Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 335: "Pick Someone To Resurrect, Jonathon Winters." free porn video

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Monday, April 16, 2007 (Continued)

"I've got a job for you too, Jonathon Winters." He was one of the cameramen. I'd picked him because I'd been able to find out his name and he seemed to have a positive, happy attitude.

"What? Me?" he asked in surprise. My not turning my body or head when I addressed him caused even more confusion.

"Yes. God just told me to provide humanity with more proof that I'm an archangel. He's unhappy with humanity's unwillingness to divert itself from its lemming-like, 'life as usual' behavior, as just ably demonstrated by the less-than-able Director Mueller. Humanity is heading for a series of calamities unless it pulls its head out of its self-absorbed ass, but almost none of you have seen daylight yet.

-- "After reading all the documents I have as Majestic Countdown, I'd very much enjoy proving my power by getting Old Testament on Washington DC, but God prefers that I prove my divine nature by resurrecting someone. Make a list of several good candidates for me, Jonathon Winters, and I'll get it from you in a week."

"Ahh, I don't understand. Are you asking me to pick someone to bring back to life?"

"That's correct. In LA someone foolishly suggested Elvis. I'm sure your network has that clip on file. Listen to my reasons for rejecting Elvis, then make up some good criteria of your own. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest people who died less than five or ten years ago so they won't be out of touch when they're brought back. People who died unfairly would seem a good choice too, as I'm big on righting wrongs. You'll need to make up many more criteria of your own. Once you've got several good ones, use them to choose some candidates.

-- "If ABC wishes, it might want to get involved by allowing public submissions for what criteria could be used, and no doubt people will be clamoring to suggest individual candidates too, although getting the criteria right first is the better process to use. ABC can display the evolving process as you work on it." OF COURSE the network would LOVE to get involved! Talk about a ratings hit! It'd also allow us to track whether Mark Anderson qualified.

-- "It is YOUR project though, Jonathon. If any of your bosses tread on your toes, let me know and I'll shoot them in their feet too. I've found it to be an excellent way of adjusting attitudes. Similarly, listen to the public's opinions if you want ideas, but you're working for God on this, not the public. It's YOUR list I want.

-- "I'm only half-joking about motivating your bosses. Millions of people have died in recent years so you've got a great deal of work ahead of you developing suitable criteria and then applying them. You'll need a considerable amount of help and I expect your network to provide it to you. I imagine your bosses are smarter than Director Mueller, so they should act on my wishes..."

Someone's cellphone started ringing. I demanded, "Turn it off," which he quickly did. So did all the other cameramen, to play safe. Shooting someone in the foot really is an excellent way to maximize people's helpfulness.

I resumed, "Jonathon, I'll email you in about ten days or so, to arrange a meeting where you and I will review your list of candidates. I want your list finalized by then, so you're going to be VERY busy until then. Do you understand?"

"I'm going to pick a DEAD person to bring back to LIFE?"

"That's half-correct. It wouldn't be nice of me to let you suffer the condemnation you'd receive from everyone who disagreed with your final pick, so I'll take responsibility for that. You'll make the shortlist and I'll get you to talk me through everyone on it, whereupon I'll choose the resurrectee. I imagine your list will contain approximately twenty names, but if you want more or less that's fine with me. If you've got a good set of criteria and thirty people qualify under them, then thirty will be fine. Quality is more important than quantity." I was intending to do some manipulation if Mark Anderson wasn't on the list. I imagined it'd be easy to steer Jonathon because he'll probably be blown away by the task and me. If he resisted, it was still going to be my choice so I could insist on Mark Anderson.

One of the other cameramen asked, "Will we be able to film the resurrection?"

Obviously there couldn't be any filming as it'd be rather difficult to get Archangel Michael, Ron Fisher and Mark Anderson in front of the camera at the same time. It'd be good PR for me to agree to the cameraman's request, and I'd cancel it later by using the excuse of Mark not having a body. For now I answered, "God wants me to provide proof of my divinity. Filming the resurrection would help with that, so 'Yes, it can be filmed.' Whether you're the people doing the filming might depend on where it's taking place. Or maybe you'll be busy with something else more newsworthy, such as Paris Hilton remembering to put her panties on."

All of them laughed, except for Jonathon Winters, who was too much in shock.

By now there were twenty animals who'd either walked into the clearing to sit around my feet, or who'd flown down to land on or around me. They were just sitting there, most of them looking at me with apparent devotion (actually with mindlessness, but it's often much the same thing, even in humans). The cameramen were starting to get weirded out by it. Only the amazing topic of my resurrecting someone had kept them from changing the subject to discuss the animals. Having come down from the rarified heights of resurrecting a dead person by mentioning Little Miss Hilton, one of them asked, "Why are there animals and birds all around you?"

Ignoring the redundant fact that birds are animals, I explained, "It happens whenever I stand still long enough in a natural environment. Natural creatures react to God's servants differently than self-aware, self-centered, thinking creatures do. Wholly natural creatures' souls resonate with mine, which draws them to me."

"Birds and animals have souls?" asked several of them, in surprise.

