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I can't believe it's been five years since I first told the world all about myself.All the time I meant to write more about my desires to be spanked and humiliatedand to tell everyone about some of my real live adventures.

I suppose I better begin by summarising the last five years, which seems tome to have past in the blink of an eye as they say. I am now married to Jamesand although he does sometimes spank me it isn't a big part of our relationship.His mum however still attends to my bottom occasionally but I must confessthe exquisite thrill of shame that existed in the beginning has become a littlejaded.

I have been to stay with Sharon a few times (she didn't last long with Greg)and she has tried to repeat the experiences of my inauguration into the worldof spanking.

Of course without Greg to take the lead it hasn't had the same impact bothupon my bottom and more importantly my mind.

James knew of my built up frustrations and together we decided to try andfind ?New? people to thoroughly shame and punish me. To be honest I never imaginedit would be difficult but boy have I been wrong. In the last two years we havemet several gentlemen who given me a good smacked bottom to varying degreesof success.

The trouble I have with just meeting people for the sole purpose of gettingmy bum smacked is that the humiliation aspect is over before it has begun.Obviously I don't know any of these people before hand and it is highly unlikelyI will ever see any of them again. The whole situation is more like a visitto the doctors, you know it will be embarrassing and painful but it's all soantiseptic and meaningless.

I knew deep down that the biggest element in my enjoyment of being spankedwas the dramatic and almost absurd transformation from the ?real? me into my ?naughtylittle girl? persona. The problem that posed was that none of the people wewere meeting knew me to begin with so that part was missing.

My Mother-in-law referred to me as a ?stuck up little tart? which althoughcrude was probably how most people thought of me. I do speak properly whichto most people translates to posh, of course I like to buy nice clothes andspend money pampering myself. If I am quite honest I do have a tendency tolook down at people in general and can be rather curt and aloof especiallyat work.

Right from the start when we discussed the impact of spanking on our liveswe decided that we couldn't let it affect my work, no matter how exciting athought it is to be naked and smacked in front of all my colleagues. The realitywould soon lead to me losing my job I'm sure.

During the few times James spanks me now it's the dialogue we have that excitesme the most. He will often describe the scene in which I am in and imaginewe have people watching. For instance if I am over his knee he will say thinkslike shall we ring your Dad and ask him if he would like to see how red yourarse is. He will then have an almost real conversation with him saying thingslike ?I bet you never thought you would see your daughter in this position? orsaying to me ?your dad can see every square inch of your wet cunt?. It is thispretence that's gives me such an intense orgasm along with a red-hot bottomof course.

We took a huge gamble involving his Mum in our games and she has displayedme to

Several people who knew me to a limited extent and those sessions are theones I enjoy the most. Of late she hasn't introduced anyone new and althoughJames has dropped several hints I think she feels it is a sore bottom thatexcites me when really it is the combination of that and intense humiliation.

Sometimes I lay awake in bed at night and go through all the people I knowand try to imagine there reaction if they new about my little secret. I imaginehow they would stare in shock to begin with then gradually laugh and ridiculeme ending up letting them spank me. One of the biggest problems is that Jamesisn't all that good at spanking me let alone controlling me and humiliatingme in private let alone with company. He loves to watch me on the receivingend and I suspect he has a slight desire to be humiliated himself by seeinghis wife getting a good tanning.

I think he was a little uncomfortable when his mum let his younger brotherspank me a few times before he went to university. The most humiliating timefor me to have a boy ten years younger order me around like a two was on theday of my wedding. His Mother arranged it on the morning, she thought it wouldbe amusing to know my backside was red raw under my wedding dress. James didactually protest but his mum was having none of it, she had me get ready fromher house and barely an hour before the ceremony I was bent over a chair inher dinning room getting my bum caned by his smug little brother. He gave me18 absolute scorchers, which left me sobbing my eyes out all the way to thechurch.

In fact that was the last time I felt a real sense of helplessness and feltcompletely detached from the real world almost. To all intense and purposeI was a naughty little girl who would do what ever I was told no matter whowas watching and it is that feeling I longed to recreate.

Anyway I think I better move on to the main reason for writing again is thatI have something to write about. A few weeks ago I was having my nails doneat home on a Saturday morning, the girl who did them was called Alison andshe was in her early twenties and I had considered letting her know about my ?secretside?. James was away playing golf and I was ready for a hot bottom. I hada feeling Alison could be bossy and although she was always polite I senseda bit of resentment towards me.

I got her a glass of wine when she arrived and we sat down making meaninglesssmall talk as she began sanding my nails. I went over several phrases in myhead trying to think of one I could say out loud to bring the conversationonto spanking. I took a gulp of wine and then blurted out something like howI had over spent on clothes this week and James would spank me when he gothome.

Before I had even finished the sentence Alison replied with a crisp and blunt ?ohI'm not into anything kinky just give me hard cock?. I was shocked at her crudereference and felt humiliated that I had mentioned spanking and had the subjectso quickly dismissed. I could feel my face turn red as I tried to laugh itof as a joke ?oh don't be embarrassed I bet there are hundreds of women likeyou?, what did she mean ?like me?.

