andrea was very upset. I assumed it was because the meeting had taken so long. That wasn’t it.

‘Dad, you know Mr. Franks, at church?’

‘Of course. He’s married to Carolyn and they have two daughters. They live over on Painter Street.’

‘I saw him go into that motel about twenty minutes after you went into your meeting. That’s his car right there.’ She pointed at a blue Buick. I wasn’t sure it was his. Andrea had written the license number down. ‘Daddy, what do we do?’

‘First, how sure are you that it was really him and not someone who looks a lot like him?’

‘Pretty sure.’

‘Do you want to stay here until he comes out and get another look?’


We sat quietly for fifteen minutes and no one went in or came out of the motel. I asked her how long she wanted to stay and she was about to give up when Mr. Franks walked out of the motel. His arm was around a woman who appeared to be twenty or so, blond and barely dressed. At her five year old Toyota he kissed her and groped her ass. He watched as she got in, started her car and drove away. Then he got in the Buick and drove away.

I started our car and we headed home. He had a one or maybe two minute head start. I drove conservatively and didn’t catch him until we were almost home. I pulled up alongside his Buick and he honked and waved at us. I honked back.

Andrea asked, for the third time, ‘What are we going to do?’

‘We live in a community. What we know will hurt the Franks family. That was not his wife we saw him with in Riverside. Mrs. Franks is a tall Italian looking woman with dark auburn hair.’

‘And real boobs!’ Andrea added.

‘If your boy-friend was seeing someone else and telling you he was exclusive with you, would you want someone to tell you?’

‘Yes! They wouldn’t be my friend if they’d keep that secret!’

‘You know a secret about Mr. Franks. What is the right thing to do?’

‘Tell her. But we have no proof!’

‘So, what’s the right thing to do?’

‘I don’t know!’

‘Then think it over and we’ll talk tomorrow after school. We should be able to figure out the right thing to do.’

We were home. It was foolish to assume Andrea would stay quiet. When we sat down for dinner Andrea said, ‘We have a dilemma and I want your thoughts, Ok?’

Scott raised an eyebrow and said, ‘We?’

‘Right now the dilemma belongs to Daddy and me. If I tell you about it, it’s you dilemma too.’

Mom asked, ‘How big is this dilemma?’

I answered, ‘If we do something with what we know a marriage will probably end.’

Scott and my wife were very interested. This was a big dilemma.

My wife said, ‘Ok. I want to know what it is.’

Andrea said, ‘First, I want an agreement that we act as a family. We discuss it and decide what to do as a family. The Lone Ranger doesn’t live here.’

Scott said, ‘Then, I don’t want to know.’

‘Then go over to McDonalds house and call me from there. I’ll need to speak to Mac or Donna to verify you are there.’

‘Don’t trust me?’

‘You know the proverb: Trust God and tie your camel to the tree.’

He smiled and went out our back door. We finished dinner and were all in the kitchen doing dishes when the phone rang. It was Mac. ‘Your boy is here. He,s wearing a blue shirt and jeans.’

‘Ok, Mac. Thanks.’

‘No problem.’

I hung up and Andrea told Mom what we knew. She asked questions and we had answers. Our discussion lasted over an hour. In the end we decided that I would visit Mr. Franks at the golf course he played every Sunday, early in the morning. Andrea and my wife would visit Mrs. Franks about half an hour after I spoke to Mr. Franks.

Once Mrs. Franks knew we would ask her what she wanted us to do and we would tell her what we thought should happen.

My alarm went off at five Sunday morning. I got dressed and made sure Andrea and her Mom were up and ready to go too. If I found anything in my conversation that would have me stop them from telling Mrs. Franks I would call Mom’s cell phone. If I didn’t call, they would tell her.

At the golf club I saw Mr. Franks getting his clubs out of his Buick. I walked to within twenty feet or so and said, ‘Mr. Franks can we talk?’

He looked at me and asked, ‘You play golf?’

‘No. I came here to talk to you. Can I have a minute or so of your time?’

He looked at his watch and said, ‘My tee time is in ten minutes. You can have five, I still need to walk over there.’

‘Remember when you saw Andrea and I on the freeway on Friday?’

‘Yeah! I honked at you.’

‘Where were you coming from?’

‘Why do you ask?’

‘I need an explanation. What my daughter saw you doing led her to believe that you met someone in Riverside. Were you in Riverside?’

