- 2 years ago
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?Which room is she in? Marco asked, his eyes never leaving the young clerks face. Her face reddening as she felt his stare, lowered her head downward as she mumbled, ?room 4?. He continued staring at her another few seconds, tempted to reproach the timid clerk but thought better of it. ?she would be a waste of unpaid effort? he thought to himself as he cleared his throat and repeated ?which room??, his height hid his former military training and his continuation of daily physical exercise. ?NNNN..Number..fh..4? she squeaked as she tried to grow smaller inside the camouflage uniform of this country. Without thanking the young flustered clerk, he turned and began walking down the concrete hallway, trying to ignore the copper taste of recycled air. Stopping momentary in front of room 2, Marco witnesses a naked blonde girl forced to gag on a huge cock of one of the guards. Giving a curt nod to the guard as he smiled at Marco, the guard hand grabbed a hold of the blonde-haired woman’s hair, forcing even more of himself into her mouth.
Watching for a few more moments as the blonde-haired woman began to involuntarily force the cock out of her mouth, her body bucking as Marco turned away from the door. The guard’s laughter echoing louder then the girl’s wet coughing as Marco proceeded to room 4. Marco walks into room 4 through the already opened doorway, placing his large leather case on the bare concrete floor next to the tray of instruments that he has requested earlier. Taking a moment to survey the girl he is here to interview as he puts it. ?Good morning Domingo and Juan? said Marco, taking the covers off several of the rolling carts as he blatantly ignored the guards as they continued raping the girl. ?This is Barbara, sister of Thomas, is this correct Domingo?? Marco said, looking up briefly at Domingo as the guard forces his cock into the brunette’s ass, using her rear as handholds. ?Si!!...Senor..damn!!? said Domingo as he pulls his cock all the way out of Barbara’s reddened and already swollen asshole before spitting onto it and forcing his cock back in. Barbara’s cries of pain muffled by Juan’s cock currently being jammed into her mouth, her large breasts reddened and welted with finger marks. Juan grunting even louder as he thrusts his hips against Barbara’s face as she lay on the interview table . ?Thank you Domingo, do hurry up, I have much to do today and you both will have more then ample time with this interviewee later on when I’m done? said Marco, grabbing a clipboard and pen from his case. ?Si Senor? grunted Domingo as he pumped his cock faster inside Barbara’s rear as Juan already finished his fun and was zipping up his pants as his cum dribbled out of Barbara’s ring gagged mouth. ?Damn it!!? grunted Domingo as he cut loose inside Barbara’s rear before pulling out, slapping the girl’s rear once with his calloused hands.
?Do return her to her original position if you would gentleman? said Marco, not even looking up from the clipboard as Juan began kneading Barbara's huge tits, digging his nails deep into her pale flesh. Domingo finishes wiping his dark cock against barbara’s thigh as he pulls up on Barbara’s arms that has been tied behind her back, undoing the shackles for moment to reshackle them to the overhead cabling. Juan continues kneading Barbara’s breasts, slapping them back and forth. ?Damn it, didn’t I tell you two to be done and out of here before the interviewer arrives!!? yelled the tall blonde in skin tight leather as she strode up to the guards, towering above them at least 2 inches, she looked down at them as they stepped away from the roped girl. Barbara mewed towards the blonde, the ring gag preventing her from forming words. The blonde merely backhands the girl, leaving a large red welt across Barbara's face. ?I asked for their assistance in warming the girl up for the interview Miss Tagget, I hope I wasn’t out of line doing so?? spoke Marco, looking up at Miss Tagget with a flat emotionless face, as the guards sensed something much worse to fear from the interviewer then from their boss. ?No, of course not, you are the interviewer.? Said Miss Tagget as she turned to the guards, ?assist the interviewer in whatever ways he deems necessary?