I was speechless and couldn't have imagined the conversation being so shortand totally unproductive when she continued, ?yeah my brother is always chattingon the internet to bored snobby housewives who want a smacked arse?. I waseven more embarrassed at her liking of me to a bored snobby housewife eventhough she was probably right.

Nothing else was said until she was about to leave and she scribbled downa mobile phone number. ?Hey why don't you call my brother Josh he's alwaystrying to get me to persuade one of my friends to let him spank them?, shesaid almost laughing.

For the next hour I couldn't get the thought out of my head about actuallyringing him and indeed letting him spank me. I knew he was a stranger so tospeak but yet in a way the fact that I knew his sister made him an ideal candidate.I decided to take the bull by the horns and sent him a text saying Alison hadgiven me his number and was he interested in spanking me tonight.

After a while I heard the beep of the phone and looked at the screen, ?Stoptakin the piss Ali?. I felt a surge of disappointment and decided to actuallyring him and speak to him. At first he sounded very suspicious and hardly spokeas I told a little about myself and I was genuinely looking for someone tosmack my bottom and do more or less anything they wanted with me. He askedwhat I mean by anything and I hesitated for a moment before replying, ?whatit means, anything?. I then gave him a brief rundown of some of the thingsI had done or more precise had done to me.

I wasn't altogether sure how much he believed of what I told him and he soundeda little blasé when he gave he his address and told me to report at6 pm and he would see to my bottom.

Alison called me later and could hardly suppress her giggles as she askedme if it was true. She asked how much did Josh tell me about himself and Iadmitted nothing but I wasn't interviewing him for a job so what did I needto know. She said I must be mad and then to my dismay she said she might callround sometime during the evening to see how it was going. I could feel myselftingle with the thought of her walking in and seeing me naked with a red bottomand I was sure she would certainly laugh at me.

I got myself ready in plenty of time for the short drive over to his place.I decided not to tell James as I thought it would be a nice surprise to tellhim all about it when he got back. I had gone to a lot of trouble to get readyputting my make up on as if I were going out for real. I decided to wear myhair in a ponytail and of course shave my pubic hair completely to leave myselfbald as baby. I put on some expensive underwear, a nice black and red lacybra and knickers set with a matching camisole. On top I wore a smart grey jumperand knee length black skirt finished off with black heels. Just as I was aboutto leave Josh sent me text asking me to bring 4 cans of beer and 3 or 4 bottlesof water but when I arrived to leave them in my car.

I was a bit puzzled as why to leave them in the car but decided to do as Iwas told, after all that was the point of tonight to do exactly what I wastold. I was beginning to get excited and felt quite proud of myself for havingthe nerve to admit my ?secret? to Alison and then contacting Josh. I just hopedhe could treat me how I needed to be treat when I felt like this.

I made the trip to the shop like a good little girl and found myself outsidehis house. I was slightly concerned to find it in a rather shabby looking area,which I hardly knew. I parked my car on the street just past the driveway;although it was empty I didn't want to presume I could use it. I took a bigbreath and composed myself and thought no turning back now as I walked to thedoor. I could hear music coming from the house it was awful rap music and wonderedwhether my knocking could be heard above the racket.

The monotonous thumping of the bass stopped and I heard footsteps coming downstairs,the door swung open and I was halfway through taking a step inside when mywhole body froze in shock. I could feel my mouth actually drop open and I stumbledout the word ?Josh?. ?Of course you idiot, who were you expecting the Pope?,the cocky reply matched the image before me.

It was a boy in fact very much a boy barely in his teens by the look of him,god what the hell was I doing. Before I knew it I was led in and followed himinto the front room. I made to sit down and calmly explain there had been amisunderstanding and I had better leave. Before my bottom touched the cushionof the sofa Josh yelled at me to stay standing, I hadn't been told to sit.

I didn't know what was more of a shock at that moment, the fact I respondedinstantly or the fact that despite his age he was clearly the one in charge.Automatically I put my hands on my head and muttered and apology to Josh. Icould see his face beam with a huge smile as he condescendingly accepted andsaid I obviously knew my place. He went on to tell me how Alison had told hima little about me and how I thought I was better than everyone else. He wenton to tell me he expected me to behave myself and to do whatever he told mewithout protest. I meekly nodded my acceptance and still found it incrediblethat at his age he could be so confident. He then sat down and picked up aclipboard and said he had some questions for me. He ran through them as ifhe had rehearsed then a thousand times.

Date of birth, my home address, my work address, my job title, Mothers namethe list was never ending. I hesitated briefly on some questions and was metby a warning not to lie, when it was over he knew every last thing about mylife. Without seeming to look up from the paper he gave me the command to stripto my underwear.

I took a quick glance over my shoulder and realised I was standing right infront of the bay window and could be easily seen from the street. ?Please Joshcan we close the curtains? I asked, he walked behind me then stopped ?Smack!? Ijumped back in shock as he whispered in my ear ?I thought you were going todo as your told young lady?, he gave me 2 more smacks to my bottom over myskirt.