‘I do some business in Riverside.’

‘Describe who you did business with that day, if you would. Please.’

‘I don’t have to. Your bitch daughter can believe anything she wants! She probably saw someone who looks like me and made up a story to impress her Daddy.’

‘What about what I saw? Did she make that up too?’

Three men stood a few meters away, listening. They were quiet.

‘What do you think you saw?’

‘You came out of the Desert Pines Motel with your arm around a young blond woman. You walked her to her five year old Toyota, green. Kissed her, grabbed her ass and watched her drive away. Then you got into that Buick and drove home. We followed you all the way and just before you got off the freeway you honked and waved at us.’

‘Look! You’re a man. We have needs. If you aren’t getting what you need at home you find some somewhere else. Now, I’m counting on you to keep your daughter quiet. Tell her the woman she saw is my cousin.’

‘Is she?’

‘No! But that sounds good.’

I looked at my watch. Andrea was telling Mrs. Frank in two minutes. ‘So you have been screwing her?’

‘So what? All men get a little if they can.’ He closed the trunk of his car and turned. His three golf buddies were walking away. He called out to them, ‘Hey, wait up!’

One of the three turned and said, ‘All men don’t cheat. We let you into our early Sunday foursome because we figured you were like us, loved golf and church. We’ll find someone to take your place. You don’t play with us any more.’

Mr. Franks turned back around and yelled, ‘You fucked this up for me! You meddling asshole!’ He pulled a five iron out of his bag and charged me. I ran for my car and almost made it. The five iron crashed down on my shoulder and I fell to the ground. I knew my shoulder was broken. The three men had heard his yells and saw him charge me. They stopped him from hitting me again. They got both the police and an ambulance. I left in the ambulance and Mr. Franks left cuffed in the back of the police car.

From the hospital I called my wife and she got Andrea to drive my car home while Barb came to the hospital to get me.

We walked into church a minute late. The meeting stopped. The pastor asked,
‘What happened?’ We had been so focused on my injury I didn’t know what Mrs. Franks wanted us to do. I looked at Barb and she said, ‘She said, tell them everything!’

I did. Andrea spoke too. Barb shared about meeting with Mrs. Franks and her reaction. The pastor asked, ‘But, what happened to you?’

‘Mr. Franks attacked me with a five iron and broke my shoulder and collarbone. He admitted he was having sex with the woman we saw him with. He was arrested.’

The pastor spoke for a short minute about community and the strength we all got from it. Church was over.

All the kids at church learned a lot about keeping secrets, about community and hangin together. Andrea has been asked to speak to other congregations about what she learned. Standing at the back of a congregation of young people listening to Andrea talk about how that whole thing helped her grow up some more I’m very proud of her and us for behaving like a community.

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Photography in the old community

Looking a porn sites of very old grannies, I have often wondered how they got those old birds of 70 plus to pose for indecent cunt and tits shots. I suppose money must come into it somewhere. So to find out I put an ad in craig list and viva street, to find out. It read: Professional photographer researching interest in pornography for men who have a fetish for really old ladies, would be willing to pay £100 to ladies over 70 who would be happy to expose the naked body in provocative...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 8 Helping the Community

Everyone ran out into the yard where they danced around marveling at the quiet that surrounded them. There were still several meteors falling yet, so between that and the three-quarter moon, the visibility was fairly good. Which wasn't to imply it was a clear night. As a result of the continuous meteor showers for the last several days, the sky was covered with a dirty haze and the ground outside was dusted with a thin layer of ash created by the incinerated extraterrestrial debris. Even...

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Kindred SpiritsChapter 6 Welcome to the Community

Luke had been moved to the day shift at the hospital. In the short time he'd been employed there, he'd made a few acquaintances and earned the respect and admiration of just about all of his co-workers. He was a quick study and soaked up knowledge like a sponge soaks up water. There was no question that he was bright, maybe even exceptionally bright. He asked for the day shift when it became available because that meant he could spend more time with Jennette. After dancing around each...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 35 In at School

Football practice started two weeks before the first day of school. For the next two weeks Jason and I got up early each day and were driven to school. We would spend hours under the late summer sun following the orders of coaches who seemed determined to drill us into exhaustion. Jason and I spent the first three days involved in a number of drills that were clearly designed to allow the coaches to see what skills we had. They soon had both of us working primarily on offense. Jason was...