"Of course. That's what defines life. Humans are animals too you know. You evolved from little fellows like this." I crouched and extended my hand toward a squirrel, which seemed to happily run up it as I stood again. An act captured by most of the cameras, the others panning around the area, recording the Disneyesque scene. I continued, "Humanity is too egotistical. A few million years ago you were an animal species indistinguishable from many others. A million years from now you'll be totally different again. Presuming you don't destroy yourselves in the interim, in which case something else will have evolved to take your place. God's plan is flexible that way, and It's willing to wait many billions of years for something to work."

The cameramen spent a few seconds absorbing that.

One of them commented, "You've lived billions of years, and you've seen us evolve, yet you know about Paris Hilton."

"Yeah, my job isn't always awe inspiring. Your civilization is considerably less civilized than several which have come before it, which is something you need to think about because those earlier ones no longer exist."

After a pause, another cameraman asked, "When did God tell you to resurrect someone?"

"A couple of minutes ago, at the end of my useless discussion with Director Mueller. The easiest way to explain it is to say that God is connected to all of It's angels at all times, so It knows everything we're doing, what we're seeing, etc. In reality, we're more 'of God', than separate entities connected to It.

-- "I should move things along, so Jonathon, I'm sure questions will occur to you later. Post them on your network's website addressed to me, and I'll email you the answers. We'll agree on a code phrase soon, so you'll know the emails are from me.

-- "That concludes our business for today; short as it was because Director Mueller had more important things to do than react intelligently to the most important event in Earth's last 2,000 years. Pack up your gear and I'll fly you back to town."

One of the cameramen who'd received a cellphone call back when we'd been flying here, said, "Wait a second please. My reporter wants me to ask you a question. She wants..."

I interrupted, "Are you about to ask a question that I would welcome, or are you going to waste my time for someone else's benefit?"

"Ahh, on second thought, it doesn't matter."

"Good decision. Director Mueller, here's your gun back." I pulled his arms away from his body, put the safety on, and flew it back into his holster; adding, "I suggest you leave it there until I'm out of sight. Here's your phone back too. You're not in my good graces so I'm not going to be your taxi back to town. The FBI seems to have choppers to spare so I'm sure you'll be able to call for a ride. You can productively spend your waiting time reassigning the many agents around the country who seem to have nothing better to do than ride around in helicopters pointing guns at me. Put them onto getting my leaked documents acted on with the degree of urgency I require. I've also got some expenses coming up and I seem to have left my wallet in my other suit. I'm sure you won't mind if I take yours to do God's work with." I extracted his wallet, sending it to sit on top of the white sheet I had floating to one side of me.

-- "Jonathon, the FBI would like you to have this spare rifle as a souvenir. Sell it, keep it, whatever you like. I'm sure Director Mueller will fast-track the paperwork for it, and if you want instruction in its use, I'm sure the FBI will be only too willing to provide it free of charge. Correct, Director Mueller?"

"Yes sir," he agreed immediately.

"Good boy." I enjoyed talking to an important 62-year old man that way. "It's time to go." I gently brushed the animals sitting on me off. The wildlife remembered it was meant to be wild, and scattered.

I picked up everyone except Mueller, putting them on a mass sled. We flew up at forty five degrees toward town. I kept a sight blob focused on Mueller, not that they need focusing, in case he was stupid enough to go for his gun. He watched us passively, not being THAT stupid. Actually, I was sure he wasn't stupid at all. His problem was ego and not realizing how fawningly I wanted him to treat me; neither fault motivating him into drawing his gun as we flew away.

A minute after we cleared the top of the hills, I saw two fighters in tight formation came zooming down toward us. The cameramen were carrying a lot of metal, so we'd probably shown up on radar, or maybe the Air Force had gotten our location from the calls the cameramen had taken during our flight. The reason didn't matter, especially because the annoyance wasn't going to last long. The fighters were acting aggressively, and I knew they were REALLY expensive and the ground under us was uninhabited, which made my idea irresistible.

I moved a sight blob into each cockpit as soon as each plane came into range. The sight blobs had no difficulty keeping up with the planes as I searched around the cockpit (literally "no difficulty". My frame of reference for the sight blobs was "inside the cockpit", and the sight blobs automatically moved around inside their cockpits just as if the planes were stationary. My subconscious processes are very helpful that way). I easily found the clearly labeled ejection lever, a big yellow, triple-pronged handle between and below the pilot's legs [[the fighters were Air National Guard F-16Cs]].

I formed NP-fingers around the rubber handle, waiting for the planes to pass us. Proximity clearly showed that the cameramen were filming the planes, so there was no need to ask them to do so.

As soon as the trailing aircraft had SCREAMED past us - at a distance that was FAR too close for our comfort - I pulled both planes' ejection handles. I zipped the nearest sight blob back to get a look. The canopies were both flying up into the air and being blown behind each plane. The trailing plane wasn't flying directly in the leader's exhaust, so there was no danger of the first canopy hitting the second pilot when he ejected. The cameramen had barely begun to react when the rockets went off under the pilots' seats, blasting them clear of their planes, whether or not they wanted to be so blasted.

While both planes were still in my range, I moved the errant sight blob back into the cockpit, grasped both planes' joysticks and pushed them forward identically. The planes curved downward, toward the forested ground only two hundred feet below.

I left my NP-fingertips holding the sticks forward while I pulled my sight blobs back (it sure wasn't going to take thirty two seconds for the fighters to impact). Both sight blobs zoomed ahead to check that the impact area was clear.

