Ballerna Boy free porn video

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Ballerina Boy By Cheryl Lynn Another short story based upon another Daphne illustration ( Usual disclaimers apply. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use is strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. [email protected]. Ballerina Boy David stood in the center of his room feeling like a complete dork. He was posing with his head turned slightly to the side, arms arched above his head, purple lacquered nails just touching and his feet, heels touching and toes pointed out at a forty-five degree angle. The blushing on his cheeks was not solely due to the dusty rose blush he wore. He was wearing a lilac satin and white net ballerina costume. The costume had a square neckline frilled with pleated white chiffon. The thin shoulder straps also had matching chiffon detailing. Descending from each breast the bodice was decorated with ruffled white lace forming a "V" ending at the waist. From the waist the skirt flared almost straight out from the three layers of stiff white net crinolines. Around the hem of the skirt were delicate pink bows. Descending inside the lacey "V" was a row of four pink satin bows. His legs were covered in pink tights and on his feet were a pair of white satin ballerina slippers with white ribbon ties fashioned into bows just above the ankle. His long hair had been tightly brushed back from his forehead and neck. It was fashioned into a donut shaped bun at the crown and stiffly lacquered into place. Mrs. Hillshire, his nanny, had used so much hairspray that his hair glistened in the reflected light. Its aromatic smell still lingered thirty minutes later as he stood in position. The base of the bun was highlighted with a fluffy pink chiffon scrunchie. With his hair done, she applied his makeup. A light foundation and powder to fix it in place. Violet eye shadow with a dusting of glitter, black eyebrow penciled arches, black liquid eyeliner and mascara to enhance the eyes. Red lip pencil was used to draw out his lips, overlapping the natural lip line to form Cupid's bow lips. Satisfied with the outline, she filled in with a bubble gum pink lipstick with a luscious over coating of lip gloss. Dusty rose blush was used to bring out his cheeks and a liberal dousing of a spicy floral perfume completed his makeup. "David, hold still. This will only take a few more minutes then you can relax for a bit while I upload these pictures into your media profile pages. Smile prettily or this will take a lot longer," Mrs. Hillshire instructed. David grimaced, wrinkling his nose but forced a fake smile on his painted lips. After five months of training, the weight of his makeup didn't bother him as much, but what he wore under the costume did. A very tight lavender with silver diamond panel and fern embroidered panty girdle held his masculine groin in a painful grip. It forced him to tuck his testicles back up inside and his penis between his legs most uncomfortably. The strapless matching satin training bra pulled annoyingly at his upper torso. After all this time, he still was not used to the pressure and tugging of his feminine foundation garments. The girdles were especially bothersome as they steadily built up heat the longer he wore them. The pressure on his groin and heat were ever present. A girdle and bra were strictly for girls and wearing them constantly was crushing his male ego. He wanted to argue. He wanted to tell them just where they could put all this feminine crap but his will to fight was diminishing with each passing day. Mrs. Hillshire had a riding crop that stung like the dickens, even through his skirts and girdles. His mother, Doris, had a wooden hairbrush that left his behind red and stinging unmercifully. Fortunately they seldom resorted to those painful punishments. Other less harsh punishments while they didn't physically hurt were both humiliating and tore at his fragile male ego. Forced to stand dressed in the frilliest outfits before a mirror and reciting over and over, "I am a prissy sissy. I just love the way I look. If I were a real boy, I would love to give my image a kiss," or "I'm a prissy sissy. I promise to be a good sissy and do what I'm told." These and other equally demoralizing and demeaning phrases were used much more often. He had fought and fought often those first few months. He even tried to escape on several occasions but to no avail. They were too strong and observant for him. His tantrums were punished with crop and brush. His escape attempts were punished by dressing him in sissy finery and taken out in public. His first attempt resulted in him being dressed in a silly sailor suit and presented to his old teammates at the ball field. The second he was dressed in a stupid baby doll dress more suited to an eight year old girl to the mall's arcade. The third was the worse. Dressed in an empire cut childish dress