I was thrilled deep down at his harsh manner and knew I was going to get exactlywhat I wanted tonight. I had to keep reminding myself to not be so eager asI unzipped my skirt and slowly removed my jumper; the little bastard wasn'teven looking at me. He was busy texting on his mobile and looked up to sayhe was just letting Ali know I had arrived and looked like I knew how to bea good little girl. I put my hands back on my head while he looked me up anddown ?there fancy Knickers Mrs snobby, how much did they cost?. I had onlybought them a few weeks ago and I did actually remember ?£65 for thebra and knickers and £45 for the cami-top? I replied.

?Oh excellent? he grinned ?then that's what you owe me for staying in to sortyou out? I was outraged and objected that I wasn't going to pay him besidesI didn't even have that much in my purse. He wasn't even flustered with myarguing and as if it were the most normal thing in the world he told me wouldbe glad to take a cheque. I was utterly amazed at his arrogance and tried onelast plea that it was a joint account and my husband would want to know whatthe money was for. ?Just tell him the truth you stupid little girl, you hadto pay to have your arse smacked? he laughed.

I couldn't believe how much he had humiliated me in less than half an hourand I hadn't even taken my knickers down yet. He told me turn round so he couldsee my bum and then he made me walk backwards until I was standing right infront of him.

The idle sod stayed seated while he spanked my bottom for a few minutes makingme bend over and push my bottom up to meet his smacks. His next words wereto bring my face to the same shade of pink as my bottom, he wanted me to goout to my car and fetch the beer and the water.

?I can't go like this? I protested, but with his usual obnoxious attitudehe just repeated the order and said it wasn't his fault if I wanted to looklike a cheap whore in my fancy knickers. He half led me and half pushed meto the door and when I was near the end of the drive he yelled ?don't you wantyour keys you stupid bitch?. I held out my hands for him to throw them buthe just stood dangling them in his hand. I ran back and just as I reached outmy hand he snatched them away ?walk don't run,? he snapped. I had to sufferthe indignity of asking politely if I could have my keys, all the time I wason open view to the whole neighbourhood.

I walked back to the car imagined what on earth anyone would say if they sawme or more importantly what the hell would I say. I had to put the beer andthe water on the roof of the car then lock it up and put the keys between myteeth and hold all the bottles in my arms. As I turned back to the house Ialmost walked into a man and a woman, they both stared at me I heard the womanmutter ?not an ounce of shame the little tramp?.

Josh was standing at the door waiting for me, I was desperate to get insidebut he had other plans. With the keys in my mouth I could only utter an outraged ?Mmmmmm? ashe bent down to pull my knickers all the way down my legs. He made me stepout of them completely and with a massive smile on his face he hung them onthe door handle before letting me inside and shutting the door leaving my knickerson show to anyone who walked past.

He took one can of beer for himself and gave me one bottle of water with instructionsto drink it all in one go. I tried my best but it took me 3 or 4 gulps to getit all down and said a mocking ?good girl? as I finished. I was then told tostand right in front of him again this time facing him with my legs splayedas wide as could be. I could feel my vagina open up slightly in this positionand looked down to see him gazing right at it. ?So why isn't there any hairdown her my girl?, god the cheek of him calling me ?my girl? I replied thatI was not allowed pubic hair. He went on to get me to admit I was a silly littlegirl and nothing more than an over grown baby and it did not matter who sawme like this as I needed as much shame as possible.

He slapped the insides of my thighs a few times and asked if I wanted anyoneelse to see my dirty wet cunt. I said yes and he made me ask him if he couldinvite a few of his mates over to see me. My face was burning with shame ashe sat sending text after text to his friends asking them to come over, eachtime he made me say the names and then ? please Sir can they come and see mydirty wet cunt?.

He began to touch my swollen lips and asked me if I needed to be brought off,I shamefacedly admitted I did, he pushed 2 and then 3 fingers inside me andlaughed, as he made disgusting squelching noises. He changed hands and broughthis soaking wet fingers up to my mouth, without being told I sucked them instinctively.I feel to my knees as my orgasm almost made me scream and he just sat backand laughed yet again at me. He wiped his wet fingers on my camisole and thenlifted it up over my head and reached behind me to take off my bra. He tookthe crumpled cami-top and rubbed it between my legs even reaching right backto rub it between my bum cheeks then pushed it deep in my mouth and told meto stay where I was.

I could hear him run upstairs to the bathroom and didn't need to guess twicewhat he was doing. I then had time to think of the implications of asking himto invite his friends over. For gods sake I didn't even know how old Josh waslet alone his friends. I knew they would be probably less than half my ageof 30.

When Josh returned I asked if I could use the bathroom, his face lit up ashe said no he had a more suitable place for me to take a piss. I was stillon my knees and he pushed my back to force me down on to all fours, ?come onelittle bitch, Walkiessss?. Oh I hung my head in total humiliation as he openedthe back door for me to crawl in the back yard. It was still daylight outsideand I could see several windows clearly overlooking the yard. ?Please Joshsomeone might see me? I begged, he shrugged his shoulders ?then hurry up yousilly cow?.