The cameramen were having a great time, excitedly calling out comments to each other, trying to narrate into their mics, etc.

I searched in extremely rapidly widening circles around the likely impact area, happily finding nobody. I kept searching until I heard the loud explosion of the first plane's impacting, added to a moment later by the second's. I pulled the sight blobs back a hundred feet to find the exact impact locations, then zoomed around each of them to make sure there was no one I'd missed. Nope, all was clear.

From pulling the ejection handles through to finishing the search afterward, had taken less than four seconds. The pilots, sitting in their seats, were still flying upward from the impetus their ejection rockets had given them. I said to the cameramen, "We'll postpone your return to town for a conversation with the pilots." None of the cameramen objected.

I started us rising. The crashes were several hundred feet away, but I was happy to get even farther away from any cooking-off ammunition.

I caught the pilots' seats as they reached their highest points, holding them at that altitude and bringing them toward each other as the cameramen and I rose toward the central meeting point. The ejection seats fired their parachutes, but I just used more NP-fingers to bundle them up and hold them against the back of the seats; something I imagined worried the pilots considerably.

On the way up to the pilots, one of the cameramen asked me, "Did you do that, sir?"

"Yes. I'd requested that helicopters should stay more than a mile away from me or they'd be downed. A sensible person would've known that two fully-armed fighters screaming past me in an aggressive and annoying attempt at intimidation wasn't going to be tolerated. I'm amazed at how long it's taking your Government to learn that disrespect is not a good idea. Your leaders are very full of themselves, aren't they?"

The cameramen were agreeing with that as we neared the pilots. I'd moved their seats side by side, and they were talking together. Proximity showed me that the pilot for the rear fighter was uninjured, but the lead pilot was bashed around a fair bit. Nothing life-threatening, but he certainly hadn't had a clean ejection.

The uninjured pilot accused, "You did that!"

"Sure. Didn't your mother teach you not to be rude? We were flying along peacefully doing God's business when you obnoxiously intruded into my airspace..."

As I'd baited him to, he reacted by proclaiming, "This is AMERICAN airspace. We can fly wherever we want!"

"God has a different opinion. You might've heard, 'In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.' It's claim predates America's by several billion years and is considerably stronger because It MADE the airspace. I can't imagine how you can be so arrogant as to claim you have dominion over God. I've heard enough of your nonsense, so shut up now." I clamped his jaw shut, turned his chair around, and sent it twenty feet away.

To the other pilot I said, "You've got a broken right tibia and cracked ankle, your neck's been badly strained and is going to need some work, and your left upper-arm has some muscle damage. Plus some contusions and mild strains. Nothing life-threatening, and you should be flying again in several weeks.

-- "There's more fat lining your major blood vessels than there should be for someone your age and occupation. You don't want restricted blood flow or a clot during high-g maneuvers so you should reconsider your diet." (I'd learned that from the reading I'd done for my own flying.) "I also suggest you see a dentist about a sizable cavity you've got forming in your lower left jaw. Judging by the amount of work done on your teeth, you're eating too much processed sugar too. Other than your dietary problems and recent injuries, you're healthy.

-- "That leaves your major problem being your lack of wisdom. Goodness only knows why you thought it was a good idea to come screaming past me like that. I suggest you spread the word among your fellow pilots that a nice, respectful, two-mile distance would be much safer for them. If you want a close look at me, carry a pair of binoculars. It'll cost the American Government a lot less than replacing your annoyingly loud toys.

-- "Do you want me to set you on the ground here, or would you prefer being delivered to a hospital in town?"

Through gritted teeth, against the pain from his right leg and neck, he said, "Here please."

I knew pilots had emergency locator beacons in their ejection seats, or maybe in their flight suits. I wasn't sure exactly where, but I knew there was probably a chopper already on its way to pick them up. Presumably he'd answered the way he had because he wanted to be away from me as soon as possible, which was fine with me. I lowered him and his partner to the ground, taking a few extra seconds in his case, to be gentle on his injuries. [[At the time of his ejection, the lead pilot had been turned in his chair to look back over his left shoulder at me. F-16s have seatbacks that recline at thirty degrees, making looking behind an awkward body maneuver, so it had been a bad time for him to be ejected.]]

The cameramen and I sped back to town, with them getting me to prove I could see the health of human bodies by telling them about their own. There are plenty of things I can't see about human bodies, so I manipulated the conversation to hide that fact. Fortunately being a cameraman doesn't seem to be a healthy lifestyle, so there was plenty I could talk about to kill time. Including explaining to them why I wasn't going to be healing all their ills. I gave them some crap about freewill, and not opening cans of worms that billions of people would want in on.

I was headed for a location several miles east of the convention center I'd picked the cameramen up from. One of them queried where we were going.

I answered, "I don't want to play more gun games with the FBI. I imagine you're also not eager to head back to an area where bullets could start flying, so I'm dropping you off a safe distance away.

-- "Jonathon, I'll need you to give me a code you want me to put on my emails to you, so you'll know they're from me. Make up an unlikely phrase please?"

He answered, "Okay. Do you know my email address? It's..."

I cut him off by quoting the address I'd seen on the business cards in his pocket.

"That's right! How did you know?"

"One of the little birdies that sat on my shoulder told me."