with bonnet no less, he was presented to all his old girlfriends. These simple excursions were enough to scare off all his friends. They also established his reputation as a certified sissy. No one would help him now. He had no where to run and the punishments too painful to endure. David was now doing what he was told without argument. He still hated everything he was forced to do. He still had hopes of his dad finding out what was happening and come like the charging armored knight of old to save him. "Surely dad will come and save me. Somehow I've got to let him know what they are doing to me but I have no idea of how to contact him. I've looked up to him. I've done my best to be just like him. Surely he won't let them do this to me. He'll come and take me away from here," he thought as he posed before the camera. He stood watching as Mrs. Hillshire went over to his pink computer and uploaded the photographs to his social media pages. Soon the new photos joined the many others of him dressed like a sissy and smiling. The photos made it look like he was having the time of his life. He hated every single one but he couldn't do a thing about it. They had blocked his ability to enter or change anything without their approval. The Strawberry Shortcake background, the text written about how much he loved dressing up, putting on makeup and doing his hair. How much he loved dressing his Ken dolls up in Barbie's outfits and watching Shirley Temple movies were plastered all over his media pages. What she was entering about his new photographs made him cringe. "Today I'm going to ballet classes. Oh, I can't wait to learn how to dance so gracefully and better yet, wear those precious leotards and tights with the filmy skirts and tutus. They're just sooooo cute," she typed. "OMG! She's enrolled me in ballet classes. I don't want to do any of that sissy stuff especially in front of a bunch of other girls. Isn't it humiliating enough that she's posting all that on the internet? Now she's going to make me go out in public dressed like this. I'm so dead," he thought as he watched his files being updated. Finished at the computer Mrs. Hillshire went to a drawer and removed a pink silk scarf and fastened over his head. She tied it into a neat bow at the left side of his chin. She grabbed a pink and white tote from beside the vanity and taking his hand like he was a little child, led him into the foyer where his mother was waiting. "Please Mother, not this?" he plead in a trembling soft voice. "Don't be ridiculous David. Ballet will give you grace which I'm sad to say is still lacking despite all Mrs. Hillshire's efforts. After a few lesions, I'm sure you will learn to love it," she replied. Ooo Margaret's School of Ballet and Yoga was located in a strip mall. The glass enclosed front would allow passers by a good look into the practice area. Margaret was a small of frame but stern looking older woman wearing a black leotard and white tights. Her grey streaked hair was tied in a tight bun on the back of her head. In her left hand was what looked like a thin black walking stick. He was to discover that the stick not only counted out the cadence but was also a painful incentive to do better. She gave David a close look then smiling welcomed Doris to her studio. By the time Doris left, David was signed up for both Ballet and yoga. "Mrs. Davis, I don't mind having a sissy attend my classes. However I think, as long as he looks so divine, can attend, provided we use a more girlish name. As it is, he would create more of a disturbance than a help," she stated. "I haven't given that any thought. It was my intention to keep calling him by his given name just to remind him and everyone else that he is a sissy. Now that you mention it, I guess for the sake of this class, we can do that. It has to be something sissy sounding though," Doris replied. "How about Devina? It's close to his real name and very prissy sounding," Margaret offered. "Devina sounds good but it reminds me too much of that Devina de Ville character from that animated movie. Much too strong for a shy sensitive boy like him, I like Priscilla much better. I can't think of a sissier sounding name than that," Doris countered and so it was written and so it was done. David would be enrolled as Priscilla. He was enrolled in both ballet and yoga, ballet to give him grace and yoga to give him suppleness. Ballet lessons were for four hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday and yoga for two hours every Tuesday and Thursday. As the women spoke David was treated as if he weren't even present. He blushed brightly as he was given the name of Priscilla. He hated it but after thinking about it accepted it. At least while in class, the other students would think he was a real girl rather than a sissy. He was dismayed when he joined the other girls waiting for class to start. They were all girls from eight to ten years old. He