I all the times I had been spanked no one had talked to me with such contemptas he was. I had no choice than to spread my knees as wide I could and lowermy hips to the ground slightly. Just as I was about to let go of my bladderJosh kneeled down behind me ?that's a good girl show me what a bitch you reallyare?. I shuddered in both relief and humiliation as I let myself urinate inbroad daylight on the instruction of a mere boy. He was delighted to watchme do the most personal of things right in front of his eyes and had one moreshaming act for me before I was led inside. I was made to turn around and sniffmy own pee.

For the first time he looked at me with a degree of sympathy as I felt a tearrun down my cheek. For the first time someone had brought me to tears by humiliatingrather than the actual pain of a spanking. He told me to go upstairs and cleanmyself up just as we heard a knock at the door.

I was thankful to be out of sight although my anonymity would be short lived.I looked in the mirror and my face was red and flushed which was hardly surprising.

I saw some make up remover on the bathroom shelf and cleaned it off my faceand washed my vagina knowing it would soon be inspected by god knows who.

I heard at least 3 more knocks on the door and sounds of excited mutteringdownstairs. I sighed to myself that I had certainly got more than I bargainedfor when I was hatching my plan this morning.

I heard Josh coming upstairs and he had a dog lead in his hands, ?come onyou little bitch, I'm going to take in the room on your hands and knees ona lead?. I gave a gasp as he fastened it around my neck and when we reachedthe bottom of the stairs I sank to the floor with just a look from him.

The door to the room opened and I followed Josh inside, a mass of exclamationsfilled the room, ?fucking hell? ?man that's awesome? Fuck me she's naked? wasjust some I heard as he led me round the room. He gave a tug on the lead andbrought me to my feet without needing to be told I parted my legs and put myhands on my head, the lead hanging from my neck between my breasts.

There was an intense atmosphere of anticipation in the room as Josh told meto tell them my name. ?Emma Cavendish? I stuttered ?Mrs Emma Cavendish?, Iwas them mortified to have to say my age and my address and my place of work.Josh then explained that I was a stuck up bitch who got her kicks from beingbossed around and smacked. He went on to say that I probably didn't expectto get this kind of treatment by someone of his age but he knew how to putme in my place. I found myself answering involuntary ?yes Sir its my own faultfor admitting I would do anything?.

A few giggles were heard as he said ?good girl? to me. He then addressed hisfriends reminding them to what he had told them earlier, which was they couldwhat ever they liked to me including smacking me very hard.

I gazed round the room in dismay as I saw their young eager faces, 6 boysall around Josh's age, which I still, didn't know. Then to my horror I sawa girl only she was much younger than the boys, Josh saw me looking and laughed, ?thisis Sarah, Ben's little sister, he was suppose to be babysitting her?. Joshslapped my bum to the amusement of everyone and asked where my manners whereand to say hello to her.

I could hardly get the words out of my mouth as I stammered ?hello Sarah?,She looked right back at me and with just a hint of a grin replied ?Hello MrsCavendish?.

It was then the bombshell hit me I knew who she was; she was the niece ofa lady who lived a few houses away from me.

My face must have registered my alarm and Sarah went on to tell everyone Ilived near her Aunt Elizabeth, her brother Ben then exclaimed that he rememberedme, he had seen me washing my car a couple of weeks ago. Everyone thought itwas hilarious they knew me Josh said it was just what I deserved.

The first game they had in store for me was to walk up to each boy and askif I could go over their knee and ?please could you smack my bottom?. I wasalmost grateful to be over the first ones knee so I didn't have to look atthere smug grinning faces.

I must admit they all smacked harder than I expected and by the end of itI was wriggling and ?ohhhhing ahhhhing? more than I thought. I noticed Joshhad shared the beer out in some glasses for everyone and then he gave me anotherbottle of water. I actually wanted a drink but not the consequences of whatanother full bottle would do to me.

A small table had been brought in the room and I was told to lie on my backon it and bring my knees up to my chest and splay them out. I could imaginehow exposed it had made me and Josh told them that he had already made me beghim to bring me off earlier.

The boys took turns to kneel between my thighs and explore me. It wasn't longbefore I couldn't help myself and was wet through. Josh had brought a plasticspatula in the room and pronounced ?the dirty bitch needs a good smack righton her cunt?. Few of the boys gasped at my impending punishment, ?don't worryshe loves it, don't you??

I had no choice but to reply, ? Yes please smack my cunt?. A ginger hairedboy named Steven was the first to have a go with the spatula. He surprisedme by standing astride me; well he was practically sitting on my tummy. ?Areyou ready you fucking bitch? without waiting for my answer and amid of thesound of his friends laughing at his crudity towards me he slapped my pussyhard.