"Nah. I'm jerking your chain. I find some of your expressions amusing and can't resist making a joke out of them. I know your email address because angels have ways of knowing things that humans can't duplicate. I'll float you over now so you can whisper your code to me."

When he was close enough, he whispered, "The cat sat in the hat."

"Got it." I floated him back to his pack. Not that it mattered much, but I'd wanted all the cameramen to see Jonathon whispering to me, rather than me to him, to make it look more like Jonathon was independent of me, because that might reduce the risk of someone later claiming that I'd told Jonathon to put Mark Anderson on the list.

On his way back, Jonathon said, "The job you've asked me to do is too large for me. It'd take me MONTHS to do it and I'd never live it down afterward."

"I agree it's too large for you to do it yourself, but you're the boss not the sole worker. If ABC doesn't give you enough resources, call up George W. Bush and tell him you want a thousand secretaries and researchers. He can strip them out of the armed forces and bureaucracies all over the country and send them to you overnight. It's also going to take computer programmers to match your criteria against everyone who has died in whatever period you decide on, and other specialists too, depending on what aspects are important to you.

-- "George, when you listen to this, call my helper Jonathon here and put yourself at his disposal. I'm sure there's nothing else more important for you to do than smoothing the way for one of God's specific instructions.

-- "Don't sweat the small stuff, Jonathon. Your job is to have the final word on the criteria, to make sure the work is being done quickly and well enough, to decide on the shortlist of candidates, and to present their biographies to me a couple of weeks from now. You've got an accurate gun now, so if anyone doesn't give you the cooperation you need, shoot them in a foot. You're doing God's work. That's not some self-deluded Catholic priest spouting some bizarre nonsense like 'God is against condoms.' You ARE doing God's work. You were with me when I got the instruction straight from the horse's mouth so don't let human laws stand in your way. You've heard of 'Presidential Pardons', well now you've got as many 'Angelic Get Out Of Jail Free Cards' as you need to get the job done. If you're having trouble getting cooperation from anyone - and I mean ANYONE - put a comment about your problem on ABC's website, and if they don't straighten up immediately, I'll fix their attitude. It's not often God gives me a specific instruction like this, and when It does, I move Heaven and Earth to get the job done. Ten days is ample time for the resources you're able to command.

-- "You're right about not living it down afterward though. It will change your life. That's a consequence of hanging around with angels; unusual things can happen to you. A very self-important man got shot in the foot and dumped in a forest. While you, who Director Mueller doubtless considers far less important than himself, have the major role in choosing only the second human being to be resurrected in the hundred thousand year history of your species. You may recall that Jesus valued people in unusual ways too. Angels don't judge people in the same way your society does.

-- "If you think your life is going to change, imagine how much more the life of the resurrected person is going to change! Which reminds me, one of your criteria for the people that you put on your list is that they have at least a moderate ability to defend themselves emotionally from the pressures that being resurrected will bring. For examples, very young, infirm, or previously vain persons would not be good choices. You don't have to worry about physical defense, as God will provide physical protection for the resurrected person."

Jonathon asked incredulously, "The President has to do what I say?"

"If you said you needed the Swedish Bikini-Babe Beach Volleyball Team flown to you, then I wouldn't give George a hard time if he refused to put Air Force One at your disposal. You could give it a try, and if you got away with it, then kudos to you, but that's not something the President would be required to do for you. But if some bureaucrat is blocking your staff's access to a database of death certificates, and if George hasn't removed the obstruction within fifteen minutes after you've called him to explain the problem, then I wouldn't want to be in either of those politicians' shoes. Same thing if George doesn't take one of your calls or if he tries to claim one of your country's laws prevents you from getting what you want. Working on God's direct instruction supersedes every one of your laws. From what I've been reading as Majestic Countdown, most of the senior politicians in your country spend most of their time plotting to break your nation's laws anyway. My comments apply at the State level too. If a Governor is being unhelpful, call George and tell him to send one of his goons to shoot the Governor in the foot. And if that doesn't motivate the Governor enough, get him shot in the head and see if his replacement is any more cooperative. You've only got ten days so don't stand for ANY time wasting. It'd be disrespectful to God, and you don't want to permit any disrespect to an entity that can erase your solar system far easier than I can disable helicopters. You got the idea, Jonathon?"

"It's UNBELIEVABLE! Why ME? I'm just a cameraman, not anyone special."

"Were Joseph and Mary 'special' when they were chosen? Being special is overvalued, especially by the people who think they're special. Don't denigrate being a cameraman either. Your work is continuously and openly judged. If you do a good job, people can see it. If you do a bad job, they can see that too. Director Mueller risked the lives of several of his agents by deliberately distorting my instruction not to bring guns on helicopters within a mile of me. If the pilot had not carried out his emergency landing so well, deaths could have resulted. The FBI's helicopter was damaged to reinforce that I mean my instructions. I should never have had to do that, but I needed to because Mueller insisted on considering himself more important than one of God's archangels. The cost of recovering and repairing that helicopter should come out of his pocket, but it won't because he'll refuse to take responsibility for its getting damaged.