stood out like a sore thumb when he joined the line standing at the barre. Making matters worse, he was at the end of the line closest to the window lined front. With his height and being with such smaller girls, everyone walking past would be sure to notice and stare at him. After his mother left, he picked up his courage and asked Margaret whom he was to refer to as Ma'am, about being put with some older girls. She informed him that this was the beginner class and since he was a beginner belonged in it. Needless to say, his first class was not enjoyable nor was it easy. By the time he left, every muscle, every joint ached painfully. The little girls giggled at first but accepted the new student. During the breaks they gathered around him asking all kinds of questions about his makeup and other embarrassing things. They were too young to wear makeup and wanted to know all the details like how he put it on, etc. One of the older girls, Wendy, wanted to know if he had a boyfriend and what it felt like kissing a boy while wearing lipstick. Some of the younger ones wanted to know if he still played with his dollies and what was his favorite. With all the girls asking embarrassing questions, he was more than happy to get back to practice. His humiliation didn't end at the studio. Doris took him from there to a dance supply store. He was beet red by the time he entered the shop still wearing his fancy ballerina costume. Some teenaged boys had seen him and one even gave him a wolf whistle another shouted out for a dance. It was a fairly large shop with mannequins scattered all about wearing various dance costumes in both men's and women's styles. The walls were covered in posters of various famous dancers and costumes. It was brightly lit and had a central changing area. A young girl not much older than David came up to them and offered assistance. "Hi, my name is Gale and how may I assist you today? My, what a cute outfit you have," she greeted looking at David who blushed even harder. Gale was a pretty girl with flowing chestnut colored hair, beautiful smile and very appealing figure. David felt his dick jump in its tight confines as he gazed at her. Back before his father had run off, when David had money to burn, a hot Porsche and his manly looks Gale would have been on her back, legs spread for him before the night was over. Gazing at her nicely tented blouse thoughts of conquest ran through his mind but his mother quickly crushed any such thoughts. "Yes you may, I have a list of things I need for my sissy son David to get from Margaret's school of dance," Doris said handing the lengthy list to Gale. When she introduced him as her sissy son, David's penis shrunk back into a nubbin from embarrassment. "Sissy sooooonnnn," Gale gasped softly, surprise written all over her face. She quickly caught herself and smiling looked at the long list. "Wow, a sissy boy, I never would have guessed if she hadn't said anything. This is a long list and the commission will be really good. I'd better pretend David here is really a girl instead of a sick pervert. Guess I better throw in some of those dancer gaffs and support panties too," she thought as she told them to follow her. He left the store with two large bags and his mother carried another. Inside were four of the new very tight elastic gaffs in white, red, black and nude along with half dozen of the support panties. The support panties were like his panty girdles but not quite as fancy. Made of shiny nylon spandex in bright pastel colors, they didn't have the diamond panels or elaborate stitching of his girdles. In his opinion, the girdles were better as these pulled everything in much tighter and with the thick back seams separated his ass cheeks making it look much rounder and bigger. It didn't help matters when Gale told him these panties were made to be seen. With the gaff and support panties his groin looked as flat as any girls. Three leotards in a shiny nylon spandex in bright purple, black, and emerald green fit as if they were painted on. They had short cap sleeves and scooped necklines with built in slightly padded bra features. A dozen pairs of tights in various colors including white, pink fuzzy leg and arm warmers, gauzy see through dance skirts, several sweat bands and another pair of black ballet slippers completed their purchases. Of course he had to try on each and every item. He was required to model his leotards, tights and matching dance skirt so his mother could consult with Gale about the fit. The built in bra made it look like he actually had "A" cup breasts. With each showing David could see the mirth in Gale's eyes making him blush even more. Finally home after a very horrible exhausting day, he was required to go through what he had learned for Mrs. Hillshire. Then he had to remove all the labels and tags before putting them neatly away. He spent the rest of the day studying for his GED. When all this