Miss Tagget took several steps back towards the door before returning to both the guards and Barbara, ?you are to never address me fuckhole, understand? said Miss Tagget, grabbing Barbara's breast, twisting till it began to turn a purplish color. ?you are nothing? said Miss Tagget, ignoring the loud wailing coming from Barbara. ?Contact me with any needs interviewer? said Miss Tagget, giving the guards a withering look before striding out the door, her heels clicking a staccato upon the concrete floors. ?Thank you Senor..we appreciate that? Said Juan as he placed the remote control for the overhead cable on the table as Domingo finished the last of the securing. ?Sir, do you wish for her to keep the ring gag on or off Senor? said Domingo, as he stood immediately behind Barbara, rubbing himself against her. ?No, remove the gag and place it on trays with the rest of the instruments,? said Marco, looking up and finally taking in the full view of the girl he is to interview. Jotting down Barbara’s information, as he looked her over. 5’4?, black hair, several inches past shoulders, 34DD, 26, 36, continued jotting down as Domingo yanked off the ring gag. Letting go of her hair, Barbara's head merely drooped downward. ?no sleeping puta!!? yelled Juan, swinging his now leather gloved hand upward against Barbara's cunt, landing with a loud pop. ?shiiitttt!!!? wailed Barbara, throwing her head back, her eyes opening wide. ?fuck you, you motherfuckin??said Barbara, unable to finish the sentence before Domingo ended it for her by giving her another backhand slap. ?You heard Miss Tagget, fuckholes don’t speak? said Domingo, returning back to position beside Barbara, with his now also gloved hands folded in front of him. ?Sir, if you need us to stay?.? Said Juan, with anticipation. ?No..gentleman..that would be all..thank you? said Marco, finishing writing down the basic pedigree of Barbara. The guards walk out slowly, letting the heavy door close behind them in a soft click.
?Now Barbara, what you need to know is that I will hurt you in so many different ways that you will wish that you were never born? said Marco, turning off the main lights to the room, leaving the single projector light shining upon Barbara's body as he walked over to one of the trays. ?fuck off? said Barbara, not clearly seeing where Marco walked to due to the projector light blinding her to anything beyond 2 feet. A sharp pain raced up Barbara's breast to her spine and then to her brain where she yelped. ?owww!!..fucker!!? she screamed as yet another sharp stab hit her other nipple with the same effect again. ?my name is Sir or Master..any other name will earn you pain..understand? said Marco, stepping into the cone of light, holding a long black stiff rod that flexed easily. ?this is called a sambok, used as a cattle prod, therefore useful for you? said Marco, bringing the sambok in a quick upward swing, the thin tip catching right on her cuntlip, before giving her cunt another 5 quick swings. ?Stop..stop!!!yes Sir ?YES SIR?PLEASE STOP!!!!? screamed Barbara, twisting and bucking her body to avoid the whip. ?That’s a good beginning? said Marco, reaching behind himself and grabbing the small remote to the cabling. Clicking the button to make her raise, Marco went to the trays and returned with a large long object. Barbara's eyes widened as she saw the object. ?I don’t know what you people want,? said Barbara, trying to cover her cunt, even though both her feet are tied wide apart and her arms fully stretched above her head, causing her heavy breasts to hang nicely. Leaving the cone of light for a moment to retrieve a plastic sawhorse, Marco places it between Barbara's legs, with Barbara hovering over it, straddling it. Barbara continues looking on, mewing softly as she feels her shoulders grow sore from hanging. Marco retrieves the large long object, bringing it into the light and lets Barbara see that it’s a large dildo. Marco begins forcing it into Barbara's still wet cunt, forcing a bit more then a few inches from the total 10. clicking on a button on the bottom of the dildo, it begins to shake itself violently.
At first Barbara winces and endures the pain of the dildo being forced into her swollen cunt, fearing the sambo or sambok as he called it, then when it began to vibrate she felt for a moment a twinge of pleasure before feeling the cabling easing her down onto the sawhorse. ?you will talk will tell me everything I want to know..but have to realize that not only will I inflict massive amount of pain to you..i will enjoy every second of it. Making a visual show of clicking a button on the small remote as the cables connected to her ankles beginning to pull her down atop of the sawhorse, forcing the dildo in deeper, stretching her wide. Feeling something pop inside her cunt, Barbara screams in one long continuous bellow as the cables continuing pulling her down, forcing inch after inch of the dildo inside her already abused cunt. ?only 4 more inches to go Barbara and you break the I have to hurt you a bit now..unless you want to tell me where and when will your lover meet with his contra friends? said Marco, reaching for his case outside of the cone of light, not that it matters much because of the blinding pain. Her eyes squeezed shut, tears running down freely. ?I take your silence as a no? said Marco, leaning into the swing as he brought the phone book sideways into Barbara's tit, flattening it completely against her chest, sending Barbara into another series of yells as the entire breast is now reddened. Swinging again but this time against the other breast, receives the same howling again from her. Her voice going hoarse and barely a garbled hiss as he gives her breasts another 4 swings each.