-- "One of the reasons I gave you the job of producing the list of candidates is because I want someone who will do a job because a job needs doing; not someone who thinks that his ego is more important than the job. You work in a profession where you're used to dealing with egos. In the job I've given you, it'll be important that you manage the egotists that'll try to grab at the glory of the task. Some of them you'll need to get work from, others you'll be able to blow off immediately. You've only got a week and a half, so you don't have time for people who play games with you. You should be experienced enough at recognizing bullshit quickly, and knowing how to deal with it. In a couple of weeks it's just going to be you and me sitting down somewhere and going through the shortlist's biographies together. I'm not going to allow anyone else there, no matter how big their ego is. Your knowing that is going to keep it real for you, just like when you hand over a tape. The final result of your work will be judged for what it is, with everything else left outside the door.

-- "I also expect you're not the sort of person who'd agree to wear a wire or play any of those types of Government games. I'm sure your job experiences around this town have left you with no illusions about how wise and benevolent anyone working for the Government is. This is God's business, not your Government's, and you've got the experience to appreciate that.

-- "There are other reasons," although I couldn't think of any, other than my knowing his name, "but that should be enough to counter your, 'I'm just a cameraman' concern. In this town, there aren't many professions more suitable to draw from than yours..."


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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 6 Jackie

I was happy for my cousin. JR had been doing great and my friends liked him. I took him to a party one Friday night and he didn't even drink. There was beer there, but he said he didn't want any. Over the weeks he had been living with us, JR had become a pretty good swimmer. He could hold his own with Ted, one of the stronger swimmers on the team. Our coach told me he was a natural. Kim had been talking about JR since she saw him in the shower. Girls talk, a lot like guys do, and she...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 7 Jonathon

How was I doing, Jackie wanted to know. Hell, I was lost in feelings I had never experienced before. I was naked and sated from the first hand job I'd ever had that wasn't by my hand. I couldn't get over how beautiful Jackie was. I knew she was good looking, but naked, she was a goddess. "I'm okay, how about you?" I replied. Jackie looked into my eyes. For the first time, since moving to Florida, I saw how her emerald eyes sparkled. "I'm fine, I'm so glad we're doing this...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 9 Jonathon

"Mmmm, that feels so good," I told Jackie. "I'm glad you came in to see me. I was going to go to your room, but I didn't think it would be a good idea with Mo there." "My sister would have loved it. She has a crush on you, almost as bad as I do." Jackie began stroking my cock from the base to the head. She stopped, pulled the blanket back, and stared at my member. Sliding down, she started to move my cock around and look at it. "Your cock is so nice, although I really don't have...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 13 Jonathon

"Yes and no," Jackie said. "We have to talk—again. My parents are really messing with my head." "How?" Jackie began to tell me about the conversion she and her parents had. After a moment, Jackie glanced at Mo. "I know, I know, you want me to leave," Mo said. "Um, maybe not this time, some of this concerns you too," Jackie said. Mo shut her book and moved closer to Jackie and me. Jackie continued, telling us about what Uncle Jason and Aunt Andrea said about Jackie and me...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 15 Jonathon

I didn't know what Jackie was up to, but what the hell; I was going to go along. I was excited, but not to the point I needed relief. Jackie and I had fooled around that morning and I had come several times the night before. Having Mo in bed with us was a trip, something I would definitely want to do again. The things my aunt had told me were still clear in my mind and made more sense that ever. It was like I could feel my love for Jackie growing by the minute. My aunt's explanation of the...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 17 Jonathon

Why did things have to be so difficult I thought as I went into the gym? After checking with the teacher, I headed to the weights. I needed to think about the things Jackie had said to me, as well as how I responded. I wondered if I told Jackie what did to please her, or if I really meant it. Seeing Ted between Jackie's legs was exciting because she seemed to really enjoy it. I didn't think about the fact Jackie and Ted had been dating, not at the time. My only goal was to see her have as...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 21 Jonathon

"The Program has been suspended," Mr. Shaw said when Jackie and I walked up to him. "Why, Mr. Shaw," I asked, but I felt I knew why. "The school administration felt it would be a good idea in light of what happened last night. The board wants to reevaluate The Program and make a decision on whether to keep it or not," Mr. Shaw told us and the kids that had gathered around us. I knew there was no use in trying to debate what was happening, it wouldn't do any good. Taking Jackie's...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 23 Jonathon

I laughed and began to strip. Within a couple of minutes, Jackie, Mo, and I were naked and holding our clothes. Jackie gathered our clothes and gave them to Aunt Andrea. When Mom saw me, she looked shocked. After a moment, she grinned and then laughed. Max shook his head, but I did notice him looking over Jackie and Mo. "Um, excuse me, I wanted to stop and say hello," Lorie said. "Hi, that was very brave of you," I replied while shaking her hand. "I'm not going to thank you for...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 25 Jonathon

Jackie was shaking in my arms. I let her go so we didn't get in trouble for violating the stupid PDA rules, rules that didn't make any sense to me. It was okay to fondle and touch someone in The Program, but no hugging or kissing? Go figure. "What are you talking about? Why would I be mad at you, Baby?" I said. Jackie furrowed her brow. "Because I asked if we could pick other people for relief." "Why would that make me mad? We agreed anything was okay as long as it was something...