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Building a Perfect Life

All through school and even before, Don Brown and Tammy (Tamara) Stone had been a pair. From the first day of school when their mother's had put them on the bus together they had sat with each other, played with each other and, later, learned about the opposite sex with each other. Unfortunately, Don had a dream—a dream that not even the love of Tammy or the needs of the family farms could dissuade him from following. Don had fallen in love with the sea when he began reading history in...

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Building Her Up Fast

The sole young female apprentice on a high rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment...Tony was not your average sparkie. Workmates were impressed by where their small colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire. Tony liked the electrical trade and was...

1 year ago
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Building Her Up Fast

The sole young female apprentice on a high-rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment. Tony was not your average ‘sparkie’. Workmates were impressed by where their petite colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire. Tony liked the electrical...

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Building a Dream Part Eleven

Building a Dream: Part Eleven Where Jay tells all about her strange day with the wives “Those woman are bat-shit fucking crazy,” Jay said. She didn’t elaborate straight away. She laid in the bath, the bubbles floating around her as she clearly relaxed to let out any tension that had built in the past few hours. “What happened?” I asked, making myself comfortable on the toilet lid. I decided it would be best for Jay to tell me about her day before confessing that Manus and I had fucked...

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Building UtopiaChapter 6

My thanks and deep appreciation go to dforrest3 for his help in editing this chapter of Building Utopia. I feel we now have a much better product. As with all authors however, the errors are mine. Early the next morning, true to his word, Roger and the new settlers began building barracks for the single men and women to live in and small cabins for the married couples. Before beginning work on the new buildings Roger gathered everyone together and laid out the rules of his settlement. He...

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Building UtopiaChapter 9

Roger and his new group of colonists made it back to Birmingham in mid June. He was extremely anxious to see what progress was made on the tasks he left his men to work on when he departed. He had assigned the blacksmith and his helpers the task of beginning a mining operation for the metals they would need as well as the coal to smelt them with. They were going to set up the smelting operation near the deposits of metal. Other men in the group were assigned construction tasks and to the...

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Building UtopiaChapter 11

Roger's fledgling nation slowly gained more colonists. Of course, for the first two or three years after a new colonist joined they were almost useless. They had to be educated before they could be productive. Many of the new colonists were unable to learn and went either into the small army or became miners, farmers or other general laborers. Even then, however, there was a steep learning curve because the military and agricultural knowledge of Roger's colony was far ahead of the normal...

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Building# 1369 By Blueheatt &hellip,It was a small building among the many in the industrial part of town. No windows. One keypad entry locked door in the front, and one in the back. I work out of here. &hellip,Im a male escort. I go by Morgan. My boss had a special lady who wanted a guy my height, weight and build. She wanted to come to our S, or Special room. This room is all blacked out inside. The ladys come there and enter thru a private entrance. When they are all ready, they turn out...

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Building site fuck with older guy gay

I'm Kyle 17 gay m uk About 2 months ago My boyfriend Matt got me a job on a building site with a company he works for , for the first few weeks I stayed with Matt and basically just helped him out , bringing him tools and material and just little jobs . One day matts foreman said he had a job for me , one of the lads was Off work Ill and he wanted me to cover him and for a day or 2 until he came back in . At dinner while we was all in the canteen all the lads were having a laugh with me...

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Building a DreamChapter 3

One day while Sam was working in the field a bedraggled group of Indians came wandering up to him. At first he was worried and picked up his rifle. When they didn't make any threatening moves he relaxed. Between his poor Caddo and their poor English he discovered they were basically escaping or running away from the reservation they had been on. Their family originally came from this area and they wanted to return to it. They begged for food. If he would not feed them all they begged for...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 11

Afraid to touch her, Bill slumped in the chair beside Faith’s bed for nearly an hour. She looked fragile — face swollen, wearing an oxygen mask, and lying so still he had to watch closely to see her chest rise and fall. Doctor Grady explained that her physical injuries, although initially disfiguring, were actually minor and in a few weeks would fade away. The smoke seemed to have irritated only her upper respiratory system. The arterial blood gas analysis was negative. A chest x-ray was...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 01