started, Doris dropped him out of school. She had said it was for his own protection because there was no telling what real boys might do to a sissy. So home schooling it was. By the time his head finally hit the satin covered pillow, he was too tired to even think. He was asleep almost instantly. Ooo He was dressed for his first yoga class. His muscles were still stiff and sore from his dance practice and Mrs. Hillshire gave him a couple of aspirin. He was wearing his new red gaff, red with small white polka dot support panties and a red black lace trimmed training bra for undergarments. For outer wear he was given a pair of pink nylon sport short-shorts with white piping and a white nylon tee with rounded collar and cap sleeves. A red rose bud was embroidered over the left breast. His red lingerie could be seen through the material of both shorts and tee. On his feet he wore a pair of white nylon ankle socks with pink lace frills and white Kids with pink laces. His hair was pulled up into high pig tails and secured with bright pink satin ribbons with long streamers. The makeup consisted of pink eye shadow with a sprinkle of glitter, black mascara and bubble gum pink lipstick. Again, he was sprayed with that spicy floral scented perfume. Looking into the mirror, he thought he looked much younger than he really was. He didn't like the little girl look and for the first time wished that his mother would dress him more like a girl his age. "If I have to be a sissy at least she could let me dress like a more mature one. I hate this little girl look. I look five years younger and feel silly," he thought. Yoga class was like ballet, a class full of young girls. There were some older ones more his age but was predominately younger girls. The stretching exercises did loosen up his sore muscles but many of the positions he had to assume as the class started in earnest were very difficult for him. Again during the breaks, his classmates wanted to know all about the "new" girl. One older girl had asked him if he started his period yet which brought a red glow to his cheeks. Another wanted to know if he had a boyfriend. As before all those personal questions left him glad when class resumed. Yoga was only a two hour session but his body hurt even more than after ballet. For once he was happy when Mrs. Hillshire gave him a hot bath. When she first starting bathing him he resented it, as he was almost a grown man. Now as she scrubbed his body it felt good even when she reached between his legs. He was almost use to seeing his body free of any hair. Once he had been proud of his thickly matted chest, pits and legs but daily use of depilatories and lotions left it hairless from the neck down to his toes. Special laser treatments removed any hint of his once bristly face. He didn't bat an eye when she shampooed his hair with a floral scented lotion and conditioner. He didn't react when she cleaned out his ears with cotton swabs or even when she brushed his teeth for him. It would do absolutely no good to argue anyway. He was too tired, too mentally exhausted now to even think about arguing. With his toilet completed Mrs. Hillshire had him put on his nude gaff, yellow long-line high waist girdle. Its brown satin diamond support panels with silver embroidered floral pattern stood out from the matte yellow finish of the girdle. Brown elastic floral lace trimmed the legs and waist. A matching training bra and yellow nylons completed his lingerie. He stepped into a yellow with large white polka dot decoration "A" line rayon dress with built in white crinolines buttoning up the back. The knee length flair skirted dress had short puff sleeves with brown lace trimming and a "V" neck with brown lace embellishment. A wide brown leather belt with large gold buckle and brown patent leather three inch stiletto heeled pointed toed pumps completed his dressing. Mrs. Hillshire stepped back, muttering, "Emmmm, much to mature looking. Needs something to tone it down a bit. Ahhhh, yes." She went into his large closet and removed a white organza bib apron with wide ruffled lace hemming and detailed colorful floral embroidered bib. Once she had the ribbon tie fastened into a big floppy bow, she was satisfied with his look. "Alright David, its time for your voice lessons and I better see a lot of improvement today. Remember, a sissy always has a smile on his face even when speaking. I've put the CD's in already, just be careful not to mess your hair when you put on the headphones. When you are finished we'll watch "On the Good Ship Lollypop" again. I expect to hear a much better tone and pitch this time, your facial and body language had better match up when you sing-a-long with her," she ordered. Another daily onerous task he had to endure. His voice lessons consisted of him listening to an eight year old girl read nursery rhymes in a lilting sing-song voice. Once she completed a line, he had to repeat