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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 19 Meeting Mrs Jonathon Huntington Smyth

We spent the rest of the day sightseeing. She took me around all her favorite places. And actually we had fun. She treated me as an equal, not as an underling. It ended too soon when we had to return to the hotel to dress for dinner and the show. After shaving and showering, my valet had arranged for a hair stylist to "fix" my hair after my shower. The stylist worked about an hour on my hair. It's funny but it only took me a couple of minutes when I combed and dried it. When the stylist...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 27 Jonathon

Max and I had a long talk. He told me how much he loved my mom and asked me if it was okay. I told him I couldn't be happier for them. Max also told me they planned to move in together, laughing when I asked why they hadn't done it yet. While we talked, we got to know one another. I learned he had never been married before. I asked if he was going to marry my mom. He said they were talking about it, but there wasn't a wedding on the horizon. Max told me Mom had talked to him about my...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 29 Jonathon

Ralph came over and told me the girls were up to something. I glanced at the girls huddled together and nodded. Standing up, I removed my shorts. I had worn my Speedo under my shorts. "I wonder what they're planning to do," Ralph said. "I guess we could just let them throw us in." "That's true, but we shouldn't make it that easy for them. It'll be fun having the girls trying to get us into the water." "By the way, you've never been to one of my parties. We have four bedrooms...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 33 Jonathon

I left Cindy and Jackie alone in the bathroom hoping Jackie could talk to her. Besides that, I wanted to have a chat with Jim. I led Jim out to the patio, making sure we were alone. "Jim, I'm kind of pissed at you. I didn't like what you did last night," I told him. "But Jackie wanted me to have sex with her. I didn't know it would piss you off," Jim replied, visibly shaken. "I'm not talking about Jackie, what you two did is between you and her. I'm talking about Cindy. Look,...

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Abby Winters

Got a thing for (hairy) amateur naked women nudes? AbbyWinters here we come! Mainstream hardcore pornography is something akin to the professional wrestling of sex. Or, to possibly put it a little more accurately, hardcore porn is to sex what professional wrestling is to violence. In other words, fake. Okay, sure, porn does not reach quite the same level of fakeness, but it is fake, nonetheless. I mean, the actors in a porno are, after all, actually fucking at least, whereas in pro wrestling,...

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The Futa Experiment Part 2 Doctor Winters

Bianca unlocked the bathroom door and peeked her head out into the hallway. There, as she expected, was Doctor Winters, a tall, curvy blonde with hair pulled back into a neat bun, glasses sitting in front of brilliant blue eyes. And with a smirk on her face that she couldn’t conceal. “So, Bianca, I see you’ve been having some fun with my secretary...” She peered past Bianca and watched as Kate, her secretary, began to put her clothes back on. Her face and hair was covered in sticky, fresh cum...

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Pt2 A few days passed, life returned to what passed as normal in the little flat, strangely Tim found that any mid age fit male who he knew had even spoken briefly to his lady, and were local, he regarded with not suspicion, that’s not the right word, but perhaps curiosity was more apt. His mind wondering if this was the anonymous chappy who was her chosen bull, the man who she had said that she was going to allow to secure her and use her in any fashion that he felt was appropriate. He also...

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30 days down335 to go

About 30 days ago I agreed to be locked up in chastity. One month gone and only eleven months to go in my one year agreement. My key holder dropped by to spend the afternoon with my wife and I. My key holder announced it was time for my inspection. She had me strip my clothes and go get the hand cuffs. Then when I returned she had me lock my hands behind my back. I heard the click of the hand cuff as it locked and looked up at my wife. She had a devious smile on her face. Normally when she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 335

Before I went out to start plowing I asked the girls to call the Bay Bridge Transit Authority to see if the bridge was open. I was finished pushing when Jake, Jason and Dad drove in to put the final touches on my job. Mom, Lisa and Mindy made a bee line for the house to see how Jenny was doing. I wondered the same thing myself; I had been pushing snow for almost an hour. Where the snow was untouched it was to my waist and still snowing. I had one heck of a pile in the back and side...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 335

6:47 PM on a Friday night, my power pack was hot, and I was ready to go. It was too early for Cowboy's to be any real fun. I was about to go looking for something to occupy my brain for a couple of hours when I got the call. I answered my own Smarter than Smart phone. "Hello, Stone speaking," I suggested. "Stone huh?" the slightly familiar female voice said in an almost humorous tone. "Yeah, so? speak to me bitch." I was pretty sure no one involved in my business would use that tone...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 335

Most of our generation of 50+ were HOME SCHOOLED in many ways : 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 4. My father taught me LOGIC. "Because I said so, that's why." 5. My...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 335

The Retreat Eileen, Jill and Kathy had showered together as they readied for bed, but Eileen, still bashful around the other two, quickly wrapped a towel around herself as soon as she was out and reasonably dry. Unseen by her, Jill and Kathy exchanged a grin, but didn't kid Eileen about her obvious uneasiness. Instead, they helped her dry and brush out her beautiful hair. As the three stood in front of the vanity mirror, Jill remarked, "You're beautiful, and we know that our husband...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 335

God Created Newfoundland. God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired, “Where have you been? God smiled deeply and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, “Look, Michael. Look what I’ve made.” Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, “What is it?” “It’s a planet,” replied God and I’ve put life on it. I’m going to call it Earth and it’s going to be a place to test Balance.” “Balance?” inquired Michael, “I’m...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 335 Childhood Responsibilities