I gave a loud gasp of air like a hiss, he gave me another 2 hard smacks thankfullyjust above my pussy lips. I was squirming on the table now and he actuallyput all his weight on my tummy to keep me still. The spatula was just a littlewider than my pubic area and as it came down it half hit my thighs and slowedit down.

I was thankful he couldn't get a direct hit right on my pussy lips. He delivereda few more spiteful smacks and as he stood up he turned to face me, ?did youenjoy that you bitch?. Everyone laughed when I replied, ?yes Sir thank youfor smacking my cunt?

The next boy had a different idea and asked me to stand up. He wanted to smackmy boobs, he was able to get a full swing and land the smacks right on my breasts.Soon he had me yelping and squealing as he laughed to his mates how red hewas making my tits. As he finished Josh came with a bag of clothes pegs ?heyguys I've seen this on the Internet?, with that he put a peg on each of mynipples.

Everyone wanted to pull and flick them and after 2 more boys had smacked mypussy with the spatula I was openly crying. As well as the pain I badly neededto relive myself. I asked Josh if I could go to the bathroom knowing full wellhe wouldn't let me. ?Who wants to take the bitch outside for a piss then?.Of course I think everyone volunteered. But even at that moment Josh had anew surprise for me,

?Why don't you take her Sarah?, that brought a fresh flood of tears from meand a delighted hoot of glee from Sarah. She took hold of the lead and literallyskipped outside with me scurrying on my hands and knees to keep up with her.At least I had the cover of darkness to hide most of my shame but the noisethe boys were making was enough to alert every house on the street.

She insisted on walking me around the garden a few times before letting mestop to pee. I was near the fence and just about to go when the light cameon next door. The boys suddenly went quiet and I held back a sob as we heardthe door open.

?Hi boys, I've never heard so much noise taking a dog out? it was a woman'svoice and she sounded like she was standing right at the other side of thefence to me. I was so desperate to pee I had to let it go and that broughta few giggles and gasps from the boys. ?What kind of dog have you got thenJosh? asked the woman. Again the boys couldn't hold back their giggles andas Josh tried to explain it wasn't his dog it was too late the woman had puther head over the fence.

?Good God? came the reaction just as my flow of urine was coming to a stop.The woman then actually laughed, ?Not sure I recognise that breed?. For thefirst time that whole evening Josh was stuck for words it was Sarah of allpeople who came to his rescue. She explained to the woman that I was her cousinand I had made a stupid bet and lost and this was a dare and I had got toodrunk to really know what I was doing so they were teaching me a lesson. ?Ohgood for you young lady? she continued laughing she went on to say how shebet the boys couldn't believe there luck to see an older girl as bare as ababy. The boys seemed to relax and find it even more amusing than an adulthad seen me like this, they led me back in the house amid the woman's laughtertelling them to have fun with me.

Sarah patted my head and said ?good doggie? as josh gave me the last 2 bottlesof water to dink all in one go. It was then decided because I had been a ?gooddog? I could frig myself and bring myself off in front of them all.

Josh gave me a deodorant can about 8'' long and as wide as my wrist ?Comeon bitch stuck that up your twat?. I pleaded when I saw the size of it butwas told to hurry up or I would do it in the yard. I lay down on the floorand rubbed my fingers along my slit to try and open myself up for the can.The boys were wide eyed and fascinated as slowly I managed to get the can insideme. After a few minutes of panting and thrusting from myself Josh told me tostop. Each of the boys took turns to ?pump? me with the can. Some were rougherthan others and had me begging and pleading to be gentle with me.

Josh then came back with a bowl of something. He told the boy who had holdof the can to pull it out of me and dip it in the bowl. As he did the boyswere laughing at my pussy as they saw how wide open and gaping it was. ?Lookat the state of her cunt I could get my bike in it? they erupted with morelaughter.

I heard one of the boys ask Josh what was in the bowl just as a boy was aboutto push it inside me again. ?Oh it's a nice concoction to make her cunt tingle? saidJosh arrogantly. At first it felt cold and wet but as he ?fucked? me with itmy pussy began to burn.

Josh then laughed at my reaction and told them all what was in it. Aftershave,toothpaste and chilli sauce he exclaimed. I was crying again and pleading withall my heart for them to stop and take it out of my poor pussy. Out of thecorner of my eye I saw Ben whispering to Josh and laughing. Ben came to kneelat the side of my head and turned my face to him.

?Here's a present for the little bitch? he said to everyone and despite thepain in my pussy I gave another squeal as I saw his erect cock heading towardsmy mouth. ?Open wide? he said triumphantly and began to fuck my mouth. Overthe din the boys were making encouraging him I heard Sarah laugh ?hey Ben areyou gonna squirt your stuff in her mouth?

Of course he said yes and just as Sarah said ?urghhh? he came inside my mouth.I had to swallow every last drop and then say thank you as the other boys werestill ?pumping? me for all the were worth. 3 more boys used my mouth untilI exploded with an amazing orgasm that had me actually pass out for a few seconds.

After a brief time to recover they had me on my feet in the middle of theroom. Yet again Josh came back with a new torment for me. It was a 4 pint plasticmilk bottle with the top cut off and 4 pieces of string looped through holescut near the top.