it, imitating her as best he could, into a recorder. When his voice lessons were completed, he had to watch a Shirley Temple movie and imitate her voice and dance moves as best he could. If he didn't show sufficient enthusiasm, Mrs. Hillshire used her riding crop to inspire a better effort. Today she concentrated his efforts on mimicking her facial and hand expressions. The worst part of these lessons had to be watching himself in the full length mirror and knowing he was being filmed, more embarrassing video for his media pages. With his voice lessons over, he was allowed to relax, if you could call it that. He spent the next two hours before supper practicing makeup application and hair styling. David was almost proficient in his daytime look but still had some difficulty with his night time and special occasion makeup regiment. For these lessons he had a small combination television and DVD player to watch and then copy from. Doris had given him plenty of incentive to work hard in all his learning activities by threatening him. It was her worst "no pain" punishment that would mentally hurt the most. If he did not show progress every day, he would be given a buzz cut. It was mortifying to be dressed like a girl but with a boy's haircut any pretense that he was a real girl would be destroyed. As much as he hated to admit it, he could easily pass as a girl. Knowing that helped him make it through the day. With his long hair gone his humiliation would be much worse. If he were ever to escape, it would have to be as a girlie-girl as he had no other choice. With a buzz cut he would stand out in any crowd and wouldn't get very far. So he concentrated on all his lessons trying to show daily improvement. With each passing day, his dreams of his father coming to save him diminished. If he were ever to escape, it would have to be by his own doing. He understood that escaping looking the way he did, with no money or other assistance would be very difficult. The few times he had been out in public had been frightening and humiliating but either Mrs. Hillshire or his mother had been with him. Out on his own would be a completely different experience as David had noticed the looks men and boys had given him. Looks he didn't care to think about. A prissy girl out alone, on the dark streets of the city, helpless was a thought that filled him with dread. Talking with the older girls in his Yoga class and their experiences with men only made his fear the greater. He planned escapes almost every night that first month but in the end, after many horrible nightmares, abandoned each one. His nightmares were pretty much the same. He was out on the dark streets, sometimes it was day light, walking or running but the endings were the same. A shadowy male figure would grab him from behind and pull him into a dark place. What happened in that dark place woke him up sweating profusely or sometimes with a shrill scream. He still occasionally had those nightmares but had given up planning any escape. After a meager vegan supper, it was back to his daily lessons. These lessons he disliked the most as they consisted of reading then acting out or repeating what he had read. What made these lessons so hard to bear was the content of his reading matter. All his readings were about female to male relationships. Titles such as, "Twenty-five ways to flirt," "How to meet just the right boy," "What men and boys really want in a relationship," and "Sensual ways to keep your man interested" made him sick as he read then demonstrated what he had learned. Other assignments were even worse as they related to feminine hygiene before and after a sexual encounter or instruction pamphlets that came with various hygiene products. He had to know and properly demonstrate either the use or application of each one as well. After two months he could easily recite everything there was about a woman's cycle and which product to use and when. He also knew all the methods both pros and cons of birth control. More embarrassing was his knowledge of alternative ways to keep a man from performing vaginal sex but still satisfied. With each passing day he was becoming more and more the prissy girlie- girl his mother and Mrs. Hillshire desired. So far they were satisfied with his progress but weren't sure just how far to take it. Mrs. Hillshire was positive that getting him to date boys would do wonders in setting his mindset in the right direction but Doris wasn't so sure. Another thing she still wasn't sure about was starting him on hormone replacement therapy. She wasn't so concerned about giving him female hormones as she was about him growing breasts. She liked his flat sissy chest and the fact that he still had functioning genitalia. If those traits changed he would be more woman than sissy and she wasn't sure if she would like that. Decisions, decisions so many yet to make Doris decided to just think about them for the moment.