I don’t think of myself as a god, even if maybe I am. The kids from the penthouse headed back with take-out containers for the others that didn’t come here today. Until the kids from jail came to thank mom for trusting them to help out, I didn’t realize that there were only three girls I hadn’t gotten to know better. Two were on the rag, and the other had diarrhea. I managed to arrange a bit of time to thank each of the kids here from jail, leaving the three girls for last. These boys seem...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Jonathons New Wife

Introduction: Jonathons wife ran afoul of Mark Glassner, and hes about to find out just how shes changed. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jonathons New Wife Note: This takes place during Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. While robbing his first bank, Mark fucked a bank teller named Monica, ordering her to be a good wife, and do whatever nasty, whorish things her husband wants her to. Monday, June 10th, 2013 Jonathon Jephson I hate...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 88 Picking Liaisons

Thursday, April 21, 2005 I woke in the dark with both girls holding me. Looking at the clock showed that I'd had about the same amount of sleep as the previous night, just over four hours. I'd woken at 2:10am yesterday, but it was nearly 4am now as our 'celebration' had started unbelievably later than it should have, which had been ten minutes after school finished, and that's including time to drop Donna off at home. I extracted myself, trying not to touch Julia as I crab-walked over...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 380 I Pick Up DCup With Some Help From God

Monday, July 2, 2007 Carol and I went for our drive shortly after midnight, driving to D-Cup's home, stopping a block away so I could do some snooping. I searched the house quickly to find out if she was there. After a quick glance in a couple of wrong bedrooms, I found her in the third. I took that as confirmation that God approved of my plan, which was good because He was going to be helping me. I looked around the house more slowly to get a feel for the Smiths. In a word - and it's not...

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RESURRECTION by IkemanWebster says this about the word, resurrection: the act of causing something that has ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again. American Heritage says: the act of bringing back to practice, notice, use, or vibrancy.Oxford says: the revitalization or revival of something.Synonyms would be: rebirth, regeneration, renewal, revival, resurgence.This is the story of one man and two women who find themselves bound to each other through the resurrection of one of them...

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The Ghost of Resurrection Mary

The story of Resurrection Mary was told around Chicago for so many years that it became legendary. But, back in the thirties when a pretty young girl was killed by a hit-and-run driver, it was heartbreaking. Mary had been with her boyfriend at a dance hall when a fight began and she ran out into the dark night and was killed. In the year nineteen-thirty-four, she was buried in Resurrection Cemetery in an unmarked grave. That’s when the sightings began.People, mostly men, swore they’d seen...

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Rainfall Resurrection

Rainfall: Resurrection By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The captured Therobelin comes face to face with the warrior goddess Crystalia, who forces him to confront his true feelings about the state of the world he has sworn to protect. (Part 3) * * * I thank everybody once again for their kind comments regarding Arrival and Assault. I have to admit that it helps me greatly when I can actually see what people think of my works, so please take a few moments after you're done with the...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 24 The Resurrection of VindicorKimber

The Dei-Xhan removed his mask and looked down upon the giant of a Gnathar child, disbelieving. The same spell that had incinerated the Gnath had not only been cleaved in half by the child's weapon to explode harmlessly down slope, but neither axe nor Gnathar were damaged in any visible way. "Boy, where did you acquire that weapon?" the sorceror inquired in an almost haughtily cultured manner. Jonar gazed implacably up at the sorceror and shrugged. "Not that it will matter to you, but...

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Resurrection Mary

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Except for Mary herself, who is quite real. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is...

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Resurrection Day

Resurrection Day is an erotic, and completely fictional, trans-gendered short story involving a young character. If the story concept offends you - read no further. Suspected child abuse of any kind should be reported to law enforcement without delay for further investigation. Please enjoy the story for its erotic entertainment value only. Resurrection Day "Stephanie, do you remember these family portraits?" "Yes, I remember them." "Who is in the pictures Stephanie?" "You,...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 4 Jackie

I showered after Mo on Monday morning. When I was finished, I knocked on the door to JR's room, using the signal we had agreed on while sitting on the patio the evening before. I left the bathroom to dress, listening to make sure he was up. "Good morning," JR said when he came into the kitchen. He stood with his arms at his side wearing one of the new outfits I had picked out for him. "Well, do I look presentable?" I couldn't believe how good he looked! "Yes, you look fine," I...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 8 Jackie

Oh boy, here it comes, I thought as Mom finished her sentence. The sex lecture! How embarrassing was this going to be? Here I was. I had just spent the day naked. I jacked off my cousin, now boyfriend, and now we were going to have to endure my parents' lecture about being responsible. When Dad asked Mo to leave, I was all the more worried. Not about the lecture, I could understand that, it was how JR was going to respond. My parents had always been very open about sex. If my sister or I...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 10 Jackie

When I woke up, I started grinning and humming a song. Mo giggled and asked me what was making me so giddy. When I told her, she shouted, "YEAH, way to go!" I giggled and said, "You're right, it isn't bad at all. In fact, I liked it. I don't know if I liked the taste because of the flavor, or because of whose it was." "Maybe both," Mo said. "There is only one way to find out." "How?" I said, realizing where it was going after I said it. "Oh, you mean give another guy a...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 14 Jackie