He had me open my legs as wide as I could and he knelt between them. He tookhold of my labia on one side and attached 2 clothes pegs to it. As he did thesame to the other side he laughed how red my cunt was and this would reallyfinish my punishment. He then fastened the ends of the string to the clothespegs making the milk bottle hang about 6 ?' below my pussy.

I had already guessed the purpose as he explained to the others what it wasfor. They looked on in total bewilderment at what I was going to do. Josh beganto mock me and say what a disgusting little bitch I was and how my husbandand my friends should be here to see me like this.

Some of the boys were walking around me giving me hard smacks to my bottommaking the bottle jiggle between my legs.

One boy actually took hold of the bottle and tugged it downwards pulling mylips hard. It was then I couldn't hold back any longer and let out a log hardstream of urine. Everyone roared with laughter as the bottle filled up withmy pee.

When the last dribble had dropped in to the bottle I was made to sway my hipsto make the bottle swing. All the time I was receiving hard smacks to my bottomto encourage me to swing it faster.

I could not in my wildest dreams have thought up a more shameful punishmentand wondered how on earth a boy of his age could have invented it. The boyswanted me to humiliate myself even more by admitting I loved every second ofit. I had to say ?thank you for giving my cunt the treatment it deserves? andall the time keep asking for more slaps to my by now bright red arse.

I was just building to another pee and wondered if my stretched labia couldtake the weight when we heard the door open. ?Shit it's my parents,? yelledjosh. I felt every nerve in my body shudder with shame as I let out anotherhot gush of urine and the boys stopped in their tracks.

Alison walked in the room with my knickers in her hand, the boys gave an almostsynchronised sigh and she stood totally ?gob smacked?. ?Jesus Emma you dirtycow?, and you josh she gave a playful slap around his head ? you kinky littlesod?. The boys began to get there shoes on ready to go home as Alison warnedthem not to tell anyone or they wouldn't get to ?play? with me again. She lookedannoyed to see Sarah and listened incredulously as she told her how she hadtaken me for a ?walk on my lead?. Despite not quite agreeing with it she couldn'thelp but smile at my total humiliation.

Josh came over to me to take the pegs off me and brought new yells from meas he roughly pulled them off first my nipples then my cunt lips. One lastthing Mrs Cavendish he grinned and held the milk bottle up to my lips. I hesitatedthis was going too far I couldn't do it.

?You're the silly little girl who said she would do anything? he laughed andin front of those disbelieving faces I drank my own piss from the bottle. Iwanted this ultimate humiliation like never before and while I drank as fastas I could my cunt shuddered to another orgasm.

I finished the whole bottle and even had it dripping down my chin and runningover my tits as Alison pushed me through the door ?Get out you filthy whore? shespat.

?Next time make her piss in her own house? she said to Josh who just wavingto me.

?See you in couple of weeks you stupid bitch? he laughed.

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Natalie and Emma

(When the parents of the girl next door – who you have fancied since day-one – are away, you would be insane not to, at least, try…) Emma waved goodbye to her parents, shut the door and rushed back inside into the warm. Seconds later her phone rang – Natalie.Natalie was her 22-year-old neighbour and probably Emma’s best friend. She had male and female peers of course that were friends but Natalie was more of the older sister she never had. They used to spend hours talking about make-up, hair,...

2 years ago
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Humilation Awakening to having my wrists tied to the head board. Not being able to uttera word as Master had place a cock gag in her mouth for the night. A spreadbar between this girls knees keeping her fully exposed for her Masters pleasure. Master rolls over whispering in the sluts ear, morning My lil whore. Slowlycaressing his sluts nipples then begins pinching and pulling them, making hernipples hard. Suddenly Master stops and gets off the bed. As girl watches himcross the room to the...

3 years ago
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Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he...

4 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...

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Note from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...

4 years ago
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Nina Submits to Emma

This is the fourth story in the Nina series:   I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...

3 years ago
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Trucker Peter and Emma

It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...

1 year ago
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Mark and Emma

Mark and Emma MARK MAGIC WAVE I was a single man of thirty years, standing tall at six feet and one inch. My calm demeanor, decisive nature, and unwavering moral principles were a few of the many qualities that defined me. I lived in a cozy two- room apartment with my beloved companion, Emma, a two-year-old red cocker spaniel, who was the most affectionate and devoted dog I had ever met. One evening, as I settled into my armchair with a book, a strange wave of magic swept...

4 years ago
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Pleasing Emma

"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before...

3 years ago
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Playing House With Emma

I met Emma the summer before I started school. Actually, it was her brother Jake I went to meet. We - my Mom my Dad and I - lived in what I'm sure would be called a nice neighborhood. I personally didn't think so as I was practically the only child around - the area was what in my mother's home country is called a 'silver wedding neighborhood' - meaning that everyone living there is old (in the eyes of a 5 year old!!) and their kids have long since left home. So when the house next door...

2 years ago
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My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...