Bill Holder tried to sleepwalk through life, after Jennifer divorced him. But his wakeup call came from the police. They politely informed him that his 14-year-old daughter, Lisa, had been arrested for shoplifting. Ashamed that he had neglected her, Bill became a dedicated father. Now twenty-two, Lisa was a senior at Boston College, on her way to becoming a physicist, (whatever that is). She said there was good money in it — music to his ears. Jokingly, Bill asked if that meant she could fill...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 05

The other side of the bed was empty when Bill awoke. The clock showed 7:30. He lay on his back and thought about how nice it had been to sleep with Faith — tangled up like puppies. But now came the morning after awkwardness. How a woman behaved the day after was always a mystery to him. Some were clingy, some cold, but the hardest to deal with were the gracious ones. After the divorce, Bill had used his share of women and regretted some of it now, realizing he was punishing them for his...

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Building a Dream Part Three

This carries on directly from part two. Again, the names have been changed apart from Manus and Sara. Jay also had to help me with all the events and the dialogue is written as best as we can remember it. Enjoy! For speed and to avoid the heat we got the tube at Leicester Square and arrived at Waterloo. All the way to the tube Jay’s dress lifted up with the breeze and each time she let out a saucy giggle. Her arse and pussy was on clear show to everyone every time, the G-string material...

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Building Ki Bhabhi Ki Pyaas Bhu Jai

hii friends this is my first story i m raj from surat i use to stay in one multi complex building…. i m from surat i have textile business…i donn’t know from where i have to start but lets start i m 26 unmarried i m regular reader of this side…friends mere collage me bahut serious banda tha kabhie ladkiyo ko bhi nahi dekhta tha collage khatam karne ke baad dady ke saath office jaana suru kar diya … from last 4 months market me kuch jyaada kaam nahi hone ke kaaran me ghar 7 bajje aa jata tha toh...

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Building a Dream Part Sixteen

Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather. “Oh fuck,” I said quietly as Mike approached hand-in-hand with, who I presumed to be, Patty, his wife. She was an attractive curly-haired brunette with a very slim figure and I could see her gripping Mike’s hand tight as they walked up to us. Mike had a nervous smile on his...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 39 Academic Battles

Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 74 Reminder to Fear Malls

Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 25 Missed it by That Much

Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...

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Building a Dream Part Seven

This continues the evening with our good friends Manus and Sara directly following part six I rang the bell and heard nothing. I turned to the others who had crowded in to allow whoever was watching the CCTV to see who was ringing. After a few moments I went to press it again when there was a ‘click’, indicating the door had unlocked. I pushed it open and we walked into a, dark corridor at the end of which was sat a rather big bloke behind a counter next to another door, who was reading that...

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Building a Dream Part Eight

Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up. “Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to...

3 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Fifteen

Steve, Jay and a group of new friends they have met in London on their holiday have agreed to help a girl get her paintings back from her horrible step-father. The step-fathers new wife has agreed to help, but there’s a catch. They must film a porn film in her house with her as the star. We continue the story with Steve, Jay, Phil and his wife Cheryl going in a taxi to a spa; a place Steve and jay have visited before. Phil and Cheryl are in for a surprise. The taxi pulled up outside the spa...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 2 Disturbing Confrontations

I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 6 First Outing with Ashley

The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...

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Building It Up Part 2

By the time I got my things and got to the office, it was about 4 in the morning  I parked in the back as I unloaded everything and then moved my car to the public lot across the street. I did that just in case somebody from the office came by and saw in the lot and got a little nosey.Everything I got was wireless. It was also on its own private Wi-Fi so it couldn’t be hacked or accessed by anyone in the building but me. I will be the only one to have access. Aunt Steph has enough going on....

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Building site tranny

So I woke this morning in a particularly aroused state, I decided I would treat myself some naughty fun, I decided to dress like a slut under my work clothes. I rummaged around in my drawer and pulled out some black seamed nylons, black lace panties and and my favourite lace corset. I began by showering and shaving my whole body, once I had finished I began by rolling the smooth nylons on to my smooth muscular legs, then came the lace corset followed by the small lace panties, I then reached...

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Building Bridges

Ruth still thought about the day she was sold to the Hampton Plantation. She figured she was about six or seven when the overseer burst through the door and grabbed her. She did not know why, but assumed it had something to do with her mother, as Master Jones was yelling at her about helping another hand go missing. The only thing Ruth could think of at the time was what her mother did really wrong that the Master needed to punish her. Normally she only saw the Master on but a few occasions,...

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