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...

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Crude experiences of a femboy

Aelvir was born into a normal family with a young brother and one older brother. Growing up, he began to notice his body wasn't growing quite like the other males. He steadily began to recognize that his arms, legs, hips, and even overall body curvature wasn't at all similar to much of the males he sees, especially even at school. He even noticed that the others even gave him odd looks whenever he was present and/or nearby. It wasn't till highschool that he noticed it even more. First, the...

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"Nick, Donny's here again. Pay the boy, now," ShirleyCummings said. Nick Cummings, 27, was a tall, strongly ruggedbusinessman. His wife was going away for the weekend to visither mother.The newspaper boy, Donny, came up the walkway with a bundleof papers in his hand."Hi, Mr. Cummings!" The boy said cheerily. Nick leaned outof the door and stared dreamily at the young man. Donny woretight 501 Levi's and no shirt. Nick watched as the boy bent overto pick up a coin he'd dropped.Nick's...

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the paperboy


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Tipping The Paperboy

Have you ever wanted to just do something really naughty? Well, I have. My name is Tammy, and I was divorced about 4 months ago. My ex was a scum bag that had no idea of how to treat or please a woman, if you know what I mean. Oh sure, we all want the bad boy when we are dating, but ultimately, they make terrible husbands and lovers. We lasted a whopping 9 months before I caught the bastard cheating on me with a filthy little skank from the grocery store. Well, I say good riddance; she can have...

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Mistress Jessica and her Asian boytoy

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...

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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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The Newlyweds Chapter 1 Boyshorts

The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...

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Anne Marie kitten Slutwife for cowboys

My latest bit of “whoring” was so hot, that he asked me to write a story about it. Bear with me, as this is my first attempt at literature. Trust me; I suck cock much better than I write. This past weekend my two girlfriends and I decided that a “girl’s weekend” was in order. We planned a road-trip to go see a professional bull rider’s rodeo in the next state over from ours. I wish I could say that I wasn’t thinking about finding myself some hot stud of a cowboy to fuck and suck, but...

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Anne Marie kitten Slutwife for cowboys

Introduction: A more recent detailed account of Anne Marie being the slutwife that she is. This time, she wrote the story. My husband and I have been together for 17 years now and believe me, I consider myself to be the luckiest wife in the world. You see, we have what you might call an arrangement. He allows me to fuck pretty much whoever I want, whenever I want. I, in turn have to promise to tell him all the sordid details of my slutty encounters. My latest bit of whoring was so hot, that...

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BSC03 Naked Surprises at BSCChapter 3 Philippa Boyd

A very solidly busted student called Philippa Boyd was assigned to show Katrina and Angela around the College. Philippa’s breasts were big and bounced along very happily with every step and movement of her body. They looked just great as they swung along and bumped into each other. Philippa always got admiring looks and smiles from the male students and staff as she passed. Angela and Katrina were delighted and entranced at her bubbly and buoyant attitude to everything. “You know,” she said,...

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My bestfriend makes a damn good Tomboy

As a child, Tyler was always a quiet, sheltered person and rarely went outside unless he was hanging out with friends. It was mostly because he would have had to deal with the bullies. One day the bullies started to pick on him, which he stood up for himself, only to be beaten up by them. They were beating him so bad to the point he was almost dead, but then a rough girl came in and fought them off. That was the day he met Emily, his new friend, and they got along pretty well, not many...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 7 Bernie Meets Eddie Boyle

It was a rainy Sunday; Bernie was just sitting around the off-campus apartment, watching The A-Team on NBC with George Peppard, and Chicago-born actor Mr. T. with two other girls, Frannie and Meg. Val was out on a date with Joe, and Bernie was more than a little jealous with the knowledge they were getting very serious about each other. Eventually, she got hungry, and got up to make herself and the others some spaghetti. As she stirred the sauce, she idly wondered if Eddie Boyle was going to...

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Lookingglass Ladyboy

I was taking a walk to stay--all right; I'll admit it--to get in shape, when I saw the "Going Out of Business" sign in the second-hand furniture store a block north of my condo. I wasn't in the market for anything, new or used, but I can't resist a bargain, and what was better for finding a bargain, I asked myself, than a store that was having a going- out-of-business sale? The store offered everything you could imagine, in every condition you could imagine--sofas, tables, chairs,...

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SoCalled Friend The Sissyboy

This story is a spin-off from my earlier story So-Called Friend. Using the first part of it I going to use a totally different story line. If you haven't read the first part of So-called Friend please do so. So-Called Friend: The Sissyboy By Jennifer Allison As my step-mom drove I tried to explain what had happened. All I got in return was. "I knew there was something about you Dean. Now I have the proof. Now shut up and stop whining. I don't want to hear another word...