3 years ago
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From now and for Emma

I remember Emma as the nice girl from the local Sudso superstore she had a great attitude toward the customers and was always smiling, she's one of those rare individuals you just can't fault. Myself and my family have known her for five years since she started working there. I know my brothers all had crushes on her and the youngest had the courage to ask her out, he was rejected and took it badly but since recovered. We usually saw her at parties and some hung around her like a loyal...

3 years ago
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Submit to Emma

She’d considered herself straight but since she’d been seeing the Lunatic Fringe less and less for months prior to the breakup since her work was keeping her in Florida. Since then she’d started questioning her sexuality more and more. In the privacy of her hotel room, she’d slowly begun to use a tiny pink vibrator with greater and greater frequency to the thought of her favorite former US Champion. The thoughts of Ambrose were appearing less and less prevalent as the masturbation sessions...

4 years ago
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The perverted life of Emma

Emma had a glorious body when she completed college and moved to New York to take up her job at a respected media company. Her c-cup perky breasts had always been desired by almost everyone in college and the few who had had the luck of sucking on them were the subject of everyone else's envy. What made the people more envious was that the ones who had sucked, included both men and women. Yes! Emma was a bisexual for as long as she can remember. Infact her first sexual encounter was with a...

3 years ago
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E075 Bad Emma

Their vacation continues wonderfully, Donald and Emma have fun on the beach, by and in the pool at the beach house, and exploring the area.  Two days later, in the early afternoon, after playing in the pool for a while Donald and Emma are just lying soaking in the sun.  Of course, they are both naked here where no one can see them.Emma begins to feel rather warm and gets up and goes into the house to get something cool to drink.  And then this imp in her takes over to change the course of the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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As usual my sixteen old Sister Emma rushed into my bedroom with her hands coving her hears my Mother had declared war with my Father and his new secretary and bed partner the battle started six months ago is hostile and loud. He even brought her home to introduce the family It was a good job our mother couldn’t get to the knife draw.We told our Mother to get divorced but she held on until one fateful night he brought her home and suggested he and his girlfriend move in Mother finally let go she...

4 years ago
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Close Knit Emma

       Mom and I were in Emma's—my aunt and Mom's youngest sister—apartment dining room, sitting across from one another at the square rustic pine dining table. Aunt Emma was in the kitchen, fixing Mom and herself some coffee, and some ginseng tea for me. We were there at my suggestion, after Mom had informed me that of all of her siblings, Aunt Emma had been the most open-minded when it came to my Mom's former career in the adult film industry. In fact, Mom had said, Aunt Emma encouraged it,...

4 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 2 Aldershot September 1987 A MILF called Emma

After bit of shut eye {Cindy had really shagged me out} and a long shower I got spruced up for the evening. I knew you had to be wearing a tie to get into Sierra's and I decided to wear the regimental tie and my light grey suit. I had noticed that the civvies sitting with Emma last night wore suits; she seemed the sort of woman who would demand a well turned out bloke as an escort. I had told Wurzel about my 'date 'and invited him along. I might get stood up and another bloke would be...

4 years ago
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Dinner with Emma

Thursday lunch time, and as is our norm we sit in the coffee shop chatting. The conversation is rarely linear. Subjects are knocked back and forward as if we were playing volleyball, but where some might strive to be competitive we both delight in the imagination and ideas of the other. Laughter is frequent, as are hands touching the other - simply an enhanced, more intimate form of communication.Eventually I lean across the table and my fingers rest on the back of his hand. Softly, I ask if he...

2 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...

4 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Re-written from the original posted as posh-slut Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massagesWe had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and AnnieAfter my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral...

2 years ago
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Master James Sub Emma

Emma and James stared at each other across the table. James lounged back in his chair, somehow managing to look smug and angry at the same time, and Emma was so shocked by what he'd said that she had actually stopped crying. James smirked at her. "You heard what I said. It's that or nothing." Emma was unable to speak, and he gave her a disappointed look as he got up to leave. "Well, you said you'd do anything; then again, you also said you'd never cheat on me, so I guess I shouldn't really take...

4 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...

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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

1 year ago
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A surprise for Emma

It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...

First Time
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Living with Aunt Emma Sequel to Aunt Emma

Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...

2 years ago
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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 2 Smoking with Emma

The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass...

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Finished with Aunt Emma Conclusion to Aunt Emma

Finished with Aunt Emma Chiseled Chad, as far as I was concerned, went to the back burner. Aunt Emma, however, kept referring to him from time to time with a sad face, telling me how much she'd like to see me play with him. Things just kept happening quickly. I went up to the spa and the took a 'before' picture then gave me the full treatment, body wax, makeup, manicure, pedicure, highlights in my hair, and all sorts of makeup and tools to maintain my 'look'. In one day they...

4 years ago
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My Summer With Emma

© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...