Flinging the book onto to the table, Marco wipes the few beads of sweat from his forehead. Taking a moment to survey Barbara, knowing it wouldn’t do to overdo it on the first day. Barbara's breasts now fully reddened and enlarged due to the swelling from the phonebook beating. Barbara's breathing coming in ragged pull as he walks forward and wrapping the ring gag back around her mouth and unzipping his pants. Marco bends Barbara forward by grabbing the back of her head and pulling downward harshly. ?It’s time for your dinner Barbara, if you let a single drop hit the floor, I’m going to punish you very harshly? said Marco as he shoved his cock into her mouth. First a bit at a time, to get her used to his unusually wide girth as he pumped deeper and deeper into her mouth, brushing her sweat matted hair to the side. Marco grunts as he feel her gagging on his cock, trying to pull away from it. Marco grabs the sides of Barbara's hair, using them as handholds as he jams his cock deep into her mouth, feeling her still swollen breasts flap against his thighs. ?I’m going to use every hole you have Barbara before I’m done with you? said Marco as he felt his cum rise quickly, pressing his crotch against Barbara's face, feeling her breath against his pubic hairs. Feeling her body buck as she was running out of her as his cock blocked her throat, his cum shooting down her throat as he held her fast, almost forgetting his job and lets go of Barbara's hair. Pulling his cock back only a few inches to fill Barbara's mouth with his cum. Grabbing Barbara's hair in a fist and pulling it backward, forcing her mouth up. ?Swallow it all, fuckhole? said Marco, pinching Barbara's nose shut. After a few moments of gulping down both cum and air, Barbara opened her mouth to show every drop was been swallowed. Barbara unable to prevent her body from orgasming from the dildo begins to shake, cumming loudly, her moans gasping out harshly. ?Such a fuckhole to cum after being used like that? said Marco, knowing that the dildo will make her cum repeatedly until she begins to fear having the pain of continuous orgasm or even a single orgasm. Marco knows that that fear stays nearly a lifetime with recipients of such continuous stimulation.
Bringing Barbara back upright, with her sweat matted her plastered against her face and her body convulsing every few seconds. Smiling, Marco gives Barbara's swollen breasts a good squeeze, ?now fuckhole, I’m going to let you get some sleep and maybe you will be a good girl and tell me what I want in the morning..ok?? . Marco made his hand into a fist, with Barbara's breast in the middle of this fist. Barbara's hoarse cry, was nearly mute as she struggled against the tight cabling that held her down, crushing the dildo into her cunt. Giving Barbara's swollen breast one last stroke, feeling the lingering heat from the book beating as he turned off the projector light and walked towards the doorway. Marco lifted the remote slightly above his shoulder, before clicking a button, causing the cables to tighten slowly. Barbara let out a howl as the dildo was forced another inch into her cunt as the buzzing of the dildo filled the room. ? good night fuckhole, see you in the morning? said Marko, stepping out the doorway and locking the door behind him.
After using the restroom and drinking a cup of coffee, Marco returns 15 minutes after he left Barbara, unlatching the door quietly, hearing only the buzzing and slight snoring. Marco grabs the nearby water hose that has a connection to the cold-water tap, triggering a full spray of the ice-cold water against Barbara's back. ?Good morning fuckhole..i let you sleep in today after all that fun yesterday? said Marco as Barbara's screams from the cold water fill the room moments before Marco closes the door.
To be continued
This story is a work of fiction and my first one at that.
Feel free to comment, I accept all creative and constructive criticisms, anything insulting or degrading is unacceptable and ignored.
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RoommateIt had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...
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hi there///how r u good so what brings u here tonight im just really the apartment all to myself....decided to dress up oh what r u wearing black panties and a tank top very nice...just in some boxers here...r those nipples hard and poking through that tank top? mmm yeah a little bit i think thats so...
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University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her family and all that she'd ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University. The decision was a hard one to make but her family knew as well as she did that in order for her to get the best education possible and open many doors of opportunity along the way, she must leave her...
I just had graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in history, applied to the Smithsonian in D.C and got offered a job. I'm a twenty two year old virgin, but not because of my looks, I'm told I am a good looker, with a decent rack, 34 C, but because I have been programmed since childhood to excel in school. I did just that, all through my school life, studies came first, which left little or no time to party and here I was in Washington D.C. Apartment hunting, preferably with a roommate...