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Space Cowboys

Author’s Note: From an idea by a friend on another site comes this story of role playing, X-men, funny stuff, and hamsters. It’s probably much funnier if you’ve ever played a role-playing game. I combined it with another story a role-player told me about a game where he had giant space hamsters, and his players got out of hand with them. This is the result. Disclaimer: I made up the game of Space Cowboys and the Fantastic Gaming House company. To my knowledge, there is no space game with Old...

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Frannies Femboy

Gay - cross dressing – femboy - feminization – blow jobs – anal sex – hand job – lingerieWhen I was finishing high school, I did a lot of different jobs to raise money. I mowed grass, worked part-time on a construction crew, and pumped gas, all to raise funds for college. I had been accepted to the college of my dreams on a partial wrestling scholarship, but my parents weren't going to be able to help with the other expenses. While I hoped to eventually turn the partial scholarship into a full...

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I was about 16 when I started to take an interest in how I looked, until then I had been a school uniform or jeans and sweatshirt sort of boy. But as I approached my end of school exams, I noticed girls, not as sex objects like my friends did, but as clothes horses. They wore some amazing things away from school. And unlike my friends, I wanted to share in this joy of taking an interest in how I look. The first thing I did was to take better care of my hair, using my mother's shampoo,...

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The Paperboy

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and my husband had to work and my son had gone for the weekend to stay with some friends, so I took the time to start putting up the Christmas decorations in our home. It was quite warm that day since we live in the South so all I had on was a white, button blouse and a pair of loose white gym shorts (the nylon silky kind) with no bra or panties. I was hanging garland around the fireplace when the front doorbell rang.I went to the window and peeked out to...

First Time
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I got out of bed at 6 AM to make my husband breakfast as usual. Quarter to seven he left for work and I had half an hour before I had to wake the children up for school. It was part of my daily routine. As usual I couldn't make any ruckus because that would wake the children up early and they wouldn't like that. Instead I just poured myself a cup of coffee as I do every morning. Still wearing the robe I went to get the morning paper exactly as usual. But this morning the paper wasn't...

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The Cuckoldress and the Boytoy

The following is a true story to the best of my and my wife's recollection. This is about my mature hotwife who went back to college and seduced her teenage lab partner. In most cuckold stories, the wives are gorgeous blondes with huge breasts and very cute or pretty faces. That is not the case here. Susan is the Consummate Plain Jane. She carries a few extra pounds from having c***dren. However, Susan is extremely sensual, passionate, and has the most sexually creative mind of anyone I've...

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Toyboy Boytoy

Toyboy Boytoy By Beverley Ann Miles I must have been heavily asleep. I finally awoke, as my mouth was forced open - and something plastic was being crammed in - and by that time, it was already too late to do anything about it! The little plastic circle had been inserted, covering my teeth and locking my mouth open. I couldn't figure out what it was. I lay on my side on the bed, already bound at knees and ankles, my wrists were secured behind my back. I was rolled face down...

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Green Beret Loves Asian Ladyboys

Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Prom night with Miss Boyd

I closed in on her woman parts. I could smell her. I had never smelt a woman before and the scent drove me wild. I started to kiss and lick at her entry point, fast and furiously. “Slowly at first Trent. Like a lovely flower that needs to open in the morning light. Slowly.” It was prom night. I was all excited because after tonight school would be over and I would never have to go back and see the bloody jock that always made my life a nightmare I had built up the courage to ask Silvia Jackson,...

First Time
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Bikers and Cowboys

I was having a quiet drink on a Saturday night in a favorite bar of mine. My table was at the rear of the main part of the bar. I say the main part because there is another part where you go through a special door to get to and not too many people know of it outside the regular patrons of the bar. In that special part is a low bar where a lot of business transactions are carried out. A guy I sort of knew came in with his wife and her sister. I knew that both women lived and slept with the guy,...