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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

4 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil's profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking .They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn't live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

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The Tzars Ring 5 6 7 The ring and Emma

This is a cautionary tale, that some things come at quite a price, but then there are the rare occasions that it comes at the ultimate price.——————Peter Jenkins was a very average man, average in every sense of the word. So it came as quite a surprise when he met his future wife. Lucy was anything but average; she was smart, beautiful, successful, passionate, and she had an large appetite for sex. He often wondered what she ever saw in him.It had not been too long into their marriage before...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 3 Aldershot September December 1987 Life with Emma

The cab driver kept giving me funny looks as we drove through a deserted Aldershot. I could see him peering in the rear-view mirror at me but when I glanced at him he quickly looked away. He dropped me off outside the barracks and drove away shaking his head and muttering, "Squaddies today what are they like?" It was only when I got into my room and saw myself in the mirror that I realised what he had been looking at; my mouth was smeared with the vermilion lipstick from Emma's nipples....

2 years ago
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“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...

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Seeing the changes in Emma

When Emma dumped me I was heartbroken. But when one of the most beautiful babes on campus took me to a secluded spot to give me a view of Emma and her new over in action, that I'll never forget. When I began to date Emma during our first semester at college, we were both virgins and she made it clear she planned to remain one. She is a pretty brunette with eyes of a spectacular blue hue, and she has a captivating smile. Her body is equally magnificent -- her legs are long and perfectly shaped,...

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The ex files Sharing Emma

It was about a year after our episode with Jane and once again we were back in Spain for a summer break, just Emma and I. Jane had all but disappeared from our lives after she had met and moved in with an older guy who had cut her off from most of her former friends and took her away from the town where we lived and without her influence our sex life had returned to what most people would call normal.The promise that i had made to Emma during our last sexual encounter with Jane had become a...

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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

5 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 18 Bedtime For Emma

In the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...

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It has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...

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Aunt Emma

Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....

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A Night Out With Emma

It's another weekend and you, Emma, are looking for some nasty action. We thought perhaps that going to a club in the city will be a good idea. After you get yourself dressed looking quite slutty, we leave my house and walk a few blocks to wait for a taxi. I notice one parked on a side street, so we head that way. Climbing in the back seat, we note that the driver awaiting for our instructions where to take us. He observes you looking so pretty with your blonde hair flowing down your shoulders....

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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

3 years ago
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E004 Explaining Things To Emma

Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek.  It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so.  This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...

Love Stories
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma

I’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

Straight Sex
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A for Emma

"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....

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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

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A few years ago I was living in a small Spanish village where the expats were a bit thin on the ground and all the non Spanish knew each other quite closely, mainly to help each other out with language problems or dealing with the usual beaurocracy. One particular family consisting of the mother who was around thirtyeight years old and step father who was about forty had 2 daughters of sixt**n and one 3 years younger who were well known for visiting other expats houses to lend money or last...

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 4 December 1987 The end with Emma

I walked back to barracks, there was no public transport Sunday mornings in Aldershot and there were no taxis cruising. It didn't matter as I needed to sort things out in my mind, and I did that best when stepping out at light infantry pace. I thought I might be in love with Emma. I had told Annalise that I loved her, not long after our first bout of lovemaking, but she had laughed, kissed me and said. 'You are in love with the thought of being in love, sweetheart' Maybe it was the same...

2 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...

4 years ago
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Uncle Mike Creampies Niece Emma

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

3 years ago
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The Possession of Emma

The Possession of Emma Carmenica Diaz 1. Brianna I parked my BMW in the reserved car space next to my husband's Mercedes. Stephenwas in Edinburgh on business; he had flown late yesterday and would not beback until Monday afternoon. That meant I had today and the weekend to myselfand, selfishly, I was looking forward to a lazy and comfortable time alone. To be honest, our marriage had not been great lately but we accepted it asnormal. Most marriages fade into a comfortable partnership and...

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A young woman seeking humilation finds a mistress who offers more than she expected and she loves it

“Get down on your hands and knees, Beth,” my mistress ordered. I was naked except for the studded black leather dog collar around my neck. “Yes, mistress,” I answered at once, and immediately knelt upon the cold floor. I felt Mistress Ingrid clip the dog leash to my collar. As I waited for whatever would happen next, I thought back to how I had come to this point. We had made contact over the internet. I was searching for someone who could meet my deepest, darkest need...

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Sissy Humilation Training

Sissy Humiliation Trainingby Derek BowdenHumiliation will only work if it is part of her decision to submit. It can’t be forced on her against her will and be expected to improve her self-image or have positive results. Humiliation training for a slave girl has many purposes. Sissy humiliation training is by its very nature, psychological humiliation. One of the primary reasons for using it is to force the sissy to push the “choice decision” she has made to obey her Master and be subject to his...

4 years ago
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Oh How I love the Humilation

When I first started with guys it used to embarrass me when I guy called me a cocksucker or a faggot and I would feel my little dick start to harden ,now I realize that it is just the way some of us are wired ,I love being humiliated . I guess Mr. Evan was the 1st to see that I liked being used and every once in a while when he would contact me he would give me orders to do something . One day I was home playing on my computer when a message popped up ,it said " hey you want some blk. cock now...

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