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I looked across the room at Janie. She was so beautiful and a complete contrast to me. She was the epitome of sophistication compared to my rustic look. Her blonde hair styled to perfection, and her makeup looked so natural. If I didn't see her put it on, I'd swear she wasn't wearing any. She wore a simple summer dress that accentuated her body and her ever present rainbow necklace. My brunette locks were always unruly and pulled into a ponytail. My makeup was limited to some lip gloss. I...
LesbianIt was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn’t paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I’ve never seen before. It was...
Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...
It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...
BisexualChapter 1 It had been a long, hot day for Michael, he was planning on going home to his apartment, drinking a couple beers and having a nice slow jerk-off session. After stopping at the local Liquor store, he went and rented some new porno vids, but as he pulled up to his apartment he spotted his roommates car. "Damn, he must have come back early from his trip. Shit!" As he opened the door he braced himself for the argument that was about to happen since he had yet to clean the apartment...
Lets b bad...cum to the classroom of mr higgins. He aint there...its located at the back of the school...noone will c us. I wanna have yah on that desk,ur cute dress a lil up. Reavealing ur beautifull behind. Ill cover ur mouth with my hand as i give it to u. We dont want no spectators. As ill fuck u like that i can allready feel ur pussy tighten around my cock....ur gonna cum on it! After u came,ill pull my dick out. Like evry good girl u instantly drop on ur knees to clean me up. Loving the...
Her first year into the degree was a bit rocky; having to adapt to her new surroundings while trying to push down her longings for her family and friends. The school work was extremely interesting however and it kept her busy and distracted for most of the time, especially since she made it her first and most important priority. She was intent on finishing the degree in four years and it seemed like she was on the right track. It helped keep her mind off of those she missed but it also kept...
Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri, she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh. All through elementary school and most of high school we...
Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...
BDSMJames was estatic when he realized he had been accepted to start his fall 2004 semester at the UCLA. Being born and raised in a small town in Texas, he had been average his whole life, well... perhaps not so average. He had sent in his application not really believing he'd make it in. When he was accepted into the business department, which was ranked among the top schools in the nation he was surprised as anyone else in his home town. Now he was standing on the steps to his dorm about to start...
It was my first day at college. I had already gone to orientation and was ready to hit the sack. I decided to head to my room early to see who my roommate was, and so I could pick which bed was mine. I arrived at my room and looked around. Not bad. Two beds, a bathroom, and a window with a view of the campus. I picked my bed and dropped dead. When I woke up from my sleep, I looked around and found the clock. It was 8P.M. When my head cleared I heard something. The shower running. My roommate...
IncestMaria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...
Lesbianby samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...
My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...
OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...
My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...
Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC. "Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the...
"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant. "What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...
Today started like any other day for Hayden he got up and went to work only halfway through the day he reserved a call from his long-time friend Ronin ‘Hayden I’m in a bit of a bind my landlord is selling and Alice and I need a place to stay on short notice any chance we could take the spare room you have?” Ronin pleaded “No problem my man was thinking about looking for someone anyway,” said, Hayden
It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...
LesbianMy wife and I were invited over to our friend’s house. I’ve known Roger and Heather for as long as I have been married, which is coming up to ten years. My wife has known them for longer as do her parents, well my mother in law any way, as my father in law is no longer around. Roger and Heather both live a very extravagant life style, and both are very open in their sexual habits. They are not married, but have lived together for more than twenty years. They love each other, but both have...
Straight SexDan and I are best friends. We have known each other since 1st grade. We lived on the same street. We played together camped together, swam, played sports and were just generally best buds. We just graduated high school this past spring and are both eighteen years old. We have been making plans of getting our own place since the 9th grade. We figured if we both worked we could get a two bedroom apartment and split the costs. I work at a local fast food place and Dan works at a warehouse. We...
You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...
Sex With StrangerMy wife and I were invited over to our friend’s house. I’ve known Roger and Heather for as long as I have been married, which is coming up to ten years. My wife has known them for longer as do her parents, well my mother in law any way, as my father in law is no longer around. Roger and Heather both live a very extravagant life style, and both are very open in their sexual habits. They are not married, but have lived together for more than twenty years. They love each other, but both have...