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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

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"You're the new girl, huh?" The boy was bigger than me, and probably a year or two older. "What's your name?" "Ashley," I replied, sitting on my motorcycle and drinking a Mountain Dew. We were in the old suburbs. There wasn't much else around except the school, a couple churches maybe, and a Seven-Eleven, so that's where I'd gone. It sucks moving to a new city when you're sixteen, but it could be kind of fun too, depending on what you're looking for. "You look like a guy,"...

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Sexy Femina Ladyboy

OMG! I wore the most ADORABLE outfit to the arcade on Friday! Picture this: After bathing and powdering, I put on my little black silk shorty robe and a pair of poofy 2 inch heeled black slippers, and did my nails in a platinum shade. Then I did my hair and makeup. Doing the hair was easy as I simply chose a platinum blond bob. Then came my eyes and lips - a frosted pink lipstick. Then I put on my black string bikini. After some sexy posing in the full-length mirror, I put on my new outfit -...

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Used by a gorgeous ladyboy

(Yeah it's been a while but i'v been busy … doing the thing in real life with a new guy i met and there is not much need for xhamster at the moment :) . The story below is based on a true experience and i just changed a few details to spice it up a bit)This story is based on a true experience and happened a few years ago, on a great night out in Amsterdam. It was before i had sex with guys on a regular base and i entered a complete new and exciting world...During that period of my life i was...

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My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...

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The Tomboy

This story is dedicated to my great friend BobbyLynn.I met Bobby when I was 18 and she was 9. I had just moved to Ohio from North Carolina. I was living with my older brother in his little two bedroom house. I had just graduated high school and was planning on going to the local Tech school to take auto mechanics. I already knew quite a bit about cars and spent most of my free time working on them. My brother, Todd owned his own auto shop and was letting me work for him doing what I did best. I...

First Time
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Schoolgirl and schoolboy

This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...

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Teaching the Tomboy

Based on the short story: SARA'S PUNISHMENT By Mr. Stefens The three buxom matrons marched Sara into the punishment room, one on either arm, the third trailing behind with a scowl on her face. "Get offa me!" Sara protested stridently as the two large women marched her toward the discipline horse. How delightful it was to encounter Sara again--and so soon. "Strap her down," I ordered with a sigh. While Sara twisted and struggled and mouthed indecipherable words at her tormentors, I sat...

1 year ago
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Tommie the Tomboy

After about ten minutes or so, I really lose track of time, Tommie is gasping. "Oh, Dave... Please... Whatever you're doing... Please... Don't stop... Make me... Oh, God... I'm close... Oh... Oh... I'm gonna..." As her vagina clamps down on my finger, I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and rolled it between my lips. She's gone completely silent, her back arched up off of the grass and all of her muscles are taut. Finally, she drops her back down in the grass and screams, "GOD!" so loud that it...

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Moms Joy Boy

Chapter 1 Meeting over lunch to discuss Aunt Elsa’s mind-boggling suspicion that her sister – their mother – was having it off with someone, the Black siblings watched their mom walk by their restaurant window table arm-in-arm with a guy. Not only was Janis outrageously making an exhibition of herself like that in the main street but the guy looked almost their age and to their horror the guy’s hand was cupped over one of their mother’s ass cheeks and her jeans were tighter than even Gina’s. ...

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Naked On TV The Erotic Demise Of A Cowboy

“When a man walks or rides into a forest, he is lost among the trees, can’t see ahead, doesn’t know what might be lurking there. The forest surrounds him, obscures him with shadows, confuses itself with him by its vertical composition and competitive detail. But when a lone horseman appears on the desert plain, he dominates it instantly, his view extends as far as the eye can see, and enemies are exposed to his gaze.” (Tompkins, Jane. West of Everything. Oxford University Press.) The vision of...

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Divorcee and her toyboy

She divorced 3 years ago and has been living in a shared flat since then. Her ex-husband was amicable during the divorce and they split everything 50/50. After 20 years of marriage they had just drifted apart. They agreed to sell their house and they shared the money from the sale as well. Rather than buying a smaller place, Paula found it easier to keep the money in savings and rent using her salary. Paula had a good job in IT and could often be sent to other cities to work for short...

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“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specialises in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...

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