I was about half asleep and enjoying the feeling of having JR next to me. The door to the bedroom opened and I saw my mom standing in the opening. I blinked a few times to help my eyes adjust. When I was finally awake, I began to panic. Mom put her finger to her lips and then smiled at me. She came to the bed, leaned over, and whispered, "I'm leaving in a few minutes. I checked your room but found it empty. Is everything going as well as it looks?" I grinned and nodded. Mom kissed my...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 16 Jackie

"Okay, tell me all about it, Jackie," Kim said to me when we got into the bathroom. "How was it having Ted lick you while you sucked JR?" "It was dreamy! I thought I was going to pass out," I told Kim and Mo. "Ted must have been great!" Mo said. "Ted was okay, but JR was wonderful! He fingered me before Ted came up. I never felt anything like it before. When I was kissing his cock, I almost came—before Ted did anything," I said. "How could JR ask Ted to do that? Doesn't he...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 18 Jackie

I was still vibrating when JR drove away from TJ's. He dropped Cindy, Suzie, and Ted off at their houses before heading home. Mo rode with my parents. I was still in a daze. I had watched JR take on three guys that were bigger than he was and beat all of them. He moved like he was dancing as he punched and kicked the bullies. I remembered hearing about Cindy's sister and her ordeal. The local news covered the trial. I couldn't imagine how Cindy must have felt when the Baxter brothers came...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 20 Jackie

I woke up next to JR. He was on his back with one arm under my neck. Rolling toward him, I kissed his face. JR was erect and I decided not to waste his beautiful hard on. Grinning, I straddled his sleeping body. I lifted his throbbing organ, aligned it with my sopping pussy, and slowly impaled myself on him. When I had his entire length in side me, I leaned forward to kiss JR again. JR opened his eyes, looking up into mine. I grinned, wiggled my bottom and said, "Good morning, Lover. Would...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 24 Jackie

I woke up to the feeling of JR's cock against my butt. Giggling to myself, I decided a girl could get used to that. The only problem was JR and I were both wearing underwear. I wiggled my backside, and JR squeezed my boob. I wiggled again, he squeezed again. We continued until we were both laughing. I rolled over so I could kiss him. We shared a few kisses before getting up. I had gone to bed in my panties, JR was wearing his boxers. When we sat up, I saw Mo sitting on her bed. She grinned...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 26 Jackie

Oh my God! I thought JR was going to make me come right there in the lunchroom, and I didn't care. His fingers were magic. I was panting from the short, but very erotic, fingering and kiss. I was dripping! "Okay, I get the point, Baby," I said. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?" JR grinned and said, "I never get tired of hearing you tell me. I love you too, Honey. So, what is your plan for the rest of the day?" "I'm not telling you." "Why not?" JR asked. I giggled,...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 28 Jackie

JR was still sound asleep when I woke up. I propped my head in my hand, watching his chest rise and fall with his breathing. Part of me wanted to wake him, but I decided to let him sleep. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Mo came in to use the toilet. "That was so cool last night! I can't believe the entire team got naked," Mo said. "We're a team, we support each other," I told her. "Remember when I asked if JR could be my first lover?" Mo asked. "Yeah, I...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 30 Jackie

Boy was I ever ready. JR had been covering my exposed pussy, but the other kids couldn't see what he was doing with his finger. He was gently stroking my labia and teasing my clit the entire time we sat there. I stood up. JR also got up and then he took my hand. I grabbed my drink, showing JR it needed to be refreshed. With fresh drinks in hand, we went into the house. I followed JR down the hallway. He stopped, turned around, and gave me a hug. We kissed, we kissed hard. With my free hand,...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 32 Jackie

I found myself tangled with naked bodies when I woke up. There was a hand on one of my boobs and I quickly determined it belonged to JR. As I came out of my slumbering state, I began to recall the events of the previous night. While fun at the time, giving a bunch of guys blowjobs wasn't something I wanted to repeat any time soon. The act made me feel a bit sluty, but it didn't really bother me, not at the time. What did surprise me were the subtle differences in the taste of the guys'...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 34 Jackie

Once the house was cleaned, the sheets washed, and the beds made, JR and I said goodbye to our friends. I held his hand as we walked out to the truck. JR opened the passenger door, holding it while I stepped up into the cab. "Nice view," JR said from behind me. I knew he was looking under my short dress at my butt. "So, that's why you're always a gentleman and hold the door for me," I said while wiggling my ass. "No, that's not the reason, but it is defiantly a benefit!" JR...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 35 JR

I took Jackie's hand in mine. We went to the living room and told our parents we were ready. Jackie's dad had taken Mo to school so she could practice with the rest of the band. I told our parents we were going to take my truck and meet them. During the ride to school, Jackie sat next to me. She stared out the window, remaining silent. I put my hand on her knee, giving her a firm squeeze. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours" I asked. "I'm just thinking about the past week,...

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Resurrection of Crazy Jane Pt 07Epilogue

What follows is the epilogue for the six-part ‘Resurrection of Crazy Jane.’ If this is your first exposure to this story, please consider reading from Part 1. I didn’t go out of my way to let this epilogue or any other part stand on its own. If you have read through to this point, make the decision whether to continue. There is no sex at all in this part. It is simply a dramatic epilogue, telling what happens to our protagonist. I’m a huge fan of stories that end on hanging action (E.g.:...

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